Transcripts For CNNW American Morning 20111114

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>> i did. >> welcome to "american morning." >> first, let's get started. could be a tipping point in the wall street movement. patience with the protests wearing thin and more and more cities grown tired of the headaches associated with the protests. in portland, oregon, a standoff on the city streets overnight. more than a dozen arrested as police cleared the city parks of makeshift camps. the mayor of portland telling cnn the every campments are now public health hazards. and two policemen arrested when police tried to remove furniture and tents set up in a park. and in philadelphia, the city's mayor telling reporters what started out as a peaceful protest is now threatening public safety. >> occupy philly has changed. we're seeing serious health and safety issues playing out on almost a daily basis. occupy philly is fractured with internal disagreement and disputes. the people of occupy philly have also changed, and their intentions have changed. and all of this is not good for philadelphia. >> here in new york, with winter looming, volunteer doctors and nurses are providing the occupy wall street protesters with free flu shots. two new developments in the penn state scandal, both involving disgraced former assistant coach jerry sandusky. there are new questions this morning about the judge who granted bail to the accused child abuser and new concerns from neighbors after a cinder clock was apparently thrown through the window of sandusky's home. live in state college, pennsylvania, mary snow, what's the latest? good morning. >> reporter: good morning alina. you know, there have been reported siting of jerry sandusky. one report placed him at a local store and has left some residents in disbelief he's out on bail, given where he lives, which you're about to see. when he was charged with 40 counts of sexually abusing children, jerry sandusky was rae leased on $100,000 bail. one condition, the former penn state defensive coordinator was told not to go near children, but take a look where his house is located. this is the playground from lamont elementary school. right over here is jerry sandusky's house and from his back porch he has a clear view of it. the administrators of the elementary school say local police reached out to them following sandusky's arrest. the district superintendent is quoted saying the school which runs through the second grade has taken additional administrative action to ensure our children are safe. to be clear, sandusky's never been accused of harming random children, rather, of molesting young boys after developing close relationships with them through second mile, the charity he founded. sandusky's maintained his innocence. the road to his home is blocked off, and private property sign on his lawn went up this weekend after police say a cinder block was thrown through a window. nearby neighbors question why he's out on bail. >> it baffled my mind. >> i think presumption of innocence, we all like to believe in that, and we do in this country, but i think there's a level of protection that a neighborhood and a community is entitled to. >> reporter: melissa and carl anderson have two little boys. carl was such a fan of sandusky's as one time, he had an autographed limited edition copy of sandusky's book "touched." >> immediately alternates between anger and sadness, really. i mean, it really is a loss of kind of community, wholesale community innocence. >> reporter: have you seen more police here in the last week? >> yes. >> reporter: the andersons for one want to see a stiffer bail, and now a new revelation about the judge who set the bail. the judge's law firm listed her as a volunteer for second mile. cnn's legal analyst jeffrey toobin. >> the judge certainly should have raised the issue, disclosed her connections to the second mile, so that the parties in the case could decide whether they wanted to ask her to recuse herself. >> reporter: now, cnn has reached out. we did try to contact the judge in this case, but so far, alina, we haven't received a response. alina? >> mary snow live for us in state college, pennsylvania. mary, thank you. all right. president obama talking jobs. terror and torture. and nudging the super committee, too, all on his visit to hawaii for the apec summit. >> 18 other world leaders are there who may hold the key to job creation in this country. our dan lothian has the latest from hawaii. >> reporter: alina, christine, president obama touted progress but also addressed challenges in the effort to boost trade with asia, create more jobs at home, but also in dealings with iran and china. at a press conference marking the end of the apec summit, the president also took a swipe at republican hopefuls when i asked this question about their views on waterboarding. >> last night at the republican debate some of the hopefuls, they hope to get your job, they defended the practice of waterboarding which is a practice that you banned in 2009. herman cain said, "i don't see that as torture." michele bachmann said that it's "very effective." so i'm wondering if you think that they're uninformed, out of touch or irresponsible? >> that's multiple choice question, isn't it? let me just say this -- they're wrong. waterboarding is torture. it's contrary to america's traditions. it's contrary to our ideals. that's not who we are. that's not how we operate. we don't need it no order to prosecute the war on terrorism, and we did the right thing by ending that practice. if we want to lead around the world, part of our leadership is setting a good example. and anybody who has actually read about and understands the practice of waterboarding would say that that is torture. and that's not something we do. period. >> reporter: on a question about the super committee's different task of finding $1.2 trillion in cuts by the november 23rd deadline, the president said this -- >> my hope is that over the next several days the congressional leadership on the super committee, go ahead and bite the bullet and do what needs to be done, because the math won't change. >> reporter: but the primary focus of the apec summit, finding new opportunities for u.s. goods in asia, the president's saying that 95% of consumers are beyond u.s. borders, and he wants to see more of those consumer, with products that are stamped "made in america." aileen in a, christine? >> not a bad gig, if can you get it, in hawaii. also this morning italy is about to get a new leader, economist mario monti was nominated to replace silvio berlusconi as prime minister. italy's president praised him as a gifted, competent and experienced leader, and he better be, because italy needs him to help solve the ongoing financial crisis. and anders breivik is making his first court appearance in norway, charged with killing 77 people in a bombing and shooting rampage in oslo back in july. dozens of relatives and alleged victims are on hand. he has pleaded not guilty. the judge is expected to decide today whether to leave breivik jailed until his trial begins in the spring. and inquiry into the news of the phone hacking scandal begins today in london. headed up by a judge. the outcome could transform the way newspapers there operate. first witnesses are expected to be called next week. all right. ahead on "american morning with paula zahn," the -- one of them is making the move on the front-runners. gloria cain speaking out for the first time since sexual harassment allegations surfaced against her husband. why she says the allegations just can't be true. and the occupy wall street protesters who got the opportunity of a lifetime, and told hold of it serenading the president and 18 other world leaders in hawaii with a protest tune. the video you've got to see and how he got there with a guitar. that's at the top of the hour. meineke's personal pricing on brakes. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. welcome back to "american morning." with seven weeks to go before the iowa caucus the republican presidential candidates are flocking to the hawkeye state this week. michele bachmann hosting two town halls in iowa today. newt gingrich has a meet and greet with employees at an insurance company then to a book signing. rick perry is raising money at a dinner and silent auction. right now in iowa it is all about shaking hands and being seen. cnn's deputy political director paul steinhauser joins us live from washington this morning. paul, a gop debate on saturday, and i guess the headline is, there was no big headline. right? >> reporter: exactly. it was very much calmer a debate than what we saw in our debate in las vegas last month. tomorrow, you mentioned, seven weeks until the iowa caucuses. where does the race for the gop nomination stand? two polls came out friday. there's mitt romney as we've seen. you can see all tied up. newt gingrich, seen him rising in the polls, basically left for dead back in may and june when his campaign seemed to collapse, but he is inching his way up. herman cain as 17% basically a dead heat. almost a three-way battle for the top spot. another poll in cbs shows a similar thing as well. cain at the top, but romney and gingrich, everyone with the sampling area and another thing, 17% undecided in both polls. a lot of republican voters still haven't made up their minds with seven weeks to go. cnn, we've been in the field, a brand new poll of our own out in a couple hours, alina. >> why the sudden surge for newt gingrich, do you think? >> reporter: the debates are one reason. he does very well in the debates and we saw it again saturday night in south carolina, and he also seems to be like the elder statesman, the ideas man when it comes to these debates. that's one reason's he has slowly but surely been rising in the polls. republican voters like what they hear from newt gingrich at these debates. one of the other takeaways saturday night, barack obama coming under attack over his stance on iran and other foreign policy issues. mitt romney not coming under attack from the other candidates and rick perry needed a big debate. we remember what happened last wednesday night, his gaffe in michigan. take a listen. had fun whip this on saturday night. >> governor perry, you advocate the elimination of the department of energy. if you eliminate the department of energy -- >> you remembered it. i've had some time to think about it, sir. >> me, too. >> reporter: a little bit of a fun moment. he actually made news as well as the debate. talked about aid to foreign country. start at zero with every country and go up from there. alina, remember, one more debate on foreign policy and national security, that's a cnn debate coming up a week from tomorrow night. >> can't wait. i could watch that perry video 1 million times. makes me laugh every single time. i want to talk more about iowa. the iowa caucus is seven weeks away. why the sudden campaign blitz now? >> reporter: i think a lot of the candidates have been waiting, saving their money. not at much money to go around this cycle as last time. they're waiting. people are actually starting to listen into the candidates, with seven weeks to go. that's why you'll see an explosion of visits to the hawkeye state this weekend straight through december. this saturday most of the candidates will be at a social conservative forum, family values forum. we'll see a lot more of that. we're just about there, alina. >> paul steinhauser, nice to see you. herman cain's wife is speaking for the first time since sexual harassment allegations surfaced. gloria cain on fox news saying her husband would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said. >> to hear such graphic allegations and know that that would have been something that was totally disrespectful of her as a woman, and i know that's not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> four women have now accused the gop front-runner of inappropriate behavior during his days at the nosh restaurant association. two have come forward publicly. cain denied all allegations. i want to check today's weather. rob marciano in the extreme weather center way look at that. good morning. >> good morning. a storm that rolled through colorado over the weekend. the same storm, actually, or at least a part of it, that hit alaska last week and did all the damage along the alaska coastline. it did damage across the front range of the rockies as well with a decent amount of snow, causing trouble on the roadways and power outages because of big time winds across higher elevations. the snow totals across colorado and utah getting into the act. a lot of the ski resorts in colorado and california actually opened up this weekend. a good time. 11 inches at snowbird and 13 at brighton. in frisco, keystone, 115 mile-an-hour winds. not exactly good skiing weather. 100 mile-an-hour winds at as penn pass and wheatland, 68 miles per hour. a strong storm system pouring into the midwest. a severe threat of isolated tornadoes. wind damage with some of these storms. the more likely event with hail as well, folks. from the ohio river valley down through parts of the midsouth including paducah and the deep south, the mexica border, a lower piece of energy instigates storms across the rio grande and central and southern texas. the rain right now is reaching across parts of the great lakes. the back side is where the strongest storms are. severe thunderstorm and tornado warning early this morning across parts of east central illinois heading into indiana, where the severe weather threat will be over the next couple of hours, i think. along this front, slow to move off to the east. ahead of the front, i don't need to tell you this, temperatures have been balmy. up and over 70 in some spots over the weekend, and chicago had breezy conditions yesterday with high temperature near 70. 58 degree, cooler behind the front in chicago. most of the rain slides off to the east throughout the day today. 64 degrees in new york city. yeah, that's warm. 72 degrees expected in atlanta. if you are traveling today, delays possible this morning across chicago because of morning showers. i think most of that will stay south and east. east towards detroit. more significant rainfall expected and the threat for severe weather in cincinnati this afternoon especially. cleveland and denver, back side of the system, brings in winds across the lower elevations of the mile high city. denver, another win. tebow didn't exactly bring it, but they got another win against kansas city yesterday against the broncos. >> rob, thank you. still to come on "american morning," many call super mario. can he fix-itly's ailing economy? and justin timberlake says it wa one of the most memorable nights of his life. not what you think. so what was he talking about? we'll tell you just ahead. 20 minutes after the hour. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. plus veggie nutrition. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at nce companies you're just a policy. at aviva, we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. welcome back. "minding your business" this morning. right now it's unclear whether wall street's rally will enter a second week. u.s. stock futures are mixed this morning. the positive political news out of europe. resolution there encouraging investors to buy. president obama stressing the need for increased trade with the asia-pacific region. at this weekend's summit of asian economic powers in hawaii, the president pitched his vision for a seamless-free trade zone. he stressed such a deal is vital to bolstering america's economy. nine days and counting until the super committee's deadline and so far no deficit reduction deal yet. republican congressman who co-chair, the committee tells cnn tax hikes may be a reality. the 12 lawmakers have until november 23rd to reach an agreement on at least $1.2 trillion in tax cuts, spending cuts and deficit cuts, over the next decade. expect a tense face-to-face meeting this week between lawmakers and head of the federal finance agency. the hearing is about the planned million dollar bonuses for top executives of freddie mac and fannie mae. they needed $170 million in taxpayer bailouts just to stay afloat. and approximately $18 billion, the airline emirates announcing yesterday it placed an order for 50 boeing 777s jetliners. the order is the largest in boeing's history. immortals battles its way to the top of the box office. the 3d action flick took in an estimated $32 million rounding out the top three, adam sandler's "jack and jill "and jay ed ger starring leonardo dicaprio. "american morning" will be right back after this break. ♪ ♪ if i should fall from grace with god ♪ ♪ where no doctor can relieve me ♪ ♪ if i'm buried 'neath the sod ♪ but the angels won't receive me ♪ ♪ let me go, boys, let me go, boys ♪ ♪ let me go down in the mud where the rivers... ♪ [ female announcer ] when you're responsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. ♪ you know, if they find out or i said to myself, so what? >> an occupy wall street protesters gets a chance to play in front of president obama and 18 other heads of state. something the white house really didn't bargain for on this "american morning." all right. welcome back, everyone. about half past the hour. time for this morning's top stories. a turning point in the occupy movement. several cities cracking down on protesters over the weekend. in portland, oregon, more than a dozen people arrested after police tried to clear protesters from city parks. and in denver, two police officers injured trying to remove furniture from an encampment. new questions raised about the judge who granted bail and freed former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky. district judge leslie worked as a volunteer for sandusky's second mile charity, and legal analysts say she should have disclosed that. reports that sandusky continues to get a large pension payout from penn state. president obama saying china needs to act like a grown-up nation now and play by the same rules as everyone else. he met one-on-one with president hu as he hosted the leaders of 18 pacific asian leaders at the apec summit in hawaii, and also warned iran that no options are off the table in light of the new report on this secret nuclear weapons program. did you see this? an occupy wall street protester really pulled a fast one on the white house. he somehow made his way in, actually got to play his protest song in front of the president, and 18 other world leaders at apec. >> call it occupy aloha. brianna keilar spoke to this very bold musician. >> reporter: christine and alina, as president obama and 18 other heads of state and their spouses dined on saturday night at the apec leaders dinner, they were unwittingly serenaded by a musician almost 45 minutes as he sang a song about the occupy wall street movement. that's matthew, or as he calls himself, mcconna. hawaiian for "the gift." here here on oahu rorg recognizr playing guitar. pe played for president obama, 18 other heads of states and their spouses. ♪ we'll occupy the streets we'll occupy ♪ >> reporter: a song about the occupy wall street movement probably wasn't what they had in mind. providing background music he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal an owl wall street. >> i was shy about it. everybody stop and listen to me. total opposite. it was very subtle. >> reporter: then he played it over and over. he said for more than 40 minutes in all. >> it didn't go over bad, so i kept playing. i felt like it was the only song i should be playing and i should really play it a lot. i don't have any other means of exercising my voice to shape policy that affects my life other than singing and writing songs. >> reporter: cell phone video recorded by his sound technician shows some leaders turning to look at him. others appeared not to notice at all, he said. >> so i just came from playing the world leaders dinner at apec. >> reporter: he opposes the trade goals planned his pro nest conjunction with anti-apec organizers who edited this video together and helped publicize what he'd done on the website, apec sucks dotcom and on a fake twitter feed. he first played for the obama in 2009. his second performance here in hawaii is likely his last. >> when i thought, wow you know, they're never going to invite me back if they find out, or hold on. i thought to myself -- so what? >> reporter: he said president obama was on the other side of the tent from where he was performing and from what he could see, the president appeared to be engaged in conversation throughout much of the dinner, and it was unclear if he realized he was listening to a protest song. the white house declined to comment on the incident. christine and alina? >> all right brianna keilar. thank you. i don't know whether he should be happy or upset nobody was listening to him. >> that nobody noticed he was playing the same song for 45 minutes? >> there you go. in italy, a new political era begins today. the enbattled silvio berlusconi is out and mario monti is in. in line to be the country's next prime minister, and his first job, save italy from financial ruin. >> our matthew chance is live in rome for us this morning. good morning, matthew. >> reporter: good morning, alina. it's a big task when you phrase it in that way. italy's got massive economic problems. $2.6 trillion in public debt, it's got to pay that off to get the budget balanced. mario monti, former eu commissioner, an economist in the country, working hard to pick up the reins of power and put together a cabinet which he were caps get up and running by the end of the week to really take on some of those difficult measures. it's going to be a pretty tough task ahead for him, though, in the shadows, as it were, following on from silvio berlusconi. that bigger, dominated italian politics for the last two decades. >> monti knows about international business and making tough choices with general electric, with microsoft. he knows international business. so what are the chances of him actually getting the italian economy back on track? >> reporter: well, i think there's no doubt that people feel that mario monti is the right guy for the job. he's going to come up with a whole list of measures which are gob to be welcomed by the money markets, undoubtedly, which are going to be bringing down that budget deficit in the country. that public debt. the problem that mario monti is going to have, because he's unelected, is that he doesn't really have a political mandate. some of the measure, going to be very difficult for italians to swallow. it's a country given over to street protests. when he starts cutting pensions, cutting back on public sector jobs he might face mass protests in the streets of italy, not to mention in the italian parliament itself, because this is going to be -- these are measures that have defied reform for a long time in italy. it's going to be very difficult for this man to get it through. >> i believe matthew was tweeting this morning there are positive indications in bond markets in italy. matthew chance, thank you very much for that. appreciate your report. justin timberlake is a man of his word. the singer turned actor escorted corporate kelsey desantis to the marine corps ball saturday night. you may remember that kelsey invited justin to the ball by posting a youtube video after justin publicly encouraged his friends with benefits to accept a similar invitation from a serviceman. >> something tells me she's going to keep her end of the bargain, too, now, now that he's done it. ahead on "american morning," the penn state sex abuse scandal. we'll speak with a graduate and member of jerry sandusky's second mile foundation. wipe he says he was one of the lucky ones. after two decades, a historic site is back open to the public. a sneak peek a little later. it's 37 minutes after the hour. d more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! 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[ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get zero first month's payment, zero down, zero security deposit and zero due at signing on any new volkswagen. visit morning." the child sex abuse scandal that rocked penn state. our next guest is a penn state grad who also went through jerry sandusky's second mile foundation. he wrote an explosive op-ed on what the scandal says about leadership and not just at penn state, but in the country. thomas day joins us live from chicago. welcome to the program. >> great to be with you, christine. >> i want to talk first about, it's been an emotional week. the team back on the field over the weekendment most emotional five officer six moments in football i've certainly seen, or in any sport. tell me how you're feeling about this as a former student, someone who went through this program, you're horrified by everything that's happened. >> well, i grew up in state college. i went to penn state and you're right, it has been an extremely emotional week for all of us. i've got to tell you, i'm very proud of how our students, how our entire community and how our team, you know, carried themselves on saturday. we didn't win the game, but, you know, as soon as the game was over, even though we lost, everybody gave the team a standing ovation and cheered, "we are penn state." as you can tell by my tie, i still remain very proud of my school. you know, even after this horrible, horrible situation. >> tell me a little about the second mile, tell me a little about the program were you a part of, how you got involved, and did you know anything about whether there were rumors? what was the reputation of sandusky at that time? >> well, the second mile is a really large organization. they serve thousands of people around pennsylvania. my part of the second mile was called the second mile friend fits in program. my mom, when i was 15 years old, got me involved with the program. they set me up with a mentor. i may not look it, but they had me work out at the gym a couple of times a week, and, you know, as i gained whatever limited physical strength i had, i was gaining confidence, and you know, i was never harmed during my time at the second mile. but you know, my experience with the second mile was nothing but positive. to your question about -- go ahead. >> you said you worked with a group of 20-something young people who took from you a c student to the university of chicago, where you're studying for a master, now. took from you a kid who was the waterboy on the football team to someone who's the 101st airborne. he really transformed you into a positive young man. >> you're right. they made me into the man i am today, and the thing i'm most worried about with this situation is that the mission of the second mile can no longer continue. you know, there are thousands of kids around pennsylvania who are being served by this outstanding organization, and i recognize that there are leaders who are not blameless in the situation. >> right. >> with the second mile, but in some way, shape or form, the mission of the second mile has to continue. >> it has been so tarnished by the allegations against the founder. i mean, so tarnished by the word sandusky, the word second mile. it just brings heartbreak to people when they think that anyone with all of the positive work, that any one person could have been harmed, you know. butty say he had no reputation, and none of this was even thought of, when you were there? >> you're right. i was back home in state college. my mom still lives in state college, and i went and visited a couple people who are still involved with the second mile. at this point it was being investigated that there might have been some wrongdoing, it had been reported and i asked them, what do you think about this? and their reactions were all the same. you know, how could they ruin this man's name around town? it didn't rahn dawn on them there may be some truth to these allegations. and in defense of coach paterno, you know, by the way, i agree with the decision made by the board of trustees. it's possible that his thought process was much the same. you know, how could this man have done it? >> let me ask you, so you wrote an op-ed to the "washington post," this part got our attention. you said we're living in a leadership culture. you say we with the demise of my community's two most revered leaders, sandusky an joe paterno, i decided to continue to respect my elders but politely tell them, how my way. they've had their time to lead. time's up. i'm tired of waiting for them to live up to obligations." then you see both here and in washington, you go on to say, the failure of a generation is as true in the halls of congress as it is at penn state. you take this and you make a bigger issue about how people who look like leaders and walk around like leaders but really aren't. tell me that connection. >> well, first of all, i want to make very clear that i do respect my parents' generation. i worked for general david petraeus. i know that my parents' generation produced some outstanding leaders. my point was simply to say that the leaders, you know, of this generation, my parents' generation, aren't leading public opinion in a way that, you know, that would enable to us make the kind of investments in our country that, you know, the greatest generation, my grandfather's generation, did. and part of this is because, you know, people of my generation just don't have a whole lot of faith in our leaders today, and, you know, frankly, there's only, you know, so many john edwards and so many tom delays that we can take before we say, you know, i can't follow you anymore, and for me, the situation with coach paterno and jerry sandusky, who were absolutely the most revered leaders of my community growing up was just kind of the final straw, and i apologize to the people of my parents' generation that came across as being emotional, but that was kind of my visceral response. >> thanks for joining us. member of sandusky's second mile foundation and the writer of this op-ed in the "washington post." thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. we want to tell you now about a new program here on cnn called "the next list" it focuses on america's innovator, the people creating cutting edge technology that will one day change our lives when it comes to technology, education and entertainment. check it out. i can remember very, very accurately, which i'm told from even really excellent researchers at the center in philadelphia that people can do this. i can't imagine how they can but i'm told they can. i catalog smells in my head. i remember them. i can pull them and start arranging them in my head without even doing anything physically. >> so these are the people we should be watching for. "the next list" debuts this weekend. airs every sunday at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. 