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>> so many of the world's top powers and top leaders coming to new delhi for this prestigious forum, a huge opportunity for india. the concern about age is very real and getting more deeply entrenched in voters' psyches. >> 14 months until an election and there is a lot of work we have to do. >> up, alert, talking but not healed on the inside yet. so i'll need a lot of help to get out of here. all ri . >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is september 8, 1:30 in the afternoon in new delhi where president biden will arrive in the coming hours for this weekend's g-20 summit. >> leaders representing about 80% of the world's gdp have already begun arriving. >> vladimir putin won't be there. the russian president is again staying home sending his foreign minister instead. putin has an international arrest warrant hanging over him and leaving russia is risky. >> xi jinping who commands the world's second largest economy has also decided not to come. not giving a reason. that came as a surprise to many considering that xi has never missed a g-20 summit before. let's go right to kevin liptak who is standing by for us in new delhi. the foreign minister in india said that the global crises are far more difficult and worrisome than it has been for a long time. given that and the fact that the divisions within the g-20 are so sharp, what can president biden hope to achieve? >> reporter: no doubt that the g-20 is at a fractured moment when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to how to confront china. and president biden's real objective when he comes over here is not necessarily to paper over all of the divisions, that would basically be impossible. but really to provide the developing world an alternative to china, to convince these countries that the united states can be a better partner and he does have an opening on that front. as you said, president xi jinping will not be here. it is a lost opportunity in some ways. you will remember at last year's g-20 in bali, president biden and president xi met for several hours. no chance of that happening here. but the president's advisers do believe that he has an opening here to tell the world that he united states is here for the developing world and like the world bank to provide hundreds of billions of dollars more to the developing world. the united states says this is not necessarily about china, but they do say that this is an opportunity to provide better lending practices to some of the world's most vulnerable populations. of course the war in ukraine is also looming over this summit and in the leadup to president biden's arrival, we're told that diplomats are working furiously behind the scenes to come up with some sort of language in a joint communique condemning the war in ukraine. but remember russia is also a member of the xwchlt 20, so how much these diplomats will be able to do remains to be seen and it is a possibility that communique does not emerge fm this summit which would be a major disappoiment for the man at the center of these talks which isri minister narendra modi of india. he is hoping to use the summit global statesman. and it has been remarkable as you drive around new delhi his face is plastered on bill boards, on signs. he really can't walk 10 feet without seeing him. president biden's first order of business when he arrives hereon. he really can't walk 10 feet without seeing him. president biden's first order of business when he arrives here will be a meeting with narendra modi. >> kevin liptak, thank you so much. back at home president biden is facing serious challenges to his bid to win re-election. >> new cnn polling shows mr. biden would be at risk of losing the election if it were held today and that is creating alarm within his own party, the majority of which wants someone else to run for president. >> no doubt about it, the polls say what they say. >> we're 14 months until an election and there is a lot of work we have to do. >> i think the people basically have spoken loud and clear they are not happy with the two choices and only two choices. >> so how bad are things looking and can biden's campaign turn things around? jeff zeleny breaks down the numbers for you. >> reporter: as president biden sets off for the g-20 summit, blinking warning signs for his re-election prospects here in the united states. a new cnn poll shows a 39% approval rating for the president. when you look into those numbers, there are dramatic signs of challenges across the board. let's take a look at some of those numbers. on his approval rating, in that number 39% approved, 61% disapprove. largely based on the economy. some 58% of americans believe that biden policies have respect wouldened the economic conditions here in the united states. that certainly is not something that the administration has been hoping for. they believe their policies from the infrastructure bill to lower prescription drugs to the "inflation reduction act" would certainly be a cling card for his re-election. but with inflation still higher than most people would like, this certainly is a challenge fohim. now, one other alarming number 67% of democrats say they would like a different candidate. and of course there are no other major democratic candidates in the race, that is likely one of the biggest benefits for the president that he does not face a stiff primary challenge. but that number is striking in terms of the satisfaction with the president. going into the concerns, when asked this open-ended question, age was the reasoning among democratic voters for why they want to move on to someone else. 49% of respondents listed age as the concern. 