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whether you agree with the verdict or not, justice was served in a new jersey courtroom where a jury convicted dharun ravi in the cyber bullying case we've been following more than a year now. ravi a former rutgers student use a webcam to spy on his roommate tyler clementi while way man. he tweeted about what he saw. days later which meantie killed himself. he was just 18 years old. ravi faces up to five years in prison. at time of the arrest, no law on the books making cyber bullying a crime. months after tyler clementi's suicide new jersey passed a cyber bullying law. they were able to convict him under a biased intimidation law instead. only 11 states currently have laws on the books criminalizing cyber bullying. only 11 states nap despite the fact bullying remain as huge problem. according to government statistics kids between 8 and 15 say bullying is a bigger problem for them than racism or pressure to have sex. the toll bullying takes on gay teens and kids is especially high. tiler clementi's father said thisser to ar the jury read its verdict. >> the trial was very difficult for to us listen to people talk about bad and inappropriate things done to their child. we were here every day, because we wanted to be here for our son and because we believed this trial was important, because it dealt with important issues for our society and for our young people today. >> i can only imagine how hard it must have been for the clementi family to sit through the trial nep, of course, are still grieving. if tyler were alive, a sophomore returning from campus from the spring break and studying for spring exams. ravi's lawyers tried to convince he was a college freshman with bad judgment back in the fall of 2010. they didn't buy it. ravi faces up to ten years in prison. his lawyers will appeal. the trial lasted ten weeks. the jury deliberated just over two weeks. >> guilty or not guilty? >> guilty. >> reporter: a clean sweep for the prosecution. da roone ravi guilty on all counts. he never took the stand on his own behalf, instead used the police interrogation video to prove he meant no harm highlighting he never recorded clementi nor put the encounter online. >> it was like, obvious that they -- being intimate or whatever, and like so we closed it immediately. and i just thought that like, really felt uncomfortable. >> reporter: ravi's defense argued he only turned on his camera because he didn't trust clementi's visitor and was worried about theft. >> the guy walked in, i was -- because he came in and i said, hey, and he didn't acknowledge me. just sat on the bed. on tyler's bed, and then, i left the room and i was -- a little creeped out and worried about what was happening. because i had other -- >> reporter: prosecutors paint add very different picture successfully arguing ravi targeted his roommate because of his sexual orientation setting up his dpurt spy on cla clementi and daring people to watch when asked to use the room privately a second time. perhaps devastating to ravi's claim he wasn't anti-gay, his friend and one-fooim co-defendant molly wei testified he was uncomfortable with clementi's sexuality. >> what was the defendant's reaction? how was he acting? >> um, just shocked, and kind of surprised at what he saw, freaking out a little. >> it doesn't say -- >> reporter: as evidence of intimidation, prosecutors hammered the jury with a tweet ravi set. "roommate asked for the room for the not. i saw him making out way dude. yeah." at the time clementi quickly aware of the tweet requested a room change and checked ravi's twitter feed dozens of times to see if more would follow. days later, the shy 18-year-old jumped off the george washington bridge. his last communication, a facebook post, jumping off the g.w. bridge. sorry. ravi wasn't charged with the death and defense said he acted childishly but isn't homophobic, texts sent the night he took his own life. i've known you were gay. i have no problem with it. one of my closest friends is gay and he and i have a close relationship pie suspect ud were shy why i never broached the topic. i don't want your freshman year ruined because of a petty misunderstanding. we don't know if tyler clementi ever saw that text. miguel marcus, cnn, new york. well, the jurors got the case on wednesday. they reached their verdict shortly before noon today. joining me exclusively, two members of that jury. thank you guys so much for being with us. bruno, are you satisfied by the verdict today? >> yeah, i'm very satisfied. i mean, it took a, four long, hard weeks, and when we were in the jury room for three days, i think we all pretty much were satisfied. >> the bias intimidation charge, you say it presented more difficulty than the others did. how so? >> there was just so many different levels. there was three different levels that can you actually see it being biased. >> uh-huh. >> then there was the whole thing where he did it one time the first day, and then we pretty much had to figure out whether or not he did it on purpose had to get inside his mind, to see if he actually did it intentionally with purpose of bias towards his roommate. >> do you think it would have been easier or harder if ravi had actually taken the stand? >> i think it would have been a little easier because we would have had the state of mind he had during the month of september. >> right. is it hard to -- i mean, just the process of coming to this decision, what was the hardest part? >> i believe the hardest part was actually proving that he was guilt if the certain charge, and actually getting the evidence that would prove him guilty on that charge. >> uh-huh. how about for you? >> same thing. it's -- i know for the first -- the first part when we came across the bias, there was some things that -- there wasn't enough evidence or enough witness statements to actually prove on certain points that he was, in fact, guilty. that's why you have the 24 and the 11 not guilties and the 24 guilties because we couldn't really on certain parts we really couldn't establish that as far as being, having a guilty verdict. >> we've all seen jurors working on television shows and stuff. what was it like in the jury room and how did you guys work together? >> want to answer that or you want me to answer it? >>y see it as instructed by the judge not to bring anything from the media actually brought a different perspective on it. at the same time i'm there, it's live testimony. i see the evidence, and not to hear any other media, what they feed me, it's a way different story, and i thought just being there was actually more helpful to come to the decision, because we all were on the same page, when we got into the room, and now it was time to dissect every charge and see where we stand. >> the majority of us were all brand up in it jury process. >> both had never been on a jury? >> both of us had never been. my first time. i enjoyed eed it. a lot of information. probably one of the highest thing us can do for your country as far as severing on jury duty. once we got to know who the original 16 were, we pretty much began to bond on you know, when we were downstairs on our breaks. we would get to know each other a little better and the process was easier. once we got into the jury room, it was down to business and time to figure out whether or not he was guilty or not. >> i appreciate your service and i appreciate you guys coming on to talk about it. thank you so much. really interesting to hear from you. sentencing for ravi set for may 21st. he faces up to ten years in prison and could face deportation to india where he ras born. the former prosecutor sunny hostin. were you surprised? >> i was. i've been following this case since day one. i actually was in the courtroom when the case first began, and i thought that it was going to be difficult to prove bias intimidation, because as these two jurors just said, the prosecution had to prove what his motivation was. what was in dharun ravi's mind, and that is a very difficult thing to do, and, also, you know, anderson, this is the first time, in my view that bias intimidation, hate crimes, have been prosecuted in this way. >> explain what biased intimidation is? >> sure. in new jersey, what they had to show was that rathdharun ravi io intimidate tyler clementi by spying on him. he was motivated by his bias, and intended to intimidate him because of his sexual orientation. they also could have proven 2 a different way. could have prove than he intended to intimidate and was biased against m.b., the person tyler clementi was with. what they did convict on, he was biased against tyler clementi and tyler clementi felt intimidated by him. just by going over it, you see how difficult that really is, because tyler clementi wasn't leer to testify. so the jury had to look at all the facts ux and they determined that tyler clementi felt intimidated because of his sexual orientation. this is the first time this type of statute has been used in this way. of course, now new jersey has this very, very robust cyber bullying law, but that wasn't what he was convicted of. he was convicting of a hate crime. and i think it really is a game changer in many respects, because this is a wake-up call to our young people, to anyone that uses social media, quite frankly, because now you when be held accountable for those words, for those hateful words that you use on the internet. >> do you think -- i mean, he could get up to ten years. do you think he will get that? >> in new jersey, when you get convicted of a second-degree crime, lie bias intimidation, a felony, there's a presumption that you should be sentenced to jail time. five to ten years. and 99%, i'm told, of defendants facing this presumption typically get put in prison. now, this judge has asked for a sentencing memorandum from the defense. if the defense can show more mitigating factors meaning he shouldn't be put in jail because he doesn't have a criminal record, been an upstanding citizen. if they can prove this, in the interestses ev es of justice, a non-custodial sentence, perhaps he won't go to prison. >> he could have accepted a plea deal, had no jail time. >> in retrospect, it's shocking that he didn't accept that plea deal. you're right. didn't include prison time and only included 600 hours ever community service. i believe it is likely having seen this judge in action, he will likely spend some time in prison. >> all right. sunny hostin, appreciate your perspective. let me know what you think. follow me on twitter. coming up, newt gingrich again, today, promised if he's elected president he will bring gas prices down to $2.50. blamed president obama for rising prices. can any president really do anything to affect prices at the pump? keeping them honest. a picture of an american soldier killed in iraq, that two dating websites used to advertise their servicesmaking money off this photo basically. what the family is trying to do about it, what the websites are saying, coming up. 