Good morning. Welcome to cnn this morning. It is sunday, september 24th. Thanks for spending part of your morning with us. Heres what we are watching for you. Its time for them to do job america elected them to do. Lawmakers up against a clock and working on a deal to fund the government ahead of a looming shutdown. The real world impacts a shutdown would have on everything from air travel to members of the military. Ophelia has moved inland after bringing heavy rain and flooding to parts of the east coast. The areas we are watching for more flooding and the threat of severe storms today. Its a cosmic delivery hyeas in the making. A Space Capsule full of Asteroid Pieces set to land on earth this morning. What scientists are hoping to learn from it. The fires that you dont hear about in the news is the greatest success. It could be a game changer when it comes to firefighting. How they are using a. I. To snuff out wildfires before they explode. Plus, a 10 and 11yearold steal their moms car and take it on a 200 machimile joyride. Wait to hear why. We are six days away from gre Congress Deadline to fund the government. President biden is slamming the floundering efforts to work out a deal. The message is simple. Do your job. Funding the government among the most basic responsibilities of congress. Its time for the republic to start doing the job american elected them to do. Several gop lawmakers are working through the weekend on capitol hill to get their party holdouts on the same page. On a call saturday, republicans worked out the Top Priorities and reportedly made some progress. We are working every day to come together. I think we are closer every day to getting to some degree of consensus that will get some of those people who have been on the fence. Despite that, House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy admitted later many of those hardliners were unmoved during the call. Here is cnns manu raju. Reporter in a week, the government could shut done if there is no agreement between house republicans, the senate and the white house to fund the federal government. At the moment they are nowhere near a deal in large part because of sharp divisions among house republicans. A advantage majority want to move forward on a republican only plan to to keep the government open for about a month or so while they work on the longerterm spending bills, but there are a handful of members who say they will not go along with that and they are pushing for their own ideas or will never support a shortterm plan. That means that Kevin Mccarthy doesnt have the votes he needs to ensure any Party Line Bill he doesnt lose more than four republican votes. There could be up seven republican votes to stop the plans going forward. And if mccarthy were to cut a deal with members on the other side of the aisle, with democrats, that could open him up to a challenge from critics within his own party who are threatening to push for a vote ousting him from the speakership. I talked to one of mccarthys closest allies yesterday who told me bring it on, essentially. He said, have those critics actually push for a vote to try to kick mccarthy out of the speakership. He said he drafted a plan himself and may put to forward to a vote to put that issue to rest. As a matter of fact, i drafted a motion to vacate for the speaker as well. I have it sitting on my desk. I said if you are going to keep playing these games, lets get it over with, get your games over with, then we will get back to focusing on the things that actually matter. Therein lies the frustration. They are arguing to those members on the far right if they continue to dig in, they will get a worse outcome. They argue it will be much more moderate, more liberal, will have to work with democrats or get jammed by the senate in order to avoid a shutdown. But that level of reasoning simply is not working. A member on member of the House Freedom caucus told us just yesterday that he is a no on a stopgap deal. Others are indicating a similar position as well. The senate is moving forward trying to pass it this week. Can they get it done by the shutdown deadline . It will probably be blows. Then it will be up to the house to accept that plan. That could take time to play out as well leaving washington in a very uncertain period with a Government Shutdown looming and the impacts on the economy could be significant. Manu raju, cnn, washington. Thank you very much. Im joined by Politico White House reporter daniel lippman. Thanks for waking up with us this sunday. Bottom line, House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy says he still lacks support from a few of the gop hardliner to get a republican Stopgap Measure on the floor this week. Washington has a habit of taking things to the last men minute when it comes to deadlines. What feels different here . The numbers are just so close that mccarthy was not able to have a huge majority. So he had to put in easier motions to vacate, which basically as manu was saying, it could kick him out of his speakership. And so the hardliners have more leverage and they are more willing