7% said mental sharpness, 7% said health, ability do the job, and 6% popularity/electability. but that age number certainly hangs over everything. economic conditions of course 58% say the policies have worsened it, but that is something that they believe the white house can turn around. they believe this is something that they are messaging and explaining to the american peoplehat his policies have done. they believe that is something that can be turn around. but when you look at the choice for president, of course this is not a done deal yet, former president trump is still very much in a robust primary of his own, but 47% say they support president trump, 46% support president biden. of course that is within the margin of error. no clear leader. but one thing is clear in this deeply divided country, a p pessimistic mood hangs over the economy and the country and that means that president biden is in for a very challenging re-election year ahead. jeff zeleny, cnn, washington. still democratic senator tim kaine is voicing optimism about president biden's chances in 2024. cane wkaine was hillary clintons running mate and he says he believes joe biden can turn things around. >> his accomplishments are strong and we have to get out there and sell them. i feel like the time between now and november of 2024 will be one accomplishment after the next on the democratic side and a lyle and tribulation after the next for president trump. >> donald trump's former attorney rudy giuliani is facing millions in unpaid legal bills and a source familiar with the matter says giuliani held a fundraiser at bedminster last night to help eat into that debt. we're told the $100,000 a plate event was expected to raise more than $1 million. >> but giuliani's son told a local radio show that won't be enough to cover his father's legal fees. the former mayor of new york city is facing several lawsuits as well as criminal charges stemming from his efforts to help trump overturn the 2020 presidential election results. former donald trump vird pe adviser peter navarro was found guilty on thursday and the judge scheduled sentencing for january 12. evan perez picks up the story. >> reporter: trump white house adviser peter navarro was found guilty of two counts of contempt of congress for not complying with a subpoena from the house select committee that was investigating the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. navarro is now the second former aide to the former president to be convicted for snubbing the congressional committee. steve ban 23non was convicted l year on two contempt counts and he is currently appealing that conviction. tha navarro pledged to appeal on his claims that what congress was asking for was protected by executive privilege. >> president biden has been a lock in terms of assistance. we talk when we need to talk. he will win the president's race in 2024 in november. you know why? because the people are tired of joe biden weaponizing courts like this and the department of justice. >> reporter: prosecutors argued that navarro ignored the congressional subpoena and that trump never actually asserted executive privilege. several other trump aides have negotiated with the committee after trump claimed executive privilege. some of the documents that navarro refused to turnover to the congressional committee are also the subject of another legal fight with the justice department which has sued to obtain them. navarro is contesting legal rulings in that case. evan perez, cnn, washington. an american man who has been trapped for days inside a deep cave in southern turkey is describing his ordeal for the very first time. turkey's government released this video of the man who was taking part in a team expedition when he suffered gastrointestinal bleeding. >> and he remains deep below ground but rescuers managed to get blood units to him. he is now up right, alert and smiling, but he says he will still need a lot of help to get out of this cave. >> mark dicky from nearly 1,000 meters. i want to thank everyone down here and the caving community. the caving world is a tight knit group and it is amazing to see how many people have responded on the surface. >> nada is joining us with more details. he is getting good care, but it is just when it is safe to move him. >> this is a welcome update from the depths of what is turkey's third deepest cave. and we've seen the rescue effort about a week now, 150 rescuers from across the globe heading to this cave in order to provide support and help in this rescue