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The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. Tr review the changing narrative on this famous sitdown meeting. First, dont forget the initial line was, there was no meeting, right . Remember, it took place back in june of 2016. Not a peep about this. And then take a look at this from donald trump jr. So don jr. , this is nine months after it happened, quoting him, did i meet with people that were russian . Im sure, im sure i did, but none that were set up. And certainly none that i was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form. That was then. Then in july of last year, the New York Times broke this story. And the story became that, yes, there was a meeting, but it was on russian adoptions or more accurately sanctions. Very soon after the trump team was then forced to fess up that the meeting was actually to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then the public was told, okay, yes, there was this meeting, but no dirt on Hillary Clinton actually came from it. Don jr. Reportedly said this about the russian lawyer with the supposed clinton dirt, quote, her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. Today the president and his attorney Say Collusion is not a crime. So jeff toobin, back over to you on this. First, just legal definitions. Its not collusion technically here, right . It would be conspiracy. It would be some kind of conspiracy, right. And its also true that lawyers affiliated with trump, including jay seculo, have said that for months that collusion is not a crime. What is interesting today is yesterday on new day Rudy Giuliani made a big point of saying collusion is not a by pr. Unfortunately, were sort of getting into legal similar eman here. If you are assisting a Foreign Government to intervene in an american election, that is unlawful. That is an illegal conspiracy. That crime is not called collusion in the law books, but Illegal Campaign contributions by the foreign countries, foreign companies, that would be a crime. Hacking by foreign entities or anyone in the American Campaign is assisting is a crime. So collusion by that word is not a crime, but a conspiracy to violate Campaign Finance laws and other laws, that is a crime. And that is really what the Mueller Investigation is all about. Okay. So since Rudy Giuliani sat down with allison yesterday and this whole collusion is not a crime has become a thing, and i want to ask you, if this fits more of a pattern of Rudy Giuliani going on tv, dropping these bombs, maybe trying to get out in front of a story, lessen the shock value, what would they be trying to get out ahead of in this case . You know, im not really sure. I actually was in the studio with allison and David Gregory when this so i was watching the interview live. And i didnt get the impression that Rudy Giuliani was, like, intentionally moving the goalpost. It seemed like a more of a Stream Of Consciousness thing. Less strategy, more Stream Of Consciousness. Yeah, and its also a position that the president and his defenders have been saying for a number of months. Its not like some new idea that collusion is not a crime. Whats interesting is the president picked it up. And now that there is substantial evidence that there were at least some contacts between the Trump Campaign and the russians, maybe the sort of next line of defense is, well, maybe there was collusion, but collusion itself is not a crime. Okay. Im trying, im working with you here, brooke. Thats what i think is going on. I got you. But all the confusion, so if mueller says that he wouldnt indict a sitting president , im just playing this forward, and giuliani and trump, they learn his fate, they know it comes down to the pr battle, right . Isnt that really the war that theyre waging, court of public opinion, giuliani going on tv, trump reiterating a tweet. Absolutely. And i think this is a very important point. Is that the resolution of Robert Muellers investigation of the president is not going to be in a courtroom. There will be no prosecution. That is not Justice Department policy. And, of course, its not clear that the president committed any crime anyway. So hes going to issue a report in some form that will go to rod rosenstein, congress, its unclear exactly how it will be released. But once thats released, the Trump Supporters will respond to it. And i have every belief that like Everything Else in the Trump Presidency, 40 of the people are going to believe donald trump. Somewhere around 55 of the people are not going to believe donald trump. And were going to be more and less where we are. Its going to be a Public Relations battle, but, you know, one anomaly of the Trump Presidency is just knowing that no one seems to change their mind regardless of what the news is. Well talk to you throughout the entire thing, jeffrey toobin, thank you. Just months before the midterms, facebook discovering dozens of fake accounts seeming to be run by the russians. See what messages they were spreading and who is being targeted . Also, stunning testimony. Some Trump Administration officials repeat the claim that facilities for Migrant Children are like summer camp. And at least one admits he warned the white house that the policy of separating families could cause lasting damage. We will play this Heated Exchange for you with senators and grill them on capitol hill. Also ahead, president trumps Chief Of Staff may have a longer life at the white house than many people thought. Details on what john kelly just told the staff. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. 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One of the most followed pages called resisters. And this group actually set up a Counter Protest to a White Nationalist rally thats being planned in d. C. Less than two weeks from today. We talked to an actual leader of a group who was in contact with this group, and was shocked to learn it was russians doing this. The event was called no unite the right. The people communicated with the real Life American citizens in five facebook groups who all agreed to cohost the event. 