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manhattan. thanks so much, susan candiotti. so this rare halloween weekend snow in the northeast is impacting more than just new yorkers. we have storm team coverage with meteorologist jacqui jeras in the cnn "weather center" and we got chad myers in the field in his own with severe weather center in york, pennsylvania. let's begin with you chad. amazing accumulation since the last time you and i spoke an hour ago. >> reporter: i know. no question. we pick up at least two inches in one hour without a question. we travel a lot for cnn but i usually travel for hurricanes. this is the first time because i vacation in warm spots, this is the first time i ever had a snow brush in my rental car. it was include in the price of the rent alcar because they knew we were going to need it. take a look at the ground. cars literally just drove on this. not 30 seconds ago. it's turning white again. the tracks as this car goes by the tracks are black right where the tire took away some of that snow. i'm telling you in 30 seconds that track will be gone. that's how hard the snow is coming down. pay attention to that tree over there. especially that branch that's kind of bending down to the right. they are really worried about how heavy this snow is and the weight of the snow is difficult to imagine, you've heard in minnesota or alaska where all the snow is the light and fluffy most of the time. i'm going pick up some of this snow because it weighs so much. this is great snowman snow actually. you can make anything you want. you can make sponge back if you want to. we don't know how much snow we're going to get here because the computers are printing out about 1.4 inches of water. so if this was rain and this is not. sometime you can get 10 you 1, multiple 1.4 inches of water to 10 and you get 14 inches of snow. this is so full of water and so heavy we may only be able to measure and multiple by seven so maybe eight to ten inches of snow. see that branch is bending. another four or five inches the branch will break, power lines will come down and hundreds of thousands of people from pennsylvania and maryland all the way up to maine without power despite tomorrow night for sure. >> that's super miserable. snow on the ground and then you have no power. crews are at the ready just in case. chad myers thanks so much from york pennsylvania. jacqui jeras here in the "weather center". it's not just york, pennsylvania. that swath behind you is huge. it encompass as good part of the northeast. >> the i here up in elevation the higher your snow totals will be. it's a tricky forecast. as well as that fine line between the rain and the snow, really the iran 95 corridor is kind of that zone where we're seeing most of that transition so the big cities will get some snow but not going to be foot of snow you'll get into some of the higher elevations. our storm system is intensifying and we're seeing those snow totals increase and winds are beginning to pick up. new york city, for example, we're looking at sustained winds around 20 miles per hour. you've already got 1.3 inches of snow on the ground in central park. that's a record four. you never had that much snow ever in the month of october. 1.3 you may say that's a walk in the park so to speak but that's a record breaking snow. it's a rare event to see something like that happen this early in the game. let's talk about how quick this thing will move on through here. get through tomorrow morning and things will be a lot better pap lot to go through between now and then. our storm pushes up to the northeast. takes the moisture from the atlantic. brings it up and around. mixes it with the cold air. that's why we get heavy snow accumulations as there's high moisture content in place. where we expect the worst of the snowfall totals and keep in mind, we get what we call convected snow where basically it's literally a thunderstorm but the snow is coming out instead of rain. one burst of that can skew these totals to the higher side. the closer to the coast you are the lesser the amounts are. in terms of temperatures, dropping down there near that freezing mark. look at the high temperatures for tomorrow already. we're talking well into the 50s for some of you. a lot of melting will take place very quickly and this storm will be out of here by the middle of the week you will hardly remember it. those people that are traveling you may remember. it's inconveniencing a lot of people. groundstop in atlanta that's because of the winds we're experiencing as a result of that low. groundstop at laguardia. jfk over five hours. six hours at newark and philadelphia. looking at delays around four hours. it's getting uglier by the minute. >> it really is. we have someone on the line who is part of that groundstop at jfk. i'm sorry. in hartford, connecticut, richard roth who is generally a new yorker he's in hartford and stuck on the runway between case for three hours because