another teenager roger white was barred from going to class because he was hiv positive. ryan white showed you could be hiv positive and not pose a threat to other students. the question tonight, have we not learned anything since then? three years ago congress suspended the americans with disabilities act to bar discrimination based on hiv status and the timing is remarkable and to many so is the setting where this decision was made. and pennsylvania's milton hershey school, which was established 102 years ago by the chocolate company founder to provide education and opportunity for disadvantaged children. 1,800 kids now live and study there. they get room and board, clothing, medical, dental care, some of the best faculty and education opportunities available and they don't pay a penny for it. by all accounts a remarkable, extraordinary school. according to the admission standards students come from low-income, limited resources and social need. the school admits boys and girls of any race, color, religion, nationality or ethnic origin. but now they decided not to add admit a child who has hiv. he is a student athlete and taking drugs to keep the virus in check. here's what the student told philadelphia station wncu. >> i feel that no other teenager should go through this being denied just because they have hiv. >> this week the aids law project of pennsylvania filed suit on his behalf claiming the hershey school violated the americans with disabilities act. in earlier court papers, school lawyers filed for an exemption because of the possibility, the possibility he might have sex with another student. "the school knows that no child can be assumed to always make responsible decisions, which affect the well being of others." it goes on, "the school believes it has made the correct assessment of the risk of transmission of hiv in the setting and has not violated the law because this student would pose a direct threat to the health and safety of other students." that presums an awful lot. it presums that a 13-year-old would have sex and that presums that that sex is unprotected and even though the drugs that he is taking makes that more than 95% impossible. in a moment, our own experts weigh in. first on what the hershey school has to say because whatever you make of their decision, they're being straight forward about defending it. joining me now is connie mcnamara. why has your school decide to deny permission to this hiv positive young man. >> first, i would like you and your viewers to understand what the hershey school is. we are a home-like residential school. children live in student homes with 10 to 12 other students. they're here 24 hours a day throughout the calendar year. pre-k through 12th grade and students that have a diverse population and we're a home for these students. we're a home when they're with us and we have a parental responsibility. >> so, why can't an hiv positive 13-year-old live in the home, go to this school? >> because we had to balance the interests. we looked at everything and we believe that we made the right decision. we believe that in this case, because this student has an active, chronic, communicable disease, it poses a direct threat to the health and safety of the other 2,000 students we serve. >> how? >> we have to balance the interest? >> how? >> all of us are there because we want to help children. >> how is it a direct threat? >> there are a number of issues. a number of issues but the key issue for us comes down to sexual activity. we know that teenagers nationwide are significant number of sexually active. our students are no different than any other teenagers. and on our campus, in our unique, controlled environment, they are, if one of our students is engaging in sexual activity, the odds are it's with another one of our students. >> under the law, under the americans with disabilities act you cannot discriminate with anyone with hiv. >> we believe we are following the law. we know that the law sets a high standard and we've looked at this and we believe that this rises to the level of a direct threat. but we acknowledge this is a difficult decision and we are very happy that the court will be deciding on this. >> in a legal document, you have written, "the school has made an individualized assessment as required by the ada, the americans with disabilities act and implementing regulations and determined that john doe would pose a direct threat. i want to review from a question and answer document put out by the justice department, by their civil rights division to inform people with the americans with disabilities act. there's a question, "can a public accommodation exclude a person with hiv/aids because that person allegedly poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others? in almost every instance, the answer to this question is no. persons with hiv/aids will rarely, if ever, pose a direct threat in the public. given that, how can you pose there is still a direct threat? >> we are a very unique institution. >> there are hiv children going to schools across the country in boarding schools across the country and living in homes across the country with brothers and sisters. are you saying that hiv-positive children shouldn't be allowed to live in homes with other kids and shouldn't be allowed to date? >> what we're saying is that in our