47 after the hour. have you ever wanted to see the place where nasa scientists build rocketships? nerd alert. you can now. we're going to take you inside the vehicle assembly building at the kennedy space center. >> all right. check this guy out. we're going to tell you why he's buried under hundreds of t-shirts. one of them as big as a queen-size mattress. >> why? why? why? are you going to tell me? >> we'll tell you. that's ahead on "american morning." it's 48 minutes after the hour. ♪ [ male announcer ] what is the future of fuel? the debate is over. ♪ lexus hybrid drive technology is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet. even those we don't use yet. because when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer a future-proof hybrid system. you engineer amazing. ♪ 50 minutes past the hour. what you need to know to start your day -- cities across the country are cracking down on the occupy movement. police officers moving in to reclaim public spaces. overnight in portland, oregon police cleared out protesters saying there's an increased crime rate around the camps. the judge who ruled the former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky could be freed on bail is now coming under fire. the district judge reportedly worked as a volunteer for sandusky's second mile charity, and legal analysts say she should have disclosed that. president obama with a new warning to tehran as he wrapped up the apec summit of asian-pacific leaders in hawaii. the president is saying the u.s. is not taking any options off the table in the efforts to stop iran from developing a nuclear weapon. former european commissioner mario monti has been nominated as italy's new prime minister. he must now form a new government and work to get italy back on solid financial footing. the woman who helped create the pink ribbon campaign for breast cancer awareness has died. evelyn lauder died from complications of ovarian cancer on saturday. a memorial service will be held today in new york. lauder was an executive at cosmetic giant estee lauder, she was 75 years old. herman cain's wife is speaking out for the first time since his sexual harassment scandal broke. gloria cain says her husband totally respects women and she doesn't believe the allegations. that's the news you need to start your day. "american morning" is back after this. welcome back. the soyuz spacecraft carrying one american astronaut and a team of russians is on its way to the international space station. >> three, two, one -- >> and there's the blastoff this morning in the middle of a snowstorm. this is the first flight of a u.s. astronaut since nasa shut down its shuttle program. the russian spacecraft expected to land wednesday. and the last to fly to the international space station is taking on a new role. space shuttle "endeavour" is now a museum. >> and a first look inside the history-making spacecraft. cnn's john zarrella gives us a sneak peek. >> reporter: these folks are some of the first inside. for more than 30 year, it had been closed to visitors. >> took lots of pictures. and some of them i don't understand, because how do you take a pick che of this? a picture of the ceiling. unbelievable. >> reporter: if you think that's unbelievable. >> orbiter "endeavour." >> reporter: for current and future space geeks, this is heaven. a moment. "endeavour" is housed here until its california home is ready. do you know what you're looking at back that? >> yeah. >> reporter: what is it? >> a space rocket. >> reporter: this is rich in history and now reopened for public tours, from here the massive saturn 5 moon rockets were assembled before rolling out to the launch pad. >> we had thousands in here. probably 6,000 people in this building. >> reporter: conrad work and the apollo space shuttle programs. >> probably won't see anything like this in our lifetime. >> reporter: all shuttles started out from this building, too. made it to the fuel tanks and booster rockets. because of the fuels and chemicals used during the shuttle era, nasa closed the doors to outsiders in 1978. with the shuttle program over, nasa is again allowing tours from the visitors complex to stop here. >> we said, well, we absolutely have to do that. that's just not optional. >> reporter: to this day, the v.a.b. remains one of the biggest buildings in the world. 525 feet high. by volume, it's the fourth largest in the world. so here's weren't of those interesting nasa factoids, the vehicle assembly building behind me and that american flag you see there, well, it is so large that you can fit a city bus inside each of the stripes. >> when you look at that big flag out there, you know, the side of this thing, 210 feet long. wow. what a flag. >> reporter: with a few years nasa hopes to start assembling its next generation rocket in here, one that will take astronauts perhaps to mars. the space agency has not decided whether the welcome mat will remain out once that new rocket gets here. john zarrella, cnn, at the kennedy space center in florida. >> to mars. wow. cool. >> incredible. he certainly dressed to impress, and what's more impressive than breaking the world record? the owner of an iowa t-shirt store, of course this is iowa, earned itself a spot in the guinness book of world records for wearing the most t-shirts at once. he piled on 247 of them. the largest size he put on was a 20 xl, as big as a queen-size mattress. all $5,000 raised during the event was donated to charity. well, that's nice. all right. i want to hear some more extraordinary world records. coming up at 8:40, we'll sit down with the authors of the record setting book of world records and attempt to break a record of our own live on-air. it's going to be very fun. >> that's right. practicing all morning. >> very fun. also ahead next hour, occupy chaos. police across the country are telling protesters, get out. clean up your act. back, after this. ♪ walk, little walk ♪ small talk, big thoughts, gonna tell them all ♪ [ male announcer ] the most headroom per dollar of any car in america. from $10,990. the all-new nissan versa sedan. innovation upsized. innovation for all. ♪ ♪ small talk, big thoughts, gonna tell them all ♪ [ male announcer ] the most legroom per dollar of any car in america. from $10,990. the all-new nissan versa sedan. innovation upsized. innovation for all. ♪ delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. former penn state coach jerry sandusky out on bail awaiting trial. just at few feet from a playground and a school. neighbor are asking how the judge let that happen. unoccupy. cities across the country telling wall street protesters your camps are too dangerous and too gross. time is up. i will continue to fight for the american jobs act so that we can put our people back to work. >> talking business in paradise. president obama hosts asia-pacific leaders in hawaii saying jobs are job number one. he also gets tough with chine 2345 and iran. and he pulled a fast one on the white house. how a wall street occupy got to play in front of the president and 18 other heads of state on this "american morning." -- captions by vitac -- good morning, everybody. it's monday, october 14th. ali and carol are both off. i'm christine romans here with alina cho. >> good morning, everybody. new developments in the penn state scandal involving disgraced former assistant coach jerry sandusky. there are new questions this morning about the judge who granted bail to the accuse child abuser. some say she should have recused herself from the case, and will are new concerns from neighbors after a cinder block was thrown through the window of sandusky's home. our mary snow is live in state college, pennsylvania, this morning. mary, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, alina. you know, some neighbors living nearby jerry sandusky are furious that he is even out on bail given where he lives. when he was charged with 40 counts of sexually abusing children, jerry sandusky was released on $100,000 bail. one condition -- the former penn state defensive coordinator was told not to go near children. take a look where his house is located. this is the playground for lamont elementary school. right over here is jerry sandusky's house. from his back porch he has a clear view of it. the administrators of the elementary school say local police reached out to them following sandusky's arrest. the district superintendent is quoted saying the school which runs through the second grade has taken additional administrative action to ensure our children are safe. to be clear, sandusky's never been accused of harming random children, rather, he is accused of having molested young boys after developing close relationships with them through second mile, the charity he founded. sandusky's maintained his innocence. the road to his home is blocked off, and private property signs on his lawn went up this weekend after police say a cinder block was thrown through a window. nearby neighbors question why he's out on bail. >> it baffles my mind. >> i think presumption of innocence, we all like to believe in that, and we do in this country, but i think there's a level of protection that a neighborhood and a community is entitled to. >> reporter: melissa and carl anderson have two little boys. carl was such a fan of sandusky's at one time, he had an autographed limited edition copy of sandusky's book "touched." >> immediately alternates between anger and sadness, really. i mean, it really is a loss of kind of community, wholesale community innocence. >> reporter: have you seen more police here in the last week? >> yes. >> reporter: the andersons for one want to see a stiffer bail, and now a new revelation about the judge who set the bail. the judge's law firm listed her as a volunteer for second mile. cnn's legal analyst jeffrey toobin. >> the judge certainly should have raised the issue, disclosed her connections to second mile so that the parties in the case could decide whether they wanted to ask her to recuse herself. >> reporter: it's unclear whether the judge in this case has any current affiliation with the second mile. cnn has reached out to her, but so far we haven't gotten a response. alina? >> mary snow live in state college, pennsylvania. mary, thank you very much. it's 7:40 eastern time, we'll be joined with illinois congressman bobby rush, pointing a finger at the ncaa in the wake of the penn state scandal. an organization he compares to the mafia. we'll talk to him live. with the focus on the penn state scandal and what school administrators didn't do, a south carolina military college is coming under fire this morning for not doing more to stop an alleged child molester there. louis reville, ex-counselor at the camp for young boys is now charged with sexually abusing five boys at the citadel. the academy got a report that reville invited team campers into lis room to watch pornography as far back as 2007, but the school couldn't kraup r corroborate the story so didn't pursue it. police are growing more and more impatient in city after city with the occupy protesters saying the camps are unsanitary and it's time for the demonstrators to go home. in portland, oregon, there was a standoff on the city streets jobe are might. more than a dozen people arrested as police cleared the city pashs of makeshift camps. the mayor of portland telling cnn the encampments have become public health hazards. chaos in denver, colorado. two police officers hurt, 17 people arrested when police tried to remove furniture and tents that were set up in a park. and in philadelphia, the city's mayor telling reporters that what started out as a peaceful protest is now threatening public safety. >> occupy philly has changed. we're seeing serious health and safety issues playing out on almost a daily basis. occupy philly is fractured with internal disagreement and disputes. the people of occupy philly have also changed, and their intentions have changed. all of this is not good for philadelphia. >> and here in new york with winter looming, volunteer doctors and nurses are actually providing occupy wall street protesters with free flu shots. president obama saying china needs to act like a grown-up nation now and play by the same rules as everyone else. >> most economists estimate that the rnb is devalued by 20% to 25%. that means our exports to china are that much more expensive and their imports into the united states are that much cheaper. now, there's been slight improvement over the last year. partly because of u.s. pressure, but it hasn't been enough, and it's time for them to move towards a market-based system for their currency. >> president obama met one-on-one with president hu as he hosted the leaders of 18 pacific nations in hawaii. he spoke late last night as the summit wrapped up and also warned iran that all options are on the table to prevent it from developing a nuclear weapon. herman cain's wife is speaking out for the first time since sexual harassment allegations surfaced about the candidate. gloria cairn cairn saying hn sa husband would need a split personality. >> to hear such graphic allegations and know that that would have been something that was totallies did respectful of her has a woman, and i know that's not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> four women have now accused the gop front-runner of inappropriate behavior during his days at the national restaurant association back in the '90s. two have come forward publicly. cain denied all of the ak cuf o accusations. and a new prime minister of italy. mario monti. italy needs him to help solve that ongoing financial crisis there. the confessed norwegian terrorist making his first court appears in norway today when he tried to speak, apparently he was cut off by the judge. anders breivik is his name, charged with killing 77 people in a shooting and bombing rampage in oslo back in july. he has pleaded not guilty. the judge is expected to decide today whether to leave breivik j jailed until his trial begins in the spring. and a phone hacking scandal trial begins today in london. headed up by a judge. the outcome could transform the way newspapers operate there. the first witnesses are expected to be called next week. still to come on "american morning," the republican presidential hopefuls are converging on iowa this morning, and according to the latest poll, one of the candidates is making a very strong move on the front-runners. and the occupy wall street protester who got the opportunity of a lifetime and took it, serenading the president and 18 other world leaders in hawaii with a protest tune. the video you've got to see and you've got to hear. how he got in there with a guitar. it's 9 minutes after the hour. plus, why one man searched through nine tons of garbage with his bare hands. this is my favorite story of the day. it has to do with his wife. we'll explain. you're watching "american morning." it's now almost ten minutes after the hour. we're back after this. [ marge ] psst. constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. [ professor ] good morning students. today, we're gonna... can make it from australia to a u.s. lab to a patient in time for surgery may seem like a trumped-up hollywood premise. ♪ but if you take away the dramatic score... take away the dizzying 360-degree camera move... [ tires screech ] ...and take away the over-the-top stunt, you're still left with a pretty remarkable tale. but, okay, maybe keep the indulgent supermodel cameo... thank you. [ male announcer ] innovative medical solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. welcome back to "american morning." it's not the corn that's luring all of gop presidential candidates to iowa today. it's the ticking clock. only seven weeks to go before the crucial iowa caucus and in are hands to shake, babies to kiss, oh, and in are lots of dollars to collect. joins us this morning to talk about the race and the latest republican debate this weekend, president of the center for american progress, and gop strategist ed rollins. welcome. nice to see you. another debate this weekend, this one in south carolina. it's most notable for what headlines it didn't make, ed. >> there weren't any mistakes. the key thing here is, you know, cain didn't give a great performance. perry did an okay performance. it just wasn't -- you know, i think there was a consistency where they stand and differ from the president but kind of a strange format. an hour on television. you had to go for the last half hour to your computer. most people didn't do that. was kind of a mixed bag. >> what's your perspective? you look at it different from ed. you look at it as the person who's going to run against your president? >> true. i feel sympathy for candidates going into this. i think what was really interesting is first and foremost, time's running out to these candidates. they actually need to lay a glove on romney to actually have a chance, and i think substantively coming out of the debate what was really interesting, the consensus was we need more troops in all of these countries. more troops in iraq, more troops in afghanistan and romney threatening war with iran. that's a lot of military buildup at a time we can't afford. >> and the president is doing well on foreign policy with the death of bin laden, other gains we've made, the way the u.s. performed in the whole -- is that smart? >> no, it's not. because the president has been pretty consistent with the foreign policy, as we always have. we're less partisan on foreign policy than just about anything else. the american public wants our troops out of afghanistan and iraq. they wanted them out a year ago. at the end of the day, we've got bin laden. people don't think it's in our interests to spend trillions of dollar on these wars and thousands of lives. people are ready to get it over with. >> i want you to listen to some sound. a lot of attack on the president. his is what mitt romney specifically said on iran. >> if we re-elect barack obama, iran will have a nuclear weapon. and if we elect mitt romney, if you elect me as the next president, they will not have a nuclear weapon. >> look at the president's approval ratings in foreign affairs. terrorism, approval rating 62% how he's handling that. libya, 52%. foreign affair, 50%. go down the line. he seems to be doing well. so this would seem to be, from your perspective, a good thing for these guys? >> yeah. i