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[ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, greetings from the people here sure are friendly but some have had a hard time understanding my accent. so to make sure people get every word of the geico savings message i've been practicing how to talk like a true chicagoan. switching to geico could save you hundreds of dollars on car insurance... da bears. haha... you people sure do talk funny. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪ president obama spent today attending fund-raisers for his re-election campaign raising $5 million. the men who want his job were also on the trail in illinois. one line of attack is the rising price of gas. have you believe that bringing down gas prices is as simple as casting a vote for president. our question is, can the president, any president, really do much to affect the prices, or is it all just -- well, politics? keeping them honest. no doubt an issue a lot of americans care about. gas prices rose again to a national average just over $3.83 a gallon up almost 56 cents since the beginning of the year. newt gingrich made it his mantra. if he's elected president he can bring the price down to $2.50 a gallon. >> i'm happy to say the gingrich plan moves you towards $2.50 or less. the obama plans moves you towards $9 or $10 or more. >> that was just today. when it comes to the miniccal $2.50 of gas, gingrich isn't just making campaign promise, he's plastering it all over the campaign trail. we showed you one poster. a gas pump appeared on his campaign logo. it's the first thing you see when you logon to the new dot org gas pump 2.50 and mentioned it a few times. >> i've develop add program for american energy. so no future president will ever bow to a saudi king again, and so every american will look forward to $2.50 a gallon gasoline. one of my goals this fall is to run as president drilling versus president algae and let people choose between $10 and $2.50. $10 with him. $2.50 with me. you decide the next four years. >> newt equals $2.50 a gallon gasoline. >> noose equals -- $2.50 a gallon gasoline. >> $2.50 a gallon. >> $2.50 a gallon. >> yes. >> a plan against $2.50. >> $2.50 gallon. >> $2.50 gallon. >> $2.50 gel allon. >> $2.50 gallon. >> $2.50 a gallon. newt equals $2.50 a gallon gasoline. >> gingrich is going so far as to guarantee an expect rice. mar and mitt romney and -- >> nuclear gas, coal, stheeg as you look at gasoline prices today. >> when you see that gas pump, when you're pumping gas the next time, and you see that number go from dollars with two columns to that third column, and you see that zero come up, think of zero for o for b bvrmgts the president says we've seen this before before. it's politics as usual. >> every time prices start to go up, especially in an election year, politicians dust off their three-point plans for $2 gas. i guess this year they decide we're going to make it $2.50. i don't know where -- you know, why not $2.40? why not $2.10? >> well, it's true. it's a time-honored tradition. when gas prices are high especially in an election year the president is blamed. opponents whether republicans or democrats will promise to fix and quickly. keep in mind, the price for oil set in the global market, vun vulnerable to middle east turmoil and threats from iran, and economists working at a cia analyst put it like this. "political rhetoric is all it is 137 short of price controls which were disaster during the nixon administration, politics can't do much to change the price of gasoline." this from a bipartisan policy scholar who worked on energy policy in washington for more than 20 years. "obviously, the price ever oil set on a global market in the immediate term there's almost nothing you can do." even if there was a silver bullet to bring down gas price, quick fix, magic wand, whatever you call it, no presidential candidate has that bag of tricks up his sleeve, or in his bag, i guess. still in these times of painful prices at the gas pumps the message seems to be getting through to people even if nothing more than a gimmick a tried and true piece of campaign myth. in a cbs news/"new york times" poll last week, 54% think the president can do something about gas prices. joining me with two different perspective. is this rhetoric? >> pure political banter. the world consumes about 80 million barrels of oil a day. the total u.s. increase in production, if you were do to everything that newt gingrich fantasizes about, would be less than, you know, half a percent of that. so the chance that it would have any impact on the price of oil, particularly in the short run, is pure fantasy subpoena it's not just fant six but newt surely knows better. the truth of the matter is we are in the middle of a great boom in domestic oil production. we are at the highest levels in 30 years. the united states for the first time is actually exporting oil rather than importing oil, and it has made no difference to our prices. in fact, as we can see, oil prices have gone up. why? because, a., china is growing. india is growing. all that, all the growth we know about is taking place and, secondly, people are worried about a possible war with iran. geopolitical