Antijewish, antisemitic messages online, on social media, as well as bragging about his gun clerks. Just a few minutes ago officials in pittsburgh, both local and a book that youre ready to share with the world . Federal gave us an update. Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today take a listen. These incidents usually occur in other cities. Today the nightmare has hit home here in the city of pittsburgh. Any attack on one community of faith in pennsylvania is an attack against every community of faith in pennsylvania. I want the Jewish Community across the commonwealth and across the country to know that we stand in support of you as we, together, mourn this senseless act of violence. Cnns jean casar ez is that was in pittsburgh in the kwirl hill neighborhood of pittsburgh. Law enforcement sources are telling cnn this is the suspect, joining us from pittsburgh. Robert bowers. Jeanne we just heard that press he is the alleged gunman who was conference, and we learned that arrested at the scene. The death toll had risen to 11 we understand he is wounded, and people. Can you update us on what other at the hospital, and during that attack, he made antisemitic details youre learning . Thats right. We just learned so much just comments as he went on his minutes ago. One thing is that one of the victims, a 70yearold male is rampage. Currently right now in his second surgery. We will stand together like a initially went through his first surgery. Now is he in the midst of his rock against hatred against second, and is in critical those that hate jews all over condition. The world. We also now have a firm at this benjamin met hue said this. I was heartbroken and point timeline of what exactly appalled by the murderous attack on a pittsburgh synagogue today. Happened when. Cnn has confirmed that at 9 49 the entire people of israel grieve with the families of the was the final social media post dead. Of this suspect said many we stand together with the things, but one of the most important things he said was American People in the face of this horrendous antisemitic im going in. Then at 9 54, according to law brutality, and we all pray for the speedy recovery of the enforcement, the call came in to dispatch. Wounded. At 9 55 officers were dispatched. They arrived at the synagogue. The first officer went in to the synagogue and met headon with the suspect exchanging gunfire, and he was injured. What Law Enforcement said minutes ago was even a more finite timeline than that. There was also an outpouring the at that point of time when the grief on the street. How are people reacting . First officer, a pittsburgh the overwhelming sentiment has been a bit of what you just Police Officer went into engage the suspect that the suspect had heard from Prime Minister netanyahu and from the ambassador to the united already, we heard, murdered nations. Then the general idea has been ill say allegedly murdered 11 people inside the synagogue, and thats when the exchange of gunfire. Then the suspect went back into the synagogue, we understand, to try to actually take cover himself because he realized Law Enforcement was there. Israel tries to be a safe haifb a secure place for the Jewish Community to come, whether they want to move here or visit here, but this is supposed to be a safe place for jews. It is at times like this, at times when you have an attack like this against a Jewish Community with such a strong antisemitic nature, that the need for a safe haven for jews is felt. Thats why you see this outpouring of health and this we also understand that there outpouring of support from the was one ak47 that was found at the scene along with three Jewish Community here, not only from politicians and officials, assault rifles, along with three but also from Jewish Community leaders. In fact, just a short time after handguns. They will know more if all of those weapons were fired. The attack, the minister of once they do, the crime scene education who also serves as the minister of affairs, said he was investigation, which they are in midst of now. Immediately flying to pittsburgh we want you to listen to the 911 to do whatever he could to offer whatever he could from the dispatch call that cnn has Israeli Government from the obtained of what was going on in israeli people to the synagogue the midst of it all. There in pittsburgh, and that has been part of what weve seen that outpouring of health, that listen. Outpouring of support as well as we got statements offering condole ens and thoughts and prayers. Tall white male, short he said we are thinking of our brourz and sisters. As we say in the morning prayers, we are thinking of the families of those who were murdered and praying for the quick recovery of those who were hair, light blue shirt, jeans. Injured. Again, thats tall white male, statements like that from so short hair, light blue shirt, many officials here tell you how jeans. Strong that bond is, even if it i got one of ours. One right now . Is 4,000 to 5,000 miles apart still alive. Between pittsburgh and the country of israel. We have four down in the atrium. D. O. A. At this time. It is there earlier intel that he may be in the basement . I had a report of at least one victim in the basement. An additional four victims. Four victims second story atre m rr it will already been a difficult reoff the front hall. Weekend here. Even as the escalation was coming to an end, even as the sabbath was ending, thats when. The news reports started coming in about this horrific attack, whats your status in the and that has made the ending of basement . The sabbath