environment, where we have responsibility. not for just this one child, but for nearly 2,000 other children. that once we made this, once we did this analysis, we believe that it does rise to that level. and we believe we're -- >> you're saying, but you're saying, you're saying hiv positive people. what you're saying hiv positive people shouldn't date and live in a home. you shouldn't be -- >> that's not what we're saying. >> uncomfortable having an hiv child in one of your group homes. you're just not comfortable having them in a group home because they possibly may date and possibly may have sex and possibly may have sex and transmit the virus, even though this child is on medication. i assume you know that under medication now, the chance of sexual transmission, even if the child had unprotected sex, is reduced by 96% to 97% with current medication. so, you're talking about a theoretical, theoretical possibility. >> we're also talking about children. and no child can be expected to always use the best judgment and do the best things to protect the child or other people. >> what medical evidence was your decision based on? >> we did a thorough review. we had the admissions committee and our senior administration along with our medical staff review the case. >> so, you had a doctor or medical professional consulting on this? >> yes. >> and they advised you that there was a risk of having an hiv positive child in the school? >> i wasn't in those discussions, anderson, but i can tell you that the decision at the end of the day was that in balancing the risks, we had to think about those other 2,000 students in our home. >> i mean, i guess i just don't understand, what are you telling hiv positive people, young people and adults about dating, about their own responsibility, about their ability to be in a generalized community? i mean, it seems to be saying that there's this risk that all hiv positive kids are a risk because they might date somebody. >> no, what we're talking about is this individual case in our individual unique environment. and we are saying that we have to balance the interests of this one child with the health and safety of the 2,000 children already in our home. and at the end of the day, we believe this was the best decision. but we, we struggled with it and we are happy to have the court weigh in on it because we think this is a novel area of the law. >> we appreciate you joining us, thank you. >> thank you. i think this is a very important case. we'll talk about it more. up next, senior analyst jeffrey toobin and talk to dr. kimberly manning weighing in on whether the legal or medical claims you just heard stand up to the facts. let us know what you think, facebook, twitter, let me know what you think on twitter. just ahead tonight, raw politics, also. herman cain is about to make a big announcement after a week of reassessing his campaign. the latest on that, newt gingrich's rise and mitt romney's rough week. he's clean cut, wholesome and a serial killer. the youngest killer says authorities. we'll see if he was caught. crime and punishment, tonight. 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[ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ we're talking about the decision to keep a teenager out of the miltden hershey school because he's hiv positive. alleging the school is violating the americans with disabilities act. now, a moment ago you heard a school spokeswoman say that circumstances in this case are unique. that this boy, who by the way is 13 years old and taking antiviral drugs, would pose a direct threat to other students basically because this child might one day down the road at this school have sex. let's dig deeper now into legal and medical angles. jeffrey toobin and dr. kimberly. jeff, i got to say. i'm stunned by this. just on a legal, i mean, is this legal? >> you know, the hershey school is a famous place. they have done amazing work for decades, which makes their position even worse in this case because people look to this school as a model. you know, usually, in legal arguments, there is sort of arguments on both sides. i don't even understand the school's argument here. the americans with disabilities act was specifically amended to say that you can't discriminate on someone on the basis of hiv status. so, this seems to be a completely categorical violation of the law. >> there's this direct threat loophole. you can say there's a direct threat and justify it, then you can get away with it. but they haven't really described what the direct threat is. >> that he'll have sex with other students. as far as i can tell, you know, 24 years after ryan white, when we learned that people with hiv are not contaminating other people around them, except through blood or sexual conduct. the idea that that risk is enough to keep a kid out of school seems completely perposturous to me. >> his risk of transmission is dropped 96%, even if the sex is unprotected. from a medical and scientific perspective, is this school's decision to deny enrollment to the kid justified in any way? >> it's not justified. i'll say that first. the only good thing about it, it opens the eyes of medical professionals of where some of the public still is in terms of fear. just how much fear still exists. i mean, we just need to point out. this was a decision that was rooted in fear, not