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wake-up call. i'm christine romans in for carol costello. this morning race officials will begin deciding how they'll investigate a wreck that killed a two are-time indy 500 winner. 33-year-old dan wheldon was one of a record 34 cars on the las vegas track. on lap 12, the unthinkable. cars spinning out of control, bursting into flames, several actually going airborne. three drivers were treated for injuries, wheldon was airlifted to the hospital where he eventually died. the race was canceled. but the drivers did return to cirque tl track five times as a tribute, some of them in tears. dan wheldon's factr in law remembers one of the last times they spoke. >> i just told him that i just wanted one thing, dan, i told him, i said you need you to win. i didn't say i need you to win, but that would be the birthday present i'd like to have from you. he said my car is kind of slow, they're working on it. so hopefully we'll do our best. i said have a safe race. he was supposed to go to australia after the race and i said have a safe race. and that's all. >> dan wheldon leaves be hihinds wife susan and two children, sebastian and oliver. this morning three suspects are in custody accused of chaining and holding four disabled adults captive in a basement. our susan candiotti has more. >> police call it an act of evil, in a basement below the basement of this philadelphia house, all four locked behind a steel door. one woman and tleep men age 29 to 41. >> it looks like a dungeon. these people were stored like surplus meat in the basement. >> reporter: held captive in a 15 by 15 food room, emaciated, covered in bed sores and filthy conditions. the owner heard dogs barking inside and discovered them on saturday. >> the four are believed to have been there about a week. police think the three suspects had been stealing the victims' social security checks. the involuntary manslaughter trial of michael jackson's doctor has been put on hold after the father of the prosecution's last witness died. dr. stephen schaffer, an anesthesiologist began giving testimony last week. he's expected to give more testimony crucial to the prosecution's case once this trial resumes. despite the delay, the jury is expected to get the case next week. president obama is hitting the road again today to push his plan to get americans back to work. his first stop will be in the asheville area of north carolina. he also plans to visit virginia as part of a three-day bus tour. both are key battleground states he won in 2008. the president said since his jobs package failed, he wants lawmakers to pass every element of it piece by piece in multiple bills. the occupy wall street phenomenon now in month number two. 31 days ago it started as a backlash against the economy and the power brokers and the corporate, financial and political sectors. it's gone global with demonstrations in cities across europe, in asia, australia. in the u.s. protests in chicago, phoenix, even fairbanks, alaska. one of those arrested over the weekend in an occupy washington rally was dr. cornell west. he said his arrest was to honor the spirit of dr. martin luther king. that spirit was one of the many things honored at the dedication of the new king memorial in washington. ♪ on sunday musical groups, civil rights icons and the president and first lady were on hand. the memorial site with its 30-foot statue of dr. king lies between the lincoln memorial and jefferson memorial on the national mall. leave rented king's daughter bernice spoke about the new memorial honoring her late father. >> today represents another milestone in the life of america. this is a day that all americans can be proud of. and may i remind you that this is not just a celebration for african-americans, but for americans and citizens around this world. >> the dedication was originally planned for august, but was postponed, you remember, because of hurricane irene. now let's go to meteorologist rob marciano live with me here in new york this morning. it was a nice fall weekend the northeast this weekend. >> pretty nice and therein quill. a little brisk brees. that breeze is going to cause a little bit in the way of travel delays. then tropical or hurricane season not quite done yet, affected by a storm as we go through the week. new york, boston. gusty winds today and sporadic showers will playing those airports. most of the delays should be on the minor side including chicago to detroit. tampa, miami, orlando, a stalled frontal boundary down there that will be the focal point for some rainfall. then there's a tropical disturbance that's going to bring more in the way of moisture up, not only across florida, but up across the carolinas and in through the northeast as we go through the rest of the week. here is the rainfall from the cold low that's been spinning across northeastern canada. just a couple light showers today. i think the main deal will