more difficult here, alex. The israeli response really to the right we have indications here of blood. Highlighting that unique we also now know that three relationship between israel and jews around the world. Emergency room medical orrin lieberman, thank you very physicians arrived at the scene much. Were going to take a quick break. Well be right back. Momentarily began to triage the injured. The fbi, pittsburgh field office, thats in charge of this investigation, and the u. S. Attorney for the Western District of pennsylvania, alex said, criminal charges will be filed as early as tonight. All right, jeanne casar ez there. We know youll stay all over this. Thanks so much. Well check in in a little bit. Turning now to the panel. Joining me is cnn Law Enforcement analyst, former secret Service Agent jonathan wakro, and supervisory special at humana, we believe great agent josh campbell, former things are ahead of you when you Commanding Officer for the nypd start with healthy. And part of Counterterrorism Division mielk staying healthy means choosing oneil, and cnn crime and the right medicare plan. Humana justice reporter shimon. Can help. With original shimon, lets start with you. We have been talking about this medicare, youre covered for hospital stays and Doctor Office incredible audio. Visits when youre sick. But youve got the transcript there in front of you. Keep in mind youll have to pay a deductible for each. A what we just heard from gejeann Medicare Supplement plan can cover your deductibles and coinsurance, but you may pay there is how incredibly calm and higher premiums than you do with collected these people these other plans. And Prescription Drug coverage isnt included. Officers were as they went in to but, with an allinone humana face someone who Law EnforcementMedicare Advantage plan, you officers are now saying had a highpowered rifle. Could get all that coverage plus before i get to you, lets just play a bit more of that audio part d Prescription Drug benefits. You get all this quickly. Coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. And humana has a Large Network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the Humana Network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an allinone Medicare Advantage plan from humana could save you money. There is no obligation and the book is free. The description from the responding officer with a green jacket and then later, there was a 11 call from inside the structure that said a blue shirt and blue jeans. Suspects name is robert bowers. Rob bowers. 7171. Suspects name is rob bowers, 46 years olds. 7472. Date of birth. 7123. Weve already communicated to the team. Magazines working the problem. Suspect was injured. Continuing to crawl at this time. 71 suspects talking about all these jews need to die. Were still communicating with him. Take the advice. Khakis, red shirt at this time. We dont know if he changed clothes. The suspect keeps telling them about killing jews. He doesnt want any of them to live. Yeah, right. I already relayed that on the other side. Copy that. Among that is the type of weapon used and confirmation that he said all these jews need to die. Yeah. I was listening to that live as it was i was at home, actually, and i was listening to it, and it was really it struck me just how well organized the Police Officers were. We hear that we train this, but its so rare that we actually get a window insight to them doing this kind of an operation. Theyre saying this is what he is saying. The suspect, as he is even verpding, he is wuned. The police have wuned him. Theyre trying to get him to virnd. Theyre saying have him crawl, have him crawl, and he is talking about how jews need to die. Efrl is of the officers themselves also wounded, he now understand. Right. Jonathan, what stands out to you when you listen p to both these two pieces of audio . Listen, the Law Enforcement officers Patrol Officers that went in first, they provided very clear tactical language that they utilized throughout their time inside. They provided Situational Awareness for responding officers to come in. Listen, this is a very dynamic situation for these guys. They know that theres someone in there thats tyly killing. That Patrol Officer is walking around. He sees dead bodies in front of him. Theres a physicianlogical and psychological effect that Law Enforcement now has to train for to suppress that to because they have to go after the killer. That is their number one priority. Updating you now on our breaking news. 11 people died in a mass shooting in pittsburgh earlier today. The suspect has been named. He is 46yearold robert bowers, and we have now discovered a long and heavy digital footprint full of antisemitic posts and comments. A Law Enforcement source also telling cnn that bowers made even the seniors that were injured, theyre making sure that they survive that incident antijewish comments during the shooting. So others can live and they can i want to bring in rabbi joshua stay in the fight and address stanton from the east end temple the threat. That falls execution just here in new york. Rabbi, when we have an incident reflektzing this new reality here in america. Absolutely. Like this, a horrific murder, josh, to you. Youve been doing a lot of reporting on the types of series of murders, how does that weapons that he has had. Reverb rate in jewish communities across the country . Its the sum of all fears. Theres a sense of heart break. Theres a sense of oneness. Theres the idea that in some way we are all grieving together, and before people were even buried, the reverberations