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special coverage if the eclipse across the country are covered starts at 1:00 p.m. eastern or you can stream it on max. we've got a lot of developments in our major stories. cnn news central, next hour starts. now rejected and >> denied he not one, but two new legal setbacks for donald trump today a grave mistake, the idf releasing its initial findings into what led to this strike that. killed seven aid workers in gaza mistaken identification, and now military officers dismissed and cashing in on the solar eclipse. i was cities in the path of totality or preparing for the big boost from this rare solar event. i'm kate bolduan, the sara sidner in john berman. >> this get cnn news central >> this morning, former president donald trump dealing with a cascade of major legal blows, judges and two of his criminal cases, rejecting his efforts get those cases thrown out. judge aileen cannon dismissing trump's theory that he had the authority to take classified documents when he left the white house and in georgia election interference case, the judge rejected trump's argument that the first amendment protected his efforts to overturn the election. this all comes after earlier this week, the judge overseeing trump's hush money case in new york also denied his attempt at delaying the start of the trial set to begin just ten days from now on april 15, and adding to trump's legal woes the new york attorney general is now questioning whether the $175 million bond that he posted in the civil fraud case is financially sound. joining us now, senior crime and justice report are katelyn polantz caitlin. i mean, it appears these cases have to go forward now, correct? >> sarah, that is what the judges are doing here. donald trump's team has made a lot of arguments to dismiss or deny these criminal cases against him. have them dismissed or delayed excuse me, an in the three rulings that we've gotten this week, the judges have said, no, no, no to the trump arguments in the mar-a-lago case, judge cannon refused to dismiss it on the grounds that trump had argued he had the ability under the presidential records act to claim documents as his own, take them out of the white house. she said that's not a reason for me to get rid of this entire indictment against you in the georgia case related to the 2020 election judge mcafee said he wasn't going to dismiss it on first amendment grounds. he said that the defense just hasn't presented any any authority that allows donald trump to have the speech and conduct the heat that he has and say it was protected political speech. that was what the judge's words were there. >> and then in the hush money >> trials still we'll set to go forward in ten days. judge merchan refused to delay it on the grounds of presidential immunity, but as trump is making all these arguments, as the judges are denying those arguments, his team is carving out little silver linings for him to have when the trials take place in the mar-a-lago documents case the hush money case, both of those the judges have said maybe these issues could come back later and we could talk about them at a later date. judge cannon specifically saying this could be something that could come up again, this presidential records act issue and donald trump's claims about personal records what's going on in trump's civil fraud case at this point is our new developments. there >> there's going to be hearing in april 22. he has lost that case. he's appealing and he had to post the bond to hold off the new york attorney general's office from starting to seize his assets, are collecting. he has gotten that bond but the ag they want to make sure that that money is there and that he's posting the bond appropriately. so there is going to be a hearing before the judge in that case to check out the arrangement that donald trump has with his underwriter, knight specialty insurance company. make sure that that money has been posted or he has it as collateral. well, for $175 million. so in the case that if he does lose appeals, the new york ag's office can go in and find the money that trump says he has all right. >> katelyn polantz, lots of developments. thank you for keeping those all straight for us this morning. john. >> all right. you this morning, donald trump and his allies may push to try a new legal strategy in georgia. a gag order against fulton county da fani willis cnn's sara murray is with us now, a great to see you, sarah b, what are you learning >> well, john luck, we saw when the judge decided that not to disqualify fulton county district attorney fani willis from this case. he did have some sharp comments about the remarks she's made publicly about the case. he all but invited defendant since in the case to ask him for a gag order, but pointed out that was not the question before him at this time. so this is something trump allies and their attorneys have been discussing. should we go forward and ask this, judge for a gag order against fulton county district attorney fani willis, and part of their concern is that willis is continuing to speak publicly about the case she's running for reelection at the same time. she's presiding over the prosecution of this case. and in a number of instances, she's made some race-related remarks including remarks that drew this rebuke from the judge. take a listen to what she said, just last week, as well as the original comments that caught the eye of the judge recently, they tell me now like me to talk about race. well, i'm gonna talk about it anyway >> truth is some >> challenges that come to be in blank >> playing the race card when make we i mean, someone for some other jurisdiction in some other state to tell me how to do a job been doing almost 30 now there are plenty of defendants in this case. we're not comfortable with what fani willis is saying about them publicly, but what they don't want is they don't want this to boomerang back around on them. so they don't want to go before the judge asked for a gag order and say, you know what, have the judge say? look, none of you can talk because we've seen a number of defendants donald trump, of course, rudy giuliani has former attorney david shafer, the former republican party chairman in georgia. all tweeting, sharing their feelings