of a ground stoppage there? >> that's right. not great hearing about travellers. we will remember this day. we're concerned about how long we'll be here on this plane that's on various runways at hartford. i board ad flight at syracuse university, coming from syracuse university at about 11:15, 11:20 this morning and we were very close, first in line to land at jfk and then in the clouds we were diverted. but it took a while to find that out as they were scrambling where to put us. now we're on the ground. the crew is hoping we can get out of here, saying they need fuel and that flights that have been diverted get priority over those that are going point to point. it's very from us straight. i'm worried because we all remember these horror stories of planes that stand on runways for seven to nine hours. they've just given out potato chips. we'll see what happens here. your weather expert, there's a five hour jfk wait. they said jfk, we'll have to see. that's the latest. >> that looks miserable. we're looking at pictures you're not seeing, but we have pictures of downtown to see the accumulation, the ground completely coated there in the park and the trees have lots of accumulation on i want as well. we're hoping richard you won't be stuck there much longer but, you know, we'll try to keep posted and you keep us posted too and hopefully they have more than potato chips on board four all. richard roth, thanks so much. >> one suicide attack today killed several american service members in afghanistan. a car bomb blew up next to a nato convoy in kabul, destroying an armored military vehicle carrying nato troops. live to kabul and cnn's nick paton walsh. your learning anything more about the casualties and whether the fear is more people might be -- more people's lives may be in peril? >> reporter: well, there's a statement released clarifying who the casualties were. they said eight civilian personnel working were killed and five military. not releasing their nationalities. but a u.s. official said all 13 were americans. that subsequently you a pierce to be in doubt because the canadian military have just said that one. dead was, in fact, a canadian soldier. so there's a picture emerging slowly here, perhaps testament to the severity of the blast. a suicide bomber running into an armored bus known as rhino bus. these are heavily armored buses to ferry personnel through hostile areas. you have to tuned sheer amount of explosion required to damage one much these enormous vehicles. >> you know, nick, there's a statement coming out from the u.s. ambassador to afghanistan, ryan crocker, and he's saying this. it's a shock. it makes you mad. it makes me angry. we won't let these guys win. but the reality is, as the troop withdrawal winds down there in afghanistan, clearly this is or those who were causing trouble in afghanistan feel like this is a more porous state than ever and the opportunities seem ripe there for those who want to cause disruptions like this. >> reporter: well, kabul is known as a safe sanctuary in afghanistan for years and in the last six months or so you've seem that characterization eroded by the attack on the british council, assassination of a key afghan piece nancy reagan at iter in the safest parts of the city of afghanistan by different parts of the insurgency. the impact of that has been to many afghans consider themselves less safe. they consider nato's grip over the city is slipping. they have a series of conferences discussing future international role here. trying to establish some kind of peace system if possible. look for a political way to slow down this war. >> nick paton walsh thanks so much from kabul. we're apparently nearing 7 billion people on earth. it could happen this weekend. but one group in china is struggling. and stranining resources. 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(laughing) yeah. get $100 rebate when you buy four tires. 100 bucks! only at your ford dealer. 3 million tires. 11 major brands, fiona's kind-of-nice. i don't know why you're not here. news overseas this hour. three people are dead one of them a woman who purposely blew herself up. in happened in eastern turkey today in a largely kurdish region. the woman was a suicide bomber who detonated herself killing two others and injuring 20 people. it is the latest of several recent extremist attacks in turkey. the syrian military blasting away at homes and buildings with artillery and air strikes. they are trying dislodge anti-government fighters in the city. a human rights group say syrian troops hospital is dead 35 protesters yesterday across the country. every high tide makes the flooding worse in bangkok. the outer suburbs are under water as is much of the country. more than 370 people have died in the most severe flooding to hit thain hit thailand in more than half a century. the world's population will reach a record 7 billion on monday. china is the most populace country. chinese migrants are