be the gusty winds. there's your heavier rain across parts of south florida, miami, across the keys, that's completely hit up with heavy rainfall today. tropical disturbance in the southern gulf of mexico has the potential for becoming a tropical depression or tropical storm in the next couple days. we think it will quickly make its way up the east coast mostly as rainmaker. all right. here we go. talking about this now tore ten days. a lot of people are scratching their head going come on, not again. another satellite expected to fall to the earth. this one, we're calling it rosat, up there about 20 years now. it's a big old telescope. did a lot of good stuff form about nine years. now it's coming back to earth and it's scheduled to arrive beginning thursday through monday or it is of next week. same deal. we don't know when it will fall. we think about 30 pieces will survive reentry. that's a little more than the last one. and the largest one will be 800 pounds. here we go, christine. this one is coming to town. and although it's probably going the fall in the same area, 53 north to 53 south because we've got a little more in the way of pieces, we have a one in 2,000 chance of this one hitting someone across the world. slightly better chances -- >> so hitting someone -- since there are so many people in the world, it means like i have a one in several trillion chance of it hitting actually me? >> exactly. one in 2,000 doesn't mean it's going to hit you, but any human being on the face of the planet. >> i don't mean to sound selfish, but an 800 pound -- there's some kind of irony about television journalists and being hit by an 800-pound mirror. did you see the remake of "foot loose" this weekend. late night comedians got a big kick out of it. >> and there's also a movie now, don't confuse it, about michelle o bachmann. >> michele bachmann. >> it's called "a screw loose." that's a different story. >> i'm going to go see "footloose," and then after that i'm going to kill myself. >> it was a remake of "flash dance." you still got that clip? >> all right. samsung's war with apple is only getting uglier. the tech giant wants sales of the new iphones banned in two more countries. first our quote of the day. quote, tiger woods will be 40 years old in 2016. republican parties should begin grooming him for a run at the white house. his personal attributes and accomplishments on the golf course point to a candidate who will be a problem solver, not a politician. who wrote this? the answer in 90 seconds. it's almost ten minutes after the hour. which provided for their every financial need. [ thunder rumbling ] [ thunder crashing ] and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. ♪ and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. it's 11 minutes after the hour. this is your wam wake-up call. now back to our quote of the day. tiger woods will be 40 years old in 2016. the republican party should begin grooming him now for a run at the white house. his personal attributes and accomplishments on the golf course point to a candidate who will be a problem solver, not a politician. republican presidential candidate herman cain wrote an op ed in 2006 endorsing tiger woods for president. it ran before reports of woods' extramarital affairs became public. sunday cain said he was joking about that column. not even sesame street is safe from hackers. people checking out its youtube page yesterday saw explicit sex videos instead of the entertaining muppets. the names of two youtube users were posted claiming responsibility for the hack before the content was taken down. one of the users denies having anything to do with the hit. certainly bad taste. samsung is beefing up its war with apple. it wants sales of the newest iphone halted in two countries. let's go to kristie lu stout in hong kong. >> hey there. samsung is again accusing apple of patent infringement. it has filed an injunction to block the sale of the iphone 4s in two countries, japan and australia. this is the latest move in a series of recent lawsuits that have seen the two companies sue and countersue each other. apple is claiming the galaxy tab let's and smart phones have copied its ipads and iphones. samsung denies those allegations. christine, it's important to note that both companies have workeding the. samsung makes phones for the iphones and ipad. a very complicated similar bee otic relationship. >> they can still have their disputes and spats. google meantime adding 14 more languages to its conversation mode on the android phone. what languages will we all be able to speak now? >> this is coming out soon. on thursday, the conversation mode in google translate it it will handle brazilian, portuguese, czech, dutch, french, german, italian, german, mandarin chinese, polish, russian and turkish. currently only translating into english and spanish. the applets you speak into the microphone and have your words translated. i have the app for the iphone. it is pretty impressive. factors like background noise and regional accepts can affect the performance. google says the quality will improve as we use it more. back to you. >> i can't believe what we can do with our phones today. we don't just call with them, we talk to them, they talk to us. kristie lu stout, thanks so much. herman cain changing his tude about building a deadly border fence. one day after making the remarks, he says this was all just a joke. will voters find it funny when they head to the polls. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. the same technology used by physical therapists. can i help you? yeah, can i get a full-sized car? forfor convertibles, please stepress star menu. i didn't catch that. to speak to a representative, please say representative now. representative. goodbye! you don't like automated customer service, and neither do we. that's why, unlike other cards, no matter when you call chase sapphire preferred, you immediately get a person not a prompt. chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. (phone ringing) chase sapphire preferred, this is julie in springfield. get ready to see the gop candidates like you've never seen them before. here is your punch line. >> as a former front-runner, i have one great question for our great, great question. how did i screw this up? seriously, y'all used to love me. now i'm pulling behind mit and the pizza guy. what happened? >> hello, i'm mitt romney. no i'm not. and i'm ready to fight for america. nah huh. >> hi, i'm michele bachmann and i want to be your president. as a member of the congressional intelligence committee i know a lot of scary stuff most americans don't know. i know for a fact that china is using lasers to blind our satellites and melt the north pole. i know there's a lizard king that dwells at the center of the earth and alcohols the weather with his mind. >> time for your political ticker with tim farley host of "morning briefing." >> good morning. that jimmy fallon is something, isn't he? >> very talented guy. herman cain backing off calling for a deadly electrical fence along the u.s. border. first -- here is what he said saturday. listen. >> when i'm in charge of the fence, we're going to have a fence. it's going to be 20 feet high, barbed wire on the top, electrocuted -- electrified and a sign on the other side that says "it will kill you." >> this is how he put it yesterday, a day later. >> that's a joke, david, that's a joke. >> that's not a serious plan? >> that's not a serious plan. that's a joke. i've also said america needs to get a sense of humor. >> he has, tim, said america needs to get a sense of humor. if you listen to that first clip, he was playing to the crowd and they were laughing along. will this hurt him, this joking and people asking him if these jokes are serious policy? >> probably not i don't think. maybe we could use one of those translators that you and kristie lu stout were talking about, the things you can translate what herman cain is saying. first of all, he said it's a joke. you've got to take him at his word. he kind of giggled at what he said. even if it's not a joke, is it really something that's going to upset the people who might vote for him in a primary? that's what it's all about right now, getting the primary votes. there's an awful strong sense among conservative republicans, the kind of people that vote in these primaries, that you need to have strong control of the border. if it's an electric fence, do it. that may be the opinion. i don't think it will hurt him, the short term or long term. if he would manage to get into the general election, but i don't think that's going to happen. i don't think he's going to find up being the nominee. >> when you look at the polls and how much money he's raising, it starts to show you that politics can get -- things can turn on a dime in politics, especially with so many longts left in the race. >> let's talk about mon money and how much cash was raised. >> ron paul bringing in more than $8 million. what they raise still doesn't compare to president obama who brought in much more. >> president obama, $70 million declared. that's split maybe 50/50 between the obama reelect and the democratic national committee. remember all the money is going to the republicans right now split up. still a lot of money on the sidelines. that doesn't include the amount of money spent in the pacs that don't have to declare how much is being raised. it does say that rick perry, despite his problems with the debates is going to be competitive in iowa and new hampshire and whatever other early primaries because he has the money to spend. ron paul is spending money. herman cain has to get up there in iowa and new hampshire on the ground. that's why i still don't see him with a pathway to the nomination. ron paul will be a factor. the others are running on fumes right now including jon huntsman and newt gingrich, both