billions in tax give aways every year. now i want to make clear. we know drilling for oil has to be a key part of our overall oil strategy. we want u.s. oil companies to be doing well. we want them to succeed. that's why under my administration, we have opened up millions of acres of federal lands and waters to oil and gas production. we have quadrupled the number of oil rigs to a record high. we have added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the earth and then some. just yesterday we announced the next step for potential new oil and gas exploration in the atlantic. the fact is we're producing more oil right now than we have in eight years and we're importing less of it as well. for two years in a row, america has bought less oil from other countries than we produce here at home. for the first time in over a decade. so american oil is booming. the oil industry is doing just fine. with record profits and rising production, i'm not worried about the big oil companies. with high oil prices around the world, they've got more than enough incentive to produce even more oil. that's why i think it's time they got by without more help from taxpayers who are already having a tough enough time paying the bills and filling up their gas tank. i think it's curious that some folks in congress who were the first to belittle investments in new sources of energy are the ones fighting the hardest to maintain these give aways for the oil companies. instead of taxpayer give aways to an industry that's never been more profitable, we should be using that money to double down on investments in clean energy technologies that have never been more promising. investments in wind power and solar power and biofuels and fuel efficient cars and trucks. that's the future. that's the only way we're going to break this cycle of high gas prices that happen year after year after year as the economy is growing. the only time you start seeing lower gas prices is when the economy is doing badly. that's not the kind of pattern we want to be in. we want the economy to be doing well and people to be able to afford their energy costs. and keep in mind we can't just drill our way out of this problem. as i said, oil production here in the united states is doing very well. and it's been doing well even as gas prices are going up. the reason is because we use more than 20% of the world's oil, but we only have 2% of the world's known oil reserves. that means we could drill every drop of american oil, but we'd still have to guy from other countries to make up the differen difference. we'd have to depend on other countries to meet our energy needs. because it's a world market, the fact that we're doing more here in the united states doesn't necessarily help us because even u.s. oil companies are selling that oil on a worldwide market. they are not keeping it just for us. and that means that if there's rising demand around the world, then the prices are going to go up. that's not the future that i want for america. i don't want folks like these back here and the folks in front of me to have to pay more at the pump every time there's some unrest in the middle east and all speculators get nervous about whether there's going to be enough supply. i don't want our kids to be held h hostage to events on the other side of the world. i want us to control our own destiny. i want us to forge our own future. so as long as i'm president, america will pursue an all of the above energy strategy, which means we will continue developing our oil and gas resources in a robust and responsible way, but it also means we're going to keep developing more advanced homegrown biofuels. we're going to keep investing in clean energy like the wind power and solar power that's creating thousands of jobs. we're going to keep manufacturing more cars and trucks that get more miles to the gallon, so you can fill up once every two weeks instead of every week. we're going to keep building more homes and businesses that waste less energy so you're in charge of your own energy bills. we're going to do all of this by harnessing our most inexhaustible resource, american ingenuity and american imagination. that's what we need to keep going. that's what's at stake right now. that's the choice that we face. that's the choice that's facing congress today. they can either vote to spend billions of dollars more in oil subsidies that keep us trap ped in the past, or they can vote to end these taxpayer subsidies that aren't needed to boost oil production so that we can invest in the future. it's that simple. as long as i'm president, i'm betting on the future. and as the people i have talked to around the country, including those behind me today, they put their faith in the future as well. and that's what we do as americans. that's who we are. we innovate. we discover. we seek new solutions to some of our biggest challenges. and ultimately because we stick with it, we succeed. and i believe we're going to do that again. today the american people are going to be watching congress to see if they have that same fate. thank you very much, everybody. [ applause ] >> president of the united states repeating his case for rolling back tax breaks for big oil. he and fellow democrats are saying it's nonsensical to subsidize an industry making historic profits. but allies say gas prices will only go up if they are it taxed more. the president is speaking out because a senate vote is pending on a bill that would actually strip away some $2 billion in nearly taxpayer support for bp, exxon, conoco phillips. it may pass the senate, but it stands no chance of reaching the president's desk. we're also learning more details about the night that trayvon martin was killed including from george zimmerman's father. his dad is adamant that his son had no choice but to defend himself. >> trayvon martin said something to the effect of "you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight." >> we're also getting a glimpse of zimmerman the night he shot trayvon. this is actually surveillance video from inside the sanford police headquarters. you can see the police examining zimmerman. it's important to note that according to police reports, zismer man had a bloody nose and was bleeding from the back of his head at the scene. it's good to have friends in high places. just ask mitt romney. he's picked up the support of florida senator marco rubio. and later today former president george bush will share the stage with romney in houston to offer his official endorsement. it's a the latest chapter in romney's effort to close the deal on the republican nomination. the jetblue pilot who freaked out mid-flight is now charged with interfering with the crew that he once led. clayton osbon is suspended from his job and getting medical treatment. he scuffled with the flight attendants and passengers who held him down until that flight made an emergency landing in texas. it was bound for las vegas from new york city. osbon could face prison time if convicted on the federal charge. no indication of terrorism this morning. a man trying to catch a flight was taken into custody after officials sdovrd he was carrying an unknown homemade device. he left fireworks in his backpack. no flights were delayed. she was the international face of violent crimes against women in pakistan. now we have learned she's jumped to her death leaving behind a suicide note and a warning to some of you you might find the following picture disturbing. she suffered horrible injuries when her husband, a prominent politician poured acid all over her body while she was sleeping. it happened 12 years ago and made headlines around the world. she endured three dozen surgeries to repair her face and body. her husband was acquitted of that attack. she jumped from a building in rome where she had been getting treatment. homes lost. lives lost. more than 4,000 acres scorched. and yet that wildfire burning across colorado is barely contained this hour. all of this because of an intentional or prescribed burn. up next, state's forest service is facing scrutiny. should they have started the fire? and what are they going to do now? 