on social media about fani willis, about the case, defendants still want the ability to do that. they also don't want to undercut this appeal that they're trying to bring forward does still have fani willis kicked off the case so we'll see what they decide to do. john. >> yeah, a little bit of a be careful what you ask for here. any sense of when they would want to get this done by sarah >> i think that they want to see a lot of the attorneys want to see if the appeals court will take up this question about disqualifying fani willis, that they continue to hit a dead end at that front. i think that they may talk okay. more seriously about whether to ask for a gag order, john. >> all right. >> watching. all these steps as they progress, sara murray again, great to see you. thanks so much >> okay. >> so the idf justice morning is released. its initial findings into what happened that led to that strike i think killed world central kitchen aid workers. the report calling it a grave mistake, we have more on this and the reaction to it >> and former >> president trump has the republican nomination been locked in? of course, why then are so many republican voters still checking the box for nikki haley republican governor, and the man who campaign probably hardest for nikki haley. as our guest. >> and a new >> survey is shining a spotlight on how unhappy the nation's teachers are right now why they're optimism about the public education? patient's system is so down >> this is the big dam >> names that do making the switch to battery was one of the best decisions that we made up. company >> for you >> do for work right now, get a free battery with the purchase of select professional steel tools >> real still find yours. >> it's a new day one. we're are shared values willis towards a more secure future through august, a partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies will develops aid of d'arte. next generation submarine's build something stronger together. securing peace and prosperity for america and allies. we are going forward and staying forward together >> small businesses like this, learning centers to find out, help communities thrive that's why wells fargo has donated roughly $420 million to diverse small business owners and when a bank does, but it said slides on guys small businesses can reach me doing gets it done? 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they saw these three suv is leaving that warehouse. now the idea says that they thought that the hamas gunman were inside those vehicles this was a mistaken identity or mistaken misunderstanding. and that's why they targeted those vehicles. now, we've separately heard outside of that report from the idf, who were saying that they now believe that they thought they saw some things slung over the shoulder of one of the people. the aid workers inside one of those suvs and harrowing and growing. it is another detail that the idf is released when they targeted the first of those suvs there were survivors and they got out and managed to get in the second suv which was then targeted so all in all the picture we have from the idf leaves, leaves a lot of questions. not least that they thought that they did identify two gunman yet shot up three vehicles. what the, what the world central kitchen is saying is that it's clear that they were world central kitchen were following the protocols they accept and acknowledge that the idf has taken responsibility, that the world central kitchen was doing everything that they should have been doing. an accept that there has been disciplinary action by the the idf and say that's a step, but still say these outrageous killings this report is cold comfort for that. indeed, the idea, they say that the idf has supplied why the mud video to support this report but the world central kitchen say there's nothing they've seen in that videos that substantiates what the idf has put down in the report. we have not seen that video. so of course, a lot more questions out there. and of course that gets to the importance of independent investigation versus and. immediate investigation independent would be outside of the ids. chain of command >> i think this could be confusing to some people watching this. israel has taken responsibility. they said it was a mistake. they are fired. people who were involved yet separately they also seem to be trying to explain how it happened, how those were mistakes were made. is that some kind of a justification? >> you know, what we've seen with the idf. and this is not singular to the idf, but often when there are investigations and reports have a very sensitive issues of very critical issues. the initial report which is what we've just talked about here gives some very thin bare bones which has a misidentification, misclassification. >> then >> you get a few more details that come out, uh, one of those details is that they thought they saw some things flung over the shoulder of one of the people inside one of those suvs. now, the idf is also saying that because it was nighttime it's outside of the report because it was nighttime. they couldn't identify the these vehicles as well. central kitchen vehicles, even though world central kitchen says that they were coordinating with the idf. so yes, there are separate details that are now trickling out that if you will, sort of not muddy the water, but at, but add a level of okay, here's some reasons why this happened. and the idf are very clear this was a grave mistake. it did happen. they say outside the protocols of the idf, a chain of command. they have disciplined people, they are taking responsibility but then the dripping out of other details that are not in the report that can lead to a little bit of confusion in some people's minds. >> well, thank you for helping us clarify it. all, nick, the bottom line here is those vehicles were carrying aid workers. aid workers who tragically seem to some of whom have survived the first strike. and then we're gun down running to another car. just horrible details there nic robertson. thank you very much. for that >> okay >> so president biden's new pitch to try and win over voters who supported nikki haley. could it work? 