think what's scary about what mitt romney is saying is he's saber rattling in a very irresponsible way. the president has said that it's not tolerable for iran to have a nuclear weapon. he's trying to create a consensus around the world around these issues and actually to threaten to invade reminds me of the saber rattling that george bush did. it wasn't effective and brought us into a lot of wars we couldn't afford. >> ask you about are newt gingr. he's coming up in the polls. he's moving up. puts himself out there as another statesman and all of these debates have turned back against the president every time. in-fighting amongst the candidate, he's the one that refocuses. >> he's the one in this debate for 40 years. nobody more knowledgeable on the stage or brighter. no organization out there, certainly he has moved into that second tier or that second spot, and i think people are starting to look for an alternative to romney and each person's kind of had that slot. sort of lost it, cain being the latest. and my since, gingrich will get a hard look. he's a smart, capable guy to debate. we'll see, he's not as good a retail politician as some of the others. we'll have to wait and see. >> an opportunity to hit at romney yesterday, or this weekend in the debate. do you think he's vying for a spot on the ticket? >> no. smart enough to realize you do that on radio shows, you don't go on the guy standing next to you in front of a familiar audience. bottom line, we found out in las vegas, we fight among ourselves and look like "the housewives of new jersey." it's a detriment to us all. >> speaking of fighting among ourselves, perfect segue to the super committee. what's going on in there? are they going to be able to bring up tax increases, agree on anything, and what's the repercussions if they don't. >> issue in the summer, issue knop p democrats put issues on the table, willing to uk talk about entitlements, many progressives don't like, but the fundamental stumbling block is republicans don't want to talk about revenues even for the highest end americans. super unpopular with the public and that's holding this thing up. >> there are cracks in it. >> there are cracks in it, bottom line, you're right. we do not want to raise taxes. we want more revenue. by putting people back to work. the premise that they're putting forth today is we need a whole reform will basically say we're going to basically raise $300 billion and some taxes in the future but not define it. that's not going to sell and at the end of the day, i expect it to break apart in the next couple of weeks here. >> really? >> i do. >> that's a terrible message to the rest of the world how we're getting our -- >> i don't think congress cares about those things. congress care about the plemps they made, getting themselves re-elected a year from now and the world will take dare of telephone. >> the issue is they're supposed to be sequestered. whether they act or not. the markets should, shouldn't be neutral. they should -- we're going to get $2.5 trillion. if we have no action by the super committee. already had the trillion. let it sequester, and then -- if i'm in the markets i would like a sequester more than fumbling around with the super committee. >> the danger of the sequester is republicans -- ultimately they'll try and change the rules one more time. >> and the deadline is, what, like next wednesday? >> next week. >> geez. all right. thank you both. cnn's next gop debate is next tuesday night november 22nd. wolf blitzer will be moderating that from washington, d.c. alina? >> thanks, christine. a here ow now but on his way to spending a lifetime in the doghouse. a man who accidentally threw away his wife's $10,000 engagement ring. now, here's what happened. she asked him to hold on to it while she was in the shower and by mistake he tossed it outology with an old razor. what's a good husband to do? well, follow the trail. he drove to the local landfill and dug through nine tons of garbage with his bare hands. watch. >> lifting you know, chairs out of the way, broken glass. other sanitary items that i don't want to get into, but it was horrific to say the least. >> perfect now. after an hour of picking through that gross garbage, he did finally find the ring. 21 minutes after the hour. rob marciano what do you think about that? is that something you'd do? of course you would. >> you do what you gotta do. tell thaw. aside from the sentimental value you don't want to go out and buy another $10,000 ring. come on. no man wlaunts to do that. >> always thinking practical, rob. >> that's what my dad taught me. in the west, intense in the form of wind and snow. this video showing what it's like. parts of the interstate shut down at time. winds cranking as well. power outages. a piece of the energy of the storm that came through alaska last week. 115 mile-an-hour winds in frisco, and along the pass, 100 mile-an-hour winds in loveland. intense stuff. some of that energy getting into the western great lakes and the ohio river valley across parts of indiana now. some thunderstorms that are pretty strong. they may issue a severe thunderstorm watch out for this area in the next couple of hour. isolated tornadoes possible from the ohio valley back down to the rio grande with the southern end of this piece of energy out ahead of it, pretty toasty. indian summer continues across the northeast with temps in d.c. getting to 70 degrees and 64 degrees in new york city. enjoy one more day of it. rainfall tonight and tomorrow. alina, christine, back to you. >> i almost took off my coat this weekend. it was that warm, rob marciano. i thank you. when the weather is good, we thank you. when the weather is bad, we blame you. so, thanks. >> you're welcome. >> just like a stock market. you know? >> don't shoot the message. >> i know. still to come this morning a congressman comparing the ncaa to the mafia in the wake of the penn state child sex abuse scandal. we're going to talk to a representative bobby rush. how about the beat of a healthy heart? campbell's healthy request soup is delicious, and earned this heart, for being heart healthy. ♪ feel the beat? it's amazing what soup can do. feel the beat? fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at nce companies you're just a policy. at aviva, we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. "minding your business" this morning. right now it appears wall street's ralsy starting to fizzle. u.s. stock futures trading lower. despite positive political news out of europe, the region's future looks hazy. that means more volatility for your 401(k). president obama stressing a need for increased traud with the asia-pacific region. at this weekend's summit in hawaii the president pitched his vision for a seamless-free trade zone. he stressed such a deal as bolsters america's economy. nine days and counting until the super committee's deadline and so far no deficit reduction deal. the co-chair of the committee tells cnn the tax hikes may be a reality. 12 lawmakers have until november 23rd to reach an agreement on at least $1.2 trillion in cuts over the next decade. expect a tense face-to-face meeting this week between lawmakers and the head of the federal housing finance agency. the hearing is about the planned $1 million bonuses for top executives of fannie mae and freddie mac, two mortgage giants that needed bayouts from taxpayer money just to the stay afloat. and worth approximately $18 million, the airline emirate announcing its placing an order for 50 boeing 777s jetliners. the largest in boeing's history. "american morning" will be right back after this quick break. you name it. i've tried it. but nothing helped me beat my back pain. then i tried salonpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. salonpas. wow, you know, they're never going to invite me back if they found out, and then i thought to myself, so what? >> who saw this coming? certainly not the white house. how an occupy wall street protester's got a chance to play in front of president obama and 18 other heads of state on this "american morning." and welcome back to "american morning" this monday morning. top story, down to business today for the man about to become italy's new prime minister. economist mario monti was formally nominated yesterday to replace prime minister silvio berlusconi. monti must now form a new government that can lead italy out of the debt crisis. president obama talking tough on iran hosting 18 pacific nations in hawaii saying no options are off the table to keep iran from building a nuclear bomb. >> they are engaging in a series of practices that are contrary to the international obligations and their iae obligations and that's what the report indicates. so what i did was to speak with the president as well as president hu, and all three of us entirely agree on the objective, which is, making sure that iran does not weaponize nuclear power and that we don't trigger a nuclear arms race in the region. that's in the interests of all of us. >> the president speaking from honolulu last night. his first chance to address a new iaea report on iran's secret effort to develop an atomic weapon. enough is enough. that's the message from cities to the occupy protesters. this weekend clashes between police and demonstrators broke out in a number of places. in portland, oregon, more than a dozen arrested when they defied the city's eviction order. in denver, two police officers were injured trying to clear out an occupy camp there. >> and occupy protesters really pull add fast one on the white house. he actually got to play his protest song in front of the president and 18 other world leaders at apec. our brianna keilar spoke to this very brave musician. >> reporter: and president obama and 18 other heads of states and their spouses dined on saturday night at the abeck leaders dinner, they were unwittingly serenaded by an occupy wall street man for almost 60 minutes. that's matthew, or as he calls himself, makana, hawaiian for "the gift." he's a well-known musician here on oahu. saturday night at the request of the white house he played during the apec leaders dinner, where president obama, 18 other heads of states, and also their spouses. a song about the occupy wall street movement probably wasn't what the white house had in mind. providing background music he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal an occupy wall street t-shirt underneath. >> when i started playing it, i was very shy about it. not like, everybody stop and listen to me. total opposite. it was very subtle. >> reporter: then makana played it over and over. he said for more than 40 minutes in all. >> it didn't go over bad, so i kept playing. i felt like it was the only song i should be playing and i should really play it a lot. i don't have any other means of exercising my voice to shape policy that affects my life other than singing and writing songs. >> reporter: cell phone video recorded by makana's sound technician shows some leaders turning to look at him, but others appeared not to notice at all, he said. >> so i just came from playing the world leaders dinner at apec. >> reporter: makana, who opposes the trade goals planned his protest in conjunction with anti-apec organizers who edited this video together and helped publicize what he'd done on the website,, and on a fake twitter feed. he first played for the obama in 2009. his second performance here in hawaii is likely his last. >> then i thought, wow, you know, they're never going to invite me back if they find out. hold on. i thought to myself -- so what? >> reporter: he said president obama was on the other side of the tent from where he was performing and from what he could see, the president appeared to be engaged in conversation throughout much of the dinner, and it was unclear if he realized he was listening to a protest song. the white house declined to comment on the incident. christine and alina? >> all right brianna keilar. thank you. i doubt they knew. doubt they were listening, quite frankly. >> the president in an intense conversation with someone else. all talking how to get the world out of a hole. maybe they didn't notice. >> elevator music to them. anyway -- feeling the heat from the 99%. rapper and music mogul selling shirts on his website that edited the words occupy wall street to actually say, occupy all streets. >> wow. they've disappeared after they came under heavy fire for profiting off the $22 shirts without donating anything to the cause. >> ahead on "american morning," vandals strike at lincoln's tomb and they manage to get away with a precious piece of history. and the latest on the child sex abuse scandal rocking penn state. we will talk to one congressman who says the ncaa operates like al capone and the mafia and it's time for big changes. 36 minutes after the hour. [ female announcer ] from an earache... to the flu. an accident... to asthma. a new heartbeat... to a heart condition. when you see your doctor, you don't face any medical issue alone. you do it together. at the american medical association, we're committed to preserving that essential partnership between patients and their doctors. because when it comes to your health, you need someone you trust. the ama. protecting the relationship between patients and physicians. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at good morning, washington, d.c. you have nine days to go to get the committee situate and straightened out. cut some money out of america's deficit. mostly cloudy. high of 70 expected later today. leave the parka in the closet. >> is it november? >> that's right. welcome back to "american morning." 39 minutes after the hour. thieves in springfield, illinois have stolen a three-foot copper sword from lincoln's tomb believed to be the first theft at the site in more than a century. the sword cut from a statue of a civil war officer may have been taken as far back at september. it's located in the tomb's balcony. that area is closed to visitors but not guarded at night. former house speaker nancy pelosi denies using her political position to make money in the stock market. in a report that aired on "60 minutes" pelosi was asked about her failure to thing a bill protecting credit card holders to a vote in the house. she says she's hold her record fighting the credit card companies against anybody's. >> the governor of pennsylvania says laws need to be changed in the wake of the penn state child sex abuse scandal. governor tom corbett set the state needs to govern authorities and expects more victims to come forward in the case against former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky. a penn state graduate and member of the second mile charity is disgusted by the culture that allowed the abuse to go unreported. thomas day considers himself lky to escape abuse as a teenager when his family enrolled him in the program 15 years ago. earlier on the program day admitted events of the last few days forced him to re-evaluate everything he believes in. >> people of my generation just don't have a whole lot of faith in our leaders today, and frankly, there's only so many john edwards and so many tom delays that we can take before we say, you know, i can't follow you anymore, and for me the situation with coach paterno and jerry sandusky, who were, you know, absolutely the most revered leaders of my community growing up was just kind of the final straw. >> day is a 31-year-old iraq war veteran who says despite the events of the past week he's very proud of the students at penn state and the way they handled themselves this weekend when the nittany lions lost to nebraska. all right. still ahead on "american morning," we will talk to one congressman who says the ncaa operates like the mafia. just like al capone. it's time for big changes in the wake of penn state. also ahead -- just about everyone has one, from the president to maybe even your kids. we're talking about a clout score. that's right. trying to measure your influence online. what exactly is this number and why do so many people care? people have been putting it on their resumes. also toned tday's "romans' numeral." 