17-year-old trayvon martin. and unfortunately, it was the teen's life. listen to the brother as he spoke last night to piers morgan. >> the gun, i believe, was in his -- inside -- tucked inside his pant waist. >> right. so he has pulled it out and he has fired it? >> well, he has taken control of his firearm. he prevented his firearm from being taken from him. and used against him. and that's called saving your life. what trayvon said ease to the effect of, i believe "this is going to be easy. you die tonight, or you have a piece, you die tonight." and then attempted to disarm him. so when you say have a bag of skittles and an iced tea, nobody just stood there with a bag of skittles and an iced tea. >> reporter: the other big interview is the one that was given to anderson cooper last night. this from an eyewitness. this will be the first we've heard of. listen to this account. >> after the shots, obviously, someone -- the one man got up, and it was kind of like that period of him -- i can't say i actually watched him get up but maybe it was only like a couple seconds or so, he was walking towards where i was watching and i could see him a little clearer. i could see it was a hispanic man. and he was -- you know, he didn't appear hurt or anything else. he just seemed very -- you know, very worried or whatever. >> reporter: and that is what many people are going to walk away with from that particular interview. he did not appear to be hurt, referencing george zimmerman. and, of course, it was trayvon martin laying dead on the ground. fredricka. >> and martin, what about the investigation, anything new being said by the special prosecutor? >> reporter: no, nothing is being said and that is the key word here. it appears after the video leaks and other leaks after the investigation, now they are cracking down and the state prosecutor says nothing further is going to be said. they will continue their investigation, but you won't be hearing from them until they're either ready to make an arrest or render some sort of outcome. >> martin savidge, thank you so much in florida. and now house budget committee chairman paul ryan says he is supporting mitt romney for fred. ryan announced his endorsement ahead of the primary in his home state of wisconsin. >> i have two criteria i am using to make my decision to vote on primary tuesday. who is the best person to be president, who will make the best president, and who has the best chance of defeating barack obama? and in my opinion, mitt romney is clearly that person. >> senior correspondent dana bash joins us from washington. how significant is this endorsement for romney? >> romney and advisers say they're thrilled. for several reasons. it's no secret that he's trying to get conservatives to trust him. and paul ryan say rock star on the rise among conservatives. ryan told me they're hoping that this with the combined endorsement of marco rubio, it will help consolidate the base which has been lukewarm. second, ryan is from the state of wisconsin which surprise, surprise, is holding a primary this coming tuesday. in fact, we just learned that the two men, romney and ryan, will make their first appearance together in less than two hours in appleton, wisconsin. but they're hoping that this endorsement will finally give romney the consistent momentum that he hasn't been able to hold on. >> the other thing i should add, ryan is the budget chairman in the house. had offered a budget overhaul of medicare and medicaid. democrats are having a field day. >> let's take a look. ♪ when old mitt claps his hands for the pariah plan, that's amore ♪ ♪ >> when his plan came out i supported it. ♪ when paul ryan gives props to mitt romney's chops that's amore ♪ >> so, as a result, dana is the base, is the republican party in any way expressing concern? >> well, i can tell you from the point of view of democrats as you just saw in that interesting web ad, a senior democrat i talked to this morning told me when they frame paul ryan's budget cutting medicare and medicaid against tax cuts for millionaires they saids, quote, off the charts, for democrats. republicans are getting hammered because seniors vote and they're easily scared about losing medicare. ryan was asked just yesterday, fred, about the democrats' attempts to rachet and romney. he was asked by luke russer, take a listen. >> is this going to be a detriment to mitt romney? >> no, we're going to give the country a choice. people deserve to be spoken to like adults. not attended to like children. they deserve leaders who are going to tell them not platitudes but here's what i'm going to do to fix the country, and if you elect me, i'll go fix the country. >> something tells me that is a bit of a preview of what we'll hear later today in wisconsin. but, you know, romney and other political sources i talked to said they understand the political pierils. they're banking on what they know with jobs and gas prices. and when it comes to medicare, at least they're offering specifics. >> dana bash. thanks so much. here's a rundown, meantime, on some of the stories. first it kills more people than breast cancer and the aids combined. i'll talk to a chef who is taking on diabetes. and then a movie gives an up close look at the horrors of bullying. >> another teacher told me how they burned frogs and kept talking about it with me in the classroom. and everyone was laughing. and they knew it was hurting me and they kept going. touch of s. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain. two pills can last all day. ♪ do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? 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[ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ [ male announcer ] brake problems? stop in to meineke today for a free brake inspection and you'll say... my money. my choice. my meineke. ♪ money money ♪ money money aahh ♪ money money money makes the world go round ♪ all right, the largest lottery jackpot in world history is up for grabs tonight. the megamillions jackpot is now $640 million. no one has picked the correct numbers for weeks now, that's why the pot is so big. the drawing will be held tonight 11:00 eastern time. check out what people are tweeting. the topic is trending big time. hash tag, if i won the lotto, joe baby tweets this. if i won the lotto, i would make a huge room for my mom in my mansion with the sewing machine, four tvs playing different novellas and eight cats. another tweet, if i won the lotto, i'd buy a studio, a he's house, range rover, co-marrow, give money to my fam and look out for my team. the odds are winning are 1 in 176 million. you're much more likely to get struck by lightning. just in case, we have a person to sort through the millions. clyde anderson is joining me on the phone. so, clyde, if a person is to win, you say there are at least three things they should do from a financial standpoint, what are they? >> yes, from a financial stpt, fredricka, first, they should stop and breathe. first, don't rush to claim that money. don't rush. the money's not going anywhere right away. don't rush. then get a team. a team of people. a financial planner. a tax accountant. you need to make strategic moves and you've got to have a plan first. with all that, it's time to sit back and formulate a plan before you spend money that you haven't even got. >> so you've got those three things in place. you've got a money team, et cetera. then you finally step forward, you've got the winning ticket. the options are you can take it in a lump sum or get it parcelled out. what would you advise? >> i think the best thing to do is go ahead and get that lump sum. the reason i say go ahead sand make the lump sum is because you can make so much interest off of that money. really, if you just got a municipal bond around 3%, you'd make $10 million a year on the interest alone with that money. so it will pay for itself. and i say manage your own money instead of having someone else manage it for you meaning let them keep and it give it to you as the years progress. get it now and manage it wisely and get the ability of compou compounding interest. >> you hear the stories, you want to celebrate anybody's winnings especially when it's this big. >> right. >> but there are so many accounts, so many story s of people who win the lottery and then their life falls apart. in so many cases, people go bankrupt within years. >> yeah. >> what's the