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>> reporter: well, a lot is expected to happen today. the governor expected to fly over the fire scene in a helicopter to check out the damage. he just got home from mexico. he was talking about economic development there. he arrived at denver international airport last night. very anxious to get here and check out the damage here in the colorado mountains. he also plans to speak with firefighters and also most importantly the evacuees and those who have lost their homes. plenty of questions for the governor once that happens. >> let me just ask you a couple questions. we were we were supposed to talk to the fire division supervisor. we're still hoping he calls in. if you don't mind rolling with me for a minute here, now that the state is not going to set anymore fires until this is fully investigated, what are you learning and what are your sources telling you in regards to the controlled burns? is it possible because of this there could be an effort to put a ban on these? >> reporter: right now, there will be no controlled burns. that's according to the governor here in colorado until they figure out this and investigate this latest fire. the governor wants to make sure though and let people know not to jump to any conclusions. he wants to get answers. he wants experts to figure this out. no controlled burns as this one continues to burn. >> there's a number of investigations taking place. any idea exactly what happened? if there's somebody or a group of individuals that could be at fault here? do you know anything about the investigations that are taking place into how this even started? >> reporter: those are all good questions, but the jefferson county sheriffs office is remaining hush hush on that. they are trying to be safe with those questions. right now their focus is to get this fire out. we're dealing with high winds. winds have picked up here maybe 10 minutes ago. it's not a horrible wind, but it's enough to flair up this fire. 900 homes evacuated. 6,500 homes on standby to evacuate. this weekend it's supposed to be very windy on saturday. temperatures in the low 80s, which is not typical in late march and early april here in colorado. right now, the focus to get the fire out and get folks back home. >> all right. eric, thanks so much. trayvon martin's mother says it's icing on the cake. new surveillance video of george zimmerman the day he gunned down the unarmed teen. but does his appearance that day tell the whole story? zimmerman's father says no way and now he's speaking out. the interview coming up next. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life, or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life, so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? the story just keeps getting more complex. trayvon martin's death, george zimmerman's claim of self-defense, and what really happened that night. who attacked whom? new details are surfacing today. more people are coming forward including trayvon's girlfriend who was on the phone with trayvon martin when he got shot. and george zimmerman's father. take a listen to what he told ofl as he asked to have his identity protected. >> trayvon martin said something to the effect of "you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight." something to that effect. he continued to beat george, and at some point, george pulled his pistol and did what he did. >> and then there's this. george zimmerman at sanford police headquarters in handcuffs the night he shot trayvon. it doesn't show a closeup, but you can see police examining him. according to the police report, zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and back of the head. trayvon's family and supporters are quick to point out what you cannot see in this video. >> when we looked at the video, it was obvious that there were no visible injuries, there was no blood on his shirt. so we have concluded just by watching this video that there may not have been any injuries at all. >> martin savage has been following the developments from sanford, florida. how has george zimmerman's responded to trayvon martin's parent's claims? >> he's got a difficult time. many people believe what they see. what you see is not any real obvious injury to george zimmerman. here's how he tried to put it in context. >> it's a grainy video. if you watch, you'll see one of the officers as he's walking in looking at something on the back of his head. the video is very grainy. i'm not sure you can see the injuries as recently sustained and later cleaned up. >> when you say -- >> it is important to note that video is several hours after the incident. george zimmerman had been attended to by paramedics. >> here in the police report, it says zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head. he was placed in the rear of the police car and given first aid by the sanford fire department. so have police said anything about whether he was cleaned up or if he changed his clothes? >> no. they haven't. they say he was attended to and clearly his wounds were not so bad that he needed to go to the hospital at that particular time. regarding his clothing, the clothing that you see george zimmerman wearing coming into the police station there is the same clothing that witnesses say they saw george zimmerman wearing directly after the incident took place. so we do know that the police have confiscated his clothes, but not at that particular point when we see this video. >> okay. we're also hearing more from trayvon's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him when he was shot. what is she saying about s zimmerman and that night now? >> you know, that's what's so interesting about this whole story line is that you've got two people on the telephone. you have george zimmerman on the line to 911 and then you have trayvon martin on the line with his girlfriend at about the same time. and he is describing to her this rather sketchy individual who is following him and clearly upsetting him. listen to the girlfriend as she gives the account. >> he was walking fast. when he say this man behind him again. he come an say he looked like he was going to do something to him. and then i said run. trayvon said he looked crazy. >> and just a little detail to point out to you. you've got trayvon martin describing george zimmerman as looking crazy. at the same time you have george zimmerman on the line to the police and he's describing trayvon martin as looking like he might be on drugs. so you have these two immediate analyzizations and you wonder how it could have played into the tragic consequences. >> thank you so much. you can join soledad o'brien when she hosts a town hall on friday night at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern hereon cnn. coming up, horror stories of physical and sexual abuse at the hands of a champion gymnastics coach. >> tell you to get on all fours and kick you in the stomach to where you were physically lifted off the ground. >> he would be tickling me at the stoplight or something of that nature. his hands would reach down and go into my privates. >> the women he coached talk to cnn. is moving backward. 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