>> oh, look at the big monster that's coming down. >> a tornado outbreak pummels the midwest. trucks overturned. a town flattened, and now confirmed deaths in oklahoma. we'll take to you the scene. a threatening message from a new leader. in his first public speech north korea's kim jong-un says his nation's time has come. also, the buffett rule goes to congress as early as tomorrow. we'll break down exactly what it is and how it will affect your wallet. today is the 100 year anniversary of one of the biggest maritime disasters in history. but while the titanic remains silent in her watery grave, fascination with the ship is still very much alive. it is sunday, april 15th. good morning, once again. i'm randy kay. we start with that severe weather in the midwest where a deadly tornados laid waste to parts of at least three states. this is what the storms left behind in oklahoma city. homes and businesses, severely damaged. it was a similar scene northwest of the city in woodward, oklahoma. at least five people were killed by the tornado there in woodward. >> take a look here. this is a tornado chewing through kansas. this was damage reported at wichita's midcontinent airport and at mcconnell air force base south of the city. the mayor of thurmon, iowa, says almost his entire town was damaged, but no serious injuries. around 100 people had to find another place, though, to sleep last night. now let's get more on the tragedy in woodward, oklahoma. at least five people are dead there, and joining me now on the phone is woodward mayor rosco hill. mayor, how are things looking to you? have you had a chance to get outside and see the damage for yourself yet? >> well, you know, it is still pitch black here. we haven't got sunrise at all yet. it's still -- it's still dark. i've been out talking to emergency management people. they're on a break at our break place, and they're talking the typical talk that you get from emergency people how, well, it's at flat you knowed there and there's nothing left there, and it's -- i think it's going to be a fairly devastating scene when we can take a look at it. i think thief talked about maybe some missing people and we really don't know the extent of it yet. >> are they going door to door? are they looking for missing people? >> yes. yes. here -- we have the counties around us all of their emergency people are here. they was probably maybe 75 people sitting and having breakfast this morning, and in the break room, and they were filing back out to go out and dig through. >> last we spoke, you had mentioned there were about 37 people in the hospital. several of them critical. do you have any updates on injuries, or are those folks in the hospital? >> no. i haven't got a report from the hospital. i know -- i know -- i know of seven that was critical, and just a lot of cuts and things like that. they're really busy at the hospital. i know that. >> what time did this hit your town? were you all asleep? >> well, you know, i had been up watching what was going on because we had the storm warnings all day. in fact, that was our second one. we had one further south of town and our sirens come on. our storm warning. and thises lasted about 30 minutes, but that one went on by, and i kind of was staying up watching this, and it kind of crept up on us at night, and it was just a little bit after midnight. so everybody has -- went to bed and when those things go at night, there's no telling what's going to happen. >> i understand your town has some damage, and you're certainly in trouble there, and i'll let you get back to your town and being the mayor and trying to get to the bottom of exactly how bad the conditions are there. we wish you the best. >> mayor roscoe hill in woodward, oklahoma. let's check in once again with meteorologist alexandra steele. she's in for reynolds today. we're not in the clear yet. >> no. you know, to answer some of your questions, you were asking him the tornado in woodward happened at 12:16, so 15 minutes after midnight this morning, and, of course, the devastation because, of course, it was so late. you know, also, he