struggling. beijing has reached 20 million. >> reporter: my grant workers crowd cities like beijing now the world's 13th most populated city with almost 20 million people. the strain on cities across the globe like chinese capital is evident as the world's population reaches 7 billion. in beijing, the number of people almost doubled over the last decade as migrants look for jobs, struggling to make it in the big city. the people in this community earn roughly $300 a month. they say they are the ones that built beijing but don't feel they have the same rights. this is how they live. families living side-by-side in rooms they rent for $80 a month. if all the migrants went back to their home towns life in the city would not go on properly. the economy would not develop as well if weren't here. with costs for housing and food rising many migrants are growing ventful. they don't reap more economic rewards. >> translator: i don't have a place to live. how can i feel rewarded. >> reporter: a couple of days ago the school in this community was torn down and they found out this entire area is also supposed to be demolished so a lot of people have started to move out. as much as they want to stay, these my grant workers don't really have much of a choice. some will go back to the country side but most of them will look for other communities like this one and hope that want they don't have to move at least not any time soon. >> for more information on the earth's population reaching 7 billion just go to with halloween right around the corner it's monday. many people are visiting haunted houses this weekend. has released its list this year's scariest haunted houses. i want to ask you what is the scariest house in america. a, he in they anetherworld haunted house. b, bates motel and haunted hay ride and pennhurst asylum haunted attraction. c, 13th gate haunted house. or d house of torment and haunted house. stick around and find out after the break. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. before the break we asked you what is the scariest haunted house in america. according to the answer, b, the bates motel and haunted hay ride and pennhurst asylum haunted attraction in philadelphia. it's located at a 200-year-old forest. the pennhurst asylum is located at an abandoned mental institute. so whether you're using an expensive high end camera or a simple smartphone you want your halloween photos to be perfect, so we now have five tips how to take the best pictures and make those costumes shine. mark saltsman is with us from toronto. happy halloween. what's your first tip for taking the best of halloween snapshots? scary. >> yes. i'll put my friend away for our chat. the first tip of five would be for those who own a point and shoot camera, the more affordable pocket sized one, often when you take pictures of the kids they don't want to be photographed and they are out of the scene by the time you get that shot. to increase the shutter time first tip is hold it down halfway. you'll hear a chime or see the lcd screen 0-to go use. that means you're ready to take a shot. then the moment the kids or grandkids do something cute senate and it will take a much faster picture. in other words going from five to ten is much faster than zero to ten if your finger is off the shutter button all together. that's tip one. a basic one. >> for lighting purposes of course for nighttime photos it's good to set that shot, what do you mean? how do you do it? >> i was referring to smart phones. know your flash's distance. try to go out at "twilight" as opposed to later on. for those on a smartphone, you know, the big challenge is the flash's distance if there's a flash at all. if you want to take a picture with your camera know the flash is only a couple of feet away. ten feet for a point and shoot camera or about half that for a smartphone. get in nice and close to take a picture if you're using the flash and make sure they are not standing bay mirror or window because you'll get a reflection kmop your flash's limitations. if you're standing on the sidewalk while your kids are trick or treating at someone's front door your will not get a good photo because the flash will not go that far. >> i got that camera phone but it doesn't have a flash on it. how will i take a good picture. nyad vice? >> you need to use light. that's the number one issue especially around halloween time. lack of light. here's a tip for you if you are using an slr or single lens reflection camera. one of the great things about them is they have a large sensor that can take in more light so they are better in low light conditions. here's a couple of quick tips. what you want to do is increase the iso setting the higher the number the more light will come through the sensor. increase -- slow down the shutter speed but make sure you keep a steady shot so it's not blurry. finally use larger aperture which can help bring in more light. for those that have these fancy cameras you may not need