operation. of course there has been concern around his health. we know that he suffered from gastrointestinal pleadibleedinge required medical attention at base camp. but clearly there are positive indications that he indeed in a stable condition, that he is improving. but as you said, he is going to require a lot of help in order to actually make it out of the cave. we're talking about very narrow winding passage ways that could pose a challenge to rescuers. this is something that dicky has himself acknowledged in another message. take a listen. >> i look forward to working with everyone to safely get myself out with their assistance. as you can see, i'm up, i'm alert, i'm talking, but i'm not healed on the inside yet. so i'll need a lot of help to get out of here. >> of course those winding passageways do pose a significant challenge. he is not able to put actual pressure on his stomach area so that will be an obstacle for rescuers. we've heard from turkish caving officials who have said typically it would take 15 hours for experienced carefullers to get out in ideal conditions. and so it will take days to rescue dickey, but they remain cautiously objects mystic. >> and he said it was an example of the caving community looking after their own. there are italians, croatian, hungarians all trying to come together. thank you so much. 4 hours ago, hurricane lee was barely a hurricane. and not anymore. now it is a monster category 5 storm as it churns in the record warm temperatures of the atlantic. >> at last report winds were at 160 miles per hour and forecasters say they could soon approach 180 miles per hour. national hurricane center says dangerous life threatening surf and rip current conditions are expected in the virgin islands, puerto rico and other islands this weekend, but it could begin to affect the east coast by sunday. chad myers has more on where the storm may be heading. >> hurricane lee, very impressive major hurricane in the atlantic ocean right now. and getting stronger. it is in very warm water. the eye is very clear there on the last couple of frames. which means that the storm is likely even getting stronger at this hour. hurricane hunters have been flying back and forth to see how strong this storm is. and still moving toward the northwest. but the models are really turning this hard to the right at the very, very end of that five day period. turning it hard. this is the american model. all the ensembles of the american model turning it hard to the right. now, when does the turn happen? that is always a question. does it happen 12 hours early and turn here with this line? or does it turn 12 hours later and turn over here? a big story for the northeastern part of the united states and even into atlantic canada. where the storm is right now is 3 to 5 degrees firns farenheit,3 degrees celsius above normal. but there was a hurricane here last week, hurricane franklin, also a major hurricane. and it mixed the water up. it took that warm water from the surface and used it to make the hurricane and then mixed water from down the low the colder water up to the surface. so lee has to run through and into this colder water. that may slow it down just a touch. at least that is what everyone is hoping for. >> absolutely. just days after being battered by a typhoon, hong kong is now seeing its heaviest rainfall in more than 100 years. >> officials say more than 6 inches, that is 158 millimeters, of rain fell in one hour would you believe. on thursday night. and the weather bureau issued its highest black rainstorm warning urging people to stay inside and find shelter. >> schools and businesses across the city are closed and trading at the hong kong stock exchange was canceled. some areas have already seen nearly 500 millimeters, that is more than 19 inches of rainfall, in the past 24 hours. just days after greece endured deadly wildfires, torrential rain there is turning streets in to dangerous rivers and lakes. at least six people killed and more than 800 rescued. the rainstorms ripped apart buildings and bridges and left some villages completely submerged. floodwaters in some parts of the country have been more than 6 feet deep. here is how one resident describes the deluge. >> translator: we have never experienced anything like this before. in all these years. even older people who we spoke with told us that they have never experienced this phenomenon before. the water was way too much. a government spokesman says the region where athens the capital is locate the got nearly three times the average annual rainfall in about 12 hours. >> and in southern brazil nearly 40 people are dead in the aftermath of a cyclone that tore through communities. this week's rains are the worst natural disaster to hit the region in 40 years. several people are missing, more than 3500 have been forced to leave their homes. >> in bolivia, firefighters are struggling to contain a massive wildfire burning through a protected forest. officials are using helicopters to help firefighters on the ground, but more than 12,000 acres or about 5,000 hectares have already been destroyed. the fire is one of three active blazes scorching the santa cruz area of southeastern bolibolivi. survivors of a horrific russian imprisonment share their stories with the u.s. secretary of state. you will hear his reaction to what they said about abuse during russian occupation. and actor danny masterson could end up spending the rest of his life in prison after being sentenced for raping two women years ago. details next. plus he brings laughs to late night television, but now reporting reveals that working with jimmy fallon is sometimes anything but fun. how "the tonight show" host reacted to complaints. ll fresh,. that's why i add downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. still fresh. still fresh, you nasty y little goblins! ststill fresh! still? 