billions in tax give aways every year. now i want to make clear. we know drilling for oil has to be a key part of our overall oil strategy. we want u.s. oil companies to be doing well. we want them to succeed. that's why under my administration, we have opened up millions of acres of federal lands and waters to oil and gas production. we have quadrupled the number of oil rigs to a record high. we have added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the earth and then some. just yesterday we announced the next step for potential new oil and gas exploration in the atlantic. the fact is we're producing more oil right now than we have in eight years and we're importing less of it as well. for two years in a row, america has bought less oil from other countries than we produce here at home. for the first time in over a decade. so american oil is booming. the oil industry is doing just fine. with record profits and rising production, i'm not worried about the big oil companies. with high oil prices around the world, they've got more than enough incentive to produce even more oil. that's why i think it's time they got by without more help from taxpayers who are already having a tough enough time paying the bills and filling up their gas tank. i think it's curious that some folks in congress who were the first to belittle investments in new sources of energy are the ones fighting the hardest to maintain these give aways for the oil companies. instead of taxpayer give aways to an industry that's never been more profitable, we should be using that money to double down on investments in clean energy technologies that have never been more promising. investments in wind power and solar power and biofuels and fuel efficient cars and trucks. that's the future. that's the only way we're going to break this cycle of high gas prices that happen year after year after year as the economy is growing. the only time you start seeing lower gas prices is when the economy is doing badly. that's not the kind of pattern we want to be in. we want the economy to be doing well and people to be able to afford their energy costs. and keep in mind we can't just drill our way out of this problem. as i said, oil production here in the united states is doing very well. and it's been doing well even as gas prices are going up. the reason is because we use more than 20% of the world's oil, but we only have 2% of the world's known oil reserves. that means we could drill every drop of american oil, but we'd still have to guy from other countries to make up the differen difference. we'd have to depend on other countries to meet our energy needs. because it's a world market, the fact that we're doing more here in the united states doesn't necessarily help us because even u.s. oil companies are selling that oil on a worldwide market. they are not keeping it just for us. and that means that if there's rising demand around the world, then the prices are going to go up. that's not the future that i want for america. i don't want folks like these back here and the folks in front of me to have to pay more at the pump every time there's some unrest in the middle east and all speculators get nervous about whether there's going to be enough supply. i don't want our kids to be held h hostage to events on the other side of the world. i want us to control our own destiny. i want us to forge our own future. so as long as i'm president, america will pursue an all of the above energy strategy, which means we will continue developing our oil and gas resources in a robust and responsible way, but it also means we're going to keep developing more advanced homegrown biofuels. we're going to keep investing in clean energy like the wind power and solar power that's creating thousands of jobs. we're going to keep manufacturing more cars and trucks that get more miles to the gallon, so you can fill up once every two weeks instead of every week. we're going to keep building more homes and businesses that waste less energy so you're in charge of your own energy bills. we're going to do all of this by harnessing our most inexhaustible resource, american ingenuity and american imagination. that's what we need to keep going. that's what's at stake right now. that's the choice that we face. that's the choice that's facing congress today. they can either vote to spend billions of dollars more in oil subsidies that keep us trap ped in the past, or they can vote to end these taxpayer subsidies that aren't needed to boost oil production so that we can invest in the future. it's that simple. as long as i'm president, i'm betting on the future. and as the people i have talked to around the country, including those behind me today, they put their faith in the future as well. and that's what we do as americans. that's who we are. we innovate. we discover. we seek new solutions to some of our biggest challenges. and ultimately because we stick with it, we succeed. and i believe we're going to do that again. today the american people are going to be watching congress to see if they have that same fate. thank you very much, everybody. [ applause ] >> president of the united states repeating his case for rolling back tax breaks for big oil. he and fellow democrats are saying it's nonsensical to subsidize an industry making historic profits. but allies say gas prices will only go up if they are it taxed more. the president is speaking out because a senate vote is pending on a bill that would actually strip away some $2 billion in nearly taxpayer support for bp, exxon, conoco phillips. it may pass the senate, but it stands no chance of reaching the president's desk. we're also learning more details about the night that trayvon martin was killed including from george zimmerman's father. his dad is adamant that his son had no choice but to defend himself. >> trayvon martin said something to the effect of "you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight." >> we're also getting a glimpse of zimmerman the night he shot trayvon. this is actually surveillance video from inside the sanford police headquarters. you can see the police examining zimmerman. it's important to note that according to police reports, zismer man had a bloody nose and was bleeding from the back of his head at the scene. it's good to have friends in high places. just ask mitt romney. he's picked up the support of florida senator marco rubio. and later today former president george bush will share the stage with romney in houston to offer his official endorsement. it's a the latest chapter in romney's effort to close the deal on the republican nomination. the jetblue pilot who freaked out mid-flight is now charged with interfering with the crew that he once led. clayton osbon is suspended from his job and getting medical treatment. he scuffled with the flight attendants and passengers who held him down until that flight made an emergency landing in texas. it was bound for las vegas from new york city. osbon could face prison time if convicted on the federal charge. no indication of terrorism this morning. a man trying to catch a flight was taken into custody after officials sdovrd he was carrying an unknown homemade device. he left fireworks in his backpack. no flights were delayed. she was the international face of violent crimes against women in pakistan. now we have learned she's jumped to her death leaving behind a suicide note and a warning to some of you you might find the following picture disturbing. she suffered horrible injuries when her husband, a prominent politician poured acid all over her body while she was sleeping. it happened 12 years ago and made headlines around the world. she endured three dozen surgeries to repair her face and body. her husband was acquitted of that attack. she jumped from a building in rome where she had been getting treatment. homes lost. lives lost. more than 4,000 acres scorched. and yet that wildfire burning across colorado is barely contained this hour. all of this because of an intentional or prescribed burn. up next, state's forest service is facing scrutiny. should they have started the fire? and what are they going to do now? 