59%. if you expect your kids to graduate college, get a job and take care of their own finances -- [ laughter ] it's 42 after the hour. [ child ] it's so cool! you can put a force field on him and be invisible! [ child ] i call first player. [ child ] no. [ father ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. [ dealer ] hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ dealer ] hello? [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get the all-new passat. that's the power of german engineering. get zero first month's payment, zero down, zero security deposit and zero due at signing on any new volkswagen. visit welcome back. 43 minutes after the hour. here are your morning headlines -- a judge ordered terror suspect anders behring breivik to remain in custody. he was cut short accused of killing 77 people during a shooting spree and bombing attack in oslo back in july. former european commissioner mario monti elected as italy's new prime minister. and until italy and the rest of europe are back on solid footing, brace yourself for more wild stock swings. u.s. futures are mixed this morning. president obama with a new warning to tehran. late last night as he wrapped up the apec summit of asian-pacific leaders in has harks the president saying the u.s. is not taking any options off the table in the effort to stop iraq from developing a nuke. cities across the country are cracking down on the occupy movement. police officers are now moving in to reclaim their public spaces. overnight in portland, oregon, police cleared out protesters saying there's an increased crime rate around the camps, and a health hazard for everyone. here in new york, volunteer doctors and nurses are providing the occupy wall street protesters with free flu shots. doctors say the protester are at high risk of getting colds and other infections, because they're in such close quarters. republican presidential candidate herman cain's wife doesn't believe the sexual harassment allegations against him. gloria cain tells fox news her husband "totally respects women." a new poll, a sign that the scandal is sinking herman cain. the mcclatchy survey shows mitt romney on top with 23%. newt gingrich now holding to second place. herman cain now right behind him at 17%. the soyuz spacecraft carrying one american astronaut and two russians will land at the international space station wednesday. it took off this morning in the middle of a snowstorm. this is the first, very first, flight of a u.s. astronaut since nasa shut down its shuttle program. and saying farewell to the champ. smokin' joe frazier will be laid to rest today in philadelphia. the man who put ali on his butt in their first fight. he died of liver cancer last week. that's the news you need to start your day. "american morning" back right after this break. good morning, new york city, take a look at the leaves in central park this morning. partly cloudy and 64 degrees. later showers. say it isn't so. a high of 64. this morning's "romans' numeral" a number in the news today. the number is 59%, and here's what it is -- the percentage of parents financially supporting their children who are no longer in school. all doing it, too, your neighbors. talking about many people suffering in these hard economic time. compared to the total unemployment rate, nung people from 18 to 34 have a much higher unemployment rate and student debt. sometimes even if they do get a job, they're still going home trying to pay off the bills. >> they need the help. another be in for you. kim kardashian, a 93. the white house, a 79. i'm a 63. ali velshi's a 65. hmm. what am i talking about? it's our clout scores. clout is a social media analytics company that ranks what it calls your ability to drive action. whether it be through facebook or twitter, but this is much more than how many friends you have or your retweets. oh, no. now there's different ways. a new number to worry about, the credit score, if you will, of your action online. according to the founder and ceo of clout, joe fer and fernandezn growing your job and business. here's what he told me, smart with the new rich. >> every few years there's some skill that it's important for the work force to understand. a couple years ago just getting comfortable on the internet. now it's about getting comfortable on social and able to share your message with the world. it's a great way to benchmark your ability to impact your audience and activate them. so if you're a company or just a person, to be able to spread your ideas and products through social media is really important. >> calling clout "bad for your soul" saying it noeng measure, you, but assesses you causing you to be inflused by your own influence. even so, people are paying close attention to this score and even putting it on their resumes in hopes it will make them stand out. listen to jeff ra cosey who covers media and technology for forbes. >> it's a great idea to put on your resume or tout it in the job interview. people are asked in job interviews how many twitter followers they have. companies are reinvent themselv people running companies are olding and not as fluent in the new social language and they're extra interested in bringing people into the company at our fluent. >> how do you increase your klout score and footprint? fernando says you have to be yourself and also be consistent. there you go. >> there you go. all right, in the wake of the penn state sex abuse scandal and the investigation into a possible cover up, our next guest says the ncaa needs to be d dismantled because it operates a lot like the mafia and time to end the exploitation of students in the name of entertainment and profits. tough words from bobby rush. he joins us live from chicago this morning. thank you so much for joining us. good morning to you. >> good morning, alina. >> you have been extremely outspoken saying in part, i think they're one of the most vicious and ruthless organizations ever created by mankind. i think you would compare the ncaa to al capone and the media. ouch. you have gotten a lot of attention for those words. >> the mafia. >> what do you mean by them? >> look, let me just say, i said them but also today i'm wondering where is the voice of the ncaa? why haven't they spoken? this has been a year of scandal in the ncaa. we had ohio state, you had the university of miami and now you have penn state and the silence of the ncaa leadership is deafening. we want to hear the ncaa speak to this issue, deal with this culture of corruption, the pool of corruption whose putrid smell has created an embarrassment to the american people. it certainly speaks to the, the america idea has been corrupted, has been compromised and we need the ncaa to stand up and say something. the leadership, where's the leadership? we haven't heard anything. we heard students, we heard athletes and we haven't heard anything from the ncaa and i demand that the ncaa stand up and let the voice be heard. >> to be fair, to be fair, congressman rush, the ncaa did respond saying, "you obviously don't know the ncaa and they provide $2 billion a year in scholarships and support which they say is second only to the government. how do you argue with that? >> that is the outside that looks like it's clean. but when you look at the inside of the cup, when you look at the exterior, you see all this exploitation. let me just say this. the cultural exploitation of youngsters conducted under the ncaa begins at 8 years old. when they go with these sports leagues. this club, i'm told, this club that this coach at penn state, this coach, the club that he founded was actually a kin to a recruiting club. there was documentation in this book played their hearts out about the recruiting effort beginning as early as 8 years old where they begin to exploit these youngsters, these parents and try to get these young men to get into colleges so that they can exploit them. if the exploitation begin as early as 8 -- >> now, congressman y kn, i kno >> then sexual exploitation is very easily turns into sexual exploitation. >> there's no denying that people should have spoken up earlier about this. there's no reason why it should have taken this long for these allegations to come out. agregious, you know, to say the least. but i think what you're saying -- let me finish. let me finish. i think what you're saying is that this is college sports the ncaa, in particular, is less about a game and more about entertainment. no denying that penn state made $50 million in profits last year, second only to the university of texas, which made $70 million. but having said that, let me play devil's advocate for just a second. you know, they made that money because somebody wanted to watch. and somebody wanted to buy. so, i'm just curious to know, practically speaking, how you break this bad cycle. >> well, you bring in, first of all, by making sure the ncaa operates within the moral, within a moral framework and also within a legal framework. now, let me just say this. the ncaa operates because it has anti-trust provisions and privileges that the congress allows it to operate under. what i'm questioning whether or not we should revisit that, look at it and this culture and corruption that exists. this moral break down that exists. this systemic exploitation of our children and i'm wondering whether or not we should look at this. certainly, this fabric of amateurism and student athletes that they try to parade before us, you know, this is big business. it's an exploited business and a business that not only exploits our children economically, athletically, but it also exploits them sexually now. how vast and widespread is this sexual exploitation within the ncaa system? we need to look at that. the american people need to look at this and the congress need to look at it and when i get into washington, i'm going to ask the congressman -- >> congressman bobby rush, i thank you for the spirited discussion. you can bet that a lot of people are looking at how to fix things in the wake of the penn state scandal. i thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. top stories are next. 57 minutes after the hour. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. fantastic! 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[ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. i'm alina cho. jerry sandusky free on bail. it appears she has ties to sandusky that she failed to mention. standing by her man. gloria cain speaking out for the very first time since sexual allegations surfaced about her husband, on this "american morning." good morning, everybody. it's monday, november 14th. carol and ali are off today. i'm alina cho along with christine romans. >> good morning. the judge who allowed former penn state assistant coach jerry s sandusky to go free on bail coming under fire. leslie worked as a volunteer for his second charity and didn't disclose it, leaving a lot of people wondering if that had anything to do with her decision to let the suspected child predator avoid jail while he awaits the legal process here. >> that's right. many other new developments in the case, including a game at penn state on saturday. mary snow is live in state college, pennsylvania, this morning. hey, mary, good morning to you. >> good morning, alina. some reported sightings of jerry sandusky and one report had him at a local store and some residents living nearby that are furious that he is even out on bail and they want the judge. they are asking her for a stiffer bail. when ehe was charged with abusing children, he was released on $100,000 bail. the defensive coordinator was told not to go near children. but take a look at where his house is located. this is the playground for lamont elementary school. right over here is jerry sandusky's house and from his back porch, he has a clear view of it. the administrators at the elementary school say local police reached out to them following sandusky arrest. the district superintendent is quoted saying the school that runs through the second grade has taken additional administrative action to ensure our children are safe. sandusky has never been accused of harming random children, instead through second mile, the charity he found. the road to his home is blocked off and private property signs went up on his lawn after a cinder block was thrown through a window. nearby nations question why he's out on bail. >> it baffles my mind. >> prezumption of innocence, we all like to believe in that, we do in this country, but i think there's a level of protection that a neighborhood and a community is entitled to. >> reporter: melissa and carl anderson have two little boys. carl was such a fan of sandusky's at one time he had an autographed limited edition copy of his book "touched." >> it alternates between anger and sadness. a loss of community, whole sale community innocence. >> have you seen more police here in the last week? >> yes. >> reporter: the andersons, for one, want to see a stiffer bail and now a new revelation about the judge that set the bail. the judge's law firm listed her as a volunteer for second mile. cnn's legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. >> the judge, certainly, should have raised the issue, disclosed her connection to second mile so that the parties in the case could decide whether they wanted to ask her to recuse herself. >> it's unclear if the judge has any affiliation with second mile. cnn has tried to contact her, but we haven't gotten a response so far. alina and christine. >> thank you very much. herman cain's wife is speaking out for the first time since sexual harassment allegations surfaced against the presidential candidate. gloria cain telling fox news her husband would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said. >> to hear such graphic allegations and know that, that would have been something that was totally disrespectful of her as a woman and i know thatsd not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> four women have now accused the gop frontrunner of inappropriate behavior during his days at the national restaurant association in the '90s. two have come forward publicly. cain has denied all the accusations. it could be a tipped point in the wall street movement. patience with the demonstrators seems to be wearing thin and more and more cities have grown tire would the headaches. pushed out of parks in portland, oregon, denver, colorado, and salt lake city. in portland more than a dozen people were arrested. >> in portland, the mayor says they have overstayed their welcome. what has started out as a peaceful protest is now turning parks into filth with crimes and drugs. >> "occupy philly" has changed. we're seeing serious health and safety issues playing out on almost a daily basis. "occupy philly" is fractured with internal disagreement and disputes. the people of "occupy philly" have also changed and their intentions have changed. and all of this is not good for philadelphia. >> police in philadelphia also reportedly arrested a man for sexually assaulting a woman at the "occupy philly" camp and those are the challenges for mayor nutter saying they try to protect people there, but a difficult, difficult situation. >> we have to see how long people stay. now that the weather is getting colder. in new york they're administering flu shots. >> there's something called "occupy cough." there's people living outside and it's a stressful situation for the people who are the occupiers and the people who are trying to control and protect them at the same time. which is a dual mission, really. president obama wrapping up the apex summit in hawaii and he is expected to announce an increased military presence there. mr. obama had a warning for iran. the president saying the u.s. is not taking any options off the table in the effort to stop iran from developing nuclear weapons. >> in italy, a new political era begins today. the embattled silvero berlusconi is out and monti's first job is to save it from financial ruin. u.s. stock futures are trading slightly lower. matthew chance is live in rome for us this morning. good morning, matthew. >> good morning, christine. that's right, mario monti is the name who has taken over from silvio berlusconi. a pretty uphill task ahead of him. he has to try to stem italy's huge debt, $2.6 trillion, trying to curb public spending, raise taxes and, first of all, he has to form a cabinet who will try and pass those bills and implement those measures. a very, very difficult task ahead. the money markets, italians watching very closely what his progress will be, christine. >> you know, it's interesting, he has all this experience in european business and the european commission sort of ironic that silvio berlusconi not run out for any of the things that landed him in the tabloids, but a financial crisis. no one can outrun the bond market and it has more confidence in the situation today, right, matthew? >> yeah. it certainly hasn't gone ballistic like it did when silvio berlusconi was in power last week. stabilized around the 6% level. but it's still a very high amount that italy has to pay on the $2.6 trillion worth of loans. so, i think the money markets just watching at the moment to see what measures mario monti will implement in the months ahead. >> thank you so much, matthew chance in rome. so many people, of course, want to be steve jobs or mark zuckerberg, but finding success in the tech world is hard, even harder if you're black. how much does race really matter in silicon valley? we'll discuss this next. ever wonder who holds the fastest time of opening up a can of campbell's soup while spelling out pantyhose. it's nine minutes after the hour. three years from now, a 2011 ford fusion is projected to be worth more than a 2011 toyota camry. any thoughts on this news? are you sure? i'm absolutely positive. fusion is projected to hold its resale value better than camry. but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. i was worried it would be hard to install. but it's really easy. the better i drive, the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool. yeah. you're not... filming this, are you? aw! camera shy. snapshot from progressive. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive. well, rock on. >> i know, welcome back. they are on heavy metal's mt. rushmore. black sabbath, the original sabbath announcing a new album and tour with frontman ozzy osbourne. the band formed in 1968. the original lineup hasn't released any new material in more than 30 years. rob marciano is this head banging? i'm not sure. he is in the extreme weather center right now. hey, rob. >> the good old days. children of the grave, bloody, anyway, let's go on to the pure white driven snow and let's see the snow totals from this weekend. over a foot of snow over the weekend in places like brighton, utah. a lot of these spots actually opened up for their first weekend of skiing, although it came with a price to pay. the form of some hefty winds. actually, this was a piece of the energy that broke off from the alaska storm last week and dropped down into the pacific northwest and the inter mountain winds. 1 115-mile-per-hour winds in frisco and on the pass in loveland, 100-mile-per-hour winds. power outages and dangerous conditions. dangerous storms this morning, kind of holding on to their strength and getting across the ohio and indiana border there. they might issue a watch in this and then this is from the colorado storm that is beginning to stretch off towards the north and east. here's your spot where we expect to see the potential of severe weather and likely no tornadoes, but can't rule it out. damaging wind and large hail and the southern piece of this energy also getting across the rio grande and this will make its way across not only texas but dixie over the next couple days and makes its way up the east coast. here it is. kind of stretched out. ahead of this, fairly mild. temperatures, once again, 10 or 20 degrees above average and some delays in chicago this morning, but detroit and cincinnati more so and cleveland, as well as denver we'll see wind on the back side of this system. one delay right now at philadelphia. ground stop issued there because of a low clouds and 70 the expected high temperature in d.c. and 64 degrees in new york city and that kind of temperature isn't enough to get your head banging and it's the black sab lth, i don't know what is. >> floor crew going wild here. rob, thank you. success stories in silicon valley are hard to come by, even harder if you're black. only 1% of tech entrepreneurs were black. soledad o'brien looks at a new issue that tries to tackle the issue of race in her new special report. >> eight people, nine weeks. one house, one goal. changing the face of silicon valley. >> for it to be successful to me, founders have to give investment. >> reporter: the high-stakes program backed by sponsors culminates in demo day when each entrepreneur will have six minutes to pitch their company to a room full of investors. 75 people applied. 6 were chosen by angela and wayne based on their start-up ideas. >> hank williams was one of those six entrepreneurs chosen. he is the founder of an internet tool to manage personal information and he's live with us on the set in new york. nice to see you, hank, thank for coming in. you have been in the tech industry for 25 years and raised $40 million for another venture and yet you say there just aren't a lot of people who look like you. still, in your industry, why not? >> well, i think that there are a number of issues. one of the issues that the industry likes to talk about is that there's a pipeline issue, meaning that there aren't enough blacks and people of color going into the technology world and there's some truth to that. but there are also, i think, institutional biases, the industry is fairly clubby. you have to sort of do things just the right way. it's sort of a bit of a closed environment. >> it's interesting, though, when you look at adapters of technology, especially consumer technology. african-american and minority adapting of these technologies is huge. so, why aren't minorities more on the front end and african-americans more on the front end of the ventures then? maybe that should make it easier to bridge that gap. >> figure out how to bridge the gap. >> well, i think that's a very good point. what's interesting, though, if you look at the entertainment business, even, you know, we, you know, black people, people of color enjoy watching movies and listening to music. but those industries were, at times, much harder for people of color to break into. so, the fact that you are a consumer of a particular product, product category or technology does not mean that you are right off the bat going to be able to be a leader in that space. that said, it's very, it certainly is an important thing culturally that everybody be participating in the creating of products because that brings different perspeckives to the creation of those products. >> you know, there is a really telling moment in the documentary and soledad's documentary where one of your mentors says, get a white guy to be your frontman and he does exactly that. he hires a white man to go out there and raise venture capital. and this isn't something that was said 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. this is 2011. were you shocked by that? >> i was. that was, for all of us in the house and the gentleman's name was vic and he is a wonderful person and it was very sincere. he told us the story of his experience, which was actually about 25 years ago when he first got into the business. but it was, it was a really shocking and surprising moment. we all kind of took a breath when he told us that. >> you know, everybody wants to strike it rich in silicon valley. but that is, wow. in terms of the american dream, that is right up there. i mean, there are so many hurdles to getting your great idea out there. you have to get the funding and get somebody behind you and you have to move it to the next level and, you know, there's this other amazing moment in the documentary when tech crunch co-founder airingten got in a lot of trouble saying he was so desperate to have a black entrepreneur launch at his conference that he would have launched a clown show on stage. people went crazy by that comment. i mean, it really sparked a lot of controversy and a lot of soul searching about, i don't know, equality, i guess, in technology. >> i mean, everyone was upset by the comment. i think it was an unfortunate comment. you know, mike really shouldn't have said that. i don't think it's true. i don't think it's true. it's very hard to become, to get in the tech crunch or get in the tech crunch disrupt and i can guarantee you that there are black folks trying to get in that are not being greeted with open arms just because they're blacks. i don't believe that was a true statement. >> the product becomes everything. >> absolutely. >> really in silicon valley, the product trumps everything. >> absolutely. >> tell us about cloud co and how it's doing. >> we haven't launched yet. we're launching in january and it's a product for organizing all of your information on the cloud, the cloud is the new term for all of your stuff on the internet. the g-mail and google docs and g-mail and facebook. people need a central place to manage all of that information. that means searching it, sharing it, organizing it. because if it's spread out across five, six, seven different services, it's very difficult and more and growing. apple just came out with icloud and everyone has their own proprietary cloud service. we want to provide a simplifying interface for that experience. >> hank williams, thank you so much. keep us posted. let us know how you're doing. >> will do. >> you can catch black in america, again, this saturday at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific right here on cnn. still to come on "american morning," a check on the markets and crunchtime for that so-called super committee and with nine days until their debt reduction, can tax hikes be on the table? 21 minutes after the hour. new downy unstopables. here to shake up your fresh. like a cheerleader on espresso. toss these little scent boosters in before you wash. and the fresh scent will last until you're ready to wash again. [ buzzer ] [ laughing ] [ both sniff ] and this fresh scent will last? it's like you shoved a rainbow up your nose. i should go. new downy unstopables. the fresh too feisty to quit. [husband:] getting cold out here. [wife:] in here too. we need more affordable energy in this country. we need to protect the environment. what about the economy? what about our planet? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas. more jobs. less emissions. a good answer for everyone. so with affordable energy that we can get to safely... we could afford to eat out more often. our daughter likes my cooking. don't you lori... lori? it's true. you never forget your first subaru. good morning, 24 minutes after the hour. minding your business this morning. buckle up. after last week's rally on wall street, markets on track to head south. the u.s. stock futures are trading lower about an hour before the opening bell. more volatility as europe struggles to control its debt crisis. it's down to business today for the man about to become italy's new prime minister. mario monti was formally nominated yesterday to replace silvio berlusconi. monti must form a new government that could lead italy out of its debt crisis. nine days and counting until the supercommittee's deadline and so far no deficit reduction deal here. a republican congressman who co-chairs that committee tells cnn tax hikes may be a reality. the 12 lawmakers have until november 23rd to reach an agreement on at least $1.2 trillion in cuts over the next decades. a huge jet order for boeing. emirates airline placed an order for 50 boeing 7 47s jetliners. that's worth about $18 billion and the biggest sale in boeing's history. for the third straight day, gas prices are down, according to aaa, the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.43 a gallon. that's about a penny less than it was yesterday. immortals battled its way to the top of the box office this weekend. the 3-d action adventure took in an estimated $32 million. rounding out the top three "jack and jill." evelyn lauder creator of the pink breast cancer campaign has died at 75. her life and her legacy up next. "american morning" back right after the break. ♪ we're centurylink ... we're committed to improving lives and linking americans to what matters most with honest, personal service... 5-year price-lock guarantees... consistently fast speeds ... and more ways to customize your technology. ♪ can i help you? yeah, can i get a full-sized car? for full-sized cars, please listen to the following menu. for convertibles, press star one. i didn't catch that. to speak to a representative, please say representative now. representative. goodbye! you don't like automated customer service, and neither do we. that's why, unlike other cards, no matter when you call chase sapphire preferred, you immediately get a person not a prompt. chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. (phone ringing) chase sapphire preferred, this is julie in springfield. a legacy of beauty and pink. evelyn lauder died on saturday. she is remembered as a strong voice in women's health, the cruseder against breast cancer and a pioneer of the pink ribbon campaign on this "american morning." and welcome back to "american morning" this monday. top stories looking at a tense situation right now on the streets of oakland. a riot police are lining up in front of "occupy" protesters there. this is the city where clashes erupted and a tear gas canister allegedly severely injured an iraq war vet. we've been warned there could be several arrests and no violence yet this morning, but, clearly, the protesters they are, they are there. they are in the streets and they're getting ready for any attempt to try to move them out. we'll be monitoring these pictures. >> police appear to be ready for them. questions being raised about the judge who granted bail and freed jerry sandusky. the judge worked for his second mile charity and legal analysts said she should have disclosed that, maybe recused herself. also reports that sandusky continues to receive a large pension payout from penn state. herman cain's wife is speaking out for the first time since sexual allegations surfaced. gloria cain said that her husband would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said. >> to hear such graph ic graphi something so disrespectful as her as a women. that's not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> four women have accused the gop frontrunner of inappropriate behavior during his days at the national restaurant association in the '90s. two have come forward publicly, cain has denied all of these colors. her color was pink. died from complications from ovarian canccancer. raising millions in outreach. lauder was an executive at cosmetic giant estee lauder. we're joined now by john dempsey group president of estee lauder who was asked personally by evelyn's husband to speak on behalf of the company. it all started with that pink ribbon which initially was given out to makeup customers at the counter to remind people to get breast cancer screenings. it's now become the worldwide symbol of breast cancer awareness. how much of an impact did evelyn lauder have on the movement? >> she used the network of all the estee lauder company's counters all over the world to distribute pink ribbons to garner attention for early breast detection, breast health and to engage all the editorial magazines around the world to bring breast health and early detection to the forefront of the conversation. >> she really did it without talking about her own personal health battles. it was only disclosed officially in her obituary that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989, but she also raised what some $350 million in the process. >> evelyn was a amazing philanthropist and women's health advocate. the breast cancer fund has raised $350 million in breast cancer research, coordinating 190 doctors around the world. $135 million to research programs on the ground in all the major countries around the world and the breast cancer awareness program gets expanded to a worldwide program with illuminations of buildings in pink and all the world capitals, every magazine, every estee lauder counter and every company within our company and the entire world from a political standpoint. >> it's incredible. the white house was awash in pink lights, the empire state building. it really, that color, which she chose, has become synonymous with breast cancer. you know, before evelyn lauder people were afraid to say the word breast and talk about breast cancer and she really made it okay for a generation of people to talk about it publicly. you know, what few people know, which i find interesting, is the impact she had on the estee lauder companies, which is enormous. i did not know this, but she created clinique. >> i worked for estee lauder companies for 21 years and soon after her marriage to leonard lauder and he created the education programs and many of the product development ideas that garnered the estee lauder early success around the world created the name clinique. for the past 25 years has actually been the senior vice president for every fragrance that comes out of our country. so, all of our great selling fragrances such as pleasures all fragrances that were curated and developed by evelyn lauder and the amazing fragrance teams at the estee lauder companies. >> very quickly, i know you are considered part of the lauder family, even though you're not blood related. you're very close to the lauder family. i'd like to get a little bit of insight on evelyn lauder as a person. she met leonard on a blind date and married four years later and she stood up to estee and did it with gusto. what was she like as a person? >> most amazing person. she was a mother, grandmother, a wife, executive, health advocate, a trailblazer, a photographer, a cultural icon, fashion icon. she was a good person. she loved children. she loved teaching people, loved learning things and loved making a difference. she was side-by-side with leonard lauder and estee lauder building the estee lauder companies in the early years. we would not be the company we are today if it was not for the sheer drive and brilliance of evelyn lauder. she truly will be greatly missed by all of us at the estee lauder company. she made such a profound contribution to the success of our companies and made such a profound commitment and impact on women's health and early breast cancer detection and prevention. >> full disclosure because of my friendship with you, i have had an opportunity to spend time with the lauders and i thank you for that. i know it is a tough day for the lauder family. everyone in the estee lauder companies and a memorial service held later today. john dempsey, thank you. >> thank you. still to come on "american morning," there's a lot of crazy world records out there, a lot of them. who holds the record for most sips of eggnog taken in 30 seconds while listening to neil diamond. we'll try to break a few records of our very own. you're not going to want to miss this one live. no eggnog, i promise. 