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yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup. $199. find the plan that's right for you at trust and we'll dot com if, you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved when shuttle columbia, the final flight, premiere sunday at nine on cnn >> a republican warning for donald trump. he's already the presumptive nominee and he may have lapped the non-existent republican field and wisconsin this week for that primary. but his now former rivals are still a thorn in his side. ron desantis, chris christie, and nikki haley. all right. receiving votes in tuesday's primary and wisconsin all told more than 100,000 voters in that state and that republican primary voted for someone other than donald trump. in fact, take a look at this map. nikki haley has gotten more than 10% of the vote in 11 of 14 states and primaries that have occurred after since she dropped out at the beginning of march, and president biden's team sees opportunity they're releasing a new ad in several battleground states, talking directly to haley voters, joining us right now is a governor new hampshire, chris sununu hizon, he was a top surrogate and top supporter for nikki haley during her campaign, is good at asu. governor. thank you for coming in. >> those numbers within >> 10% of the vote in 11 of 14 states after she dropped out. that says, what do you it says that people want to understand their responsibility to go vote and they going to vote for who they want to vote for. it really doesn't have an impact on what's going to happen in the general election. and i appreciate that the biden folks think that there's an avenue there to go court those voters. very few of them are truly never trumpers. ron desantis, voters that voted in all those primaries as well. are not necessarily never trumpers. most of the nikki voters are not never trumpers. so i appreciate the idea that there's a path here to kind of get some of those nikki haley voters to come over. but that's not likely the case. also, if i may in a lot of those dates, you do have also independence voting, right? a lot of his independents can vote. those are open primaries in a lot of those states. so that could account for a lot of the 15, ten to 15% that you're seeing. >> because biden is, here are the states that he's releasing the biden campaign is releasing these ads and it's arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, new hampshire, north carolina, pennsylvania, and wisconsin and it basically speech highlights directly how trump has said that he doesn't want the support of haley voters. >> you >> do not think you biden, doesn't need all of them. biden needs some of them to help his chances in these, in these key states, you do not think they're going to buy what he's selling? >> no. no, no, not what he's selling. look, if an individual wants to walk away from trump and vote for biden. and again, they're going to make that decision. and by the way, in october, they're not making it in march, april, and may of this year. that's not going to happen in a lot of things you're going to change throughout the campaign. i do believe at some point, trump will pivot nothing. he's going to come cater to haley voters. he doesn't really need to do that, but i'll give it more to the general election type mentality that is independent way don't use the word tyvek. we did that since 2016 that he's going to pivot. it's not in his nature to pivot. there are certainties in politics. donald trump not pivoting is one of them but the message i he, he went, look, you're absolutely right. his brashness, his approach in his style won't pivot, but his campaign, his messaging on that campaign will pivot to where it needs to be to minimize some of the effects that you saw in 2022, whether it be on a woman's right to choose or the abortion issue, which did not fair to us. hello, for republicans, i'm not saying he's going to pivot his philosophy, but their approach and where they go after it, i absolutely believe that because it's the smart thing to do and he does want to win, but also understand a lot of this campaign is going to happen in the courtroom, right? every time he's in a courtroom now, he's he kinda plays himself as the victim has pulled numbers, go up there's so many other factors that are kinda going to come in here, but believes me most republicans at vote in the republican primary are going to end up voting for donald trump is it because it's not about trump? it's about a republican administration is about a gop administration. it's about changing the political culture in washington, and it's about the fact that biden, while a lot of folks might have voted for him as this moderate is clearly no moderate. he's clearly be in controlled by these extremist. and that's driving a political culture that nobody wants to see an america. so that's where biden is really blowing it. it isn't. we're all for trump. it's, we want a political change and voting for him and that type of administration puts more opportunity in the seats of individuals or states, or communities as opposed to this, one size fits all we're going to tell you how you should live your life mentality that the democrats have been given us >> let me ask you about one of the issues you brought up and one of the issues that is a big issue in the election so far and will be in november, which is abortion rights. donald trump is teasing this week that he is going to be making an announcement a statement about his what has been a confusing stance on abortion policy. he's going to make that announcement next week standby. standby if that happens, we've seen this before, but he has been toying with supporting 15 week federal ban. is that a winner in your mind? >> no no. and it look if i were advising the former president trump, but tell me why are you touching the abortion issue at all? it never really works out well, it doesn't, in terms of a policy american might not mind 15 week ban, but it's not a winner politically for him and his goal right now, it should be focusing on winning in november, if that's if that's his real plan. so now, i wouldn't be touching that. i am i can't wait to see what he's actually going to say because it could really backfire on him and other republicans see i'm more concerned about republicans down-ballot the next republican governor i wanted to take my seat are