with social media picture that he posted talking about his of rhetoric stung our ears and glock family. What do we know about his hurt our hearts, so its been a very difficult day on so many weapons and the legality and what last nights he had . Levels because we havent even were building a narrative, a had the chance to absorb the picture of this person. We do know in talking to some of our Law Enforcement contacts news, and already were swept up that he did have an active permit to carry in the state of in a political i was reporting in paris pennsylvania. He had legally purchased weapons after the attacks, and youll going back to 1996. Remember les talked about the attack on a kosher supermarket, the thing is we still dont know and i was talking to a lot of if the weapons that were used in parisian jews, and he were this talking about their fears, and this incident were weapons that thats been happening for a long time in europe where a lot of were legally purchased. We have two separate things. We know he has purchased them jews have been feeling a lot legally. We dont know that these are the more afraid, and many are ones that he actually purchased legally, and the other thing is emigrating to israel. In talking to Law Enforcement contacts, we havent heard the fact that there was a i read a quote today from the ceo of a Jewish Federation of highpowered rifle, like an ar15 that was in his past as a greater pittsburgh, and he said you know everyone thinks about purchase. Whether that was more recently obtained, whether that was israel. Is that a sentiment where obtained legally, again, something we dont know a lot of American Jews are feeling increasingly in danger and what to think about the possibility questions. Of moving them and their families to israel. I think almost immediately after the attacks i spokes with the copresident s of our synagogue just by way of an ongoing text conversation to figure out what we should do, how we should support our community, how we could help them and support them in the grieving process. As a president do you think he needs to revisit gun laws . Gun laws . Well, again, this has little to do with it if you take a look. If they had protection inside, we want to be safe in the united states, and the fact that we the results would have been far dont at moments like this is just terrible. Better. Why do you feel that the this is a dispute that will always exist, i suspect, but if danger is increasing, and that they had some kind of a the rhetoric is getting worse . Protection inside the temple so i fear the growth of homegrown terrorists and people who have been radicalized maybe it could have been a much different situation. Primarily white supremacists, they didnt. And we have heard at the highest levels of government rhetoric that makes my skin crawl. He was able to do things he the antisemitic dog whistles, shouldnt have been able to do where. Thats the president before conversations about globalists, taking off to indianapolis. The idea that after mike, the president there seeming to put the onus on the charlottesville there were good people on both sides. All of the rhetoric about george victims. That if this synagogue had the soros and the antisemitic wherewithal to get an Armed Security guard, that this could conspiracy theories are a horror have been prevented, and and they somehow seem to be seemingly, allowing no room for connected whether enabling or discussion over guns. Supporting or energizing peoples worst instincts and energizing a part of the population that had been for so long marginalized. I will tell you putting a gun in my fear is that hate is going an untrained persons hand could mainstream, and my fear is that be as dangerous as having no gun at all. Even at the same time as we if you are going to deploy an grieve, we have to understand armed asset to counter this threat, they need to be more clearly the broader causes of this upswing in rhetoric and welltrained professionals. This upswing in hate. Earlier today kevin mccarthy, cant just check the box that the House Majority leader sw someone was on. Sometimes they can cause more deleted a tweet where he had harm than good. Said that we cant allow george so sore yoes, mielk bloomberg to buy this election. The synagogue would have taken now, he took that down in the wake of this shooting. Steps and had discussed their to your point, he was he must security with Law Enforcement. Yeah, and, of course, 9 11 have been keenly aware of how antisemitic that sounded, and environment, it is this that this is going mainstream. Federal grant out there that im aware of called house of worship grant that the synagogues, the role of our leaders, the temples, mosques take advantage of every year. Role of our elected officials is usually thats to get some type to stand with all americans and of Grant Funding and increase to support all americans. Physical security, some type of security presence. Theyre actively engaged in the the words that i heard from our president today were deeply post9 11 realm all the time disappointing. He had one job, to provide with their federal partners and the local Law Enforcement partners and they do some kind comfort for those that were of physical assessment in these mourning, and instead his words locations. Sounded to me like an one additional point on the advertisement for Gun Companies weapo weapons. The political side of it, the political gun debate. We know whether its the secret service academy, fbi academy, Law Enforcement officers will to comfort families, to comfort fire thousands and thousands of rounds, and