World, you are watching cnn newsroom and im rosemary church. Just ahead, california, florida, texas, coronavirus hot spots across the United States look to roll back their reopenings in the face of surging case numbers. Plus, Health Officials say facemasks can save lives so why have some people on both sides of the atlantic been reluctant to wear them . We are live in london this hour. And a growing epidemic of gun violence. We will look at why shootings are on the rise in the u. S. And how the very youngest are too often caught in the line of fire. Thanks for joining us. The coronavirus pandemic has surpassed a somber milestone. More than 13. 1 Million People globally have been infected with covid19 and more than half a million have died from the virus. That is according to data from Johns Hopkins university. Many of those cases are right here in the United States. Nearly 1 out of every 100 americans has tested positive for the virus. 35 states reported a growing number of infections this past week compared to the previous week. A top laboratory says the surge in cases is causing delays in providing test results. California is one of three states reinstating restrictions on indoor activities. Its a major setback for the state and we will have more on that in just a moment. The white house is downplaying any friction with the nations top Infectious Disease expert. Cnns jim acosta is in washington with president Donald Trumps evolving relationship with dr. Anthony fauci. Reporter after spending days railing against dr. Anthony fauci, they appear to be pulling back from a campaign to undermine one of the nations most trusted health experts. Ive had a very Good Relationship. I find him to be a good person. I like him. Reporter even though his access is all but cut off and his tv appearances have been blocked by white house officials, its fauci offering americans a dose of reality. We havent even begun to see the end of it yet. Until you get it completely under control, its still going to be a threat. Reporter even as coronavirus cases reach Record Numbers in multiple states, over the last few Days White House aides have blasted fauci telling reporters they are concerned the number of times dr. Fauci has been wrong on things. Why not have the guts to trash dr. Fauci with your own names . So President Trump ill refer you back, there is no Opposition Research being done to reporters. There is Opposition Research, fauci and the president couldnt be further than the truth. They always had a very good working relationship. Reporter while sometimes questioning fauci, mr. Trump appears to be putting his faith in people who arent scientists retweeting this from Chuck Woolery who claims the most outrageous lies are the ones about covid19. Everyone is lying. Even though hes just recently embraced wearing a mask and is still downplaying the threat. Were at about 135,000 and well be at somewhat higher than that by the time it ends. Reporter mr. Trump is offering up a new conspiracy that unnamed forces are working in cahoots to keep schools closed to damage his reelection chances. We have to open the schools. I think theres a lot of politics going along. I think they think theyll do better if they can keep the schools closed in the election. I dont think its going to help them fair and accurately, but i think they feel by keeping schools closed thats a bad thing for the country and therefore thats a good thing for them. Reporter that came a day after education secretary betsy devos falsely claimed there is no health risk in sending children back to school when its likely some students will pass the virus on to teachers. There is nothing in the data that would suggest that kids being back in school is dangerous to them and, in fact, its more a matter of their health and wellbeing that they be back in school. Reporter former white house chief of staff mick mull vape any say there have been problems with the administrations response. I know it isnt popular to talk about in some republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country. Our reaction is that we tested we lead the world in testing. Reporter as for his decision to commute the sentence of roger stone, the president is standing by the controversial move that was opposed by some top officials. Im getting rave reviews for what i did for roger stone. Reporter attorney general william barr is praising the president. First let me say what an honor it is to serve under a president who is such a strong supporter of law enforcement. Reporter as for fauci, the last time he spoke with the president was on june 2nd, more than a month ago. White house experts say it would be difficult to fire fauci and fauci believes the best thing he can do is continue to tell the truth about the virus to the American People and he has accepted the fact that he cannot do much to stem the criticism from the white house. Jim acosta, cnn, the white house. Florida governor ron desantos says parents should have the option to send their children back to school or use Virtual Learning in the coming school year. His comments come as florida continues to report high case numbers and Infectious Diseases experts label miami the new epicenter of the pandemic. Cnns randi kaye has more. Reporter at the governors most recent press conference here in florida, he announced the percentage of people coming in testing positive have actually stabilized. He said that the fatality rate here in the state of florida is at 1. 