of whom are in debt. you even see tim pawlenty raised a million dollars in the third quarter. he's still in debt from a campaign he abandoned in august. the big story out of the numbers is that rick perry is in this at least for the first few primary contests. that's where it's going to determine how long term a candidate he is. >> jon huntsman, his economic policies are endorsed by the "wall street journal." on paper, he's the one a couple years ago, last year, that many insiders said the white house was most concerned about, jon huntsman. you see him pulling up there. a campaign, some say when you look at how much money he's raising, could be on fumes. tim farley, nice to see you this monday morning. one day, four to go. we want to remind you that cnn and the western republican leadership conference are hosting the next republican debate. several candidates will face off in las vegas. jon huntsman is skipping this go-around, he's taking sides with new hampshire over nevada in the fight over the primary calendar. anderson cooper will monitor the debate it is night at 8:00 p.m. the dirty secrete your cell phone may be hiding. boil water, throw in your favorite noodle and top it off with your favorite sauce. today is national pasta day. did you know a frenchman built the first industrial pasta factory in 1848 in brooklyn. 20 minutes after the hour. dan rivers tells us even with the end in site with the remember bells, the dangers are far from over. >> reporter: the front line isn't any less dangerous. this is the safest way to get around here. snipers have been picking off ntc soldiers every day. they have plenty of ammunition just not much discipline when they use it. gadhafi sniper can keep a dozen ntc troops pinned down for months. the revolutionaries are their own sharp shooters. patiently they wait on rooftops until they see movement and then the inevitable. >> dan rivers in sirte, libya. let's go to zain verjee live from london this monday morning. dan talks about some of the serious dangers that remain in sirte, especially snipers. in tripoli they're already erasing signs of the gadhafi regime, aren't they? >> they are because they've got the bulldozers out and they are getting rid of the compound where moammar gadhafi used to live in. what officials there are saying, christine, they want to make it a public park, a nice green space so libyans can come and enjoy what once used to be what they call a symbol of tyranny. they say this is really a symbolic moment. they just want to get rid of it. you can see with the pictures, they're raising it down to the ground. the other place, too, interesting, there was a courtyard where moammar gadhafi would give these fiery speeches. they're saying according to the locals that they want to turn it into a place to sell pets. that's what they want to do with that. >> meantime the occupy wall street movement in its second month now. day 31, and the movement is spreading to cities across the u.s. and now the globe, zain. where are we seeing these protests pop up? >> let me show you some of the video. it spread across the atlantic. rome in italy, those protests started off relatively peacefully, then they turned a little violent. in london there were protests, too. you'll remember julian assange of wikileaks was also out there protesting. in germany they called for direct democracy. protests in madrid, belgium and sweden. in some pictures you'll see people wearing these masks with thin lips and a sinister face. it's actually from a movie about a masked hero that fights totalitarianism. you can see from these pictures how it has spread across the atlantic and people are making their point. >> zain, you're in lendon. you may be able to back me up on this. one in six cell phones in britain may be contaminated with fecal matter that can spread e. coli. researchers say it's likely because some people don't wash their hands after they use the bathrooms. they say about 16% of cell phones harbored the e. coli bacteria. 16% of cell phones. mine is clean, i swear, zain. >> i know that mine is because i'm constantly using hand sanitizers, everyone around the london office does so. i know our phones don't have any of that matter. but we're constantly doing this. i don't know if you are, too. prove it, christine. do you have it there, hand sanitizer. >> i don't have it with me, but i like that. i like that. >> zain, have a wonderful monday. two weeks now and baby lisa irwin still can't be found. ahead, who is joining the search now hoping they can do something to help police. and occupy wall street has gone global. see where the protests have spread. good morning everyone. it's monday, october 17th. this is your a.m. wake-up call. i'm christine romans in for carol costello live from new york. the time is now, it's been about two weeks since a missouri baby disappeared from her home. now 25 members of the missouri national guard are joining the search for 11-month-old lisa irwin