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[boy] chicken nugget man. where they can share who they truly are. lysol. here for healthy schools. ukraine says emergency servre osite after a new mie tack on zaporizhzhia. >> officials say the city was struving at least one persed. meanwhile the ukrainian air force also says odesa region was targeted by a drone attack but air defenses imagined to destroy most of them. >> ukraine says it continues to make incremental gains in its counteroffensive in the south. this video was posted saying it shows fighting for the village. it was recently captured by ukraine and now military sources say their troops overran several russian positions south of there. and meanwhile secretary of state antony blinken heard horror stories about the abuse of ukrainian civilians at the hands of russian forces. he visited a town north of kyiv on thursday where survivors told them about their imprisonment while the area was occupied in the early days of the war. katie polglase is with us to talk about all of this. and the video shows what they are dealing with. >> it is really challenging and we need to remember that. we are talking incremental gains, but this is difficult. these are heavily fortified trenches. there are considerable counterattacks happening while they are making this progress. and they are moving on to other areas, other villages. and these aren't big they are c. and they are continuing to press on. they are holding this land and continuing to make new gains. that is significant, but i think also we should bear in mind as you mentioned that there are still civilian casualties in this war. and while we talk about these battlefield movements, there are other areas such as odesa and zaporizhzhia where civilians are getting targeted. odesa was hit by 20 drone attacks and they downed 16 of them. this is just a day after an agricultural worker in the area was killed. these are very regular attacks on this area. likewise in zaporizhzhia, this is an area where civilians were evacuated from earlier this month. and again, this is because of this risk. they know civilians are at risk from russian aerial bombardments and are going to appears to be so. >> and let's talk more about the horrors civilians are having to experience. we saw briefly there that u.s. secretary of state antony blinken some to some civilians. >> and this was right at the start of the area, north of kyiv blinken went to visit to see for himself what happened there. and at the beginning of the war, this area was under russian occupation and there were many, many people kept in a school, in a basement. there were horrific reports of torture, of people being left to die, of people being kept out and bodies being carried over children who were also being kept in this bafsement. horrific experiences. and some people have survived and met with blinken to talk about their experiences. and blinken visited the school and the basement. have a listen to what he said about that visit. >> what happened here happened at the beginning of the russian aggression. but the atrocities and the impact it is having on ukrainians of all ages continue to this very day. just yesterday we saw the bombing of a market, 17 people or more killed, many others injured. a market. for what? this is what ukrainians are living with every day. >> he is of course referring here to an attack on a market in donetsk earlier this week. we talked about it yesterday. this was one of the deadliest attacks on civilians really for quite some time. but if we compare that with the experiences at the beginning of the war, this is something that has continued throughout. not just week, but months and notes of this war they experienced terrifying attacks. and it is important to note because while we talk about the battleground movements and progressions on the military front, there is a civilian side and many are still living close to the frontlines that live with the terror and pain of this kind of experience nearly every day. >> and that seemed to have made an impression on blinken. he is so typically polish and poised. he did appear to be shaken when speaking just now. katie polglase, thank you so much. 20 russian diplomats arrive in north korea thursday. >> this is amid speculation of a possible meeting between vladimir putin and kim jung-un. the russian embassy says the new