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the outside world with william cohen. it is a new day hopefully a far safer one for sunlts at a los angeles school at the center of a shobi ishocking child abu n scandal. they were greeted with an entirely new staff. the whole staff was replaced after the arrest of at least two teachers accused of committing lewd acts with students. eight alleged victims are expected to announce the first lawsuits in that case. president obama is let'sing states off the hook when it comes to the no child left behind law. the president is expected to announce this hour that he's freeing ten states from stricter parts of the law in return for a promise to improve how they evaluate and prepare students. those states will no longer be forced to meet the requirement that all students be proficient in reading and math by 2014. mr. obama's announcement is due to start at 1:55 eastern time and we'll bring it to you live. finally big relief to the tune of 26 billion for distressed homeowners. if you were watching last hour, you heard president obama discuss the deal with five of the nation's biggest banks. the settlement will help homeowners burned by foreclosure abuses after the rupture of the housing bubble in 2008. federal and state officials charged that the badges were involved in ilt legal short cuts and other deceptive practices. the banks will reduce loans for nearly 1 million households and send checks of up to $2,000 to about 750,000 homeowners who were improperly foreclosed upon. rick santorum is making bank on his triple win in missouri, minnesota and colorado. the former pennsylvania senator raised $1 million in one day. santorum's campaign says you can thank online dough mores for a good chunk of that. at one point his campaign website crashed because it was getting so many visitors. today he's in oklahoma pushing hiydraulic fracing, pounding president obama and buttering up for super tuesday. >> you look at all the states on super tuesday, oklahoma as i said before is the bedrock of the republican party, the conservative movement in this country. >> you can hear directly from santorum right here on cnn, he will be speaking with john king on jk usa tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern. gay couples if washington state are probably hearing wedding bells right now. state lawmakers have approved a same-sex marriage bill making washington the seventh state to take such action. but it didn't happen without intense debate. the senate passed the measure last week, it now goes to the governor who promises to sign the bill. illinois could be the next state. three lawmakers have filed a measure that would eliminate the part of state law that explicitly prohibits gay marriage. women in the u.s. military can expect new roles placing them even closer to the combat zone. the defense department said that possibility will occur when it opens up nearly 14,000 jobs to military women. right now women are restricted from serving in small ground units involved in combat. but for the past decade, many have served in support positions that have put them in harm's way anyway. some of the new jobs include tank or artillery mechanics. a federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit by the animal rights group peta that aurpgd seaworld was enclaslavin killer whales. t seaworld says the lawsuit was a baseless publicity student, but peta will pursue other avenues. the u.n. is calling it appalling brutality. crime so horrible, outcomes so gruesome, we can't even show you on television. coming up next, the desperate situation in syria growing even more dire. if you thought it was bad before, wait until you hear what's happening now. neutrogena® makeup removercer ] erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. gruesome, we can't even show you vacations are always wasn'ta good ideaa ♪ priceline negoti - - no time. out quickly. you're miles from your destination. you'll need a hotel tonight we don't have time to bid you don't have to bid. at priceline you can choose from thousands of hotels on sale every day. save yourself... some money it's what he would have wanted. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself and so, college was a dream, when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was going to do it, but i knew i was going to get that opportunity one day. and that's what happened with the university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky is the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. in the five days since the u.n. security council fail order condemn the brutal crackdown, bomb, sniperses and tanks have laid waste to the city of homs. pictures and stories get out mainly on the internet. and what we've all seen and heard in the past five days has taken 11 months of conflict to a new and horrific level. more than 130 people killed today alone. 110 in homs. those numbers change by the hour. all the while the outside world confronts options that range from looking the oether way in launching a libyan style intervention. william cohen is a former defense secretary under president clinton, now chairman and ceo of the cohen group. mr. secretary, what can and should the u.s. be doing right now, anything? >> well, the u.s. is reviewing all potential options that can be taken against syria. i think the first instinct normally because we're so appalled at what has taken place would be to send in the marines. the difficulty with that is you want to save a military option as a last resort. so before you send the marines, you have to have a real clarity of mission, you have to know whether it's achievable, you you have to know what the cost is in terms of blood and and the exit strategy. all of those questions have to be analyzed and i'm sure the military is looking at that right now. in the meantime, we have to strengthen the economic sanctions against syria, diplomatic effort to resolve this, turkey is now taking a leadership role, saudi arabia is taking a leadership role. i think the international community now very much engaged in this, trying to persuade the syrians to stop slaughtering innocent people or face ultimately war crimes charges and be brought to justice later, but right in you, the goal is to stop the killing of innocent people. the options are pretty limited right now. >> there's a lot of talk of course about intervention and one person in the intervene camp is a friend and colleague of yours from capitol hill. listen to what john mccain said this morning on cnn. >> can he with work with other countries to roy assistance in a broad variety of ways. and by the way, military equipment is an option that should be considered but maybe to the directly. they need medical help very badly. >> so it worked this libya, so why not syria? >> well, senator mccain was saying the united states should not undertake this alone. but working with a coalition of countries, provide assistance of humanitarian nature, communications, other types of relief for them. i mean, you may also consider establishing safe havens in certain border areas. that will require a military option to be considered because once the safe havens have been established, there's nothing to prevent the syrian government from moving in and she willing th shelling them. so we have to understand the consequences and we've learned some lessons from going into iraq, not fully factoring in what the consequences would be by not having an adequate two and three and four step plan in iraq and it cost us cardearly. and we want to make sure that the united states works with other countries who in the region should be taking the lead and i commend both turkey and saudi arabia and other countries number one for severing relations for the most part with syria, at least on a temporary basis, and taking commercial action against them. and i think russia and china have to be concerned about this. they both want to have influence. >> and you believe that's what's behind their resistance to call for assad to back down? >> i think as far as the russians are concerned, it's client state. they have a major arms transaction with them. so they also have that relationship with iran. and so this is going to i think rebound in a way that perhaps they haven't full wiy calculaten temps the arab world reaction and in terms of how russia and china are behaving. i think there are long term implications for their relations with other countries. >> i want you to watch this video clip, it's a well spoken syrian activist, we call him danny. and he's showing us what's happening with the deconstruction in his neighborhood. watch this. >> you can see the whole street, the bodies are in there. there's bodies in that house, piece he is of bodies in that house. this is a civilian house. this is where civilians live. pieces of bodies are still in here. these are bodies. these are civilian bodies. these are civilian bodies. this isn't the army. this is children, men, women, being killed. we don't want monitors again. we want the u.n. to interfere with the army. >> there you have it, mr. secretary. you can see what's happening there. he's showing us civilian bodies he said in his neighborhood. is this really something that i did low massey can solve? >> diplomacy has to be exerted initially hopefully pressure can be brought that will bring russia and china into that coalition, as well, to say to the syrians you must stop this. is this a crime against humanity, you are shelling innocent civilians. i know we've been warned or taunted by the russian president saying you shouldn't act like bulls in a china shop, but you shouldn't act lie butchers either. and that's what's taking place. so this is the reason why the international community has to be involved, the united states can play a role. but once again, before we try to send the marines in, we have to know exactly what our mission would be, who is in charge of this mission, how many are going to be involved. so the united states doesn't find itself exacerbating the situation, raising to a cold war level between united states and russia and actually making it more difficult to get a cessation of hostility. so we're looking at all the options and i think the administration is proceeding with great prudence and caution at the same time with a sense of you are againsgens against agai but don't take step one until you know what you're doing. isolate syria and show to be the pariah state that it is along with iran that's supporting it. so it's a tinderbox area. we've got to be careful. to the extent that the united states becomes involved militarily, we have to consider whether iran will become