because of public health concern. if this was truly for public health purposes, they would have sought the counsel of the appropriate medical professionals of the compelling data that those who are taking antiviral therapy if they have intercourse, the chances of getting hiv is minimal in those instances. >> they claim they did have medical advice and consulted medical advice. jeff, do you think this is more about them not wanting to have other parents upset at the school somehow if the word leaked out, although, it wasn't that this child was going to be known as being the hiv positive child at the school or -- >> that's what they're saying. they're saying this is to protect the other kids and presumably the parents of the other kids, if they have parents. that's one of the amazing things about the hershey school. they often take kids who are orphans. it's really a fantastic place. but, i mean, the idea that this would be protecting these kids, i think all it does is send them a terrible message about how people with disabilities should be treated. >> i also don't understand then what the, if the argument is that hiv positive child, that it's not safe for them to be in a school where there's also a residential setting, then why, if you use that logic, then it's not safe for a child to be in a home where there's other kids or it's not safe for them to be dating at all and then why allow a kid to date? >> right. that's the thing. the point that the woman from the school was making was that, you know, the risk of sexual contact is something that we can't tolerate. well, i mean, 13 year olds and high school kids can have sex in any, regardless of where they go to school. it has relatively little to do with where they go to school. so, the idea that this, by keeping him out of school will somehow protect the public or even protect their students just seems, logically, and factually, not supported. >> i think, dr. manning, what some people think, too, hiv in the united states is not a death sentence. >> no, it is not. >> this is a long-term chronic condition like diabetes or that with medication, you can live a long and healthy life. this seems to be their logic seems to be rooted in, you know, 20 years ago. >> in fear. like we said, you know, you cannot combat fear with logic. that's what we're trying to do. trying to provide them some logic. but, really, they're afraid. you know, i'm a parent, too. as a parent, if this were my own child and i knew that my child's life expectancy could be well into adulthood and they would have many opportunities to be gainfully employed in a productive part of society, i would want them to have every single opportunity, which means that this is really, really unfortunate that this kind of fear still exists and we're very stunned, i think, medical doctors and those i talk to about this that someone actually, publicly, would admit that they're not admitting someone to school because they're hiv positive. that's really disturbing. >> that's what occurred to me. usually when we have discrimination in our society, people find a pretext. they say, well, they don't qualify for a lot of reasons. >> a lot of hiv discrimination cases, look, it's rare you have somebody saying it's because the person has hiv we're not going to do this. >> i have to give them a perverse kind of credit for say being honest and saying this kid is find except for his hiv status. i'm a parent, too. of course, if my kid was sick, i would want my kid to be in a great school like hershey. i thought my kids were the other kids. i wouldn't feel threatened. i wouldn't feel like their health was in danger. i would feel like this is the kind of society you want to live in where kids who have problems, you know -- >> dr. manning, also aren't there plenty of communicable diseases. i mean, herpes is widespread, various forms of herpes are widespread among adult populations and teenage populations and i doubt this school would stop somebody who has herpes from teaching at the school. >> and that points to the public stigma still attached to hiv and that people still have the mindset of the hiv of the mid-'80s of people dying immediately shortly after getting it. >> i just think this is a really important study and case, not just for this young man and his mom and his family, but just to kind of open people's eyes abou hiv in this country and the reality of it. >> i have to say, i was surprised by this case. not because it was the hershey school which is a very distinguished place but people still have these kind of fears so many years after the epidemic. >> any chance this holds up legally? >> i usually don't like to give categorical predictions, but no way a court is going to keep this kid out of this school and i think the hershey school ought to wake up, let the kid in, welcome him and not be further embarrassed because i think it's pretty embarrassing, as it is. >> jeff toobin, thank you very much. dr. kimberly manning, thank you. we'll continue to follow this. we'll continue to follow this closely in the day aahead. herman cain reassessing his campaign after allegations he had a 13-year affair. newt gingrich under fire for what he said about disadvantaged kids. we'll talk to gop strategist rich galand. he doesn't look like a serial killer, but that's what police say he is. the youngest serial killer in history. ♪ [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil. here's one story. my name is lacey calvert and i train professional athletes with yoga. if i have any soreness, i'm not going to be able to do my job. but once i take advil, i'm able to finish my day and finish out strong. then when i do try other things, i always find myself going back to advil. it really works! 