envoys and staff are part of the first personnel rotation since the covid-19 pandemic. >> the kremlin says it is committed to developing its relationship with pyongyang regardless of the opinions of other countries. u.s. officials have warned north korea will, quote, pay a price if it makes a weapons deal with russia. meanwhile south korea is playing down any threats from north korea's new so-called nuclear attack submarine. the south korean military says it believes the new sub is, quote, not capable of normal operation. >> pyongyang claims it launched a tactical attack just days before it marks its 75th anniversary. north korean state media says kim jung-un attended the launch ceremony on wednesday. the announcement comes after pyongyang said it simulated a nuclear missile attack over the weekend to warn the u.s. of, quote, nuclear war danger. the u.s. president is off to india for the g-20 summit but leaders of russia and china ont be there which could present an opportunity for president biden. a live report just ahead. plus tributes to mark the first anniversary of queen elizabeth ii. king charles reflects on the devoted service of his mother, next. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the e sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base.. shop now only at sleep numbmber. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster. >> i'm bianca nobilo. if you are just joining us, let me bring you up-to-date on the top stories. hurricane lee has strengthened into a major category 5 storm, it is spinning in the atlantic ocean right now approaching the caribbean islands. the storm will likely reach its peak intensity this weekend. and china's xi jinping will not be attending the g-20 summit in new delhi. no explanation was given. the leader has never missed a g-20 gathering since taking power back in 2012. and we want to take you back to new delhi now where leaders of the world's largest economies have already begun arriving for the annual meeting. but vladimir putin is staying home just as he did during the last year's summit in bali. vedika sud is joining us live with a preview of what we might expect. so obviously india still pressure off celebrating its status as a space power. how important is hosting this summit for the country and what does modi hope to achieve? >> reporter: well, i'd say it is extremely significant like you said, it is not just that india has successfully sent a nonmanned mission to the moon, but also india is the fastest growing economy in the world and now modi gets his time at the g-20 in the limelight as the rotating presidency lies with india this year for the g-20 summit to go out there and say india is a global power to being reckoned with. but noticeably absent is the chinese and russian leaders. and the message that chinese leader is sending out? here is what an expert had to say about that. >> also would argue that perhaps president xi is trying to send a message to the u.s. and other western members of the g-20 that beijing is simply not inclined to participate with the western powers and the western players at this moment and he would prefer to spend his time focused on global forums that are meant to provide or serve as alternatives to the west such as the brics and shanghai cooperation organization. >> reporter: so programs the m -- perhaps the message is that the chinese leader prefers the anti-west blocks oig to the g-20 summit. of course there is no word from the chinese authorities on this. but could this be an opportunity for biden? perhaps yes. there would be fewer distractions. focus won't be on meetings with perhaps biden or modi or who putin is meeting with on the sidelines. the focus could be on some real issues along with ukraine, fraps f perhaps food insecurity, climate change, which is high on the agenda. but key areas really will be to sit down and have consensus on the major key issues that all the ministries here in india have worked with different countries over in the last one year ever since it got the presidency -- the rotating presidency of the g-20 summit. but all eyes will be on whether there will be a joint statement or a joint communique. and now with xi and putin not being there, is it really possible that their deputies can take a call on their behalf? i doubt that could happen. so the likelihood of a joint statement perhaps is pretty unlikely at this moment. back to you. >> vedika sud, thank you. now, it was a year ago that queen elizabeth ii died and time has really flown for a lot of people. doesn't feel that long ago. but one of the abiding memories for me were the queues outside of the palace as people lined up overnight, they went on for miles and miles just for a moment at the queen's coffin as she lay in state to pay their respects. and speaking to a lot of people there, they weren't all fans, just often people who had lost someone who had been in their lives, the whole of their lives, and perhaps reminded them of people in their own lives and other people that passed away in their own lives. king charles, prince charles as he was then, became king as soon as the queen died. and it