5 . He said thats well below what were seeing in other states. He also said that theyre sending nurses and beds to some of the hardest hit counties and he said that we are going to get through this okay. Meanwhile, the hospitals really tell a different story. Here in the state of florida, hospitalizations are way up. In miamidade county, the hardest hit county, were seeing 1800 people hit. In Palm Beach County where i am, well over 600 people. In orlando where disney world is now open theyre seeing well over 560 people in the hospital. The mayor of miami says that hospitals are operating at 91 to 92 capacity. They need beds. He said that hes hoping to increase that up to 50 capacity in the next couple of weeks. He said the problem is really staffing. Thats a big issue for them. The mayor of miami also saying that a stay at home order, another one, isnt really off the table. The average Positivity Rate here in the state of florida also spells trouble. 18. 6 . Well above the 10 that the state would like to see. And young people still really getting hit hard. 25 to 34yearolds now making up 20 of the cases although the fatality rate is much lower. But i will leave you with this stunning fact. The state of florida now reporting more new cases than the entire European Union combined. Randi kaye reporting on Singer Island florida back to you. Thanks for that. Californias governor has ordered a statewide closure of public indoor activities. Hospitalizations in the state have increased by 28 over the last two weeks and continue to climb. On monday the governor noted what businesses would be impacted. Effective today requiring all counties to close their indoor activities, their indoor operations in the following sectors, restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, Family Entertainment centers, zoos and museums, card rooms and the shuttering of all bars. This is in every county in the state of california. And californias two Largest School districts will not go back to campuses in the coming school year. Los angeles and san diego unified School Districts will return to campuses as soon as districts allow. The superintendant said they cant compromise on the health of the community. So lets talk now with dr. Jorge rodriguez, an internal medicine and viral specialist joining us from california. Always good to talk to you. Thank you. Likewise, rosemary. California is shutting down some indoor businesses due to soaring covid19 cases and we are seeing surges across other states like florida, texas, and arizona. Should they be considering shutting down as well . Absolutely. They should have probably, in my opinion, been shut down already because their cases are much higher than california. Their deaths are much higher than california. Now its kind of morbid to start comparing whos doing worse, but the truth is, what california is doing i think is very smart right now. Theyre seeing an uptake in the number of people being hospitalized. Its increased by 28 or 30 , the number of people testing positive, so it is better to do it now than before that snowball has just gotten too large. Right. And, of course, the white house, as we know, has been trying to discredit americas top doctor, anthony fauci, but hes still giving out his expert advice based in science, not politics. On monday he said the u. S. Hasnt even begun to see the end of covid19 yet, but he also said we dont necessarily need to shut down again. He said if we all physically distance, wear masks, avoid crowds, wash our hands, those four simple things could turn this all around. If its as simple as that, why not mandate masks and turn this around . Why is that not happening if we can avoid shutdowns . Well, youre singing my song. Thats exactly what ive been saying for a while. Listen, this is a huge country. There are no boarders between california and nevada where las vegas is or arizona and phoenix. Thats because things arent happening because we dont have clear and concise leadership that is saying this is what we need to do. Japan, trex, huge country. Their cases are so much less than ours because they do social distancing, they do have better hand hygiene and they always wore masks. We need clear leadership, period. Right. I want to ask you about a new study from the u. K. Because it shows if a person is infected with covid19, antibodies begin to decline after 20 to 30 days. Now that is not what any of us want to hear. What does that mean in terms of reinfection and maybe, more importantly, in terms of a possible vaccine . Well, first of all, this is a study that hasnt been Peer Reviewed yet. It hasnt appeared in a journal but its by a credible group of people, both Kings College in london and at the nhs in the u. K. We know coronaviruses, other ones, are very difficult to maintain their antibody status after people get infected, thats why we have sometimes so many colds caused by a different type of coronavirus. What it means is, a, people that have gotten covid19 do not need to