involved, hezbollah, lab lebanod whether that will put the match to the tinderbox. so again we'll move with as much action as we,but caution, as well. >> we have much more to talk about with the secretary, including the pent goagonpentag plans to put more women in to combat showns. how they'll live . for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪ we're tipping our conversation with wil the pentagon is relaxing restrictions on women troops in combat roles. is that a natural progression do you think? >> i think it is. we've seen a move from a point of view that women shouldn't be anywhere near the combat field, but they have been over the years. i know that back in the 80s, for example, i questioned the air force as to whether or not women pilots could withstand the g forces as well as men. and the perception was because women were smaller, lighter, that they couldn't handle a g force. turns out it was just the opposite. because of their lighter weight, they were better able to withstand g force. so we've come a long way in understanding that women can con trib butte to the military object i have. it shouldn't be a social equality agenda that's being fulfilled but can women contribute effectively to the military mission. that's what the pentagon chiefs are looking at and to the extent they feel they can, they should be allowed to chief the mission and contribute, they have been contributing. >> let me ask you about the pentagon downsizing u.s. military. half a trillion dollars give or take coming out of the defense department budget over the next few years. do you fear that this could have an impact on national security? >> i think congress has mandated that they called for $487 billion over ten years, 259 in the first five years. so congress is the one saying you have to save. i think the defense department can handle that size cut.difficulty is when we talk about sequestration, mainly when the ax falls between the super committee couldn't reach an agreement on the $1.2 trillion cuts that they were supposed to try and achieve. now they're talking about across the board cuts, that would certainly vo xcompromise our national security. i think everybody is, w r, work under the assumption that the ax won't fall. it's pot a way to run the military in terms of the planners trying to say what will we have to work with. i was with secretary pa met take in munich and he indicated that the military is not planning on any further cuts beyond the $487 billion. that's why i think it's a pretty strong signal that the administration will work with the congress to make sure we don't cut any deeper during the next decade. >> mr. secretary, so nice to have you on the program. appreciate that. thank you. >> good to be with you. remember all the furor over drug testing in florida? now another fight is brewing over fingerprinting. is it fair? that's next. but first, you probably want emily clark as your neighbor. she's a former firefighter who is battling cancer. but that didn't so that her from risking her own life when she noticed a neighbor's home on fire. with no one else around, emily took action. >> i started banging on the back door and still didn't hear anything. i grabbed the kids and took off running to their bedrooms to get out. somebody had kicked in the back door. >> the family says emily not only saved their home, but their lives. and that makes emily today's rock star. what's this? [ male announcer ] quaker oatmeal squares have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. get your free sample of quaker oatmeal squares on facebook. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! the navy s.e.a.l.s describe themselves as a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation's call. they spell out their creed on their website, it says i will never quit, i'm never out of the fight, i will not fail. the roots of the s.e.a.l.s go back for world war ii, but the group we hear about today was created by president kennedy. there are about 3,000 active duty s.e.a.l.s. only about 20% of the candidates make it. one of the most celebrated mission was the killing of osama bin laden and now they're getting rare recognition in the form of a new hollywood thriller where ts.e.a.l.s play a unique role. barbara starr has a preview. >> reporter: the s.e.a.l.s are called in to action. when a deadly terrorist plot defense the u.s. is uncovered. it's an edge of your seat hollywood thriller, but wait, those are real s.e.a.l.s acting. >> everybody was asked to participate said no. everyone said no. >> initially all the guys turned us down. they weren't about making movies about. >> reporter: but the director convinced the navy only s.e.a.l.s could play s.e.a.l.s. >> we started to see a brotherhood of men that you didn't know existed. >> reporter: and together they embarked on a 2 1/2 year production schedule. this movie is as close as you get. the combat is actually the crew filming s.e.a.l.s on training missions. >> it is extremely authentic. we were there at every turn with the production company and the directors during the filming. we could say it was the way it actually happened. >> reporter: the movie is not without controversy. the navy originally wanted to make a recruiting film. the crew shot hundreds of hours and suddenly it became a movie that never got pentagon's official stamp of approval. navy officials say they know some will be critical of real commandos being used in a hollywood thriller. >> it did not follow the typical approval process, but the s.e.a.l.s were involved every step of the way. >> reporter: but to keep hair secrets, some camera angles were adjusted on weapons. classified procedures left out. secrets, some camera angles were adjusted on weapons. classified procedures left out. >> we made fun of each other constantly. you're running around, trying to simulate combat. it had its moments. >> these were some of the most compelling dynamic men. and they were good humble dudes. you wanted to have a beer and hang out. >> reporter: and what about a real s.e.a.l. becoming a real actor? >> if clint eastwood call, i'm taking that phone call. >> and he should. barbara joins us now. navy s.e.a.l.s in a hollywood movie. is there a possible security risk by seeing he's guys on film? >> we ask that had question because you remember, osama bin laden mission the s.e.a.l.s did, everyone was banned from knowing the identities of any of those commanders. we're old 134 of tsome of the s in the movie are back on operational duty. the navy told us they think they were willing to at that time risk, they think they can keep all of them safe. but takes pretty amazing movie to watch. >> i was concerned until he actually said that they didn't give away all the secrets. >> well, they say they didn't give away all the secrets, but it's interesting they did in fact use live ammunition in some of these scenes to make it more authentic. and the lieutenant commander that we interviewed very seriously wanted everyone to know there a big difference between a movie and real life and real troops in it action. he wanted people to remember that so many military families have suffered, not everybody gets up and walks away when the cameras stop rolling. there is real life out there. this movie, though, opens february 24th and it should be pretty interesting to watch. >> a lot of action in that one. barbara, thank you very much. so remember all the furor over drug testing welfare recipients in florida? not new york preccip yents get fingerprinted. is it fair. tools man. they'll help you nail a retirement plan that's fierce. two golden crowns. you realize the odds of winning are the same as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day? frank! oh wow, you didn't win? i wanna show you something... it's my shocked face. 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>> i don't think there's anything wrong with trying to prevent fraud or abuse, but there are other ways of doing it. for example, just using computer imaging with social security numbers would be sufficient to prevent fraud. we're doing it already with medicaid and other benefits, why not with food samples, as well. >> you said it deters struggling new yorkers from applying for food stamps. do you have any idea how many people we're talking about? >> even new york city statistics state that there are 600,000 people in new york who are food stamps eligible and are not accessing that benefit. so that means that there are approximately $166 million that are left, federal dollars, that are left on the table through the food stamps benefits. so that means that $278 is the average according to the usda, the average amount of allotment for food samples. 600,000, that's approximately $166 million that are left on the table. >> are they simply afraid to be fingerprinted or do they not have the time for this type of procedure? >> it's a combination. you have the elderly and the disabled who are just unable to get to the agency to get finger imaged. you have obviously the working poor who don't have time to take off of work to go stand in very long lines and feel that the practice is criminalizing them, creating another additional stigma. and you have those who are formally incarcerate who had just reintegrate themselves into society without fingerprinting. >> i want to share with you some of the numbers that the mayor's office provided us with. these are really key here. just take a look here. look at the recipients, 1.8 million people, they receive $3.3 billion in benefits. bloomberg's office is pointing out they caught nearly 2,000 cases there of abuse or fraud and saved new york taxpayers more than $5 million. soç isn't that reason enough possibly to go ahead with with this practice? >> i'm not really certain that the 1900 duplicate cases is really caused by fraud. it could be errors made by a person, right, human errors that cause the duplication. but if you think about the fact that the usda states that the average allotment of food stamps in will new york is $278, and you have 600,000 new yorkers who are eligible and are not accessing hethese benefit, are u leaving $166 million of federal money on the table that could be injected into the economy. so if you compare those numbers, 5 million to 166 million, i think there is an argument to do away with finger imaging. >> thank you very much. appreciate your time. well, he's got the momentum, he's finally getting the money, but can rick santorum get the delegates? some say it all depends on strategy. could he be borrowing from barack obama's 2008 playbook? that's fair game next. but first, president obama won the catholic vote in his 2008 victory over john mccain. did exit polls show that he won 48%, 54% or 68%. i'll give a shout out to the first person who tweets me the right answer. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol has stayed down. and here's another number you might be interested in. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. visit for details. 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>> no, i don't think it was. i think it was actually much a do about nothing but republicans in their zeal to try to distort what the notion of this provision was. the white house is not trying to find a way out of it. they are trying to work with catholic leaders on a way to implement what they know is the right thing on do. by the way, this provision has absolutely nothing to do with religious freedom. it is all about fairness and making sure that women across the board are able to access health saving preventive medicines and services the way that all women across the board do. it has a clause, a conscience clause, for catholic doctors who don't want to prescribe contraception and it is not something that the churches themselves have to do. but if they have an institution that serves hundreds of thousands of people in the community, this provision is geared towards hot dnot discriminating against women who need the medicine. >> and i want you to archbishop dolan, his reaction to the fact that the white house may find a compromise. >> i would welcome the fact that officials in the government are saying we need to rethink this and we need to have a grateful exit so that catholics here, catholic schools, catholic health care institutions, can continue to do the wonderful work that they've done for so long. >> would this translate in the end into votes against the president? a lot of people would think conservative catholics weren't going to vote for him anyway. >> this is a huge mistake by the white house at a time where they were just getting good economic numbers. democrats are running away from the president in droves. you have senator joe manchin blasting the president, you have catholics angry about this. and this is not coming from republicans, this is coming from catholics, from rome, the catholic leadership, this is coming from even like i said democrats on the hill. and catholics could be disaffected by this. and it does deal with religious freedom of institutions. i think people are very upset about this and what i think the obama administration will do is to walk back from it. and i would imagine they're going to try to probably find some middle ground between the liberals and the catholic community in terms of some type of waiver process like they offered to businesses across the country. >> i want to ask you about rick santorum. he won three states, of course in one day, he's raised a bunch of money. he had so many visitors to his website that it crashed. so is he a viable candidate here? >> well, this process, this political season has been so topsy-turvy, and frankly rick santorum has been the one who hasn't surged, so it is his time. it would be a big mistake on behalf of romney or gingrich tos can don't santorum and we see that at least romney isn't because he's one of the ones who is now a target of romney's criticism. so i do think it's real and i do think that romney and the republican party needs to take him seriously, but i do have to say one thing about the contraception issue. majority of catholics agree that this is the right provision. majority of women as a catholic woman, it is the right thing to do and if republicans want to be on the side of keeping where i am from having this preventive services and frankly a lot of contraception is for diseases like endometriosis, my friend's life was saved by contraceptive medicines because she had endometriosis. if republicans want to be assuming that, that's on they will. >> i'll take it back towards rick santorum one more time. ron, with me, please. let's look at this map together. you can see that santorum is going to focus here on states that award delegates like ohio and michigan. this is the new strategy for him. is it a realistic path to the nomination? >> when he had the bounce out of iowa, he didn't really know what to do with it and lost new hampshire pretty badly. now with this recent bounce, he has to figure out how to translate this into fund-raising organization. you don't want to take your strategy into winner take all states because romney will unleash a massive amount of advertising resources in those states. he's likely to come in first. so it's smart to start looking at states like oklahoma where he is at today to campaign so he can start accruing delegates and adding those up. >> ron, marie, we will leave it there. thanks so much. still ahead, the youtube video sending shockwaves around the world. why the father of this little 4-year-old boy made him stand outside in the freezing cold in his underwear and then videotaped him as he cried. the outrage coming up. but first, it's been a while since we've heard adelle sing on stage. but after throat surgery and two months of not being allowed to speak a word, adelle is back with a bang. she'll be performing at sunday night's grammied awards where she's up for six awards. and her interview will air just before the show on cbs's "60 minutes." [ deep beetle exhaust ] ♪ [ door creaking ] [ dog whimpers ] ♪ ♪ get up offa that thing ♪ and dance till you feel better ♪ ♪ get up offa that thing ♪ and dance till you -- sing it now ♪ [ dog barks ] [ deep beetle exhaust, dog barks ] ♪ you feel good [ male announcer ] back. and better than ever. the all-new beetle. [ dog barks ] ♪ get up off... let's go to washington state where a father blew up his house with his children inside on sunday. authorities are investigating how 911 calls from a social worker at josh powell's home seeking help could have been handled better. critics say it took long to send help. kcpq report it is it took at least 21 minutes for a police car to get to the home. josh powell was asse suspect ine disappearance of wife. now take a look at this video shot in new york. it's a 4-year-old boy running doing push ups in the snow in freezing temperatures. you can even hear him crying. a man calling himself eagle dad shot this clip of his son. the family is from china and was here on vacation. he says it's his way of tough toughening up his son. it's sparked outrage. "why don't we have a law against this abnormal behavior? if we allow he's things to happen, and ñrscream. awayçó andñrçó goñi to somebodyó trust. >> the incidentçó was caught on surveillance cameras andcd help attemptedmy kidn@rping and say wd'd8primp. thó but first another political junkie question. this one will test your presidential history. there has been one catholic president, john ffrl kennedy. what is the most protestant denomination among american presidents. tweet your answer to me at randi kaye cnn. the first person to get it right gets a shoutout right after the break. peter. i can see that you're busy... but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. [ man ] the receivables. [ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. i have a cold. and i took nyquil, but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] sorry buddy. truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. what? it doesn't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] you need a more complete cold and flu formula, like alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. it's specially formulated to fight your worst cold and flu symptoms, plus relieve your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] and to fight your allergy symptoms fast, try new alka-seltzer plus allergy. ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat or dog. before the break, our political junkie question tested your knowledge about politics and religion. i asked when i protestant denomination has had the most american presidents. the answer? episcopalian, presbyterians are close behind with ten followed by methodists with five. a big congratulations to a.j. from florida who was first to tweet me the right answer. we want to go back to the white house now. live pictures as we wait for the president to make some remarks about no child left behind. in the meantime, i'd like to bring in our political reporter peter hamby standing by at the conservative political action conference in washington. we might have to breakaway once the president starts speaking. but i hear is the republican presidential hopefuls will be making their pitches to the crowds there where you are. >> yeah, they'll be here tomorrow. the three front-runners at least, mitt romney, rick santorum and newt gingrich. this is a barometer of conservative sentiment. the real party activists will be here tomorrow. mitt romney is struggling to connect with these kind of voters. we're going to be watching him tomorrow to see the kind of reaction he gets. mitt romney has a smart professional team they'll won't let their man get booed here. he's got to the make his case. we'll be interested to see whether he attacks his rivals or keep the focus on barack obama. we're also going to be looking to see how santorum and gingrich do. those are both obviously the two candidates vying to be the, quote unquote, conservative alternative to mitt romney. >> peter, we're going to have to -- >> i'm sorry is, we have to stop you there. we want to listen to what the president has to say about no child left behind. >> thank you very much. please have a seat. thank you so much. well, hello, everybody. and welcome to the white house. i want to start by thanking all the chief state school officer who have made the trip from all over the country. why don't you all stand up, just so we can see you all right here. a great group right here. thank you. and i want to recognize someone who is doing a pretty good job right here in washington, d.c. and that is my secretary of education, arne duncan. i've also got some outstanding members of congress who have always been on the front lines when it comes to education reform. but above all, i want to thank all the teachers who are here today. where are the teachers? come on, stand up teachers. there you go. we've got some teachers here. you know, earlier this week, we hosted our second white house science fair. some of you may have seen this on tv. i got a chance to shoot a marshmallow out of an air cannon. which i don't usually get to do. but i met these incredibly talented young people. kids who were working on everything from portable housing for disaster victims to technology that can detect smuggled uranium before it became a threat. this young man had built a pr o