the flash but bump up the iso. >> and what do you do to try to make your pictures very authentic? how can you do that >> i'm a huge fan of candid photos. my kids don't like standing and smiling. it looks fake. i like capturing some emotion on their face or some action that they are not aware of. we share it later on the computer. i show what i captured and they love it. definitely a camera with a decent lens so you can zoom in from afar is ideal for candid shots or halloween. an slr like this, it has those interchangeable lenses, you know, can you swap in a different lens and capture some great shots. of course they are great for soccer moms and hockey dads not just over halloween to capture good shots. definitely use a good lens. >> people are barely familiar with cameras any more. you've been showing us the iphones and, you know, other kinds of smart phones that take pictures. very seldom do you see anyone with a camera. gosh that was like taking us back even though that was a very modern day camera. we got to get used to seeing those again. >> yeah. you know, cameras are in everything. smart phones, slrs. these pocket video cameras are still popular. capture video too over halloween not just still photos. can you have a lot of fun. you can relive it with the kids. it's digital. so you've got future generations that can see what you did in halloween 2011. >> very fun. have some great halloween moments. nice candid moments since that's what you and your family want. oh, yeah that fellow there will do his job this weekend an scare a lot of people. all right. >> that's plan. >> thanks so much. that friend picture over your shoulder that's scaring me. that's only up there for halloween. >> we're decorating for a house party. that's it. >> just check. marc saltzman thank you so much. happy halloween. >> back to you. >> for more hi-tech ideas and reviews go to and look for the gaming and gas gets tab. the twitter world is hitting about 5 billion tweets per month. what do you think the most tweeted event per second is in recent history? osama bin laden's death? beyonce showing off her baby bump or the japanese earthquake and tsunami? the answer in just two minutes. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. we asked you before the break what's the most tweeted event per second in the world so far this year. osama bin laden's death. coming in at ten, japan's earthquake and tsunami. coming at number seven and the number one tweet beyonce revealing her baby bump' 2011 mtv video music awards back in august. she got a record 8886 tweets per second. those are our top stories. an early winter storm is dumping a mix of sleet and snow on the northeast and mid-atlantic. some areas could see more than a foot of snow. many trees are full of leaves and that's creating a big problem. causing a lot of concern about power outages already. 23,000 customers in york county, pennsylvania are without electricity. a suicide attacker drove a car bomb into a naturo convoy. no confirmation yet on the nationalities of those nato troops. a puppy survives the gas chamber. this beagle was stoet to be euthanized at an emanuel center. but it didn't work. now he's at a no kill shelter. >> check out this high-speed police chase in texas. we're talking more than 125 miles per hour. the suspect is accused of robbing a gas station with a rifle and then speeding off and then the police right there catching up with the man who they then arrested. a lawyer for missing baby lisa's parents just got the boot. the parents of the missing 11-month-old girl cut ties with one of the attorneys. it came just hours after the couple cancelled a scheduled police interview with the baby's two half brothers. baby lisa went missing from her home october 4. >> the maryland man being held in aruba will spend another month in jail. giordano appeared yesterday before a judge who order him to be held for at least 30 more days. investigators in aruba said they need the time to investigate further. >> reporter: gary giordano stood up before a judge and declared i'm innocent. he sawed he's been telling the truth to authorities the entire time. that apparently didn't move the judge one bit instead later in the day she ruled in favor of the prosecution extending gary giordano's stay in aruba behind bars for another 30 days. giordano was taken into custody on august 5th. he arrested in the disappearance of robin gardner who he says vanished during a snorkeling accident. authorities were suspicious of his story and became especially more so after they learned that giordano had taken a million and a half dollar life insurance policy on gardner. now today giordano's new defense attorney argued his life was being destroyed by the continued detainment. he said the case against him was nothing but circumstantial there was no solid proof. the prosecution argued they needed more time. number one they said this case has spread to four countries, the united states, tnetherlands and curacao. all