doing congressional seats or to win may orioles eat or even school board seats. but what he says at the top of the ticket really kinda defined kansas and not always for the best, has a lot of us have learned. so i'm a little concerned about weight where he's going to go with that. well, 15 or 16 weeks might be palatable to the american people. it's not what people are going to charge into the polls on, on the republican tickets behalf. so my my my advice would be stay away from something that you don't need to. what do they say? don't dig a snake to kill it, right? it's, it's not going to work. is that going to work in your benefit >> i mean, how this many months to go and if things such a central issue, it's almost impossible to think that he couldn't come out wouldn't be forced to come out with a stance on it before i let you go, you have said that you've made clear that even though you don't like the guy you will vote for trump over biden in november being with what you just kind of got at because you say at least you get a republican administration. if you vote for donald, m, if trump loses the election, what do you think is going to be the main reason? >> i'm sorry, the main >> the main reason he loses if you look at because people don't want to go back to that type of attitude, right? it wasn't enough to switch the they weren't enough. there were willing to accept the political culture and the elitism of the democratic party telling people how to live their lives over the brushes and negativity and all of the hurtful things and the attitude, if you will, that donald trump brings to the table. i mean, that's it. unfortunate. it's not about policy on either side. it's not about really you know, debt managing the dead are controlling the border or inflation. those are real issues that people care about, but those are the issues that are bubbling to the top a little bit, but the end of the day, if trump doesn't cross the finish line, it's because america wants to at least have some sense of going forward and not reliving the past >> governor. thank you so much for coming on. i know you are talking about real issues affecting real people's lives in a real way, you're dealing with some storm recovery in your state right now. so thank you for jumping on to take it takes some time because i know you've got some pressing issues facing, right. thank you. thank you. >> john, is really interesting discussion a new study finds that nearly half of the school teachers in the country will be looking for new careers this year. why they say parents are driving them out of the profession and the caitlin clark back on the court with a spot on the national championship on the line, standing in our way just the most successful program of all time >> sunday hello interviews with a return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage? 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>> yes, so that's one way to put it certainly higher than most were expecting the expectation had been about 200,000. so this is much stronger than expected, and kate, essentially the trend just keeps on trending. i mean, this is the 39th month of positive job growth. one of the longest streaks in history. so when you look at the unemployment rate that actually kicked down to 3.8%. if that sounds familiar, it's because it is we have been in a really tight range of unemployment below 4% for more than two years. so that trend also continued. i want to talk about revisions which kate, you and i don't normally talk about so early, but it's been wild. the revisions have been big, the relations have been big except in this report, this is why i think it's so interesting. so we've almost exclusively seen revisions lower and sometimes quite significantly, not so much this time. so actually the month of february, i want to say was revised. actually know the month of january was revised up by 27,000. >> i can't >> remember the last time i said that covering jobs and then february was revised down, but only by about 5,000. so basically what that means is that the strength of the economy, the solid, is that we have seen with the economy appears to be, what it is. i'm going appears to be what we have seen. i want to talk also about job gains in terms of sectors because we've seen this concentration in terms of where a lot of the job gains have been, the big three if you want to call it that. so a government health care, leisure and hospitality that's where most of the gains have been concentrated. and we saw a continuation of that, but we're also still seeing some broadening health care in the month of march, adding 72,000 jobs this is one of those industries you might hear called the ketchup sector. so catching up after covid, so catching up after the pandemic, government also continuing to add to the clip of about 71,000 and construction. obviously, there's some seasonal things happening here, but construction, ash adding as well. >> i'm >> really curious to see how the markets are bonding to this, because this is what the fed might call a little too strong. it's a strong job market certainly for the american worker. some might say it's a little strong. siblings drops. >> and now continuing with b, we have no idea and everyone will wait to see what the fed does with this added to everything else, this is an interesting, yeah, thanks for running sir. >> all right. doherty me now to discuss the jobs report further to see in an economics and political commentator and washington post opinion columnist, catherine ramp out. thank you so much for being here. i know you're furiously going over these numbers but wow, i mean, the expectation from economists was what, 200,000 jobs we're now at 303,000 jobs what does this tell you? >> it tells you that the job market, the economy writ large in fact, is doing way better than expected. it's funny, month after month. we keep getting surprised by how strong the jobs numbers far as well as a fair number of other economic indicators. and this is an economy that just won't quit when you look at this, what do you think is sort of driving this growth? >> i think there are a few things going on. >> one, >> undoubtedly is immigration. i know that there is this hot button issue, divisive argument about what to do how do we get the immigration lower