concerns. so these are not things that you can easily fix, you know. you're not going to get china to slow down or change the fact there are genuine concerns, and increasing american domestic production is such a marginal issue at this point that it's really totally irresponsible for newt gingrich to be saying this. >> stephen, you disagree? >> well, look, i agree in the short-term, farid eed is right. not much that can be done to reduce the high price of gasoline and fareed is also right that major reason we're seeing the spike right now is because of what's happening in the middle east. i agree with those two thing, but it's also true you know, this president has been completely hostile to domestic production of oil and gas. it is true we have a big increase, not because of barack obama. he's opposed the drilling, permitting we could do. you're right we've seen an increase, but i just got back from north dakota. what's going on there is a miracle. we have more oil right now in states like north dakota, oklahoma, colorado, california, than saudi arabia has oil, and i think the reason this is a political problem for the president is americans are connecting the dots. they're seeing the fact that we're not -- when we're not doing things that make so much common sense, like building the keystone pipeline, not doing the drilling, the permitting to exploit our own natural resources, americans understand. wait. that hits me in the pump. >> stephen is pointing out, all this oil is being drilled. in point of fact, whether or not the president is enthusiastic about what's happening over his grudging oh jebjections, we are the midst ever a huge oil boom and prices are rising. and keystone is a total red herring. the keystone oil is going to be excavated, produced, it is going to be used. it is going to be used by china or us. it makes not a jot of difference to the price of oil, because that oil will reach the world market. when we talk about this, yeah, maybe hypothetically, if there were a president who would green light every single project that stephen would like, maybe you'd, as i said, you'd increase production marginally. we have actually increased production substantially and it's not led to any decrease in price. there are geopolitical fears. >> do you agree he can bring it to $2.50 a gallon? >> yes. i've seen presidents do this. this is a hot button issue, anderson, because of the fact one of the reasons jim carter lost the election was because of very high gasoline prices a result of very high inflation. >> let me ask you a question? >> let me finish my point. the reagan brought the inflation rate down and by the end of the reagan first term in office the price of gasoline fell in half. yes, i've seen it happen. >> because the economy went into a recession. oil prices are also collapsed when we had the global financial crisis. but, stephen, let me ask you this -- >> wait. by 1984, the economy was boon g i booming. i'm not disagreeing in the short term. i've been in washington 20 years. we've been debating whether we should drill in alaska for 20 years. if we'd done that 20 years ago we'd have the oil right now and i do believe that would affect the world oil price. >> you know, stephen, that the quantity of oil we're talking about is not going to make a difference. let me ask you, you agree the short-term increase is prices is bu of gee political uncertainty. >> >> yes i would love to hear some republican candidate say this. in the short term you wanted to bring the price of oil down, here's the way to do it. promise under no circumstances you will invade or attack iran. say that you will freely accept all iranian oil and that, in fact, encourage them to increase production. would that or would that not be the single thing that would bring the price of oil down right now? >> well, that's a little bit of a realm of expertise. i'm not expert. >> but you know it's true. >> well, look. i mean, we all want stability in the middle east and want iran to -- demilitarize. my point, because we've had 50 years of turmoil in the middle east, fareed, what i don't understand about the president's energy policies, why aren't we doing everything we possibly can to drill for as much ole oil as we can here in the united states? if the price of oil goes to $110 a barrel, don't you they makes sense not just from an economic standpoint from a national security standpoint, fareed that we drill as much as we can here so we don't have to send so much money abroad. the countries like venezuela, iran and saudi arabia? >> answer that, if you want, also i want to ask about a special on health care this weekend. >> i just want to say, i'll say it one more time. we are at a 30-year high, exporting oil for the first time. that has not driven the price down. marginal influences even in alaska -- i agree with stephen we should be doing more in terms of oil production but the idea it has an affect on the price is quite silly. it could have an affect on energy detendoindependence. look around the world, there are 20 countries in the world that face similar health care problems as we do. rich countries, they want to provide access as a decent pr . price. why is it we're the only once almost two to three times as expensive as everyone else? what can we learn from them? is there something they can learn from us? it's really an attempt to benchmark. companies always do this. benchmark and ask ourselves, what's going on in the rest of the world? why do they have health care systems that at the very least are delivering roughly the same outcome if not better outcomes at half the price. >> thank you both for being on. the deadly and destructive tornadoes that tore through the midwest and south uprooted and changed the lives of so many people. one story, a married couple videotaped and then got caught up in it. a new video going viral. a filmmaker, his video is such a to nom none, he's hospitalized. appeared maked in a public park. you see the video there. he tells me about it ahead. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world of identity thieves "enough." we're lifelock, and we believe you have the right to live free from the fear of identity theft. our pledge to you? as long as there are identity thieves, we'll be there. we're lifelock. and we offer the most comprehensive identity theft protection ever created. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. up close tonight is becoming all too familiar a sight and happened again with destructive force pap powerful tornado cutting a path of destruction in communities leveling homes, businesses in its way. the scene last evening in dexter, michigan. look at that. amazing storm. the massive job of cleaning up is just beginning. damage is being assessed. there are no reports of deaths or injuries. michigan's governor toured dexter to get a firsthand look at destruction. amazing nobody there was killed. it was a much different situation earlier this month when dozens of people died in a string of twisters across the south and the midwest. henryville, indiana, as we reported, got hit hard way massive twister. for the first time a look at funnel cloud as it took aim at one couple who did not get out of the way in time. susan candy kanl candiotti has . >> kept coming, getting bigger and bigger, way on the other side and you could see it coming down. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: from their living room window, lenora and her husband wayne saw a tornado coming at them in the distance. >> we both had our little cameras and doing it. >> that's as far -- ah -- >> man, that's a big one, too. it's a huge one. >> reporter: listen to it. >> he did not like storms. he watched them, and he liked seeing them, but i was a storm lover. >> reporter: but this twister was for real. >> it's coming right toward henryville. maybe we should tell them. it's coming here. it's picking up. it's picking stuff up pp. look, you can see it rotate. >> hope it goes to the north of us. it looks like it's heading right towards us. >> we could see it lifting stuff up. and coming out of the wall, and the different colors and we could see it -- the yellow, the green, the black, the grays, the blues. all of the different colors. >> reporter: at one point on that tape, the excitement in your voice seems to change. the tone changes. >> yeah. we knew. we knew we was going to be hit, and it wasn't going to be pretty. >> yep. maybe we should get away from the window? [ bleep ]. >> reporter: when do you decide, uh-oh. time to take cover? >> y'all will think we're crazy. it was like -- right, like, between those things and the road. it was so close. >> looking at it picking stuff up. we need to close this window. i'm sorry. i'm going to have to close the window. i've got to close the door. oh, my gosh. >> reporter: and then the tape just cuts off. >> yeah. it was time. it was -- here. we got -- we hunkered down, put the blanket over us. and we just hugged. we just -- you know -- and he was -- his head and body was up against me here. we had our arms around each other. he said, i love you. and i said i love you, too. >> reporter: the last thing she remembers was her ears popping. then she blacked out. the twister threw the couple outside their home. neighbors came looking, and heard a noise. >> well it sounded like a baby crying, is what i thought, which mike said it sound like a cat meows, when i hollered, mike, there's somebody in there. we ran in the how flipped the wall off her. got her out. she instantly saying, my husband, my husband. right next to her, we could see his feet underneath the refrigerator. >> and i knew. you know. i just knew when he was laying there like that, that -- he didn't make it. >> reporter: amazingly, lenora hunter badly bruised survived. she lost her beloved husband of 41 years and virtually everything she owns but has her family keeping her strong, and she has the videos of bittersweet memento. >> i have never seen one. i finally get to see one. maybe the last one i see. >> that's true. >> reporter: when you think back and you remember saying, i hope it's not the last. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: it turns out -- >> it was. it was for wayne. so it was for him. and he never liked them anyway. >> reporter: she will rebuild right here where the couple retired. and where she says she has to be. >> this is going to be my home. this is where you and wayne wanted to be? >> right. this is our home. and it will be my home forever. >> reporter: la nor la huenora rebuilding a home and a life after so much loss. susan candiotti, henryville, indiana. >> so sad. coming up, a soldier from texas killed in iraq. his family says she has been dead for years and sudly have his picture has started popping up in ads for online dating services, of all things. we're going to hear from the family who tracked down those websites. later new violence, kofi an, doing the best to find a peaceful solution to make it easier for humanitarian aid to reach the people who so desperately need it. i'm a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... 