has been a very busy year for him. first thing he had to focus on was the coronation, this is the moment of the lying in state. the coronation was a moment for charles to show what his monarchy would be about, how it differed from the queen's. and very remarkably little different really from the queen's reign. but that was deliberate. one of the roles of monarchy is to represent continuity and a lot of royal experts will say he has handled that brilliantly and he's had a strong first year. particularly when you consider some of the key challenges he's faced, most notably prince harry's book which revealed all sorts of secrets, incredibly uncomfortable for the royal family. they chose not to respond. and a lot of people saying that they came out stronger as a result of that. not responding and getting into an argument with harry publicly. harry actually is in london right now, he gave quite a touching tribute to the queen himself. but we don't expect him to meet up with king charles or indeed prince william because the tensions there are so deep. they are all in the country at the same time but they won't meet up. charles currently where the queen died of course. he released this photo of the queen, from the 1960s, his favorite photo of the queen. so that was quite a touching tribute from him. and he also released a statement for the nation and he gave an audio version of that as well. >> in marking the first anniversary of her late majesty's death and my accession, we recall with great affection her long life, devoted service and all she meant to so many of us. i'm deeply grateful too for the love and support that has been shown to my wife and myself during this year as we do our utmost to be of service to you all. >> we're expecting charles to spend the day privately. but we've learned that he will go to church for a short memorial for his mother and if there are well wishers there, he will do a quick walkabout. so we'll get those images quite soon. prince williams is in wales and he will go to church services. but no big events today. prince william and princess of wales oreleased a short statemet saying that they just miss the queen. ♪ subway refreshed everything. and now, they're slicing their deli meats fresh. that's why the new subway series subs are proffered by this qb. and proffered by his old backup qb. and if we proffer it, we know you'll proffer it too. have you been behind me this whole time? yep. welcome back. the search still under way for the convicted murderer who broke out of a prison near philadelphia more than a week ago. >> just hours ago authorities zeroed in on a botanical garden. brian todd has the latest developments. >> reporter: another reported sighting as the manhunt for convicted murderer danelo cavalcante enters its second week. >> we had a possible sighting by a person in the vicinity of longwood gardens. >> reporter: this sighting officials say was not far from where he was seen on a trail camera monday night. a law enforcement official tells cnn someone walked up to police and reported seeing cavalcante around noon thursday. police searched the area inside their perimeter of 8 to 10 square miles, asked why they couldn't squeeze in the area to grab him. >> it is not just a perfect open piece of land that you can march through. you've got businesses, residences, highways, hill, valleys, wooded areas. >> reporter: cavalcante has been on the run since august 31, the week after he was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his girlfriend. the victim's family in fear for their lives. >> they do have protection and they are terrified. they haven't left their home. they are barricaded inside and very concerned about their safety. we do have police detail around them 24 hours a day. but i know that they are very, very worried. this is an outrage, this should never have happened. i was a prosecutor who was assigned to this case and i helped convict this man. and he was sentenced to life without parole. we're all upset. >> reporter: this stunning surveillance video shows the escape, the 34-year-old crab walking up the side of a wall in an outdoor exercise area of the prison. investigators say he pushed through razor wire, ran across a roof, scaled another fence and got through more razor water. he has been seen several times and police found his footprints. >> saturday evening we heard very strange things in the woods. saw some things on our cameras. and we did alert police. >> reporter: nina and charlie live less than two miles from the prison on a 65 acre farm. they believe cavalcante may have been on their property which police have searched twice. >> we do have several nooks and cranny, we have three barn, hey lofts, horse trarls. there are three houses on the property. so we're a little -- we're taking precautions. >> reporter: cavalcante has also been recorded at least twice on surveillance video. >> administer days that go by without kcatching him, get more dangerous? >> he does because he gets more desperate. he is probably looking to obtain a weapon. he will need to get water and food and more clothes. and you know, he is looking for