feel comfortable. They cant let their guard down because these antibodies may, indeed, disappear after a few months. But whats good is we are learning that some people do maintain antibodies, and this is essential for us to see how to make a vaccine. So getting it doesnt mean youre going to be cured because most people lost their antibodies within three months of the infection. Talking there with dr. Jorge rodriguez, internal medicine and viral specialist. Many thanks. In texas, the mayor of houston is proposing a twoweek shutdown to help slow the rate of Coronavirus Infections surging in his city. New confirmed cases are rising across the state and houston is one of the hardest hit cities. Cnns ed lavandera has more. The mayor of houston, texas, says coronavirus is running out of control in his city and that is why he is proposing a twoweek economic shutdown to help get the virus under control. It is not clear though, however, at this point whether or not that can or will happen. Well have to see here in the coming days. The governor of texas has been reluctant to give local officials that kind of authority, to issue those shutdown mandates across the state. Remember, texas was one of the first states in the country to reopen the economy back in late april and early may, but the numbers have increased dramatically and the governor says that this week those medical numbers could be much worse than what we saw last week, which was already a record breaking week. Over the weekend texas set a Record Number of hospitalizations and a number of new coronavirus cases being reported on a single day. And that has prompted more medical military medical personnel to be sent in to the state to help alleviate the pressure on hospitals and local communities. Those military personnel are being sent to cities like houston, dallas, san antonio, the Rio Grande Valley on the border with mexico and el paso. This in a state where the numbers have been daunting and frightening. One number in particular, this is the number that state officials have used to argue for a reopening of the economy, and that is the positive infection rate of the new coronavirus cases being reported at the end of may. That number was at 4. 2 . That number now stands at nearly 17 . Ed lavandera, cnn, dallas, texas. And coming up, the debate over mask wearing has been front and center here in the United States, and now that debate has traveled overseas. The latest from london where new rules about face coverings have just been announced. A lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesnt get everything clean. I tell them, it may be your detergent. Thats why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. With the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. For sparklingclean dishes, the first time. Cascade platinum. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. Ahead of the centers for Disease Control and prevention says wearing a mask in public is one of the most powerful weapons in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Robert redfield is urging allamericans to embrace the wearing of masks. The most important aspect of that i try to remind people, that we are not defenseless against this virus. We actually have some of the most powerful weapons you could ask to have, and the most powerful weapon that we have that i know of is wearing face coverings when youre in public. So we ask the American Public to all fully embrace the use of face coverings when theyre in public. And dr. Redfields comments come a few days after President Trump was seen wearing a mask in public for the first time. Now the u. K. Is set to make Wearing Masks mandatory in english shops beginning july 24th. Prime minister Boris Johnson seen wearing one here affirmed his support for face coverings monday. Those who fail to wear a mask can face a fine. Masks are already required in shops in scotland. So lets go live to cnns anna stewart. She joins us from london. Good to see you, anna. How will mask wearing be enforced . How can they make sure people do this . Was that mention of a possible fine and how are the english coping with the idea of wearing face coverings . Reporter well, there has been a very slow takeup of wearing face coverings in the u. K. And the weekend. Traveling through the country, it has been mandatory on public transportation, many dont wear them. It will be interesting to see how it is enforced. There is a fine up to 125. That will be policed by the police themselves, not by people working in shops, which is some relief i have to say for the Business Owners. This is a big question. A, why has it taken this long for england to adopt this new law . Its been a lot of back and forth, a lot of mixed messaging on Civil Liberties out of whether people should wear them out of common sense or be forced to wear them. The science, rosemary, back in early march the chief medical advisor, the deputy medical advisor, had a press conference and she said that the wearing of face coverings could help spread the virus by encouraging people to touch their face. The science has changed or people are interpreting it differently now. The w. H. O. Updated their guidance last week, but it will be interesting to see