of that is the reason that the judge sided with them and said giordano will, in fact, remain behind bars. the defense attorney says at the end of this 30 days he has to be formally charged or let go. i'm martin savidge in atlanta. >> one of our great legal minds, richard herman. usually you see him out of vegas. defense criminal attorney. all right. this is a really peculiar case, is it not because giordano and his camp thought perhaps he'll gate chance to be released, they haven't charged him with anything yet. they have been holding him since summer. how long can they hold him without the evidence to charge him >> shades of natalee holloway, an unbelievable criminal justice system one aruba. they can hold him for 30 more days. give the time for the prosecution, the authorities to do more investigation. and if they come back with some kind of evidence or any more evidence, they present that to the judge and the judge could extend this another 30 days. >> this can go on and on and on every 30 days once expires another could pick up if prosecutors feel they have reason to keep searching. >> if they can persuade the judge they are making progress. they have some kind of evidence to link him to the crimes. but at this point one time, incredibly they have no evidence linking him. they have nothing. so that's why the defense attorney stands up and says he's going to be released in 30 days because they have nothing. >> now, if he were to be released, and the investigation continues in aruba, he makes his way back to the states, what's the extradition agreement. would the u.s. cooperate if aruba, even though he's absent he's no longer there, aruba would say we now have some evidence to impose or further our investigation of him. >> that's a great question. that's what everybody wants to know. they were trying to get him released in aruba now but make him stay in you a ruba. the judge didn't go for that. >> why not? >> if he comes back to the united states and they release him we absolutely have a treaty with aruba and the netherlands he can be extra ditd and will be extra ditd and face charges there unless somehow in the united states they can draw up charges snooupts a small island. they do thimpbs differently. perhaps they are not used to investigate case like this. it takes more time. >> i think it's incompetence. after natalee holloway you would have thought they would have learned something there. some sort of procedure. they don't get it in aruba. they don't know how to act np case is just another abomination. it's going continue on. who takes out a life insurance policy with someone they are traveling with and then all of a sudden that person dies. you know, it's just not right. they are going to have to do more investigation, competent investigation. >> apparently we heard from martin what they want to further investigate, cell phones, smart phones, computers, what potentially could they be looking for if they are never to find a body, if they never have that physical evidence, is there something in the piece of technology that they could use that along with this life insurance that was taken out prior, to to help strengthen their case against him? >> sure. but that should have been done by now. >> almost too late in your view? >> not too late but that should have been done. i think it's already been done and they don't have anything. they will be looking for any evidence on those tapes, on recording, phone messages. they will check who the phone calls were made to. this should have all been done. woi it would have been done in the united states. >> we'll talk about lindsay lohan and problems that her entire family maybe not entire family other family members are having with the law. >> the acorn doesn't fall from the tree. >> and we'll talk about john edwards. thanks so much. the mother brings more babies in the world. find out why. each week we're calling on friends of cnn heroes to shine a spotlight on our top ten honorees and you vote for the hero who inspires the most. today we get introduced to a mid wife who delivers more than just babies. >> as an ambassador, i'm committed to finding solutions to poverty and injustice. i'm thrilled to introduce this year as one of top ten cnn heroes. the moment that a woman falls pregnant in indonesia she's 300 times more likely to die in the next 12 months than if she was not pregnant. if you have money you can get excellent medical services. but the poorest people don't always get the services they need. my name is robin lim. i'm a mid wife. i've learned about the dangers of motherhood when my own sister, she died as a complication of her third pregnancy. i was just really crushed. i came here to reinvent my life. we start ad clinic run by indonesian wives. we offer prenatal care, birth services. no matter how poor they are, no matter their race or religion, we teach new graduating classes of mid wives of how to do a more natural gentle birth. each baby, each adult deserves a clean