a vehicle. all of those things potentially put him in contact with the public, with citizens in their homes, cars, outside. and that is where the real danger comes in. >> reporter: police tell cnn that so far they have found no indication that danelo cavalcante has obtained a weapon. when we asked if he has left any traces of himself anywhere, like food, clothing or anything else, we were told so far they have found no physical traces of him. brian todd, cnn, kenneth sdwar, square, pennsylvania. a search in richmond park is related to the manhunt for a prison escapee daniel khalif. >> police released closed circuit image of the delivery truck he used to escape from a london p lo london prison. he strapped himself under the vehicle in his scaring escape. an alert triggered enhanced security checks. the government says that it is launching an independent investigation into what happened. >> i say then and i reiterate now that no stone must be left unturned of getting to the bottom of what happened. who was on duty that morning. in what roles. ranging from the kitchen to the prison gate. what protocols were in place. were they followed. >> and police say 150 officers and staff were working to track khalif down. and it is a shocking end to what had once been a promising hollywood career. >> actor danny masterson best known for his role in "that 70s show" was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison for raping two women. >> it was the maximum penalty the court could give. stephanie elam has more. >> reporter: danny master democratic son was sentenced to 15 years for each count of rape that he was found guilty of. so that is expected to be served consec consecutively. and two named victims that came forward and spoke in court, in fact take a listen to the assistant district attorney speak a bit about this. >> very happy for the victims because this is a day that they have been looking forward to and they got their justice. this is a long time coming. that is first and foremost. but also very thankful for the jury to kind of see through everything and recognize what the evidence is and that this defendant needed to be held accountable. >> reporter: masterson had pled not guilty to raping these women in his home in incidents between 2001 and 2003. his lawyer also spoke after sentencing and this is what she had to say. >> mr. masterson did not commit the crimes for which he has been convicted and we and the appellate lawyers who are the best and the brightest in the country are confident that these convictions will be overturned. >> reporter: the assistant district attorney did say that they have no intention of going back and reprosecuting that third rape charge against masterson which the jury was deadlocked on. he says that they are satisfied with these two counts and are moving forward with that. it is also worth noting that danny masterson is a well-known scientologist and the church of scientology was invoked in this trial and what role they may have played in this case. however, we reached back out to the church and they referred us back to the statement that they originally sent out on may 31 of this year which says in part, there is not a sin till la of evidence supporting the sca scandalous allegations that the church harassed the accusers. every single in-stas of supposed harassment is false and has been debunked. stephanie elam, cnn, los angeles. jimmy fallon is apologizing to his staff after a "rolling stone" report revealed allegations of a toxic work environment on the show. >> cnn has learned that fallon held a zoom call with staffers after the article was published on thursday and he said he did not intend to create that keep of atmosphere for the show and that he wanted it to be fun. >> in the report more than a dozen current and former employees talked about how difficult working conditions on the show sometimes impacted their mental health. "rolling stone's" reporter spoke with cnn earlier. >> from the two current and 14 former employees who i spoke to the record, they said that lot of their mistreatment comes from the top. so the alleged behavior from fallon trickles down to their managers and so on and so forth. they spoke to me a lot about, you know, what they called jimmy's bad days and his mood kind of dictating, you know, the vibe of the whole day, of the whole show. you know, staffing at crew members not having a lot of patience with people and the erraticness of -- that is what toxicity is, the good and bad that comes with that. and then how that over the years has impacted their mental health. i spoke to two current staff members who were in a zoom call with jimmy and the current show runner chris miller, they told me that jimmy apologized. he said that he was sorry, he said that, you know, chris miller is going to continue to be the show runner for the rest of his time at the "tonight show." and yeah, he apologized. he didn't really deny anything. >> jimmy fallon has been hosting "the tonight show" since 2014 where he took over from jay leno. after nearly three weeks of play, it has come down to this, the u.s. open women's final, two of the brightest stars of their generation will face off at of a t arthur ash oig stadium. details next. let finish quanm clean yourur dishes. ♪ try finish quantum. unbeatable clean. unbeatable price. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that ey can sell tir life insurance policy f cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's cry! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. american sensation coco gauff is heading to her first u.s. open final. she defeateded muchova. gauff will face number two sabalinka in the final. highway had defeated madison keys to advance. they will take the court at arthur ashe at 4:00 p.m. on saturday. got to be a must watch. and finally dozens of items once owned by fredky p die mercury r in more than $15 million. >> one of those items his piano selling at $2.2 million. ♪ life had just begun, but now i've gone and thrown it all away ♪ >> 2.2. the items were put sale by mercury's close friend mary austin who inherited most of his estate following his death in 1991. thanks for joining us here. i'm max foster. >> and i'm bianca nobilo. 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Alternatives , West , Brics , Shanghai Cooperation Organization , Authorities , Blocks , Focus , Meetings , Modi , Sidelines , Focus Won T , Distractions , Issues , Fraps , Key , Climate Change , Ministries , Agenda , Consensus , Statement , Eyes , Deputies , Call , Likelihood , Behalf , Thank You , Memories , Queues , Doesn T Feel , Estate , Respects , Coffin , Palace , Fans , Lives , Whole , Coronation , Monarchy , Lying , Focus On , Roles , Royal Experts , Queen S , Reign , Continuity , Harry , Book , Secrets , Royal Family , Sorts , Tribute , King , Result , Argument , Tensions , Prince William , Photo , Nation , Audio Version , 1960 , Death , Accession , Affection , Majesty , Utmost , Wife , Love , Go To Church For A Short Memorial , Images , Walkabout , Wishers , Princess , Wales , Events , Go To Church Services , Oreleased , Qb , Backup Qb , Deli Meats , Subway Series Subs , Subway Refreshed Everything , Yep , Danelo Cavalcante , Prison , Way , Botanical Garden , Sighting , Manhunt , Brian Todd , Person , Developments , Vicinity , Longwood Gardens , Police , Cavalcante , Law Enforcement Official , Perimeter , Trail Camera Monday Night , Squeeze , On The Run , Piece , Highways , Residences , Valleys , Hill , 31 , August 31 , Victim S Family , Protection , They Haven T , Girlfriend , Fear , Prosecutor , Outrage , Safety , Surveillance Video , Exercise Area , Escape , Upset , Crab , Fence , Roof , Iran , Razor Wire , Investigators , 34 , In The Woods , Razor Water , Cameras , Footprints , Property , Cranny , Nooks , Barn , Acre Farm , 65 , Precautions , Houses , Lofts , Horse Trarls , Kcatching Him , Weapon , Food , Vehicle , Contact , Clothes , Traces , Citizens , Indication , Danger , Cars , Public , Anywhere , Outside , Search , Kenneth Sdwar , Pennsylvania , Square , Richmond Park , Delivery Truck , Circuit Image , Prison Escapee Daniel Khalif , Investigation , Alert , Security Checks , Lo London Prison , Stone , Bottom , Unturned , Duty , Prison Gate , Kitchen , Officers , End , Career , Place , Khalif Down , Hollywood , Protocols , Court , Role , That 70s Show , Penalty , Stephanie Elam , 70 , Count , Rape , Danny Master Democratic Son , Consec , Victims , Assistant District Attorney , Bit , Evidence , Jury , Lawyer , Defendant , Accountable , Incidents , 2001 , 2003 , Lawyers , Convictions , Brightest , Crimes , Best , Rape Charge , Intention , Trial , The Church Of Scientology , Scientologist , Church , Sin , La , May 31 , Allegations , Stas , Accusers , Harassment , Apologizing , Rolling Stone , Sca , Los Angeles , Debunked , Tonight Show , Zoom Call , Keep , Staffers , Article , Atmosphere , Toxic Work Environment On The Show , Employees , Mental Health , Behavior , Mistreatment , Top , Managers , Fallon Trickles , Staffing , Jimmy , Vibe , Dictating , Crew , Staff Members , Toxicity , Bad , Patience , Erraticness Of , Chris Miller , Jay Leno , 2014 , U S Open Women Final , Stars , Play , Generation , Dishes , Let Finish Quanm , Arthur Ash , Oig Stadium , Yourur , Life Insurance Policy , Finish Quantum , Ey , Retirement , Goldmine , Term , Call Coventry , Cry , Clue , Thousands , More , Policy , Coverage , Combination , Premiums , Come On , Screen , Guys , Visit Coventrydirect Com , U S Open , American Sensation Coco Gauff , She Defeateded Muchova , Highway , Sabalinka , Madison Keys , Items , Dozens , On Saturday , Fredky P , 00 , Piano Selling , 15 Million , 5 Million , Away , 2 Million , 2 , 2 Million , Thanks , Mary Austin , Sale , Early Start , Mercury , 1991 , Viruses , Hair , Air Fresheners , Bacteria , Bactcteria , Scent , Air Sanitizer , Sanitizeze , 99 9 , 27 , Diets , Body Weight , Music , Sharon , Golo , 52 , 27 , Ding , Trouble , Fam , Breakfast , Comfort , Pools , Waffles , Family Vacay , Choicehotels Com , Aargh , Whoosh , Brain Health Indicators , Neuriva Ultra , Brain , Mental Alertness , Revelations , Hurr , Election Subversion Case , Grand Jury , Georgia ,

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