Gunshots that ended Michael Browns life. Cnn cannot independently verify the authenticity of the tape and has asked the fbi for a confirmation of their interview with the man who made the recordings. And i want to bring in now ben crump. I want to get his reaction. He is an attorney for the family. Ben, thank you for joining us this evening. What do you think, if this is indeed the video, what do you make of this video . How does this change or help or hurt your case . Well, don, i think its consistent with what the witness have reported to have happen in the tragedy that claimed the life of Michael Brown that afternoon. They talked about it being multiple gunshots, and they talked about he stopped and then put his hands up. But then the officer kept shooting. So i think this is very consistent with all the witness testimony that we have to date. We are still waiting to get the statement from the Police Officer. They still havent given us anything officially, you know. They went and they released still photographs in the video from what happened. Allegedly in this convenience store. But they still have not given the family any information about what the Police Officer version is, why he executed their son in broad daylight. Okay, ben. I want to play this video again, or the audio and then explain to our viewers what is going on here. Lets listen. You are pretty. [ gunshots ] youre so fine. Just going over some of your videos [ gunshots ] how can i forget. So a man says he captured the audio while talking to a friend on a chat. And he you can hear in that a series of gunshots. Then there is a pause. Then there is more gunfire. Experts are saying the pause is critical. Do you believe that . I think certainly the pause shows contemplation. You know, when you have a threesecond, foursecond delay, that gives you an opportunity to reflect on what youre going do. And so based on the witness accounts, he stopped, he turned around a, put his hands up. And then the officer just kept shooting. So, you know, we are going to be able to put all of this information together to come to the truth of what happened on that tragic saturday afternoon of august 9th that Michael Brown ended up dead on the sidewalk. You know the other side is going to say this also corroborates their story that michael charged the officer. Don, don, let me ask you this. You say the other side. Have you seen some evidence . Have you heard got some document that we dont have . Because were waiting. The family is patiently waiting to have the Police Department release the report. Weve been waiting very patiently now there is all this rumor and innuendo. The only evidence we have thus far is those witness statements that all say that Michael Brown put his hands up to surrender, and the Police Officers kept shooting. So right now we are speculating. Why dont you and everybody else in the media demand like the family is the Police Report . Well, ben, when i say the other side, when i say the other side, im talking about remember the initial days when the chief of the ferguson Police Department said there was a scuffle and that the officer and Michael Brown were in a scuffle. Thats what im talking about. There were initial reports from the Police Department, but then beyond that since the investigation was taken over by st. Louis county, no one has given any statements except for the third Party Witness which i understand that youre not very happy with, the third Party Witness or not witness, or friend from the radio program. A witness its not a witness. It was friend. A person, a friend of his acquaintance who offered testimony where they say happened. What do you think a friend or an a acquaintance of the shooter would say . You know, we have to look at who is offering this and how were going to put it forward as a reliable source. It would be reliable when the police give us a report. The thing you have to respect about the witnesses who have come forth so far, they have come forth and put their face and their statements up to the world to say this is me. This is what i saw. And i think thats appropriate because you get them. You get to say are they credible and this kind of thing. Until we have any witness that comes forward to support the Police Officers version, then we have to wait for the Police Officer to give us the report which they have not. And transparency still is the whole issue here, don. This is what this is all about. Because the citizens of ferguson and many people around the country dont trust that the Police Officer are going to be fair and give the information out fairly. We see the way theyve been disseminating the information thus far. They have been extremely painful for Michael Browns family. Do you believe there could be other recordings out there . Weve heard from people theyre afraid to come forward a because theyre afraid of police or that they just dont want to be a part of the media spectacle. I think there are other witnesses out there, don. And i think as many of the witnesses have said, they fear the retribution of the local Law Enforcement authorities once all the camera ares go and all the crowds go that they have to live there. And they remember, this is a history that is going on, don. This isnt the first young person of color in those communities that have been killed by the police. And every time theyve seen it swept under the rug and the Police Actions are found to be justified. So therefore theyre waiting to see i believe if its really going to be different this time. And i think thats why the citizens of ferguson are crying out and standing up and protesting because they say is it going to be different this time, because we saw this happen in broad daylight with our own eyes. And thats what is different about Michael Brown. A lot of times it was in the dark of night. But this, there were so many people who witnessed this execution of this young man. And thats why i asked you if you thought there would be more out there. Because so far we have this one recording, so far, so far, and its an alleged reporting. Thank you, benjamin crump. We thank you for joining us on cnn. To a lot of people its absolutely clear that the shooting of Michael Brown is about race, and many others would vehemently disagree. I want to know what my next guests think about all. This joining me is Charles Ogletree professor of law at harvard university. Right now its just charles. Well get the other professor to come in. Thank you for coming. I want to talk to you about this. Do you have a reaction to this newly released recording . I do. I think it tells a little bit more about what is going on. And a i think all of us have to wait and see if its really verifiable. Im not sure that it is. It sounds a little fictitious to me. But i think that the evidence that we have seen thats been produced already about the number of shots fired, the bullets that hit Michael Brown, and what the lawyers who represent him, ben crump and darryl parks have found out so far. I think this is going to go a long way to having a civil case against the Police Officer. There should be a criminal case against the Police Officer. And i think that people will be able to look at when this gun was fired, how often it was fired. And he will at some point tell us what happened. We havent heard it yet. We havent heard anything yet. And i think that, don, we all have to wait for the evidence to come forward. It hasnt come forward yet. Im sorry for completely butchering your title. Its ban long two weeks here. Thats fine. Im fine with the title. At harvard university. My apologies when i screw up. I admit it. My apologies. Not a problem. Not a problem at all. This is a very serious case, you have compared the Michael Brown shooting and its aftermath to the assassination of dr. Martin luther king jr. And also to the murder of emmett till. Such momentous events. Explain that. Well, all these have something to do with race. Theyre black men who are assassinated or killed by white men. And i think that has a been in our history for a long time. And i think people arent ignoring that. The people in ferguson, missouri are look agent this very closely and trying to find out what is happening. And a i think their understanding that there has been two standards. The black community is the majority in ferguson. And yet you see Police Police brutality. You see police arrest. You see Police People who are talking being victims of the Police Department. You see people who came out with these militaristic weapons as if they were fighting in afghanistan or somewhere else. I want to get you to talk more about this. What did you make of the militarystyle police in the streets facing off . It was shocking. Don, let me tell you, those are things that we thought we were going to have to use after 9 11, when we saw thousands of citizens, black, white, brown, male, female die in new york because of the use of these airplanes. In killing people. And then the whole idea is that this will never happen again. These weapons, these militaristic devices were designed for wars. And were not in a war. This is a community that is trying to but devils advocate here, the police will say we have to be able to protect ourselves. You have no idea what were up against. What if a boston happens or another boston or a situation like that . What do we do . I think thats very understandable. But Police Across the country have been using weapons that