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>> well, they would. and all candidates are going to have tough weeks and tough times that you have to weather, but, anderson, i think if you look over the last year, i've said all along that governor romney has, you know, when he looks at his campaign. he had two good campaigns over the last four years. they've been well organized, well funded, but yet he's not gotten more than, at his peak, he was probably a 25%, 26%. the anti-romney camp and anybody but romney camp and the romney camp, that's been pretty valid for the last year and a half. and i think it's now just continuing to bubble up and newt gingrich, with herman cain going down and stumbling, i think newt gingrich is the beneficiary and that didn't happen just in the last week. i think that's been happening over the last month. >> rich, do you really think newt gingrich could be the nominee? >> no, i don't. i mean, i'm wrong 50% of the time, so, don't anybody run out. >> you're the only one that admits that, though. >> here's the thing about romney. i think this is a mistake that once we get through this, his campaign may admit to. this is a little bit in j.c.'s background, as you know, he was a world class football player. this would be like a major football program just doing nothing but walking through the plays without pads and without contact and then going into the game on saturday and expecting to be able to perform up to their normal levels. romney has not had these kinds of, bret bear is a great reporter, but he's not a gotcha kind of reporter, but this showed that governor romney didn't have any sort of contact before this. he got into the game and turned out when he got smacked, you know, coming around the corner, it hurt. he wasn't ready for it. >> anderson can i add, i think if mitt is the, governor romney is the nominee, i think the fact that he's kind of getting a little bit of pressure and a little bit of prompting and a little bit of attention from newt, i think it makes him a much better general election candidate but we'll see how it holds up with newt, but i do think it helps romney become a better candidate. >> i absolutely agree. the problem that i think newt's going to have as we move forward is that as we know there is no infrastructure. there's no real campaign. it's newt doing what newt does, which he does brilliantly. but it's a little bit like a small engineering firm that suddenly wins a gigantic dod contract, and finds out that they're choking on the contract because they don't have the infrastructure to support all the new work, and it may well be that newt finds if he doesn't get this thing ramped up fairly quickly that once we get out of the early, the smaller states and into the floridas and down the line, that he is just not going to have the resources or the infrastructure to be able to compete with romney, who has built a campaign structure to be able to go over the long haul. remember, california isn't until june. super tuesday isn't until march. we keep talking about 30 days but this is a long way. >> briefly, rich, can you imagine, can you imagine any scenario in which herman cain stays in the race tomorrow? >> no. i can't even imagine that -- no, i can't. i'm not going to go anywhere beyond that. no, i think that -- but i think what this is going to turn out to be, i think the whole campaign was a fraud. he was in it i believe just to sell books and to raise his name i.d., and he was like the producers, the play, the movie "the producers" had no idea the play was going to be a success and thought it was going to fail. >> you really think it was a fraud, rich? >> yeah, i really do. >> j.c. do you think he'll stay in the race, do you think there's any chance? >> i don't think that his campaign was a fraud. i think that he got in the race thinking that he could be the nominee for republicans to take on president obama. i don't think that it was a fraud, but i do think that he will end this campaign, if surely not tomorrow, i think the handwriting's on the wall, and me, personally, i hope, i hope that he does. i know herman. he's a friend, and i just would hate to see him go through or his family go through what he's going to have to go through in order to try to sustain any semblance of a campaign. >> j.c. watts appreciate your time as well, rich galen as well. come up a case that has left a canadian community reeling. could it be true a popular clean-cut athlete who was their neighbor, classmate and friend is actually a serial killer? 