what if we accepted the premise that maybe this has been a gift to the economy, not only in the sense that immigrants historically have had higher rates of entrepreneurship, as well as other contributions to scientific innovation and things like that. if you just look at the number of jobs that are being created by immigrants are being filled by immigrants. it's really astounding. that's partly because and in fact, if you look at the number of jobs that we have today versus pre-pandemic. the net growth is entirely accounted for by immigrants, and that's partly hey, because native-born americans are disproportionatel y older. so they're more likely to be retiring. and the number of younger native-born americans who are entering the labor force who are taking jobs is not fully offsetting those who are retiring, but you have a lot of working age immigrants coming in here. and that's part of the reason why we keep seeing these upside surprises in the number of jobs being created. >> that's really interesting point that the surge of immigration and a surge of immigrants is actually bolstering the economy. and a really significant way can you talk about, we looked at some of the different jobs that have really gone up construction, hospitality what about hospitality? because a lot of people well for a very long time watching all these restaurants closed because of the pandemic. where are we now? are we at pre-pandemic? >> we have finally, finally recovered all of the jobs lost on that at the beginning of the pandemic in leisure and hospitality. so that means restaurants ours hotels, et cetera. that's quite significant >> ideally, >> we would have more jobs than we had at the beginning of the pandemic today, because the population has grown, of course, but it's great that we've recovered all of the ground, lost it's obviously four years on it's been quite awhile, but that's quite a significant milestone. >> of course, people are looking at inflation. you know, what always kills me that when the economy is booming wall street worries about it. in some ways. but of course, inflation is being watched. people are concerned about it as well as interest rates. what do you think's going to happen? >> well, these things are, there are somewhat trade-offs between having a really hot jobs market and having reduced inflation or cooling inflation. it sounds like the higher jobs numbers wage growth, et cetera, would be unequivocally good news. and in some sense it is very, very good news. but you could imagine the fed saying, look, this fit, this economy. it's a little bit hotter than we want it to be. maybe it's not quite time to start cutting interest rates, which is usually something you do when the economy is slowing down a little bit right? and needs a little bit of stimulus. so there's a question right now about what's going to happen to those interest rate cuts that right now are anticipated to happen about three times this year we'll be watching market today to see if markets are intuiting that. maybe we're not going, maybe we shouldn't inspect those rate cuts may be the fed is going to hold back but we'll be getting more data. and before the next fed meeting, including on inflation. so there's quite a bit talev watch a lot to watch, but the big headline here is 300,000 jobs is a heck of lot. hundred thousand more than economists initially expected. and we are in a hub no sign of recession on the horizon. catherine rental. thank you so much we will discuss more on jobs and president biden's messaging on the economy with acting labor secretary julie su, next hour don, by president biden heads to baltimore today to survey the damage from the devastating bridge collapse. and it comes as we're learning new information about a timeline to reopen the chance animal there. that total eclipse of the hut. >> but it say that again >> total eclipse of the hut. i'm only angry that i did not think of it that slice of genius from pizza hut, just one of the many promotions around the total eclipse on monday five minutes that will boost the us by 1.5 billion no >> let me check. >> we hear nothing hey. shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events. >> is that part as the wing coming apart, space shuttle columbia final flight, premieres sunday at nine on making the twist, your body was one of the best decisions that we made a company duke for you, do for work >> right now, get a >> free battery with the purchase of select professional steel tools >> real still fine. yours. >> did you know that only one in ten americans consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables ag one fills nutritional gaps and promotes gut health with essential vitamins and minerals, pre and probe biotics and superfoods supporting your health doesn't need to be complicated. try a g1 today. >> state june to get this fight bce ultra non-state bag. where is it free from granite, stone? 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>> well, we know that this president is a full believer understands in baltimore, but understands a significance of this tragedy, not just for those families, not just for the city baltimore, but for this entire country because of how important our port is, i want the president to see that devastation up close. and then we want him, of course, to do what he always does when a tragedy happens, meet with those most directly the impacted and we're appreciative to have him here. but understanding that the president and his team have been supporting us since the bridge collapse. unfortunately, early that morning what does baltimore need from the federal government >> well, listen, the federal government, the president said he was going to move heaven and earth to help baltimore. and he has done exactly that. his team has been on the ground. we have a wonderful unified command with his team. i'll fabulous governor governor morris team, my team, the counties in the county executive we had that great federal support. we've had i was with the at sba secretary. we've had secretary buttigieg here. we've had the full weight of the federal government here, and we know that's going to continue. all we need is to continue great partner ship that we've had with the president and his team through this tragedy. and quite frankly and honestly throughout