alongside local and federal investigators. police say they haven't had any breakthroughs in this case. they're hoping a fresh set of eyes will help the investigation. two anonymous people are offering $100,000 for lisa's safe return. she is now 11 months old. the maryland man held in aruba hets back to court. gary giordano hopes to win his release. his lawyer argues there is no evidence to hold him. giordano says he was snorkeling with robyn gardner in august when she disappeared. he was arrested three days later while awaiting a flight back to the u.s. family and friends say she would never go snorkeling. the trial of michael jackson's doctor is on hold. the father of the prosecution's last witness passed away. dr. stephen schaffer began giving his testimony last week, expected to give more testimony crucial to the prosecution's case. the jury could still get the trial as early as next week despite that delay. it started as a backlash against the economy and the power brokers in the corporate, financial and political worlds. now occupy wall street has gone global with demonstrations in cities across europe, asia and aus australia in the u.s., in chicago, phoenix, even fairbanks, alaska, today is day 31 of the protests. ♪ >> the queen of soul, aretha franklin was among the many celebrities an dipping tears marking the official dedication of the king memorial on the national mall. a 30-foot statue of dr. martin luther king now stands between the jefferson and lincoln memorials. those who spoke at sunday's ceremony included some of king's childr children, congressman john lewis, newsman dan rather and the president. >> if he were alive today i believe he would remind us that the unemployed worker can rightly challenge the excesses of wall street without demonizing all who work there. the businessman can enter tough negotiations with his company's union without vilifying the right to collectively bargain. he would want us to know we can argue fiercely about the proper size and role of government without questioning each other's love for this country. >> the dedication was set for august but was postponed by hurricane irene. dr. king is the first african-american to be memorialized on the national mall. all right. why scam hers may have their eyes on your kids. that's right. that's coming up. cross your fingers. so far, so good on the markets. asian markets ended up, tokyo at a six-week high. the hang seng over 2% higher. european markets up as well. take a good hard look at the dow jones industrial average, after a few weeks of talking about potentially a bear market, suddenly things roaring back and within striking distance really of 12,000. it's come back pretty nicely. a lot of folks saying they don't think there will be a double-dip recession now and they think europe might be under control. one sector making a comeback this year, business travel. the global business travel association expects a 6.9% increase in domestic travel spending over last year to $250 billion. and the organization expects business travel to grow well next year but at a slightly lower pace. it says despite uncertain economic conditions companies know the value in personal relationship. attention parents, keep a close eye on your children's identity. the better business bureau cites one report saying kids' identities are 51 times more likely to be stolen than adults. among the top tarkts, your child's social security number. seems those numbers are assigned but not used much. scam hers find those numbers and sell them because it could take years before you find out there's a problem. by then a scam her has used your identity for years and years and years. it can be a real mess to fix up. that's why the young ter identity, the better it is for thieves to steal it. the game was over, but the action was not. we're going to show you two nfl coaches who turned a simple postgame handshake into a postgame fight. but first, time for your "get smart" question of the day. what percent of parents admitted to being distracted by a cell phone or electronic device while teaching their child how to drive? a is 15%, bis 53%, c is a whopping 74%. we'll have the answer after the break. it's 38 minutes after the hour. very moving, wasn't it? yes, it was. i'm so glad we could be here for larry. at a time like this, friends and family matter most. even preparing this lunch is a help, emotionally and financially. mm, it's true. i was surprised to hear there was no life insurance. funerals are so expensive. i hope larry can afford it. i know. that's why i'm glad i got a policy through the colonial penn program. it gives me peace of mind to know i can help my family with some of those expenses. you know, i've been shopping for life insurance. do you think they have coverage for me, something that would fit into my budget? yes. you can get permanent coverage for less than 35 cents a day. if you're between 50 and 85, your acceptance is guaranteed. you