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[ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ "crime and punishment" tonight, authorities in british columbia believe they may have the youngest serial killer in custody, sitting in jail for more than a year with no trial date in sight. for those who grew up with him he's the most unlikely suspect they can imagine. tom foreman has the story. >> reporter: this is a story that begins and ends near what locals call the highway of tears. with a pickup lurching out of a snowy logging road late at night as an officer of the royal canadian mounted police was passing. he pulled the driver over and suspected poaching, but when authorities followed the vehicle's tracks, they found something in the woods no one expected. least of all doug leslie, who was soon at the scene begging to be allowed down the road. what did you think? >> didn't no he what to think, you know. i knew it was lauren, but they couldn't tell me it was lauren, you know. >> reporter: because at that moment it was an ongoing murder investigation? >> that's right. that's right. >> reporter: earlier that day, his daughter, lauren leslie, only 15 and legally blind, had vanished, texting that she was going for a ride with a casual friend, cody. >> right over there with the ribbon around the corner there is a little pit, that's where she was found. >> reporter: now she was dead, and police were holding that pickup truck driver, 20-year-old cody legebokoff, a former high school athlete, well-known and well liked with no record of trouble. >> we've termed it that he was not on police radars. he did not have a criminal record. looks like anybody that would be walking down the sidewalk next to you. >> reporter: the arrest was shocking but what followed stunned this community. legebokoff shared an apartment with friends, worked at a local car dealership and yet he was soon accused of killing three other women, all since his high school graduation, jill stuchenko, natasha montgomery and cynthia maas, making him what locals believe to be the youngest suspected serial killer in canadian history. at the newspaper, reporter frank peebles. >> so in a 13-month period this clean-cut blond haired fit, healthy, well-employed, respected young man has been swept up in allegations of four murders. jill stuchenko was found in this travel pit. >> reporter: the first three victims were all older than the suspect, all mothers and perhaps easy targets. >> a lot of the victims had similar profiles at least on the surface, disenfranchised people, involved in the high-risk lifestyles. >> reporter: how could they have found them? the cell phone and computer records report he cruised social media sites under the name "one country boy" posting many messages to many women. >> it's my understanding several hundreds, at least several hundreds. >> reporter: it is not at all clear when this case will come to trial or if it is even complete. what is known is this, investigators are still looking, still wondering if there might be other victims hidden in these woods. legebokoff in jail has not yet entered a plea of guilt or innocence. his grandfather told a vancouver paper, he had a perfect upbringing, a perfect normal child, "the cody i know wouldn't do that." >> this was where the body of cynthia maas was discovered. >> reporter: authorities won't say if he's talking, won't say how the women were good. doug leslie thinks maybe that's good. >> i don't know how brutal it was because i don't think there's a bar strong enough to hold me up if i knew it all. >> reporter: for now all he knows is his daughter is gone and only by chance her suspected killer was caught. tom foreman, cnn, vanderhoof, british columbia. >> more insight on the >> more insight on the investigation, mary ellen o'toole is a former fbi profiler, worked on a lot of profile cases. the unabomber, the smart kidnapping case, i spoke with her earlier. mary ellen you say the age of the suspect is really stunning in this case. why? >> well, he's so young, to have committed these murders. normally we see serial sexual killers starting to act out, maybe their mid to late 20s and are apprehended maybe into their 30s, but when you see this kind of behavior, as a teenager, he really is unique in that way. >> authorities are saying that he didn't have any sort of record with police. does that surprise you, if in fact he's guilty? >> it doesn't surprise me, and here's why. he is very young, but the absence of a formal criminal record does not mean that criminal behavior is absent. as a matter of fact, you don't just go one day being a normal regular person and the next day snapping into a serial killer. so there would have been behaviors along the way that he engaged in that were criminal. he just did not get identified and apprehended for them. >> there are descriptions of him being well-liked and charming. are those the adjectives that usually describe serial killers? >> i've certainly heard that about many serial killers and interviewed many serial killers and one of the distinctive features about many of them, if not most of them, is that they are engaging, they're charming and they're very glib, and they have that persona of being very normal. >> social media played a role in the death of the four victims things like e-mail, facebook, texting, is it changing the crimes of serial killers, is it making connecting with people maybe easier? >> well, i think it is changing. i've seen this now in a number of cases, and what's so interesting to me is that through social networking, there is now another filter by which that individual has to show the victim, hey, i'm normal. i'm not going to hurt you. i'm not a threat to you, so that filter is done through his linguistic patterns or through his words. >> what doesn't make