healthy loving environment. those are a human right. >> they are some of the most inspirational people in the world working against the odds to help people in need and you can tell us who should be named cnn hero the year. >> that was a really good example. when you look at all ten of our cnn heroes they are amazing. they are helping people struggling pay for necessities. kids affected by hiv and many other people in need. this is and this is the place to learn about heroes. each of them get $50,000. then the cnn hero the year chosen by you will get $250,000. each one has a fan page here. so when you go to this website you want to learn some more about them. you basically click on their picture. i pulled up one. eddy canales runs a none profit that helps high school football players with life changing spinal cord injuries. then after you learn about them click on vote. you decide who you want to choose to be the cnn hero the year. we have a new system going forward. what you do is you highlight the photo and then when you place that photo down hereunder your selection, i do it for your but i don't want to create a vote. you hook it up to your earn mail or facebook account and what this will do is make you want very easy for you to then share that vote with your friend so in turn you're getting them involved. you can do that all on your mobile device this year and people can vote up to ten times a day. so the sooner they start the more votes they get in. >> how long do people have to vote? >> until december 7th at midnight. the announcement of who the cnn hero is will take place at the big event. all-star tribute sunday december 11th at 8:00 eastern 5:00 pacific. i tossed a lot of information. it's up at my pagesing right now also facebook and twitter. everything you need to know to decide who will be the cnn hero the year. >> good luck to all of them. >> absolutely. >> thanks so much. teens standing up against bullies. one group takes the message on stage. my name's jeff. i'm a dad, coach... and i quit smoking with chantix. knowing that i could smoke during the first week was really important to me. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. you know what else is early? medicare open enrollment. now through december 7th. can i stick with my old medicare plan? sure! or find a new plan with better coverage, less cost, or both. medicare plans give you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off on brand-name prescriptions when you're in the doughnut hole. it's part of the healthcare law. so it's time to look, compare... and choose the right plan for you. learn more at 1-800-medicare or and that winter wonderland is new haven, connecticut, a rare october nor'easter bearing downtown northeast as we speak. to be with the cnn newsroom. i'm jacqui jeras. the system intensifying. that's interacting with cold air and bringing down some impressive heavy snowfall. we're getting as much as two inches per hour now in parts of pennsylvania, into upstate new york, western massachusetts where we can get as much as a foot of snow before all is said and done. this is the forecast and you can see west of i-95 the worst of it. the closer to coast you are the more rain you're seeing. some very difficult travel conditions all throughout. here's a live picture for you in washington, d.c. where it started to ♪. not expecting a lot much accumulation. mostly a wintry mix. temperatures tonight very cold and warm up very quickly. by tomorrow morning this will be out of here with the exception of northern maine. we're hearing hundreds of thousands of people without power. a lot of leaves the trees. branchs are coming down and bringing out that power. we'll have more coming up with our weather forecast and track this nor'easter a little later in the show. >> we look forward to that. the message to keep bullying keeps spreading to fight bullying keeps spreading. cnn education contributor steve perry introduces us to a group singing about haters. it's this week's perry's principles. >> reporter: they are making some noise about bullying with his first single. ♪ get out get now >> reporter: starting to write your own music. when the wheel stops spinning how do you end up on bullying? >> we had this idea list make a list of things we love, things that we kind of don't really care about and things that we really don't like. and we all wrote the word haters on the list of dislikes. >> what's that? what's a hater? >> someone who makes fun of you for what you like, your style. and we're like that's it. it's the song we want to write about. something that's affected us in our lives. >> howe? >> how? >> we've all experienced it. i've always been on the shorter side. so kids just like got a hoot out of either verbally picking on me or sometimes physically. >> when i look at a band like the ramones and others they must have been outcast. tell me on some level you're an outcast. >> you have to learn it's okay. even though people may not think