2,600 facebook users said they were interested in attending. And that, brooke, was just one of 30 events that the fake accounts set up many the past year. As for who is behind it, again, facebook not sure its russians, but it has all the hallmarks of the activities the russians did around the president ial elections, a few differences, this time the pages didnt lead directly back to russian i. P. Addresses. They also used thirdparty services to buy ads to try to boost their posts and encourage people to follow these pages. So what is facebook doing about it . Well, theyre telling us about it. Theyre telling us they shut down the sites, but more importantly were going back to everybody who linked into these things, right . So if youre home and thought you were linking into this resistance group, youre going to get a message from facebook saying, hey, this wasnt real. This wasnt a resistant group. It was most likely russians behind the whole thing. Brooke . Wow, drew griffin, thank you so much, on facebook. And now to this stunning new testimony on the separation of migrant kids from their families at the southern border. The number of detained children whose parents are no longer in the country now stands at 510. That number from a health and Human Services official testifying before a senate panel today. We also heard from other top officials about the treatment of these children in these facilities and an i. C. E. Official comparing it to a summer camp. I think the best way to describe them is to be more like a summer camp. These individuals have access to 24 7 food and water. They have educational opportunities. They have recreational opportunities, both structured as well as unstructured. You would send your child to these centers . I yes . No . Thats a difficult question to answer. I would its difficult to put myself in the position of an individual who takes a dangerous journey, in which their child can be harmed, let alone whether i would send my children but these are summer camps, so, you know lets go to sunlen, our congressional correspondent. Summer camp . Reporter its one of the eyebrow raising moments coming from capitol hill today. One is from commander Jonathan White from hhs today who acknowledged while testifying up on capitol hill that he raised a number of concerns internally in advance of this zerotolerance policy taking place. Concerns internally about the trauma potentially that it could have on the children being separated from their families. The harm, he says, the psychological injuries that could come to children. And this was certainly an Interesting Exchange with Senator Blumenthal that was prompted by blumenthals question. Did anyone within the administration say, maybe this wasnt a good idea . Heres what he had to say in response. During the Dlib Ative Process deliberative process over the last year, we raised concerns over any policy that would result in Family Separation Due to concerns we had about the best interest of the child as well as about whether that would be operationally supportable with the bed capacity we had. Now, im going to translate that into what i would call lehmans the administration tht kids would suffer as a result, that pain would be inflicted, correct . Separation of children from their parents entails significant risk to children. Its traumatic for any child separated from his or her parents, am i correct . I say that as a parent of four children. Theres no question. Theres no question that separation of children from parents entails significant potential for traumatic psychological injury to the child. Reporter those words, psychological injury to the child are significant coming from the hhs official, especially as they continue to grapple, not only the fallout with status of many of the children, but at the bear minimum the full accounting for what is going on with the kids that have been separated from their parents. You mentioned briefly at the top that we did indeed get new figures from the administration today. Commander white said that 510 separated children have parents who are no longer in the u. S. Of those 510, 81 of the children have been discharged, potentially to a family member. So that means 429 children still remain at hhs care, but youre right to say thats a small uptick in the number. 510 compared to the last time we saw the metric point was 463. So it shows a small increase, but the number is going in the wrong direction. Brooke . Sunlen, thank you. As the president gets ready to leave for a campaign rally, cnn is learning hes nervous the democrats could take back the house this fall. Hear his oneman plan to make sure that doesnt happen. And the president goes to War On Twitter with one of the most dominant forces in republican fundraising. Why hes calling the Koch Brothers a total joke. Your Brain Changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. 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Doctor symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including Chronic Bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. It may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Grandpa symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggy giggles get symbicort free at saveonsymbicort. Com. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Them, not so much. We let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. The others . Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go online today. We are getting reports that President Trump wants his Chief Of Staff, john kelly, to stay on staff. Today for the first time were hearing that kelly is telling senior aides that President Trump has not only asked him to stay on as white house Chief Of Staff but to stay on through 2020. Gloria borger is with me, the senior chief political analyst, i was talking to jeff zeleny last hour. It was noteworthy what he said that the news seeped out by design. Absolutely. Spread like wildfire. By the white house, by the white house, when they want the word out, they want the word out. And it is clear that john kelly has gotten a lot of publicity either, a, hes leaving, or b, nobody listens to him anymore. And you cant function that way. And i think there was probably a conversation in which he said, i cant function this way, let me know. Of course, the president said, i want you to stay. It doesnt mean kellys going to stay. But it means at least he gets his sort of mojo back a little bit. And his authority back a little bit. And when and if he decides to leave, he can do it on his own terms. So thats john kelly. Lets go to the president s latest tweet. This is what he says, i dont care what the political ramifications are. Our Immigration Laws and Border Security have been a complete and total disaster for decades. And there is no way that the democrats will allow it to be fixed without a Government Shutdown. So back to this whole Government Shutdown notion, which by the way, the Republican Leaders are saying behind closed doors that trump is saying hell be patient. Is this merely bluster . Yeah. But i think i think theres no date on that tweet. In terms of when he would do it. So would he do it before the election . I think Mitch Mcconnell today said, i hope theres another way we could work this out, hint, hint, mr. President. You have a Supreme Court nominee that you need to get confirmed. You have a house that you would like to keep in republican control. People generally dont like Government Shutdowns. So if you want to think about it, how about after the election. And so, you know, the president hasnt been hasnt been specific here, what hes doing is saying, you know, i didnt like the way i had to fund the government last time. And i told you that last time. So this time im putting you on notice that i want my wall, but at the Press Conference the other day with the italian prime minister, when the president was asked, is the 25 billion negotiable, he said everything is on the table. On the table, we know that i was talking to a tampa politics reporter last hour about the rally that the president is attending tonight for the gubernatorial candidate. We know that the president is itching to participate in more rallies because he thinks hes a little nervous that this whole Mueller Investigation is chipping away his legitimacy as president. And hes even nervous, gloria, and you tell me more about what you know, hes nervous that the democrats could take back the house. Sure. Hes nervous. He looks at poll numbers. He reads the stuff that says, what, 39 republicans have retired. Im not sure thats exactly accurate, but upwards of 30. He understands that in moderate suburban republican districts where a lot of the people have left, that republican candidates are vulnerable. So he wants to use his muscle. He also wants to get out of washington. You know, it gets his energy from the crowds, we know that. He did t wants to start doing tt again. And shifting the focus, of course, from the Mueller Investigation, which i might add, he focuses himself on every morning in his tweets. But leaving that aside, he would like to shift the focus to what he has done for the country, tax cuts, et cetera, economy in great shape, and start sending that message out rather than letting the Mueller Investigation occupy the airwaves. And he does contribute to it, but, of course, we have the manafort trial going on now. And that is another distraction. And i think hes also worried about what muellers going to do, his legal team is trying to get some answers from mueller about the president s testimony, et cetera. And they have radio silence. So we dont know if we are at an infliction point in their negotiations with mueller or not or how long this is going to go on. I do think its fascinating as we look at marine one and presumably the president about to hop off it and head on to air force one. Just these these candidates, for example, the gubernatorial candidate who has embraced him with open arms, and you have seen here he is. You have seen the ad, right, it seems that some of the republicans, im just curious, if the open arm embrace will help the men and women. Its hard to know. A state like florida is such a varied state. It depends due to hispanic voters coming out, due to africanamerican voters coming out, do democrats come out, do liberals come out . So we really dont know. But for now, the president really seems to have the midas touch when it comes to anointing candidates and then they move up in the polls in republican primaries. And thats thats really the key here. And turnout in midterm elections is, of course, always the key to everything. Who is going to turn out . Will it be democrats . Will it be republicans . Off to tampa he goes. Gloria borger, thank you. Sure. Hours from now, americans will be able to download the plans for a 3d printed gun. The president tweeted that hes concerned as lawmakers are surrounding the alarm. We will talk to a cryptoanarchist who created the blueprints. This is not a bed. Its a hightech revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. 