has said repeaedly that during the afternoon the sirens did go off, but then for that tornado that moved through, after midnight, there were no sirens that went off, and he has said that potentially lightning struck there. he said it was a very new siren system, so something happened to that siren system last night before that midnight tornado. so i want to get to this. we do have our first tornado warning of the morning right now. i'll show you where it is in oklahoma. this is the line of storms we're watching all the way from wisconsin to texas. expecting things to fire up once again today. not expected to be nearly as serious as yesterday in terms of the breadth and depth. over 121 reports of tornados yesterday alone. here's tulsa, oklahoma. this pink box showing you a tornado warning where a tornado has been spotted on radar with the potential for a tornado. this storm system moving northeast now at 60 miles per hour. the counties osage, rogers, and northern tulsa county, that's where that is, and that is posted until 6:15 central time this morning. i want to get to the big picture. here's the same scenario, the same exact set-up. it's a little bit farther east, and a little bit farther north. bull's-eye today, believe it or not, oklahoma and texas and kansas. it is not. it's up here. it's wisconsin. it's potentially the minneapolis -- this area. much farther north than we've seen. wisconsin, minnesota, and iowa, more in the bull's-eye for likelihood of tornadoes. this rest of this area, let me show you some of the areas and some of the bigger cities that could be impacted. green bay, chicago, st. louis, little rock, houston. again, isolated tornadoes farther north, but hail and damaging winds the biggest threat at some of these cities, but northeast, randy, beautiful conditions. 20 to 30 degrees above average in new york and washington. atlanta, the east really seeing great weather. >> well, that's nice for them, but the midwest still in trouble. >> all right. thank you very much. there's more information this morning on the prostitution scandal that's given the secret svrs service a black eye. representative peter king tells cnn that some of the agents brought prostitutes back to their rooms in columbia. 11 agents and union formed officers were sent home from columbia. they've been put on administrative leave, and here's the white house reaction from columbia. >> this is a matter that's being looked into in an appropriate manner by the secret service itself. it would not be appropriate for the president to characterize something that's being looked into by the secret service at this time. all i can tell you is he was made aware of it, but beyond that, i'm not going to characterize his reaction. >> president obama is in columbia for the summit of the americas. five military service members providing support in columbia have been confined to quarters as part of the investigation as well. a clear warning from north korea for the rest of the world. we're heavily armed, and we're not afraid to fight. new leader kim jong-un made the comments during a rare public speech by a military leader. it was during a celebration marking 100 years since his grandfather's birth in pyongyang. >> translator: our military has become a powerful military able to handle any kind of modern warfare with complete offensive and defensive capabilities. the foreign powers are not the only ones with monopoly on military supremacy and the days of their threatening and lying to us with atomic weapons is forever gone. >> kim jong-un making his first televised speech since taking over leadership of north korea. it comes just days after that failed rocket launch. today marks the 100th anniversary of the titanic sinking. more than 1,500 people died that day. there are several memorials going on today, including this one, where wreaths are laid at the spot where the luxury line are sank. president obama has a new tax plan. it's called the buffett rule. it would make millionaires pay at least a 30% tax rate, but would it really make a big difference? we'll let you know. [ nadine ] buzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. mmm-hmm. and just leave your phone in your purse. i don't want you texting, all right? daddy...ok! ok, here you go. be careful. thanks dad. call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪ good morning, star shine. >> good morning, washington. what i gorgeous shot of the capital there. doesn't get prettier than that. sun is up. everybody is waking up, and so glad you're with us this morning for cnn sunday morning. lawmakers return to capitol hill tomorrow and president obama is urging them to pass the buffett rule. he says the wealthy should pay a bigger share of their income many taxes. >> most americans support this idea. one survey found that two-thirds of millionaires do too. so did nearly half of all republicans. we just need some republicans politicians to get on board with where the country is. >> athena jones joining us from washington. good morning to you. first of all, just break down the buffer et rule a bit for those that might not be super familiar with it. >> sure. simply put, the buffett rule would establish a minimum effective tax rate of 30% for people making over $1 million. it takes its name from billionaire investor warren buffett, who discovered not long ago that his secretary paid a higher percentage of her income in taxes than he did. he didn't think that was fair. neither did the white house. so they really have been championing this issue this election year. >> so how many people would be affected by this, if there is the change? >> well, that's really an interesting question because even though there are lots and lots of millionaires in america, more than three million, a lot of them are already paying at least 30%. warren buffett himself in interviews has estimated that maybe 50,000 to 60,000 people would be affected. in a fact sheet that the white house put out last week they pointed to the number of 77,000 households who back in 2009 the last time the numbers -- good numbers are available, 77,000 households paid less than 30% of their income in taxes, and so we're talking about thousands here. certainly not millions of people. not many, many thousands, randy. >> yeah, which really begs the question. how much revenue would the buffett rule bring in then? >> right. exactly. according to the joint committee on taxation that's that nonpartisan committee in congress that has accountants and economists and lawyers studying this stuff. they estimate the buffett rule would bring in $5.1 billion next year in 2013, and then over the next ten years that it would bring in just $47 billion. that averages about $4.7 billion a year. that's really a tiny, tiny less than 1% of the deficits we're going to be looking at going forward. not a big impact, but certainly a big political one, at least as far as the white house is concerned. >> that may be why the obama administration is focussing on this one because it won't have a big budget impact, but it is big for politics. >> exactly. you hear the word fairness a lot. the president has talked a lot about fairness. the bill that's going to be up for this procedural vote this week put forward by rhode island senator sheldon white house is called the paying affairs share act of 2012, and so the idea is the focus on fairness. the white house thinks this is a real winning issue. especially in this election year. something that the middle class can really understand and something that appeals to them. you're going to hear that word fairness a lot, and even though this is not supposed to get through this procedural vote, this does not mean the white house is going to -- you are going to keep hearing about this because they think it's a winner winner. >> fairness and hope. we'll hear a lot about that. athena, thank you very much. >> thanks. what do you see when you look at these images of mitt romney? i guarantee that you don't see what this guy does. comedian and talk show host pete dominik joining me next, drinking his coffee. wake up, pete. yeah, you're going to join me for a very bizarre game of do you see what i see? all right. get that caffeine pumping. we'll