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of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. it's true. you never forget your first subaru. live from washington this on this veterans day, at the top of this hour, hours away at penn state university, this is where i wanted to begin this hour, a huge football game tomorrow without joe paterno, and a vigil tonight for the sex abuse victims held on campus among students. set the scene. >> hello again. things are really quiet where i am right now where crowds are around and just a little while ago, we had one of the campuses at the penn state. let's listen. ♪ >> so that's the penn state al a mater. this group has been going around singing spontaneously at different spots all in an effort to raise awareness for the victims in this child abuse. >> let's talk about those victims and specifically with the investigation, today the university is launching the full-scale and what can you tell us about that? do we need a time frame for when it's going to take place? >> reporter: no time frame yet but they are agas as many people are of what was released in that grand jury report. and the magnitude of it. >> beth karas, thank you. next in reporter roulette, here on veterans day, we know that the senate passed a bill and how will they do that precisely? >>. >> what this bill looks to do is to hire veterans in the form of tax credits. and disabled vets and what this has to do is get at the top of the numbers. we're less than an hour away. huge market swings this week. obviously everything happening, greece is out, berlusconi, italy, out. today is no different. >> today's no different and today's swing is to the upside and we're seeing progress in greece and italy. there's new hope that both governments, when they are both put in place, they will take a harder stance at putting these us a stare r austerity measures in place. even though we had the drop on the dow earlier this week, stocks are going to end higher for the week. brooke? >> well will take it. in the green. >> yes. >> alison kosik, thank you. chad myers, back in atlanta, are you a snowboarder or a skier? >> i'm a skier. >> talk to me about snow in the rockies. >> this is a major snow event from colorado south of ft. collins and take you to i-70, particular clouds going into the tunnel, clouds above it and we got an e-mail, breckenridge opens up today and all of the usual suspects that opened earlier, they are already going. breckenridge is celebrating 50 years of being opened. believe it or not, in those 50 years they have picked up 1400 feet of snow. that's about 30 feet a year. i don't want to shovel that. >> i kind of want to go ski now. i'm going to have to have a colorado trip with the ladies sometime soon. chad, thank you very much. that's your reporter roulette for this friday. we talked about that 2-year-old, sky, who went missing after the mom says that he went missing after she left him in the car to get gas a mile away. we're going to talk to the investigator about some of the inconsistencies out of washington state. also, your tax dollars saved fanny fr fannie mae and freddie mac. so why are millions being dolled out? and rick perry making david letterman's top ten. perry delivers this about himself. we're going to show you. stay here. [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. and if it's interesting, it's happening right now. you're about to see it. rapid fire, let's go. beginning with breaking news out of mexico, the country's interior minister has been killed. he was on board a helicopter that crashed today south of the capital of mexico city. two other ministry officials were among the nine people who died in this crash. there were no survivors. by the way, interior minister, blake mora, led the nation led against drug cartels. president obama marking this day. veterans day. by taking part in a wreath laying ceremony in virginia. he thanked the many servicemen and women serving our country right now. . >> because of their incredible efforts, we can stand here today and say with confidence the tide of war is receding. and just a few weeks, the long war in iraq will finally come to an end. >> the president is also spending time with service members both here and in our nation's capital in washington, d.c. also, in california and san diego today. while out west he's going to attend a basketball game between the tar heels, my ala mater, north carolina, and michigan state that will be played on board of the "uss carl vinson" tonight. and general motors confirms the government is investigating a fire in its chevy volt. according to this website, the all-electric vehicle caught fire after a side-impact crash test. the fed is looking at the lithium eye on batteries as a reason for that. passengers on flight from atlanta to charlotte frantically pulled out their cell phones texting their i love yous. the problem? engine trouble 20 minutes into the flight just last night. >> some people got hysterical. the lady behind me was crying. so people look at it as life flashing before their eyes. we got back on the floor within a couple of minutes so it wasn't too bad. >> the pilot was able to return to atlanta and the pilot made it to charlotte. we are getting the first word on the seven new wonders of the world. the top locations were voted on by millions of people all around the world. take a look, at the provisional list. first you have amazon, halong bay, vietnam, iguaza falls, brazil, jeju island, south korea. and komodo, indonesia. the new seven wonders of the world. we continue to honor our veterans this week and specifically on this day. the world war ii vet that we're about to tell you about is 93 years old. not only did he serve his country, he is still volunteering. his inspiring story 60 seconds away. plus, look at this, missing 2-year-old boy. we're talking to the investigator