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And the group is called defense distributed. And Cnn Money Senior Tech Correspondent lori siegal just interviewed the companys founder, cody wilson. And obviously he has been fighting this for years. And has won. Yeah, thats what he said to me. Ive already won this. You have all the states pushing back and trying to stop this. But he said, you know, just moments ago to me, over a thousand people have downloaded the blueprints online. Were talking semiautomatic rifle, ar15 blueprints, that enable people to actually have access to this. And he said, its not about the second amendment, but this is about the first amendment. Hes always been someone who has taken a pretty extreme view of free speech and looking at this and kind of pushing the boundaries. So take a listen to what he said, brooke. You have more than 20 states trying to block you from making these directions available online. So what do you expect to happen . I expect i will win. We have already published the file. So i dont know how they can get me to stop publishing the files. President trump is looking into the 3d plastic guns. So this doesnt seem to make sense. What is your response to the president . I sell 3d guns, so the president will understand that in time. Are you worried the president will reverse his decision . Like i told you, the plans are uploaded. Its Public Information now. No one can take it back. The Dmak Atization of guns would make it feasible for felons, minors, mentally ill access to fire guns. Are you worried about the repercussions . I dont believe access to information is tremendously negative or a bad thing. People can use information for bad things, but this is not a justification to things to what, stop us from speaking . How would you keep a minor from downloading this information from a click of a button . Do they perform Background Checks on people before they read books . Its not how speech and publication works. If its illegal to make a gun in this country, its illegal to make a guchblt youre vn. But that Doesnt Mean It doesnt allow people free access to the information. It doesnt work that way. The case of the 25yearold man who went on a Shooting Spree with a homemade ar15 killing people are. You worried the implications of democratizing this information will lead to deaths . Is democracy dangerous or not . Can the people be trusted or not. You like to push limits. Do you think felons, minors, mentallyill folks who are able to click and download and print, do you think they can be trusted or should there be more Government Oversight over what youre doing . No, i definitely dont think there should be more Government Oversight. I believe people can publish the information. I believe they can legally under the first amendment. Was it right . Should you do it . Again, my answer is yes, i believe that i should. I shall in what im doing. It somehow takes away the seriousness of what im doing. Im only doing it no, i believe in what im doing. What does the world look like to you in the next decade with some of the technology that you push forward . If people have like an Internet Resource of some type of encyclopedia scope, i know it upsets everyone, Chuck Schumer is out there with no guns should be the way they have always been and we have to prevent them from becoming new. What is your response to him . Thats a depressing world when things have to be frozen and managed. And i dont know, i find it profoundly unromantic. A lot of people think its depressing to live in a world where you think about a lot of people who Shouldnt Have Access to handguns being able to readily have the ability to make them from home. That might depress them but excites and inspires the mind of my other people. And unfortunately, we have the law on our side. This is a big deal. The implications of this cant be ignored. Thats why you see so many people beginning to talk about this. And a little about cody wilson, i interviewed him last september because he had a website called hatrion, a playoff patrion, and he was giving access to people who have been kicked off the platforms like facebook and twitter and giving them access to raise money for their speech. So hes always pushing the limit. You can see hes unforgiving about this. This has been a battle hes been waging from 2013. So the settlement was very, very big for him. It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next couple of days. I talked to the connecticut Attorney General last hour who is joining a number of states vehemently opposed to everything this man just said. But again, at Midnight Tonight, Midnight Tonight, laurie, thank you for sharing that side of it. So well talk about the mechanics of this. How exactly is a 3d firearm made . So with me now is terry wohlers. Well push politics aside. Simply, how easy is it to get a 3d printer and how much does it cost . Well, you can buy a 3d printer now for under 300. So its available to virtually anyone. And its relatively easy to unpack and set up. But to build good products and parts with it is not so easy. And my biggest fear is that you have an explosion going on when you fire a round out of a gun. And you need to have a material that can contain that explosion. So that they are simply unsafe in my view. So what is the material . Is it a plastic . Well, these 3d printers can print in many materials, but plastic is the by far most common. And so that was the intent when cody wilson published the plans, the files that you can download and then build a 3d printed gun. So the difficulty is that there are so many there are thousands of different types of 3d printers and countless numbers of potential users all of which have been Different Levels of skills. Not push button, its not just push a button to create a good quality, in this case, gun, that would safely fire a round. Terry, i was watching one of these videos earlier today to understand how this works. So by the time all the different pieces, the plastic pieces of the gun, you put them together, but its still not a fully functioning gun. How easy is it to put those mechanisms in place to actually get it to fire a bullet . Well, thats the problem. You might be able you might be able to successfully fire one round, but even then, i have see a gunfire and it simply exploded. The whole gun did. And so my as i said, my biggest fear is it could injure the person firing the we or someone around them. And so its just not safe. Have you seen an uptick in sales of 3d printers . Oh, yeah. We have seen dramatic growth over the years. But for industrial applications mostly, for automotive, aerospace, consumer products, medicaltype parts and a range of others. Terry wohlers, thank you. Youre welcome. Breaking news in the trial of former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort. We