37 minutes after the hour. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at quaker oatmeal is a super grain. ♪ it gives me warmth. ♪ [ boy ] it gives me energy to help me be my best. quaker oatmeal has whole grains for heart health. and it has fiber that helps fill me up. ♪ [ male announcer ] great days start with quaker oatmeal. energy. fiber. heart health. quaker oatmeal. a super grain breakfast. good morning, new york city. sunny, 67 degrees and showers, maybe 54 later. temperature not so great. ever wonder what the world's record for the longest head spin? how about the fastest solo viewing of every episode of "lost"? 145 hours. >> our next guests believe that everyone can be the best at something. it's so positive. that's why they have the recordsetter book of world records. joining us now co-authors cory and dan. thanks so much for joining us. first thing people are going to think, is this at all associated with the guinness book of world records. no. totally different. >> totally new approach to world records. we believe everyone can be the world's best at something. we're based more as a website, first and foremost, has all the records and we allow people to dream up and invent their own world records. >> you say everyone has a video camera and an idea, just do it. >> that's right. just set any record that is quantifiable and breakable are the only rules we have. just like uploading to youtube. >> you'll take any idea. >> we encourage creativity. well, we believe everyone can be world's best. we don't like to judge people's ideas. >> here's a look at one of the quirky ideas. when you're in the holidays, love this one. most sips of eggnog taken in 30 seconds while listening to neil diamond's "girl, you'll be a woman soon." 39 sips. he described this as an almost spiritual experience and the essence of neil diamond. >> nice combination and if somebody out there loves neil diamond and eggnog sipping, they can try to beat this record. >> a seasonal record. >> it only comes around once a year. now is your time, now is your moment. let's talk about this one. this is great. most consecutive arm wrestling victories by a woman in third trimester of pregnancy. cory, this was your wife. >> at one of the live events here in new york. she was one month away from having our son. >> here is your shot, christine, have a fourth kid, you could do it, again. >> my world record consists of three kids. do they ever surprise you? there are some crazy ones. you must be blown away day after day. >> records that have come in from over 60 countries and hundreds of videos submitted every week to we see most giraffe tattoos on a shoulder and largest toothpick beards. >> how do you even come up with this idea. fastest time to open campbell's soup and spell out pantyhose. >> the guy that set this record originally wanted to spell the word chimpanzee and he discovered there were no cs and he had to change his word. >> because that is obviously the next thing after chip pansy. >> because that's the obvious choice. so, my friend over at abc john burrm berman started this craze of most network signoffs in 30 seconds. i'm here to tell you, john, that i'm going to break that record. so, it was john who had 28 and then somebody else did it, did 29. >> the current mark is 28. i think he started it was around 20 and been beaten a couple of times. what do i have to beat? >> in 30 seconds. >> you need to be 28 to set the new record. >> i promised this in makeup this morning. i will have a little sip of water. >> this is exciting. >> this is really exciting. >> do you have a stop watch. >> timer, good to go. >> you can do it, alina. >> on your mark, get set, go. >> alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn -- >> i have to stop you. >> we have this on video. i just wanted to make sure you went over 30 seconds. we can't announce the final count. the timer didn't work. but we have it on video. >> i feel strongly. i remember watching the previous video. i think we're well on pace. >> you've got to be kidding me. >> we had an ipad malfunction. we'll be able to go back and check the tape. >> i'm telling you, i did it 40 times. >> you were on fire. >> that's conditional on checking the tape. you guys better check that tape. >> the co-authors of the recordsetter book of world records. thanks, guys. >> i'm sure you got it. >> i'm pretty sure i do. morning headlines are next. 45 minutes after the hour. i love 'em even more. i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% back on... [ toy robot sounds ] 2% on pumpkin pie. and apple. 3% back on 4 trips to the airport. it's as easy as 1... -2... -3... [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. [ toy robot sounds ] delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. here are your morning headlines. a judge has ordered anders bravic to remain in custody for another 12 weeks. the norway suspeblth tried to speak in court, but cut short when he called himself the commander of a resistance movement. he is accused of killing 77 people in a bomb attack in oslo back in july. mario monti has been nominated as italy's new prime minister. he must form a new government and get italy back on solid financial footing. until italy and the rest of europe are back on solid footing, brace yourself for wild stock swings. former house speaker nancy pelosi denies using her political position to make money in the stock market. on a report that aired on "60 minutes" her record fighting the credit card companies speaks for itself, even though she and her husband purchased millions of dollars worth of visa stock. thieves in springfield, illinois, stole from lincoln's tomb. the sword was cut from the statue of a civil war officer and it may have been taken as far back as september. a live look right now at the tense situation on the streets of oakland, california. riot police surrounding a camp of more than 500 "occupy wall street" protesters. we were warned there could be several arrests, but so far no new violence yet this morning. that's the news you need to know to start your day. "american morning" is back after this. alina cho, cnn, alina cho, cnn, alina cho cnn. >> cloudy and sunny later on today. i can't wait to see if alina won. >> i'm out of breath. >> welcome back, everybody. the soyuz spacecraft takes off. >> 3, 2, 1. carrying one american astronaut and a team of russians on the way back to the international space station. it blasted off this morning in the middle of a snowstorm. this is the first flight of u.s. astronaut since nasa shut down the shuttle program. i smell a john zarrella report coming up. the last u.s. shuttle to fly is taking on a new role, space shuttle "endeavour" is in a museum. a first peek inside the historymaking spacecraft. john zarrella gives us a sneak peek. >> reporter: these folks are some of the first inside. for more than 30 years it has been closed to visitors. >> took a lot of pictures? >> i did. some of them i don't understand. how do you take a picture of this. how do you take a picture of the ceiling, unbelievable. >> reporter: if you think that's unbelievable. >> shuttle orbter "endeavour." >> reporter: for current and future space geeks, this is heaven. a pinch me moment. "endeavour" is being housed here until its california museum home is ready. >> do you know what you're looking at back there? >> yeah. >> reporter: what is it? this is the vehicle assembly building, vab at the kennedy space center. rich in history and now reopened for public tours. from here, the massive saturn 5 moon rockets were assembled before rolling out to the launch pad. >> here we're just so busy in here. we had thousands of people at the time. there were probably 6,000 people in the building. >> reporter: conrad nagle worked on both the "apollo" and space shuttle programs. >> we're probably not going to see anything like this in our lifetime. >> reporter: all 135 shuttles started out from this building, too. made it to the fuel tanks and booster rockets. because of the volatile fuels and chemicals used during the shuttle era, nasa closed the vab doors to outsiders in 1978. with the shuttle program over, nasa ais, again, allowing tours from the visitor complex to stop here. >> we absolutely have to do that part of the tour, that's not optional. >> reporter: to this day, the vab remains one of the biggest buildings in the world. 525 feet high. by volume, the fourth largest in the world. so, here's one of those interesting nasa factoids. that is the vehicle assembly building behind me and that american flag you see there. well, it is so large that you can fit a city bus inside each of the stripes. >> when you look at the big stripe out there hanging on the side of this thing, 210 feet long. wow, what a flag. >> reporter: nasa hopes to start its next generation rocket in here. the space agency has not decided whether the welcome mat will remain out. once that new rocket gets here. john zarrella, cnn, at the kennedy space center in florida. >> awesome. the tape is back, we will have the verdict on whether or not alina managed to have the most network sign out. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] congratulations. congratulations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology to inspire businesses to conserve energy and monitor costs. making communities greener... congratulations. ... and buildings as valuable to the bottom line... whoa ! ... as the people inside them. congratulations. because when you add verizon to your company, you don't just add, you multiply. ♪ discover something new... verizon. [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. ♪ ♪ mom? dad? guys? [ engine turns over ] [ engine revs ] ♪ he'll be fine. [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes, and lexus for audi than ever before. take advantage of exceptional values during the season of audi event. take advantage of exceptional values when you're a sports photographer, things can get out of control pretty quickly. so i like control in the rest of my life... especially my finances. that's why i have slate, with blueprint. i can create my own plan to pay down large purchases faster... or avoid interest on everyday items. that saves me money. with slate from chase, i'm always in control. financially, anyway. get slate with blueprint and save money. call 855-get-slate today. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. oh, good morning, everybody. atlanta, georgia. cloudy and 5 it2 degrees. later mostly cloudy and 71. >> we're playing justin timberlake because he kept his promise to a marine. you might remember this creative invitation. take a look. >> so, justin, you want to call out my girl. i am going to call you out and ask you to come to the marine corps ball with me on november 12th in washington, d.c. if you can't go, all i have to say is, cry me a river. >> cute. >> the singer turned actor, the marine corps ball saturday night. he said he was moved by the whole experience and it certainly looks like the pair had a pretty great time. meanwhile, timberlake "friends with benefits" co-star will also attend a marine corps ball later this week. >> i bet she will. a big weekend for the "saturday night live" crew. they got the last word on rick perry's oops moment during last week's gop debate. >> you still haven't named the third department. >> i didn't? >> i know, it's marred. look, maria, can we just move on? i want to be president, but not like this. >> i'll need your help. okay. all three now, commerce -- oh, i only know one now. >> maybe you have it written down in your notes. >> good idea. yeah. i'm such a messy marvin. department that does zoos and parades, might be that. nope. start with an m or an x. is there an x in there maybe. is it trains. no, you can't cut trains. oh, man. there are so many, so many departments. >> make it stop. somebody make it stop. >> really trying here, guys. i don't know -- >> all his cards are blank. >> all right. speaking of an oops moment. alina attempted to break the world record of signoffs. >> that is a horrifying picture. alina was not pleased, as you can see. let's review the tape to see if she won.