prototy prototype. and i asked him how he came up with this idea. and he said i've always just been really interested in nuclear materials and i collect samples. and i asked him, how does your mom feel about this? he said she wasn't that happy about it. but just unbelievable young people. it was extraordinary. before they left, i gave them some homework. i told them, go find a teacher who helped them make it here and say thank you. because every single one of us can point to a teacher who in some way changed the course of our lives. i certainly can. i know arne can. and the impact is often much bigger than we realize. one study found that a single good teacher can increase the lifetime earnings of a classroom by $250,000. single teacher. a great teacher can help a young person escape poverty. allow them to dream beyond their circumstances. so teachers matter. and in an economy where employers are looking for the most skilled, educated workers, few people are going to have a bigger impact on that than the men and women who are in our classrooms. and that ultimately is why we're here today. it's about our classrooms and our children and what's happening to them and how they can perform. in september, after waiting far too long for congress to act, i announced that my administration would go take steps to reform no child left behind on our own. this wasn't the first and biggest we can't wait announcements that we've made because our kids and our schools can't be held back by inaction. i want to point out the members of congress are ready to act, but we haven't been able to get the entire house and senate to move on this. i said back then the goals of no child left behind were the right ones. standards and accountability. those are the right goals. closing the achievement gap, that's a good goal. that's the right goal. we've got to stay focused on those goals, but we've got to do it in a way that doesn't force teachers to teach to the test or encourage schools to lower their standards to avoid being labeled as failures. that doesn't help anybody. certainly doesn't help our children in the classroom. so, we determined we need a different approach. i've always believed that each of us has a role to play when it comes to our children's education. as parents, we've got a responsibility to make sure homework gets done. but also to instill a love of learning from the very start. as a nation, we've got a responsibility to give our students the resources they need from the highest quality schools to the latest textbooks to science labs that actually work. envelope return, we should demand better performance. we should demand reform. and that was the idea behind race to the top. for less than 1% of what our nation spends on education each year, we've gotten almost every state in the nation to raise their standards for teaching and learning and that's the first time that's happened in a generation. so when it comes to fixing what's wrong with no child left behind, we've offered every state the same deal. we said, if you're willing to set higher, more honest standards than the ones that were set by no child left behind, then we're going to give you the flexibility to meet those standards. we want high standards. and we'll give you flexibility in return. we combined greater freedom with greater accountability. because what might work in minnesota may not work in kentucky. but every student should have the same opportunity to reach their potential. so over the last five months, 39 states have told us that they were interested. some have already applied, and today, i am pleased to announce that we are giving ten states the first ten states the green light to continue making the reforms that are best for them. each of these states has set higher benchmarks for student achievement. they've come up with ways to evaluate and support teachers fairly based on more than just a set of test scores. and along with promoting best practices for all of our children, they're also going to be focusing on low income students and english language learners and students with disabilities. not just to make sure that those children don't fall through the cracks but to make sure they have every opportunity to go as far as their talents will take them. so massachusetts, for example, has set a goal to cut the number of underperforming students in half over the next six years. i like that goal. colorado has launched a website that will allow teachers and parents to see exactly how much progress students are making and how different schools are measuring up. so nothing creates more accountability than when parents are out there taking a look and seeing what's going on. new jersey is developing an early warning system to reduce the number of dropouts. tennessee is creating a statewide school district to aggressively tackle its lowest performing schools. and florida has set a goal to have their test scores rank among the top five states in the country and the top ten countries in the world. i like that ambition. this is good news for our kids, it's good news for our country. and i'm confident that we're going to see even more states come forward in the months ahead because if we're serious about helping our children reach their full potential, the best ideas aren't going to just come from here in washington. they're going to come from cities and towns, from all across america. they're going to come from teachers and principals and parents. they're going to come from you who have a sense of what, would and what doesn't work. and our job is to harness those ideas to lift up best practices, to hold states and schools accountable for making them work. that's how we're going to make sure that every child in america has the skills and the education they need to compete for the jobs of the future and to be great citizens. and that's how we're going to build an economy that lasts. so to all of the educators who are in the room, thank you for what you do every day. we are very proud of your efforts. we know it's not easy. we're proud of you. and working together i'm absolutely confident that you know, year after year, we're going to see steady improvement. i told the superintendent i met backstage before i came out here, this is not a one-year project. this isn't a two-year project. this is going to take some time. but we can get it done with the kind of determination and the kind of commitment that so many of you have shown. so, i'm proud of you. i'm proud of arne duncan. let's make this happen. thank you very much, everybody. >> all right, everyone. i'm don lemon. brooke is off today. there you see the president at the white house shaking hands right now. he's talking about no child left behind. that law. it was left behind today, according to the president in ten states. he's giving them some freedom to do what they want. states are colorado, florida, georgia, indiana, kentucky kentucky, massachusetts, new jersey, oklahoma and tennessee. they were granted waivers to free them from parts of the law to do as they see in improving their schools, their teachers and their students. they're going to improve accountability and they're going to undertake a central reform tofl improve teacher effectiveness, as well. i want to get you caught up on everything making news this hour. so let's go. all right. first up, the housing meltdown got a huge jolt today in the right direction. it comes in the form of a $26 billion bailout for homeowners. that's right. i said a bailout for homeowners, not the banks. mortgage settlement deal includes up to $2,000 for homeowners whose homes were foreclosed on and allows homeowners underwater to refinance. here are the banks participating, bank of america, jpmorgan chase, citigroup, wells fargo, allied financial. 131 people killed in syria today by their own government. >> this is the -- rockets, buts, killing children in the street. >> here's what we're talking here. constant relentless slaughtering of innocent lives. these are live pictures. we will be looking at live pictures. we'll take you there shortly in this broadcast. groups protesting in the city. the president has repeatedly denied attacking civilians. opposition groups disagree with that. the mississippi supreme court tackled a case that fueled a nationwide manhunt. the last minute pardons of some 200 criminals, four of them convicted murderers by outgoing mississippi governor haley barbo barbour. the state's attorney general says the pardons are unconstitutional. >> the pardons, they don't say the on the -- weather public notification was met. there are pardons that do that we think are valid. so we contend that the pardons are invalid. >> bill waller said no decision would be announced today. women in the military will soon be even closer to the front lines of combat. the pentagon says they can now serve on missile launchers and act as field surgeons in combat teams. just some of the 14,000 jobs now open to women. they still cannot serve in small units fighting on the ground such as sniper teams or infantry units. pentagon made the move to allow women in the military to get credit for combat duties which helps in promotion. pepsi says it is going to cut 8700 jobs in 30 countries and spend more on advertising and marketsing. the cuts represent about 3% of the workforce. soft drinkmaker says the job cuts are part of a plan to save $1.5 billion over the next three years. you've probably heard the harsh parenting tactics of the tiger mother. remember them? now, more outrage over a youtube clip from a self-proclaimed eagle father. a father in china shot video of his 4-year-old son crying hold me, running only in his underwear in the snow. the father says it's part of a training regimen to strengthen his son who was born premature and has health problems. many in china are calling for the state to step in now. a horrific killing in lake wales florida. police say a 67-year-old grandmother was stabbed 93 times, hit in the face with a pipe wrench and shot with a crossbow. her grandson charged with first geeg murder. jasper smitty allegedly called his father and confessed. no motive has been given for the brutal attack. several organizations have been fined a total of more than $80,000 for the stage collapse at the indiana state fair last summer that killed seven people. remember that horrific video of the largest of the penalties $63,000 went to mid america sound which built that stage. mid america sound says it warned the state commission and the band sugarland before the collapse that the stage couldn't handle high wind. a naked man becomes part of the downtown los angeles skyline. the unidentified man took off his clothes as he climbed