his term >> so you do know that there are some national republicans pushing back on the idea of the federal government footing the bill for this. ralph norman said, quote, the very thought of having the federal government papers for the baltimore bridge is totally absurd. all caps, this exemplifies the old slogan, robbing peter to pay paul congress dam user called the plan outrageous, said, we just can't make the easy, can't take the easy route all the time and just try to spend the taxpayers money what do you say to these republican lawmakers >> yeah, say that they are just loud and allow and wrong part of the republican party. we know that there were smart welling and understanding knowing republicans will be supportive because they know this is the number one port in the country for roll-on, roll-off, they know that not having that farming equipment going out to the midwest it's not just going to hit hurt democratic cities or democratic states. this is not a republican or democratic issue. this is an american issue, american port that is supporting american workers, not just here in baltimore, by across the country, but i've spoken with my congressional leaders of both both of my senators, van hollen and sit in a carton who said they've talking to folks even like sinner mokoena who understands the importance of my congressman, congressmen mfume spoken with the speaker of the house and he understands the importance of this issue. and we're not going to let the lout folks who take us away and distract us away, which is an american tragedy that is impacting not just migrate city of baltimore, but cities and counties in places around the country what's the latest on when you think the channel will be open for commercial traffic to get some of those commercial ships that are stuck inside out in >> some of the ones outside in we have the timeline from the army corps of engineers and they're going to work towards that timeline. each and every day. but i want everyone again to understand how a complex that is what you see in those images above ground is only exacerbated when you go above water, is only exacerbated when you go below this records is so mangled and tangle is like a piece of jenga and they're going to be very precise. they're going to move very quickly, but also safely and responsibly through this so that we don't injure or lose anyone else. and we will get the channel open as quickly as possible, but as safely as possible as well, right? >> mayor brandon scott from baltimore. thank you so much for your time. good morning >> okay. >> so america's teachers are stressed out and unhappy. this is the picture being painted right now by a new pew research survey, finding an overwhelming 82% of teachers not only say the public public school system is worse now than just five years ago, more than half also say they are not optimistic about the next five years. these findings are based on a survey conducted last fall of more than 2,500 public k through 12 teachers in the united states. let's learn more about what's in here in driving this. athena jones has been looking into it. what is behind this grim outlook? >> hi kate, it is truly is a grim outlook and look this survey of 2,500 k through 12 teachers provide solid evidence what we've been reading about and talking about and hearing about anecdotally for some time now, a lot of this is about pandemic learning loss and changes after the pandemic, teachers believed that their long-lasting effects of this pandemic not only on academic achievement, but also on behavior >> and we've been talking >> about learning loss inciting test scores for some time, but this goes beyond academic achievement. we're looking at behavior, at teachers, interactions with parents, and that sort of thing. so let's dig into this. we know that vast majority are large majority, i should say, of teachers say their job is frequently stressful we have i believe we have a number we can put up on the screen, 77% say their job is frequently stressful, 68% say it's frequently overwhelming and 70% of teachers say their school is very or somewhat understaffed in fact, resources, access to resources, staffing, of course, but also resources for teachers to have training or to learn new skills. they are also complained about those things when it comes to the, their job satisfaction overall, teachers are less satisfied than us workers in general, only a third, 33% of teachers say they are extremely or very satisfied and that number for us workers is moral, is 51%. so those are just some of the figures. there's a lot of numbers in, in this, in this, in this survey >> one thing i should note is that you're talking about job satisfaction. three and ten teachers are considering, say it's at least somewhat likely they will look for a new job this year. and of the ones looking for new jobs, 69%, it will say it will be outside of teaching altogether. one of the complaints we also are hearing from teachers doesn't seem from teachers in the survey is that parents, they say parents are doing too little to hold their children accountable when it comes to misbehavior in schools, 79% say that nearly 70% say parents do too little to help their teachers with their homework teachers say that poverty, chronic absenteeism, and mental health issue she was anxiety and depression are also major problems in their schools. so taken altogether, it's not a good, not a pretty picture, we should say, you talked about the 82% who say that teaching has gotten worse or public education he's gotten worse in the last five years, >> 50, only >> a little over 50% say it will be worse five years from now. so teachers need a lot of help right now. you can see there the current political climate is cited by 60% of teachers as one of the issues that has led to the worsening of the state of public education and the last thing impact of the pandemic, which is affected not just grades and test scores, but also behavior in classrooms. a large, large percenge of he, % say the've eeriencederbal abuse from students. so there's a loinhis, but the bottom line is that teachers are stressed out. they're overwhelmed, they're feeling underpaid, don't have enough resources and support and about three in ten say it's at least somewhat likely they will look for a new job the