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>> reporter: well, a lot is expected to happen today. the governor expected to fly over the fire scene in a helicopter to check out the damage. he just got home from mexico. he was talking about economic development there. he arrived at denver international airport last night. very anxious to get here and check out the damage here in the colorado mountains. he also plans to speak with firefighters and also most importantly the evacuees and those who have lost their homes. plenty of questions for the governor once that happens. >> let me just ask you a couple questions. we were we were supposed to talk to the fire division supervisor. we're still hoping he calls in. if you don't mind rolling with me for a minute here, now that the state is not going to set anymore fires until this is fully investigated, what are you learning and what are your sources telling you in regards to the controlled burns? is it possible because of this there could be an effort to put a ban on these? >> reporter: right now, there will be no controlled burns. that's according to the governor here in colorado until they figure out this and investigate this latest fire. the governor wants to make sure though and let people know not to jump to any conclusions. he wants to get answers. he wants experts to figure this out. no controlled burns as this one continues to burn. >> there's a number of investigations taking place. any idea exactly what happened? if there's somebody or a group of individuals that could be at fault here? do you know anything about the investigations that are taking place into how this even started? >> reporter: those are all good questions, but the jefferson county sheriffs office is remaining hush hush on that. they are trying to be safe with those questions. right now their focus is to get this fire out. we're dealing with high winds. winds have picked up here maybe 10 minutes ago. it's not a horrible wind, but it's enough to flair up this fire. 900 homes evacuated. 6,500 homes on standby to evacuate. this weekend it's supposed to be very windy on saturday. temperatures in the low 80s, which is not typical in late march and early april here in colorado. right now, the focus to get the fire out and get folks back home. >> all right. eric, thanks so much. trayvon martin's mother says it's icing on the cake. new surveillance video of george zimmerman the day he gunned down the unarmed teen. but does his appearance that day tell the whole story? zimmerman's father says no way and now he's speaking out. the interview coming up next. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life, or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life, so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? the story just keeps getting more complex. trayvon martin's death, george zimmerman's claim of self-defense, and what really happened that night. who attacked whom? new details are surfacing today. more people are coming forward including trayvon's girlfriend who was on the phone with trayvon martin when he got shot. and george zimmerman's father. take a listen to what he told ofl as he asked to have his identity protected. >> trayvon martin said something to the effect of "you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight." something to that effect. he continued to beat george, and at some point, george pulled his pistol and did what he did. >> and then there's this. george zimmerman at sanford police headquarters in handcuffs the night he shot trayvon. it doesn't show a closeup, but you can see police examining him. according to the police report, zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and back of the head. trayvon's family and supporters are quick to point out what you cannot see in this video. >> when we looked at the video, it was obvious that there were no visible injuries, there was no blood on his shirt. so we have concluded just by watching this video that there may not have been any injuries at all. >> martin savage has been following the developments from sanford, florida. how has george zimmerman's responded to trayvon martin's parent's claims? >> he's got a difficult time. many people believe what they see. what you see is not any real obvious injury to george zimmerman. here's how he tried to put it in context. >> it's a grainy video. if you watch, you'll see one of the officers as he's walking in looking at something on the back of his head. the video is very grainy. i'm not sure you can see the injuries as recently sustained and later cleaned up. >> when you say -- >> it is important to note that video is several hours after the incident. george zimmerman had been attended to by paramedics. >> here in the police report, it says zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head. he was placed in the rear of the police car and given first aid by the sanford fire department. so have police said anything about whether he was cleaned up or if he changed his clothes? >> no. they haven't. they say he was attended to and clearly his wounds were not so bad that he needed to go to the hospital at that particular time. regarding his clothing, the clothing that you see george zimmerman wearing coming into the police station there is the same clothing that witnesses say they saw george zimmerman wearing directly after the incident took place. so we do know that the police have confiscated his clothes, but not at that particular point when we see this video. >> okay. we're also hearing more from trayvon's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him when he was shot. what is she saying about s zimmerman and that night now? >> you know, that's what's so interesting about this whole story line is that you've got two people on the telephone. you have george zimmerman on the line to 911 and then you have trayvon martin on the line with his girlfriend at about the same time. and he is describing to her this rather sketchy individual who is following him and clearly upsetting him. listen to the girlfriend as she gives the account. >> he was walking fast. when he say this man behind him again. he come an say he looked like he was going to do something to him. and then i said run. trayvon said he looked crazy. >> and just a little detail to point out to you. you've got trayvon martin describing george zimmerman as looking crazy. at the same time you have george zimmerman on the line to the police and he's describing trayvon martin as looking like he might be on drugs. so you have these two immediate analyzizations and you wonder how it could have played into the tragic consequences. >> thank you so much. you can join soledad o'brien when she hosts a town hall on friday night at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern hereon cnn. coming up, horror stories of physical and sexual abuse at the hands of a champion gymnastics coach. >> tell you to get on all fours and kick you in the stomach to where you were physically lifted off the ground. >> he would be tickling me at the stoplight or something of that nature. his hands would reach down and go into my privates. >> the women he coached talk to cnn. is moving backward. 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>> well, the good news is is that the election is not tomorrow. that's excellent news. at this point, the president has had a long runway here. he's had no primary opponent to beat up on him. no opponent to define him. none of that has occurred. so there's plenty of time for mitt romney to make this up. so it's not as bad as it looks. there's a lot that's going to be done in the time coming up. he's the presumed nominee. at this point, what just needs to happen is the other folks need to get out of the way. >> you say it's not as bad as it looks, but this is what i like to call who loves you baby poll. 56% love the president, but only 37% are digging mitt romney. that's got to be a cause for concern for the romney campaign. >> yeah, it's a cause for concern, but there's still time. and so in terms of, you know, people -- he hasn't helped himself with some of his comments and gaffes, but at this point, i think you're going to see a kinder, gentler, more personalable mitt romney. and i think we have time to do that. so give us the opportunity to do that. and i think you'll see the numbers move around. >> maria is shaking her head. >> here's the problem with my dear friend dr. metzler's theory. mitt romney is not an unknown. he's been running for five years. the more that voters learn about him and know about him, the less they like him. so time while you like to say is on his side, it's probably not on mitt romney's side. the more he opens his mouth, the more that his negatives grow. and president obama regardless of where his approval ratings are, the one thing that remains consistent is that voters like him and voters think that he understands the issues that they are going through. that is the trend that you do like going into this presidential election cycle. >> all right. let's talk about the endorsements that i mentioned early on. just tie in one more poll here. cnn poll 56% of americans still blame our economic problems on president bush. how much do you think his legacy is going to continue or is going to hurt the gop ticket come november? >> well, i don't think it's going to hurt it because i think he actually has a wonderful legacy. so i don't think it's going to hurt it. i