common denominator to what happens? what is going wrong that we need to try to avoid? >> one of the things that's happened with the buzz that the generated with the excitement right now, people are looking for some sort of hope. if they can catch on to this, and get the hope, they're excited about the possibility. so when you actually do win, you're going to people coming out from every crevice and crack that you can imagine. make sure you're prepared for this. it's okay to give money, but set a budget for how much you're going to give and what you can give and what's realistic for giving. what people tend to do, pull people into their camp, a lot of people they can't trust and didn't know, they start squandering the money. they make poor investment decisions. they listen to people that say they have your best interests at heart and really don't. you got to realize there's a lot of money and a lot of people out there that are going to take advantage of you. >> you say that's why so many of these lotto winners actually go bankrupt. they just don't -- you know, they lose so much so quickly, that they can't even salvage or hold on to anything? >> and all of them think that it's so much more than it actually is. now, of course, we're talking about record numbers here, generally when you go into a lottery and you win several millions, it's not really as much as you think. think about it. this lottery winning, it's going to be about $270 million when you take the lump sum and after taxes. it's not the $640 million that we're seeing because you've got to account for the taxes. >> so, clyde, it would seem, with this kind of money at stake, everyone should kind of, you know, throw a little something in there. i mean, what are the chances, why not? but then you say there are actually some people who don't even need to plunk down $5, $10, $100 bill, don't need to plunk down any cash, any money whatsoever for a ticket. who are those people? >> yeah, there's a lot of people out here that have high-interest debt, that are behind right now in their bills of course, they're looking to something to gravitate to, some sort of hope. if you're going to spend a dollar, two dollars, maybe. but there are people spending $50, $100, $200 to increase their odds. you mentioned what the odds are at the beginning of the segment. i mean, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning. just to throw all that money away where you can cut down on your high-interest debt and make a plan to start paying that off. it's hard to hear when you see all these millions in your eyes but again, having a strategic plan is a lot better than having a shot in the dark. >> clyde, it's fun to dream. you're kind of a kill-joy right now, you know that? >> i know. i know. >> have you purchased a ticket or will you have? >> i have spent a total of $2. two hole dollars and i'm done. >> at all you need. thanks so much for the free advice. especially if you do win the millions. we'll be right back. ♪ wow... ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels. ♪ trayvon martin's death continues to gain attention. thousands are expressing through rallies and marches. there are social societies demanding justice. songwriter der rand butter wrote "skittles in arizona." good to see you. >> good to see you as well. >> what inspired to you write a song? >> actually, my producer mike actually called me. the song was actually his idea, he was developing a track. and he's a father, so for him, the actual song had more -- i guess, more meaning behind it. since i don't have any children, the closest child to me is my nephew. and he really, really wanted to do this song. i just tried to pull the inspiration from him and the from the people around me. and the movement itself. the outrage that the movement has caused in general. >> let's talk specifically about what you wrote, how you wrote it. let's take another listen to just another clip on that song. ♪ bullying an issue, who >> an historical reference there. as to whether he whistled and he was beaten to death. some are drawing parallels to that and what happened to trayvon martin? >> yeah, just the historical itself was to give context to how long these things have been going on. we can trace it back to shawn bell, oscar grant. and it keeps happening. people are fed up with it happening and why it continues. >> and there's more, let's take a listen to this. ♪ i bet they face some goals big brother be watching us ♪ >> now, explain that one. here are the lyrics, "but let me fight some dogs and i bet the face be poplin." >> it's just there's media coverage until there's a huge outcry. there's tons of things that happen all the time and they just don't get publicized. but until it's a rally or shark bin or anybody from the media gives it attention, it just flied under the radar. >> are you encouraged by the dialogue that's been happening as a result? or what are your observations about what is being said, where the focus is, which begins with an investigation that is still incomplete. but there have been a lot of offshoots of the discussions. >> right. >> what do you like? what do you gravitate toward? what do you not like? >> i like it all. dialogue in itself i think is healthy. so i'm really just proud of my generation for standing up and saying something. because our parents' generations have had their battles. our grandparents had their battles. you know, your father was a tuskegee airman, so he had his battles. everything that we do from here on out is what's going to make our generation successful and stamp our place in history. >> have you heard from the family, since your production, this has been on youtube, a lot of people have watched and listened to your music. you coupled it with images that you managed to get, free images on the internet. what kind of feedback have you received? >> some of it has been negative, some positive, all of it has been dialogue and that's healthy. i haven't heard from the family yet. i'm not sure what i could say to console the mother that her son has been killed and nobody is doing anything about it. >> what is it that you say, some has been positive, some negative. have people been specific what has struck them in a negative way about this production? >> well, one thing that i'm hearing constantly, people are saying well, black-on-black crime happens everyday. why are there no rallies for that. i don't think the rally is necessarily about the crime. but the rally is there hasn't been an arrest for the crime. people need to understand that. no matter what, justice is justice. black or white. >> people can hear this, watch the video that you've compiled on youtube. if there's any money generated from this production, where will that go, what's your objective here? >> it's going directly to the family. i haven't looked to get any gain from this. i just wanted to do whatever i could to support and further this movement. it's a cause that i believe it and many people believe in. >> duran, thanks so much for your time. thanks for sharing your music. appreciate it. for the first time now, we're hearing from george zimmerman's brother. >> he's the neighbor that everybody would want to have. >> we'll also hear from someone who claims to have witnessed the trayvon martin shooting and the aftermath. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. i know you know this by now. there's a fever going around everywhere. the megamillions jackpot. $640 million. that's insane! we just learned if there's no winner tonight, the jackpot will rise to $975 million and that drawing will be tuesday. of course, we got to get through tonight. 