will take you live outside that courthouse to hear what is being said in the Opening Statements happening now, next. The market was up nearly twice as much. Thats a tough pill to swallow. Exactly. So i started trading. But with everything out there, how do you know what to buy . Well, i think my Friend Victor has just the thing for you. Check this out, Td Ameritrade makes it easier to find the investments that might be right for you. Like our Etf Comparison Tool it lets you see how etfs measure up to one another. Analyst ratings and past performance. Nice. Td ameritrade also offers access to coaches and a full education curriculum to help you improve your skills. That is cool. And if you still have any questions you can always chat with us on facebook or call our experienced service team, 24 7. Yep. Just because youre doing it yourself doesnt mean youre on your own. Thats great. Youre still up. Alright. Youre still up. 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But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local Allstate Agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Begun in alexandria, virginia. Lets go back to joe johns outside that federal doubt house. So joe, talk to me about how the prosecutor is painting manafort. So joe, talk to me about how the prosecutor is painting manafort. Reporter well, Opening Statements are so of course as you know. As prosecutors and defense try to mold this case and explain their theory of the case to the jury. The theory here for prosecutors is to describe Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman, for donald trump as a shrewd liar who orchestrated a global scheme they called to avoid paying taxes on millions of dollars. So it is also clear from the prosecutions Opening Statements that they do intend as we expe t expected to really hit hard on Paul Manaforts extravagant lifestyle. So much has been written about his homes in the hamptons, in palm beach, in arlington, virginia. And so they will clearly hit on that as well. Also making the point more than once that they call Paul Manafort a liar and say he is one person in the courtroom who essentially did not believe the law applied to him. This trial the first big test for the Special Counsel here, robert mueller. Six men, six women on that jury. Joe skronjohns, thank you. Coming up next, the reporter who helped break the Watergate Scandal writes a book about the life inside the trump white house. The title, you see it there, fear. Details on how bob woodward got access to top officials in washington. Chicken . chicken. Chicken thats right, candace new Chicken Creations from starkist. Buffalo Style Chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go try all of my Chicken Creations chicken i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast and The Wolf Huffed and puffed. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. So my doctor said. Symbicort can help you breathe better. Starting within 5 minutes. It doesnt replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden symptoms. Doctor symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including Chronic Bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. It may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Grandpa symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggy giggles get symbicort free at saveonsymbicort. Com. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. At crowne plaza, we know Business Travel isnt just business. Theres this. A bit of this. Why not . Your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. Which is what we do. Crowne plaza. Were all business, mostly. Gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go online today. A Pulitzer Prize winning Investigative Reporter known for breaking the Watergate Scandal wide open is about to release a new become on Trump Administration and the title and cover, fear, are already making headlines six week before its release date. Woodward interviewed dozens of white house sources and is calling it an unprecedented look at the harrowing life inside the white house. And our cnn Special Correspondent talked to people familiar with the book. First things first, fear. What is that about . That is actually a donald trump quote. In march of 2016, woodward interviewed trump and trump said, let me get it right, real power is i dont even want to use the word fear. So power and fear and bob heard that and that is where the title came from. What makes these interviews so unique . So bob is going back to his roots is my understanding. This is like watergate. He interviewed dozens of officials and white house sources. He went to their homes at night unannounced. Everything was recorded. Dont be confused, they are on deep background. This is not one deep throat, this is dozens of deep throats. But they all agreed to have every interview recorded. And they give you a first hand look at meetings with trump in the situation room, in the oval office, air force one, everyone the white house residence. So im told you will really get a picture of debates that are sometimes explosive and decision making as it happened. That is documented. Correct. What about where do you think the biggest piece of news will come from . So i think there are two things. He is not just relying on interviews. These people gave him documents. Memos, notes, diaries, files including in Donald Trumps own hand. Handwritten notes by the president. So i think there is going to b news there. I also think well see news on the National Security front and im told there is part of the book about what happened in charlottesville, virginia. So i think well see a peek behind the scenes that is very revealing about what according to these sources President Trump was saying about these things. And quickly the release date is not for another six weeks. Very soon, september 11th. And right before the midterm elections. Jamie, thank you so much. Appreciate it

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