won't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. oh, really? with my health, i didn't think i'd qualify. you can't be turned down because of your health. plus, your costs will never go up, and your coverage will never go down. okay. i'm convinced. i'm going to give them a call. are you between the ages of 50 and 85? did you think that quality insurance at an affordable rate is out of your reach? if you answered yes to these questions, then you should call about the colonial penn program now. for less than 35 cents a day, you can get affordable life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. there are no health questions or medical exam. you cannot be turned down because of your health. so, whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing coverage you already have, join the six million people who have called about the colonial penn program. ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. they're waiting to hear from you, so call now. i've put this off long enough. i'm definitely gonna call about the colonial penn program. almost 41 minutes after the hour. this is your a.m. wake-up call. now the answer to today's "get smart" question of the day. what percent of parents admitted to being distracted by a cell phone or other electronic device while teaching their child to drive. the answer is 53%. that comes from a new study by state farm insurance. transportation secretary ray lahood warns parents' driving habits provide a lifelong lesson for their kids. the st. louis cardinals flew into the world series last night, won the national league championship series 4-2. cardinals took an early lead and never looked back. they'll face the texas rangers who clinched a world series berth on saturday. carol is crying tears of pain. game one of the world series is wednesday night in st. louis. to the gridiron now where you might expect to see players get physical. check this out. the postgame handshake between two nfl coaches turns into a postgame scuffle. you expect sometimes players get physical. san francisco coach jim harbaugh is a bit pumped up after 49ers beat the lions. both coaches address the tiff in his postgame competition. he added there's a protocol that goes with the league. >> tense moments, right? in college football, the bowl championship series unveiled the rankings. the lsu tigers narrowly beat out the alabama crimson tide for the top spot. the college football world will be watching when the two play in two weeks. oklahoma, oklahoma state and boise state round out the bcs standing. animals shrinking in size, what's to blame and what could it mean for all of us. this day in history, october 17, 1931 was the day al capone was convicted of income tax evasion. he was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison. that ended his control of the chicago underworld. it's 43 minutes after the hour. for convertibles, press star one. i didn't catch that. to speak to a representative, please say representative now. representative. goodbye! you don't like automated customer service, and neither do we. that's why, unlike other cards, no matter when you call chase sapphire preferred, you immediately get a person not a prompt. chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. (phone ringing) chase sapphire preferred, this is julie in springfield. good morning. it's monday, october 17. this is your a.m. wake-up call. i'm christine romans in for carol costello joining you live this morning from new york. iran's leadership in the middle of a bit of a power struggle. and that could change everything. let's go around the world with zain verjee live from london. good morning, zain. i know a move to change how leaders take power in iran, what's brought this on? what does it mean? >> well, this is a pretty significant and interesting development. the ayatollah khomeini made a speech to students basically saying why bother having an election for president if we can just pick whoever we want? he's basically floated this idea out. now, this is much more serious in what it's underscoring here because there's been a massive power struggle between mahmoud ahmadinejad, the elected president and the more religious clerical establishment in iran. what we're seeing in many ways is different things playing out. that's at the core of this. it's significant for the ayatollah to say this because he was the guy that actually backed mahmoud ahmadinejad during a controversial election in 2009. now he's saying let's just get rid of that position in terms of it being an elected one in the not-too-distant future. around the world to israel where we heard about the israeli soldier held since 2006. a deal was struck that he was traded for more than 1,000 palestinian prisoners. the story doesn't end there, does it? >> no, it doesn't. it really does fuel a lot of emotions on so many different sides here. the thing to focus on today is you've got all these families, victims of terror attacks