think it's an asset. president obama came into office essentially blaming bush and so that narrative has begun to stick. so we get that. now it's the opportunity though for romney to say, here are the things that i'm going to do. what romney has to do is be very specific about what he is going to do. he can't simply say i'm better than the president. he has to be specific and tailored in his message. and time is on our side. i don't know how to sing that song, but there's a song like that. >> he always brings in the music. before i let you go, meanwhile, we have been talking about marco rubio endorsing romney and papa bush going to endorse romney this afternoon. so what do you think? is the establishment trying to rescue romney? and if so, is it going to work? >> these endorsements more than anything are symbolic. it's kind of like it's about time that these folks get behind romney and yes, they are trying to rescue him because they also see the same numbers we're looking at. they are very anxious that their presumed front runner is not going to be somebody who is going to be a strong competitor against president obama, especially in terms of likability. let's talk about the number you just mentioned in terms of the economy and most americans blaming bush. the fact that the father is coming out is not going to help that. it's going to remind everybody what his legacy was, which was ruining this economy and the second thing is that mitt romney's policies, the ones that he's putting forth will take us exactly the same route that george bush's policies took us to. not something you like going into this presidential election cycle. >> we have to leave it there, guys. thank you. we'll have to continue this conversation next time. thanks, guys. >> absolutely. thank you. coming up, they say that they were choked and pinned against the wall, kicked and sexually abused. all at the hands of their coach. >> and i'll never forget that the words he whispered in my ear at that time is this is what you want. and this is what all the girls want. >> now decades later, the girls, champion gymnasts coached are speaking out about brutality. their stories next. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. former los angeles gymist as young as eight allegedly tortured, burned, and sexually abused by their coach. decades later, their former mentor is no longer working with kids. but these young women now adults are back together. only this time work iing to sto him and others from abusing young gymnasts. casey winen has their stories. some of the details are graphic. >> i have a burn here on my finger from a cigarette burn that he gave me. >> reporter: he is doug boeger their former gymnastics coach. >> he used to pin you against the wall and choke you. >> reporter: they were girls as young as eight, members of the flares gymnastics team coming forward with horrific accounts of training methods. for some that was just the beginning. one says she was eight when the physical abuse turned sexual abuse. >> i would ride with him in the car to a meet. then he would be tickling me at the stoplight or something of that nature and his hands would reach down and go into my privates. >> reporter: kimberly evans says she was 13 when he asked her to his apartment to retrieve equipment. >> he unzipped his pants and put himself in my mouth. i will never forget. >> he e disrobed me and forced himself inside of me. even though i was screaming out in pain and screaming out for him to stop. he wouldn't. and i'll never forget that the words he whispered in my ear at that time is, this is what you want and this is what all the girls want. >> reporter: during the 1970s and '80, he was a young charismatic former champion gymnast turned coach. now in his 60s, he denied the allegations of abuse. >> i was not abusive to them. i didn't do anything wrong. >> some days it was fantastic. and other days it was kind of a living hell. >> reporter: she's leading a group of women pressuring gymnastics to adopt tougher sanctions against abusive coach coaches. >> six years ago, i sdovrd he was still coaching. i kept seeing his name and i thought to myself, i can't let this man continue coaching. >> reporter: in 2008 she contacted usa gymnastics president who encouraged her to speak with former teammates. several of the gymnasts wrote letters detailing alleged abuse. they began an investigation in 2009. >> the biggest challenge with this particular case was that it happened 30 years ago. and not only that, but that he had been acquitted by a court of law. >> reporter: in 1982, he was charged with child abuse and battery based on allegations by two gymnasts, but a jury acquitted him. perhaps most shocking, the parents of two of the women now claiming abuse helped finance his defense. >> we were warned about the man in the van with the candy. we weren't warned about the coach, the priest, or the teacher. >> reporter: cnn reached him by phone, but he had no comment on the allegations. we continued to get his side of the story, but he has not responded to phone calls, e-mails, messages, or a knock at his door. in 2010 he did respond to usa gymnastics calling the accusations fiction. he does have supporters including aubrey ballkin. she says she neither witnessed nor experienced abusive behavior by boeger. >> i obviously don't want to believe it, but all i can share is the good experience i had. >> reporter: they concluded their investigation in 2010 placing boger on their permanently ineligible coaches list. >> we thought we removed him from the sport, but we find out he's moved to colorado springs and gotten a new job. >> reporter: he was coaching at a nonusa gymnastics member gym owned by a coach once convictioned of a sex offense involving a gymnast. abusive coaches are free to continue training young girls as long as they don't work at a usa gi gymnastics sanctioned facility. >> i want to see the students are not allow ed to compete. >> reporter: they do not have the authority to regulate private businesses that are not members and it says barring gymnasts who train under banned coaches would violate federal law. >> i fundamentally believe that the majority of our people are doing things the right way and that the majority of our kids are in a very, very safe environment. >> reporter: changes have been made including background checks and inplemt iing a participate welfare program defining abuse. and usa gymnastics publishes its list of banned coaches on their website. doug boger is no longer coaching, but these women say that's not the point. >> this is about a group of women not wanting anymore harm coming to children. >> reporter: the women say much of the alleged abuse happened here down those stairs. doug's gym was located in the basement of this church. recently some of the women came back here for the first time and say even after 30 years, some of them felt nauseous, sick to their stomach just return ingin this neighborhood. one said she felt an overwhelming sense of dread. kyra? >> wow. do ewe think that these claims could lead to new criminal charges? >> reporter: very unlikely. the statute of limitations has run out on these it charges long ago. that's one of the changes that these women would like to see is child abuse is treated the same as a murder. no statute of limitations. >> before i let you go, i'm curious. where were the parents during these times where these young girls were allegedly abused? >> reporter: very interesting and very critical part of the story. the parents were actually asked to sign agreements that they would not observe or be in the gym when workouts were going on. it was a condition of them joining this gym. and it's something that all of these women now say many of them are mothers themselves that they would never agree to. it was something that was pretty standard back then. there were some parent who is did try to do something. one of them, richard reardon, his daughter was a gymnast who saw abuse and experienced physical abuse. he said he reported these incidents to other parents, to law enforcement, and confronted doug boger himself. nothing was done about it. >> all right. appreciate your reporting. still ahead, many parents ask and now mattel has listened. the newest barbie on the block. the company's big announcement. for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. we're digging into details of a startling new report on you a autism in america. the centers for disease control estimate 1 in 88 american third graders have some form of autism spectrum disorder. now, that's a 78% increase from a decade ago, and for boys the rate is even higher. cnn's dr. sanjay gupta joins don lemon just minutes from now with much more on these new figures and some possible reasons behind them. all right. let's talk about