the reason that it widows, to comfort orphans, and takes place is because its our tradition that is seen as actually described. One of the highest acts of look, we are trying to get you to a certain level of proficiency in a nonstress kindness is to be with those who are heartbroken and grieving, and instead we just heard more environment to hone your skills. Empty rhetoric from a person who Law Enforcement officers know that when you are in these is already engaged in tactical situations, when the antisemitic dog whistles. Stress hormones, of course, are i was hurt. Coursing through your veins, i was offended, and i was deeply your level of accuracy saddened as a human being, a jewish person, and an american, diminishes greatly for law and a rabbi. I want to get your quick enforcement officers. If you take an untrained citizen reaction to what the president said very quickly where he went who hasnt gone to thousands and off to indianapolis. He said that the synagogue if thousands of rounds, its not the end all be all. The synagogue had a Security Guard they might have been able the nypd, theres active to stop him. Shooter protocols, but just to putting essentially the blame on the victims. That point, its Different Levels even in Law Enforcement on shooting engagement, right . He was appalled and saddened. Its a job of a supervisor when his job was to comfort victims. You are doing tactical teams not so blame victims. That are well sufficient in all right. Rabbi, our thoughts are with you this, but the responding law and the rest of the jewish enforcement officers even to community. Thanks so much for coming in. Minimize the damage to tactical thank you very much. Teams to get there. Steams the nypd has designated all right. Were going to take a quick break. More of our continuing coverage shooters, and they say whats of the massacre in pittsburgh your proficiency . Right after this. Its a tool for a Law Enforcement officer. Again, just like i said, i know its a term you can throw out there. We should have armed people, but theres a lot behind having an armed person in a location. Alex, this goes to the president s defaulting to a security posture. Meaning a guy with a gun shows up. Thats not thats not the solution. It takes a more comprehensive, you know, solution thats proactive where you put proactive policies and procedures. We have been talking about houses of pour worship are soft targets for years now. Years. Theres grant money thats out there, whether its a church or a synagogue regardless. Theyre soft targets. They need to be fortfied. Theres policies and procedures that can be put in place proactively to create a sense of Situational Awareness. The Jewish Community is very aware of this. Theyre actually the forerunner of this. Organizations such as the Community Security service here in new york actually goes to synagogues. They teach people how to protect all the tools you need for every step of the way. Themselves, how to be alerted to make it, squarespace behavior, how to look at anomalies around and to protect yourself. There needs to be a balance between preactive and reactive security measures here. There just isnt one solution. Sway with me. We have a lot more to discuss. We are going to take a quick break. Much more on of our continuing coverage right after this. Sultsd parts of me i didnt even know. I find out im 19 native american specifically from the chihuahua people. What . thats i find that crazy. It traces their journey from the mid1800s from central mexico to texas. Learning about the risks they took for a better life it gives me so much respect and gratitude. It just shed so much light in my past that i never even wouldve known was there. 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Community, reeling from the deadly mass shooting at the tree most adults taking humira of life synagogue. Were clear or almost clear 11 people killed, six wounded and many saw 75 including four Police Officers and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Who were told are in stable and the kind of clearance that can last. Condition. The police are being praised for humira can lower your ability to fight infections, their fast and efficient including tuberculosis. Response. This is new audio of the serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, dispatch from the moments after including lymphoma, they rushed to the scene of that have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, mass shooting. Serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. Be advised. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, we have a suspect. And if youve had tb, negotiate at this time. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections, all units what you got. Or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. On the third floor. Join over 250,000 patients who have chosen humira. I need a confirmation on what ask about the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. The suspect was wearing. I need to make sure we dont humira. And go. Have two shooters. The initial description from the responding officer was a green jacket and then later, there was zbloirjts the suspect in todays mass shooting in pittsburgh had an extensive antisemitic, antijewish digital footprint. A 911 call with the suspect, a source is also telling cnn that the alleged gunman made blue jeans. Antijewish comments during the rob bowers, robert bowers. Rampage. Everyone is back with me to discuss this. Joining us is also brian actors name is robert bowers. Stelter, chief media 46 years old. Correspondent. 