in israel that have gone to the supreme court in israel. christine, they are saying they don't want these palestinian prisoners released, more than a thousand. a first batch would be a little more than 450. they're saying these people are terrorists, they have killed people we loved. there was one person who lost his parents and three siblings in a cafe when it was bombed and attacked by palestinians. they're saying they should not be released. gill ladd shah late has been captured since 2006. that's the israel soldier that israel wants back and is willing to make a deal. many israelis just don't want that to happen. >> some are concerned, too, it will just fuel more kidnap pings, quite frankly, that if one israel is traded for a thousand prisoners, then does that just fuel a whole new round of this. zain verjee, thank you so much. talk to you again soon. the morning race officials will begin deciding how to investigate the wreck that killed a two-time indy 500 winner. 33-year-old dan wheldon was one of a record 34 cars on the las vegas track on lap 12 the unthinkable. cars spinning out of control, bursting into flames. several actually going airborne. three drivers were treated for injuries. wheldon airlifted to a hospital. he eventually died. the race was canceled, but the drivers did return to circle the track five times in a tearful tribute. still in a state of shock, fellow drivers spoke about their friend dan wheldon. >> i know this is a dangerous sport. i know we're exposed to that every day in normal life as well. but you don't think about it. today we have to think about it. i lost one of my best friends, one of my greatest teammates and i don't know what to say. i think i'm getting old. i've been through too many of these already. it puts life in prospect for sure. if you ask any of us in this field, if we could choose a way to go, that's the way. i wouldn't have chose en different either. >> i lost, we lost a good friend. i think everybody in indy car series considered dan a friend. you saw the reaction there. he's one of those special, special people. >> indy drivers and fans broken hearted this morning. dan leaves behind his wife suzie and two young boys, sebastian is 2, oliver is seven months old. the fbi is joining the investigation into a disturbing case from philadelphia. three suspects in custody accused of chaining and holding four disabled adults captive in a basement. our susan candiotti has more. >> police call it an act of evil, in a basement below the basement of this philadelphia house, a chained chenningaled one of four mentally and physically challenged adults to a boiler. one woman and three men, age 29 to 41. >> it looks like a dungeon. these people were stored like surplus meat in the basement. >> reporter: held captive in a 15 by 15 foot room, emaciated, covered in bed sores and filthy conditions. the build dij's owner discovered them on saturday when he heard dogs barking inside. >> cnn's susan candiotti in philadelphia. the four are believed to have been there about a week now. police say the three suspects had been stealing the victims' social security checks. president obama hitting the road again today to push his plans to get americans back to work. his first stop will be in the asheville area of north carolina. he also plans to visit virginia as part of his three-day bus tour. both are key battleground states that he won in 2008. the president says since his jobs package failed in the senate, he wants lawmakers to pass every element of it piece by piece in multiple bills. now to rob marciano live from new york. where are we expecting flight delays this morning? >> maybe the northeast a little bit. we've got some wind. a couple showers. not a big deal. this really feels like fall. a bit of a brisk breeze over the last couple days. lower levels of humidity, all with a storm spinning across canada and will continue to spin in this direction in the next few days. just a few showers. but the wind is going to be the bigger issue. heavier rains across south florida. look at the rain shield popping up on the radar screen there. this is all tropical moisture feeding up from what could be a tropical depression or tropical storm here in the next 36 to 48 hours. we're watching that closely. rainfall is going to be heavy. flood watches are up for much of the state of florida. at least the southern part of it. two to six inches of rainfall. some rip currents are possible. all that rain will be moving up the east coast as well. and that could cause some flooding issues as far north as new england. there are your delays expected today. new york and boston because of the wind. same deal in chicago and detroit. tampa and miami because of that rainfall. and another system through the great lakes and denver. daytime highs today will be 61 in chicago. 