whether this new law actually gets adopted by and large by the public, whether they really take heart wearing face coverings because so far in england its much lower than in other countries. Rosemary . That sounds like a very similar reluctant to what we witness here in the United States, although various mayors are starting to pick up on it and the fact that donald trump is wearing a mask may signal were going in a new direction here. Well keep a close eye on it. Anna stewart joining us from lond london. Many thanks. While masks remain controversial among politicians, for Health Care Workers theyre a matter of life and death and in the u. S. Doctors and nurses tell cnn there is still a dire shortage of personal protective equipment, especially masks. Cnns drew griffin reports. Reporter this is a facemask judith legare will wear dirty and reused. She has to recycle it and disinfect it. The sun will hit the mask and will leave them there for a few days and then use them again. Hardly sanitary but Health Care Workers say there arent enough masks. Michelle braun says its one reclaimed mask a shift. They want you to reuse it and they send it for cleaning. How often are you reusing the same mask . They do this process five tim times. Reporter across the country nurses, doctors, some state Health Care Workers contacted by cnn say the lack of personal protective equipment or the lack of ppe is the most dangerous challenge with n95 masks the greatest challenge. This is something we were talking about four months ago. Reporter the ama has been directing the government to get acquisition and distribution of ppe. Its a National Shame that we run out of masks and there was no excuse in march and even less of an excuse now. Reporter this month a Democratic Congressional House Oversight cumulative Committee Said lack of leadership from the Trump Administration is forcing state, local governments, hospitals and others to compete for scarce supplies. The National Nurses united union just endorsed joe biden because of what it calls trumps abandonment of health and safety. Its not just n95s. Its everything. We need the president to fully invoke the defense production act so he can mass produce things that will keep us safe. To this point he has refused to do so. Reporter the department of health and Human Services disputes that. It has moved with deliberate speed. Hhs listed 19 companies that have received orders under the defense production act or dpa to acquire emergency supplies including 600 million n95 masks, but experts say its not enough and it started far too late. Only half of the masks ordered will be delivered by the end of this year. This is going to be a really serious, serious and persistent challenge for the United States for several months if not longer. Reporter kelly maxim, a former white house official under the obama era says the Trump Administration hasnt used the full power of the defense production act. The administration listened too much to corporate interests early on in the crisis. The dpa was not used early enough norah gres sieve enough to get us the equipment we need in time. Reporter some major hospitals tell cnn they are making their own deals to buy ever scarcer supplies. Smaller hospitals, Nursing Homes and doctor offices are left out of the supply chain jeopardizing even routine medical care according to the ama. A few months ago were in a dire emergent situation and our hope was that that situation would change and improve. Its really unfortunate that here we are in the middle of july and things look more or less the same as they did in mid march. Reporter early on in the pandemic dr. Shikha gupta did what the president has not trying to fill ppe. Today her group has 13,000 requests. They can fill just 10 . It shouldnt be seen in the United States. We had the opportunity to do a better job at preparing ourselves and preparing the people that were trusting to care for Covid Patients and we didnt do that. We really fell short as a country. Reporter according to a medical supply chain expert, it is only going to get worse in the weeks and months to come as School Systems enter the market trying to get protective gear so they can reopen. Drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. And youre watching cnn newsroom. Virus restrictions are back in israel after a surge in new cases, and all of these people are now very frustrated with their government. Well explain on the other side of the break. Stay with us. Audible is my roadtrip companion. Its kind of my quiet, alone time. Audible is a routine for me. Its like a fun night school for adults. 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At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. And now, were committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. Call or go online today. Welcome back, everyone. Global coronavirus cases have now surpassed 13 million with the death toll nearing 600,000. The u. S. Leads the world in deaths and infections. According to Johns Hopkins university it has recorded more than 3. 