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Cities , President , American Morning , Heads Of State , Captions , Vitac , 18 , Everybody , Weekend , Alina Cho , Christine Romans , Mali , November 14th , 14 , Monday November 14th , Protests , More , Headaches , Tipping Point , First , Patience , Wall Street Movement , New York City , Police , Camps , Streets , Portland , Cnn , Mayor , Oregon , Standoff , City Parks , Campments , Health , Philadelphia , Furniture , Reporters , Policemen , Park , Tents , Hazards , Two , Issues , Safety , Protest , Occupy Philly , Basis , People , Intentions , Disputes , Disagreement , All Of Us , Doctors , Flu Shots , Nurses , Developments , Occupy Wall Street , Penn State Scandal , Jerry Sandusky , Judge , Bail , Neighbors , Questions , Child , Abuser , Concerns , Cinder Clock , Morning Alina , Report , Home , Window , Latest , Pennsylvania , State College , Mary Snow , Siting , One , Children , Counts , Store , Residents , Disbelief , 100000 , 40 , 00000 , Penn State , Take A Look , House , Playground , Condition , Lamont Elementary School , Defensive Coordinator , My School , District Superintendent , Elementary School , Grade , View , Arrest , Back Porch , Administrators , Boys , Action , Safe , Sandusky S , Charity , Innocence , Road , Relationships , Lawn , Property , Cinder Block , Country , Mind , Protection , Presumption Of Innocence , Neighborhood , Level , Community , Melissa And Carl Anderson Have Two Little Boys , Book , Copy , Fan , Kind , Community Innocence , Loss , Revelation , Danger , Sadness , Yes , The Andersons , Issue , Volunteer , Connections , Jeffrey Toobin , Law Firm , Case , Parties , U S , Super Committee , President Obama , Torture , Hawaii , Response , Jobs , We Haven T , Visit , Terror , Reporter , World Leaders , Christine And Alina , Apec Summit , Progress , Job Creation , Challenges , Dan Lothian , Question , Iran , Effort , Dealings , Views , The End , Press Conference , Boost Trade With Asia , Swipe , China , Job , Herman Cain , Debate , Practice , Waterboarding , Republican , Hopefuls , I Don T , Last Night , 2009 , It , Irresponsible , Michele Bachmann , Isn T , Multiple Choice Question , Thing , Order , Ideals , Terrorism , Traditions , War , World , Part , Leadership , Anybody , Example , Something , Task , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Hope , November 23rd Deadline , November 23rd , 23 , Won T Change , Consumers , Focus , Bullet , Goods In Asia , Finding New Opportunities , U S Borders , 95 , Mario Monti , Italy , Products , Consumer , Made In America , Gig , Aileen In A , Prime Minister , Crisis , Silvio Berlusconi , Gifted , Anders Breivik , Bombing , Victims , Dozens , Hand , Relatives , Court Appearance , Norway , Shooting Rampage In Oslo , 77 , News , Breivik , Phone Hacking Scandal , Trial , Spring , Inquiry , London , Way , Newspapers , American Morning With Paula Zahn , Witnesses , Outcome , Allegations , Husband , Time , Sexual Harassment , Gloria Cain , Move , Front Runners , Protesters , Video , Lifetime , Opportunity , Guitar , Protest Tune , It Serenading , Hold , Pricing , Brakes , Top , Meineke , Back On The Road , Iowa , Caucus , Seven , Candidates , Newt Gingrich , Insurance Company , Book Signing , Town Halls , Meet , Employees , Money , Dinner , Headline , Washington D C , Hands , Paul Steinhauser , Rick Perry , Auction , Race , Las Vegas , Iowa Caucuses , Mitt Romney , Polls , Back , Nomination , May , Campaign , Poll , Spot , Heat , Battle , Cbs , 17 , Three , Lot , Everyone , Field , Voters , Out , Minds , Sampling Area , Haven T , Debates , Reason , Saturday Night , Statesman , Ideas , Surge , Elder , South Carolina , Attack , Takeaways , Foreign Policy , Listen , Stance , Gaffe , Michigan , Fun , Governor , Elimination , Sir , Department Of Energy , Aid , Zero , Times , Security , Can T Wait , 1 Million , Cycle , Family Values Forum , Visits , Conservative , Explosion , Wife , Things , Split Personality , Fox News , Women , Woman , Person , Four , Weather , Have , Behavior , Front Runner , Rob Marciano , Nosh Restaurant Association , Storm , Damage , Colorado , Hit Alaska , Alaska Coastline , Snow Totals , Fact , Elevations , Snow , Rockies , Big Time , Roadways , Power Outages , Trouble , Amount , Orange , Utah , California , Ski Resorts , Frisco , Brighton , Keystone , 13 , 115 , 11 , Winds , Threat , Storm System , Skiing Weather , Midwest , Penn Pass , Wheatland , 68 , 100 , Mexica Border , Some , Storms , Energy , Event , Folks , Parts , Tornadoes , Wind Damage , Well , Hail , Ohio River Valley , The Deep South , Midsouth Including Paducah , East Central Illinois , Rain , Back Side , Thunderstorm , Tornado Warning , Rio Grande , Great Lakes , Southern Texas , Front , Least , Chicago , Temperatures , Spots , Indiana , 70 , Most , Degree , Conditions , Atlanta , 72 , 58 , 64 , Denver , Side , Morning Showers , Rainfall , East Towards Detroit , Cleveland , Win , Kansas City , Tebow Didn T , Broncos , The System , Justin Timberlake , Economy , Life , Wa One , Super Mario , Fix Itly , Announcer , Style , V8 , Veggie Nutrition , 20 , Matter , Expenses , Small Business , Small Business Card , Fore , Sink , Chase , Anywhere , Innovation , Ink Customers , Expense , Save Time , App , Chase Com Ink , Policy , Policies , Nce Companies , Insurance , Annuities , Aviva Life Insurance , Humanity , Aviva , Wall Street , Business , Rally , Summit , Need , Stock Futures , Trade , Investors , Resolution , Europe , Asia Pacific Region , Counting , Deal , Vision , Deficit Reduction Deal , Powers , Free Trade Zone , Asian , Nine , Congressman , Lawmakers , Committee , Tax Hikes , Agreement , Tax Cuts , Reality , Co Chair , 12 , Hearing , Cuts , Meeting , Head , Finance Agency , Deficit Cuts , Executives , Taxpayer Bailouts , Dollar Bonuses , Airline Emirates , Fannie Mae , Freddie Mac , 8 Billion , 18 Billion , 170 Million , 70 Million , Largest , History , Box Office , Boeing 777s Jetliners , Immortals , Boeing , 50 , 777 , Adam Sandler , Action Flick , And Jay Ed Ger , Leonardo Dicaprio , Jack And Jill , 3 , 32 Million , 2 Million , Break , Doctor , Grace , God , Team , Car , Angels , Rivers , Let Me Go , Much , Sod , Mud , Chance , White House , Didn T Bargain , Morning , Stories , Welcome Back , Occupy Movement , Half , Turning Point , Police Officers , Encampment , Second Mile Charity , Assistant Coach , Leslie , Pension Payout , Analysts , Leaders , President Hu , Play , Nation , Everyone Else , Rules , Pacific Asian , Occupy Wall Street Protester , Options , Table , Fast One , Weapons , Flight , Apec Summit In Hawaii , Musician , Protest Song , Aloha , Brianna Keilar , Song , Spouses , 45 , Matthew , Hawaiian , Gift , Oahu Rorg Recognizr , Mcconna , States , Heads , Playing Guitar , Tape , Wasn T , Background Music , Shirt , It Didn T Go Over Bad , Cell Phone Video , Songs , Sound Technician , Singing , Writing , Means , Voice , Others , Trade Goals , Pro Nest Conjunction , Organizers , Website , Feed , Twitter , Sucks Dotcom , Last , Performance , Hold On , Conversation , Tent , Incident , Nobody , Line , Ruin , Enbattled , Matthew Chance , Debt , Problems , Phrase , Rome , 2 6 Trillion , 6 Trillion , Power , Caps , Budget , Cabinet , Reins , Eu , Bigger , Measures , In The Shadows , Politics , International Business , Chances , Choices , Track , General Electric , Microsoft , Guy , List , Money Markets , Doubt , Gob , Problem , Italians , Public Debt , Measure , Budget Deficit , Unelected , Mandate , Public Sector , Itself , Street Protests , Pensions , Italian Parliament , Oman , Bond Markets , Reform , Indications , Tweeting , The Word , Escorted Corporate Kelsey Desantis , Ball , Singer , Marine Corps Ball , End , Friends With Benefits , Serviceman , Invitation , Bargain , Youtube , Member , Graduate , Ones , Public , Site , Sneak Peek A , Australia , 37 , Size , Planet , Way To Go , Natural Gas , Projects , Singapore , Chevron , Location , Cellphone Rings , Movie , Monica , Story , Simplicity Card , Fee , Penalty Rate , Citisimplicity Com , Fees , Worries , Dealership , Baby , Let S Go To Vegas , Vegas , Month , Signature , Payment , Engineering , Test Drive , Jetta , German , Volkswagen , Security Deposit , Zero Down , Visit Vwdealer Com , Grad , Child Sex Abuse Scandal , Guest , Op Ed On , Program , To Be With You , Thomas Day , Someone , Officer , Student , Weekendment , Football , Sport , Six , Five , Students , Wall , Everything , Game , Standing Ovation , Situation , Little , Tie , We Haven T Heard Anything , Organization , Reputation , Rumors , Thousands , Mom , Friend , 15 , Strength , Couple , Confidence , Mentor , Gym , Nothing , Experience , Positive , Kid , University Of Chicago , Football Team , Waterboy , Master , You Ac Student , Group Of 20 , 101st Airborne , 101 , Mission , Kids , Form , Shape , Founder , Heartbreak , Anyone , Work , None , Butty , Point , Being , Wrongdoing , Same , Name , Town , Truth , Defense , Coach Paterno , Reactions , It Didn T Rahn , Decision , Thought Process , Op Ed , Washington Post , Board Of Trustees , Attention , Elders , Leadership Culture , Demise , The Greatest Generation , Congress , Obligations , Failure , Time S Up , Waiting , Halls , Parents , Aren T , Connection , Generation , Aren T Leading , Public Opinion , General David Petraeus , Grandfather , Investments , Faith , Tom Delays , John Edwards , Straw , Thanks , Writer , Technology , Innovator , The Next List , Education , Cutting Edge , Entertainment , Center , Researchers , Smells , Airs , 2 , 00 , Nasa , Place , Rocketships , Eastern Time , Guy Out , Vehicle Assembly Building , Kennedy Space Center , Scientists , Nerd Alert , 47 , Mattress , Hundreds , T Shirts , 48 , Fuel , Lexus Hybrid Drive Technology , Perfection , Hybrid System , You Engineer Amazing , Spaces , Crime Rate , Under Fire , Warning , Apec Summit Of Asian , Efforts , Pacific , Government , Nuclear Weapon , Footing , Former European Commissioner , Ribbon , Evelyn Lauder , Complications , Memorial Service , Executive , Estee Lauder , Ovarian Cancer , Breast Cancer Awareness , Cosmetic Giant , 75 , Soyuz Spacecraft Carrying One American Astronaut , Shuttle Program , Spacecraft , Snowstorm , Space Station , Astronaut , Middle , Russians , Blastoff , Russian , Look , Endeavour , Space Shuttle , Museum , Land , Role , Visitors , Lots , Inside , John Zarrella , Pictures , Sneak Peek , 30 , Picture , Che , Pick , Ceiling , Space Geeks , Orbiter , Unbelievable , This Is Heaven , Space Rocket , Tours , Massive Saturn 5 , Moon Rockets , 5 , Building , Apollo Space Shuttle , Launch Pad , 6000 , Shuttles , Shuttle , Booster Rockets , Fuels , Fuel Tanks , Chemicals , Outsiders , Doors , 1978 , Vab , Weren T , Flag , Nasa Factoids , Buildings , Volume , 525 , Stripes , City Bus , 210 , Rocket , Astronauts , Space Agency , Mat , Mars , Impress , Florida , Incredible , Owner , Course , Guinness Book Of World Records , 247 , World Records , Xl , 000 , 5000 , Setting Book Of World Records , Authors , 8 , Dollar , Headroom , Big Thoughts , Gonna , Walk , Little Walk Small Talk , Occupy Chaos , Legroom , Nissan Versa Sedan , Innovation Upsized , 0990 , 10990 , Offices , Medicine , Mail , Packages , Company , Service , Revenue , Law , Agency , Reasons , Losses , Bears , Burden , Workers , 2006 , 5 Billion , Accounts , I Love You , Honey , Oh My Gosh , Soup , Potato , Pieces , Progresso , Coach , Jerry Sandusky Out On Bail Awaiting Trial , School , Neighbor , Unoccupy , Talking Business In Paradise , American Jobs Act , Number One , Chine , 2345 , Ali Velshi , October 14th , Monday October 14th , Child Abuser , Mary , Will , Signs , Affiliation , 7 , Ncaa , Bobby Rush , Mafia , Wake , School Administrators Didn T Do , Finger , Camp , Fire , Child Molester , South Carolina Military College , Louis Reville , Ex Counselor , The School Couldn T Kraup R , Team Campers , Academy , Pornography , Lis Room , 2007 , Demonstrators , It S Time , Didn T , Impatient , Public Health , Encampments , Chaos , City Streets Jobe , City Pashs , Economists , Rnb , Imports , Exports , 25 , Pressure , Hasn T , Enough , Improvement , System , Pacific Nations , Currency , Candidate , Gloria Cairn , Totallies , National Restaurant Association , O Accusations , Oak , Cuf , 90 , Court , Terrorist , Norwegian , Rampage , Shooting , Oslo , Breivik J , Phone Hacking Scandal Trial , Serenading , Garbage , 9 , Marge , Psst , Ten , Constipated , Relief , Ingredient , Colon , Constipation , Phillips , Professor , Use Magnesium , Stimulant Laxatives , Cramps , Lab , Score , Premise , Camera Move , Patient , Surgery , Stunt , Tires Screech , Hollywood , 360 , Solutions , Tale , Fedex , Supermodel Cameo , Ticking Clock , Corn , Center For American Progress , Babies , Strategist , Kiss , Ed Rollins , Cain Didn T , There Weren T , Mistakes , Notable , Didn T Make , Computer , Consistency , Format , Television , Perspective , Bag , Sympathy , True , Consensus , Glove , Troops , Countries , Military Buildup , Iraq , Afghanistan , Smart , Gains , Whole , Death , Bin Laden , Interests , Wars , The American , Trillions , Anything Else , Lives , Sound , Foreign Affairs , Approval Ratings , Approval Rating , 62 , Saying , Guys , Affair , Down The Line , Libya , 52 , Saber Rattling , George Bush , It Wasn T Effective , Refocuses , Stage , Brighter , Slot , Tier , Alternative , Retail Politician , You Don T , Radio Shows , Ticket , Vying , Romney Yesterday , Guy Standing , Bottom Line , Audience , Housewives , Detriment , Fighting , Segue , New Jersey , What S Going On , Summer , Repercussions , Tax Increases , Democrats , Knop P , Republicans , Progressives , Stumbling Block , Revenues , Talk , Entitlements , Uk , Taxes , Cracks , Forth Today , Message , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , Care , Rest , Dare , Telephone , Plemps , Shouldn T Be Neutral , 2 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Sequester , One More Time , Markets , Fumbling , It Sequester , Gop Debate Is Next Tuesday Night November 22nd , Wolf Blitzer , November 22nd , 22 , Shower , Engagement Ring , Doghouse , 0000 , 10000 , Watch , Trail , Mistake , Landfill , It Outology , Razor , Picking , Items , Glass , Value , Thaw , 21 , Wind , Ring , Come On , Dad , West , Interstate , Video Showing , Area , Thunderstorms , Stuff , Loveland , Piece , Indian Summer , Temps , D C , Pretty Toasty , Back To You , Coat , Rainfall Tonight , Stock Market , Heart , Beat , Campbell , Heart Healthy , Fizzle , Ralsy Starting , Futures Trading Lower , Volatility , Traud , 401 , Bonuses , Federal Housing Finance Agency , A Million , Mortgage Giants , Airline Emirate , Taxpayer Money , Stay , Bayouts , 18 Million , 8 Million , Spain , Back Pain , Salonpas , Wow , Coming , Saw , Who , Monday Morning , Business Today , Series , Bomb , Debt Crisis , Practices , Iae , Objective , Nuclear Arms Race , Atomic Weapon , Speaking From Honolulu Last Night , Iaea , Credit Score , Eviction Order , Places , Add , Abeck , Makana , 60 , Request , Oahu , Occupy Wall Street T Shirt Underneath , The Voice , Apecsucks Com , Conjunction , Listening , Someone Else , Words , Mogul Selling , Rapper , Elevator Music , Music , 99 , Vandals , Shirts , Cause , Lincoln S Tomb , Earache , Al Capone , 36 , Heartbeat , Flu , Heart Condition , Accident , Asthma , American Medical Association , Patients , Relationship , Partnership , Physicians , Parka , Deficit , Closet , Committee Situate , Sword , Statue , Theft , Springfield , Thieves , 39 , Nancy Pelosi , Tomb , Position , Balcony , Civil War , Record , Credit Card Companies , In The House , Bill Protecting Credit Card , Estate , Laws , Tom Corbett , Culture , Abuse , Authorities , Unreported , Events , Family , Teenager , Iraq War Veteran , 31 , Nittany Lions , Nebraska , Influence , Changes , Clout Score , Romans , Resumes , Numeral , Tday , 59 , College , Finances , Laughter , 42 , Playing Anything , Player , Homework , Force Field , Father , Dealer , Passat , Morning Headlines , 43 , Custody , Terror Suspect , Shooting Spree , Futures , Stock Swings , Tehran , Nuke , Harks , Health Hazard , Protester , Colds , Wife Doesn T , Quarters , Infections , Risk , Sign , Mcclatchy Survey Shows , International Space Station , Smokin Joe Frazier , Champ , Farewell , Liver Cancer , Fight , Butt , Isn T So , Showers , Thigh , Central Park , Percentage , Unemployment Rate , Student Debt , 34 , Another , Bills , Help , Kim Kardashian , 65 , 93 , 63 , 79 , Clout , Ability , Social Media , Clout Scores , Friends , Retweets , Facebook , Ways , Ceo , Fernandezn , Joe Fer , Skill , Internet , Work Force , Calling Clout , Soul , Noeng Measure , Inflused , Job Interview , Job Interviews , Idea , Hopes , Resume , Who Covers Media , Jeff Ra Cosey , Forbes , Companies , People Running Companies , Followers , Language , Themselv , Footprint , Fernando , Klout , Cover Up , Investigation , Needs , Right , Sexual Exploitation , Profits , In The Name Of , Organizations , Mankind , Media , Ohio State , Silence , University Of Miami , Deafening , Corruption , Smell , Pool , Embarrassment , Culture Of Corruption , America Idea , Athletes , Anything , Congressman Rush , Stand Up , Scholarships , Support , 6 Billion , 2 Billion , Looks , Exterior , Cup , The Club , Youngsters , Exploitation , Sports Leagues , Documentation , Recruiting Club , Skin , Men , Recruiting Effort Beginning , Hearts , Colleges , Exploitation Begin , Congressman Y Kn , In Particular , College Sports , Agregious , University Of Texas , Devil S Advocate , 00 Million , 50 Million , Somebody , Second , Framework , Moral , Privileges , Provisions , Fabric , Big Business , Parade , Amateurism , Discussion , Ameriprise Financial , 1894 , 57 , Bailout , Generations , Global Financial Leader , Millions , Clients , Future , Ramen Noodle , Car Insurance , Allstate Agent , Value Plan , Reach , Call , Okay Y , Eating Progresso , Fit , Ties , On Bail , Jerry S Sandusky , Carol , Coming Under Fire , Didn T Disclose , Process , On Saturday , Child Predator , Sightings , Ehe , Sandusky Arrest , Nations , Prezumption , Sale Community Innocence , Thatsd , Frontrunner , National Restaurant Association In The 90s , Accusations , Tire , Salt Lake City , Crimes , Filth , Parks , Drugs , 6 , 2011 , 1968 , 1 115 Mile Per Hour , 1 115 , 10 , 1 , Eight , 40 Million , 24 , 3 43 , 43 , 1989 , 350 Million , 35 Million , 135 Million , 190 , 54 , 67 , 145 , 28 , 29 , 4 , , 500 , 135 , 855 Get Slate , 855 , 71 , November 12th , Wall Street Protester , Feet , Aplayground ,

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