to the top of a 220-foot radio tower yesterday and stayed there for five hours shouting and whistling. police climbed the tower last night and convinced him to come down. finally, he was lowered to the ground in a basket. there's no word on why he climbed that tower. a whale shark almost the size of a school bus pulled from the sea on pakistan's coast. fishermen say they spotted the 40-foot shark float unconscious. others question whether it was the victim of a whale shark hunt. the shark was sold for $18,000. the meat will be turned into poultry food. folks in vermont have been blaming the yankee nuclear power plant for contaminating fish. now the state health department has evidence clearing the plant. the same element found in fish near the plant has been found in fish in a lake 200 miles away. health officials say the fish are safe to eat and the slight contamination likely came from nuclear testing around the world decades ago. we've got a whole lot to cover in the next two hours. make sure you watch. >> as the right battles president obama over birth control, conservatives are gathering in d.c. to fire up the base. i'll speak live with right wing star tony perkins and michele bachmann. i'm don lemon. the news starts right now. in syria, people bury their loves ones at fight to avoid snipers, and the stories get more and more haunting. >> an 11-year-old boy had been hit in the face. i got a glimpse of his eyes. he was in shock. a man tries to kidnap a little girl inside walmart. and the terrifying moments caught on video. >> it's chilling to know how quick something can happen. >> she's the new face of jcpenney. but a group of moms want ellen degeneres fired because she's gay. i'll speak live with ceo ron johnson, the former apple guy who is standing behind her and an american brand. plus. >> there's a lot going on. >> kourtney, chloe and kim's mom talks about her critics. kris jenner joins me live. matt's brakes didn't sound right... i brought my car to mike at meineke... ...we inspected his brakes for free. free is good. free is very good. my money. my choice. my meineke. welcome back. syrian government forces have slaughtered scores more people in the country's largest city. syrian opposition is putting the death toll at more than 100 today in the surrounding city of homs. the government says it is targeted armed militants, but the opposition says the dead today include ten children. it's also accusing the government of attacking homes and hospitals. i want you to watch this account from inside the city. it's from a syrian activist who goes by the name of danny. >> there's more bombs and tank shells and rockets. you can see the buildings. those are civilian houses. you can see it on the ground. you can see how the rockets have landed here. there's more than seven people dead just in this street. women, children, men. you can see the whole street. the bodies aren't there. there's bodies in that house. pieces of bodies in that house. this is a civilian house. this is a video of this. the pieces of bodies are still in here. these are bodies. these are civilian bodies. these are civilian bodies. this is isn't the army. they're the children, men, women being killed. >> as you can see from that, it is relentless. the syrian government has barred foreign-based reporters. so we're reporting on the story from syria's neighbor turkey. want to bring in ivan watson following things from istanbul. how much stock can we put in these reports from the syrian activists saying more than 100 people are dead today in homs? >> reporter: don, if you just take a step back from this story and you look at the video that is being shown where you've got entire apartment blocks being pounded by artillery, residential neighborhoods where buildings are collapsed, i mean, i think we have a fair amount of evidence to show that a city with a population of about a million people is being shelled indiscriminately with rockets and mortars and tank shells. i've been around these weapons. they are not very well targeted. if you fire that into a densely packed residential neighborhood, it will go through buildings and kill people. and those are the accounts that we are getting from residents, from doctors, a number of people i've spoken to. their desperation is enormous. one of the people who was wounded is an activist who attracted attention when he confronted arab be observers who were in homs weeks ago and told them they're not stopping the violence there. and he's been wounded. and he paid a video appeal today for help from the international community, and he also has tough words of defiance for the syrian president bashar al assad. take a listen what he had to say. >> translato >> don, the syrian government says it's attacking armed terrorists. but from the images we've seen, the multiple eyewitness accounts, it looks like civilians are bearing the brunt of this deadly artillery assault. >> ivan, let's talk diplomacy here. is there anything new on the diplomatic front to try to end this siege? >> well, late last night, the u.n. security secretary-general ban ki-moon said that they're in talks to possibly try to send another group of arab observers joined possibly by u.n. personnel to syria. and when i've asked the people who are besieged without electricity, they can't get fresh food, they can't walk down the streets of homs without being shot at by snipers or worse mortars, they laugh. they say we don't need arab observers. we need basic supplies. we need a humanitarian corridor to evacuate the civilians from the city where more than 100 people were killed, according to them, today alone. a doctor we talked to who said all he has to treat the more than 100 wounded he got this morning were rubbing alcohol, gauze, and sue tours. he didn't even have antibiotics. he said we're giving up. people are just sitting in their houses waiting for that deadly rocket to fly in and kill them. and then the people are going to come in and dig their bodies out from underneath the rubble. >> oh, my goodness. thank you very much, ivan watson. we appreciate it. make sure you stay safe reporting from fabing turkey. we mentioned that the syrian government right now is barring foreign journalists, but early last month, nic robertson was granted a visa by damascus and filed reports on the growing tension near the syrian capital. take a look. >> the level of anger and passion here is absolutely palpable. we're just a few miles from the center of damascus. this is a crowd here -- thank you. this is a crowd here of perhaps several thousand people. they've taken over this whole area. they've put rocks in the road to prevent the police coming in here. >> he joins me here in atlanta back from the region. is there any way it tell just how worse things are today one month later in syria? you heard ivan. there is no bandages he says, no alcohol, no sutures, no gauze, no antibiotics. >> it's signif if i can'tly worse since bashar al assad unleashed the full force of his military army on homs, on places we visited with the monitors. when the monitors were there, the army wasn't shelling these towns. they weren't using thanks, they weren't firing mortars into the civilian area. that's begun in the last week or so. all these injuries, when we were there, there were perhaps 20 or 30 people being killed a day. today the numbers are up in the hundreds. >> you were in the capital city of damascus. how strong of support does the regime have in that capital stet? >> about 20 to 30% of the population support al assad. there's 10% of the secretary that the president is from. about 10% christian, and the message that assad tells his people is you're only going to be safe under me. the sunni majority, if they get power, you will be forced out of homes and buildings. >> he is opening up himself up for possible prosecution for hate crimes against humanity. can he rightfully claim that he is defending his country from armed militants as he says? >> it wouldn't stand up in court. i mean, he is, despite what he has said in television interviews that he doesn't command the army, he is the commander of the syrian army. i don't think there's any sort of international diplomat or army general around the world who tell you that's not the case. syrian politician who's fled the country will tell you he is the commander of the armed forces. and the armed forces are killing 70s. that's what you need the fundamentals for a prosecution. he says he's defending is the country from armed terrorists. yes, the opposition have some weapons, kalashnikovs, rock rocket-propelled grenades that are no match for his army. this is not an army in disarray. >> the question that i asked you as we were watching ivan and the gentleman there showing civilian lives he says these are civilian bodi bodies, is there any end in sight knowing the story? >> not at the moment. the u.n. has we heard ivan talking about is possibly gearing up with the arab leaguing to resend the monitors back in. even if they were able to do that, not all the monitors were in the country. we saw this in bosnia where the u.n. and the monitors don't have the power to stop the army firing and shooting on people. the monitors were in the country last month and couldn't even get the thanks to pull back, never mind stop them shooting. if you put a humanitarian security around these areas in homs for example and you allow out all these wounded people, you do assad's business for him. you get rid of the opposition. he would love the international community to come in and remove his problem for him. >> nic robertson, appreciate it, sir. coming up in the next hour, fareed zakaria joins me to talk about the bigger picture in that region. millions of foreclosed homes and homeowners is underwater. huge news for people struggling to keep their homes. today federal and state officials announced a mortgage deal. up next, find out exactly how you can get help and who is paying for the big bailout. first, $179 million worth of counterfeit goods made their their way into the country last year. u.s. customs and border patrol is out with their list of the top counterfeit items. number five on the list, clothing, particularly jeans and sports jerseys. number four, cds and dvds. number three, prescription drugs. viagra is one of the most popular. the top two counterfeit goods seized coming into the united states coming up after this break. [ male announcer ] this is lois. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] try aleve d for strong all day sinus and headache relief. [ male announcer ] why do we grow quaker oats? because there are mountains to climb. ♪ dreams to be realized. ♪ new worlds to be explored and hearts to be won. quaker oats. energy to get you going, fiber to help fill you up and help keep your heart healthy. super people eat super grains. now back to the top two counterfeit goods seized coming foot united states. here's number two. shoes. it's mostly nike knockoffs and other athletic footware. but they're seeing more luxury brands like jimmy comoo and uggs, as well. the most seized counterfeit item is the electronics. smartphones, tablet computers and music players. now you know. the nation's five largest lenders today promised to make good by millions of struggling homeowners. jp morgan chase, citigroup, wells fargo, bank of america and allied financial formerly gmac. in this deal announced, the lenders agree to pay some $26 billion to help reduce homeowners reduce their principal and to help refinance at lower mortgage rates. some of that money will go to state governments for direct aid to struggling homeowners. the president talked about the agreement just a short time ago. >> under the terms of this settlement, perk's biggest banks, banks that were rescued by taxpayer dollars, will be required tore right these wrongs. that means more than just paying a fee. these banks will put billions of dollars towards relief for families across the nation. >> joining me now from new york, alison kosik. we also heard the attorney generals say these banks could still face civil and even criminal action. so it's not the end of the story, is it? >> exactly. you make a good point there. this is a civil settlement. so yes, further action is a possibility. also, people affected by these banks that made these mistakes in the first place, these people can still file suit as can states. states can still pursue criminal investigations. i talked with one analyst who told me that's what's really needed at this point, a criminal indictment against these banks. that would give a stronger deterrent to keep the banks from doing it again. don? . >> $26 billion which homeowners qualify to receive some of that. which ones do? >> okay. it's broken into three groups of people who are going to benefit from the settlement. most of these people keep in mind were actually not directly affected by the robo signing signing. the homeowners underwater on mortgages and late on payments get the most relief in the this deal. adds up to about a million americans get an average of $17,000 to $20,000 reduction in their principal on their mortgage. it will basically cuts the size of their mortgage and they owe will he less on their homes. the second group includes up to 750,000 other homeowners also underwater but they have wered current on their mortgages. what these people will be able to do is refinance their current loans at lower rates. they're going to get a savings in their monthly payment there. there's a third group. this includes some people who lost their homes to foreclosure. they're going to get checks, payments of about $2,000 each. if you're wondering if you're one of these homeowners, guess what, the banks have to desize a way to contact people eligible in this settlement. >> very interesting. let's talk now about impact here. how far will this go toward repairing the housing market? >> all right. so it may help with the number of foreclosures that are out there because you know, think about it. by refinancing and reducing the principal on their mortgages for these homeowners should help people stay up to date on payments and they have a better chance of staying in their homes. i talked with one securities attorney, and he says wait a minute on the settlement. this settlement actually helps the banks more than consumers because it winds up capping the bank's financial liability which is a good thing for investors and for the banks. but the settlement actually winds up helping less than 2 million of the 11 million people currently underwater on their mortgages. he goes on to say the banks won't be paying all that much anyway. $6 billion in cash. the rest is going to be written off. they're going fob helping people modify their mortgages. that's something that's in the homeowners' interest and clearly in the banks interest. it's going to keep people in their homes paying their bills. we may wind up seeing the biggest winner could be the economy because it could help stabilize the housing market and give more money for people to spend in the end. >> thank you very much, alison kosik in new york. birth control for catholics. the race for the white house, gays and lesbians all hot topics for republicans this season. one of the movers and shakers of the republican party is tony perkins, the head of the evangelical family research council. i'll ask him about those topics and more next. you want to know, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. even. all right. we have some developing news just into cnn. we'll put up a website and tell you about the first lawsuit has been filed over the government's controversial rule to make companies offer contraception to employees. ewtn, which is eternal television network, it has filed suit today in alabama calling the pan date unconstitutional. you see its website there, ewtn sues government to stop contraception mandate. that is a homepage of its website right there. the stop contraception mandate. the network president says the government had forced ewtn to either employ employees for contraception, sterilization and violate their conscience or don't offer health insurance at all. so, apropos we have the next guest. one of today's speakers at the political action conference, the biggest and perhaps most influential gathering for the right. tony perkins, the president of the evangelical family research council at cpac now. what's your reaction to this news now from ewtn? >> don, not surprising. we've had other educational institutions that have also filed suit. before this decision was handed down knowing that it was coming. so this is to be expected. this issue goes beyond health care, contraception. this as many are seeing this across the country is an issue of religious liberty and whether or not the government can force people to violate the tenets of their faith. >> let's talk about now what you're going to say. is this part of what you're going to talk about when you take the stage this afternoon? >> we, don, actually it is. there's very key elements of the conservative movement. strong defense, peace through security, free enterprise system, and a strong family -- strong families, the church that develop character. and we have seen from this administration most profoundly in this past week through this mandate an attack on the church and the family being able to you know, order their lives according to the teachings of their faith. this is a big deal as i'm hearing from religious leaders of all denominations across the country. >> there are people who work for these companies who may not be christian employees. may not be christian. don't they have the right to the equal protection when it comes to contraception and all of that in their workplace. >> well, what we're talking about specifically are religious organizations that are being mandated. the only exemption, very narrow exemption provides for the church, a church, one that ministers to people of their same faith. here that's drawn in by this mandate are hospitals, schools, non-profit, religious organizations. so yeah, they may but they have statements of faith, most of them and when someone comes to work for them, they agree to that statement of faith. and so it is forcing them to violate that statement of faith. >> three of the four republicans still running for president are going to be at cpac. you see rick santorum's wins on tuesday as evidence that voters are more quernd social issues? you may see it that way. how does that help conservative who have been out of work for months? >> i don't think it takes the economic issues off the table. you're right. the economy is still an issue. in fact, it was the predominant issue. but even in the last week, we've seen where the jobs report came out and we've seen an uptick and many are saying hey, we might be climbing out of the recession, which is good news for the country but then it also enables people to maybe put some of these other issues higher toward the top for their consideration. of course, with these decisions it has put more of an emphasis on them. you have candidates pointing them out. rick santorum has been talking about this all along. mitt romney talking about it this weekend, newt gingrich, as well. >> rick santorum, is he the person that you think upholds the beliefs of your organization more? >> i have not endorsed a candidate. our organization never has endorsed a presidential candidate. but beat do endorse a set of ideas and principles. we do want to see this economy going well. we think though the way to i an strong economy is a part of the culture and it's a part of strong families. if we want to shrink the size and scope of government, we have to first strengthen the size of the family. it's the message of santorum and gingrich. it was a message of mitt romney four years ago. i do think he'll start talking more about it. >> i want to talk about something that has been in the news for the last couple days and play this for you. and then we'll talk about it. >> >> okay. i don't know if you're able to see that video but it's video of a young man being beaten in atlanta while his attackers shouted gay slurs at him. the reason i played it is because you and the family research council believe homosexuality is a sin and you're against gay rights. doesn't that man have a right to his own personal safety? >> slew, without question. it's not -- we're not against rights for homosexuals or lesbians. it's special rights. every american regardless and especially every young person in our schools has a right to go to school and be secure without being bullied. that should not even be up for debate in our culture. but what should not happen is we should not pick out a certain segment and only protect them. you should not be able to bully a student based upon their religious background, what them do sexually. you're absolutely right. so we have spoken out very clearly that we are adamantly 100% against physical violence or attacking anyone based on anything. it shouldn't be tolerated in our society. >> here's how many people see it. when there's something that happens when it comes to gay marriage, you hear from the family research council and others. but when you hear what happened there on the street and you have a gay slurs that the attackers are shouting, are you concerned though that you're not doing enough to mitigate