3 million cases, meaning nearly one out of every 100 americans has tested positive for the virus. Meanwhile, President Trump is downplaying any tensions with dr. Anthony fauci. The administration sent out talking points over the week end criticizing the nations top Infectious Disease expert, but on monday mr. Trump said he has a Good Relationship with fauci, even if they dont always agree. Well, at least 35 u. S. States are seeing infections climb, and President Trump is still trying to blame that on more testing. Cnns nick watt has the days other headlines. Reporter california is closing down again. Effective today requiring all counties to close their indoor activities, restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, Family Entertainment centers, zoos and museums, card rooms and the shuttering of all bars. Reporter for counties likes los angeles on the governors watch list of the worst, theres even more shuttering. Fitness centers, places of worsh worship, offices of noncritical sectors, personal care services, hair salons, barber shops and indoor malls. Reporter meanwhile, florida is smashing new records. More than 15,000 covid cases on sunday, the most logged in any state any day ever. We have to get control of these numbers. These numbers are out of control. Reporter disney world just opened two parks, but if you dont wear a mask, you wont get the photo. Seriously, thats part of the enforcement. As for masks around the country, there is still no federal mandate even though we can turn this thing around in two to three weeks if we can get a Critical Mass of people wearing face coverings. Reporter meanwhile, in texas the average daily death toll just doubled in a week. Harvard researchers say these eight states should also roll back reopenings. You dont necessarily need to shut down again but pull back a bit. Reporter dr. Fauci says in large part because people in some states who went from shutdown to complete throwing caution to the wind. Reporter atlanta already rolled back to phase one. The mayor and her family recovering. We are an example of how quickly this virus spreads. We had one child in the house who was asymptomatic. I was also asymptomatic and my husband doesnt have any Underlying Health conditions and this has hit him really hard. Reporter internal cdc documents uncovered by the New York Times suggest fully opening k through 12 schools and colleges would be the highest risk option. And thats what the Trump Administration wants. It is a political roll of the dice for us, and we know that. The teachers in the classrooms. Reporter los angeles, second largest district in the nation just said school will start back in august. Online only. Los angeles and san diego School Districts have both said that kids will not be back in the class room for the start of the fall semester. They say they will only be back in the classrooms when the public conditions allow and as the governor of california said, this virus is not going away any time soon. Nick watt, cnn, los angeles. A grieving daughter is lashing out at politicians after her father died from the coronavirus. Kristin erkiza wrote an emotional owe bbituary that expressed her love for her father mark and her anger at what she says was his unnecessary death. She said Arizona Governor doug dousy failed the people of his state by opening up too early. Take a listen to kristin reading part of what she wrote. Mark, like so many others, should not have died from covid19. His death is due to the carelessness of the politicians who continue to jeopardize the health of brown bodies through clear lack of leadership, refusal to acknowledge the severity of this crisis, inability to give direction on how to minimize risk. Kristin says her father only left the house for work during the stay at home order, but he began going out more when the governor encouraged people to resume their normal lives. My father, i believe, was robbed of life, and i have endured a living nightmare over the course of the last three weeks that he was sick and passed. And i knew that if i didnt speak up, who would . And the best thing that i could do to continue to fight for my father was to fight for other families out there and to make it known that these deaths are preventible as long as we are focused on a coordinated response that minimizes risk and puts people first. The Governors Office has responded. A spokesperson said this, our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of marc anthony urquiza. We know nothing can fully alleviate the pain associated with his loss and every loss from this virus is tragic. We turn to israel now where theres growing anger at the government for its handling of the pandemic. Despite getting an early handle on the virus, cases in israel are spiking now, meaning many restrictions are back in place. Cnns Oren Lieberman has more now from jerusalem. Reporter on the streets of tel aviv, the numbers are going up. First, theres the number of protesters. Police say more than 10,000 people filled the square to demonstrate against the governments handling against the Coronavirus Crisis. Demanding economic aid. They Read Economic war and free the money. I dont feel that they are doing enough to support us. We eat our savings. We dont get any money. Reporter then theres unemployment, which hit 21 this week according to the israel employment service. Over the weekend, 1,250 citizens returned to