who has disappeared. she left him in the car. she needed gas. he was gone when she says she came back. investigators say that her story may not be adding up. they believe she has the key to his whereabouts. we'll ask him about what he thinks is going on, next. as we honor america's military women and men on this veterans day, special commendation, peter served in the south pacific during the bloodiest fighting of world war ii and today he is 93. you're about to see he is still serving his country with distinction. >> i feel like that i'm -- they waited for me like i'm their first sergeant. they depend on me. they can't move. so i have to move for them. >> here you go. here comes the food. it's a surprise. >> i think everybody knows they've seen it around. he is a hero. because of the time that he gives. and again at his age, at 95. >> well, when i was in the infantry, we did everything. and something to carry on, and we went along with what they need and before you know it, 30 years went by. i'm still there. >> something the american people people don't realize what their freedom is. they take it for granted and they don't realize that it's -- that's where the freedom came from. >> once you leave out of there, you say to yourself, you feel like you're the richest person in the world, you can walk out of there. and you look back and you think of all these guys that are still there and you can't go anyplace. you see them and i say, that could have been me. >> you going to go to your room now? you want me to take you there? >> the war has end and it's not the same. these guys can help them out. that's what keeps me going. i can say that, america, i gave my best to you. at least i tried. the best that i could do. mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. a sexual harassment scandal would be detrimental but when caught on camera cracking a joke about anita hill, i'm going to play you some sound. this is herman cain. it's tough to hear. we've added the subtitles. take a look. >> anita hill is going to -- >> so in response to that moment, and the jokes about anita hill, we now have a comment from herman cain here. he was just outside the russian tea room in new york after a fund-raiser. let's roll that. >> i'm fine. >> watch the wheelchair. >> why did you respond to the anita hill -- >> i want to get back on message. i'm back on message. i want to fix this economy so people can go back to work. not continue all of this attention on stuff that does not matter. >> sir, your polls are still up. do you think your message is working? >> yes, i do. >> and there he goes. herman cain not too long ago in new york. let's go to america's 2012 choice political update. jim acosta, nice to be in your bureau, by the way. i'll come by and say hello in person. >> please do. >> so we have a three-way battle now for the number one spot? >> yes, we do. that's right. and herman cain probably ought to heed what you just showed there on your show, brooke. he cannot swing a has been ae t there in the top tier of candidates in this race, he is showing some sign of weakness. look at this poll newt gingrich might be the new unromney. herman cain sliding a bit at 17% and so it shows that there is some movement in this race. what is old is newt. newt gingrich appears to be back and is a force to be reckoned with. if you look, another cbs poll is out that we should show you as well. take a look at this. look at newt gingrich. they are hanging in at 15% as well. this race is tightening up and it's wide open. i should mention in that same cbs poll, the viewer or the voters were squd, shou voters were asked, 22%, should drop out in those numbers and they reflect softening among women, too. it appears that these allegations that face herman cain in the last couple of weeks have affected their standing among republican women. they are going to have to make comments about anita hill like that, certainly not helping matters, brooke. >> jim acosta, did you say what is old is newt again? >> i did say that. i did. brooke, i have to say, every once in a while you've got to test out these one liners and what better place to do it than right here. >> right here on this show. great, jim acosta, thank you so much for that. >> yes. coming up, embattled head coach joe paterno has apparently reached out to a criminal defense attorney. but why does he need one in the first place? holly hughes is on the case, next. time now for the help desk. lynette is here and david, thank you both for being here. we appreciate it. lynette, your question comes from terrance in new york. he has a 30-year mortgage with his bank. he refinanced three years ago and 4.75% and he's tried to negotiate with the bank but they are telling him that he cannot renegotiate without closing fees because the mortgage is held by another entity. is there any way to take advantage of low rates and not pay the processing fees? and we don't know the specific of his situation. it's always different. but what do you say generally to this? >> i don't need to know the specifics. the fact is, whenever you take out a mortgage, you're going to have some kind of closing fees. some lenders taught zero points or no closing fees but every mortgage has fees attached to it, lender fees, title fees, government fees. those are standards for any type of mortgage. and even if you do get a loan with zero points or no origination fees, you can be sure that the bank is making up for that in terms of the interest rate for the loan. >> this comes from kent in new jersey. he makes between 30 and $35,000 a year. he's got $79,000 in liquid assets. $62,500 in a savings account. what should he invest in? >> he should be proud that he's able to save that kind of money. he's not telling us what he's going to use the money for and when. it depends. if he's using it for a house or an emergency fund, i would look at a short-term cd or an online bank account. he may look at a short-term bond fund. if he's trying to augment his income, he may prefer mutual funds. if he's looking for long-term savings, such as retirement, he may want to put some of the money in roth i.r.a.s. >> really decide where his risk level is? >> yes. that's probably the most important thing. that's something that we don't know. >> great advice. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. a special committee, we have learned today, will look into how penn state handled all of the allegations but could the scandal put former football head coach joe paterno in legal trouble? let's go to criminal defense attorney, holly hughes, who is in today. paterno has lawyered up? i remember watching the news conference. the attorney general said that he followed his legal obligations. so what must he be lawyering up for in is he worried about a potential civil case? >> absolutely. and he should be. because what you're talking about is pedophilia. this is pretty common knowledge in the united states and the world that a pedophile doesn't stop at one child. so when we're talking about the fact that he had knowledge -- now he, did -- it's called mandatory reporting. he did report it to his higher ups, his bosses, as it were. but when nothing came of that, he did not go and report it to the police. and because of that you have a whole host of victims who have come forward after the ensuing years when this was called to your attention, and just think about it, stop and think about what happened if you walked in and saw someone raping a child. raping a child. would you turn around and walk away? >> that has been the course of so many conversations that i've had this week. >> really. >> what would you do, and it's one of those things that people have said to me, you know what you think you would do, what you hope would you do. but jerry sandusky, he's the one who is facing all of these allegations. >> absolutely. >> apparently he adopted six kids, fostered others. does that raise the level of culpabilitier? >> well, in a civil trial it raises the horror level because joe paterno and all of the other folks at the university who were told, curley and the others knew that sandusky had adopted children. they knew that he was also fostering children. so to not come out a say this was an issue, that somebody needs to investigate what he was seen doing happening to this young boy puts them in his house at a risk. let's face it, a jury is nothing more than a member of the community sitting in the box listening to evidence. when they hear that you saw a 10-year-old little boy being raped, let's call it what it is, and you turned around and did nothing and as a result they are going to hear that victim two comes forward, three comes forward, yes, i think when a jury hears that, we're looking at a lot more not just kul ba tilt, liability, but money award. >> holly hughes, on the case today. what a story this is. thank you so much. >> thank you. a missing 2-year-old boy, his mother says she left him in the car as she walked for a while to try to get gas. that's her story. he was gone when she came back. the investigator here in washington state. he says that the story doesn't quite add up. we're going to talk to him ahead. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp medicare supplement insurance. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. the prices are competitive. i can keep my own doctor. and i don't need a referral to see a specialist. call now to get a free information kit. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. and the advantages don't end there. choose from a range of medicare supplement plans... that are all competitively priced. we have a plan for almost everyone, so you can find one that fits your needs and budget. with all medicare supplement plans, there are virtually no claim forms to fill out. plus you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare. and best of all, these plans are... the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. when they told me these plans were endorsed by aarp... i had only one thing to say... sign me up. call the number on your screen now... and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, to help you choose the plan that's right for you. as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare, get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. seattle area police believe that the mother holds the key to where the missing 2-year-old is but are careful not to call her a suspect. julia tells police that she left her sick son, sky, in the car when she ran out of gas and when she got back to the car, sky was gone. the thing is, police say there was enough gas in this car to run a significant distance. they also say that her story holds erie similarities to a law & order episode that apparently aired the night before. >> you forgot your diapers. >> they stole my car. my son was in the back seat. someone stole my baby. someone stole my son. >> i want to bring in major mike johnson of the bellevue police department. joining us with more, major, nice to have you back. before we talk about that -- i don't know if it's a coincidence or not, do you have any news about your investigation? >> unfortunately, not. the whereabouts of sky are still unknown. we're searching through hundreds of tips. we have over 150 tips on # ground looking for sky in various sky went missing sunday and in it she claims she left her son strapped in the back seat of her car and went into the store to buy diapers. came out, son is gone. my question to you is, who made this connection here between this tv show and sky's disappearance and is it -- how is it affecting your investigation? >> it's certainly part of our investigation. a tip that we received indicated similarities between our investigation and the show. we