this sort of hatred like this because when things like this happen, there is no press release from the family research council that condemns this sort of behavior? >> you know, don, that's a good question. when we're talking about policies that would normalize behavior that many based on those moral convictions see as wrong, whether it's homosexual behavior or promiscuity, adultery but to normalize that and then to say look, we're only going to protect that, that's where the problem comes in. i'm happy to talk about how we make our schools safer for all children. no child should go to a school fearing their going fob bullied for any reason. >> i just want to get an answer to the question. i'm not talking about how you feel. you can feel how you want to about gay rights and gay marriage. what i'm saying is that when we talk about gay rights in the news and there are stories that come up, your organization is seen as condemning rights, marriage and those same-sex marriage and those sorts of things. but when incidents like this happen you tend to back away from it. do you feel you're doing enough to mitigate violence and people having respect to be on the street and not get attacked? >> well, don, i don't put out press releases when there's another crime committed. that's what we're focused on. we're focused on public policy as it pertains to the family. you asked me what i thought about it. i think it's abhorrent. we would defend the right of that person to have their rights protected. but what we don't support in public policy is special rights for people based upon their sexual behavior. >> tony perkins, thank you very much. i appreciate you answering my questions. thanks. >> all right, don. a little girl in a georgia walmart snatched up about i a stranger. sounds like a horror story. the outcome may surprise you. that story right after this quick break. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life, or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life, so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? a store surveillance camera captured a georgia girl who kicked and scratched her way out of a kidnapping. her name is brittney baxter. she's 7 years old. look at how the man in the video cannot keep his double arm hold on her. he has to let her go. and police say this happened wednesday while her mom was just a few feet down the aisle. brittney says the pan started talking to her while she was looking at toys and then grabbedler. >> i was just like, kick as hard as you can. >> she said that a man had tried to kidnap her. had picked her up and put his hand over his mouth and she was kicking and screaming and he dropped her and then ran out. >> it's chilling to know how quick something can happen. it actually sent chills up when i saw that. >> yeah, and you know what? i consider this good news because police arrested thomas woods on an attempted kidnapping charge. it turns out he's on parole after serving time in prison for manslaughter. he denies he was in the store but the videotape will show everything, of course. unless you are living under a rock, you know about the kardashians. head of the kardashian clan kris jenner, aren't you glad i'm didn't call you chris carr dashian is standing by live to talk about sexuality and women. stand by. here we go. my twitter feed is blowing up because of this. valentine's day is upon us. some of you may be out shopping for love potions this weekend. and guess who has a new one to sell? i can't believe we have to talk to her about this, kris jenner. i know it's hard to imagine the self-proclaimed mommager of the kardashian clan but it's true. she's joining us to talk about this from l.a. good to see you. how you doing? >> good to see you. i'm doing fantastic. it's almost valentine's day. >> i know. it's going to be a great one for you. who are you targeting with this new line of intimate products? >> yes, well, you know, it's i'm here to say that i wanted -- i live a complicated life. we're all busy and crazy. so i've stumbled across a product called zestra -- that's the most amazing product to spice up your love life. now that it's valentine's day, you know, i've been sort of spreading the message that you can make every day valentine's day and women seem to love it. it's clinically tested. and it's fantastic. and you know what? anybody in a long-term relationship or even a short one but for me i've been married 21 years. when i find something that can spice it up a little bit, i get really excited about it. >> what is this product then? is it like a viagra for women? what is it? >> you guys have had all these products. you know, men for so many years that kind of help you out in the bedroom area. it's like our turn now. so this is a topical product, and it works instantly. i love instant gratification. it's kind of amazing. >> okay. all right. we'll leave it at that. >> it's fantastic. >> i have to say you're a pretty hot grandma, all right? i have to say. >> thank you. >> that's a compliment. congratulations. i hear kourtney is having a girl. >> i don't know what she's having. >> really? you don't know. okay. >> really. i don't. we don't know what she's having yet. but if you know something i don't know, you'd better share. >> i'll check on that for you. >> okay. >> what's lacking in the love lives of women of a certain age? >> well, you know, as women get older, you know, their bodies start to change and they aren't as confident about the way that they look or feel, especially in the bedroom. and i think that some women just sort of think that after a certain age maybe it's not as spicy as it used to be and people get busy. we have really crazy lives where by the end of the day, you're exhausted. and you know, for me, you know, especially i'm married 21 years, i want something that's a little bit different. and you know, a little bit more sexy. i don't want to forget about myself. i'm here to say that every woman deserves a great love life. you nope? if you can find something that helps out like this, then wow, give it a try. >> all right. so listen, i grew up in a family. i'm the only boy in a family full of women. i've heard this conversation. >> you know what girls talk about. >> i do. but i'm glad we got through the sex conversation. it's done. sex, check. we've done it. you're a good sport. >> are you nervous? >> i was a little nervous. i'm sweating. people are like you look so embarrassed talking to kris. i want to talk more about your brand, if you will. you've built an empire out of kourtney, kim and khloe. you have a book, you're on the talk show circuit. with pa fame, of course, you know comes criticism. there's also this. >> yeah. >> i get the free one. >> i know, right? four sisters. >>. >> all right. so does that hurt a little bit? i want to explore more when we come back. don't answer. we're back in a moment. >> okay. dude. i had the wildest dream last night... [ both gasp ] hi boys...welcome to's internet cloud. ♪ go daddy [ both ] whoa... first, get your domain name from then, make your business and personal internet dreams comes true! is this... [ both ] ...heaven? no... this is... [ male announcer ] see more now at! ♪ go daddy >> the we are back with kris jenner, the driving force behind the financial juggernaut that is the kardashians, of course. love them or hate them, the family is a brand that is making sister kim -- sisters kim, khloe and courtney rich and infam mus. >> i feel fat. i changed his whole life and he fell in love with me and now my feelings are changed. >> first off, there's reality tv including kourtney and kim take new york. it's an offshoot of keeping up with the kardashians". there are also fragrances, nail polish, clothing lines. the multimillion dollar rights to what you just saw, kim crying about the engagement and wedding. kris, are you seeing some fallout? are you worried that the brand will jump saudi arabia with so much exposure? >> well, you know what? right now, we're so blessed. the brands like sears and my kris jenner collection on qvc and the nail polish and the fragrances and the books, everything's doing really, really well. sears sales have never been better and the ratings on the tv show are you know, fantastic. so you know, i think what we do is just keep our eye on the ball. we're working hard and you know, you have to kind of -- we're just working so hard every day that you kind of try to filter out the negative stuff that everyone, of course, is going to take a shot when they can. we're just trying to do our thing. i'm just trying to get up every day and be the best that i can be and i teach my kids to do the same thing. >> we all are. that's no criticism. just wondering if you ever think about overexposure when it comes to the brand since you're the momager. >> of course. yeah, we definitely try to make really good decisions about the things that we put our name on like my new association with zestra, something that i actually use and love and we are passionate about. we try to make really good choices. when something isn't a good choice, we make that same negative decision not to do something. but right now. >> before we run out of time, i hate to cut you off. >> that's okay. >> i know you don't want to talk about kim's wedding. that's been hashed and rehashed. but it's in the news today her ex-husband kris is asking cameras to be inside the courtroom to show the proceedings. he says he wants to reveal the marriage was all about ratings for the kardashians. your critics seize on a lot, is there a part of your children's life that is sacred and that you stay out of? >> you know, there's a l