to push it to the brink. What mccarthy is saying, hey, if you want to Fund Border Security, then Fund Border Security and dont leave people without a paycheck. Also this always hurts republicans when they try to shut down the government. There is clearly frustration in the Republican Party about the dynamics here. You heard some you heard the congressman, get these motion to vacate going to get to, quote, doing things that actually matter. Is there a way to get back to those things with this particular dynamic, or is this just kind of the way things are going to be within the republican faction of the house right now . If you look at how mccarthy was elected, it took 15 votes, and you had matt gaetz, who is the chief holdout, raising money off his obstructionism back then. Even though everyone knew mccarthy would get elected, there was no other serious candidate. So its much easier in this day and age for republican congressmen and also democrats to raise money individually. And so they want to make a name for themselves, and pursue their whatever their base is telling them to do, and the base does not like, you know, organizing with Biden Administration, keeping the Biden Administration funded. So i think its going to take a could take a short shutdown to for mccarthy to make a deal with democrats. Yeah. We will see what happens there. Obviously, also a political lens here. Susan collins said this in an interview with politico, historically republicans have been blamed for shutdowns and that they are never good policy. What are the political implications here, especially heading into the 2024 campaign cycle, which would include, obviously, the sitting president . Well, what democrats are going to say is, hey, this is a basically unnecessary shutdown. Why are we going to let federal workers not get paid for jobs they are doing . We could have furloughs. Its much harder to get passports these days. The State Department is totally backed up and it could get worse. Veterans, you are picking on veterans. Do not get their benefits they earned by serving america. So it seems like for what goal are they going to get . This is kind of a fools errand for republicans to pursue this strategy when it only backfires on them politically and policywise because they always make a deal with democrats to keep the government open at the end. Of course, the main push here isnt even to fund the government fully. Its for a Stopgap Measure, continuing resolution here, and even to get to that point has been an issue to this point. What has what is the sign that you might be looking for this week that indicates we are actually making progress here . Obviously, the deadline by this point next week, if nothings passed or agreed to, were going to be shut down. I think they have to go through almost more failed votes and for mccarthy kind of to see, hey, republicans are not going to budge, and then at the last moment we might see him work with democrats to keep the government funded at least temporarily and then they can kind of fight to live another day. But its going to get down to the wire. And he does not want the bad press among in the conservative media of, hey, he caved to democrats. Is working for democrats to keep the funded. And so i think we are going to be here probably next saturday or sunday and talking about whether while the government might be shut down right now and how long is it going to take. But he doesnt want to turn to democrats yet. He has another week to do into. So, obviously, at the core of this is the infighting in the Republican Party on the house side. But, obviously, democrats are watching on as well, including the white house. What is their posturing throughout all off this when, of course, a lot of the attention has been on mccarthy and trying to deal with factions of his party . Democrats are saying this is totally unnecessary, that you are not advancing conservative policy goals, that this is basically almost like a hostagetaking exercise. Therg saying republicans cant govern. This is basically intrarepublican infighting. This is not actually about fighting between democrats and republicans. And a legitimate, you know, policy differences. This is about the Freedom Caucus trying to exercise their muscle and keeping mccarthy in line, and youre seeing ideas about throwing a Debt Commission out into the ether politically. But whenever i see that, i am reminded how these are always washington dodges where they say, hey, we are going to create a commission to look at our fiscal situation and then those that commission makes recommendation and nothing gets done bus washington doesnt want to take the tough votes of cutting spending. We will see what happens. Last Government Shutdown in 2018, 35 days. Hopefully, it is not to that level if we even get to a shutdown point. Daniel lippman, thank you so much. With no Government Funding that has been secured for the start of the new fiscal year. How does that impact you . Cnns brian todd explains how it would affect everything from food to travel. Those soul crushing Flight Delays that might have hampered Yourful Travel this summer and last year, get ready for more. Your food and water might be vulnerable to safety lapses. Those are among the potential disruptions to our lives that could occur if the congress cant agree to extending the funding of the government. We face a Government Shutdown by midnight on september 30th. I dont think for a minute it dont affect your community, that it dont affect your church, affect your city. It affects all of america. Are. Reporter first to feel the pinch, almost all of the countrys 3. 