have been very useful in taking down people who are involved in crimes. But the whole idea that you need these tanks, you need these guns, you need these vests, you need to look like youre fighting a war, we dont call that anything thats american. Its just contrary to what everything we believe in. And i think we have to stop it. We have to make sure that communities, whether the police are black or white or brown, women, or men, they dont need those kind of weapons to order control the crime in the city. And i think thats the problem that everybody is seeing wow, here in ferguson, this community that is overwhelm leg black, has few black Police Officers. And people are treated differently. And thing militaristic effort by the police is what theyre given. Im not blaming the police. Im blaming the fact that theyre getting this power, and its a scary power that you cant even walk down your neighborhood, you can become a victim just because youre in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong color, and you happen to be involved with the police. In a police state. Were getting a little far afield here as well, because i really want to talk to you about the notion of White Privilege you. Write about and talk about White Privilege. What do you mean by that . Well, you know, its very interesting. The whole idea that our country was designed with White Privilege. And the whole idea that we were considered 3 5 of a person in the original declaration deciding deciding how are you are going to treat people. We were not considered people. We were not considered whole people. And you saw the jim crow laws. We couldnt go to restaurants, hotels, we had to go to colored only drinking faucets. People say i wasnt born then. If you were white, you ra benefitting from the fact you are white. Thats not good, thats not bad. Hold on. When we come back, were going to talk more than. Were going to ask if there is medical evidence of White Privilege as well. That were going get into next. Plus, the tragic story of a 9yearold girl who accidentally shot her instructor at a gun range. And dollars to donuts. Burger kings whopper of a deal for canadas tim hortons. Are they betting against america . Thats the question. Imagine the luxury. Of not being here. The power you want with the fuel economy you dream of. Performance with a conscience. This is volvo innovating for you. Save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. D Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. And never quite get over it. Y. Seven billion hungry people. Well, we grow a lot of food. We also waste about a third of what we grow. So, we put our scientists to work. And they found ways to keep the food we grow fresher, longer. Using innovative packaging. There are still a lot of hungry people in the world. But we have a lot of scientists. This is the Human Element at work. Dow. Welcome back. I want to take a further look at the concept of White Privilege in america and how it may even show up in health care. Cnns jean casarez has that. Reporter when it comes to medical care in this country, are white People Better off than blacks . Its a complicated issue, but there is evidence that may be true. African americans have a greater burden of high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, and kidney disease. Reporter this doctor of new york universitys Langone Medical Center says there is no genetic reason for these higher rates of disease. So he believes the answer lies elsewhere. The differences are apparent from birth. Cdc statistics show black infants die more than twice as often as white infants. According to the cdc, the average White American lives four years longer than the average black american. If you look at physicians who take care of black patients compared to those who take care of white patients, there is huge difference in how the same provideler provide care for the black patients done for the white patients. And a lot of this has been physician bias. The problem is that its unconscious. I dont think physicians are conscious of what theyre doing. The issue is we need to study why this is so. Reporter the American Medical Association has numerous programs aiming to address Racial Disparities in medical care. And according to their website, zero tolerance towards racial or cultural disparities in care. A recent article quoted a researcher from john hopkins who said everyday racism like being snub order treated with suspicion can do real harm to the immune system. Hypertension, which is your specialty. Where do you see the roots of that issue so that its more predominant in African Americans . If you look at the data, the higher socioeconomic status, the lower the rate of blood pressure. People will live in zip codes that are deemed as poor areas tend to have high areas of hypertension regardless of race. But it turns out there are higher proportions of African Americans in those neighborhoods. Reporter but the key question for researchers, does it come down to race or like so much else in this country, does it come down to money . What about an affluent African American . My explanation, and my theory for that is that if you are affluent, you have access to care. If you are affluent. Reporter whether its money or causation or correlation, we cant say for sure. But with Peoples Health in the balance, it is worth exploring. Jean casarez, cnn, new york. All right. Lets talk about this. Joined by tim wise, author of colorblind and professor Charles Ogletree is back with me now. Chris, lets cut right to the chase. Socalled White Privilege so pervasive that it even come downs to your basic health . I have to reject that, mr. Lemon. The whole idea of Everything Health related being due to White Privilege. I can look at my own family. I come from a military family background. And my familys got excellent care. My father is a cancer survivor. He wouldnt be here today if it werent for very diligent medical technicians. And i doubt very seriously they were going to give him lesser care because of the color of his skin. If anything, its an economic factor. I was listening to the broadcast before. I put economics before race in this issue. Like economics comes before race in almost every issue. Tim, you believe a lot of people, particularly white people, are unaware of the day to day ways that they are fortunate to be white. Give us some examples and why do you believe that . Well, i can give you literally books worth and have written books on it. Some of the most basic. I think we can think of this with regard to what has happened in ferguson and just generally. To be white generally, and i think of this as a white person is to know that regardless of whether im involved in illegal activity, whether im shoplifting, whether i have drugs on me, not that i do, by the way. But if i did, knowing that im not going to be suspected of being up to no good, of being involved in illegal activity. Places like new york where stop and frisk was happening overwhelmingly, black men being stopped, latino men being stopped even though the vast majority of the stops were for things like suspicion of drug possession, very few people had drugs on them, whites were more likely to have drugs on them than blacks. But 90 of the searches were of black folks. So to know that police will not suspect you. To know you can go into a store and not be suspected of shoplifting, even though most shoplifters are white. On a day to day base circumstances it isnt always about money. Its about the psychological edge of having one less thing to worry about. Its very similar to the way that ablebodied people have one less thing to think about. We dont have to worry about how were going get in or out of a building the way that a person with a disability would have to think about. I think that is this doesnt have to be a frightening topic. Its not about saying all white people are wealthy or affluent or powerful, that was never true. Even under segregation, there were millions of poor whites. But i dont think anyone would have said the fact that there were poor white people means there was no White Privilege. The exceptions dont prove the well. Megyn kelly and bill oreilly had a big argument last night about White Privilege and whether or not its real. What do you believe . It is real. And i think that tim wise has told the truth what is happening. And im surprised a little bit at chris. But the reality is that people who have the ability to pay can do better. And there is the economic issue as well. But if you look at health care, you look at education, you look at jobs, you look at housing, all across the board, there is a disparity based on race. And you cant ignore that. You cant pretend it doesnt exist. It happens everywhere, every time and in every kind of way. And i think that we have to deal with it in order to get past it. But we cant get past it unless we understand that people are treated differently. Theyve always been treated differently. And it also has something 20 do with class as well. When you look at the issues of African American with money at barneys and macys this past year who were stopped by security within the store, who were these black men, they look at their skin first and their cash second. And they had money to pay for everything that they wanted to have there at that store. And i think that it makes a big difference that race still seems to be a line between the opportunities that people have and the opportunities that people dont have. And i think that tim wise has written about it, talked about it. And i think chris can learn something by reading tim wises book about it. Im going to let him respond after this. But please stick with me. Up next, how white and black see Racial Discrimination very differently. Wewere trying ourls. Best to be role models. We dont jump at the sound of the opening bell, because were trying to make the school bell. Corner booth beats Corner Office any day. We make the most out of our time. And our money. The chevrolet malibu. J. D. Powers highest ranked midsize car in initial quality. The car for the richest guys on earth. Its time to bring it out in the open. Its time to drop your pants for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 Million People who may need depend underwear. 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Were back here talking about something that makes a lot of people uncomfortable, right . How white and black americans differ, and how they see Racial Discrimination. Were talking about White Privilege. Back with me tim wise, Christopher Harris and also professor Charles Ogletree. Why does it make so many people uncomfortable to talk about this, tim . Well, i think its because when we hear the word privilege, we assume that the person talking about that is accusing people of being wealthy, because thats what we associate the word with. I think thats a mistake. Is material advantage a part of White Privilege and male privilege . Yeah, its there. But the real issue is sort of the day to day advantage of knowing youre not going to trigger suspicion, or lets say when youre applying for a job, that youre going to be presumed competent until otherwise. We have studies for 15 years that finds, for instance, that people have a better chance of getting a job when they remind the interviewer of themselves, and who are the people generally doing the interviews, working in the hr departments . Theyre disproportionately white. Theyre disproportionately male. That ends up giving an advantage. Not because those folks are overtly racist. Which bias which gives whites an advantage even when we are not more qualified. Thats tough for some people to hear. I understand. Listen, i know as a male, have i privilege, right . I know that as someone who is in the position that i am in now, who happens to have a Little Pocket change, that im in a position of privilege. What is so hard why is it so hard to admit that . It shouldnt be. And i think thats the point. Any time, look, here is a really important way to think about it. Most every one of us has privilege in some areas. And maybe if we could own that and acknowledge that, we wouldnt have to get so uptight. The reality is white people can be privileged by race, but also disadvantaged because of their economic status or their gender or their sexuality. Were all a mixture of these things. And all i want us to do, and what i think professor ogletree would like is for every one of us, regardless of which position were in where were dominant to acknowledge the unfared and iraned advantage so we can work greater equity. Its not about guilt. Its not about beating ourselves up. Its about saying we can do better. But we cant do better until we admit the problem. We take a look at this, this is a 2013 pew poll asking americans how much discrimination is there against africanamericans. 88 of blacks said there was a lot or some. Where 41 of whites say at least some discrimination, but only 16 said there was a lot. So how do we explain this huge gap here, chris . I think that can be explained by just the lack of interaction by people. Lets be honest. People tend to associate with people who are like them. So you can be fairly ignorant about what is going on in people who are from different cultures. I mean, how many people here we have three black males and a white male. How many of us can talk about what the culture is in asians, amongst asians in america . Or how well can we talk about the culture amongst hispanics . How often do you interact with people from different ethnicities . I have to say i do every single day. And the people i work around do every single day. But here is what that means. Were also privileged in that we have a job and the opportunity to do that. Not many people not all people have jobs where they work with people from all over the world. And so just by the fact that you have a job would lend the opportunity to be age to do that. When you look at unemployment, especially among minorities and among African Americans, you dont always have the opportunity to do that, professor. Well, hang on a second. I have to interject and say as a military brat, i grew up in an entirely different environment than most people. I grew up and most of my classmates know i think different than a lot of other classmates, especially being as staunchly conservative as i am. But i grew up with a lot of different people from different ethnicities. I interacted with black, white, asian, polynesian. And we didnt really focus on that. One of the things i found is the military itself as an environment that allows people to interact with people from differentist ethnicities. But everybody is not in the military. Thats correct. You have an opportunity to interact with other people there are people who live here in washington, d. C. And they never leave southeast d. C. Or whatever like that. There is opportunity to interact with other people. Ive got run. Ive got run. If you can do it in ten seconds. One of the ways that we can get more interaction like what chris is talking about is if we dealt with the two to three million bases of housing discrimination every year so they can actually live where they might want to live and not only be able to stay in certain communities which is what housing discrimination and White Privilege have brought us. We have a society with less interaction presuessly because of that problem which i think all of us would like to see have something done about that. Up next, Orlando Jones, a successful writer, actor and producer. And yet another role garnering him the most attention is his rendition of the als ice bucket challenge. This is something youve got to see, Orlando Jones live next. Wait, are you running full adobe photoshop on a tablet . Yep. But its not just a tablet, its really a laptop. Its a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. Well it cant be as fast as my mac. Sure, it can. And it is. But you probably cant plug anything into it. I have a usb mini display port. Plug away. And this is my favorite its the kickstand. So youre saying it does more than my mac . Well technically, you said it. Live in the same communities that we serve. People here know that our operations have an impact locally. Were using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. The trucks are reliable, thats good for business. But they also reduce emissions, and thats good for everyone. It makes me feel very good about the future of our company. So nice, so niiice sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice so nice, so niiice st. Croix, full of pure vibes so nice, so niiice st. John, a real paradise so nice, so niiice proud to be from the Virgin Islands and the whole place nice to experience your Virgin Islands nice, book one of our summer packages today. Twostories have been all over the muse in the last couple weeks. One of course the unrest in ferguson after the shooting of Michael Brown. The other videos of people around the world dumping ice water on themselves to spread awareness about als. And my next guest found a way to comment on both those stories and really to connect them. Orlando jones has made a name for himself in hollywood as an actor, as a writer and a producer. His ice bucket challenge substitutes bullets for water. So more than two Million People have seen it. Orlando jones joins me now. You know, i thought it was a brilliant idea, actually, because you were able to connect the two. I think youre bringing awareness of the situation that happened in ferguson, and to violence in the culture. So this went viral. What message were you trying to send . I think mostly that apathy, you know. Weve had a lot of deaths. I think 17 kids died in chicago. So for me, Michael Brown and all these people who are sort of leaving the planet unceremoniously under suspicious circumstances was something that i wanted to talk about. But mostly, that i havent been outraged enough about those things. So i really kind of wanted to point the finger at myself and say i no longer want to live in a world where these type of things happen. And i wanted to really challenge myself to put my emotions aside and listen without prejudice and try and live without limits and reverse the really hateful situation i think we see happening around the world and in this country right now today. So with these bullets, i was wonder as i saw you do this, what if these bullets go off. I got those bullets from Law Enforcement, actually. Here in wilmington, you know, a lot of the police force here, great guys, obviously. We work with them as i play a cop of the show sleepy hollow. I told them what i was going do. They thought it was great idea to bring awareness. And they obviously knew i wasnt bringing awareness to them. They actually got me the 300 or 400 bullets i doumpbd my head. You said youre a lifetime member of the nra and a member of the police force. The Ferguson Police force, what did you think of the response Ferguson Police response to the protesters . Well, look. Whenever you show up with tanks instead of tasers, youre looking for an altercation. Generally, people show up with a bullhorn when theyre looking to have a conversation, not a tank. Having said that, there was looting. And i think these circumstances are always really difficult because emotions are running high. In this case, obviously, there have been cases like jordan davis and various other people here and abroad where people are dead and people want justice. But justice does not mean we trample due process. And justice certainly does not mean that we loot peoples businesses and what have you. So i can certainly understand the polices desire to maintain law and order. But by the same token, i can understand the black community, the community at large, the white community, because i dont think this is about color at all, outraged with yet another young teen being shot and not really having a clear answer as to why. Do you think this is about race or more about aught authority and a disconnect between the community and the people who are supposed to protect and serve them . You know, im not sure its that great. For me personally, i dont think its a disconnect between the police because there have been storieses where police have saved people and theyre protecting and serving. Those stories do exist. And people are grateful for them showing up and helping them. But in this particular case, no one knows what happened. When you save a life, it doesnt get as much attention as when someone takes a life. I want to talk about the celebrities who have been speaking out about this, that we were talking about. John legend tweeted, he had some angry tweets. He said calling us animals has been the language to justify slavery, jim crow and all manner of injustice. Dehumanization and racism go together. Why do you think this struck such a cord, what happened in ferguson . I think on a lot of different levels. One, to call that young man a thug without all the facts in the case is inappropriate. But its also inappropriate to call for the cops death. He has a family and certainly we do not know exactly what happened. But i think it strikes a chord because it feels like a copycat. We have seen this over and over and over again in multiple cities amount. In many of these cases its been a young black male who unfortunately lost his life under circumstances that were unclear amount. In many of these case theres was no conviction. And some of these cases in fact people dont even talk about anymore. For me it was really about apathy. Because at the end of the day, where are we going to be a month from now . Are we just going to forget about Michael Brown . A year from now, will it no long better the case . Were not talking about a lot of the things that have gone down over the course of the last year. And the cases certainly havent been resolved. For me, its a human rights issue. It always has been. And i think we are really talking about human rights and nothing else. Its certainly not political. And its unfortunate that there is so much hate and derision around it all, and that were not truly focused on the fact that someone lost their life. And everyone has a right to life, irrespective of what you think of them or how you feel about them. The right to life is essential. Besides from your fine acting, what i do admire from you is you say it like you mean it, like Wendy Williams says. You really dont hold back. And you got a lot of criticism for your bullet challenge, because people were some people were upset that you were equating the two things, or maybe that you were minimizing what happened in ferguson. Do you really care about the echo chamber of social media and the criticism there . Not at all. And for very specific reasons. I was pointing a finger at myself. And i believed that as a human wants to better himself i have every right to do that and to challenge myself is key. Let me Say Something that is really important to me. You know, people politicizing and the hate that sort of has come at me has in some ways been interesting because my entire campaign is about reversing the hate. Its really about finding a way that can have civil discourse so we can find solutions without pointing the finger at each other. To me thats extremely important. And the echo chamber really isnt interested in any of that. I see it as very much an us versus them. Russ the people who want to leave this world better than we found it. And them are the people who are okay with the status quo and spreading hate. I truly believe that there are more of us than there are of them. And that we can make that change. But having said, that i truly believe the technology is now available to us so that Police Officers do not have to be in the street with a gun only as their only option when confronting a suspect that might be dangerous or might not be dangerous. So for me, i think we need to use technology as a way to solve these problems, but we cant do that if were not talking to each other. Thank you, mr. Jones. Thank you for having me, don. I appreciate it. When we come right back here, an american citizen killed for fighting isis in syria. Expert says he was one of only many westerners fighting with the brutal terrorists . What is the white house doing to stop isis . Were going to get into that next. She inspires you. No question about that. 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Just another day at norfolk southern. [music] defiance is in our bones. Defiance never grows old. Citracal maximum. Easily absorbed calcium plus d. Beauty is bone deep. Welcome back. We have new photographs tonight of douglas mccain, the american citizen who was killed fighting for isis. These photos are from mccains a facebook page. Family friend confirms that they show him. So joining me now to talk about this, kevin madden is a cnn political commentator and executive vp for public afairs at jda frontline. And also hilary rosen, cnn political commentator, and ryan lizza, a washington correspondent for the new yorker. Its good to have you on this evening, all of you. Kevin, is the Obama Administration have a strategy on isis, or are they just reacting to the events . Well, it doesnt seem that they do have a plan. I think thats one of the big frustrations that even supporters of president obama have. You have folks up on capitol hill and supporters across the country that havent really heard from the president what his end plan is when it comes to isis. Is it containment . Or is it elimination . If its containment, then we do see some of these strikes that are taking place right now with the existing authority in iraq sbuch ment. But is that enough . And is it going to keep it from spreading into syria . And if its elimination, can the president make a case that he can do it with airstrikes alone when he has said previously he doesnt believe we need to put american boots on the ground right now. I think that is what is lacking is this comprehensive effort by the president and members of his administration to let the public know and even supporters and other folks up on capitol hill that they have a plan. Hey, ryan, the phrase often used to describe the administrations Foreign Policy is leading from behind. Youve heard it. First used in a new yorker article that you wrote. So describe the approach and whether you think it worked. Well, look, that was something that an Administration Official said about their libya policy. It was used in one context. Its sort of taken on a life of its own as sort of blanket criticism of the Obama Administration. Look, i think what is going on now is a year ago, the administration was going to bomb assad, right . And we all know the president was very reluctant to do that and decided not to. Now he is in a position where he might be bombing one of assads prin principle opponents. I think there is a couple of important questions before we start pushing for more air strikes. One, what is the authority that president obama has to strike anywhere inside syria when he was planning on attacking assads assets, he was going to go to congress and ask for that authority. Will he do that if he decides to further escalate things against isis . And number two, one of the principles since 9 11 in our counterterrorism strategy has been we do not allow al qaedalike groups who are a threat to the United States to control territory, right . That was one of the Core Insights of the 9 11 report. And weve been pretty successful since then in clearing out terrorist havens. Of course, that has completely been reversed now in iraq and syria with isis, for the First Time Since 9 11. You know, i dont think i knew until tonight when i started doing research that you were the one that invented that leading from behind, the one that well, i didnt invent it. But i quoted someone from the administration saying it. You coined that phrase. And it took on a life of its own. If only i could get a nickel for every time its been used since then. Im sure theyre saying oh, thank you very much, ryan lizza. So hillary they were not happy with that. Hillary, secretary of defense chuck hagel has said that the u. S. Needs to, quote, get ready if isis does present an immediate threat to the United States. Should the administration be looking to contain them or to eliminate them . Well, i think what secretary hagel said was exactly the thing that we needed to hear, which is that they have started to believe much more directly that isis presents a National Security threat to the United States, not just to their neighbors, which is, you know, over the last year been kind of the some of the conventional wisdom. And as such, weve seen the president , you know, announced over the last few days. They have sent many more reconnaissance missions. I think the their goal has been containment. But, you know, whether or not its actually possible to eliminate them is really a big question. And i dont think we want the president to come out and announce that his goal is to eliminate isis because to do that would raise the very issues that ryan said. And kevin raised concerns about, which is you cant necessarily do that with air strikes in those kinds of territories. Theyre, you know, a lot of places to be hiding. And too, you have Questionable Authority from congress. You know, the president is doing what he can do, which is assessing the threat, minimizing the external problem, and doing containment. How much farther we have to go is a big problem. And i think the decision about where you leave assad ends up being the final block in this theory, which is if they get rid of assad, you know, you empower is isis. If you get rid of isis, are you empowering assad. Those are two tough things. Real quick too, one of the problems again, this goes back to my earlier comment, there is such a lack oflarity coming from the administration. If you have chuck hagel saying that isis presents and other members of the cabinet, by the way that isis presents an imminent threat to the National Security of america, you cant have containment of your policy. He has said that and so many others. They said it creates an imminent threat right now. You cant have containment as a policy. If you is a policy that is going to be affecting the American Peoples National Security, you have to eliminate it. The secretary of defense is saying one thing that much more forboding than the president. We really do have a problem then of making the case to the American People that the actions that were going to take, that the president may take will be enough. But here is the problem is that the actions, there are no definitive actions that will be successful. There is no broad scale agreement. Could you go in and put the entire u. S. Armed forces, you know, on getting rid of isis . Maybe so. But is that what the American People want . Absolutely not. Okay. My main point is to underscore the political challenge. Lack of clairton president s fault make no sense. Ive got run. I love you all you. Dont have to go home, but you got to get out of here. Thank you, guys. See you later. Well be right back. Lifechanging decision. At university of phoenix, we know going back to school is a big decision. Thats why we offer students new to college a riskfree period. So you can commit to your education with confidence. Get started at riskfreephoenix. Com what does it mean to have an unlimited Mileage Warranty on a certified preowned mercedesbenz . What does it mean to drive as far as you want. For up to three years. And be covered . It means your odometer. Is there to record. The memories. During the mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event now through september 2nd, youll get complimentary prepaid maintenance and may qualify for a twomonth payment credit. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. 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The truce went into effect about 12 hours ago, with hamas claiming victory. This agreement is different from those negotiated over the past several weeks because it has no expiration date. Which takes the pressure off. Both sides have agreed to return to cairo for more talks. This agreement may have stopped the fighting for now. Major issues have yet to be resolved for both the palestines and israel. Reporter the guns have gone silent for now, with yet another egyptian brokered ceasefire in place since 7 00 p. M. Tuesday evening. Its an open ended ceasefire, which will give a chance for israel and hamas to work out through egyptian intermediaries, something that approximates a lasting cessation of hostilities. Border crossings will be alosed to allow in humanitarian and medical supplies. And the coastal fishing off gaza will be extended to six miles. Hamas and other factions immediately claimed victory with thousands pouring into the streets of gaza to celebrate. 50 days after the fighting began, hamas still controls gaza, most of its Senior Leadership appears to have survived and through the prism of middle east conflict to survive is to triumph. In israel, the reaction was much more low key. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not put the ceasefire to a cabinet vote. One senior israeli i spoke with defended the ceasefire saying they crippled hamas military infrastructure, killing in his words around 1,000 militants, plus demolishing a dozen tunnels dug by hamas into israel. Both sides provide their spin, the fighting speaks for itself. More than 200 killed in gaza with massive destruction and more than half a million displaced. In israel, nearly 70 killed while thousands living near the gaza border had fled to safer ground. At this point its not at all clear if this ceasefire will hold. This is the third major flairup between israel and gaza in the last six years, and few are confident it will be the last. Ben wedeman, cnn jerusalem. The people of gaza fill the streets in celebration. After 50 days of fighting, the people of gaza are taking a collective sigh of relief. Theyve been pent up in their homes, shelters, while israel bombarded the gaza strip, now theyre celebrating. Palestinian political leaders are claiming this as victory, and so are the people here. You have the green flag of hamas, the black flag of islamic flag of jihad. They got an easing of the blockade. And an extension of the fishing limits to six miles off the coast. How do you feel right now . Do you feel relief . Actually, i feel hamas and all the other Political Parties accomplished the victory for all people here. Reporter the cease fire is open ended and so is this party, likely to go late into the evening, while the diplomats are back in cairo to hammer out what they hope has a permanent ceasefire, the true test is, will they feel the same way a month from now . Cnn, gaza city. In the meantime, the israeli leadership was much more subdued. They offered to accept egypts peace deal weeks ago, take a listen. We hope that this time the ceasefire will stick. Many people will be asking, why is it that today hamas accepted the very same egyptian framework it rejected a month ago. So much bloodshed could have been avoided. Washington also had a mixed reaction to the agreement, the u. S. State Department Said american enthusiasm for the deal was tempered by the long violent history between hamas and israel. We view this as an opportunity not a certainty. Todays agreement comes after many hours and days of negotiations and discussions, certainly theres a long road ahead. Were going into this eyes wide open. Good news to report, the american journalist freed sunday is now back home in the United States. His release came days after isis militants executed foley. Foleys execution has a warning to the u. S. To stop its air strikes against isis fighters in iraq. He was held for 22 months by fighters believed to be connected to isis. Qatar helped with his release, but it did not pay a ransom to do so. I dont think anybody is in the mood for celebration. Were relieved, but after the events of the past week and knowing that those other children of my friends are in danger, you have very conflicted emotions. U. S. Officials tell cnn an american has been killed in syria while fighting as an isis militant. Douglas mccain was not the First American to fight or die with the extremists in syria. Others like him who survived may come back to terrorize the u. S. Brian todd reports. Douglas macarthur mccain a Young American killed while fighting with the terrorist group isis. They believe he died in syria. Hes thought to have been killed in a city near ahelp pa. This ratchets up concern about americans involved with isis. Now we have a confirmed example of an american killed fighting with isis in syria. This is someone whos become a trained killer. He was on a list of americans believed to have joined militant groups and who would be subject to additional scrutiny if they travelled. A twitter account believed to be linked to mccain has at least one message supporting isis. U. S. Officials have told cnn more than 100 americans have gone to syria to fight with various jihadist groups, a 22yearold from florida blew himself up, while fighting where an Al Qaeda Linked group. A handful of americans have fought with isis in iraq and syria in a recent propaganda video, this man is referred to by isis as an american. He calls on muslims to join the fight. Please reporter the Intelligence Community is tracking this man, but cannot confirm or deny hes an american. Peter bergen says others have tried to help isis. You have three americans who have been indicted for joining isis in the last year, including a woman, which is quite unusual. They were arrested before they could leave the country. If youre interested in this ideology, thats the most exciting thing to go and join right now. Experts worry about revenge, if there is an escalation of the u. S. Air strikes. The concern is if the United States launches air strikes in syria, that could be a red line for isis. And they could use these americans not for attacks inside syria or iraq, but back home in the United States. Reporter experts also say mccains death could be a big propaganda victory for isis, and they could use that to recruit other americans to this fight. Brian todd, cnn, washington. In the meantime, the u. S. State Department Spokeswoman tells cnn, president obama has been presented with a host of military options in confronting syria, hes yet to make a decision. A u. S. Official says mr. Obama has already authorized five flights over syria, possibly as preparation for air strikes. From president obama, a threat and a promise. Justice will be done, we have proved time and time again, we will do whats necessary to capture those who harm americans. Well take direct action where needed to protect our people and defend our homeland. As the u. S. Prepares to potentially miltly confront isis, the pentagon will say little about the reconnaissance flights president obama authorized over syria. Im not going to talk about military decisions. Reporter any targets that could be hit to disrupt their Brutal Campaign of murder and intimidation. Satellites have already gathered some information. Isis communications are being monitored, but now the u. S. Needs to get realtime intelligence, it will be tough. One of the type of drones being used a global hawk like this. It can fly at up to 60,000 feet and especially equipped to gather targeting information on fixed and mobile targets. Exactly the type of information on isis the u. S. Wants. Washington will not acknowledge if drones have penetrated syrian airspace, a move that would violate syrias sovereignty, u. S. Officials say. Once the intel is in hand, would u. S. Bombers have to cross into syria to strike . Perhaps one option is b1 bombers flying at high altitudes dropping bombs. These isolated military actions can only result in more difficulty. The president needs to put together his National Security team and put together a plan. One problem with u. S. Air strikes over syria, they might inadvertently help bashar al assad, whose forces are also battling isis militants, barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. Coming up next for you here on cnn, the prospects for peace in Eastern Ukraine after a key meeting between the russian and ukrainian president s. Also ahead, the very risky job of treating ebola patients in africa. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. At night and when its cloudy, we use more natural gas. This ensures we can produce Clean Electricity whenever our customers need it. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Tlets get out of here. Roadtrip guys. So esurance is using technology to help them see new york. Should of brought a camera. You are a camera. Bring cash . Kind of like how they use technology to help you make smart choices about your insurance. Nice shot, vika us open, please. Its just how they roll. That was fun man, im exhausted. Esurance. Proud sponsor of the us open. The ukrainian and russian president s both gave statements after a face to face meeting in minsk. Vladimir putin called the talks positive and said they agreed on the need to renew dialogue, they met on the sidelines of trade talks in the belarus capitol. He said via facebook there is now a general agreement to end the fighting. Translator we demonstrated the main goal we would come to minsk with is peace. Citizens of all cities which are under occupation today and where people are tired of living in a state of war in the 20th century, and thats why they demanded Decisive Action that can bring peace to ukrainian soil. Translator we russia, we cant talk about any conditions for the ceasefire about possible agreements between kiev, donetsk. Its not a matter for us, its ukraines internal mat ter. We talked about that. The meeting came ats ukraine produced a video of what it says are 10 russian soldiers captured in ukraine. The soldiers likely crossed the border by accident. One of the captured soldiers offered a different account of what happened. Listen. Of course, we dont know the circumstances surrounding the confession of sorts. Fighting in Eastern Ukraine has dragged on for months. More than 2,000 people have been killed and nearly 5,000 have been wounded since mid april. Health Authorities Say the deadly ebola virus is spreading. That creates an additional problem, the World Health Organization has already temporarily pulled its staff from an ebola center in sierra leone, after a worker contracted the virus there last week. 120 Health Care Workers have died from the outbreak since it began back in march. The death toll among workes,s in the three hardest hit countries, only one to two doctors are available to treat 100,000 people, mostly in urban areas. I mean, thats staggering. A couple doctors for every 100,000 people, and a lot of these Health Care Workers are getting sick. Public experts say another issue is the shortage of protective gear for doctors in more remote areas as well as improper use of that gear. You see removing gear of that sequence is crucial. They caught up with doctors serving on the front lines in liberias capitol monrovia. This doctor could be any chief of staff in any clinic in the world, but hes not. Hes leading the team running the largest ever ebola treatment center, at the heart of the largest outbreak the world has se seen. A quarter of the dead are Health Care Workers. You get here and you start working here and youre here long enough, you see the suffering and you see all the things ebola can do, you see whats done to control the disease, and you take some level of reassurance from those procedures and you say, okay, this is something that i can handle. Reporter the procedures are as thorough as they can be, goggles, gloves, plastic gowns, every inch of flesh covered. There is always still a risk for the staff that enter the high risk ward. Thats where the ebola cases are admitted. Men, women and children all hoping they will overcome the killer in their midst. Behind the patients, bodies lined up for the morgue. Since the center opened last week, theres been a death here almost every hour. You feel that you have a across town, we went to visit the doctor in his home. He was working at the Catholic Hospital when he contracted the virus, miraculously, he survived. Even more miraculously, he has every intention of going back to work. I do my very best to fix it. From what i saw there, i think lots and lots of people new tents are going up on the centers compound. Theyre at capacity here. These tents are also expected to fill quickly. Is it worth the risk . Oh, yeah. It is something that touches a very human part of us, it makes us very scared. We have to say theres hope that we have to get through this. We have to be a part of that, and allow people to know that life will get back to normal at some point. It could be months before this epidemic is brought fully under control . And until then, people will need all the help they can get to believe going back to normal really is possible. Cnn, monrovia liberia. These are truly heroic people. We are bringing you special coverage of the ebola crisis all this week. Anchor isha sesay will be joined by Health Experts to answer your questions about the outbreak live. And you can tune in for that at 19 30 right here on cnn. Coming up for you, the search for survivors is underway right now in south korea, as deadly flooding hits the countrys second biggest city. The latest forecast is coming up. Great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. Cleanup operations are underway after floods swept through the city. More on what so many people are dealing with. Its been either south korea or japan, the next door nation there, were dealing with all this rainfalling in the last three or four weeks really. A tremendous amount of flooding thats taken place across this region upwards of five people now considered killed and five people considered missing with the system that roared through here this afternoon. That did the damage across this region, widespread, 100 millimeters for international viewers, 4 inches across the United States. A widespread amount of rainfall. They saw 10 inches of rainfall in the space of just three to four hours and this was the end result in a region that has been dealing with excessive drought in recent days, and now theyre seeing excessive rainfall thats come in across this region. Now, this if youre tuned in from this part of the world, you know the population across this portion of south korea is 3. 6 Million People. You put that city across into the United States, that is equivalent to the city of los angeles. 3. 8 Million People, it would be the second largest city in the u. S. , thats how many people were impacted by this tremendous rainfall. Upwards of 10 inches in a span of a few hours. The Monthly Average is 12 inches. The month of august so far has recorded 25 inches in this region, and the images again devastating. We know one person lost their life in the bus where the rescue efforts were taking place, we know five people were missing on board that bus, when they got lodged up against this bridge once the waters began picking up across south korea. One thing to note here, is that 60 of all flooding fatalities occur when people are trapped in their vehicle. If youre in a vehicle, its hard to get out of the way. Heres the perspective the next couple days. Rainfall almost nonexistent in the area of concern across southern and southeastern south korea. Theres some moisture pushing out of portions of eastern china, not going to be a major issue for the hard hit regions. Certainly good news for that part of the world. We know flooding taking place out around metro manila. It doesnt help the situation and the pattern here again looking soggy across portions of manila and Southern China the next couple days. Its amazing, isnt it, it only takes a little water on the ground and it can do devastate i ing. Thanks very much. Still to come this hour on cnn, the u. S. Now seriously considering air strikes against isis targets inside syria, the key question, how much would it really accomplish . Well find out, the fbi is examining the tape that may shed light on the Police Shooting of Michael Brown. Well show you what investigators are listening for. Everyone has a moment ] when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. But now that we have the tempadjustable base,ile, its even better. [evie] i go up. Heeeeyyy. 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So the end result is you reduce congestion, you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants, and that certainly is huge. For those of you watching in the u. S. And all around the world, we appreciate you being with us here on cnn. Welcome back. We want to check the headlines for you this hour. A new open ended ceasefire between israel and the palestinians appears to be holding. The egyptian brokered truce went into effect a little more than 12 hours ago, the deal eases border and fishing restrictions in gaza, leaves some of the more complex issues for future negotiations. The president s of russia and ukraine gave hopeful comments on the chances for peace in Eastern Ukraine after meeting tuesday. Mr. Putin says ukraine must hold its own talks with separatists, but moscow is willing to assist. An american has been killed in syria, while fighting as an isis militant. Douglas mccain was not the First American to fight or die with extremists in syria, analysts fear others like him who survive may come back to attack the u. S. Peter theo curtis was groated by his mother late tuesday in boston, he was released with help from the government of qatar. Just days after isis militants executed james foley. On that note, the u. K. s Counter Terrorism chief is reporting significant progress in the search for the killer of american journalist james foley. Hes asking the public for help in tracking down other wouldbe isis recruits. They are fighting in syria an attempt by you, obama. When the world first heard this voice, the london accent and tormenter of james foley, it spoke of britains long and radical past of islamic extremism. Here among the supporters, a preacher in an east london basement in cafe. Isis, a utopia to welcome would any of you condemn what happened to james foamily on that tape . Would any of the four of you do that . I want to give you a chance if you want to respond to that . I think Guantanamo Bay im finishing my answer. I condemn Guantanamo Bay, and i would rather have my head cut off than go to Guantanamo Bay. Its definite. You know whats going to lap. Youre practiced on like a guinea pig to redefine the terms of torture. Lets torture, lets see if it took place, and lets see if theres anything to speak about here. Reporter one of the proposed punishments are state listeners, it sounds like you would welcome them . Absolutely. Take my passport, ill give it freely right now, if you let me go to an Islamic State and live under a beautiful system and not oppression, take my passport right now. And you, sir . Absolutely. Thats not what theyre talking about, they dont want you to go there and support the state, and people to live there prosperously. You would go there tomorrow quite happily . If im not going to be harassed, absolutely i would. And you, sir. Yes. And you, sir . A british passport means nothing, its just a travel document. I believe the Islamic State will spread rapidly, and it will be in europe and america within decades. Given that the United States has attacked the Islamic State, do you consider yourself at war with the United States . The u. S. Has been at war with me and every muslim around the world for the last ten years. If you attack someone, you should expect to be fought against. If you drop a bomb on someone, do you think theyre going to thank you . They believe that sovereignty belongs to god. You have those people that belong to man, the head of that kwamp is obama. Here we are in a coffee shop chatting about jihad. How do you sit here in relative comfort . Let me ask you . The one thing theres a disparity between the relate rick and the talk well, actually not. The thing is, islam is a complete way of life. War is fine if youre secular, its not fine if you are muslim and you want to mejs the name of islam. One thing stuck in my head. You talked about nonbelievers being punished in hell fire and you gave a high five. Do you believe those who dont share your frame of mind should be condemned to hell . It has nothing to do with me Nick Paton Walsh reporting from london, and Free Syrian Army rebels say u. S. Air strikes will do little without a real plan to defeat isis. Thats according to josh rogan, cnn political analyst and senior National Security columnist for the daily beast, i spoke with him just a short time ago. The Free Syrian Armys position is that theyve been fighting against isis in northern and Eastern Syria for almost a year now, with little or no support from the international community. They believe that air strikes wont solve the problem of defeating isis, that it requires a ground strategy as well, they, of course, would like to be involved in that ground strategy, and they believe the air strikes may have a down side risk of harming the mission to oust isis by inadvertently killing civilians and bolstering isis Propaganda Campaign against the west. We have seen progress in northern iraq, the peshmerga helping with the troops on the ground while the u. S. Troops help from the air. Why would they not take some sort of positive from that . The Free Syrian Army sees what many observers see, which is an Obama Administration policy which is totally different in iraq than it is in syria. In iraq, the kurdish, Peshmerga Forces are actively participating in the campaign against isis. And theres coordination with the american air strikes. So far the americans have not reached out to the Free Syrian Army, they have no confidence they will be consulted if president obama decides to strike syria, which still hasnt been decided. I spoke with the president of the syrian coalition, he says president obama has not consulted him about the possibility of expanding american air war into syria. You look at the success on the grounds in iraq, you might conclude that the only way to have similar success, would be to have some partners on the ground. So far inside the Obama Administration, according do several sources i talked to today, that cooperation is not being set up, anyway, not yet. With your talks, did you find that there was a way, if that strategy is achieved . You have the u. S. Air strikes and some coordination there with the Free Syrian Army. Was the suggestion that if that happens then, isis could be destroyed. Or is it going to take a lot more than that . The position of the opposition has always been help us help you defeat isis. Please do not cooperate with the assad regime. It will be a tough mission to roll back and go back into those civilian populations where they hold cities and Oil Refineries and all sorts of infrastructure dislodging them from that. The argument that the administration is making we are the eyes and ears on the ground. We know the land, the people, the tribes. A robust american strategy would engage other groups, besides the fsa. The Obama Administration is only in the beginning stages of the process of planning an air war in syria, so they havent even gotten to that, in the view of many, this is a negative result of almost three and a half years of neglecting their offers to work toward the common foe, and theyre hoping that will change, they dont have a lot of confidence, theyre weak, theyre fractured, theyre disheartened, fighting a war on two fronts and theyve lost faith that the United States will give them what they say they need to proceed, namely more weapons, more money, and more active involvement by the United States on the ground in syria, to set up the kind of Civil Society that would keep isis out if we start bombing them. The fear is, well bomb them and it will leave a vacuum and come right back. You also talk about that, you say political and rebel leaders, the mod rall political and rebel leaders are suggesting that u. S. Air strikes could make things worse, how so . The idea is, if you strike isis all over syria, and dont have a plan to fill the space with Something Else, some other infrastructure, that this will only solve the problem for days or weeks and theyll come right back. If were going to strike isis and we dont have good intelligence, and the Free Syrian Army says they have the better intelligence we need, we risk striking the wrong people, innocent people, and that will build a lot of bad will against the international community. Lets remember here that in iraq, although the air strikes have had some success against isis, theyve also faced criticism from sunni leaders on the ground who see the United States as being on the side of iraq, iran, syria, russia and all of those other supporting shiite forces in what they see as a sectarian regional war. Air strikes could enforce that in syria. Josh rogan just a short time ago, you get the sense that this is very early days for the Obama Administration, any effort to go into syria, no contact made with the syrian army at this point. And they will need them on the ground just as the peshmerga have helped with the air strikes in northern iraq. Just one of many steps that will need to be taken to stamp out isis fully. A great conversation there. Still to come for you, well get you the latest into the investigation of the Police Shooting of Michael Brown, and show you one piece of police gear that helped resolve other cases like this shooting in missouri. Stay with us here on cnn. Led in. He could do it all day. Milos kitchen. Made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. The best treats come from the kitchen. I thought so what . , but now cai cant stop playing. Rst thats not how it works. I mean its so simple. Its like my Car Insurance. I saved 15 in fifteen minutes. 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The shots can be heard in the background of an online video chat. You are pretty [ shooting ] youre so fine. Its electronic, its objective, it doesnt take sides. Forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg an lightsed the nine second clip and created a wave form graphic highlighting the gunshots. He counts a total of ten shots with a three second pause after the sixth shot. Take another listen. You are pretty. Youre so fine. The three second pause could be very significant. It could be depending upon what the witnesses say they saw and whats in the Police Report. Several of the witnesses do mention a pause. They shot him and he fell. He put his arms up to let them know he was compliant and unarmed, they shot him twice more. He put his hands on the earth, the officer approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots. Michael brown was shot at least six times, all to the front of his body, the other four shots heard on the recording could have missed. The man who inadvertently recorded this video wants to remain anonymous, he lives in one of these apartment buildings which is very close to where Michael Brown was shot and killed. He was in his apartment talking to a friend on a video chat. He heard loud noises, at the time he didnt realize the import of what he was hearing, until afterwards. The recording could prove critical should this go to trial. A tool both the prosecution and defense could use to bolster their case. This has a bearing on really everything else. This is a piece of the puzzle that has to fit. Ted rowlands, cnn, ferguson, missouri. So many important questions, that audio raises. Another reason so little is clear about Michael Browns shooting, there was no dashboard camera recording what happened. Many police cars in the u. S. Have these cameras which automatically record officers interagency with suspects. Randi kaye shows us the role they play in cases of alleged brutality, some of the scenes in randys report are disturbing. 12 30 a. M. In florida, police are chasing a suspect, his final moments alive recorded on the officers dash cam video. A deputy tried to stop brown earlier for not wearing a seat belt fp from there, the Police Officer pick up the pursuit, each in their own patrol car, they spot brown down there at that intersection, they tail him all the way here until he makes a left on south delaware avenue. Its a deadend. Brown suddenly takes off running. Officer harris still in his car continues the chase. A warning what happens next is hard to watch. One final glance toward the on coming police car, and brown disappears beneath it. We have to the 38yearold father of two is dead. Take another look, did the officers car run brown down or did he slip and fall first . The medical examiner ruled the dearth accidental after not finding any skull or pelvic fractures to suggest he was struck by the car. The m. E. Said he slipped and fell before the car reached him. The officer was fired. In green bay, wisconsin, officer derek wickland was accused of using Excessive Force on arrest, which was caught on dash cam. The video shows him tackling the man and hitting him twice before finally cuffing him. It might look bad, but an internal investigation cleared the officer. Saying he followed Department Policy and procedures. But dashcam video doesnt always favor police. Last year while vacationing in northern new mexico, a mother and her five children were pulled over for speeding. When the officer and the woman begin to struggle, her 14yearold son rushes the officer. The woman jumps back in the drivers seat. But before she can pull away, the officer uses his baton to break the vans window. When the minivan does take off, another officer opens fire on the minivan. Remember, its full of children. After a high speed chase through wrong way children, the mother and her 14yearold son are arrested, charged with fleeing police, child abuse and battery. And this time the officer who fired three gunshots at the minivan was terminated for violating the departments policy regarding the use of deadly force. Randi kaye, cnn, new york. Way down under, you would be forgiven thinking australia and drought go hand in hanned . It certainly has for a few years now, over the past several weeks, weather conditions have been far from dry for many down under. Sometimes that cant be good, because the soil cant absorb. Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Thats whats happened in some areas, at least in australia, 14 of the last 17 days, i just checked into this at the onks point in sydney. Its rained 14 of the last 17 days with persistent onshore flow pattern. Actually seen their wettest month of august since 1998, 16 years have gone since theyve seen this much rainfall come down across portions of sydney, you take a look at what is tabulated here, 400 millimeters. Eight inches has come down. The Spring Season down under begins in about four days, this is the latter end of the winter season, should be approaching the dry season, you take a look at areas just to the south, we take you south of sydney. Flooding is a major issue across this region. Helicopter rescue taking place. You see how high the water is getting up toward some of these communities, scary situation for some folks that are dealing with drought in spots of the winter season coming to an end with quite a bang here across portions of australia. We leave you with whats happening in the atlantic, we have hurricane cristobal in place. 80 miles an hour, 130 kilometers an hour, friends in bermuda, the only one getting the impact of the system at this hour, the caribbean was hard hit in recent days, the storm beginning to cruise away now from the United States. And from the eastern seaboard of the u. S. , and it kind of rides the gulfstream, notice the wind speeds even as it moves away from the United States stay at hurricane strength. Pretty impressive, but not impacting anyone as the storm is done with now. Thanks, pedro. It is a passion of massive proportions, a man in brazil has amassed the largest vinyl Record Collection in the world. Hes the most interesting man in the world, right . He now owns several million albums. Reporter he calls himself a hunter, a hunter of lost sound. This is rare, he says, im taking this home. His obsession has made him the owner of the largest known Record Collection in the world. Everyone thinks im obsessed with albums, he says, but really its an obsession with memory and history of brazil and all of humankind. A brazilian bus magnate who studied composition, hes been collecting records his whole life. He owned 3,000 in high school and 30,000 by the time he was 30. The bulk of his collection estimated at 5 million is right here at a former candle factory. Now he wants to make them available to the public and hes taken on 17 interns to help him do it. They clean and dust, photograph the covers and painstakingly catalog each one. About 500 records a day. Theyve cataloged a total of 250,000. A drop in the bucket. But he hopes to open what hell call a musical emporium next year. A listening library. 90 of the time people are looking for something from their childhood, he says. Culturally irrelevant but for that person extremely important. I asked him whats been most important for him. A signed album by a brazilian classical composer . And a rare recording of a soprano bought for one dollar on ebay. Shasta darling ton, cnn sao pao paolo. I still have some of my records. You have some vinyls at home . Yeah. Hang on to them. Not millions, though. Youre watching cnns special coverage. Please stay with us, well be back with more on the ceasefire deal between israel and hamas. Imagine the luxury. Of not being here. The power you want with the fuel economy you dream of. Performance with a conscience. This is volvo innovating for you. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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