72. A lot of these antisemitic given us the date of birth. Vitrvit vitreal was post odd a social heavy jacket. Media platform called gab, which, frankly, until today i already communicated. Had not heard of. Just tell us overall what is gab . How do people use it . Fringe website thats a the glock at this time. Version of twitter. Think of it as a version of it matches the magazines. Twitter, but its popular among working the problem. Altright members and other kind of folks that dont feel welcome on sites like twitter or talking to him. Facebook. We dont they feel william, they enforce a lot of guidelines, a continue. 71. Suspect is talking about all lot of rules of the road. These jews need to die. Were still communicating with him. Be advised. Red shirt this time. We dont know if he changed this individual was using gab to clothes. The suspect keeps telling share his antisemitic views, about killing jews. And as paul murphy pointed out, doesnt want us any of them to he has been doing a lot of live. I relayed that on the other research in the social media platform, antisemitism was a side. Fuel. It fuelled other hate speech copy that. That the suspect was posting. All these jews need to die. It wasnt just antisemitism. Those were the words of robert it was also hate about immigrants, hate about other bowers as he gunned down members individuals, but at the core was of the tree of life synagogue in this deep antisemitism that you swirl hill, pittsburgh. See on the social media footprint. We know the fbi is leading the several of the messages that he was posting was against a investigation. They are treating this and investigating this as a hate jewish Refugee Resettlement crime. We also know that the suspect agency. That was his point that one of was wounded after he was shot by the points he was making is that this agency is bringing people police. The authorities have not said in, jews in, and he said, whether or not he is saying anything to them yet. Machining many other things, the shooter rob bowers appearing that my people are being to have been acting on long held slaughtered. This Wonderful Group hias. Deep seated anticemesemitic it says we help refugees and welcome strangers. Theyve been making a big effort of this in the past few days. Think about the timing. Feelings, prejudice he wrote about repeatedly online. For decades knee been doing it. Theres a candlelight vigil for in the past few days a big the shooting victims tonight in effort to help refugees given this Migrant Caravan story. Pittsburgh. Im alex in new york. Theyve been talking about invaders and illegals. This is also what you hear on the far right. Wolf blitzer picks up coverage after this break. On talk radio, you hear about it thats longer than the buffalo wings been around. An alleged invasion that dozen wings. Obviously is not really happening. And did you know that geico. Thats the rhetoric on the far right. lips smacking some of these issues with this offers mo. coughing suspect and with the bomb suspect in florida, its about motorcycle insurance . Our poisoned information hoho. My lips are burning. Environment. laughs ah. No, my lips are actually burning. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. See how much you could save at geico. Com. Its too hot. Oh, this is too hot, mate. If you want to get takethe most details test its too hot. About your family history. He says the department of my pie chart showed that im from all over europe, justice will file hate crimes but then it got super specific. And other criminal charges against the defendant, including i learned my people came from a small region in poland, charges that could lead to the and even a little bit of the history about why they might Death Penalty. This is something that we were expecting as soon as today. Have migrated during that time. Your reaction to the sessions those migration patterns are more than just lines on a map, statement . It appears that the department of justice is theyre really your familys story. Bringing the full weight of federal law to this case. I cant wait to see what im going to discover next. We nabbed that it quickly went connecting 20 million members to a deeper family story. Federal with the fbi on the order your kit at ancestry. Com investigation. Now they will assume a purr view of the case. There was an education he was hospitalized. Thats still a question we dont know, but theyre going to want to sbruf interview him as quickly as they can. It will be presented before a federal magistrate, and then the process will begin. Again, federal authorities bringing the full weight to bear here, it appears, going after the subject, who is a potentially Death Penalty case very serious violations, obviously. We talk about the audio. Those officers responding are now witnesses because when they hear him making those antisemitic comments. All of this being brought together to prosecute this individual. Because you have also dealt a lot with this platform, gab, i wanted to highlight some of other comments that we have not yet reported on. As we know, trumps daughter, ivanka, converted to judaism. She married jared kushner, who is an orthodox jew, and he wrote and i wont read it in its entirety trump is as long as trump is surrounded by, things will stay the course. There is no maga as long as there is a blank infestation. You have dealt a lot with gab and this type of speech in your professional life. Its digital threat intelligence. Its looking beyond the twitters, the facebooks, the instagrams. Its starting to dive into threatening statements that are made in the deep and dark web, alt web sites. When