5 million federal workers going without pay, including active duty military and much of federal law enforcement. Some Essential Workers will have to work without pay, like air Traffic Controllers and tsa officers at airports. If they are working, why could there be Flight Delays . You dont have money to put gas in your car to come to work, when you dont have for Public Transit that causes delays at the airport because they will call in because they cant get to work. Reporter and a shutdown would delay the training for badly needed newly hired air Traffic Controllers. A shutdown lasting a few weeks could set us back by months or more because of how complex that training is. Reporter how would the rest of us feel it . National parks likely closed. Food stamps in jeopardy as well as Passport Processing and disaster funding for places like hawaii and florida. Even thousands of preschool kids could be shut out. Headstart is losing funding. A lot of preschools may be temporarily shutting down and the families relying on them would be effected. Reporter daily sustenance. Fda and epa workers wouldnt be working. You will see fewer food safety inspections. You will see a pause in inspections of Drinking Water facilities. Reporter Social Security and medicare payments wont be stopped, but service . Apply for a new claim, that wont happen. A person having an issue with their benefits, you know, they have no one to call. No bun to talk to. Reporter the broader economy would take a hit, experts say, things like permitting for Construction Projects and Loan Approvals for farms and Small Businesses could be paused. A Government Shutdown is just yet another drag on the economy because it ends up disrupting lots of Supply Chains and lots of services that people and businesses rely on to keep other parts of the economy running. Reporter what should the average american do to it prepare for a possible Government Shutdown . Check to see what benefits you are receiving from the federal government, whether its food stamps or your childs preschool. Find out if the benefits will be disrupted. Contact your representative in congress and urge them to work as hard as possible to reach and iffing deal. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Thank you so much. And be sure to watch today at 11 00 a. M. Eastern for the premier of Inside Politics Sunday with manu raju. He will take you inside the weeks political stories with the best reporters in washington. He will join us during this show as we congratulate him taking over there for the new show. All right. No better person to take over. Now, other news. Ophelia, weakened to a posttropical cyclone. There is still danger here. Bringing heavy rain and threats of Flash Flooding all the way from North Carolina all the way up to jersey. It made landfall in North Carolina early yesterday and triggered a State Of Emergency there in virginia and maryland as well. New york city authorities issued a Travel Advisory through today, but ophelia is expected to weaken further tomorrow. And cnns Allison Chinchar is tracking the impacts of what is left of the storm right now. Allison, what are we looking at . Not fully Out Of The Woods yet . No. Its not moving very fast. Because of that slow movement, its allowed to dump a tremendous amount of rain over a lot of the same spots. In fact. The center mainly focused over virginia. Remember, it was in North Carolina yesterday. So it is moving off to the north at 12 Miles Per Hour. But you still have a lot of rain bands making their way across washington, d. C. , pennsylvania, new jersey, new york, even spreading north into massachusetts. More rain is expected for today. Also the potential for coastal flooding. A lot of flood alerts out here, one to two feet in maryland, delaware, portions of new jersey. It is going to continue to make its way finally out to shore, but really not until tomorrow. So because of that through the evening tonight, even through tomorrow morning, still more heavy rain is expected. Even places like new york looking at an additional two to maybe as much as four inches of rain in that short term. Its one of a couple of things we are watching. We are keeping an eye on ophelia. We have an Atmospheric River pushing to the west and severe storms in the central u. S. A lot of this area was hard hit last night as these storms continue to slide east. Looking at a severe Thunderstorm Watch for next couple of hours as more of these thunderstorms continue to progress around the arklatex region and will continue the rest of the day. Thank you. Still ahead for us, senator bob menendez is facing more calls to step down in wake of fridays jawdropping indictment. We will hear from the latest lawmakers seeking his resignation. Harsh words from russias Foreign Minister at the United Nations. He says that the u. S. And allies support for ukraine puts them directly at war. Plus, a searchyear journey to deliver an Asteroid Sample to earth. We will talk with one of the leaders of that mission about what he hopes to learn from it. Thats next. [coughing] when Caroline Hahas a cough she takes robitussin. So, she can have those one on ones again. Hey jim he can we talk about your yoga breaks . Sure. Get fast, poweul cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. 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They have business grade internet, nationwide. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. More democrats are calling for new jersey senator bob menendez, also a democrat, to step down after he and his wife were indicted on bribery charges friday. In a statement, new jersey governor fill murphy said the alleged facts are so serious, they compromise the ability of senator menendez to effectively represent the people of our state. Therefore, i am calling for his immediate resignation. Democratic Rep Gottheimer wrote, give the gravity of the allegations i believe it will be difficult for the senator to carry out his responsibilities for the good of the state, he should step aside as he focuses on his defense. And there is more. Pennsylvania senator John Fetterman is the first of menendezs Senate Colleagues demanding he step down, posting he is entitled to the presumption of innocence, but he is not entitled to continue to wield influence over national policy. Now, according to Senate Democratic caucus rules, menendez has stepped down as the head of the Senate Foreign relations duty. He denied the charges against him and his wife. Turning now as we move forward to russias war on ukraine. At least one person is dead after russian strikes on Ukraines Zaporizhzhia region. Russia fired on 25 locations across the region with reports of damage to residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. Russias Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke at the United Nations General Assembly saturday and accuses the west of Fueling Conflict overseas. Cnns senior u. N. Correspondent richard roth explains. Reporter on a windswept rainy day in New York City, Sergey Lavrov swept through the hallways of the u. N. Speaking to the u. N. General assembly and then the media at a press conference. He had strong words against washington and nato allies regarding how that side of the equation is handling the conflict in ukraine. He called ukrainian peace proposals, which have been out there some time, infeasible. He also commented on black sea grain deal initiative, which russia withdrew from months ago. Weighs asked, has russia officially withdrawn from that deal . Translator we are working with those who respect themselves and who will never betray their natural interests because someone from washington has told them to. We know how american diplomats prohibit meetings with our diplomats. I will say the following. The u. S. Is a superpower. Thats clear to everyone. But to run around threatening everyone, only then to show ones obsession with domineering, well, its simply embarrassing for a great nation to act this way. Reporter lavrov as asked why he didnt attend the Security Council meeting on ukraine where he would have seen president zelenskyy. He said he has seen him before. He knows what he is going to say. He had 33 other meetings. He described zelenskyy as looking grim. Thank you. Ukraine says it was able to intercept 14 of 15 Attack Drones launched by russia on saturday. The interceptions come as ukraine holds ground in key front line areas. So what can you tell us . Reporter we have seen that repeated Drone Attacks or attempted Drone Attacks by the russians across ukrainian territory. Once again some success for the Ukrainian Armed forces, 14 out of 15 out of those iranianmade drones downed on saturday. We have seen a barrage of aerial attacks targeting key ukrainian positions. Of course, this has had a civilian impact not only damage to residential buildings and civilian infrastructure, but we have seen fatalities as well over the last 24 hours in the zaporizhzhia region. At least one person has been confirmed dead by ukrainian authorities as a result of that Russian Artillery fire. In kherson at least two people have been reportedly killed as a result of russian shelling. We have seen these continued attacks. There are also some positive indications along the front lines. We heard from Defense Officials in ukraine. They say their units are holding their positions across several of these key front line areas. They have rappelled attacks in the bakhmut region. An attempted advance was thwarted according to ukrainian officials by ukrainian units on the ground. So certainly some positive indications there. We also heard from ukraines air force over the weekend. They say they conducted airstrikes on assets and positions deemed critical to Russias Armed forces on ground. This is, of course, a positive indication as we head into the winter months which will pose challenges to Ukraines Armed forces. Earlier in the week, we heard from a top ukrainian general saying that ukraine will push ahead with that counteroffensive over the winter months. It will not shlow down. They say they believe kyivs biggest breakthrough is yet to be seen. Thank you. So there is a rare gift from the cosmos that is expected to arrive on earth today. Its a sample from a nearby asteroid. The man leading the mission to retrieve it joins us next to discuss what we can expect to learn from it. My name is Josh Sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. I was 5. 6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. Once alexandra called me to letet me know that Bank Of America had approved my loan. It was important to me. We not only just provide ththe financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. All you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. And thats what Bank Of America was for me. The golden hour of cold and flu symptoms. Im feeling better. Cough . Congestion . All in one and done with new Mucinex Kickstart. Aaaaah ah hated that. Headhe . Better ah fever . Bodpain . Better now. 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And thats so we talk about we will have to continue to look at Emergency Sheltering and look at working with partners from other cities. The city is already sheltered more than 7,000 migrants and served 16,000 meals in the last ten days alone. On friday, mexico agreed to deport migrants from Border Cities to their home crease as part of a new effort with the u. S. To fight the recent surge. There is hope that the Writers Strike could be nearing a deal. The studios and writers will meet for the fifth consecutive day of negotiations today. A source tells cnn the studios have delivered their best and final offer to the writers on saturday. The Writers Guild of america are expected to review that offer today. More than 11,000 members have been on strike since may 2nd. Negotiations have centered on wages and Worker Protections and Artificial Intelligence. Former president jimmy carter and his wife made a surprise appearance. They were spotted riding in an suv a week before carters 99th birthday. He has been under hospice care since february. The two have been married for 77 years. Almost unbelievable. 7 years. The longest married president ial couple. A nasa spacecraft sevenyear journey ends this morning. For the first time, the osirisrex spacecraft will bring back samples from an asteroid to earth. If all goes according to plan, the capsule set to enter the f earths atmosphere traveling 27 Miles Per Hour before landing in the utah desert. Joining us now from utah is donte loretta, the Principal Investigator for nasas osirisrex mission. Also author of the asteroid hunter. The right person to talk to about this. Explain this. So this is going to be flung at earth at 27650 Miles Per Hour. How is this going to happen . Explain whats going to happen this morning. Thanks for having me. Its a really exciting morning for osiris. We are seven minutes away from releasing the capsule off the spacecraft. I have been watching the telemetry all morning. Everything is operating nominally. We are talking about a spacecraft that has been traveling through space for seven years. We spent over two years surveying a nearearth asteroid named bennu, about as wide across as the empire state building. It comes very close to the earth repeatedly and we worry about a potential future impact. Most importantly, though, its a Treasure Trove from the earliest stages of the olar system formation. Think about genealogy going back 4. 5 b 4. 5 billion years. We are trying to understand how life may have been delivered to the planet earth. Fantastic. How narrow of a space in utah is the projection of where this will land . We are coming into Department Of Defense test range called the utah test and training range. I want to thank our military partners. They have been outstanding through this whole process. We have an area thats 50 miles long we can land in, and we are in the middle of the utah desert. Its a pretty remote area. The bonneville salt flats. You may have heard of those big flat, dry lake beds with really no risk to any humans or property. So tell us more about what once this is retrieved, what scientists hope to learn. Yeah, we have an exciting day today. We will be broadcasting live on nasa tv the entire recovery operations. We are going to be flying out there. I am in one of the helicopters to greet these extraterrestrial samples to earth. Our primarily goal is to get everything secured and transported to Nasas Johnson Space Center in houston, texas. Thats where all materials are curated, including the Apollo Lunar Samples and ant art i can mee meteorites and other fantastic collections. We will unpack this christmas in september for sample scientists. We will process that material looking for the different rock types. We want to understand the history of this asteroid, which reflects this Long Duration of the solar system. I have over 200 scientists and 60 different laboratories around the world and we are going to literally be understanding processes that existed before our sun did, before the earth came into being, and really how did the first materials in our solar system start to grow into the planets that we see today. You said something that im sure perked some ears up around the world when you said, we are a little concerned about a collision. If you have got this asteroid that is as wide across as the empire state building, that could be calamitous. Explain the new calculations about potential collision. Yeah, one of the interesting things that we studied on had mission was the fact that sunlight actually changes the direction that these troids move through the solar system. They get hot, especially Something Like asteroid bennu, which has a lot of carbon and is dark like an asphalt parks lot. When that heat is thrown back into space, it can slow down the asteroid making it move closer in to the inner solar system and on a collision with the earth. But i dont want people to worry. The odds are still very low about 0. 05 chance of an impact. And its about 160 years in the future. So i really look at this as a nice Insurance Policy For The Future of humanity if and when they need to go and deflect this object, the information that we collected with osirisrex will be invaluable. 0. 5 . Sounds really, really low, until we start comparing that to winning the lottery, you know . 0. 05. Thats right. Yeah. All right. I trust you on that. Its a small enough percentage that we shouldnt be worried about it right now, but we should be doing something. Thats what nasa is doing through the osirisrex program and through their whole Planetary Defense Coordination Office because this is potentially the largest Natural Disaster facing humanity and the only one we have a chance of actually preventing. Its in our best interest to develop the technologies, core capabilities to characterize these objects and figure out how we may need to deflect them in the future. A big day four. Congratulations. And thank you for your time. 0. 05 . Not zero. Not zero. Not even 0. 005, right . Yes, yes, zero would be nice. Still to come for us, Artificial Intelligence is now helping california firefighters get the upper hand on wildfires before they even begin. We will take you inside the science next. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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And now, our new next gen smart beds have temperature benefits, so you sleep better night after night. Save 400 on the new sleep number c4 smart bed. Now only 1,499. Sleep next level. Shop now only at sleep number [coughing] when caroline has a cough she takes robitussin. So, she can have those one on ones again. Hey jim hey can we talk about your yoga breaks . Sure. Get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. Robitussin theres a story in every piece of land. Written by those who work it. Like the upshaws. The nelsons. And the caggianos. Run with us and start telling your story. Snu the west bay to stop a wildfire is to catch it before it spreads. In california, they have a new tool to help them do that. Artificial intelligence. Yeah, cal fire and the University Of California At San Diego have teamed up and are using a Massive Network of cameras across the state and a. I. To spot those fires early, and it seems to be working. Stephanie elam takes a closer look at this remarkable technology. Reporter in california, where wildfires are a constant threat, Firefighters Want every advantage they can get on a blaze before it becomes an inferno. Whilis was asleep, my phone dippinged. Reporter Cal Fire Scott slump got that leg up while Testing New Technology in july when he got a text message with a link to this. Video of a fire that started in the middle of the night deep in the california wilderness. The Dispatch Center was not aware of the fire. Reporter Something Else was. Artificial intelligence. Cal fire in partnership with uc san diegos alert California Program and its network of more than 1,000 cameras across the state is using the technology to recognize a fire early on. The next morning that fire would have been a fire of significance. Reporter instead, firefighters were dispatched immediately. Knocking the blaze down before it did major damage. So the fires that you dont hear about in the news is the greatest success of this. Reporter these cameras are the new eyes for firefighters. These two positioned more than 5,000 feet above sea level can see across this massive Southern California valley. And they are adding precision to the spotting of wildfires compared to more traditional ways like this Lookout Station where im standing. With this new a. I. Technology, they can often spot wildfires more quickly than the human eye can. Here is how it works. Look at this image. Could you spot a fire . Probably not. But notice that red box on the right side. Thats where Artificial Intelligence has detected a faint column of smoke. There is nothing on that horizon there. Then something