the doll ma many young kids around the world love, barbie. mattel is coming out with a new friend of barbie's, a bald doll complete with hats, wigs, and other accessories. mattel says it will donate and distribute the dolls exclusively to children's hospital directly reaching girls who are most affected by air lohair loss. they will be available next year but will not be sold in stores. $500 million, that's the estimated value of the mega millions lottery now, and tickets, as you can imagine, are selling like crazy. and you still have time to buy yours before tomorrow's drawing. and your odds for winning the jock pot, 176 million to 1. got a better chance of getting struck by lightning than winning that $500 million. by the way, this jackpot is the largest in u.s. lottery history. the winner will have the option of receiving $19.2 million a year for 26 years. or a $359 million single payment. good luck. mega millions is something newt gingrich could use just about now. his campaign is out of money, and it's running out of time. up next with the billionaire casino mogul behind the former speaker is saying about his chances now. first, a quick look at the market. dow industrials down 83 points. a string of weak economic reports and disappointing jobless claims have held back investors. that's your stock market update. more from cnn after a break. now to the song we just can't get out of our heads today. ♪ the beverly hillbillies >> yes, it's an alltime classic, unforgettable for so many of us. and the man behind that famous banjo, well, the great earl scruggs. his picking style helped shape 20th century country music. he passed away wednesday of natural causes at the age of 88, but listening to his music, watching his fingers go will never leave us. fans say that the banjo was reborn because of scruggs and his mad skills, so here is a tribute to you, earl. a bluegrass pioneer rock star. ♪ when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have 6 grams of sugars. with 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. cannot be contained. [ clang ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. all right. let's be honest here, mitt romney is not very funny, but when it comes to talking about a vp, don is laughing, this was a pretty good one. >> i haven't actually put a list together. i'll choose david letterman. help us both out. >> there you go. >> peter hamby joining us from washington. all right, jokes aside, who do you really think romney will pick if he gets the nomination? >> pretty tough on romney there. he's kind of funny sometimes. maybe unintentionally. >> really? then give us a fuel examples, peter, please. >> i'm knot goinot going to sayg negative about mitt romney as an objective reporter here. >> of course. >> talking about vps, certainly romney says he hasn't made a list, but everyone in washington is talking about marco rubio at the top of the list. his endorsement of romney last night thrust his name out there once again. look, there's no perfect candidate for romney. he has three problems. he has to fix his relationship with the conservative base and he has problem with women and independent voters. those thing can change as the election approaches, but there's no perfect pick to kind of shore up those votes. but the list right now, you look at rubio, bob mcdonald, the governor of virginia, chris christie, the new jersey governor, rob portman, the ohio senator, maybe paul ryan, those are the top picks, but there's no one perfect out there. rick santorum has floated his name generously as a potential vice presidential pick. that's one that i do not think will happen. a lot of republicans don't think that's going to happen either, kyra. >> all right, peter, thanks so much. thanks for watching. you can continue the conversation with me on twitter @ky @kyracnn. cnn "newsroom" continues right now with our don lemon. thank you very much, miss phillips. live from the cnn world headquarters in atlanta where it is 12:00 noon, 9:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm don lemon. suzanne malveaux is on special assignment. want to get you up to speed on this thursday the 29 tth. a tape shows a handcuffed george zimmerman at a police station just hours after he shot the unarmed teenager. he does not appear to have any injuries consistent with a life and death struggle that his lawyer claims he had with the 17-year-old. a police report says zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of his head and was given first aid at the scene before this video was recorded. zimmerman's father says his son pulled the trigger after trayvon martin severely beat and threatened him. >> trayvon martin said something to the effect of, you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight. something to that effect. he continued to beat george, and at some point george pulled his pistol and did what he did. a colorado family makes a desperate bid to escape a wildfire. the terrifying moments all caught on camera. >> where's mom? what is she stopping for? >> it's down there. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> whoa. right here, right here. >> oh, my gosh. >> it's okay. we're out, we're out, we're out. >> man, can you imagine? you just heard the family is okay, but they say their home is still in danger. more than 500 firefighters are trying to tame this fire which officials say began as a controlled burn. two people have been killed. president obama tries to tap into the anger over rising gas prices. in a speech just a short time ago, the president called on congress to end tax breaks for the oil industry. the senate could vote today on a bill to repeal the tax breaks. republicans argue that would lead to even higher gas prices, but the president says big oil doesn't need subsidies. >> it's not as if these companies can't stand on their own. last year the three biggest u.s. oil companies took home more than $80 billion in profits. exxon pocketed nearly $4.7 million every hour. when the price of oil goes up, prices at the pump go up, and so do these companies' profits. >> jetblue captain at the center of this chaotic scene is now facing federal charges. a criminal complaint filed by a u.s. attorney in texas says clayton osbon interfered with the flight crew. osbon, who was removed from the plane after an emergency landing, has suspended by jetblue. no court date has been set. let's get more details on the trayvon martin case. there's new surveillance video showing a handcuffed george zimmerman in custody just after the shooting. plus, his father is speaking out for first time. martin savidge is live for us in florida. let's focus, first, on this video. many people are saying zimmerman does not look like someone who has been in a fight for his life, but this video taken a the a distance. if you look at it just from the naked eye, it doesn't look like it. what's going on? >> reporter: hey, don. you're right. i mean, when i saw this video, the first thing i was struck by was the fact there was no clear indication of these injuries that have been so talked about, and that's the broken nose, blood according to police reports streaming down his face, and also blood and cuts on the back of george zimmerman's head as all the result of this altercation that allegedly took place between himself and trayvon martin. the attorney that represents george zimmerman says it's grainy video. he'd already been attended to by paramedics and a number of hours had passed and that's the reason he does not look as badly beaten as you might expect. >> so he's saying a number of hours have passed. according to the reporter who got this video this morning, he's saying this was only 30 minutes or so after or even less than 30 minutes after he was taken into custody. do you know what the discrepancy is? was it hours over are a just 30 minutes or so after? because that would make a difference, right, if you're looking at this tape. >> reporter: sure, yeah. half hour seems a little quick just given what we know from the initial police report as to what transpired at the original crime scene. it is actually joe oliver who is countering that, the close friend, the very outspoken friend of george zimmerman who has said it was hours later. there was no time stamp on that video we could see. we are pressing the city of sanford to see if we can get some indication of the exact time frame. >> okay. let's go now, martin, to zimmerman's father. what is he say being what happened, and it's interesting that his father is speaking out. >> reporter: right. he's spoken out a couple of times in print. the first time he's gone and sat down for a formal interview. although he did not reveal his face. he describes this life and death struggle between his son and trayvon martin. in his depiction he basically says that