you're the defending of cool, maybe, it's really all right. you just have to be your own person and not care what other people think. >> to spread that message that teamed up with together they spoke out and rocked out at several high schools in new york and new jersey this year. >> it's definitely more effective than sitting down through a boring chitchat because kids can relate to it. >> what do you want kids to take from this? >> when i saw kids at my old school it was always the same kids bullying the same kids every day and nobody else would do something about it. we're trying to get kids stand up and say something to bully. stop that. it's not cool. >> these songs speak to your generation? >> yeah. we actually have a song called future generation that tells people that we are the generation. it's our time to change and it's our time to make things better. >> steve perry, newark. destroying pumpkins is a time honored activity for rebellious boys on halloween night but it can be a real art. stick around to see what i mean. [ female announcer ] if you're considering going back to school, you have options. you can attend our online program or if you prefer a classroom experience... look no further than your own neighborhood. we have over 200 campuses and learning centers around the country. where you can attend classes, career fairs and meet with students and faculty. today, you can go to school online, on-campus, or both. explore your options at ♪ [ siren ] [ applause ] [ jackhammer ] [ crowd cheering ] [ speeding car ] [ siren ] [ horse whinnying ] [ bell dings ] your true self -- uncover it, embrace it, protect it. what's healthier than that? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? i'm happy to see this segment because i needed some ideas on what to do with that jackolantern after halloween. >> you chuck it. >> but how and where do you chuck it? >> i did it years ago. >> it's going to be a mess. >> it's going to be a mess. >> ours are already rotted. >> i know. ours too, it's ugly. >> it's not going to look that glamorous and great. that's art now. >> they took these shots at 300 frames per second after they were dropped off a three-story building into a parking lot. >> you're kidding me. >> but look at that. >> and who cleaned up the mess? that's what i want to know. >> i don't know. it wasn't me. >> that's crazy. the filmmaker's name is devin graham and he got together some of his friends and they collected these pumpkins and there you go. >> he even puts fireworks in some of them. >> okay. it's gone viral. >> have you ever thought of that? >> no, i haven't. >> not the fireworks thing. but drop them. >> still never thought of that either. >> it's a blast. i did it from 50 feet up once, old radio show i did back in iowa. >> that's gone viral. 140,000 hits on that. thanks, jacqui. >> you can come to my house. i'll clean it up. >> really? >> sure. >> you know what happened over the summer, that big fair concert that was to happen in indiana but the big winstorm came through? sugarland is turning that tragic moment into something great. they've returned to the place to perform in front of fans who are still mourning the loss of seven lives. we're going to take you to indianapolis after this. ♪ [husband:] getting cold out here. 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[ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade and check my investment portfolio, research stocks, and set conditional orders. wait, why are you taking... oh, i see. hey max, would it kill you to throw a guy a warning bark? [ dog barks ] you know i wanted a bird. [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. country duo sugarland made a bittersweet return to indianapolis performing for the very fans who witnessed the horrific stage collapsed that killed seven people two months ago. jennifer nettles told the crowd, quote, we were all changed by what happened, unquote. but last night's shows started to heal the scars. >> well, hello, indianapolis. >> hello, everybody. >> i was there the evening at the indianapolis state fair. >> we are so happy to be here with you and we are so happy that you are here for everything that that means tonight. >> a lot of people were hurt and a lot of people also were emotionally and mentally hurt. there are a lot of scars that people can't see. >> those of us that were there that night, it was a totally surreal experience. it was just insane that it happened. >> the show, if you met people, you never forget that. >> after the show, people started to connect with each other. >> these are people you become friends with. you stand in line together. i think it's helped make this like a group healing experience. >> we want to be here together, to experience it together. we also want to be here for the band. >> it may be an emotional show tonight, but it will also be a celebratory show tonight. >> honestly, i went back and forth a million times whether or not i was ever going to really be able to come together. a little nervous, a little bit scared. >> tonight is about being with the people that were there that night and healing all together and just getting to see them again after seeing them after so long. >> i feel like we're completing something we started in august. >> we are going to all be together in that pit together.