42 states, plus d.c. and the virgin islands take part in this. the frenzy is everywhere. all this means the states are making up for budget shortfalls as well. there are silver linings every year. margaret defrancisco is the president of georgia lottery. this is exciting. >> it's exciting. it's almost out of body. a few days from now it will be holy-moley, that's amazing. >> that's a lot of money. $640 million, everybody playing is thinking what am i going to do with my money. but states like georgia, d.c., they're actually winning by virtue of people playing? >> absolutely. all of the profit from all the games, megale hads, powerball, all the games offered across the country at all the lotteries, all that profit goes to the good causes and beneficiaries that the lotteries support. here in georgia it's the hope scholarship and the kindergarten program. >> hope scholarship is for kids that want to go to georgia state. they get this scholarship help. that's a big one? >> it is. megamillions is 12 years old and it's taken 10 years to get to this astronomical amount of money. >> how did the number get so big? people playing? >> yes. yes. we started at $12 million in january. there has been no jackpot winner in all the twice a week drawings since january. it keeps building, building, building. as the sales grow, we're able to offer a greater jackpot this morning, at 11:30. we raised it to tonight's drawing of 6$640 million, all based on sales, the fever not the country. >> it's fun to dream about what would i do with that money? >> exactly. this is world-changing. world-changing, thinking about the people that you could help, the phil lanthropic that could created. the bucket lists. >> the whole community, the whole neighborhood. >> absolutely. >> i wonder, with so many people playing on a regular basis, and that lucky number just hasn't been drawn for so many periods of weeks, i mean, what does it say about the numbers or the combinations that people are, you know, are picking? does it seem like there are too many common denominators, people are going for those numbers under 31 because they're thinking of birthdays? what's the explanation here? how is it that no numbers are being drawn? >> it's just it is a random occurrence. and the combinations haven't come up. perhaps, it will tonight. we're actually showing the coverage of the combinations at about 95%. there's about a 5% chance, based on our predictions that they will not -- will not be hit. and you mentioned that it will be rolling to $975 million for next tuesday. >> that's incredible. >> and we're going to talk monday, too, to see what has happened over time. it's just so -- >> so is there anyone, you know, who has compiled the chances of -- you know, geographic locations, if there seems to be a greater propensity for a great number to be chosen in a certain area. whether it be more rural, less populated? any hints you can give us? before we get on the road to by the beginning ticket. >> rural locations or those rural to come into the cities? no. it will occur tonight. the drawing will be 11:00 eastern time. it will be the wee small hours of tomorrow morning before we know. >> and the winning ticket, that person may not come forward. isn't that a killer, we wait days and weeks. >> some lotteries, you have up to a year. some lotteries, six months. but there could be an advantage to that, fredricka. >> what? >> and that is, they may be seeking legal assistance. financial assistance before they come forward. anyone who has a winning ticket who does have a winning ticket, you have to keep it in a safe place. >> you get so excited even though you can't play. >> can't play! >> ma >> margaret, thanks so much. we hope we get that winning ticket tonight, if not, there's tuesday. spike lee is admitting that he didn't do the right thing. and now he's apologizing to a florida couple who had to leave their home after he tweeted out their address. that and more in our "showbiz" update. you're someone very s. ♪ werther's original caramels. but last year my daughter was checking up on me. i wasn't eating well. she's a dietitian, and she suggested i try boost complete nutritional drink to help get the nutrition i was missing. now i drink it every day and i love the great taste. [ female announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to help keep bones strong and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and our great taste is guaranteed or your money back. learn more at [ dad ] i choose great taste. i choose boost. some kids have told him he's worthless, to go hang himself. i think he got to the point where enough was a enough. >> a tragic situation. >> a perkins boy, just 11 years old, believed to have been desperate enough to take his own life. >> that was a clip from the new documentary "bully." which takes an up close look at life for the millions of kids that struggle with bullying daily. the movie is released today. michelle turner, a battle broke out with the weinstein and the motion picture industry? >> it's kind of a battle for a good cause, fred. this is a documentary about a very important issue in america today. but the film's rating has evolved as it makes its way into theaters. "bully" follows several students throughout the year as they struggle with the devastating effects of bullying. this was given to the motion picture with an "r" rating. this means that nobody could see this without an adult. this had those at weinstein, the prouder, up in arms which means that teenagers won't even have a chance to see it. now, a petition was put together in hopes of changing the rating to pg-13. it was signed by 14,000 people. the weinstein company has decided to release the movie as unrated. what does that mean? it means that teens will be able to see the film, but now "bully" may not have as wide of a distribution bus some theater chains choose to show films unrated. by the way, "bully" does hit theaters in limited release, like you said, today. >> michelle, does the weinstein company consider that film a victory or a defeat? >> i don't think they will consider anything a victory unless they get that pg-13 rating. it's kind of a battle for the cause because they feel it's very important that everyone see this documentary. and it got the r rating because of five or six curse words in it. on their side, they say, look, we understand how important this movie is, if we do this for this movie, we may have to set a precedent for other things. so they're trying to toe the line here. >> meantime, spike lee, he's apologizing for a tweet in the trayvon martin case. explain. >> yeah, he's taken a lot of heat for tweeting what he thought was george zimmerman's address but it turned out it was the wrong house. he's publicly apologized and privately offered to pay compensation to the homeowners, a couple in their 70s. elaine and david mcclain. we don't know what compensation means, i assume it at least covers their hotel bills. "showbiz tonight" spoke to them yesterday. they said they were too scared to go to work and go home. hopefully, this will wrap this up. they do say, though, they accept spike's apology and they believe he was sincere. >> michelle turner, thanks so much in los angeles. >> sure. >> make sure you are in the loop on all the entertainment news from hollywood and beyond, watch "showbiz tonight" 11:00 p.m. on hln. he calls himself the poor chef and he's on a mission to end diabetes by changing people's diets on a budget that they can work with. no matter where you go. no matter what you do. when you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease, there are times it feels like your life... revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, it may be time to ask your gastroenterologist about humira. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. if you're tired of going around in circles, get headed in a new direction. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. all right. celebrity chef charles mattocks is on a mission to help change the way they eat. also known as "the poor chef." he's on dr. oz. you've probably seen him there. he teaches people how to eat healthful meals without breaking the bank. also teaching veterans. explores the lives of veterans living with diabetes. chef charles is sheer. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> and you brought sweets? >> you have to bring gifts. you're a beautiful lady. i'd charm you with chocolate. >> chocolate, i'm done now. >> very good. >> first, you're really trying to target veterans. what have you learned about why vets have a greater propensity tour seem to have a big diabetes problem. >> we're out here working with the atlanta v.a. one of the things with the veterans, they have a higher concentration population pool. they have a higher risk of smoking, diabetes, obesity, things like that. and why the diabetic risk factors has gone up with veterans. >> so you're a diabetic. >> i am a diabetic. >> you're saying you can't reverse it. it's really an issue of managing it. and you can do that by diet and exercise. that's what you're proposing? >> of course, i've been doing the whole celebrity chef thing. i went to a doctor and he immediately wanted to prescribe me medicine. i thought, wow, this isn't right. shouldn't the first line of defense be exercise and diet and losing some weight? so i made it my mission. i call myself the richard simmons of diabetes. in the sense i'm more about inspiration and education. you know, there's a lot of people suffering with diabetes. and a lot of people dieing from diabetes. this say very serious disease and we really need to attack it and direct it just so. >> and the numbers are increasing and young people like we've never seen before. >> of course. >> how are you helping young people to kind of reinvent their diet and reaching for more and less? >> processed foods is a big problem out here. staying away from fast foods. i lost 15 or 20 pounds when i started mine. i took away the sugar. i took away the carbs. the starch. i just eat fresh fruits, ve vegetables. i feel better. of course, i gained back a couple pounds traveling. but you can save your life. diabetes doesn't have to be a death sentence. but in actuality, i want to show it is serious and it can be and will be a death sentence. even at the atlanta v.a., we're working with great doctors. dr. jeffrey frenchman, who has taken things that you've never seen, wounds that you've never seen and bringing these people's feet back. >> you are caribbean descent. you're about flavoring and -- >> curry. >> people say it's not going to taste good. and you say? >> it doesn't have to. i was eating vegetables and i thought it has to be better than this. i like the curry and say yeah, mon. what i look, chicken curry. of course, you got protein in there. add a bunch of vegetables, you do brown rice. you sock the gravy on there a little bit. it's a great meal. it's new. there's so many different ways you can eat with diabetes and eat good and healthy. >> that's great. you said chocolate and it's sugar-free. >> this is sugar-free and it's got my pretty face on it. >> i like it. that is so sweet. literally, figuratively. charles bar here, even if it's sugar-free. i like sugar but i'll go for the sugar-free. >> you'll love this one. >> chef charles, good to see you. >> you, too. have you ever had a bad habit that you desperately want to change and you couldn't? we're just talking about diet. and at author of a best-selling book can teach you could take control of your every compulsion. if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! aer. who claims to have witnessed the deadly shooting of trayvon martin is speaking for the first time. because of all the passion swirling around the case, the self-described witness has asked to not be identified not even by gender. the person spoke exclusively to our anderson cooper. >> well, two men on the ground. one on top of each other, obviously thinking, okay, something horrible is happening. at that point, not looking out the window, i heard the yell for help. the yell for help. then i heard another -- as i describeds an excruciating type of yell. it didn't even sound like a help. it just sounded so painful. i wasn't watching out the window during that. next time, i looked out the window, same thing. two men on the grass. one on top of each other. i kind of felt like they -- i couldn't see a lot of movement. it was very dark. but i felt like they were scuffling. and then i heard gunshots which, to me, were more like pops. than they were like a bang. >> you say gunshots, plural. was there more than one, to your memory? or was there just one? >> well, the sound that i had from where i was walking, it was more like a pop, and it definitely was more than one pop noise. i don't know if it was an echo or anything. it definitely made more than one pop. >> i know you say it was dark. i think don't want to ask how far any identifying sense of where you were, but were you able to observe who was on top, who was on bottom? were you able to see faces or any details of the people scuffling? >> no, just that it was dark? i had to say who you think it was, i would say only the larger man because after the larger man got off, there was a boy, obviously now dead on is the ground. >> that witness said the larnler man who got up did not appear hurt. that's a key part of the story because george zimmerman claims he was being brutally beaten by trayvon martin and shot him in self-defense. george zipperman's brother is the latest person to step up with an account of what happen. he spoke in an exclusive interview with piers morgan. >> he didn't pull out the gun and shoot him. >> he had the gun on him, right? >> he had a permit to carry the gun. >> where was the gun? >> it was i believe tucked inside his pant waist. in a waist holster. >> so he has pulled it out and fired it. >> he has taken control of his firearm. pleepted his firearm from being taken from him. a and used against him. that's called saving your life. >> right, so you believe as a family -- is this what george told you the next day, that trayvon was trying to grab his gun to use against him? >> my father also is on record yesterday night saying that. and again what trayvon said was either to the effect of, i believe, this is going to be easy, you die tonight, you have a piece, die tonight. and then attempted to disarm him. so when you say he had a bag of skittles and an iced tea. you return force with force when somebody assaults you. george was out of breath. he was barely conscious. the last thing he remembers doing was moving his head from the concrete to the grass so if he was banged one more time he wouldn't be wearing diapers the rest of his life, being spoon fed by his brother. and george would have been dead had he not kt aed. >> robert zimmerman jr. says medical records will prove that his nose was broken and he suffered injuries don't misbeyond trayvon, race and justice in america. that's tonight, 8:00 eastern time only on cnn. ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ ...that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... 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[ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. >> let's look at the big idea and best sellers dro s driving national conversation. how do you take control of these compulsions to change your life for the better? we have a write fer "the new york times" and author of "the power of habit." we stopped by to talk to suzanne malveaux. what is a habit? >> it's something you do that you stop acting on. we've learned how to create habits and extinguish old ones and change bad ones. >> so how long does it take to form a habit? >> unfortunately every habit is different and every person is different. but the way habits change is the same regardless of who it is or what we're talking about. what we learned is a habit has three components. there's a cue, a trigger for the behavior to start, a routine, the behavior itself, and then a reward. most people only focus on the behavior. but if you focus on the cues and the rewards, that's how you can change or create new habits. >> so if you have a bad habit, how do you break a bad habit? >> you have to pay attention to what's triggering it. and more importantly, what reward it's delivering. say you had a bad cookie habit like i did at one point. are you eating that cookie because your ear hungry or you need the burst of sugar in which case you want the energy, in which case coffee or an apple should suffice. or do you need a break from work? a walk could work just as well. once you realize what's triggering it, you can change any behavior. >> how much of our lives are we living habit to habit? >> it's amazinamazing. there was a study done by a duke university professor who figured 45% of the behaviors with edo every day aren't actual choices. they're habits. >> is there any habit that you can't change, that you can't kill, that you've just got to try to work with or adapt in some way or live with? >> none. in fact, this is really important thing of this science is that we know from laboratory experiences that any habit can be changed. doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter how engrained the behavior is. once you understand how to take a habit apart, you can reconstruct it however you want. >> talk a little bit about those habits, the bad habits that turn into addictions. when you talk about alcoholism or smoking. >> one of the really interesting things is most things we think of as addictions is habits. you're only addicted to nicotine for about 100 hours after your last