the aggressor was all trayvon martin here. of course, it's a very one-sided account and very much in favor of his son, and we should keep in mind that robert zimmerman was not there. he's only retelling apparently the story he got from his son. >> and robert zimmerman, according to reports, is a former judge but not in florida. that's making it more interesting, someone used to court proceedings. the father is also expressing surprise at the country's reaction to the killing, martin. >> not just surprised, he's flat out shocked, and he's really shocked over the level of hatred and where it is coming from. here, take a listen. >> i never foresaw so much hate coming from the president, the congressional black caucus, the naacp, every organization imaginable is trying to get notoriety or profit from this in some way, but there's so much hate. i have never been involved in hate, and george hasn't, and it's really unbelievable. >> reporter: we should point out, don, that, of course, george zimmerman has not been charged with anything. >> all right. martin savidge following this story for us. thank you for your reporting. i want to tell you tomorrow night soledad o'brien let's a special town hall event about how this neighborhood tragedy became a nationwide story and what it says about racial tension in our country. don't miss "beyond trayvon, race and justice in america." that's tomorrow 8:00 p.m. eastern. we have an important new study to tell you about. it finds many more kids have autism than previously thought. our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta has the story. >> reporter: frankie sanders is a ninth grader who loves to play chess on his ipad and is trying to pass the test for his driver's permit. frankie also has autism. that's a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects language, behavior, and social skills. boys make up the vast majority of cases. what you may not know is 12 years ago the centers for disease control and prevention began to estimate the total number of cases in the united states. they based it on a count of 8-year-old children with you a term in select communities. if you look back in the years 2000 and 2002, it was about 1 child in 150 with autism. two years later 1 in 125. then 1 in 110. and now the latest report as of 2008, the last time an estimate was performed, 1 in 88 children has autism. that's a 78% increase just over the last decade. and the question on a lot of people's minds is why. >> how much of that increase is a result of better tracking and how much of it is a result of an actual increase, we still don't know. >> reporter: researchers have discovered many genes linked to autism, but in most cases genes are only one part of the equation, and genes alone wouldn't change that fast in just ten years. there is something else that triggers the problem. >> we're talking about infections. we're talking about social conditions, and we're talking about exposures to tox kants, things in the environment. >> reporter: researchers are still looking for answers, but what they do know is diagnoses children early is critical. as was the case with frankie sanders. >> frankie was diagnosed when he was 15 months old. he immediately began to get speech therapy and occupational therapy and physical therapy. he was placed in a group with kids who were typically developing. >> reporter: all that hard work is paying off. frankie is now 15. he attends a regular high school and plays on the football team. >> we can diagnose autism at 2 years of age almost always in 90% of the children. by 3 certainly. and we actually can diagnose it at 18 months in many children. >> reporter: but according to this new report, most cases are diagnosed late, after age 2 or 3. that's when therapy has been shown to help the most, especially with speech and communication. >> parents need to be aware of their children and how their children are interacting. >> reporter: and then they need to seek help. >> if you as a parent are concerned about your child, talk to your daughter, talk to your school system to see if they should be assessed, get them assessed. >> dr. gupta is here now. doct doctor, why do researchers think the number of cases is going up? >> when they do studies like this, they're purely sort of making estimates on autism rates based on looking at specific communities. they don't really look at cause and things like this, but a lot of people are asking that question, don. everyone seems to believe it's a combination of genes and environment. that's the answer you hear for most things, but i put forth this, the numbers have really increased a lot over the last decade, 78%. your genes don't change that fast. we as human beings, our genes don't change that fast. so i think it puts more of the onus of this cause for the increase on the environment. and not just after a child is born, but also, you know, in the mother's womb. there are intoxins, exposures. >> you said researchers are still looking for a cause. is there anything a parent can do. we talked as this story was going on, is there a test that you can do prenatally or anything that a parent can do? >> it's interesting because i'm used to being able to order a blood test or a scan other something like that. and, you know, we may get to the point where scanning for the brain can make the diagnosis early. we're not there yet. what everything seems to point to and i think it's more than just platitudes is that the early diagnosis does make a difference. around 18 months even, which i have young children, 18 months is very hard to pin down a child's behavior at that age for sure but a child who is not recognizing his or her name, who doesn't keep eye contact. those aren't exact sort of things ---er k every kid is goi develop differently, but some of those things make sense for your child at a young age. even before age one, it's imperative to get it checked out. early intervention does make a difference. >> a child who doesn't reach out, doesn't require attention. most children are very clingy. >> that's right. but a lot of times those children don't even want that. a lot -- the sort of a lot of self awareness, a lot of it is directed inward. that's why you see some of the sints you just s simentsz y symptoms you just saw on the screen. >> these are the signs. it's usual lly 6 to 12 months. >> you want to make the diagnosis before 18 months. look for these early on. kids start to basketball. they may not be saying exact words certainly at this age but they don't gesture. they're not reaching up asking to be hugged or asking to be lifted. poor eye contact. they really aren't seeking you out. that's one of the big cardinal symptoms. and when you're moving or walking around the room, they're not tracking you or paying attention. >> yeah. but if you have any inkling that something may be wrong, get it checked out. >> get it checked out. the earlier the better. >> thank you. dr. gupta, really appreciate it. >> thanks. here is a rundown of the stories we are covering for you. first, the trayvon martin case. more about what pushed his son to pull the trigger in his deadly confrontation with the 17-year-old. >> we'll take a closer look at the tape of zimmerman entering the police station the night of the shooting. then in politics, mitt romney racking up some big name endorsements. could it finally signaling the beginning of the end of the primary race? we'll get into it in our political panel coming up. ♪ wow... ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels. [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. we're hearing for the first time from the father of george zimmerman, the man who killed trayvon martin. orlando's wofl sat down with robert zimmerman. the station sas he asked not to appear on camera after receiving what he says were death threats. we've decided to play an extended piece of robert zimmerman's interview because we've heard a great deal from trayvon martin's parents over the past month. so here is the other side of the story. >> trayvon martin walked up to him asking do you have [ bleep ] problem. george said, no, i don't have a problem. and started to reach for his cell phone. at that point he was punched in the nose. his nose was broken and he was knocked to the concrete. trayvon martin got on top of him and just started beating him in the face, in his nose, hitting his head on the concrete. >> and did trayvon martin say anything to your son as this was going on? >> after nearly a minute of being beaten, george was trying to get his head off of the concrete, trying to move with trayvon on him into the grass. in doing so his firearm was shown. trayvon martin said something to the effect of, you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight, something to that effect. he continued to