work, more than twice that number filed for unemployment. I cant train, i cant prep, i cant work, i cant get money from the country. My clients cant come and train. Ive had enough of it. Reporter there is coronavirus which has surged to Record Numbers each day. Israel is struggling to contain in july what it thought it had under control in may. The numbers have all put pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who promised up to 2,170 and soon to unemployed and Business Owners who qualify. This support, this grant is not dependent on legislation and we order it will be acted on already today. The button will be pressed so the money will arrive in accounts in the next few days. Reporter one number that is falling, netanyahus Approval Rating in the handling of the Coronavirus Crisis from 74 in may to 46 now. Last week netanyahu held a zoom call with Business Owners trying to placate their fears. Instead, he became the target of their anger. My husband and i, we dont know what to do. How are we going to live . We never got anything in the first round or second round. Theres nothing we can do. We need a serious solution. Politically israels longest serving Prime Minister faces no real threat from the right and the left, but he has to contend with a second wave of coronavirus on a tide of economic hardship. Ac the latest numbers from the ministry of health, israel has 40,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. Perhaps more worryingly, 1 4 of those cases have come in the last ten days. Meanwhile, according to a survey from the israel democracy unit, public trust in his handling of the economy and Coronavirus Crisis down to 29 . In jerusalem, warren lieberman, cnn. This is cnn newsroom. Coming up, the surge in gun violence across the u. S. Leaves people dead and well have the full story next. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. Every time we prerinse we waste up to 20 gallons of water lets skip the rinse. New finish quantum with activeblu technology, designed to clean without prerinsing. Switch to finish and skip the rinse to save water. 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Investigators believe its possible she battled strong currents and was able to muster enough energy to get her son back onto the boat but not enough to save herself. Riveras body was discovered monday after a sixday search. She was 33 years old. Well, at least six people have been shot at a bus stop in washington state. It happened in kent about 20 miles south of seattle, just one of many incidents across the u. S. Over the last week. Gun violence is riding with tragic consequences. Cnns ryan young reports from chicago. He had it in his hand. I seen his arm go like that. Reporter a mother in grief telling her sons teacher that 15yearold Terence Malcolm is dead. What is it that i did that god is putting all of this on me . Its only so much i can take. Reporter a High School Sophomore and mentor to other kids, maldens death marks the fourth straight week end a child was lost to chicago violence. Police alone is not and cannot be the only solution for the gun violence faced by so many throughout chicago. Reporter in all, 64 shot, 11 killed this weekend. Families have had enough. Im tired of it. You know, we talk about black lives matter, but im sick and tired for whats going on in the streets. Reporter its not just chicago. Another weekend, another tally of the dead in american cities. In new york, a 1yearold child shot and killed when someone opened fire near a playground. Its not acceptable. Its not something we can ever look away from. Its something we have to address and stop. Reporter in all there were 35 gunshot victims this weekend in new york. Last year there were only 6. On thursday the white house highlighted the names and faces of children lost to gun violence. We have peace in our streets this weekend. But it continues. Even smaller cities werent immune. In charleston, south carolina, five shot, one dead in three separate shootings saturday night. In wilmington, delaware, a 10yearold boy and four other teenagers were shot when someone fired more than 30 shots into a basketball court. I wasnt shocked. This is what we used to. This is whats going on around here. Reporter a new study from the council of criminal justice links the spikes tied to the reopening. Two major shots to the system in terms of prime aids, the coronavirus and the death thats followed george floyd. Both have strained public services, including the police. Cnn has learned at the nypd retirement filings in early july surged 411 over last year. The union says some officers feel abandoned by elected officials. Nearly two dozen Atlanta Police officers told cnn affiliate they fear to stop violence one said because it involves arresting gang members and drug dealers. In those cases, people resist. If we use force, were going to be terminated. Ryan young, cnn, chicago. The american football team, the washington redskins, is finally retiring its controversial name and logo. Redskins can be considered an ethnic slur and has long been denounced by native american groups. The teams head coach tells the Washington Post the new name, which has not yet been announced, will honor both the military