be right back. t the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪ [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. ♪ i want to know what you're thinking ♪ >> good morning, big apple. good morning, new york. everybody, wake up. it's time. 20 minutes after the hour. it is sunday morning, and because we're all a family here, we've decided to wake up and drag our friend pete dominik, siriusxh radio host and all-around funny dude to drag him out of bed and kind of looks like you just got out of bed, pete. >> i do, but i'm having major, major pollen situation. it's all in here and in here. i am deeply, deeply suffering, and i want you to feel bad for me. >> i do. i'm suffering as well. we'll commiserate together. while we deal with our pollen situation, let's look at some of the week's most important pictures because i want to get your take. you got a cup of coffee ready? i know. i want to play this little game of you of do you see what i see. let's take a look at the first one. i see president obama and the man who wants his job, mitt romney on the road campaigning. but i'm very curious what you see this morning. >> randy, i'm beginning to think i'm seeing a mirror. we're seeing now the romney campaign use some of the similar mantras that the obama campaign has used. two weeks ago the romney campaign was saying that president obama is out of touch. this week we heard this war on women rhetoric coming from the romney campaign, and it's all getting very much too similar, but i don't know how well it's going to work, this ouch touch war on women stuff. we'll see. here is -- you know, people wonder is he out of touch? $21 million, randy kay. mitt romney filed for that in 2010. at least we know he can relate to the american people because we just found out yesterday mitt romney is filing for an extension like ten million other americans for last year's taxes. >> he must need it. he's been kind of busy on the road. he hasn't had time to do his taxes. >> right. right. no turbo tax on the campaign bus. >> no, definitely not. all right. take a look. we've been talking about this a little bit this morning. i see north korea's kim jong-un in his first major public speech just two days after the country's failed rocket launch. there he is. what do you see? >> i see hash tag fail. failure to launch. the world is laughing at the north korean regime right now. i mean, we got to stay on our toes and keep our eyes and ears on this situation, of course, but i don't know what they used for this rocket. was it a mentos and diet coke fuel or vinegar and baking today wra. it broke up just after it launched like my rocket that i launched in a field behind my house when i was 14 years old. mine only cost $20, and his cost almost a billion dollars for a country where its people are starving. probably not the best expenditure. >> i wonder if they had to put theirs together too by themselves. who knows? finally, pete, i see newark, new jersey, mayor cory booker after rescuing a woman. what a hero. rescuing a woman from a fire this week. his neighbor. what do you see? >> well, i see a politician that people can finally look up to. granted, he is a mayor in newark, new jersey, but, you know, i don't see the mayor of new york, mayor bloomberg, running into any fires. i can perhaps hear him saying, um, there seems to be a fire. i'll pay somebody else to go in there. cory booker, man, you got to hand it to him. this is going to be a good narrative if he ever does want to run for president. most of us can't relate to this kind of -- i will say, randy yesterday did liberate a sal manneder from my two daughters that was probably sure pi going to face imminent death, but i don't think anybody is going to give me a cake for that one. >> was there a fire nearby or -- >> no, but i did -- this morning while making my coffee, randy, i did burn my finger, and i've had an ice pack on it all morning long. daddy is hurt. >> you know, one day i'm going to have to have a real serious conversation with your wife, i think. very serious. >> i'll give her your e-mail right away. >> all right, pete. great