cigarette. yet people crave a cigarette two weeks, two months or two years after they quit. they'll sit down with their morning paper and want to smoke. that's the habit exerting itself. the key to overcoming that habit, to changing that habit is to figure out what reward nicotine used to give you. it might have been the burst of energy that comes from smoking. and to find something else to deliver that same reward like a double espresso, which laboratory experiments have shown will help you quit. >> so as simple as switching out the reward. i have a habit of running. i love to run but sometimes i'm a couch potato and i'm not really motivated. how do i strengthen that habit and say okay, i'm going to go out and do this. >> the number one thing to thoo focus on is the cue. always try to exercise at the same time or have a ritual beforehand. always put on your running shoes before you eat breakfast. you want your brain to latch on to sop cue that makes that behavior automatic. but then you also have to give yourself a reward you really enjoy. if you haven't been running in a little while, give yourself a little piece of chocolate after the workout routine. >> that will work real well>> it's counterintuitive, right? the whole reason you're exercising to try to lose weight or get in better shape and the chok slat the opposite of that. yet we know you trick your neurology into forming a habit. and within two weeks you won't need the chocolate anymore. your brain will learn you like running for running's sake. >> we'll make this a habit, if you will, come back. >> thank you so much. >> thanks, charles. >> making your habit to stick with the cnn news room. brooke baldwin is up next. >> hey, everyone. happy friday to you. let's get everybody caught up on the news in hour. just in, gas prices are staying high. we've got word the president is seeking the red light on iran. with we're told there's enough oil to ensuhuure it will not hi americans in the gas pump. it will hit banks and institutions buying oil from iran. the lawyer for robert bale says they're receiving an information blackout from the government. he's the soldier accused of killing 17 civilians from afghanistan. and his lawyer say s they havent been able to review any of the information nor have they been able to interview witnesses in kandahar, even though they say the prosecution has. and the mega millions jackpot. you're all atwitter over this one. it's soared to $640 million. the lines now to buy a ticket for a chance at the largest jackpot ever are very, very long with sales trippiling in some stores across the nation. the drawing is tonight. the odds of winning are 1 in 176 million. i know. and if no one wins, the pot will grow even higher to an estimated $975 million. so good wiluck. remember this protest in wisconsin? these people were very, very ang are i with the governor there. governor scott walker's report for a law that would trim the rights of state workers and their collective bargaining agreements. well now, walker is facing a recall election and the state's government accountability board ordered the election to happen today. an election is actually scheduled to happen tuesday. enit's a vote we will never hear the votes of, but today, the nine supreme court justices held their first private meeting to see where each member stands on the health care law. they heard three days of oral arguments. now they will decide the constitutionality of that individual mandate. a final decision is expected possibly as late as the last week of june. and police in france are cracking down on suspected terror experts. these raids come one week after a violent 31-hour showdown between french officers and the gunman who claimed links to al qaeda. he killed seven people including schoolchildren, soldiers and a rabbi. >> translator: it's all over the country. it is in connection with a form of radical islam. >> and details out today on osama bin laden's life on the run, just after his 9/11 terrorist attack. and they come from the youngest of his three widows. according to her, during his nine years on the run, bin laden lived in five different safe houses in pakistan in that time. he fathered four children, she say, and two were born in government hospitals. bin laden was killed during that navy s.e.a.l. raid, is -- s.e.a.l. team 6. alison, what's the story on a breach of credit cards? >> the information is a little bit short on details, but what we have learned is that a payment processing firm that actually processes the credit cards may have been subject of a data breach. we're not sure which one, but we're heard it could have been global payments. their shares were halted. now sharapovas are trading again. what visa and mastercard are saying is possibly this could have compromised credit and deb fwit card information on major credit card brands. so not just mastercard or visa, but it could be other credit cards as well. as well as we don't know how many people are affected. one thing they did say is they're reaching out to credit card issuers. that includes banks, department stores, and alerting them to this possible breach. brooke? >> let us know. of course, the big question is how can people know if their information is breached. maybe we can talk about that later in the next two hours. thank you. meanti meantime, got a lot for you including this. my wife and i have three wonderful children and they make my life just perfect. we were having too much fun, we weren't thinking about a will at that time. we were in denial. that's right. 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[ male announcer ] brake problems? stop in to meineke today for a free brake inspection and you'll say... my money. my choice. my meineke. se so the number of tickets, the number of different tickets that are possible for the lottery tonight, the same for any mega millions drawing tonight, here's the formula for the number. >> and for all you math nerds, this is a factorial equation. starting at 56 down. >> that's right and there's a 46 at the end which is for the mega ball. >> so this tells you how many tickets there are for the first five numbers and this is the last number. and so the answer is very large. >> slarj. the answer is 175,71 1,536. >> so this is the number. these are your odds. so 1 in this number, the odds of winning. >> that's correct. >> that's about how many blades of grass there are on a football field. >> so you're not play canning the lottery. you laugh a the us who play? >> welke i probably won't play. >> what about the odds of having multiple winners now that the jackpot is so high. does that increase the odds as well? >> certainly it does, because there are so many tickets sold for this particular drawing that makes it much more likely that there are multiple winners. >> what about like our team we went in with co-workers. >> that's true, but you could buy all the tickets. you would be guaranteed to win. but that's not so easy to do. the loetry won't let you do that. but if it were that easy to do, someone else would do it too and you would be sharing it with someone. >> there's a hot store, is that nonsense? >> it's totally random. >> what about numbers. people go with their birthday or age. are there unusual number, odds versus even that are better for you? >> the numbers that are chosen if they're chosen randomly, yes, they should be. all numt bers have the same odds. however, you can increase your odds of being -- if you do win, you can increase your odds of being the only one who wins. >> do tell. >> the way you can do that, as you say, there are a lot of popular numbers, people like to choose birth dates and favorite numbers and things looic this. so there are more common ticket, it's more common to have tickets with lower numbers. because birthdays are never more than 31. no one is born on the 3 27bd of the month. >> so if you pick higher numbers they're most likely to be less common number. it will not increase your chance of winning but if you do win, it will increase your odds of being the only number. >> what about patterns? >> those tickets have exactly the same odds of 234i of any other ticket. but it may be if a lot of people do that and you bought that ticket you would have to share it with a lot of people. it's probability best to avoid patterns, too. >> okay, final question as we're talking about the mega jackpot. >> if nobody wins tonight. which is unlikely. >> you