school year, kate? >> yeah. and from from the numbers in the data, there's not one clearly not one fix. this is a systemic look and review and reset that they feel that they need along the same same topic, very different. very, very different focus. the white house just announced this week that they're going to hold the guess it would be the very first state dinner, if you will, four teeth their teachers of the year celebration. what's this about? >> that is right, it's just gonna be the first time the white house holds a state dinner for teachers is going to be may 1, as you mentioned, they hold a national teacher of the year event at the white house every year. but this celebration will welcome teachers of the year from all 50 states will be coming to the white house to be recognized in this special way. and what a part of this is that of course the first lady, dr. jill biden is herself a teacher. she teaches at a community college. and so this is a way to highlight and recognize a teachers who were doing a good job amid a very difficult time period dealing with the learning loss from the pandemic and all of the other issues like staffing and resources that we just cited so positive news for some of those teachers. >> yeah. and always a always it's always a good time to put a spotlight on great teachers >> that's for sure >> hat tip to my >> daughter's teachers who do a lot for me every day sarah i was going to say the same thing. i loved my teachers, mrs. little, mr. davis, like, oh, i like my first journalism teacher in high school. she was she a nice have stayed in touch for years they have such an impact. >> they do and deserve a little kudos all right, the frenzy to be in the right place at the right time to see the total eclipse has begun millions are expected to travel to get the best possible view of the sun slicing across the us for justice just a few minutes on monday. but those few minutes can mean a heck of a lot of money for businesses in the path of totality. cnn's stephanie elam is joining us now, it looks like she is in the path of totality right now, but it is just really early los angeles. we just a few minutes ago, you saw rosa flores, who said she bought a bunch of t-shirts and a hat and bandera, texas, which is in the path of totality, what you've been seeing, she's boosting their whole economy i know she's still spending what have you been seeing? businesses tried to do to try to boost their numbers >> they're doing it >> and rosalynn awesome this morning, i did see her while i was getting ready to come out here and talk and that's exactly what is boosting the economy all around the country because we're talking about less than five minutes of when we will see totality for different places along the country. and we are saying in those areas, they are making a ton of money and it's big companies, to little company. you've got airlines, you've got delta and southwest offering special flights that will go along the path of totality. you've got united giving away special glasses so that you can look at it for their flights that are going through the path totality. if you take a look at airbnb, they have a map showing where they are totally sold out interestingly enough, it looks almost exactly like the path of totality so you're seeing it in ma different ways that companies are taking advantage of this o and-a-half billion dollars of economic engy bei put ito this eclipse for someing le tha five minutes and you're seeing in texas are going to have a t sinclast year in many ld aces like da for their hotel rooms any're saying onda, illi, wherke in th actually gothe 2017 ecpse ell they are also getting ed up and ey're selling out somene littl boutique doing eclip cooki. so y're seeing small any but he's and large companies gettinin on , sarah i love it. i have to tell you 70. i rember back in 2017, your reaction to the eclipse it was the most excited i've however, seen you, i hope you get that chance. >> again >> i'm doing it again. i'm going i'm gonna be out there. i have to tell you i lobbi

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Anywhere , Ultra Non Stick Cookware , Emerald Green , Durable , Emerald Green Kitchen , Five , Times , Ultra Non Stick Granite , Glass , Oven Rated , Heart , Boiler Butter , Lean , Plate , Emerald Green Finish , Bedded , 500 , Granite , Cookware , Dishwasher , Tv Introduction , Quality , Lids , Safe , Utensil , 100 , Everyone , Payments , Payment , Factory , Emerald Green Set , 99 , Three Hundred Dollars , Four , Three Hundred , 39 , Ultra Non Stick , Bag , Easy , Free , Knife Set , Order , Desserts , Yours , Value , 80 , 0 , 21 , Golf , Snacks , Emerald Set Com , 200933 , 180520 , 805 , 933 , Zero , 800 , 0933 , Ticket , Fan , Deals , Tickets , App , Grocery Outlet App , K , Gametime , 60 , Store , Inventory , Stock , Mangoes , Pizza , Salmon , Coffee , Yup , Plan , Trust , Dot Com If , 199 , Thing , Dad , Flight , Spaceflight , Warning , Premiere Sunday , Shuttle Columbia , Nine , Primary , Side , Wisconsin , Nominee , Field , Rivals , Thorn , Ron Desantis , Chris Christie , States , Staffing , Vote , Votes , Take A Look , Map , 10 , 11 , 14 , 100000 , Opportunity , Battleground States , Primaries , Haley Voters , Sad , The Beginning Of March , Numbers , Governor , Supporter , New Hampshire , Surrogate , Chris Sununu Hizon , Asu , Folks , Impact , Most , Path , Get , Avenue , Independents , Independence Voting , Arizona , Ads , North Carolina , Michigan , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Support , Chances , Selling , Haley , May , Wants , Decision , March , Pivot , Type Mentality , Tyvek , Nature , The Word , Don T Use , 2016 , Approach , Brashness , Messaging , Politics , Pivot , Message , Certainties , Style , Effects , Hello , Abortion Issue , Woman , Philosophy , 2022 , Courtroom , Factors , Victim , Win , Culture , Voting , Washington , Change , It Isn T , Moderate , Extremist , Nobody , Seats , Life , Type , Democrats , Individuals , Mentality , Size , Announcement , Statement , Abortion Rights , Standby , Stance , Winner , Abortion Policy , Mind , Before , Policy American , Terms , President Trump , Ban , Wouldn T , Goal , Weight , Seat , Best , Top , School Board , Kansas , Tickets Behalf , Advice , Polls , Dig A Snake , 16 , He Couldn T , Benefit , Guy , Over Biden In November , M , Main , Attitude , Lives , Democratic Party , It Wasn T , Elitism , Negativity , Brushes , Inflation , Policy , Dead , Table , Border , Debt , Unfortunate , Trump Doesn T Cross , Storm Recovery , Finish Line , Parents , Half , Study , School Teachers , Careers , Facing , Line , Court , Profession , Spot , Championship , Program , Caitlin Clark , Interviews , Story , Meaning , Hostage , Fight , Captivity , Release , Anderson Cooper Sunday , Return Israeli Hostages , Eight , Owner Eliminator , Pet , On Cnn , Anything , Planet , Grade Formula , Ammonia , Companies , Odor , Waste , Odors , Formula Use , Tire Community , Fragrance , Pet Odor , Safety Standards , Owner , Proofing , Litter Box , Odor Base , Vomit , Feces , Pets , Urine , Wet Dog , Stinky Skin Folds , Jannik Odor , Gray , Sprays , Skunk Odor , Level , Stink , Equation , Artificial Turf , Melas Flowers , Beds , Poor , Bottle , Pet Toys , Product , Garbage Cans , 95 , 24 , 3200 , Proof , Loss , Sample , Washer , Hoof Laundry , Odor Eliminator , Laundry , Chewy Com , Amazon Com , Power , Power Outages , Safety , Heating , Refrigeration , Threat , Flights , Inconvenient , Power Outage , Air Conditioning , Generale Home Standby Generator , Family Well , Popular Home Standby Generator , Propane , Natural Gas , Life Goes On Without Disruption , 700 , Anxiety , Utility Company , Generator , Gin Rag , Degenerate , Generators , Hurricane , Home Generators , Have On Generale Home Standby Generator , Customers , Thousands , Quote , Warranty , Dealers , Finance , Payment Options , Jina , Obligation , Call , Hurricanes , Colorado State , Preseason Forecast , Scientist , Cnn Sunday , Blue Carbon A , Sunday April 21 , Immigrants , Outlook , Museum , Millions , Season , Landmark , Hive , Project , Gateway , Ellis Island , 125 , Nc State , Renovation , Tv , Family History , Site , Price Tag , Women S , Cleveland , 00000000 , 100000000 , Undefeated , Seed , Title , South Carolina , John Top , Uconn , 7 , Look , Data , Men , Strength , Mother , Jobs Market , Peach , Women , Championships , Economy , Jobs , 303000 , Trend , Unemployment Rate , Expectation , Job Growth , Streaks , Trending , 200000 , Revisions , Unemployment , Orange , 3 8 , 4 , Big , Relations , Down , 27000 , 5000 , Gains , Solid , Concentration , Job Gains , Sectors , Big Three , Hospitality , Leisure , Government Health Care , Health Care , Continuation , Month Of March , 72000 , Government , Pandemic , Construction , Industries , Clip , Covid , Cash , Ketchup Sector , 71000 , Fed , Markets , Job Market , Worker , Strong , Bonding , Siblings , Interesting , Economics , Tb , Running Sir , Everything Else , Economists , Catherine Ramp Out , Commentator , Washington Post , Funny , Immigration , Won T , Growth , Hot Button Issue , Indicators , Gift , Premise , Rates , Immigration Lower , Contributions , Entrepreneurship , Versus Pre Pandemic , Native Born Americans , Labor Force , Surprises , Surge , Restaurants , Beginning , Pre Pandemic , Population , Hotels , Et Cetera , Ground , Milestone , Wall Street , Ways , Interest Rates , News , Fit , Stimulus , Interest Rate Cuts , Market , Check , Rate Cuts , Watch , Headline , Fed Meeting , 300000 , Julie Su , Hub No Sign , Recession , Horizon , Catherine Rental , Baltimore , Timeline , Bridge Collapse , Hour Don , Damage , Animal , Pizza Hut , Biden Heads , Slice , Promotions , Genius , 1 5 Billion , Series , Shuttle Accident , Twist , Wing , Company Duke , Space Shuttle Columbia , Fruits , Gaps , Essential Vitamins , Minerals , Vegetables , Amounts , Gut Health , Pre , Health , Word , Superfoods , Lins , Fight Bce Ultra Non State Bag , Probe Biotics , G1 , Stick , Blue , Piece , Ultra , Credits , Don T Blue , Bloop Vignesh , Breaths , Aluminum , Luck , Utensils , Vintage , Roasting , Granites Don T Cook , Stone Blue 12th Be Set , 49 , 300 , 500 400 , 12 , Steamer , Femur Rack , Thank Glute Ourself Draining Fry Baskets , Insert , Ware , Stainless Steel , 50 , Ultra Non Stick Way , Blue Bag , Offense , Soil , Grease , Yours Brij , Porter , Water Call , 18009 , 20 , Recommendations , Pins , Person , 165667 , Viewing Glasses , Reporters , Special , Spectacle , Boris Sanchez , Brianna Keilar , Collapse , Destruction , Francis Scott Key Bridge , Families , Mayor , Army Corps Of Engineers , Mr , Port Of Baltimore , Brandon Scott , The End , Tragedy , Significance , Believer , Port , Devastation , Bridge , Well , Command , Heaven , Earth , Listen , Counties , Secretary , Secretary Buttigieg , County Executive , Sba , Ship , Bill , Term , Ralph Norman , Papers , Slogan , Caps , Outrageous , Dam User , Robbing Peter To , Paul Congress , Lawmakers , Route , Taxpayers , Republicans , Farming Equipment , Roll Off , Midwest , Smart Welling , Sit , Sinner Mokoena , Van Hollen , House , Congressman , Carton , Leaders , Senators , Speaker , Congressmen Mfume , Away , Places , Latest , Lout , Ones , Channel , Ships , Traffic , Complex , Images , Anyone Else , Tangle , Jenga , Channel Open , Pew Research Survey , Public School System , 82 , Athena Jones , 2500 , Learning Loss , Changes , Reading , Evidence , 2500 K , Behavior , Test Scores , Interactions , Achievement , Sort , Goes Beyond Academic Achievement , Dig , Majority , Screen , 68 , 70 , 77 , Resources , Job Satisfaction , School , Skills , Training , 33 , General , Third , 33 , 51 , Figures , Teaching , Complaints , Children , Misbehavior , 69 , Schools , Mental Health , Poverty , Depression , Problems , Homework Teachers , Chronic Absenteeism , 79 , Good , Worsening , Climate , Grades , Students , Classrooms , Abuse , Large , Percenge , Loinhis , Review , Fix , Topic , State Dinner , Celebration , Time , Focus , Teacher , May 1 , First Lady , Community College , Hat Tip , Journalism Teacher , High School , Have , Daughter , Mrs , Davis , View , Frenzy , Kudos , Sun , Stephanie Elam , Slicing , Bunch , The Path Of Totality , Los Angeles , Bandera , Totality , Ton , Areas , United , Delta , Glasses , Path Totality , Airlines , Take A Look At Airbnb , Advantage , O , Map Showing , Onda , Aces , Hotel Rooms , Someing Le Tha , Engy Bei Put Ito , Illi , Wherke , Ld , Gettinin On , Fell , Ey , Eclip Cooki , Sarah , Ed Up , Somene Littl Boutique , Ith , 2017 , Gonna ,

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