67 in new york city. much cooler air will be rolling into the eastern two-thirds of the country as we get toward the middle and end part of the week. climate change, christine. there's a new study out by the usgs and world conservation union that says that climate change my be responsible for some of our animals actually shrinking. they're saying toads, tore toyses, red deers, even polar bears shrinking in size due to climate change and food supply in some cases dwindling. who knows down the road if that affects the food chain. people might even shrink over the next few centuries. certainly we've gotten larger, haven't we, in the past one or 200 years. interesting study coming out about the potential effects of climate change. >> that is really interesting. who is the study begin? >> combination of usgd and world conservation union. >> interesting. >> we'll see what happens. i could stand to fit into some clothes from five or ten years ago. >> but you're a tall guy. maybe it's not just shrinking in girth. how tall a guy are you? >> i'm 6'2". we were much shorter 100 years ago. you go into the older houses and the door jams are lower. about time to fit back into some of those old homes. >> rob marciano, talk to you soon. christmas will be here before you know it. we've got the list for the hottest toys of the years. it's october. the toy industry wants you to get real excited right away. we'll tell you what they are right after the break. and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. welcome back. let's go to my old friend joy gentleman das who is taking a look at your money from the nasdaq market site. good to see you. >> always good to see you. i'll show you how the futures markets are doing on this monday morning. they're all pointing to a higher open. investors are keeping one eye on europe. more importantly here in the u.s., a whole slew of earnings reports including mcdonald's, apple and ge. >> we'll see green arrows? are you promising green arrows, joya? >> i can't ever promise anything. you know that. >> it's amazing how we were talking about a bear market a month ago and things are coming back. maybe people will have money for the toys they want to buy in christmas. you the hot list. what is it? >> it's earlier and earlier that we talk about this. a new survey from the first is something called the big action construction site which comes with a big remote control truck and allows you to haul bolders up and down ramps and the like. if you want to make sure you protect your floor space, hot wheels has something called hot wheels tracks that have adhesives on the back. you can actually attach it to the wall. you don't have to be tripping all over your floor. >> to the wall? >> yeah. the adhesive has some kind of direction to make sure you don't take the paint down with it. >> i wonder why boys are dominating the list. >> to get mortem kratdic, the scaled down version of the ipad, it comes with an ereader, an art pad, a coloring book and what i thought was most interesting is an organizer, like a calendar so mom and dad can also keep track of all the kids' activities. >> threes always a must-have electronicsev

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Carolina , Asheville , It , Battleground States , Piece , Element , Both , Jobs , Lawmakers , Bills , Occupy Wall Street , 2008 , Phenomenon , Cities , Backlash , Demonstrations , Economy , Corporate , Number , Power Brokers , Sectors , 31 , Protests , Weekend , Cornell West , Europe , Chicago , In Asia , Occupy Washington Rally , Fairbanks , Alaska , Phoenix , Things , Spirit , Dedication , Arrest , King Memorial In Washington , Martin Luther King , King , Bernice , Memorial Site , Statue , Hand , Icons , First Lady , Lincoln Memorial , Civil Rights , Jefferson Memorial , National Mall , On Sunday Musical Groups , 30 , Life , Milestone , Memorial , World , Rob Marciano , Let S Go , Celebration , Citizens , African Americans , Hurricane Irene , New York , Way , Bit , Breeze , Storm , Travel Delays , Showers , Brees , Hurricane Season , Boston , Gusty Winds , Rainfall , Tampa , Disturbance , Delays , Side , Most , Focal Point , Boundary , Detroit , Miami , Orlando , Airports , Deal , Moisture Up , Florida , Canada , Spinning , Rest , Low , Carolinas , Rain , Depression , South Florida , Parts , Winds , Keys , Potential , Gulf Of Mexico , Lot , Rainmaker , East Coast , Head , Come On , Satellite , Ten , Form , Earth , Big Old Telescope , It Rosat , Nine , 20 , Pieces , Reentry , Christine , More , Largest , Town , 53 , 800 , Someone , Chance , Chances , Hitting , 2000 , Doesn T , Face , Planet , Pound , Human Being , Irony , Foot Loose , Movie , Remake , Hit , Comedians , Television Journalists , Mirror , Late Night , Kick , Don T , Story , Michele Bachmann , A Screw Loose , Michelle O Bachmann , Flash Dance , Samsung , Apple , War , Uglier , Tiger Woods , Iphones , Quote , Sales , Run , Parties , Countries , White House , Republican , Tech Giant , 2016 , 40 , Candidate , Answer , Problem , Politician , Golf Course , Accomplishments , Attributes , Solver , 90 , