Hello once again, top of the hour. Hello from the World Headquarters cnn, im brooke baldwin, once again welcoming our viewers in the United States and all around the world covering a huge story for you right, the blizzard, blanketing much of the northeast and new england, bearing down on 50 million people, problems are piling up. Look at these pictures with me. Well begin in massachusetts. Live pictures of our driving camera. More than 380,000 homes and businesses are without power at this point in time, and you know those numbers will change, but that is more than half of the total across the region, just about 614,000 customers scattered across 9 different states, no power right now. Look at that, fenway park, just about zero visibility, more than a into the and a half of snow already falling in parts of massachusetts. In new york, the worst of the storm is hitting in the predawn hours. Some cab, some vehicles out and about around Columbus Circle in this eerie calm of night. We learned a man, 74yearold man has died after he was hit by a car that lost control on a snowy road in poughkeepsie, new york. Rail service has been suspended all the way from manhattan to upstate and a state of emergency is in place all across new york. On Staten Island, we keep coming back to this here, live pictures, the snow falling there, the blizzard, just adding to the misery from the last big storm. Superstorm sandy hit in october. So many still reeling from that still trying to get their heat and power back on, and, again, welcome. We are sitting in the cnn Weather Center where we are watching the snowstorm move all across the northeast, were live here in the middle of the night for you continuous updates on conditions, we have a team of reporters all across the region. Take a look. Susan candiotti in boston for us, gary tuchman in Staten Island and alison kosik in new york. Lets begin in boston. Look at these cars. Think about getting that snow off that car. 19 inches of snow has already fallen and 70mileanhour wind gusts could whip up snow drifts six or seven feet deep. Susan candiotti, let me come back to you for me in boston. How are conditions there . Reporter well, the snow is swirling. It is miserable. It is cold. But i have to say it doesnt feel quite as cold as it was, you know, a few hours ago, although when i checked the temperature gauge which youre never quite sure if theyre quite right, its reading about 19 degrees, 20 degrees here. And it makes you remember that because of the freezing temperatures that if youre driving or if youre walking, remember the road underneath all that slush would be freezing, so the snow coming on top of that, it can make driving obviously very treacherous so when you see my colleague Julian Cummings driving about, hes going very slowly and so far so good. As long as you have the snow on top, he seems to be taking his time and making it out all right. On occasion, at this hour, people Walking Around, i have seen. College students, others, but obviously very you dont see that very often here. But sometimes people telling us theyre simply out for a walk. Every one youve run into over the past several hours talk about theyre prepared for the storm. They have enough food. They have their batteries and flashlights in case they lose power. But looking around here at least in this section of boston they havent lost power yet unlike as you mentioned, brooke, more than 380,000 customers other parts of the state. Walking around here earlier, just in the last hour, these were the footsteps oh, look at that they. Theyre already filling up. How quickly the snow is falling. Reporter thats right. As you go on, you know susan, we cant hear you, but we can see where that mark is made. You can see how deep your feet are in that snow. Susan candiotti in boston and Staten Island, Staten Island is one of the places hardest hit by Superstorm Sandy a couple of months ago and a lot talking to them. He they didnt feel as prepared as this massive mrs. Was about to hit. Lets go to gary tuckman in Staten Island all night long. Gary, so far, how much snow are you seeing . Reporter brooke, all night, all afternoon, all morning weve been here. When we started the day there was absolutely no snow whatsoever on the streets, sidewalks, on the grass. Theres a plow coming. I want you to take a look at this plow for a second. The reason i wanted to point it out, they have come down the street in the last three hours probably about 30 times. You may say why do they come down here 30 times . Number one, were here. Number two, no one wants to ignore Staten Island anymore because what happened on this street in this part of Staten Island was nothing less than devastating three months ago when Hurricane Sandy came. We need to point in that direction again so we dont get hit by him. In Staten Island, 23 people died. That is more than 50 of the entire total population who died in new york city during Hurricane Sandy in october. This borough was devastated. Staten island is used to being ignored because its the smallest borough and it is not being ignored anymore. Theyre doing a great job of clearing this street so looks like theyve had about 8 to 10 inches. The winds havent been that heavy compared to connecticut, massachusetts and rhode island and a lot of people here who were anxious before this are breathing a sigh of relief. Right here you can see there were many houses in this block that were destroyed. This was a house when Hurricane Sandy came through and no longer is. It is rubble. The house right next door was heavily damaged and people have been busily repairing it hoping to move in this week. It looks like they wont be able because they were afraid of the blizzard and hope to move in monday they were telling us. Theyve had a lot of tough times lately. Theyre very grateful at this point it doesnt appear the storm is as serious in this particular area as they thought it would be, brooke . Knocking on wood that remains the case. Gary tuckman, thank you very much in Staten Island. In new jersey, governor Chris Christie is telling folks its a complex storm and in typical Chris Christie fashion hes not pulling any punches. Watch. The overall safety issue is obvious. Stay home. Avoid unnecessary travel. If youre out during the storm, stay behind salt trucks and plows and drive slowly. Accelerate, brake and turn slowly to avoid losing control of your vehicle. Just generally be smart and be careful and if you can be off the roads that would be even more helpful. It allows our vehicles to be able to clear, salt and sand the roads much more efficiently and effectively and it keeps you out of harms way. Were ready, were prepared to be able to make the roads and the bridges and the railways passable for our citizens. But we would hope that tonight into tomorrow morning during the bankrupt of the storm that you would all just take the opportunity to stay home with family ainge friends. Days ago we should point out Chris Christie met with some of the victims from Superstorm Sandy and so many are trying to get back on their feet and this blizzard is making travel tough for one nba team, downright impossible for two others. The New York Knicks stuck in minneapolis right now. San antonio spurs, they had a delay of a trip to new york until this afternoon and the brooklyn nets, they are hopping a train instead of a plane trying to get back to new york after playing in washington, d. C. , but as you look at these live pictures over beautiful manhattan, conditions are perfect for making snow angels and here we are in the middle of the night enjoying ourselves a tad. Look what alison kosik did. Reporter okay, brooke, this one is for you. Whoo yeah. Okay. Time to dry off. Yay. Snow angel. Thats a nice one. It is a nice one, alison kosik, you are such a trouper. People on twitter, get alison kosik make an angel. Cutest thing ive ever seen. How is it going out there. Reporter the crazy things we do at 4 00 in the morning. Think about it. Were talking about snow. Its out there. Looks beautiful. Why not play in it, right . Its part of the fun, part of the experience but what were seeing right now is the snow is kind of tapering off and everybody is coming alive again and everybody is shoveling the snow off the sidewalks, the plow there for the sidewalk is going crazy. I think its going at 60 miles an hour at this point getting it off the sidewalks because now is the time to bring them out because the snow is beginning to stop, brooke. Okay. Alison, thank you very much. Just talking to Karen Maginnis in the Weather Center because you were saying really right now boston getting hit with that second band. They have just issued another warning. I was talking about a band, a heavy band essentially kind of dissecting new england. Okay. Well, that heavy band with the snowfall rates up to 3 inches an hour is currently moving right across the eastern massachusetts area but not just there but extending down into connecticut and upwards near New Hampshire so that back side of that band we were talking about two hours ago is presently moving across the region. Snowfall will be heavy again. Susan candiotti was saying it doesnt seem that cold but the wind was picking up. The whole system, our blizzard that did produce the snowfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches per hour and the other thing is this coastal flooding. In weymouth, falmouth and marshfield. Water is coming into the homes in weymouth and seeing coastal flooding in marshfield. Theyll see another high tide around 9 30 in the morning but by then i think that area of low pressure, this storm system, is then going to start to pull away so well really see it decreases by midmorning, so midday, we start to add it all up and make our comparisons to that 1978 historic blizzard but this one already life, limb and property in grave danger and weve got reporters out covering this. When you talk to julian who has been on the road for us 12 hours, people lightheartedly on their snow skis and that sort of thing but Power Outages is the big thing, downed trees and downed power lines because its become so heavy in some areas and gary tuckman was talking about Staten Island. They saw 11. Jfk and laguardia separated by 12 miles. One saw three times as much snowfall an the other. Its just incredible. All about positioning, you know, how the snow comes in. Thank you very much. Weve been talking to a lot of people because were here for you trying to cover the blizzard and guess who just picked up the phone and called me. The mayor of newark, new jersey. You will hear what cory booker had to say to me at 3 00 a. M. Want to get you a quick update on something Karen Maginnis was talking about, marshfield southeast of boston. This is an area where there have been reports of water rushing in some of the homes in this semi Coastal Community and talked to the emergency manager there and they told us it has subsided for now. Obviously great news but also told us they are anticipating another high tide around 10 00 in the morning so we will see if hopefully the water stays away or whether or not it will continue to flood. Marshfield, massachusetts and were checking on cities throughout the blizzard zone here tonight. Covering all these different states for you talking to red cross, different city managers, some of from the boston globe and someone who called me at 3 00 in the morning, definitely awake out and about on the city streets. Newark let me try that again, newark, new jersey, mayor, cory booker. Roll it. Tell me what you have seen so far on the streets of newark . The conditions are worsening. Walked through all five wards of the city checking in on our crews we have out there as well as conditions on the street. A lot of stranded cars now. A lot of people out that shouldnt be. So its just, you know, very perilous out there, and people need to understand that. Stay indoofrs and hunker down for the night. Conditions will be bad throughout the morning tomorrow. So this is not the time to take this lightly. Very dangerous conditions, especially around Motor Vehicle accidents. And we also are on alert for possible Power Outages for newark if the wind starts to pick up. So im grateful for the hundreds of workers we have out there from Law Enforcement to folks plowing and salting streets. A lot of work ahead. As the sun will begin to rise in a couple of hours, thats when, as you mentioned, we will get a better chance to see the damage done. Hopefully the streets are cleared. First responders can get out and about. Whats the biggest challenge, you think, come tomorrow morning . Well, i think its just the mess and im getting rid of this from our streets, and hopefully people will stay in and stay secure. If we are able to be spared, and i know there are a lot of people are struggling without power, if newark and surrounding areas survive Power Outages, the biggest thing is to get the roads clear and safe so as people move about we dont see the kind of accidents that often come with icy conditions. And, again, the most urgent thing i could ask people to do is stay indoors as much as you can tomorrow but also be compassionate and check on your neighbors, check on the elderly or people shut in. If you go out to shovel your driveway, see if there are people who might need a little bit of assistance. The storm is tough but when we pull together, we are a lot tougher. We are thinking of all of you guys especially those hit so hard from Superstorm Sandy and here you have this massive, massive snowstorm. Before i let you go, before i let you go to bed, we all know you, cory booker, handson kind of mayor. Do you anticipate having to help out yourself if necessary tomorrow . Yeah. I think we all need to take that attitude. Obviously my primary concern is working with my command staff to do whats necessary to get the streets clear. But i always go out with a group of folks with shovels and other supplies. So should we see somebody in need, we always try to jump out and help. So its a good spirit that i found in newark in past storms and past weather emergencies as well as snowstorms that folks are helping each other and i try to do my part, as well as demonstrate this is a time where we all need to be handson and being of assistance. I have a great command staff. Most of my senior staff turned in an hour or two ago and they are ready for tomorrow. The citys really working in partnership with county authorities, state authorities and new jersey has proven a lot of resilience, especially coming out of sandy. The storm was brutal and difficult, but in many ways in terms of storm preparedness it made us that much stronger. Grateful for a good team. We got a big day tomorrow. Ill be out on the streets tomorrow, as well, doing my best to be of service during a long, difficult day. Cory booker, newark, new jersey, mayor sleeping soundly as he and other leaders will have a tough day tomorrow. Were live again, 4 0 in the morning watching and waiting with this blizzard, Julian Cummings driving the street through the streets of boston. Well talk to julian about the lighter moments between the snowball fight he came across and also some Cross Country skiers but also keep in mind boston very much so getting hit by that second band of snow and talk about that, special coverage northeast blizzard next. All right, give me a spot. You know my motto safety first. They could be dangerous. I think we should call animal control. Animal control . Psh. To be safe. Dont worry. I got this. Its a new motto. Announcer you dont have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. There are thousands of teens in foster care who dont need perfection, they need you. Nearly 400,000 people in the state of massachusetts out without power right now. These are live pictures from what weve now dubbed our boston driving cam. Aka producer Julian Cummings driving around boston giving us a better glimpse of who is out and about. Hopefully not too many people. Weve seen the Christmas Lights on the trees so the power is on at least for this road and talked to julian off and on through the night and afternoon. He caught a couple of things, snowball fight, some people Cross Country skiing. Here he is. Julian cummings taking us through it. Youre looking at an impromptu snowball fight with probably ten people. The bars are getting out and everyone is rushing down the street. The plows just broke it up and the Fire Department broke it up. And they were serenaded with tons of snowballs as well. Serenaded by snowballs. I see a car in the picture. I know you have been driving around. When we were talking earlier this afternoon, we know the governor of massachusetts, deval patrick, enforced this travel ban. You couldnt be on the roads after 4 00 in the afternoon. Governor dan malloy did the same thing in connecticut. So whats the deal . Why am i seeing cars . There are basically a few cars here and there, but theyre usually following Emergency Vehicles, plows, or some people with plows of their own, pickup trucks helping out. But for the most part, other than vehicles like ours, we are exempt because were media, but people are not hitting the roads. We have been out here since 2 00 p. M. , and its getting really bad. Its pure whiteout conditions, and, you know, were taking it very, very slow, being careful out here. We are still looking at this snowball fight. It looks to be almost like one, two dozen people out as the bars are letting out. This will be interesting as we will be doing this overnight as more and more bars continue to dump out folks who are probably just having their own blizzard parties. So that was a little bit of the fight. Well do the Cross Country skiers later. Take a look at this. These are live pictures as we see a plow not exactly doing too much now but this is boston. That looks like the long whatevwharf marriott and that second band of snow really coming down for you in boston if you were up with me and i thank you for being up with me. We wanted to make sure wed cover this storm, massive northeast blizzard for you all through the night. Thank you again for your ireports. Ireport. Com. Back after this. Right now u americans are in the path of this blizzard as its really bearing down now and it has been for hours for you in the northeast and in new england. More than a foot and a half of snow has already fallen in parts of massachusetts here, the state also dealing with widespread Power Outages. Across the region more than 600,000 homes and businesses have no electricity. Let me tell you about new york now. New york, the worst of the storm is hitting right now. Earlier this morning a man was actually hit and killed by an outofcontrol car in poughkeepsie. A state of emergency is in place all across new york state. Rail service has been suspended from manhattan to upstate and in boston. Weve been talking a lot about the wind here, Logan Airport measured one wind gust at 76 miles per hour. That is about Hurricane Force here. Lets go straight to susan candiotti. I can tell out of the corner of my eye that snow is really coming down. Reporter it is. Its picked up again. You know, it ebbs, and it flows. Now its running sideways. Sometimes it comes straight down, and youre getting some of that wind gust right now. Columbus park, theres a gust coming through right now. Boy, you can see that really through the lights but off there in the distance, brooke, is a little section of boston harbor. Now, the water is actually quite calm, of course, were protected in here. And so you dont see any of the boats rocking away but as you look at the some of the snowdrifts over here, this is whats going to be happening as the day goes on. Lets see. Thats up to again 18, 19 inches, much as it is around here, so it looks like we could very well set that recordsetting mark. Now, someone who has been out working all night here, you have employees of this hotel who are trying to make sure they can keep their driveways clear and sidewalks as clear as possible. So that, you know, theyre stay ago head of the storm, so to speak. Now, this is kent over here. Kent, youve been up and at em. And hes not even wearing a jacket inside this truck. I guess you are toasty warm. I am toasty warm. How are you holding up . Its okay. Blinding conditions at times which is going on right now. Reporter look at what he actually jumped out of the car without his coat on for a couple of minutes. I dont know how you can bear it but you were telling me that you well remember the blizzard of 78 and you were only 12 years old at the time. What is one of the searing memories you have of that storm when walking out of your house ask. I remember huge drifts all over the place. It was up to my waist and i can remember my mother sending me to the store in the back of a pickup truck with six other people to get milk and bread. And it was so much different then because as we heard time and again people didnt have as much warning. It was much different then and people got stranded on the roads. Tell us why it was much different than that. You were still in school. People were still working. Yes, i was in school. I was 12 years old. I think the Technology Today probably gives an advance warning so a lot dont go to work and are off the highways where in 78 people got stuck all over the place without warning and trying to get people to safety in snowmobiles they were driving in. Reporter do you think this will set another record . How does this compare from your memories of back then from now about the snow piling up . I definitely think this is going to be up there. At least one of the top five, i would believe and i think its right up there with 78. Reporter well, now that we made you nice and wet by rolling down that window, thank you very much. Go back at it. I will. Thank you. Have a great night. Reporter all the best to you and your family. People now, yeah, they have much more warning than they had before and in fact, you know, the city, the state did a good thing about clearing out those roads, closing offices, businesses shutting din and making sure that people understood theyre not fooling around here. Anything other than an Emergency Vehicle is staying off the road as of 4 00 friday afternoon and people for the most part are heeding that advice. Brooke . Yeah, massachusetts, connecticut, rhode island, all with those travel bans and for very good reasons. Susan candiotti, thank you very much. In boston, well hop over to Staten Island where gary stuckmstuctuckman has been with us through the afternoon, through the night. Staten island devastated by Superstorm Sandy. How prepared were people for this . Reporter so concerned, brooke. Theres just no way to tell you how scared and anxious people were, because this is not the first time its been on this street. I visited it on halloween a few days after sandy and the reason we came here many of the homes on this treat were heavily damaged. Till today its a quiet street but its quiet because a lot havent moved back. Some destroyed. Some have not been rebuilt yet. Some are shelling out their own money. We talked to one, they were hoping to move back today. It was curtailed because of the snowstorm but its a very usual block. The tent was put here by a private citizen gotten donations from the City Government and provides hot meals for Homeless People in Staten Island and come to this tent every single day. Theres still an estimated 1400 people in Staten Island, new york citys smallest borrow who dont have homes and its not like theyre living outside or in tents, theyre staying with relatives with motels and other parts of new york city but a lot are coming for meals every day thats generous, great to see in a big city like new york but a lot of concern this could have increased the tremendous ag aggravation and tragedy they went through three months ago, 23 people were killed in Staten Island during Hurricane Sandy. Staten island is a very small borough. Five in new york city, 5 of the population of the city but more than 50 of the deaths in new york happened in Staten Island so theres been a lot of suffering. There was a lot of concern this would increase the suffering. Theyve had about 12 inches of know right here in Staten Island. It would have been quite a bit more but rained for about four of the hours this morning. Started snowing, turned into rain and came back into snow. Still snowing, the heaviest snow was over the last three hours but seems to be letting up and teams things were not as bad in Staten Island as they could have been and a great relief for the people who live there. Thank goodness. Gary tuckman, touch for all your reports here all night long with us and on the other side of the break well check with in ali velshi who we put in cape cod and the wind was whipping and snow pelting his face as he was reporting from the cape. Those pictures as we continue our special overnight coverage of the blizzard. Speed on one story weve been following for you, these people stranded in long island. Long island expressway. You see them out. This is where were talking about. This is the news we got from suffolk excuse me Suffolk County police theres hundreds of car, first time we heard a number. Hundreds of cars stuck across long island and including on the l. I. E. Since this started and the number of stranded people, they say, exceeded the number of tow trucks and crews because of the weather so a lot have been recovered. Many are still out there right now. Stuck. Suffolk county pd say authorities are doing everything they can to make sure everyone is warm and im getting to higher risk people first and no clear numbers on that. Well be on that story throughout the rest of the morning and day. Meanwhile, ali velshi has been out in the thick of things. I though a lot of folks enjoy watching what he does. Heres a twitter handle in the middle of the night. Ali velshi, let me assure you he loves these kinds of things and put him on cape cod, the easternmost points, one of the hartest hit area with thousands were plunged into darkness. Here he was. Theyre back on in dennisport but theyre off for many, many hundreds of thousands of customer in massachusetts. Thats going to be the problem as people wake up in a few hours, they might be waking up into cold houses. It is cold. The wind died down and feels like were on the back side of the storm. We have a gift coming through but moments where i dont even feel it and frankly as you can see weve been talking for a couple of hours. I can stand up straight and talk to you. Before i was hunched down or doing this. Theres still gusts coming through but were definitely on the back end. You can see it between us. Sort of icy pellets but the truth is its lighter than it was before. Theres less accumulation. The problem now is going to be even if were at the end end of this thing and a few more inches to come that could be the ones that tame down the branches and power lines and until theres no wind youre not getting guys in buckets repairing. More will end up without power overnight and it is cold. Its not all that cold, the actual temperature but enough wind its making it cold and still a travel ban effect in connecticut and rhode island so were be back end. I dont think itll get substantially worth but doesnt mean it wont get worse if you have power now. You might still lose it. Might as well get precautions. Im on the southern side, go further east and get to chatham, that northeast coast of cape cod was getting hard. No word of how badly its been hit, over 250,000 people. It probably accounts for a fair number of people in massachusetts. The Power Outages are probably fairly well concentrated here on the cape cod side of things. It does look like over the next course of hours we will have less of this coming along. I can hear and sort of see its dark behind you, the waves crashing behind you. There were sort of initial fears over maybe some Flooding Issues although chad seemed to put some of that to bed. What kind of surge if anything are you seeing . Reporter well, nothing actually which is interesting. Whoa, a little bit of ice there. I tell you right around here, was where high tide hit at 9 45, 10 00. This is a few feet higher than yesterdays high tide which was over here so really we got nothing extra and sort of the tide receded there was some fear as the storm hit an hour and a half ago when chad said it got to the low pressure as close to me as it would get, the water was far enough out there isnt seem to be an impact and flood warnings were in place for. Of massachusetts. Not just cape cod so i dont know what the story is in other places and the northeast coast from Chatham Northwest to that, you know, that one part of the triangle of cape cod, that was perhaps in for danger of flooding but no reports of that right now. At the moment it does feel like we may have missed the worst of that but well have to wait until we get more reports in to figure it out once daylight starts in a few hours. Ali velshi in dennisport, massachusetts. Coming up a close look at the storm through the eyes of you, our viewers, our best photos and videos from the ireport next. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activitie while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. Weve had crews all around. Fenway park, manhattan and we have crews on the ground but also rely on you. Youre our eyes in farflung places we cannot get to. Were so grateful for the pictures. Amy la porte is with me. 4 45 in the morning with what people are sending in. In the home stretch. Yes, weve got some great video still coming in, people are still staying up withous. These pictures, this is the scene a lot of people are going to be waking up to soon and even if they find themselves stranded, snowed in like this ireporter here, just south of boston, thats her car covered in snow, nearly a foot falling here. Waiting for the plows to come in and im sure lydia here and plenty of others have been stocking up on supplies to get them through. Take a look at this. Walmart, gone. Raided. These people know how to do it. These new englanders know whats going on. Theyve been through it before. Get the bread, get the milk. And also get the beer. This is new york. Check this out. Thats the line, those people there, braving the temperatures. For alcohol. A good night in. They know how to hunker down up there. Yeah, this was outside of a wine shop in new york city making the best of a bad situation, right . Good for them. Check this out this tweet. If you live around the boston area, like i do, be safe, stay warm and drink beer, i guess. That sups it up. Blizzard parties, why not . Why not, exactly. And need i remind you there was that 4 00 p. M. Stay off the roads, travel ban. Check this out. That sign right there says blizzard warning avoid all travel. This was after that 4 00 those cars whizzing by, so we want to say, again, stay off the roads. Unnecessary travel, dont do it. You know people have been staying off the roads. People, though, are getting creative. People on their Cross Country skis, right . Listen, middle of the night. Why not. Right . At least these people are saying why not. Well share that with you right after this. Through the night really actually through my day shift talking to Julian Cummings, hes our producer, hes the one who that is been providing us this boston drive cam and happy to tell you at this hour, what, are we in the 5 00 a. M. , 4 00 a. M. Hour, hes no longer driving. He did an amazing job overnight giving you a good picture of what things are like out on the roads, if people heeded the warnings or else they would be towed. Amid some of the snow we had some lighter things with this Cross Country skiers. Just watch. We have a skier. In front of us coming up. Stay with us, you can get a little closer here. A little bit of a delay on our shot, its mobile, but we see Cross Country skier. Look at that. First greenwich, connecticut. Now a guy Cross Country skiing at 3 00 in the morning in boston. Hey, why not, i suppose. Look at this. Lets just stay on this for a minute. Here they go. Off the side of the street. Hey, i suppose, if you have Nothing Better to do and want to take advantage of the snow and have skis collecting dust, right . Heres another one. Can you talk to them, roll down your window . Lets do this on the fly. Why not. 3 00 in the morning. Lets try to talk to them. Lets see if they can i dont think our mike is going to pick it up. But hold on. Were try to get this. How are you doing . You know, brooke, i dont think this is going to work on the fly. Its a little tough for us. But sorry about that. We tried. Okay, julian. Thank you. Thank you. Well come back to you. Maybe well give you a minute. And you can talk to some of these guys who are out there. Were coming off the tripod. We can give it a shot. Hey, were with cnn. How is it going . Good, how are you . Good. Wicked good weather. Wicked good weather, he told us. Wicked good. They said finding some good skiing in the area. What made you guys go out and ski tonight . Adventure. Theyre looking for an adventure. I cant hear them, julian. Tell me what theyre telling you. Theyre saying its not off you have the chance to ski down beacon street in arlington ovwe hwew on the back side of boston so theyre taking advantage of it. And theyre having a good time. Well say that. Whats he saying . They wondered who we are, basically, at this point. Were going to let them ski on, my friend. Let them ski on. Let them go, yeah. Wicked good weather for skiing, i suppose there. That was Julian Cummings. We want to thank you so much for being with us. Weve been up doing this for you for the last five hours. And just quickly before we hit to the top of the hour want to let you know this is officially a fatal storm. That 74yearold was hit Walking Around in poughkeepsie hit by a car that skidded on the snow and these stranded people on the long island expressway. We dont know how many. Im brooke baldwin. Thank you so much for watching. Martin savidge picking up this from me on the other side of the break. cihq9j 

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