appears on that horizon that wasnt there before. That could be smoke. The camera picks that up and goes, that does not look normal. We have multiple successes of fires at Night Undestekted that we suppressed before a phone call had come into the command centers. Reporter the Pilot Program worked so well that cal fire recently expanded to all 21 Dispatch Centers. An official will validate the imagery to make sure it is not just dust or clouds. Our goal as an agency is to keep 95 of the fires at ten acres or less. So this tool increases our ability to ensure that we are keeping the fires small. Reporter and the a. I. Is constantly learning. Each time a human confirms or corrects what it detects, the technology adapts. Do you think that its making a difference in how you are able to protect the population . Absolutely. Reporter this Technology Wont replace people, cal fire says. Nothing can take the place of the boots on the ground. Reporter but can help First Responders stop fires before they explode. In my opinion, save lives and property. Reporter stephanie elam, cnn, riverside county, california. Thank you for that. Deion sanders called it a good oldfashioned butt kicking. We will show you how oregon spoiled coach primes Cinderella Start at colorado. Thats next. S too. Just ask my old friend, kevin. Nothing g like enjoying a cold e while watching the game. Whos winning . No idea. Real milk. Real delicious. And dont forget to try some delicious, creamy lactaid ice cream. Whats that mabel . mooo wow, smart cow sean i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro jason sean do you mean this one the one with titanium . Switch to verizon, you can trade in any iphone, and get the new iphone 15 pro on them. Ou mean this one the one with titanium . v trade in any iphone in any condition for a new iphone 15 pro on us. v trade in any iphone in any condition only on verizon. [couing] when caroline has a cough she takes robitussin. So, she can have those one on ones again. Hey jim hey can we talk about your yoga breaks . Sure. Get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. 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The oregon ducks making a statement, smashing a Primetime Clock before the game. But his duck head came off, so he just scampered back under the tunnel. That was rather funny. But colorado not much to smile about in this one. Deion sanders, they were sacked seven times. Oregon was up 350 at halftime. They would win this game easily, 426. Here was coach prime afterwards when asked about langings clicks comment. I dont say stuff just to say it for a click. Contrary to what some may say. But, yeah, i keep receipts. But im serious. I analyze and understand what we are up against and what we have and what we need. One thing i could say honestly and candidly, youve got to get me right now. This is the worst we are going to be. You better get me right now. All right. Elsewhere, a much closer game tweens ohio state and notre dame. 15 seconds to go. Buckeyes needing a touchdown. The first down. Buckeyes down to the goal line. They punch it in with one second to go. Get this. Notre dame only had ten players on the field for last two plays of that drive. Hard to make a stop with one less guy. Buckeyes win a thriller, 1714. The coach was all fired up. Proud to be from ohio. Its always been ohio against the world and it will continue to be ohio against the world. Tell you what. I love those kids. We got a tough team. Everybody wants to question these guys. They are warriors. To come back and win. T to come back and win, im emotional for a reason. A lot of people question these kids and say alet of things about them. I love them. When someone attacks your family, to win like this is special. All right. One of the best catches in the florida charlotte game. Ricky pearsall, onehanded catch and managed to hold on to the ball despite getting drilled by the defensive back. Thankfully, he was good. Got up. Great catch. The gators winning, 227. A heartbreak for clements against florida state. A former walkon, had graduated and was going for his masters degree. He was set to take a job in New York City before getting the call from dabo to kick for the tigers after their kicker been struggling. Made a 30yard field goal earlier in the game. This 29yarder would have given the tigers the lead with less than two to go. The family in shock. So were the fans. That was a big miss because they would go on to lose in overtime to fourth ranked florida state. 3124, the final. The Sem Snoels First Win Over Clements in nine years. A good story, victor. The fact that he i am going to pass on my job in New York City, kick for the tigers, and then miss the chance to win the game. Its a tough one. But that catch, onehanded . Yeah. What is in that glove . He snatched it out of the air like a nerf ball. The fact that he got drilled and the ball still stayed in his hand. You are not going to see a catch better better than that one. Thank you so much. Coming up next for us, there are Temper Tantrums and then there is grand theft auto. 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