looked into it. had several investigators watch the show. i watched some of it myself. we can't deny the fact that there are similarities and something that we have to look forward to as we move forward. >> i want to talk about sky's dad. he's the estranged husband to the mother. he was on hln's nancy grace last night. i want to play this sound bite. he basically says she constantly talked about suicide. enough so that the 4-year-old daughter took notice. watch this. >> she kept on saying that she wa wanted to kill herself and said it so much that miley would repeat, i want to kill myself. that's why i said, you know what, whatever we're doing right now is not enough. we have to do more. >> major, major, i know that you and your police staff is asking her to come back down to the department and you want to ask her more questions. you say that she holds the key. can you elaborate? >> well, julia is the last one to see sky, as far as we know. so she's the one that we need to talk to the most about this investigation. and we've talked to her the least. >> how many times have you talked with her? >> i don't want to mislead people that we haven't talked with her. julia spoke with us for hours the night that he disappeared. her attorney was present. she retraced her steps and showed us the steps that she took. since then the communication has been limited and has continued to be more limited to the point where we reached out again yesterday and invited her to come in and talk with us some more. >> i want to ask you about this shoe. i understand there were tests on a knew that was found. can you tell me about that? >> late last night we received reports of a shoe in the roadway near the location where the vehicle stopped sunday morning at 6:00. we sent teams out to check out the shoe. when i say teams, i mean rescue crews and dogs to determine skrents th scents that would indicate and along those lines, it doesn't appear that at this point the size is right for the type of shoe that we're looking for. not that there is a shoe missing. i didn't mean to imply that. it doesn't appear to be the right size for sky. >> major mike johnson, bellevue police department, thank you. now this. why would you be rewarding this kind of behavior or this kind of action? >> good question. fannie mae and freddie mae is giving out billions of dollars in bonuses. you don't want to miss this next story. climbing to the top of a mountain, bear crawls, almost 1,000 feet. it's a quadruple amputee. his parents were not going to let his disability keep him apart. he joined the football team in sixth grade. >> i loved it because i hit somebody in every play. >> he took on wres selling and stuck with it even after losing his first 35 matches. he became a martial arts fighter and wrote a book, the best selling memoir, no excuses. but a whirl wind book tour kept him feeling exhausted and low. >> i got to a point where i was ready to quit speaking. >> reporter: and then an encounter with two disabled veterans in iraq changed his mind. >> they made a suicide pact. they said that the day they did that they saw my story on hbo and that's what got them to stop. >> he regrets getting their names but says that those veterans re-energized him. he continued, chris crossing the country sharing his story again and again. >> i know it's going to be tough. >> and inspired him to try for yet another milestone, scaling africas mt. kill ma jar row. >> it's the opposite end of the spectrum. >> reporter: he will hike with a team that includes two other disable d veterans. their goal, to show the world that no obstacle is too hoard to overcome. it's part of the training for the trek and despite his rudimentary equipment, it only takes him an hour and a half from the bottom to the top. >> when people see me, they may think a guy born without arms and legs, that's the worst thing that ever happened to mim him and i think it's the best kwift that has ever been given. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn. what's this? 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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. [ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! times are tough. you don't need me to tell you that. it's not a good time to be asking for a raise or a bigger bonus. but watch this report from brian todd on the latest bonuses approved from both fannie mae and freddie mac. >> you probably want to be paid like him. they are the respective ceos of fannie mae and freddie mac, the government-sponsored loans. accordi according the securities and exchange commission, they are getting paid about $2 million in bonuses. earlier this year the federal government approved nearly $13 million in bonuses for williams and eight other execs from the firms, despite the fact that millions of americans are struggling to make it through the housing crisis and that fanny and freddy have been hemorrhaging cash this year. they lost $10 billion in the last year and just asked congress for more money. >> this is completely excessive and uncalled for. >> representative john thun is spearheading to cancel the bonuses. they sent a letter to the housing agency asking it to revise the compensation policy for those execs. the fha approved those bonuses. >> why would you be rewarding this behavior at a time when we have the national economic issues and people across the country are very frustrated sth. >> officials at fannie and freddie would not comment. they say the firm has to attract that kind of money to manage $5 trillion in mortgages. they say the reason they got the bonuses was because they took the right steps to turn around r things around after the mortgage meltdown. a meltdown which triggered a massive bailout from the feds. >> how big was the bailout at fannie and freddie compared to the auto bailout and others. >> it was about $170 million for both