think we're going to have no winner tonight? >> there's only a 5% chance we won't have a winner tonight. >> but what about the odds that this is the larnlest in the world. the odds of that happening? >> the odds of the jackpot getting this large, it should happen once every 200 years. >> so we're making history. and hopefully making money as well. i by the way, so we did all the numbers here. and now i want you to stay with us because next hour we're going to talk lottery law. what you need to know if you're plunking down numbers on your office lottery pool so you don't wind up in a lawsuit if you are a lucky winner. that's coming up next hour. meantime, i know you have heard from trayvon martin's family, you have heard from police now, but there's only one person alive who knows what really happened the night trayvon martin was shot and kill pd and that man is george zimmerman. and his brother speaks exclusively to us here at cnn. but it's not only what he said. it's how he said it. you're going to hear straight from him next. 3w4r57. >> george zimmerman's brother backed up his story on "piers morgan tonight." zimmerman got suspicious and followed martin when he saw the 17-year-old walking in his neighborhood. what happened isn't clear, but martin was killed by a gunshot. he was carrying ice tea and skittles on him but no gun. >> trayvon said something either to the effect of i believe this is going to be easy, you're going to die tonight. or you have a piece you're going to die tonight and attempted to disarm him. when you say he had a bag of skisles anded tea, nobody just had skittles and iced tea. george was out of the breath, he was barely conscious. the last thing he remembers doing was moving his head from the concrete to the grass so if he was banged one more time he wouldn't be wearing diapers for the rest of his life and being spoon fed by his brother. and george would have been dead if he didn't act decisively. >> an eyewitness told a slightly different story with cnn's anderson cooper. that person at all didn't remember the struggle happening on the kron crete. take a listen. >> two men on the grass, one on top of each other. i couldn't see a lot of movement. it was very dark. i felt like they were scuffling. and then i heard the gunshot which to me were more like pops than they were a bang. >> you say gunshots, plural. was there more than one to your memory? or was there just one? >> swell, the sound that i had, it was more like a pop. and it definitely was more than one pop. so i don't know if it was an echo or anything else. it definitely made more than one pop. >> zimmerman is in hiding right now and his brother spoke about his state of mind to pierce morgan. >> he has very severe emotional injuries he's been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. he was not right from the moment it happened. he didn't call his family and express anything but sadness. he wasn't the same. he would never be the same. he was very sdis disappointed that none of neighbors had come out and helped. that the whole situation could have potentially been avoided by saying hey, what's going on out there? >> when piers asked zimmerman's brother what he would say to trayvon martin's family, this is his response. >> to his mother, personally, i can't speak for george, this is a tragedy, her son was lost. i feel very badly about that and i want in the end not for her son's memory to be seen as how we degraded our system into mob rule and went into a hate speech carnival of hatred and let's go get them and tweeting addresses. >> tweeting addresses. that's becoming a serious case. director spike lee will have to pay up for retweeting an address he thought was george zimmerman. turns out it belongs to an unrelated florida doum coupe until their 70s. lee has reached a settlement with the macleans. they say the harassment forced them to leave their home, get out of there. lee offered to cover their hotel costs. they say they're not out to profit from this, but they do think it was a thoughtless act. >> well, of course we accept it. i just don't think he understands the fear for us that our families have for us and having to leave our home. i just wonder how it would be for him if he was aflad to go can home. i don't think he thought about the ramifications of what he did. >> she has a son from a former marriage whose name was william george zimmerman. he used to live at that address, which is probably where the confusion comes from. soledad o'brien will talk about how this neighborhood tragedy has become a nationwide story. but here, coming up next, ladies on birth control and guys who share a bed with them. this is for your. there's a chance that your whole sex life could change when she estops taking the pill. yep. i'm talking science behind the laws of attraction. next. what's this? [ male announcer ] quaker oatmeal squares have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. >> that tiny little pill so many women take each morning is making news today. yep, i'm talking birth control and no, this time it's not about politics. we have a medical stud sdi out of scotland. here's the basic premise. hormone pills determines if a woman sees a man as mr. right or mr. wrong. here's the clincher. she goes off the mill, the person who was hot suddenly can become not hot. but to what degree might alter who a woman finds attractive. we asked a certified sex therapist to join me and help us understand what exactly is at play here. welcome. first off, let me just say if a woman is taking this birth control pill or maybe some other kind of hormone emitting contraceptive, how does that impact who she sees as attractive? what kind of man does she tend to like? >> well, the whole idea is that the pill changes your hormones, okay? so if you're going to have a higher level of hormones, that's going to change how you see guys. but i'm going to caution women they don't rush to their gynecologist and say i want to go off the pill because if i stay on the pill then i will be less sexually attractive to my husband or a period of time. they're going to get all confused about it. and that will end up really, i think, creating lots of habits. if what you ear on the pill what does is that do to the pill and what you find attractive? >> the idea is being on the pill, maybe women have hooger estrogen. maub they have a tiny bit, maybe they're getting testosterone. that makes them more assertive, more aggressive. maybe they're attracted to men who are not alpha males. so that's how some of the thinking goes. maybe the opposite is true that you will be attracted to more dads rather than the cads, the guys who stray. maybe women l say, if i'm on the pill and i'mless attractive sexually to my husband after a while, because that's some of the fear, then does that mean being on the pill am i going to have more affairs? >> i'm trying to follow you. you're saying you get off the pill, your testosterone levels go up, meaning you want to find someone who goodness, you want to find -- >> now you see how it gets all -- >> it's not always testosterone, but the idea is that -- the study is suggesting is that if you're on the pill then you're going to be attractive to men who are less of an alpha man because you're more of the alpha woman. you're more assertive and aggressive. but your relationship may last longer even though your section drive goes away. as a sex therapist, i worry about that. because that's making a connection between being on the pill and sex and being off the pill and your sex drive changing. so here's the idea, though. women who have more sdsh this is why you should go to your gynecologist and test your hormone levels. this is my advice about it. because if you have certain hormones called the oxytocin, the cuddle chemical, that makes you want to nurture, bond. that's what women have more of. and want to cuddle with your guy and choose a guy that wants to cuddle more. this is the chemical women have when they have babies. bottom line with all of that is be very careful in interpreting this, not to say you're othe pill you're going to have more affair. you're off the pill, you're going to -- >> this is my final question to you. this is what got some guys i think in our morning meeting a little blushing because the question a lot of us ladies have, what if you marry a guy while you're on the pill, you decide to have kids, you go off the pill. if the stud's findings