we start looking at this individual, were going to be looking at obviously his statements on gab, but beyond that. How many other things has he been posting on . Again, these are red flags, but they highlight a real challenge for Law Enforcement. Is the availability to, you know, take all of this information in, digest it, and then make a decision as to do we i am a techie dad. N. Go and look at this individual . How do we what is the i believe the best technology should feel effortless. Threshold for Law Enforcement engagement . I mean, twitter and facebook and everything like that, they have like magic. Standards. When you start going into the domain that has no standards, at comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools then its a free reign. Behind paid fire walls, what is that simplify your experience. Law enforcements ability to get in there and start looking at my name is mike, Early Warning of, you know, im in Product Development at comcast. Anomalous behavior. Some red flags. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Every single time weve sat at this desk ask talk about, well, theres a posting here. There was a posting there. They should be able to look at what is an Early Warning sign for behavior that has the potential to move along the condition dwrum from just rhetoric to physical action. Gab says we support Law Enforcement. We contacted the fbi today. Thats what they say. The existence of these sites, where you can do anything, say anything, and usually these guys will claim, oh, i dont mean it. We want to welcome our im just playing around. Viewers here in the united some of them are serious. States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in washington. Were following breaking news right now. A mass murder at a synagogue in pennsylvania. Just a little while ago, the officials raised the death toll to 11 and a clearer picture of you cant act on that, necessarily, short of an actual the hatefilled van they belimae threat. Gang activity, lots of things. Went on a killing spree in the its important. Squirrel hill neighborhood of with a case like this, though, unless you know about the pittsburgh, a large number home individual, lets just say we have that algorithm thats going to say im going to go after them. Put yourself in the Law Enforcement shoes. You dont know who it is or where the location is, its not geolocated. Its not even helpful because we dont know where to engage them. Someone creates a threat profile on him, whether its neighbors, family. Whatever the reason. If theres a lot of radical views and behavior, somebody comes through and says i think he is going to commit violence. You could do a target profile on somebody then and if they Say Something like that, maybe you can engage. I will tell you, this is where Civil Liberties and Law Enforcement crash. Sorry. Please. If because if you do that its civil libertarians would say, oh, this is big brother now watching. These are the things that society has to balance. Like to protect just like we did after 9 11, to protect the country, there are certain measures we have to take, you have to explain it to the public. These are pictures of targets and the firearms. This is not evidence of crime in and of itself. This is somebody that says i like weapons and im an enthu enthusia enthusiast, and i shoot pretty well. What about when this is overlayed with the antisemitic garbage weve seen associated with this person . Again, that goes back to the question of building profiles. This taken together may be something that then moves it to another level. The question is anybody looking . Him posting this man posting on gab five minutes before going into the synagogue saying im going in. Now, im not going to sit here and say five minutes could have made a difference accidents but there have been cases where people posted the day or night before that they might take some type of action, and its imperative that all of us kind of collectively in Law Enforcement, in the media, in the Technology Companies get better at observing and witnessing and recognizing how serious this behavior is online. The virtual world, its the real world now. The digital space. There are real life consequences now. Lots of angry political messages, but there wasnt the kind of antisemitic or racist hate, necessarily, that were seeing here. What i see the connection between the two cases is the idea that on the internet you can be radicalized. The way we talk about terrorists and others being radicalized. Americans are being radicalized by crazy conspiracy theories far right wing web sites, and some of the dark antisocial sites that spread this. For how long have you we been using that exact same language when were talking about terrorism . Guys, with he have to take a quick break. Brian, mike, josh, and jonathan, thank you so much. We will be right back. This is actually under your budget. Its great. Mmhmm. Yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters insurance man 1 behind wall yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too um. The walls seem a bit thin. Man 2 behind wall they are and craig practices the accordion every night says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. Im a very shy singer. Youre tone deaf ehh. Should we move on to the next one . Its a great building youll love it here we have mixers every thursday. Geico®. Its easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. Cal we saved our money and now, we get to spend it our way. Valerie but we worry if we have enough to last. 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