fannie and freddie and the estimated tally, from what i understand from the congressional office, is $250 billion. from that standpoint, it's large relative to these other bailouts. >> analysts who once worked at fanny and freddie say that the current laws were put in place to clean out the mess from before. they started to do that but also say they haven't done enough to modify hour homeowners' bad mortgages. he's on the fence. brian todd, cnn, washington. they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years. some you have have been treating me, you look different. the reason why i look different, i'm coming to you from washington, d.c., this is the time i talk to wolf and we're in boxes but i'm standing out the situation room. let me take you in to see the wolf blitzer. >> welcome. good to have you in the situation room. literally. tell us what was going on, very good cause. >> it was an amazing cause, every child matters is a non-profit. they try to make sure politicians think about kids and especially this upcoming year with the election cycle. i got to emcee this event. zbla. >> black tie? >> not black tie, more casual affair. >> you must have looked fabulous. >> no photos. >> what kind of producers do you have? >> i fly solo. >> we want to see what you look like at that beautiful house of sweden. >> beautiful house of sweden, gorgeous. i didn't want to leave. thank you again, every child matters. it's important. child abuse, preventing child abuse. >> especially now in the store rif penn state. >> what did you say? >> every child matters, we can do better, that's my mantra. there are so many other smaller stories rkz not just penn state, kids dying unnecessarily in this country. i feel passionate about it. >> you are a good person. >> well, thank you. >> thanks for doing it last night. let me tell you what's coming up. debbie wasserman shultz is going to be in the situation room, chair of the dnc. one of things i want to talk to her her good friend gabrielle giffords, she's already doing interviews. >> hearing her voice for the first time. >> it was 11 months ago. >> what a year in news this has been. >> amazing year. >> and you and i are blessed. >> we have the best jobs in the world. >> you're heading to atlanta? >> i'm going to boston tonight. >> you are traveling all over. >> you'll be in atlanta. >> i'll be there. something of which we cannot speak but it will be view. our viewers will enjoy. >> my sources are filling me in. all right wolf blitzer we'll see you in a matter of minutes. we'll be right back. it's true. you never forget your first subaru. but when they come home, they don't want a parade; they want a job. the postal service employs more veterans than any other civilian employer. but congress is debating a bill that would force the postal service to fire tens of thousands of vets, close post offices, shut mail processing plants, and disrupt mail delivery. drastic cuts won't fix the postal service and aren't needed. tell your representative to vote "no" on house resolution 2309. it's time to deliver for our veterans -- and america. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ i don't know if you stayed up last night to watch this. wednesday night, gop debate was not exactly rick perry's finest moment, but give him major props for going on david letterman to be funny on purpose. watch. >> had to do with three reasons i messed up last night, one was the nerves and two was the headache, and three -- um, um, hey, listen, you try concentrating with mitt romney sometiming at you, that is one handsome dude. >> i had a five-hour energy drink six hours before the debate. >> i wanted to help take the heat off my buddy herman cain. >> okay. let's put this stuff in the caboose. and the number one rick perry excuse -- >> i just learned justin bieber is my father. >> oh, my god. >> rick perry on the late show. so we have a texas governor to thank for this week's red hot catch phrase. jeanne moos milks it, enjoy. >> reporter: what do britney spears and rick perry have in common? >> oops. >> oops, i did it again. >> oops was everywhere from headlines to impersonations, even rick perry couldn't resist repeating himself as he came out of his replayed clip. >> oops. >> when rick perry forgot the third department he wants to cut -- >> what's the third one there -- let's see. the forgotten department of energy gaffe took on energy of its own. >> the -- the -- >> rick perry had an amazing meltdown, completely for getting his point. >> oh, my gosh. >> one defender described it as a temporary loss of cabin pressure, we all have it. >> he could be president if he only has two things to remember. >> reporter: funny or die, put up a pardy quiz asking the governor to name three things. >> three moves in rock paper scissors. >> you've got rock, paper -- then there's a hawk -- >> reporter: the governor's gaffe was gleefully timed. rick perry's 53 second brain freeze dwarfed previous whoppers and made jan brewer seem like a scholar when she blanked for 13 seconds. >> we have -- did what was right for arizona. >> reporter: at least when president bush did it he was answering what's been your biggest mistake? >> you know i just -- i'm sure something will pop into my head here. >> reporter: sometimes what pops out is even worse. >> south africa and iraq, everywhere such as. >> reporter: like such as that, some consolation govern perry after this doozy of a gaffe, he came up with a recovery plan, a multistep recovery plan. >> i stepped in it for sure. >> obviously i stepped in it. >> i stepped in it last night, some stuck on my feet. >> reporter: remember how sarah palin made sure she wouldn't forget her three priorities? advice handed down from palin to rick perry, write it on your hand, stupid. jeanne moos, cnn. >> name three rice crispy mascots. >> snap,

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