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, Fish Stories , My Turn , Paris , Oooh , Everyone Else , Mind , All Of Us , Voters , Catholic , Election , Percentage , 56 , Criticism , Congratulations , Ohio , Columbus , Groups , Contraception , Employers , Storm , Maria Cordona , Health Care Policy , Health Care Plans , Democratic , Edo , Misstep , Thing , Provision , Leaders , Notion , Zeal , Freedom , Medicines , Board , Fairness , Doctors , Institution , Churches , Hundreds , Conscience Clause , Clause , Archbishop Dolan , Medicine , Dnot Discriminating , Conservative Catholics Weren T , Compromise , Exit , Votes , The End , Catholic Schools , Mistake , Droves , Joe Manchin , Leadership , The Hill , Rome , Institutions , Ground , Waiver Process , Liberals , Businesses , Process , Candidate , Bunch , Romney Or Gingrich Tos , Hasn T Surged , Behalf , Don T Santorum , Season , Topsy Turvy , Ones , Romney Isn T , Contraception Issue , Target , Woman , Majority , Services , Side , Keeping , Endometriosis , Diseases , Ron Johnson , One More Time , Map , Bounce , Strategy , Path , Nomination , Michigan , New Hampshire , Iowa , Organization , Winner , Advertising , First , Smart , Marie , Video , Thanks , Boy , Father , Outrage , Cold , Underwear , Youtube , Sending Shockwaves Around The World , Throat Surgery , Adelle Sing On Stage , Adelle , Word , Sunday Night S Grammied Awards , Interview , Show , Awards , Bang , Deep Beetle Exhaust , Cbs , 60 , Door Creaking , Dog Whimpers , Dog Barks , Beetle , House , Let S Go To Washington State , Children Inside On Sunday , Critics , Social Worker , Josh Powell , Authorities , 911 , Police Car , Disappearance , Wife , Kcpq , Suspect Ine , Asse , 21 , Son , Eagle Dad , Snow , Man Calling , Video Shot , Clip , Running Doing Push Ups , Temperatures , Vacation , Toughening , Things , Behavior , Why Don T , à Rscream , Surveillance Cameras , Incidentà à , Attemptedmy Kidn Rping , Somebodyà Trust , Awayà à Andà Rà , Say Wd D8primp , Junkie , Thà , Presidents , Randi Kaye , History , Protestant Denomination , Break , Both , Shoutout , Peter , Gonna , Michelin , Finance Processing , Receivables , Xerox , Business , It Doesn T , Decongestant , Buddy , Nyquil , Stuffy Nose , Flu Formula , Flu , Gels , Music Plays , Purina One Beyond , Politics , Religion , Dog , Knowledge , Cat , Presbyterians , Methodists , A J , Episcopalian , Peter Hamby Standing , Remarks , Conservative Political Action Conference , Mitt Romney , Hopefuls , Pitches , Breakaway , Crowds , Kind , Party Activists , Barometer , Sentiment , Newt Gingrich , Team , Rivals , Make , Focus , Gingrich , Alternative , Quote Unquote , State School Officer , Trip , Stand Up , Someone , Job , Arne Duncan , Members , Come On , Education Reform , Chance , Tv , White House Science Fair , Marshmallow , Everything , Disaster , Air Cannon , Pr O Prototy Prototype , Threat , Uranium , Technology , Materials , Homework , Mom , Feel , Samples , Teacher , One Of Us , Arne , Classroom , Study , Single , Lifetime Earnings , 50000 , 250000 , Workers , Circumstances , Poverty , Skilled , Classrooms , Biggest , Congress To Act , Announcements , Wasn T The First , Schools , We Haven T , Inaction , Accountability , Goals , Achievement Gap , Standards , Anybody , Test , Doesn T Force , Failures , Parents , Education , Responsibility , Peach , Approach , Love , Learning , Resources , Science Labs , Textbooks , Top , Race , Reform , Performance , Envelope Return , Time , Teaching , Generation , Fixing , Flexibility , Student , Greater Accountability , Kentucky , Opportunity , Potential , 39 , Reforms , Student Achievement , Flight , Benchmarks , Set , Best Practices , Test Scores , Support , English , Income , Talents , Disabilities , Learners , Cracks , Massachusetts , Progress , Half , Tennessee , What S Going On , New Jersey , Dropouts , Warning , Performing Schools , School District , News , Ambition , Ideas Aren T , Towns , Principals , Cities , Ideas , What , Doesn T Work , Skills , Educators , Citizens , Room , Efforts , Project , Isn T A Two , Superintendent , Commitment , Determination , Right , Don Lemon , Brooke , Waivers , Indiana , Georgia , Teacher Effectiveness , Everything Making News , Reform Tofl , Bailout , Direction , Stand Up In Court , Let S Go , Jolt , Housing Meltdown , 6 Billion , Homes , Mortgage Settlement , Refinance , Bank Of America , Citigroup , Jpmorgan Chase , Rockets , Killing Children In The Street , Allied Financial , Wells Fargo , Buts , 131 , In The City , Slaughtering , Broadcast , Pardons , Criminals , Opposition Groups , Murderers , Mississippi Supreme Court , Manhunt , 200 , Haley Barbo Barbour , Attorney General , Mississippi , Decision , Notification , Weather , Bill Waller , Units , Serve , Combat Teams , Sniper , Teams , Surgeons , Missile Launchers , Pepsi , Credit , Promotion , Infantry Units , Combat Duties , 30 , 8700 , Workforce , Tiger , Tactics , Marketsing , Soft Drinkmaker , 3 , 1 5 Billion , 3 5 Billion , Eagle Father , Training Regimen , Health Problems , Police , Grandson , Grandmother , Hit , Times , Pipe Wrench , Crossbow , First Geeg Murder , Lake Wales , 67 , 93 , Organizations , Attack , Motive , Total , Jasper Smitty , 80000 , 0000 , Stage , Stage Collapse , Mid America Sound , State Commission , Largest , Penalties , Indiana State Fair , 63000 , Seven , Collapse , Clothes , Skyline , Downtown Los Angeles , Sugarland , Whistling , Basket , Radio Tower Yesterday , 220 , Of A Whale Shark Hunt , Pakistan , Shark , Fishermen , Whale Shark , Coast , Others , School Bus , Tower , 40 , Fish , Evidence , Plant , Poultry Food , Element , Meat , Nuclear Power Plant , Folks , State Health Department , Yankee , 18000 , 8000 , Contamination , Testing , Lake , Health Officials , Tony Perkins , Birth Control , Gathering , Conservatives , D C , Battles , Base , Wing , Snipers , Loves , Haunting , Glimpse , Michele Bachmann , Shock , Eyes , Little Girl Inside Walmart , Ellen Degeneres , Moms , Jcpenney , Apple , Brand , Kim , Kris Jenner , Kourtney , Chloe , Mom Talks , Car , Matt S Brakes Didn T , Brakes , Meineke , Opposition , Death Toll , Militants , Hospitals , Account , Tank Shells , Name , Bombs , Danny , Buildings , Houses , Reporters , Reporting , Reports , Stock , Neighbor Turkey , Ivan Watson , Istanbul , Neighborhoods , Artillery , Apartment Blocks , Mortars , Population , Accounts , Residents , Observers , Desperation , Attention , Arab , Bashar Al Assad , Violence , Words , Video Appeal , Defiance , Translato Don , Terrorists , Eyewitness Accounts , Artillery Assault , Images , Brunt , Ivan , Let S Talk Diplomacy , Late Last Night , Ban Ki Moon , Talks , Front , Siege , Personnel , Streets , Electricity , Homs Without Being , Supplies , Corridor , Gauze , Alcohol , Antibiotics , Tours , Sue , Safe Reporting , Rocket , Underneath , Goodness , Rubble , Tension , Capital , Take A Look , Danger , Journalists , Passion , Fabing Turkey , Nic Robertson , Visa By Damascus , Crowd , Center Of Damascus , Atlanta , Rocks , Bandages , Road , Military Army , Force , Sutures , Army Wasn T Shelling , They Weren T , Firing Mortars , Monitors , Injuries , Capital City , Regime , Capital Stet , Damascus , Message , Christian , Support Al Assad , 10 , Power , Prosecution , Crimes Against Humanity , Syrian Army , Commander , Television Interviews , It Wouldn T , Sort , Politician , Army General , Diplomat , Armed Forces , Around The World , Killing 70s , 70 , Rock , Yes , Fundamentals , Kalashnikovs , End , Grenades , Gentleman , Disarray , Sight , Leaguing , Bosnia , Army Firing , Them Shooting , Areas , Problem , Picture , Sir , Fareed Zakaria , Mortgage Deal , Up Next , List , U S Customs And Border Patrol , Counterfeit Goods , Clothing , Items , 79 Million , 179 Million , Viagra , Goods , Sports Jerseys , Prescription Drugs , Popular , Jeans , Dvds , Cds , Arthritis Pain , Lois , Pills , Spain , Aleve , Evening Showings , Listings , Morning , Walk Ups , Hang On , Load , Aleve D , Worlds , Dreams , Hearts , Mountains , Quaker Oats , Energy , Fiber , Shoes , Nike , Brands , Electronics , Tablet Computers , Athletic Footware , Counterfeit Item , Smartphones , Knockoffs , Uggs , Jimmy Comoo , Lenders , Players , Music , Allied , Principal , State Governments , Mortgage Rates , Gmac , Taxpayer Dollars , Aid , Perk , Alison Kosik , Billions , Wrongs , Fee , Point , Attorney Generals , Suit , Analyst , Indictment , Investigations , Mistakes , Deterrent , Mortgages , Most , Robo Signing , Mortgage , Payments , Reduction , 7000 , 20000 , 17000 , Rates , Payment , Savings , Foreclosure , Guess What , Housing Market , Foreclosures , Refinancing , Staying , Attorney , Bank , Securities , Consumers , Investors , Liability , Banks Won T , Rest , Cash , 2 Million , 11 Million , Interest , Bills , Republicans , Lesbians , Topics , Movers , Catholics , Gays , Head , Family Research Council , Shakers , Advisor , Understanding , Information , Portfolio , Insight , Wealth , Create Pnc , Decisions , Achievement , Employees , Ewtn , Companies , Rule , Homepage , Contraception Mandate , Television Network , Alabama , Ewtn Sues , Network , Sterilization , Stop Contraception Mandate , Conscience , Health Insurance , Action Conference , Guest , Offer , Speakers , Issue , Liberty , Health Care , Faith , Tenets , Church , Defense , Elements , Character , Free Enterprise System , Peace , Teachings , Mandate , Denominations , Exemption , A Church , Workplace , Ministers , Statements , Statement , Help Conservative , Issues , Wins , Quernd , Jobs Report , Recession , Uptick , Consideration , Emphasis , Beliefs , Culture , Principles , Beat , Santorum , Scope , Attackers , Gay Rights , Homosexuality , Sin , Slurs , Rights , Safety , Homosexuals , Slew , Segment , Anyone , Background , Press Release , Shouting , Gay Slurs , Hatred , I Don T , Policies , Wrong , Convictions , Promiscuity , Adultery , Marriage , Incidents , Same Sex Marriage , Sorts , Public Policy , I Don T Put Out Press , Respect , We Don T Support In Public Policy , Horror Story , Sounds , Outcome , Ia Stranger , Little Girl , Georgia Walmart , Liberty Mutual , Accident Forgiveness , Guarantee , Price , Accident , Repairs , Features , Plus , Insurance , Drivers , Policy , Agent , Georgia Girl , Camera , Brittney Baxter , Kidnapping , Hold , Double , Arm , 7 , Pan , Aisle , Feet , Toys , Kick , Grabbedler , Hand , Mouth , Thomas Woods , Chills , Kidnapping Charge , Parole , Kardashians , Store , Videotape , Manslaughter , Prison , Didn T Call You , Sexuality , Chris Carr , Dashian , Valentine S Day , Guess Who , Shopping , Feed , Potions , Stand By , Twitter , Clan , Mommager , L A Good , Products , Great One , Line , Zestra , Product , Love Life , Bit , Turn , Instant Gratification , Compliment , Grandma , Girl , Don T Know , Age , Think , Bedroom , Try , You Nope , Girls , Sex Conversation , Sex , Talking , Sport , Book , Empire , Fame , Khloe , Talk Show Circuit , Sisters , Don T Answer , The Wildest Dream Last Night , Dude , Gasp , Hi , Internet Cloud , Godaddy Com , Boys , Domain Name , Go Daddy , Heaven , Driving Force , Juggernaut , First Off , Feelings , Fat , Courtney Rich , Infam Mus , Fragrances , Kourtney And Kim Take New York , Dollar Rights , Nail Polish , Keeping Up With The Kardashians , Offshoot , Saw , Clothing Lines , Wedding , Fallout , Engagement , Exposure , Ratings , Books , Sales , Sears , Kris Jenner Collection On Qvc , Tv Show , Ball , Eye , Fantastic , Best , Shot , Stuff , Momager , Association , Choices , Courtroom , Rehashed , Veteran , Emotions , Responses , Professional , Shell , West , Facebook Com Suzanne Cnn , Treat Decapitations , Hello , East Coast , Brian , Proceedings ,

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