sense to you in all of this? is there something that stands out as not fitting a profile besides obviously the age? >> he's sophisticated, older for his years in that he has several scene. he's got a contact scene and probably has murder scenes and then he has a body disposal site. >> when you say scenes what do you mean? >> when i say scenes, we look for as an fbi profiler, we would look for how many scenes are involved in one of these cases. we look for the scene where he first made contact with the victim, and in this case through social networking, but then at some point he had to really meet her in person. the more scenes can actually imply the more sophisticated the offender, because he understands that if he does everything at one scene, there is a greater likelihood of him leaving evidence, being seen by someone, so separating out those scenes becomes indicative of someone who has really thought this through like a predator. >> that's really interesting. i had never heard that term before. mary ellen o'toole, i appreciate it, thank you. >> you're very welcome. thank you. up next now, syria, caught practicing the big lie, there's no other way to put it, syrian foreign minister sharing graphic videos, claims that they showed terrorist groups committing crimes in syria this year, but they aren't from this year and they aren't from syria. an official decision on coach joe paterno's at penn state. that she shut the door ♪ ♪ girl started blowing up their credit score ♪ ♪ she bought a pizza party for the whole dorm floor ♪ ♪ hundred pounds of makeup at the makeup store ♪ ♪ and a ticket down to spring break in mexico ♪ ♪ but her folks didn't know 'cause her folks didn't go ♪ ♪ to free-credit-score-dot-com hard times for daddy and mom. ♪ nice, huh? 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[ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to keeping them honest again tonight. tonight, for months, syria's leaders have been lying about what's taken place inside their country and tonight another lie exposed. news conference on monday the same day a damning u.n. report was released. the report found syrian security and military forces have committed crimes against humanity. now all along the syrian government has said that armed terrorist gangs are causing the violence. the foreign minister shared several videos he claims showed killings in syria by the alleged terrorist gangs but the video looked familiar to the lebanese network future tv, they traced it back to 2008. turns out it was a shot in tripoli, lebanon. he claimed the next video showed a syrian citizen being killed by armed gangs. most of it is too gruesome to show you. we blurred part of it but it may be hard to look at. the video was shot in may 2010 also in lebanon, not syria. the man is an alleged egyptian murderer. it appears he's been lynched. i talked about all this with zaidoun, a syrian activist. to protect him we're only using his first name. zaidoun, first of all how are you doing and what are you seeing in terms of violence? >> well, anderson, it is just getting crazier and crazier. i mean, things are getting worse. maybe before the arab league initiative, there was killing, now it is more. you just saw the conference held by the minister of foreign affairs of the regime. he was claiming that there are no tanks in the cities. now i cannot just understand that, when i can see tanks on a daily basis, and nothing has changed. the same violence is there, arresting people on a daily basis, killing people on a daily basis. today we lost almost 20, 25 lives, half of them in hamas. nothing has changed. in fact, it is turning more into just crazy violence. >> the syrian foreign minister you said gave this news conference on monday and he showed very graphic videos allegedly depicting violence against civilians by what he described as terrorist gangs, except it was very dishonest. some of the video wasn't even from syria, nor was it even shot this year. what you can tell us about how the government there is trying to blame the violence on these so-called terrorist gangs? >> sorry for laughing but let me just explain something to you. this regime cannot do anything right, even lying. they are bad even at lying. it did not take us more than one or two hours to show all these lies. moreover, while he was talking, i could not stop myself just running to facebook and just writing that this guy is lying. i can see tanks right now. and even though there is some now violence from the other side, who caused that? it was caused just by the regime itself. now people are talking about defending themselves. they have peacefully demonstrating for the past eight and a half months and the regime is just facing that with more violence and with more killings and shooting and all these things. now, don't blame these people if they defend. making, taking into consideration that all the videos he showed were just fake. none of them was true, was really funny. i don't know, they don't even have good guys to find something that could be fabricated in a bitter way? i don't know. they are bad in everything, even in just lying but please, the people of syria, i believe in you. i beg you, do not react to what the government is doing. our day of freedom is coming. this country will live. we will die, yes, but this country will live forever. >> you really believe a day of freedom is coming still? >> yes, i do. >> zaidoun, thank you for talking to us. please stay safe. >> don't worry, thank you very much, anderson. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. take care. >> a lot of very brave people in syria right now. let's check other stories we're following. gary? the 5-year-old son of mindy mccrede is safe with the u.s. marshals tonight. he was under court order after taking him to tennessee. her parents have custody of the child. the boy's grandmother made a public plea asking her daughter to bring her grandson home. dr. conrad murray will appeal his conviction in the death of michael jackson. sentenced last week to four years in prissen and likely he will serve no more than two years. it's official, joe paterno is no longer the head coach of penn state. they dismissed paterno along with graham unemployment is at its lowest rate in nearly three years. that's the latest, anderson? a young woman, 24 years old, she is white, he is black. they went to her family church and the pastor said to her parents, don't come back any more. don't sing here at this church because i don't want my 3-year-old granddaughter to look and think that as a white child, she can grow up to marry a black man. that really happened in this country this summer. stella harville comes out to tell her story of what's happening with this church and the congregation voted to not have a biracial marriage. she comes out front to tell her story. we'll also talk about what president barack obama is doing to get re-elected. here's a hint, hillary has something to do with it. back to you, anderson. >> erin, thanks. coming up, the ridulist. dry mouth may start off as an irritant. it'll cause cavities, bad breath. patients will try and deal with it by drinking water. water will work for a few seconds but if you're not drinking it, it's going to get dry again. i recommend biotene. all the biotene products like the oral rinse...the sprays have enzymes in them. the whole formulation just works very well. it leaves the mouth feeling fresh. if i'm happy with the results and my patients are happy with the results, i don't need to look any farther. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? 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[ indistinct conversations ] [ hissing ] agents, what did we learn here today? that lint balls are extremely flammable! well, yeah. and that 15,000 dryer fires happen every year! that's why it's important to regularly clean and inspect your vents! correct. where did you get that?! i built it. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ > time now for the ridiculist. tonight i got to add a guy named ed schultz. before we begin, let me just say a few things. i think cable news feuds are stupid and i think when tv anchors try to start feuds with other tv anchors it's usually a sign they're worried about their own ratings and trying everything they possibly can to get attention and boost said ratings. so i wasn't really surprised to hear that this guy ed schultz decided to suddenly take a shot at me the other day. i don't really know who ed schultz is. i think i met him once in passing years ago, but i have never actually seen his show. i'm told he yells a lot, and i know he works at msnbc and i know he's moved around in various time slots. that is it. okay, also, writing this today i also found out that he makes a lot of inappropriate comments about other people that he then has to apologize for and/or get suspended for like this one from his radio show. >> do you know what they're talking about like this right-wing slut, what's her name, laura ingraham? yeah she's a talk slut. >> "gq" has written a satirical list of the 25 least influential people alive. he made the list. "do you watch the ed show on msnbc? of course you don't. no one does. the only reason people watch the ed show is they're working out in a hotel gym they can't find a staff member to change the channel to espn." why anyone, anyone would care what someone says about them in a humor column in "gq," i cannot understand. apparently he has a thin skin for because he thinks his inclusion on the list has to be some kind of conspiracy. a conspiracy between "gq" and me. the other day on his radio show he said this. >> i know that anderson cooper floats around in that "gq" crowd, i don't know if he's behind it or publicists at cnn. let me just say, i'm kicking his ass. >> what? here i am just living my life doing my thing, and this person i don't even know says this. now as for the kicking my ass part i'm assuming he's talking about ratings and his statement can be easily debated, i'll spare you the minutia, trust me nothing will make your eyes glaze over faster but i take issue with your contention that i "float around in the gq crowd." i don't know where the "gq" crowd is. as for the idea that i somehow influence their decisions on end of the year lists, that's just silly. everyone knows i'm far too busy campaigning to get gary tuchman named next year's sexiest man alive in "people" magazine and you think "golf digest" best putters of 2007 is going to write itself? my schedule is full. just for reference, look at some of the other people who made the 25 least influential list. there's paul reiser, princess beatrice, the guy who predicted the rapture was going to happen this y