are correct, are you not as attra attracted to your guy anymore? >> that's what the study is suggested which what makes me worried. get your hormones tested number one. number two, think about alternative contraceptive if that's the case. number three, you talk about the fact that there's an intervening variable there. after a long-term relationship, people's sex drive normally ends up going down a lot because they're not as attracted to their meats. get counseling to make sure it's not due just to your cont contraceptive pill but the fact that you really need to have better sex. >> bottom line, get your hormone levels tested and talk about it with your significant other. >> and find out the ways that you're gong to enjoy your sex lives together other than what your contraceptive is. you can make up for that by how you touch, love and do all those other sexy things. >> we're going to leave it there. thank you so much. mean what time, a former marine gets veterans to take on a new mission. disaster relief. here is this cnn hero. in the military, everyone is taught how to lead, they're taught how to follow and solve problems. we pride ourselves on being ready, willing to go nor. i serve in the marine corps and deployed to afghanistan. when i first saw the earthquake that hit haiti, i thought i've seen them before driving through the streets of fallujah or afghanistan. i said i'm going to haiti, who's in? 72 hours after that, we were we were on our way to port-au-prince. we set up a triage clinic. we realized veterans are really useful in these types of situations. i'm jake wood and i want to help veterans. transition into civil life and help others. it started as a disaster leaf organization and we realized we can help the veteran community as well. we bring these veterans together to bring a part of a team once again. they're almost recharged. >> you get out, you get that feeling of what are you really doing? it's important in the world. team rubicon provided a great opportunity to help people in need. >> put your foot back as far as you can. >> most of the work with edo internationally we've got to chile, afghanistan, pakistan. here in home, we've been in tuscaloosa, joplin, debris, search and rescue. we have about 1,400 volunteers and about 80% of them are military veterans. helping other people is part of the healing process. >> i can't thank you all enough. >> cnn heroes are all chosen from people like you. so if you do know someone making a difference, we want you to go to cnn do you know someone who is making a big difference? 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"the new york times" crites another document sighing she gave a fake identity to the hospital staff. we tried to get pakistani officials to answer questions on all this. what kind of government hospital was this. did anyone in authority know anything about this? we have not heard back. but at least 2 out of the 4 children, born in a pakistani government hospital. >> and what did pakistan know about this all this time? brian todd, thank you so much for us in washington. meantime, they're calling it a cease-fire. this apparent deal in syria could actually mean the regime can keep kill kilning its own people. plus, some shocking new video of what appears to show syrian soldiers shooting a corpse. this is the closest we've gotten to seeing some of these soldiers of bashar al assad's regime. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world of identity thieves "enough." we're lifelock, and we believe you have the right to live free from the fear of identity theft. our pledge to you? as long as there are identity thieves, we'll be there. we're lifelock. and we offer the most comprehensive identity theft protection ever created. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. shocking new video out of syria. what you're about to see is very graphic, but it's important to show to tell the story. syrian soldiers here believed to be posing over the bod dpi of one of their victims. what they're doing is they're cursing him, they're calling him a terrorist and in some of the frames here, if the camera goes back up, they're smiling. and later, they shoot his already dead corpse. we don't know who he was. a protester, an innocent bystander, and we probably never will. sincere yeah's government severely limits us from entering the country to report the truth. activists say syrian forces like this are responsible for 10,000 death deaths, men, women and children. we've shown you a lot of syrian government slaughter but there is a very rare up close look at some faces of syria's forces. this man here on the ground, he was already dead and it's hard to call this anything other than sheer, pointless brutality. you're going to hear a woman scream as people run from shelling. it would seem this u.n.-backed peace plan is a good thing, right? i want to bring in elliott abe rals. he's a former deputy national security adviser. you go on, the death toll may double or triple but there will be endless meetings in nice hotels in europe and the middle east. are you saying annan's plan is making matters worse here? and how so? >> in a sense you've shown the problem. assad says i'm for peace and then look what happens. i think kofi annan is for peace. meanwhi meanwhile, we'll negotiate. the problem is because there's a peace plan, we're not doing additional things to help the opposition. >> let's talk about the timing. it's an election year. you say the u.s. is abandoning the syrian people. >> this allows people to say kofi annan is in charge of this, the u.n. is in charge of this we don't have to get involved. but we do need to get involved if we're going to stop assad from keeping this killing machine going. we need to help the syrian people with at least nonlethal aid, things like that which the british said they'll be doing a little bit of. without that help, the only piece you're going to get in syria is a piece of the grave. assad will keep killing until he can crush this. we need to do better than that. we need to do a better job including the people in the regimes that are doing the killings. >> there are words and there are actions. is he just -- do you see this as him following in his father's footsteps? we know what happened in hama. >> i do. a month ago, we were saying assad has to go. we were getting serious, we were getting tough. but shoving kofi annan in the middle of this to say now everyone come to the table and talk i think is exactly the wrong thing to do. because kofi is just against violence. that's fine, but the violence is on the part of the regime. defenseless population there. >> so what's the right thing to do? what's the solution? >> well, in my view, this rejoo em does have to go. i think we start with nonlethal aid to the opposition, and then i think we're going to have to move to lethal aid to let them defend themselves. it is a civil war already. the question is, does assad win or the people of syria win? and we ought to be helping them. >> elliott abrams, thank you. >> thank you. . co-ing coming up, the mother of a 9/11 victim is livid at carson daly. plus this -- look at this powerful tornado racing towards a school bus. find out what happened to the 11 kids onboard. that's next. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? 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'. >> before we show you some of this dramatic new video we've gotten here in cnn, i want to refresh your memory. take a look at this video. do you remember this? this was 28 days ago. that school bus had just been tossed about by a massive tornado. this tornado. 