and native americans. The teams owner had long resisted any name change. Seven years ago he vowed well never change the name, its that simple. Never. You can use caps. But after these corporate sponsors and Racial Justice protestors started heaping on the pressure, the redskins management caved. Joining me now is christine brennan, a cnn sports analyst and sports columnist for usa today. Great to have you with us. Rosemary, great to be with you as well. So given the controversy that swirled for years around the name and logo of the washington redskins, why did it take so long and require the pressure of corporate sponsors to make this happen at this time . Just how significant is this move . It took so long because the owner of the team, daniel snider, told a colleague of mine, usa todays eric brady seven years ago that he would never change the name of the team, and he said use all caps, never. And its one of the most famous quotes in sports in washington, d. C. , and really even throughout the country over the last seven years. I mean, thats a pretty strong, adamant statement. Never, no way, no how. And as much as i covered the team and been in this town, i thought that dan snider was going to be able to pull it off for at least a while longer. Hes the owner. Its his call at the end of the day. What, of course, has happened in the last two months has really changed everything, and its changed much more than just the washington nfl team name of course as you know. But with the murder of george floyd and the emphasis on black lives matter, the washington nfl team tweeted out, as did many, obviously, that blacks lives that day signifying black lives matter. And the push back was extraordinary, including from aoc, from people in congress and from all over saying how dare you, washington nfl team, talk about racism when you consider the name of your team. And that basically started the dominos falling and money talks, the corporations, fed ex, pep pepsico, bank of america, nike. When all of them basically told dan snider, enough is enough, thats when years and years of pressure finally led to a decision that i believe is a great day in washington. Finally a racist, awful name for a team is now gone. And i think that is a cause to celebrate. And that was cnn sports analyst christine brennan. Many thanks. Coming up on cnn newsroom, hong kong is tightening social distancing measures again after a spike in covid19 cases. Well have more from the city in just a moment. Rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. Visit petmeds. Com today. Hong kong is tightening social distancing measures as the city sees more cases in a third wave of infections. Officials there are holding a News Conference on the virus so lets go to hong kong where Kristie Lu Stout joins me live. Good to see you, kristie. That is ongoing, of course, but what hong kong officials said so far in the briefing. Reporter yeah. Fresh pandemic data out of hong kong. We have learned that the city has posted 48 new covid19 cases of which 40 are locally transmitted. This follows a report on monday of 52 new cases of which 41 were locally transmitted. That means two days in a row brought 40 new locally transmitted cases as hong kong goes through the third wave of coronavirus. This is the reason why im reporting from home. Late last night the chief executive, carry lamb, she head a press conference to announce a new series of press conferences including border patrols. Anyone coming in must present proof of a negative covid19 test before theyre allowed to board their vessel. New central distancing measures. No more gatherings of more than four people. Also restaurants no more than four people will be seated together. No more dine in services at restaurants and clubs across the territory between 6 p. M. At night and 5 a. M. In the morning. It is now compulsory to wear a mask on public transport in hong kong and theyve announced a temporary closure of hong kong disneyland. They will be closed for seven days starting tomorrow. This is what carrie lamb said last night about the new measures. Translato this is a time for tightening. It will affect businesses and people will become more inconvenient. I will have to appeal to people that i fully understand you want to go to book fair, you want to go to restaurant, they want to meet friends, but this is a time for us to put our act together in order to fight this latest reemergence in cases. Reporter rosemary, as you know, hong kong has been a strong pandemic success story, but despite universal use of facemasks and despite a population of 7. 4 billion that have been so responsible and had this builtin pandemic know how because of our experience of sars, of avian flu, swine flu, now coronavirus, we have seen this Novel Coronavirus infiltrate the city once again. Hong kong and its people have no choice but to respond once again as we try to get through this. Back to you. And the difference, too, is they take it very seriously. We dont see the same response here in the United States just yet. Kristie lu stout joining us there from hong kong. Many thanks to you. Thank you for your company. Im rosemary church. Early start is up next. 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