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[ male announcer ] good choice business pro. good choice. go national. go like a pro. digging deeper tonight for the parents of one fallen american soldier. a story that adds outrage and insult to the terrible pain of losing their son killed in iraq. there son dead for years when they found out a picture of him in uniform was being used to advertise dating websites under the headline "military man searching for love." tracking down the website to try to find out how this could have happened. >> reporter: year l last year when he appeared on a website advertising for women, hi fiancee and family couldn't believe it. >> flabbergasted. >> reporter: the family and fiancee new the ad couldn't be true, because peter burks was here. killed in iraq in november, 2007. that was four years ago, but as alan burk showed me mementos of his military life, you could still feel a father's pain. it doesn't stop there. peter was engaged to missy. a lifetime of happiness seemed around the corner. alan was on the phone with his future father-in-law the day she found soldiers at her door. >> she had just picked up her wedding dress. they were there on the front door. she saw them there, and i'll never get that scream out of my head. no! no! no! >> reporter: peter had been killed by a roadside bomb. when was this picture taken? the family dher icherishes this photograph taken just before he was killed. embodieses everything about their hero son who they would never see again -- only they did see him again. last december alan burk got an e-mail. she sent him a screen graph of an advertisement. there was the beloved photo of peter encouraging women to date u.s. soldiers. >> it's just very, very sickening. >> reporter: he says the ad appeared on at least two websites. he says peter never used those sites and suspects the image was taken from a charity website the family set up in peter's honor. so they are suing. >> this is not some teenager who post add friend's picture without permission. these are large companies that obviously took this picture and intentionally for commercial gain used it. >> reporter: just who would stoop to advertising using a dead soldier's picture? we contacted both companies. in an e-mail, they blamed the ad on a third party advertising claiming, we had no control over, or knowledge of the content of ads runed by third parties. they went on to say, the ad has been blocked from our network. in their statement, denied they were behind the ad saying never created, placed or used the photo of the lieutenant. the company also said management's of would never use the photo of a fallen soldier to promote our business, but we wanted to talk to someone in person. and it wasn't easy. this is a business address for if you look inside, you can see on the wall there is a slogan. live, love, learn. but the place is deserted, and it looks like it's been that way for a long time. >> reporter: if we couldn't find the company we went looking for the top guys. the founder, the company's president. we went from one multimillion dollar mansion -- to the next -- seems i missed him by six months. to the next. and it was the last big house where founder herb best let us in. perfectly willing to talk, only no cameras. i just came from talking to mr. best. he wouldn't go on camera but said his website is responsible for the photograph that appears and said if the photograph did appear in his website he has no idea how that could have happened and lastly points out that if the photo was there, all he can really say is that they're really sorry. but sorry doesn't cut it for a dad, a fiancee and a family who has seen old wounds ripped open by someone's quest for more money. >> this is someone trying to make a buck off of the united states military personnel. using that uniform as an affront to me, it will be an aflofront my son. >> joining us now. i can understand why this family is outraged by this and upset and hurt by it. what are they hoping to achieve with the lawsuit? >> the first thing, anderson, they want that photo stopped making sure nobody uses it and it never gets used in that way ever again. first and foremost. they also say all of this could have been avoid fundamental they simply could have spoken to someone at either one ever those websites. got answers. where did you get the photo? who put the ad up? were you responsibilities for it? every time they tried to get the answers they were stonewalled. they didn't get the answers they needed so this was the action they took. filing a lawsuit. >> anyone using images to make profit, unbelieve panel they set up a website in memory of their son. >> it's called unsung hero fund dot org. basically collects small amounts of money and buy small things. toiletries and snacks, which to us in america doesn't seem like much, but when you send them overseas to a service member serving far away from home, it means a great deal, and they know it. >> put a link up on our website. martin, appreciate it. thanks very much. the man behind the viral video, kony 2012, detained by police and acting buzzaardedly naked in the streets of san diego. the video by tmz. blown up on internet, you can imagine. trying to figure out what is going on there. we'll be right back. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ forty years ago, he wasn't looking for financial advice. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement planning for our military, veterans and their families. now more than ever, it's important to get financial advice from people who share your military values. call now for our free guide and tips on planning for your retirement this tax season. why you fell in love with her in the first place. and why you still feel the same. but your erectile dysfunction -- that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. unfortunate and unbelievable turn of events for the director of the "kony 2012" viable video. jason russell naked, screaming, pounding his fists on the ground in the streets of san diego. police in san diego said they got several 911 calls an the incident and they've been looking into this bizarre turn of events. what do we know about this? >> bizarre. 1: 11:28 yesterday, calls coming in, a man running through the streets in his underwearone caller said he was naked and masturbating at one point, although police say they never witnessed that when they showed up on scene about ten minutes later. they realized quickly this guy was acting irrationally and didn't arrest him but took him to a hospital. >> and the organization, put out a statement. what did they say? >> ben kesey, ceo of invisible children has a much different take on this saying russell suffered exhaustion, dehydration and is focusing on getting better. a severe emotional toll on all of us. jason specifically and it manifested itself in an unfortunate innocent yesterday. not exactly clear what happened. he was clearly under a lot of pressure. so much focus on -- invisible children. >> of course, with any kind of attention, questions about the fund-raising, how they spent the money, the people that back it are -- >> by all accounts, this was guy who traveled widely, who was comfortable in the world. had taken risks that -- it is shocking that it would come to this. >> yeah. we'll see what happens. i hope he gets better. thanks very much. appreciate it. the ridiculist still ahead. anderson, this special joint envoy for the u.n. and the arab league briefed the security council on the syrian crisis. kofi annan is working to find a peaceful solution, and to secure unimpeded access for humanitarian aid. the violence continued today with shelling in several cities including homs. even though staff sergeant robert bales is identified as the soldier accused of murdering 16 afghan civilians, you see him here, president hamid karzai expressed skepticism justice will be served. finally, thousands ever people lining up to be among the first to get their hands on apple's yu ipad. a super high resolution screen along with a fachtder processor and internet connections. anderson? thanks very much. coming up, tired of having to choose between pizza and vasectomies? yeah. i thought you were. it's your lucky night. the ridiculist is next. we'll explain. we want to protect the house. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 there are atm fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 account service fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and the most dreaded fees of all, hidden fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, you won't pay fees on top of fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no monthly account service fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no hidden fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and we rebate every atm fee. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd# 1-800-345-2550 because when it comes to talking, there is no fee. time for the ridiculist. tonight, the pizza and vasectomy combo. allow me to explain. a cape cod test on madness. go in for a procedure now and get a free pizza. your drive home got easier because you no longer have to make two pesky stops for dinner and male castration. don't take my word for it. >> schedule your vasectomy in time for the college basketball tournament and then camp out on the couch for uninterrupted basketball. we'll three in a free pizza for the tournament. you've been thinking about it. now's the time to get done. schedule your consultation and enjoy the games. >> work it. >> i love how at the very end the jingle you hear a lady go "work it." late to break it to you, man, all your fellow will be working the next few days is an ice pack. don't you love how the announce mer says you know you've been thinking about vasectomy anyway. actually no. i haven't. pizza, yes. vasectomy, not so mitch. the only thing i think about less, watching the basketball tournament, the one wit touchdowns, right ? you're thinking the ad has to be a spoof in it's real. hoping to snipping think story in the bud. >> right now for vasectomies in sandwich location, we're offering a free pizza for those gentlemen who like to get a vasectomy this month. >> did he say the name of the town is sandwich? i mean, pizza, sand cl -- it's not a urology clinic. it's a deli. let me try that in my larry king voice. it's not a urology clinic. it's a deli [ rim shot ] and how this complimentary pizza will be prepared? >> make two tiny punctures in the scrotum. >> that doesn't sound right. i'm sure