13 people lost their lives that day, but the 11 kids on that bus survived. here's why. >> and i stopped the bus for a second and put my hands down for a second and said dear lord, what do i do? >> the dramatic new video comes from the bus e's surveillance camera. listen to the sound of the wind. >> this is so rare we get to see video like this. this is an inside view of what happened to the bus. barely moments after the driver got all those kids out of there. and what we're hearing is the driver angel perry reacting to the crisis. this is staying calm under the pressure. getting the kids to safety without a second to spare. >> listen to that, counting them, moving them out. she's taking these kids through the crisis while she's doing the best to dodge what turned out to be an f-4 tornado. think of that as you listen to this. you can see the debris. angel perry stood there and counted those 11 kids off this bus in those critical few seconds before the tornado picked up the bus, tossed the bus, swirled it up into the air before slamming it down on to the ground. and with the release of all these picture, it's safe to say, a lot of people will be calling angel perry a hero. and we do have an update on another hero from this storm. do you remember stephanie decker? she's the henryville mom whose story captured the country's attention. she lost both of her legs using her body to shield her own children from the storm. and as of this week, decker is now out of the hospital and back home with her own family. carson daly meantime, he's in some hot water for saying if a pilot freaked out on his plane, his luck, the passengers would all be gay. he basically implies no one would fight back. well, one of the heroes on flight 93 was, in fact, gay. his mother has some words for carson daly. she is good enough to join me live next. there's another way to help eliminate litter box dust: purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters now works harder on dust. and our improved formulas neutralize odors better than ever in multiple-cat homes. so it's easier to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. ♪ [ radio announcer ] he puts up the shot for the win! ♪ [ mayhem ] it's march and it's mayhem. and if you've got cut rate insurance, you could be wishing it was february. so get allstate. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate agents. do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. >> carson daly, he really stepped in it. he's the host of the voice. he also has a radio show in los angeles. so daly was riffing on a story that broke this week. do you remember the in flight meltdown by clayton osmon. want to listen to what daly said about the male imagipassengers e plane that took down, restrained that rapting p inranting pilot. take a listen. >> turns out, most of the people were on their way to some sort of security conference in will have -- las vegas. there were a bunch of well trained dudes. >> thank god, right? >> if that were me, my like, this would be the plane going to pride in san francisco. that would be my colleagues. we're headed down to vegas for the floral convention. can we get a little help here for the pilot? e o, n oh, no. >> i might break my nail. >> no, thank you. handle it. >> then he tweeted, i attempted to make fun of myself and off d offended others by mistake. i sincerely apologize. but is an apology enough in this case, alex hogan's son was one of the heroes back on 9/112001. give me a little context. when did you first hear about what carson daly said and what was your visceral reaction? >> i first heard about it day before yesterday late when i got a call from tmz and a few other media people asking me to give my input on it. i was happy to sit down and get a little bit of feedback on mr. daly's -- well, his unfortunate comments. but the truth is, carson daly is not the enemy. and even the myriad anti-gay groups in the united states that would stifle gays at every chance and crash gay jokes at every turn, they're not the enemy. and religious fanatics that would drop walls on gay people or hang them or shoot them. the enemy really is ignorance. an the anecdote to ignorance is education. that's why i'm so grateful to the california senator who is a gay man, by the way, who has pushed through the legislature, the california education act to get rid of the attitudes. when they hear about father michael judge and harvey milk and greg louganis -- >> they're educate popped. >> that's right, our students won't be tempted to fall into this kind of gross ignorance. . >> when you heard this, though, does it make you sad? does it make you angry? >> both. i've been reluctant at first and now a kind of awed spokeswoman for the gay community. i used to crack those gay jokes before my son mark mustered the courage to tell me, mom, i'm gay. and when i heard those words i had to re-examine my whole outlook on life. i think carson daly and i are on the same continuum, but maybe at different points. we need to pay attention to people who hate and look into the eyes of the men or women you hate and find something in common with them. and if you can't, any shred of grief or values or hopes, anything that you share with those other human beings, then you have to look harder. because we all are members of the human race. we're all trying to get there and we all need to include and love one another. >> let me read this. carson daly gave a lot longer apology after talking to glaad. he says, i'm a supporter of gay, bleenz and transgender rights and i'm saddened that my comments offended anyone, specifically members of the lgbt community. the fact that i have hurt anyone is

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,Contraceptive Pill ,Significant Other ,Marine ,Love ,Hero ,Military ,Disaster Relief ,Corps ,Earthquake ,Hit Haiti ,Streets ,Triage Clinic ,Haiti ,Port Au Prince ,72 ,Others ,Veteran Community ,Situations ,Disaster Leaf Organization ,Jake Wood ,People In Need ,Feeling ,Opportunity ,Team Rubicon ,Debris ,Foot ,Chile ,Tuscaloosa ,Joplin ,Healing Process ,Search And Rescue ,1400 ,80 ,Difference ,Heroes ,Cnn Heroes Com ,World S Most Wanted ,Cnn Hero Today ,2012 ,Music Plays ,Al Qaeda Leard ,Much ,Growth ,Car ,Common Sense ,Schemes ,Gamble ,Priorities ,Congress ,Water ,Showers ,Center Forward Org ,Potential ,Coast Line ,Streams ,Lakes ,Quotes ,Waters ,Smartphone App ,Trip ,Claim ,Pure Michigan ,Michigan Org ,Dive In ,Chris ,7 ,Us 24 7 ,24 ,Em ,Journey ,Fresno ,83 ,Doesn ,Chicks ,Crawling ,These ,Places ,Dust Pickup ,Sprays ,Hassle ,Swiffer 360 Duster ,Dust Rags ,360 ,Twin ,Swiffer ,Brian Todd ,Documents ,Interrogat N Interrogation ,Passport Photo ,Yemen ,Document ,Interrogation ,Leg ,Sdurg ,Pack Stabny ,Wives ,Investigators ,Brook ,Questions ,Nout Pakistan ,Terrorism ,Staying ,Apartments ,Analysts ,9 1 2 ,Movements ,Authority ,Authorities ,Government Official ,Resources ,Boys ,Girls ,Hospital ,Births ,Government Hospital ,Occasion ,2003 ,2004 ,Identity ,Officials ,Staff ,Crites ,Syria ,Cease Fire ,In Washington ,Pakistani Government Hospital ,Deal ,4 ,Regime ,Corpse ,Kill Kilning ,Bashar Al Assad ,Identity Thieves ,Lifelock ,Identity Theft ,Pledge ,Identity Theft Protection ,Go To Lifelock Com Today ,800 ,1 800 Lifelock ,Victims ,Bod Dpi ,Camera ,Protester ,Frames ,Innocent Bystander ,Sincere Yeah ,Truth ,Forces ,Women And Children ,Death Deaths ,Activists ,10000 ,Sheer ,Brutality ,Peace Plan ,U N ,Shelling ,Abe Rals ,Deputy National Security Adviser ,Death Toll ,Meetings ,The Middle East ,Europe ,Peace ,Kofi Annan ,Making ,Meanwhi Meanwhile ,Opposition ,Charge ,Talk ,Timing ,Killing Machine ,Aid ,Grave ,British ,Job ,Regimes ,Killings ,Footsteps ,Actions ,Hama ,Kofi ,Table ,Middle ,Shoving ,View ,Violence ,Fine ,Rejoo Em ,Solution ,Defenseless Population ,Elliott Abrams ,Civil War ,Carson Daly ,Victim ,School Bus ,Tornado Racing ,Nba ,League ,Fans ,Replays ,Cisco ,Beijing ,Intelligent Network ,Berlin ,Nice ,Shot Kid ,Company ,Around The World ,Tornado ,Look ,28 ,Bus ,Lord ,Surveillance Camera ,Bus E S ,Wind ,Driver ,Crisis ,Pressure ,Safety Without A Second To Spare ,Angel Perry ,Best ,Picture ,Safe ,Stephanie Decker ,Storm ,Legs ,Angel Perry A Hero ,Henryville ,Plane ,Pilot ,Passengers ,Luck ,Flight 93 ,93 ,Litter Box Dust ,Dust ,Litters ,Purina Tidy Cats ,Tidy Cats ,Homes ,Formulas ,Odors ,Home Smelling ,Mayhem ,Radio Announcer ,Shot ,Allstate ,Allstate Agents ,Dennis ,Cut Rate Insurance ,Radio Show ,Host ,The Voice ,Daly ,Riffing ,Flight Meltdown ,Clayton Osmon ,Security Conference ,Will Have ,Turns ,Imagipassengers E ,Rapting P Inranting ,Dudes ,Pride ,Las Vegas ,San Francisco ,Thank God ,Handle It ,Convention ,Vegas ,Colleagues ,Nail ,N Oh ,Ceo ,Off D ,Mistake ,Alex Hogan ,9 112001 ,Reaction ,Input ,Call ,Tmz ,Enemy ,Comments ,Daly S ,Jokes ,Fanatics ,Gays ,Walls ,Groups ,Ignorance ,Senator ,Anecdote ,California ,Attitudes ,Legislature ,California Education Act ,Harvey Milk ,Michael Judge ,Greg Louganis ,Spokeswoman ,Courage ,Gay Community ,I M Gay ,Mark ,Outlook ,Continuum ,Points ,Hate ,Human Beings ,Members ,Values ,Grief ,Shred ,Supporter ,Need ,Human Race ,Love One Another ,Glaad ,Teenager ,Developments ,Lgbt Community ,Bleenz ,

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