beat george, and at some point george pulled his pistol and did what he did. >> robert zimmerman is a former judge. he says he never expected the anger and hate that has erupted over the killing. tonight at 9:00 eastern, george zimmerman's brother, robert zigeerman, joins piers morgan. he speaks out on the trayvon martin martin, the treatment his brother is receiving . grocery prices are going down at one big chain in hopes that you'll buy other stuff while you're shopping. we'll tell you where. is the way to a shoppers heart through the stomach? that's what walmart thinks. they're slashing grocery prices in an effort to get you to buy more stuff. alison kosik joins me from the new york stock exchange. alison, hello. give us the details. i'm sure walmart decided to do this because they want to sell more things and -- >> but, of course. >> when will it take effect? >> that's a good question. walmart is actually already cutting prices. what it's essentially doing, it's going there all of those aisles in its grocery area and looking to cut up to $1 billion in grocery prices. but, of course, as you said, this is a business strategy. they're trying to get you in the door. the price cut is really an incentive because once you're there, walmart is hoping you'll buy other stuff. so if you came in let's say for a gallon of milk, maybe you'll wander off into the clothing area and buy some clothes, pick up a few toys, maybe a tv set. basically what they're doing is sacrificing their grocery business to try to boost sales in other parts of the store. don? >> so the economy hasn't totally recovered. so how can walmart afford to cut prices so much? i think if the strategy is, you tell me if i'm wrong, the strategy is they'll make it up because people will buy more and therefore spend more money because they think they're getting a better deal. is that right? >> bingo. adding on to what you said, walmart is big and walmart is strong, and you look at what they did in grocery sales just last year. they sold $145 billion just in groceries so that $1 billion cut in those grocery prices, it isn't all that much. also, its grocery business is growing and growing. in a tough economy, it's all that other ancillary stuff that people cut back on, the nonessentials. since they're buying groceries, what walmart is doing is foc focusing on trying to boost sales in the extra stuff that isn't selling as well. >> speaking of the economy and spending because that all helps the economy, we got good reports on jobs and u.s. growth this morning, but the markets are falling. why is that? >> yeah. exactly. the dow down 70 points. nasdaq, s&p in the red as well. we got some economic reports showing things are getting better, just not fast enough. first time unemployment claims fell by 5,000 last week with 359,000 people signing up for benefits. the worry here that wall street is seeing is there really hasn't been a lot of movement off that range of the number of people filing for those first-time jobless claims. so the worry is that the improvement that we have been seeing in the job market, that it may be slowing. also, we got a number on how much the economy grew. we found out the gop increased at a 3.0% annual pace. it shows growth is picking up, but, of course, wall street was holds out hope for a better number. alas, it did not get, it and that's why you're seeing stocks in the red today, don. >> looks like your odds of making money these days in the stock market are the same as that big mega millions. >> oh, yeah. buying my ticket. >> you read my mind. thank you, alison. see you soon. >> you got it. mitt romney picks up two big endorsements. our round table looks at whether the republican party is starting to unite behind him. but first in this week's edition of the next list, a man uses toys to make affordable medical devices. >> i use toys to make affordable medical devices. when you're using toys, it demystifies the process of medical technology. we often think they're a black box and you need an examine effort to even take a screwdriver at it. you may not have the courage to hack a $1,000 device but you definitely have the courage to hack something that's $5. it becomes something as powerful as a $1,000 medical device. [ male announcer ] the draw of the past is a powerful thing. but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... [ tires screech ] ...night view... and heads-up display. [ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. stories on the rundown we're working on for you. the guy who pumped 15 million bucks into newt gingrich's campaign is saying it could be game over for the former speaker of the house. then a family risks it all to escape a raging fire in colorado. and then later animals go wild for smartphones. all on the rundown for you. stay tuned. mitt romney picks up two more big-name endorsement and there's a new call for republicans to rally around him. that call is coming from florida senator marco rubio. he's one of the people endorsing mitt romney. later today former president george h.w. bush will officially announce he's backing the republican front-runner. let's brick bring in our political panel. lee may is in the studio for me and the editor and blogger chris tal wright of conservative black that is such a clever name. i like that name, conservative black >> thank you, don. >> the last time we talked, you said, hey, if newt gingrich stays in for much longer, he's going to become a spoiler. i want to know, you were very honest with me, how significant are these endorse mentments and most republicans finally ready to unite behind romney, not newt gingrich, not rick santorum, romney? >> don, it's been evident for quite a while with newt -- i'm sorry with romney winning all these contests and racking up the delegates that's he's the front-runner. we had jeb bush come out and said, hey, guys, i endorse romney. he's the man, he's earned the nomination which some people don't seem to want to wrap their head around because you have to earn nominations by winning contests. so, yes, i think we have senator ru rubow a rubio and the i wielder george endorsing romney. he's won this with sweat equity and money. this is a good thing. >> we always say endorsements don't matter but the particular situation mitt romney is in -- to have the establish am come out like george h.w. bush. >> but rubio is not the establishment. >> but he's well liked by the establishment. >> but i think it's critical -- >> rubio is the fresh face. he represents the diversity in the party. many people were say something he going to be the vp? he would be a superstar. he would pull a lot of minority votes to mitt. >> let's get to the democrat. president obama's approval rating has inched up above 50% now. and a new poll shows him beating mitt romney 54% to 43% in a hypothetical match-up. he has a 55%, 42% lead over rick stanner santorum. what does this mean, if anything, for the president. 55% to 42% when it comes to rick santorum and the odds were 55% to 43% for mitt romney. r what do you think it means for the president? >> i think it means that the economy is headed in the right direction. if you look at the same ratings, it also shows that these same polling people blame the president bush xliii for the economy as it is as well and about 30% blame the president for it. you see the unemployment numbers continuing to drop. it's progressive. it's not overnight, but they see these policies beginning to slowly change kind of the dynamic of the economy. >> so good news you say or the president. >> absolutely. >> but the interesting thing, too, if there's nothing -- if the economy is improving, people may not feel on the democratic side that they have to go out. they may not be, you know, moved, inspired to go out because they feel he's coasting. that could work in reverse. >> it could work in reverse. crystal has black i'm going to start www.newt gingrich we have to keep him in the race because he's going to say the most outlandish things to keep himself in the race. even rick santorum is jumping in the race. just saying kind of the wildest things. >> since you're talking about that, i know crystal, that is an issue for you, isn't it? and are you still a newt gingrich delegate? >> you know, i was raised the right way, that you stick with the guy that took you to the dance and the prom, and you leave with the guy that takes you there. so i am a pledged delegate for newt in the district of columbia and i will vote for newt gingrich in the district of columbia because i still believe he has the best messages about the economy, about energy, and he has a proven track record as speaker working with president clinton to -- >> let's just be honest. long story short, as i said, are you concerned about some of the things he's saying? >> yes, i am. so