they at least have a plan tore what to do if the cheese stretches? >> we tie the ends off and cauterize them, separate them. >> all right. i'll be honest, i'm not sure we're talking about pizza anymore. you're thinking, wonderings the question every man asks every night. what kind of toppings will be on the free pizza i get with my vasectomy. they tacked that question on to the end of his report. listen carefully as the credits roll. >> reporter: the toppings on that pizza? >> it comes with one topping. >> reporter: not so bad at all. sign me up. >> yeah. maybe you can put some meatballs on. >> owe! >> meatballs. you were thinking it. i'm sure there's a pepperoni joke in there as well. listen, we're running late and freed to cut this off. that does it for us. see you again at 10:00 p.m. eastern. thanks for watching. "piers morgan tonight" starts right now. hi, america. i'm arsenio hall if nor piers

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Bleep , It Picking Stuff , Road , Door , Gosh , Blanket , Head , Each Other , Body , Arms , I Love You , Home , Tears , Noise , Neighbors , Meows , Somebody , It Sound , Baby , Cat , Mike , Lenora Hunter , Feet , Refrigerator , Dher Icherishes , Videos , Husband , Strong , 41 , Last , Bittersweet Memento , Couple Retired , Loss , Rebuilding A , La , La Huenora , Ads , Services , Dating , Sudly , Texas , Solution , Violence , Aid , Best , Marathon Runner , Kofi An , Aspirin , Heart Attack , Blue , Absolute Perfect Physical Condition , Everyone , Doctor , Success Story , Aspirin Regimen , Bayer Chewables , Bayer , Woman , Houses , Flight , Marathon , Thanks , Car , Travel Bag , Restaurant , Growing , Band , Mom , Aarp , Ability , Marketing Analysis , Monarch , Cob , Roi , Seo , Size , Choice Business Pro , Choice , Brent , Aisle , B I G , Pro , Go National , Uniform , Spain , Headline , Insult , Parents , Outrage , American Soldier , Military Man Searching For Love , Website , Women , Website Advertising , Hi Fiancee , Tracking , Year L Last , Sad , Fiancee , Peter Burks , November 2007 , 2007 , Last December Alan Burk , Lifetime , Military Life , Happiness , It Doesn T Stop There , Mementos , Missy , Soldiers , Father In Law , Corner , Phone , Wedding Dress , Scream , Roadside Bomb , Photograph , E Mail , Screen Graph , Hero , Embodieses , Advertisement , Sites , Charity Website , Teenager , Add , Post , Image , Permission , Peter S Honor , Advertising , Control Over , Third Party , Gain , Statement , True Com , Third Parties , Content , Knowledge , Network , Runed , The Company , Someone , Person , Business , Business Address , Lieutenant , Management , Wasn T Easy , Love , Slogan , Dollar Mansion , Next , Big House , He Wouldn T Go On Camera , Mr , Doesn T Cut , Quest , Wounds , Dad , Affront , Buck Off , United States Military Personnel , Lawsuit , Aflofront , Images , Ad Up , Responsibilities , Answers , Stonewalled , Toiletries , America Doesn T , Memory , Amounts , Snacks , Profit , Unsung Hero Fund Dot Org , Unbelieve , Police , Service Member Serving , Deal , Kony 2012 , Martin , 2012 , Streets , San Diego , Buzzaardedly Naked , Tmz , Logistics , Supply , Chain , Shanghai , Clearing Customs , Hair , Technology Ups , Boards , Chips , Flat , Advice , He Wasn T , Forty , Veterans , Families , Military , Values , Somebody Else , Usaa , Cialis , Use , Erectile Dysfunction , Planning , Same , Retirement , Tax Season , Guide , Tips , Blood Flow , Daily , Right , Conditions , Symptoms , Bph , Ed Tablet , Help , Blood Pressure , Medications , Headache , Activity , Chest Pain , Side Effects , Nitrates , Injury , Drop , Excess , Alcohol , Muscle Ache , Backache , Upset Stomach , Difficulty Breathing , Hearing , Vision , Reactions , Erection , Swallowing , Tongue , Rash , Throat , Lips , Hives , Swelling , Events , Jason Russell Naked , Turn , Director , Ground , Fists , Screaming , Incident , Calls , Bizarre , 911 , Point , Man Running , Underwearone Caller , Masturbating , 28 , Invisible Children , Ben Kesey , Hospital , Organization , Didn T Arrest Him , Toll , Exhaustion , Dehydration , Jason , Questions , Attention , Accounts , Fund Raising , Focus , Ridiculist , Security Council , Arab League , U N , Kofi Annan , Robert Bales , Civilians , Cities , Shelling , Skepticism , Homs , Hamid Karzai , Processor , Screen , Hands , Thousands , Internet Connections , Yu Ipad , Apple , Fachtder , Sand Cl , Vasectomies , Save Money , Home Security Systems , Rescue Panther , House , Shhh , Fees , Chuck Tdd , Atm Fees , 345 , 2550 , 1 800 345 2550 , Service Fees , Fee , Atm Fee , Talking , Charles Schwab , Vasectomy , Procedure , Cape Cod Test , Combo , Madness , Drive , Dinner , Castration , Stops , Don T Take My Word , Tournament , Basketball , Couch , College Basketball , Jingle , Work It , Lady Go , Games , Consultation , Thinking , Ice Pack , Fellow , Haven T , Mer , Basketball Tournament , Spoof , Wit Touchdowns , Gentlemen , Name , Town , Bud , In Sandwich Location , Urology Clinic , Deli , Larry King , Pizza , Scrotum , Punctures , Doesn T Sound Right , Rim Shot , Cheese Stretches , Them , Wonderings The Question , Toppings , Report , Topping , Credits , Meatballs , Joke , Pepperoni , Watching , Brackets , Breaking News , Putin , Erin , Christopher Maloney , Anderson Cooper 360 , Meramerican , Piers Morgan Tonight , Piers , Eastern , Hi , Arsenio Hall , 360 , 00 ,

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