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Institute ,Tip ,Tips ,Best ,Costumes ,Halloween Snapshots ,Mark Saltsman ,Toronto ,Friend ,Pocket ,Chat ,Scary ,Kids ,Shot ,Lcd Screen ,Use ,Scene ,Chime ,Grandkids ,Finger ,Words ,Senate ,Zero ,Smart Phones ,Photos ,Course ,Tip One ,Shutter Button ,Lighting Purposes ,Flash ,Distance ,Challenge ,Twilight ,Feet ,Camera ,Photo ,Limitations ,Sidewalk ,Window ,Kmop ,Door ,Trick ,Camera Phone ,Nyad Vice ,Issue ,Sensor ,Slr ,Conditions ,Black ,Iso ,Increase ,Shutter Speed ,Cameras ,Aperture ,Face ,Action ,Fan ,Smiling ,Emotion ,Shots ,Lens ,Computer ,Lenses ,Soccer Moms ,Dads ,More ,Gosh ,Kinds ,Iphones ,Everything ,Video Cameras ,Slrs ,Fun ,Capture Video ,Generations ,Plan ,Fellow ,Job ,Scare ,Family Want ,2011 ,Shoulder ,Friend Picture ,Halloween ,Marc Saltzman ,House Party ,Gas ,Tab ,Gaming ,Reviews ,Twitter ,Hi Tech Ideas ,5 Billion ,Answer ,Earthquake ,Death ,Tsunami ,Beyonce ,Baby Bump ,Osama Bin Laden ,Japanese ,Money ,Bank ,Stranger ,Dime ,Fees ,Nonsense ,Rally ,Ally Bank ,Tweet 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,Natalee Holloway ,Investigation ,System ,Prosecutors ,Another ,Progress ,Crimes ,States ,Extradition Agreement ,Everybody ,Didn T Go ,Ruba ,Charges ,Ditd ,Treaty ,Netherlands ,Incompetence ,Small Island ,Np Case ,Life Insurance Policy ,Abomination ,Procedure ,Person ,Investigate ,Cell Phones ,Life Insurance ,Body ,Technology ,Piece ,View ,Tapes ,Phone Messages ,Recording ,Phone Calls ,Woi ,Lindsay Lohan ,Problems ,Law ,Family Members ,The Acorn Doesn T Fall ,John Edwards ,Babies ,Mother ,Friends Of Cnn Heroes ,Hero ,Spotlight ,Honorees ,Wife ,Injustice ,Solutions ,Poverty ,Times ,Heroes ,Indonesia ,12 ,Services ,Dangers ,My Name ,Robin Lim ,Sister ,Complication ,Pregnancy ,Motherhood ,Birth Services ,Graduating Classes ,Prenatal Care ,Clinic Run ,Matter ,Race ,Religion ,Indonesian Wives ,Environment ,Birth ,Human Right ,Wives ,Adult ,Need ,Cnn Hero The ,Odds ,Pay ,Necessities ,Shiv ,Peach ,Fan Page ,0000 ,250000 ,50000 ,Profit ,Website ,High School Football ,Eddy Canales ,Vote ,Spinal Cord Injuries ,Players ,Facebook ,Selection ,Mail ,Votes ,Mobile Device ,Announcement ,December 7th ,Cnn Hero ,All Star Tribute Sunday December 11th ,7 ,December 7th At Midnight ,8 ,Sunday December 11th At 8 00 ,Luck ,My Pagesing ,Pacific ,Message ,Name ,Stage ,Bullies ,Teens ,Jeff ,Chantix ,Smoking ,Coach ,Support ,Mood ,Changes ,Thoughts ,Smoke ,Actions ,Behavior ,Agitation ,Hostility ,History ,Mental Health Problems ,Blood Vessel Problems ,Heart ,Skin ,Depression ,Symptoms ,Heart Attack ,Side Effects ,Trouble Sleeping ,Reasons ,Caution ,Machinery ,Operating ,Dreams ,Nausea ,Cost ,Coverage ,Medicare ,Medicare Open Enrollment ,Both ,Healthcare Law ,Prescriptions ,Wellness Visits ,Cancer Screenings ,Doughnut Hole ,1 800 Medicare ,800 ,Winter Wonderland ,New Haven ,October Nor Easter Bearing Downtown ,Cnn Newsroom ,Snowfall ,Interacting ,Cold Air ,Western Massachusetts ,I 95 ,Travel Conditions ,Washington D C ,Exception ,Branchs ,Hearing Hundreds Of Thousands ,Show ,Bullying ,Steve Perry ,Weather Forecast ,Education ,Nor Easter A ,Haters ,Noise ,Principles ,Single ,Music ,Idea List Make A ,Wheel ,Hater ,Word ,Dislikes ,Style ,Don T Like ,Song ,Hoot ,Howe ,Band ,Either ,Ramones ,Outcast ,Level ,Cool ,High Schools ,Dosomething Org ,New Jersey ,Old School ,Chitchat ,Generation ,Songs ,Nobody ,Newark ,Pumpkins ,Activity ,Art ,Back To School ,Boys ,Options ,Program ,Learning Centers ,Classroom Experience ,Campuses ,Neighborhood ,Classes ,Career Fairs ,Students ,Faculty ,On Campus ,Phoenix Edu ,Siren ,Jackhammer ,Applause ,Speeding Car ,Crowd Cheering ,True Self ,Horse Whinnying ,Bell Dings ,Serving ,Fruit ,V8 ,Vegetables ,Ideas ,Segment ,Jackolantern ,Mess ,Ugly ,I Don T Know ,Parking Lot ,Building ,It Wasn T Me ,Filmmaker ,Friends ,Fireworks ,Devin Graham ,Fireworks Thing ,Haven T ,Radio Show ,Hits ,Jacqui ,Iowa ,140000 ,Fans ,Big Fair Concert ,Sugarland ,Summer ,Front ,Indiana ,Big Winstorm ,Loss ,Cold ,Energy ,Planet ,Husband ,Conocophillips ,Everyone ,Cooking ,Cleaner ,Emissions ,Natural Gas ,Don T You Lori ,Daughter ,Boyyyy ,E Trade ,Dog ,Horse ,Establishment ,Blanket ,Research Stocks ,Borders ,Investment Portfolio ,Bad Boy ,Guy A Warning Bark ,Bird ,Wait ,Dog Barks ,Investing Unleashed ,Country Duo Sugarland Made A Bittersweet Return To Indianapolis ,Oscars ,Shows ,Quote ,Last Night ,Crowd ,Jennifer Nettles ,Hello ,Indianapolis ,Indianapolis State Fair ,Experience ,Each Other ,Healing Experience ,Make ,Bit ,Many ,Cause ,Body Heat ,Covered Blizzards Last Winter ,Fred ,Pit ,

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