while that is said and while i will continue to stand by newt to the bitter end, i am really troubled by his new math that he wants to try to -- he seems to not understand that you have to win contests to get delegates. now he's talking about a convention plan where he wants to go to tampa which he can't do unless he wins three more contests. he wants to try to hijack delegates. newt needs to earn this the right way. >> i want to get to another thing. there's more speculation out today about hillary clinton making a run for the white house in 2016. this time it is coming from none other than donald trump. i want you to listen to what he told greta van susteren on fox news. >> i think assuming she's healthy, which i hope she will be, i think she probably runs after the next four years, i would imagine. >> would you support her? >> i don't want to get into this because i'll get myself into trouble -- >> that's why i asked you. >> i just like her. i like her and i like her husband. >> he's not ruling it out, crystal. he's not ruling it out. first to crystal. >> i think hillary should run in 2016. she had a chance in 2004 and she blew it. she decided to step to the side and let kerry really lose the contest, if you will, and make a mockery of the party. he was a weak candidate. nobody liked him. they urged her to run then, and she wouldn't. and then she befriended barack obama, president obama now, and that was a big mistake for her, too. so i think she should run in 2016. i think it will be -- she would be a strong candidate. let's face it, she's probably the biggest asset going right now for the democrat party. >> lee -- >> i think. >> again, as her health is, she is older, but, look, why are we listening to donald trump. >> what do you mean she's older? >> what are you talking about? >> as long as her health -- no, she's not an old lady, but as long as her health is -- she'll be in her 70s, which is -- there's nothing wrong with that but -- >> ronald reagan -- >> thank you, don. >> you know -- >> let me get this straight, old ladies can't run. >> you called her an old lady. >> i don't think she's an old lady. >> i didn't call her an old l y lady. >> hang on, crystal. >> why are we talking about donald trump in this thing? because he's a showmaker. he wants to just say anything. look, let's focus on the election as it is right now. the republicans need to coalesce around a candidate. they're trying to now. but it's gone a long way. the president is in great position now. >> no, he's not. unemployment has been above 8% for the last 3 1/2 years. >> continuing to put forth policies that are -- >> above 8%. >> boom. period. thank you. >> he will be the president -- >> stop. done. here. >> wait a minute, no president has gotten re-elected when the unemployment rate was 7% or above since franklin delano rooseve roosevelt. >> we have to stop. in some circles old lady is a good term. >> my old lady. >> and crystal gave her that term. >> i appreciate it, lee and crystal. good conversation. we have seen babies using smartphones, but animals? this is like that water skiing squirrel video, isn't it? you see the pictures. we're going to talk about it. because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... 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[ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> whoa! >> there it is. right here, right here. >> oh, my gosh. >> it's okay. we're out, we're out, we're out. >> man. meteorologist reynolds wolf is here now. reynolds, we know firefighters are making some progress. i'm wonder if the weather will help or hinder this. you're a family man, can you imagine with your kids in the car trying to escape this? >> i would be freaking out, losing my mind completely. it's mind boggling to see the power of these immense fires. we're talking about temperatures that are 1,000 degrees fahrenheit at himtimes. the trees can explode. i can't believe the composure they had to keep the camera up. i'd be tossing it out the window and pumping the accelerator. it looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate completely. first and foremost, let's take a quick peak at the size and scope of the fire. it you look at the area surrounded by blue, that's the evacuation zone. come over here, we have rob behind the camera there. you can also see an area where you have red. that's basically the border of the fire. we're talking about how the weather isn't exactly cooperating. as we take a look at the satellite view, we have a bit of a storm system out along the west coast. as that gets closer, what we might see is fluctuations in the winds. we don't know strong winds and dry conditions. unfortunately, it appears we will be seeing both. you see the fire zone. winds accelerating tomorrow. winds topping 40 miles per hour. we expect dry conditions to persist for today and the relative humidities can range from 10 to 14%. winds of 5 to 12. stronger gusts near 20, but i would not be surprised if in some of the high mountain passes we see things get stronger. slight chance of rain, maybe some snow in the forecast. that certainly will help the firefighters. >> all right. thank you. appreciate it, reynolds wolf. we've got some new video of george zimmerman at the police station the night of the trayvon martin shooting and we're asking a defense attorney and a former prosecutor if this video helps clear zimmerman or if it raises doubt about his story. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. we know it's surveillance video and it's kind of hard to see, many people are saying where are the injuries from the life and death fight with trayvon martin? that's what people are asking when they look at this video. many people are asking this when they see it, when they saw it yesterday, and as it has been on our air since last night. it was taken just hours after he shot the unarmed teenager. abc is saying it was taken 30 minutes, maybe less, after the teen was shot. a police report says zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of his head and was given first aid at the scene before the video was recorded. criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor holly hughes joins me now. holly, what do you make of it when you look at this video when you consider what's on the police report and wahhab said? >> there's a couple things that jump out at me. first of all, i don't see blood. he's wearing a gray t-shirt under that open jacket. if you hit someone hard enough to break their nose, there is going to be blood coming from that nose. that blood is necessarily going to get on the front of you. it's going to get on your shirt. we also hear he has an injury to the back of his head. head wounds are bleeders, don. they bleed a lot, they gush blood out. i don't see anything -- if it's bleeding down here, it would have come around. again, we would see something on the collar of that light gray shirt, maybe blood in the hair. i'm not seeing any of that. so i got to wonder even if the paramedics treated him and cleaned up the face as we're now hearing, you said it's in police reports, okay, there are amended police reports. why wasn't it in the originals? we see the original police report, that he is no mention of any of that. once this blows up, once you report it and it starts getting some press, then we see a lot of amended police reports with facts that aren't supported by the video. >> okay. so it has been said that he was treated at the scene by -- and he was cleaned up at the scene. again, listen, this has not been tried in court. >> correct. >> and that's -- and according to witnesses at least on the police report -- now, i don't know if this was amended. but this report is from timothy smith who was at the scene, 3:29, that's when it was written. it says on 2/26 i responded. he goes on to say there was blood on -- let's see what it says. he was covered in grass as he had been laying back on the ground. zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head. i don't know if this is amended, if this is original. that's according to the police report. >> maybe the officer saw blood, but why is it not on the light gray t-shirt? i'm looking at the video with my own eyes, don, and i'm saying even if they cleaned him up, they're not going to take his shirt off and wash it. >> and from the type of scuffle you're saying that would be a life-threatening one, it doesn't appear in your estimation -- >> right, if you had a broken nose and a gash on the back of your head, i would expect it to bleed. the officer is saying there was blood. where is the evidence of it? >> as a criminal defense attorney, former prosecutor, if this video showed up in a courtroom that you were in, what would you make of it? >> well, you know, if you're the defense attorney, what you're going