to see you. enjoy your sunday. >> have a great sunday. >> you too. secret service agents relieved of their duty for allegedly taking prostitutes back to a columnian hotel come. we'll tell you how many were involved and where any were part of president obama's personal detail. more than 150 million professionals are connecting here. linkedin connects with the big board. with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaids, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. and she's looking directly at your new lumia, thank you at&t. first, why don't you show her the curved edge... now move on to the slick navigation tiles... bam, right into the people hub. see megan, colin has lots of friends. hey, colin, what kind of phone is that? 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[ male announcer ] introducing the beautifully different nokia lumia 900. only from at&t. rethink possible. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. welcome back. let's get a check of the top stories today. we begin with major developments out of afghanistan. the u.s. embassy in kabul is on lockdown because of explosions and gunfire in the area. we've also learned four suicide bombers tried to attack an airfield in alalbad where u.s. troops are based. the airfield's commander says one of the tackers blew himself up. police caught the other three. at least five people have been killed in a string of suspected tornadoes. two of the victims are children. by this morning the national weather service received more than 88 reports of tornado touchdowns in oklahoma, kansas, nebraska, and iowa. about a dozen secret service members sent to columbia ahead of president barack obama's visit have been relieved of duty. they're accused of misconduct involving prostitutes. two government officials say the agents and officers allegedly brought back several prostitutes to their hotel. none of the secret service members involved were part of the president's personal detail. one person is dead, another four missing after a boating accident off the coast of san francisco. the u.s. coast guard says the 38-foot sailing vessel called the low speed chase was competing in an annual yacht race when it ran agrou

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Suspects ,Something ,Sunday ,Death ,Way ,Home ,Boy ,Planet ,Skittles ,Environment ,Yard ,Earth Day ,Florida ,Trayvon Martin ,17 ,Sunday Morning ,Cnn ,Morning ,U S ,Thanks ,Cnn Sunday Morning ,Cnn Center ,Scene ,Town ,Oklahoma ,Midwest ,Monster ,Deaths ,Tornado Outbreak ,Trucks ,Kim Jong Un ,Buffett Rule ,Speech ,Leader ,North Korea ,Message ,Nation ,Congress ,T The Capital One ,Wallet ,Titanic ,Disasters ,Grave ,Silent ,100 ,One ,Fascination ,Ship ,April 15th ,Sunday April 15th ,15 ,Storms ,Weather ,Tornados ,Randy Kay ,Parts ,States ,Homes ,Businesses ,Waste ,Oklahoma City ,Three ,People ,Tornado ,City ,Tornado Chewing ,Woodward ,Take A Look ,Five ,Mayor ,Damage ,Injuries ,Place ,South ,Kansas ,Iowa ,Thurmon ,Midcontinent Airport ,Air Force Base ,Wichita ,Phone ,Things ,Chance ,Tragedy ,Rosco Hill ,We Haven T ,Got Sunrise ,Talk ,Break ,Break Place ,Emergency Management ,Emergency ,Look ,It S ,Nothing ,Thief ,Extent ,Counties ,Yes ,75 ,Hospital ,Breakfast ,Several ,Break Room ,Dig ,Updates ,37 ,Haven T ,Seven ,Folks ,Report ,Lot ,Cuts ,Hit ,Storm Warnings ,Fact ,Sirens ,Thises ,Storm Warning ,30 ,Everybody ,Kind ,Bed ,Bit ,It ,Trouble ,Telling ,Conditions ,Roscoe Hill ,Bottom ,Questions ,Meteorologist Alexandra Steele ,12 ,16 ,Course ,Devastation ,Afternoon ,Go Off ,Repeaedly ,Tornado Warning ,Siren System ,Lightning ,Line ,Breadth ,Depth ,Terms ,Wisconsin ,Texas ,121 ,Osage ,Storm System ,Potential ,Radar ,Rogers ,Tulsa ,60 ,Bull S Eye Today ,Least ,Scenario ,Northern Tulsa County ,Central Time ,Set Up ,The Big Picture ,6 ,Minneapolis ,Tornadoes ,Rest ,More ,Likelihood ,Minnesota ,Cities ,Some ,North ,Areas ,Houston ,Threat ,Winds ,Hail ,Little Rock ,Green Bay ,Chicago ,Louis ,Washington ,Prostitution Scandal ,New York ,Information ,Northeast ,Beautiful Conditions ,Atlanta ,20 ,Prostitutes ,Agents ,Officers ,Columbia ,Peter King ,Svrs ,Eye ,Rooms ,Union ,Leave ,11 ,White House ,President ,Secret Service ,Matter ,Manner ,Reaction ,President Obama ,Wall ,Members ,Military Service ,Support ,Quarters ,Summit Of The Americas ,Part ,World ,Warning ,Comments ,Military Leader ,Investigation ,Military ,Grandfather ,Birth ,Translator ,Pyongyang ,Powers ,Ones ,Capabilities ,Offensive ,Warfare ,Atomic Weapons ,Monopoly On Military Supremacy ,Rocket Launch ,Leadership ,Making ,100th Anniversary ,Titanic Sinking ,Spot ,Wreaths ,Memorials ,1500 ,Millionaires ,Tax Rate ,Tax Plan ,Bzzzz ,Difference ,Nadine ,Buzzzz ,Alarm Clock ,Accomplishment ,Money ,Everything ,Freeways ,Mmm Hmm ,Purse ,Texting ,Thanks Dad ,Dad ,Subaru ,Capital ,Sun ,Star Shine ,Doesn T Get Prettier ,Rule ,Taxes ,Idea ,Lawmakers ,Wealthy ,Survey ,Share ,Capitol Hill ,Two ,Country ,Republicans ,Politicians ,Athena Jones ,Half ,Buffer Et Rule ,Name ,A Million ,1 Million ,Issue ,Income ,Secretary ,Warren Buffett ,Percentage ,Billionaire Investor ,Question ,Election ,Lots ,Change ,Three Million ,Households ,Numbers ,Number ,Interviews ,Fact Sheet ,2009 ,50000 ,60000 ,77000 ,Thousands ,Millions ,Revenue ,Joint Committee On Taxation ,Accountants ,Committee ,Stuff ,Lawyers ,Economists ,5 1 Billion , 1 Billion ,Deficits , 7 Billion ,1 ,2013 ,Ten ,4 7 Billion ,47 Billion ,7 Billion ,Administration ,Word ,Politics ,Focussing ,Impact ,Big Political One ,Big Budget Impact ,Fairness ,Vote ,Bill ,Focus On Fairness ,Senator ,Paying Affairs Share Act ,Rhode Island ,2012 ,Appeals ,Class ,Mitt Romney ,Winner ,Hearing ,Hope ,Images ,Pete Dominik ,Coffee ,Caffeine Pumping ,Game ,Guy ,Comedian ,Wake Up ,Talk Show ,Rewards Card ,Bonus ,50 ,Cash ,Baby ,Doesn T ,Huh ,Ugh ,Phhht ,Baby Bear ,Roger Clemens ,Announcer ,Card ,Ha ,Insurance ,Yup ,Agent ,Allstate Value Plan ,Dennis Allstate ,Kyle ,Policy ,Car Insurance ,Voice ,Voice Of Dennis ,Dollar ,Nobody ,Looks ,Family ,Friend ,Siriusxh ,Situation ,Major ,Suffering ,Stake ,Pollen Situation ,Pictures ,Cup ,Campaign ,Oman ,Campaigning ,Job ,Mirror ,Mantras ,On The Road ,War On Women Rhetoric ,Romney Campaign ,Work ,Touch ,People Wonder ,Ouch Touch War On Women Stuff ,2010 ,21 Million ,He Hasn T ,Turbo Tax ,Filing ,Extension ,Campaign Bus ,Ten Million ,Hash Tag Fail ,Rocket ,Eyes ,Regime ,Toes ,Tears ,Mentos ,Failure To Launch ,Cost ,House ,Wra ,Fuel ,Vinegar ,Baking ,Field ,A Billion ,14 ,0 ,A Billion Dollars ,Fire ,Woman ,Cory Booker ,Expenditure ,Hero ,New Jersey ,Newark ,Politician ,Fires ,Neighbor ,Bloomberg ,Somebody ,Most ,Can T ,Narrative ,Um ,Sal Manneder ,Anybody ,Daughters ,Pi ,Finger ,Ice Pack ,Cake ,Daddy ,Wife ,Conversation ,E Mail ,Duty ,Hotel ,Detail ,Professionals ,Columnian ,150 Million ,Linkedin ,Big Board ,Osteoarthritis Pain ,Life ,Cymbalta ,Spain ,Mood ,Doctor ,Back Pain ,Fda ,Children ,Changes ,Glaucoma ,Behavior ,Thoughts ,Maois ,Suicide ,Antidepressants ,Adults ,Teens ,Thioridazine ,18 ,Abdominal Pain ,Blood Thinners ,Signs ,Skin ,Aspirin ,Risk ,Liver Problems ,Fatal ,Yellowing ,Confusion ,Muscles ,Medicines ,Migraine ,On Cymbalta ,Fever ,Nsaids ,Skin Reactions ,Dizziness ,Alcohol Use ,Hives ,Blisters ,Mouth Sores ,Peeling Rash ,Stop ,Liver Disease ,Fainting ,Standing ,Lumia ,Trial Offer ,Cymbalta Com ,At T ,Megan ,Friends ,Why Don T ,Edge ,Navigation Tiles ,Hub ,Throat ,First ,Colin ,Bam ,Whaaa ,Nokia Lumia 900 ,900 ,Vietnam ,South Pacific ,1968 ,1943 ,Veterans ,Generation ,Commitment ,Families ,Auto Insurance ,Protection ,Level ,Usaa ,Iraq ,2003 ,Legacy ,Equal ,Auto Insurance Quote ,Stories ,Check ,Developments ,Embassy ,Explosions ,Gunfire ,In Kabul ,Afghanistan ,Lockdown ,Airfield ,Commander ,Police ,Suicide Bombers ,Tackers ,String ,Troops ,Alalbad ,Four ,Secret Service Members ,Weather Service ,Tornado Touchdowns ,Victims ,Nebraska ,88 ,Visit ,Misconduct ,Government Officials ,None ,Drug Use ,Bond Hearing ,Beginning ,Notes ,Retrial ,Iffing ,Case ,U S Coast Guard ,Smithsonian On Permanent Display ,George Zimmerman ,Discovery Shuttle ,Speed ,Person ,Chase ,Coast ,Accident ,Boating ,Vessel ,Yacht Race ,San Francisco ,Agrou ,38 ,

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