I like paul, but these are horrible times for our country and we need very strong leadership and we need very, very strong leadership and im just not quite there. If that wording sounds familiar to you, youre right. Speaker ryan once said the same about donald trump. Im just not ready to do that at this point. Im not there right now. Paul ryan spokesman this evening said the speaker has never sought trumps endorsement. As for senator mccain whom he mocked youll recall for being taken prisoner by the north vietnamese trump said he hasnt been good enough for veterans. Philip who wrote it for the Washington Post. A lot of focus on the words he used for paul ryan. Im not quite there yet, obviously very similar to what ryan said about trump in may. Did trump give you any indication when he would be making up his mind or if he would . Its hard not to see this as anything other than a warning shot on ryan. I saw it as just that, a warning shot. He did not indicate whether he would make an endorsement at all before next tuesdays primary and its a Remarkable Development in the Republican Party just two weeks ago. Ryan was on stage at the convention with trump, endorsing trump and trying to show party unity and here we have the president ial nominee refusing to back the top elected official in the party in his primary. And john mccain, as well and this is such an extraordinary situation, phil and can you recall when the republican president ial nominee has declined to endorse both the republican speaker of the house and a prominent u. S. Senator who was himself the partys nominee just eight years ago . I dont know that this has ever happened, but this is a different kind of candidate and a different kind of Campaign Year and donald trump made it very clear in my interview with him that he sees himself as the head of the Republican Party and that hes other Republican Leaders like paul ryan and john mccain that when they criticize him they need to get in line and support him. He talked about kelly aillot being weak. His comments about the khan family over the weekend and i see this as trump getting retribution. Well, is it heres a Conspiracy Theory some people are throwing out. Is it possible donald trump did this in order to get the conversation to be about this as opposed to be about the khans . Well, if that was his goal it worked because thats what were talking about here tonight and its been all over the news all afternoon. You know, i dont know if this was a deliberate strategy. He did not bring this up voluntaril voluntarily. I asked him about speaker ryan and the endorsement in the interview and he was responding to me. Trumps National Spokeswoman was on with wolf blitzer arguing there was no story that trump was answering your questions and he wasnt attacking anyone and he is the republican president ial nominee and he knows what he says about paul ryan and john mccain would have an impact, i would assume. I believe he used that similar language from the jake tapper interview a couple of months ago. He knew what he was doing and he repeated it several times over the course, and they knew this would be a news story. So theres something here. But just to be clear, as you said, this is something you asked him about. This wasnt like he intentionally brought up or he said before the interview oh, by the way, i want to talk about paul rian. Thats correct. Last night donald trump tweeted something complimentary of paul ryans op bonent and it led to speculation that he was trying to lift up the primary opponent and i asked him about that and i asked him to clarify what he meant by that tweet and whether he would endorse ryan and you see what he said. New york times Political Correspondent pat reich heely and cnn political analyst and dana bash and Political Writer for the atlantic. Dana, i know youve been reaching out to your gop sources, does anyone think this isnt personal . Because trumps spokeswoman says donald trump is not getting involved in the republican primaries. No. I have not found anyone who doesnt think this isnt personal and ive heard her say and she is right that there are times when Republican Leaders and donald trump is the, you know, one of the leaders if not the leader of the Republican Party now because he is the president ial nominee. And they dont get involved with primaries, but this is different. It is different for a number of reasons and number one is because when it is the speaker of the house, it is kind of expected and tradition for other likeminded leaders to get behind him and not the challenger from the right, but also as i was reminded by a senior republican here in washington a couple of hours ago, anderson, paul ryan nominated mike pence, trumps Vice President ial running mate at the convention. He put mike pences name into the nomination, you know, making it formal. So its not as though hes kind of a stranger here impeach i mean, he is somebody who has clearly thought to do what he could, somewhat reluctantly at times, but did what he could to help the ticket and you know, theres no question that there is a personal animosity there because of his delay in endorsing and as you were talking about with philip the fact that ryan was critical about trump and about the khan family. Paul ryan has now endorsed donald trump. John mccain saying he is supporting trump and these are not rank and file republicans running some obscure rates. No, but i remember interviewing donald trump the day before his ryan meeting in june and that line by ryan, im still not there yet, it was galling to trump and it still struck in his throat and i remember that from the interview just how much he was still feeling it that clearly, this is a guy who takes slights and he loves the counter punch and one of the things from the interview and the point that he made is donald trump is the lead are of the party right now, but its feeling more and more like its the tea party. Hes sort of the leader of thats weighing on the Republican Party and hes sort of saying i am not interested in uniting and making peace and galvanizing sort of the broad Republican Party as we know it at that convention and even now, so much of the Energy Around this guy is about sort of saying okay, im the head of the wing of the tea party of the Republican Party and the rest of you are kind of on your own if youre not with me. Molly, its obviously another example of how trump is bucking traditional republican politics and yet hes done very well so far with that so why would anyone think this would cause him a problem . I think from day one of this Campaign Donald trump has been running against the Republican Party and the Republican Party that used to be thought that would stop once he became the nominee and they thought this was a twoway street that if they were loyal to him he would be loyal to them. What they didnt realize is that trump believes hes made a new party and hes never thought that he needed them and while this is personal and this is about slights to him, i really think we ought to take seriously the fact that he does think he has up ended this institution for the better and he does think its a new party now and this is in a way ideological and making the Republican Party stand for things he wants it to stand for and if people dont get in line with him hes not going to meet them that way. Did he know he was speaking to the Washington Post . I thought he wasnt speaking to the Washington Post anymore. He did. It was a lengthy interview on the record. We are banned from covering his events and that includes me and my colleagues, but he does still talk to us as do his aides. Were any advisers with him when he gave the interview . I know i know you said that some of his folks said they knew this would be a story and did anyone in the circle seem rattled or concerned . That was not apparent during the interview. Nobody interrupted him or, you know, urged him to try to clarify his remarks or anything of that sort. Dana, where does this go from here . It was interesting how quickly ryans folks put out a statement saying we didnt ask for his endorsement, but i mean, would anyone would ryan or mccain or anyone old actually rescind their support of trump . Thats something that president obama is urging republicans to do. Which is the quickest way for them not to do it, by the way. Yes. Which may be the point, right. Which is a different conversation. Look, i think that the fact that paul ryan threw his Campaign Spokesman suggests that ryan is going to act the way paul ryan tends to act which is try to kind of keep his head down and hope that this blows over and not get into a tit for tat between the House Speaker and the republican nominee for president , that that doesnt serve anybody well because by all accounts he should be doing okay in his primary next week so his electoral future is probably not in real peril. John mccain is a different story. He has a primary at the end of the month and a tough reelection race against a democrat and already, anderson, his democratic opponent assuming he wins this primary is out saying, remember, john mccain has said that he would support the nominee 49 times or whatever it is. So the democrats are trying very hard to tie john mccain and kelly aillot who is also in a tough campaign in New Hampshire to donald trump. Its a tougher position for somebody like mccain. This is part of what donald trump does, right . During the primary, so much of his strategy was about sort of swagger and cowing his republican rivals, sort of into submission. Hes almost sort of daring mccain and ryan almost to take president obamas side on this and somehow sort of move off of them. The question, though, for the republicans is what happens to all of these kind of downballot candidates who have looked to ryan as the guy to give them signals about donald trump when even that relationship seems to be fraying. We also saw that governor pence has a meeting today with john mccain. I believe thats taken place and to be a fly on the wall of that meeting must have been fascinating and well pick up after the break with this panel and if donald trump is unfit to be president as well as his call to republicans, in his words, dump trump and joining us shortly is khizr khan on trumps latef remarks on him and his motivation as trump sees it for speaking at the Democratic Convention and you may not have heard this explanation from donald trump as to why he believes mr. Waun spoke out and members of his sons unit are speaking out about the friend and the hero his son was. Spoke members of his sons unit are speaking out about the friend and the hero his son was. I sleep extremely hot. I wake up and i just feel like sticky. Have the windows open, the ac on id close it in the middle of the night. Hed open it in the middle of the night. It was a nightmare. My new tempurbreeze stays cool to the touch. Not cold but cool. 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Is that how you interpret this . As an attack . I think attack is strong. I think paul ryan will win either way and whether or not the Party Nominee who said he would endorse, and wants to return the favor, i dont think it will matter. Why do you think hes doing it . Why do you think he said it . I think its pretty clear that he was peeved with paul ryans reluctance. He threw him back the same word asks hes being cute with it and obviously, this will not matter for paul ryans primary reelection. I think hell be just fine. Kaley, is it just a personal thing . Is it him declaring war on the republican establishment . I think it is partly personal and declaring war on the republican establishment and you look at poll by poll and you saw not only anger and voters felt betrayed by the Republican Party and people like paul ryan who went to ryan, and supported cap and trade. Voters feel betrayed by these individuals and donald trump is not willing to play Party Politics and play the washington elite game. Donald trump did talk about uniting the Republican Party. This is not really the way to do that, is it . Well, uniting the Republican Party which consists of the people of the Republican Party. Donald trump set records this year. 14 Million People voted for donald trump and the Republican Party bought out a turnout and there are so many new voters that have gotten off their couch and now theyre involved and thats who hes speaking to and he has to continue speaking to those voters. Is this the way to bring in new voters. Its not a new way, then you shouldnt have had him chair your own convention and nominate your Vice President candidate. This is simply donald trump getting in his own way, frankly. He should be talking about Hillary Clinton, and he should be talking about low gdp numbers and he should not be picking these fights. Part of me thinks its a way of him saying that paul ryan is in on this rigged system hes imagining should he not win in november. Hes all over the place and hes a train wreck and he has to get back on track. The establishment and those who are consultants that are involved in this process. They think things are supposed to go as they always go and we know from day one of this primary process into this general election, donald trump has turned everything upside down. Isnt the number one priority right now getting elected president of the United States . Correct. Is that helpful . There are a number of issues that donald trump stands for that the republican establishment hasnt jumped onboard yet and we need to do better. Youve been part of the establishment as a chairman. You know that certain things need to happen in order to win an election and thats what he should be focusing on, not himself and not petty matters. All he has to do is make this a referendum if he would win. Susan, it would be completely disingenuous if he fullthroated endorsed. Donald trump lifted up the will of the people and he ran against the class that defies ideological lines and defies republicans. Kaley, to susans point, he did have paul ryan chair the convention, not only open it up, but also introduce mike pence and nominate mike pence. Who is also part of the establishment. He has set himself up. Dont say no. If you want to say paul ryan is a part of the establishment, he was the host of the convention and chairman of the convention, donald trump is just taking a little petty revenge because hes a petty person most of the time when it comes to donald trump. Thats all it is. Its about business here. Business of what . President obama has said to other republicans that they should essentially dump donald trump. Doesnt that paint them into a corner . If they then follow through on what he says then theyre following obama which is the last thing republicans want. Pretty skillful political move by the president. You think it was intentional . Oh, absolutely. We know that obama loves this time of year. Hes being political, purely political. Hes daring leaders of the Republican Party to ditch trump and then hes, you know, hes going to be able to hes trying to fuse those leaders even closer to donald trump and you know, by daring them to unendorse makes it tougher for them to do that and thats what he did today. Susan, you agree with that . I do because what the president has done basically is said we are not going to attack the republicans. Republicans arent bad. Donald trump is bad. Hes helping Hillary Clinton make this a referendum on donald trump and if it is a referendum on donald trump, Hillary Clinton will win and if its a referendum on Hillary Clinton, donald trump will win. Hes a warrior for the people, plain and simple. Thats nice, but i would think he would want to win. You expect him to play by the political playbook and do the disingenuous thing and the scripted lines. Thats laughable. He is not that. Donald trump is real. Im sorry, you cant say that. Like i said, hes gone down and addressed the house. Hes gone down and addressed the Senate Republicans and again, look at his convention and look who had them, and they had the political establishment. Donald trump likes and respects paul ryan. No question about it, but he is a messenger of change. He is a mess earninger that on behalf of the people there are some substantial things that need to change in this government and the republicans need to be responsible for those changes, as well. A lot more to talk about. We have breaking news on Trump University and president obama wrapping up his criticism calling him unfit to be president and slamming republicans that are still supporting him. Only those who dare drive the world forward. Introducing the firstever cadillac ct6. 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At the Marine Mammal center, the environment is everything. We want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. And pg e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. Weve helped the Marine Mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. Pg e has allowed us to be the most Sustainable Organization we can be. Any time you help a customer, its a really good feeling. Its especially so when its a customer thats doing such good and important work for the environment. Together, were building a better california. Welcome back. We just got word of it at the top of the broadcast, Gonzalo Curiel denying to summarily dismiss the Class Action Lawsuit in connection with Trump University. Our drew griffin has been on the story from the early days of it. So what does this ruling today mean and will donald trump be called to testify . Well, its two separate rulings. Number one, its a ruling against trumps lawyers. They wanted the case thrown out, obviously. The case is not being thrown out. Judge curiel is positioning this for trial, a trial that should take place late november. That would be after the election, and donald trump most leakly if it goes to trial, anderson, will be part of the case in terms of being brought on the witness stand. It is all about whether or not he lied or did not lie to his potential students at Trump University. The other ruling, the judge ruled on in favor of trump and his lawyers was that the video depositions, the depositions that donald trump has already given under oath, those videos will not be released. Cnn was a party to those asking that they be released in the greatest Public Interest because we wanted to see donald trump on the witness stand, but keep in mind, those tran scripps, the printed transcripts have been released and we have reported on those on your show, anderson. Bad news for donald trump that the case goes on, good news for him that the video because thats something that the trump attorneys did not want released the videos of donald trump being deposed . Thats right. We wanted to see them for news purposes, but the attorneys for trump argued listen, those would be cut and pasted and turned into political ads. Right. Which they would have been, anderson, because they were damning depositions in my opinion after i read them, and the judge said listen, the transcripts are out there. The video is irrelevant to this case being released and it would potentially create a problem sitting an impartial jury. Drew griffin. I want to get our political reporters take on all of this. Joining us again is patrick healy, dana bash, and maggie ball. It could give trump something new to criticize, i suppose, in the way that the system is somehow unfair to him or the judge is unfair which is an argument hes embraced in the past. It is. It is an argument that has one of the many arguments that has republicans kind of with their heads between their legs with the paper bag trying to breathe heavily because they just think its one distraction after another. This is one of those like we talked in the last discussion about whether the paul ryan situation was personal. We know that this is personal. I mean, this is as personal as it gets and its about Donald Trumps name and business and reputation and that is why he lashed out at this judge in a way that he went too far according to almost all republicans, but this is something that if it keeps him going will be from the perspective from a lot of republicans, and i talked to yet another distraction. I want to ask you about something that we were talking about with the republican roundtable about what they said about donald trump. Lets play that sound. Think the republican nominee is unfit to serve as president. I said that last week, and he keeps on proving it. The notion that he would attack a goldstar family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our count rry, and th fact that he doesnt appear to have basic knowledge around Critical Issues in europe, in the middle east, in asia means that hes woefully unprepared to do this job. There was a tweet, patrick, earlier today by our colleague ryan lizzo who is suggesting, perhaps or asking if by telling republicans our suggesting to r republicans to they dont want to seem like theyre cow towing president obama. The bigger issue for donald trump is he has all of this incoming fire from president obama and Hillary Clinton and he had Warren Buffett and hes got the khans, and mr. Khan coming up on your show shortly and then john mccain, so much sort of piling on and this is a guy, donald trump, who has had opportunities in the last 48 hours to go back at Hillary Clinton in terms of secrecy in terms of the tax issues and to push back on that and certainly around the email server and the interview on sunday, and hes still playing defense. This is yet another day where hes got all of this incoming fire and nothing is going out and nothing is breaking through for him. Molly, to that point, the conventional wisdom is the more president obama goes after trump and the more donald trump gets a boost and in the general election its a much different equation and you had a number of people from the dnc basically resigning and being forced to resign in the wake of the wikileaks attack and it gets buried in all of this other trump stuff. Absolutely. Trump is so busy creating new controversies and fighting with everybody except the democrats that all of that stuff sort of gets swept under the rug and for the Republican Leaders and the republican establishment to see this happening and to see him seeming not to be able to control himself and going back to the Trump University lawsuit and thats what seems to be the danger here and every time Something Like this comes up that provokes him on a personal level and implicates his personal brand, he doesnt seem able to restrain himself and hold back from, you know, criticizing the judge as he did before. Even if he werent criticizing the judge the Trump University lawsuit is a big issue for what it says about his business practices, and what it says about his career before he entered politics. If i may, was there another statement that president obama made at that press conference which was a big political gift to donald trump and one that so far he hasnt picked up and opened up which is president obama talked again about tpp, about the trade plan, the trade pact that he pushed and is continuing to push which Hillary Clinton supported sort of when she was secretary of state. She pushed for it and then as a candidate she said it changed and she doesnt support it because it is such a potent issue for donald trump and his kind of populist message. That should have been a nobrainer for him to get out there and say, you see . If we elect Hillary Clinton she will do just what president obama will do because it will be a third term. He didnt do that so far and that is the kind of thing that makes republicans pull their hair out because that is the more winning message as opposed to making headlines picking at republicans. Its also fascinating, patrick, how the clinton folks are responding to all of this essentially, theres radio silence. She might as well be in the Witness Protection Program for all shes been seen in the last day or so. I assume the strategy is just step back, like dont kick a person when theyre down and just step back and let donald trump just kind of wind himself up into, you know, more controversy. Unforced error after unforced error. Let him do the damage to himself. Shes out west raising money. She was at a funeral today also. She was at a funeral today and shes heading out west again, and shes doing what two nominees are usually doing the week after conventions which is starting to look at how do you expand your voter group . How do you not only hold on to your base, but start attracting a larger number of voters and thats what you saw with her going to nebraska and not having to play defense on things like the dnc emails whereas donald trump, who is what undecided voters is he persuading by saying maybe im not going to vote for paul ryan, you know . Maybe im not going to endorse limb . How is he growing that base . Not happening. Again on sunday she gave that interview to Chris Wallace on fox in which, you know, the statement she said about the director coming to the fbi and the Washington Post said four pin be onni that what she said was incorrect and thats something donald trump could have been running with and again the whole idea in terms of what a normal republican candidate would go with a normal republican nominee would have had a line of attacks, of surrogates who were going out there to press the message of commercials that were out quickly in swing states. You havent had any of that. I want to thank everybody on the reporter roundtable and a reminder, join us tomorrow night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and a second town hall with the libertarian ticket and gary johnson and william weld. Just ahead tonight, khizr khan who spoke out against donald trump at the Democratic Convention and lit the spark burning through the Trump Campaign and his thoughts on trumps latest remarks. Donald trump made a new statement about why hes now claiming mr. Khan spoke out against him. Well play that for you and well talk to mr. Khan about that and well talk about the son mr. Khan lost in iraq. With my moderate to severe crohns disease,. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. 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Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. Craso come dive into disheser like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. Or try crab lovers dream with tender snow and king crab legs. Love crab . Then hurry, crabfest ends soon. As we reported at the top of the broadcast, donald trump says he has no regrets about anything hes said or done in the wake of khizr and guzalan khan, and he insinuated that she was silent because of her husband or faith and he did lead to that implication and then he conceded that their fallen son was a hero and complained that he was viciously attacked and was therefore justified in his parlance, counter punching. Speaking in an ohio abc affiliate he seemed to take it to a new place, that he sympathized with radical islamists who tried to enter the United States. Its a very big subject for me and when you have radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place, were allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands, and i think thats what bothed mred mr. Kha more than anything else. Trump has drawn condemnation from Chris Christie and still refuses to back down and joining us is khizr khan and thank you for being with us and im sorry its under these circumstances. What is your reaction to what we just heard donald trump say that the real reason youre angry, perhaps, is because of his policy is to keep thousands of terrorists from coming into the country . Well, i this is typical donald trump. He does not comprehend what is coming out of his mouth, what is he saying, yet he continues to say this. He has implied that i have any sympathies to people coming into this country. I have i the strongest security measures taken before anybody enters this country, and i support. His folks are implying that i have read it, people have emailed it to me that somehow on my work website i had a section of immigration law. I practice commercial civil litigation. In there, there is a small section of immigration law. I have not had any client in all these years and i have not entertainment and nobody would find me suitable, but the implication on Donald Trumps spot is somehow i am bringing and i am upset because of his this is the there was a rightwing media reporting that you had taken down your work web page that on it you have a business which essentially allows wealthy people from the middle east to essentially buy visas legally, but that its a visa program. Youre saying thats not your business. That is not my business. I tried to see if i could have a client or two, the rich people, the rich men businessmen that want to come in they dont come to khizr khan. They go to large companies, large law firms and immigration specialists and come through there, but let me point out to his surrogates, as well, you saw an example of the heartlessness again today. I hope, i hope america is listening and watching. A man comes to him, a veteran, so kindly and what a gracious man, hands him his purple heart. What he does . He receives it, thanks him, puts it in his pocket and later on pulls it out. I got this purple heart, so easy. I always wanted one. Donald trump, you had the time. You did not serve. You know what you should have done and listen to me, and i want his surrogates to listen to me. You should have pinned that back to that veterans chest and should have hugged him and thanked him that is the im sorry im shouting. Im just so upset at this lack of empathy. Lack of common sense. He wants to be the leader, commander in chief of this United States of america . That is the thoughtfulness . He should have put that purple heart back if he would have been sensible, he would have known what it takes to earn that purple heart. That purple heart belongs to that person. That was the most gracious person that came and handed him the purple heart. He takes it in his pocket and says very easy, i always wanted one. Well, you had your chance. You escaped. You dodged the draft, and now you want an easy purple heart in your pocket. You should have pinned it back even now, call that man. I want his surrogates to call that man, thank him and put that purple heart back on that persons chest. Earlier today Donald Trumps son, eric trump was asked whether his father would be willing to apologize to you and i want to play that exchange that took place. Would your father be willing to apologize and move on . I thi thats a great question for him and i think he has by calling them a hero. In terms of the one question, whether hes made a sacrifice. I think he has. Thats not the ultimate sacrifice and dying to protect the three of us, theres no question about it. We all know donald trump initially in his response to George Stephanopoulos did not say your son was a hero in any way and later on they putty on a printed statement that he said that and subsequently theyve been saying that, do you consider donald trump putting it out in a printed statement. I dont need any apology and my family does not need any apology. An apology is not what i am looking for. It is the empathy of his his thinking and his thinking, the emptiness, the void. His thinking is totally void of empathy. So apologies arent needed. His saying my son is here oo or not, that doesnt change anything. Today someone sent me the pictures of his grave site. Amazing, amazing outpouring of love and respect and flowers and people lined up there to pay respects and all that. That is more than enough for me. That is not going to come from donald trump or his surrogates. To them i say donald trump, do you have any sense of decency . You have not shown you have maligned people. You have maligned minorities and you have disrespected women. You have disrespected judges. I will continue to remind you what your behavior for the whole year has been. I am not going to continue to appear on televisions. It is really disturbing because it is emotionally disturbing. It is family wise disturbing, but i wanted to say this today that this person, it is not up to him and it is not up to his surrogates and they will not give him the moral direction. They will continue to pose questions so that he could continue to make statements. I ask the leadership of the Republican Party, i ask them to disown this person. Totally, totally, totally withdraw their support, and i ask the folks that are voting for him that this will make a burden on their conscious when the time comes to vote. Mr. Khan, if you will stay with us. We will take a short break. When we come back, perhaps the only noncontroversial aspect of this whole affair and namely everything weve learned about your son and particularly from his friends and former comrades and brothers and sisters at arms and i want to talk a little bit about your son so more americans can know him. Well take a short break. Well be right back. Tween life. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Wi probably got that question 3 to 4 times a week. Id always get asked if i was asian or moroccan or something else. So i jumped at the chance to take the dna test through ancestry. And my results ended up being african, european and asian. It just confirmed what i guess people had seen in me all my life. 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This entire episode certainly may reveal something about the republican nominee or the state of Politics Today or many other things depending on your point of view. For a moment, though, perhaps a few moments more, we want to focus instead on an american hero. Randi kaye reports. Reporter june, 2004. American soldiers are being targeted in iraq. Army captain humayun khan was on patrol. Overseeing routine vehicle inspections by his unit, when it happened. A taxi plowed through the gates of his base. Khan yelled to the others to hit the dirt but he faced the danger head on, walking toward the taxi, signaling it to stop. Just ten steps later, the driver detonated 200 pounds of explosives, killing captain khan instantly. He was just 27. Sergeant lacy walker ran to the scene. It was horrible. It was disgusting to fathom. I know it was devastating for anyone who had ever even shaken his hand. Reporter to his unit and those who knew him, khan was downtoearth, kind and generous. He always kept a can of tuna in the shelf, a loaf of bread on top of the shelf, a jar of mayonnaise and jar of pickle relish in his drawer, and if we had worked through lunch he would always make us sandwiches. Reporter once, when Sergeant Walker came under heavy fire, captain khan risked his own life to help her. Captain khan drove out in his humvee and parked it like an l with my humvee, and stayed beside me while i hid behind a basket. He kept reassuring me that its going to be okay. Reporter humayun khans story began long before that terrible day in iraq. He was born in the United Arab Emirates to pakistani parents. His family moved to the United States when he was just a toddler. He and his two brothers were raised in maryland. Growing up, his father says he loved to read books about thomas jefferson, telling the Washington Post years ago that his sons love for the man who authored the declaration of independence came from frequent visits to the Jefferson Memorial in washington, d. C. As a child. His son would often read the Founding Fathers famous quotations, carved in the memorial stone. In his free time during high school, khan taught disabled children to swim. Later, he enrolled in the rotc program at the university of virginia. He graduated in 2000 with a degree in psychology. His family says he wanted to be a military lawyer and joined the army first to pay for law school. Somewhere along the way, he learned incredible courage. It was that courage that drove him to save so many others, preventing that bombladen taxi from getting any closer to the mess hall at his base where hundreds of soldiers were eating breakfast. A true war hero awarded the bronze star and the purple heart. Of course hes a hero. He paid the ultimate sacrifice but he was a hero lon before he died. Reporter on captain humayun khans headstone at arlington cemetery, the awards are noted. On display for a steady stream of visitors who come to honor a man who loved what america stands for and died helping preserve it. Randi kaye, cnn, new york. Joining us once again, khizr khan. We just learned a little more about your son and it was really powerful to hear from those he served with. What else do you want people to know about him . Was he always interested in joining the military . Not always, but since he came to university of virginia, he began to see the difference of character and discipline and organized lifestyle of the rotc cadets and he was very, very much impressed with that. I would go to visit him and we would talk about this, that he would like to join rotc because that is he feels in his mental when hes around them, when he is with them, and that was somehow it had clicked with his character, with his habits, that is how he joined army. It was so powerful to hear from Sergeant Walker in that piece, who said your son was the most incredible man to work for, a leader who communicated what he wanted and he died so honorably. When you hear people who served with him say those things, its got to, though the grief obviously will never go away, its got to make you stand that much taller. We are very proud of the 27 years that we had with him. He came to United States 2 years old. He was educated here, brought up here, learned all the wonderful characteristics in this country. He was a strong believer of Public Service and that was his mantra. It heartens us the way this nation continues to pay tribute to this young son. We were so honored earlier this month, a regiment was named after captain humayun khan. And we were invited to sit there, believe me, when the regiment passed in front of our eyes, every man in that regiment looked like humayun. He was kindest person. Another tribute, a line that comes to mind, somebody that had worked with him, one of his colleagues said these trainings, these courses, army teaches to prepare leaders. Humayun was born leader. A person with love, care and empathy. That is why i keep repeating that if a soldier, if a junior officer like humayun can have that much empathy for the people he was responsible, where is that empathy in the candidate of the Republican Party . We dont see that. Example after example, humayun was the best of this country, as secretary clinton said in her tribute to humayun, that he was the best of america. Mr. Khan, i want to continue the conversation. We will take a short break. Well be right back at the top of the hour. 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So join them and see what these plans can do for you. Call unitedhealthcare today to learn more. Good evening. We begin this hour with khizr khan, father of army captain humayun khan. He called out donald trump during the Democratic Convention. Trump has not stopped hitting back since even though hes drawn intense fire from virtually all corners, including prominent republicans. Mr. Khan joins us once again. Again, i appreciate you being with us. When you entered the political arena as you did during the Democratic National convention, i assume you knew you would come under some attention yoursef from donald trump, from the surrogates. I want to get your reaction to some of the things we have heard in the last day or two from some of the surrogates. Donald trump as we talked about in the last hour

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