to say is you know what? the jacket was zippered up at the time there was an altercation. so maybe it's on the outside of the jacket, but the jacket is pulled open and we don't see it there. maybe when he was down on the ground all the blood ran back and into the ground and not necessarily on the front of his shirt. so there's a lot of ways you can tell the story, okay, and maybe it happened that way. >> if you're the prosecutor? >> if i'm the prosecutor i'm saying who are you going to believe? the defendant's story or your own lying eyes. look at the video, folks. as a prosecutor i always wanted to say that, don. let's go to the video, and guess what? in this case we have some. >> holly hughes, thank you. >> absolutely. >> always appreciate your candor here. tonight at 9:00 eastern george zimmerman's brother, robert zimmerman, joins piers morgan. he speaks out about how he feels the case should be handled going forward. the piers morgan interview, cnn tonight 9:00 eastern. it is something you don't hear every day on the house floor. congresswoman gwen moore tells her very painful story of rape and sexual assault. we can save you $600. $600? wow, you're like a magician or something. shh. david copperfield doesn't like it when customers say that... ha, so he's a "magician," huh? can he do this? ♪ or this! or, how about this! wow, that was really impressive. it was... uh, i think we'll go with the $600. yes, we will. [ male announcer ] combine auto and renters with state farm, and save an average of $600. ♪ do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. a congresswoman shares a personal story of sexual assault on the floor of the u.s. house of representatives. that's where she shared her story. congresswoman gwen moore of wisconsin talked about the high school rape and a push for congress to renew the violence against women act. >> it really brought up some terrible memories for me of having, you know, boys sit in a locker room and sort of bet that i couldn't be had. and then the appointed boy when he saw that i wasn't going to be so willing completed a date rape and then took my underwear to display it to the rest of the boys. >> earlier today on cnn representative moore talked with our carol costello about her decision to share such a personal story and what she hopes to accomplish. >> it was just one in a plethora, unfortunately, for me of assaults and violence against me, my family, my friends. everyone that i knew. because there was a time when there was not adequate law enforcement. there were not services. there were not resources for women. i think that my story, while it's sad, is not rare. and, you know, you get on the floor of the house of representatives and everybody reads their talking points, and i think that they get too far away from the reality that something like this has been bipartisan in the past and it, in fact, saves lives. >> how specifically about this bill -- i mean, if it was in place when you were experiencing this trouble, how would it have helped you? >> well, you know, one aspect of this is education. you know, this particular incident i don't think that any of the boys thought they were doing anything wrong. i think that they thought it was just a sort of a rite of passage, and i think ignorance has really perpetuated violence against women. violence against women is as american as apple pie. you know, that

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,Cuts ,Altercation ,Discrepancy ,Joe Oliver ,Crime Scene ,Stamp ,To Zimmerman ,Frame ,City ,Couple ,Sprint ,Wofl Sat ,Favor ,Aggressor ,Depiction ,Robert Zimmerman ,Judge ,Retelling ,Killing ,Interesting ,Reaction ,Surprise ,Court Proceedings ,Hate ,Hatred ,Level ,Profit ,Notoriety ,Organization ,Congressional Black Caucus ,Naacp ,George Hasn T ,Beyond Trayvon ,Miss ,Tension ,Tragedy ,Event ,Soledad O Brien Let S A Special Town Hall ,In America ,Study ,Eastern ,Frankie Sanders ,Test ,Ninth Grader ,Ipad ,Driver ,Chief ,Correspondent ,Permit ,Chess ,Cases ,Disorder ,Social Skills ,Language ,Term ,Count ,Communities ,2002 ,2000 ,150 ,110 ,125 ,Genes ,Researchers ,Question ,Minds ,Tracking ,Don T Know ,Something Else ,Wouldn T Change ,Equation ,Infections ,Ten ,Conditions ,Exposures ,Diagnoses ,Tox Kants ,Speech Therapy ,Physical Therapy ,Occupational Therapy ,Work ,High School ,Football Team ,90 ,18 ,3 ,Most ,Communication ,Therapy ,Interacting ,School System ,Autism Rates ,Making Estimates ,Doct ,Studies ,Combination ,Human Beings ,Bonus ,Womb ,Intoxins ,Prenatally ,Diagnosis ,Blood Test ,Scan ,Brain ,Name ,Platitudes ,Aren T ,Eye Contact ,Develop ,Every Kid ,Intervention ,Doesn T Reach Out ,Imperative ,Doesn T Require Attention ,Lot ,Screen ,Self Awareness ,Sints ,Simentsz ,Rally ,Gesture ,Signs ,Kids Start To Basketball ,Attention ,Inkling ,Room ,Cardinal ,Rundown ,Better ,Politics ,Confrontation ,The Beginning Of End ,Race ,Panel ,Dennis Allstate ,Car Insurance ,Allstate Value Plan ,Kyle ,Kroger ,Voice Of Dennis ,Yup ,Nobody ,Dollar ,Voice ,Hearing ,Orlando ,Station ,Death Threats ,Piece ,Sas ,Concrete ,Cell Phone ,Grass ,Beaten ,Firearm ,Brother ,Piers Morgan ,Robert Zigeerman ,Stuff ,Grocery Prices ,Hopes ,Walmart ,Shoppers ,Alison Kosik ,Hello ,New York Stock Exchange ,Business Strategy ,Price Cut ,Grocery Area ,Aisles ,1 Billion ,Toys ,Doing ,Sales ,Clothing Area ,Tv Set ,Grocery Business ,Milk ,Store ,Parts ,Grocery Sales ,Bingo ,145 Billion ,45 Billion ,Groceries ,Nonessentials ,Spending ,Markets ,Foc ,Isn T Selling ,Unemployment ,In The Red ,Dow Down ,Nasdaq ,S P ,70 ,Wall Street ,Worry ,Improvement ,Benefits ,Orange ,Movement ,5000 ,359000 ,Job Market ,Space ,3 0 ,Making Money ,Stock Market ,Stocks ,Hope ,Looks ,Alison ,Round Table ,Devices ,Eedition ,Courage ,Screwdriver ,Hack A ,Process Of Medical Technology ,Black Box ,1000 ,000 ,Medical Device ,Draw ,5 , ,Technology ,Safety ,Blind Spot Monitor ,Heads Up Display ,Tires Screech ,Night View ,Engine Revving ,Value Plan ,Reach ,Game Over ,15 Million ,15 Million Bucks ,Smartphones ,Animals ,House ,Call ,Jeb Bush ,Front Runner ,Lee May ,Tal Wright Of Conservative Black Chick Com ,Studio ,Editor ,Brick ,Spoiler ,Longer ,Contests ,Newt ,Delegates ,Nominations ,Ru Rubow A Rubio ,Sweat Equity ,Am ,Situation ,Party ,Superstar ,Minority ,Diversity ,Match Up ,Approval Rating ,Democrat ,Lead ,Mean ,Stanner Santorum ,42 ,55 ,Ratings ,Direction ,Polling ,Blame ,Bush Xliii ,Unemployment Numbers ,Dynamic ,Reverse ,Improving ,Coasting ,Crystal ,Jumping ,Run Com ,It ,Issue ,Delegate ,Dance ,Prom ,District Of Columbia ,Track Record ,Saying ,Clinton ,Long Story Short ,Math ,Convention Plan ,Tampa ,Donald Trump ,Speculation ,Hillary Clinton Making A Run ,Fox News ,Greta Van Susteren ,2016 ,Trouble ,Contest ,She Wouldn T ,Mockery ,Mistake ,Lady ,Health ,Straight ,Which ,Ladies , Run ,Ronald Reagan ,Her 70s ,Ly Lady ,Showmaker ,Hang On ,Position ,Let S Focus ,Boom ,3 1 2 ,Unemployment Rate ,Rooseve Roosevelt ,Franklin Delano ,7 ,Water Skiing Squirrel Video ,Babies ,Conversation ,Pictures ,Touch ,Sweetness ,Grains ,46 ,Aspirin ,Aspirin Regimen ,Blue ,Bayer Chewables ,Bayer ,Success Story ,Facebook ,Home Protector Plus ,Costs ,Possessions ,Somewhere ,Exact ,Check ,Match ,Quote ,Corner ,Anchorman ,Anchorman Two Coming ,Smartphone ,Elephant ,Caller ,Wrong ,Jeanne Moos ,Thailand ,Dexterity ,Peter The Elephant ,Add ,The Star ,Samsung Galaxy Note ,I D ,Factory ,Slogan ,Bigger ,Co Finder ,Favorite ,Noise ,Apps ,G Ed Robinson ,Samsung ,Trainer ,Training ,Sad ,Buttons ,Actress ,Thai ,He Wielephant ,Videos ,App Agency ,Wouldn T ,Touch Screens ,Mad ,Dogs ,Scratching ,Who ,Tongue Flicking Bearded Dragon ,Nuts ,Talk Show ,Bubba ,Easy Monkey ,Radio Station Wmmr ,Iphone ,I Paw ,Hand ,Button ,Big Sin ,Ryan Seacrest ,Gentle Giant ,Texting ,Stylus ,Portrait ,Wood ,Lump ,Enough ,Creatures ,Humans ,Pier ,Chameleon ,Shopping Mall Fountain ,Smart ,Licking ,Owner ,Boy ,Terror ,Flames ,Trees ,Denver ,Survivals ,Weather ,Reynolds Wolf ,Progress ,Wonder ,Family Man ,Mind Boggling ,Composure ,Window ,Accelerator ,Camera Up ,Himtimes ,Area ,Weather Isn T ,Peak ,Size ,Evacuation Zone ,Scope ,Closer ,Fluctuations ,Satellite View ,Storm System ,Border ,Bit ,Both ,Fire Zone ,40 ,Mountain ,Humidities ,Gusts ,14 ,Defense Attorney ,Forecast ,Rain ,Snow ,Prosecutor ,Shot ,Doubt ,Abc ,Criminal Defense Attorney ,Holly Hughes ,Wahhab ,Jacket ,T Shirt ,Light Gray ,Bleeders ,Head Wounds ,Collar ,Mention ,Originals ,Press ,Facts ,Timothy Smith ,Correct ,2 26 ,Officer Saw Blood ,Light Gray T Shirt ,Eyes ,Type ,Scuffle ,Courtroom ,Officer ,Estimation ,Evidence ,Gash ,Outside ,Ways ,Defendant ,Thank You ,Candor ,Gwen Moore ,Rape ,Sexual Assault ,House Floor ,House Of Representatives ,Floor ,Wisconsin ,Push ,Violence Against Women Act ,Pump ,Billions ,Penny ,Analysis ,

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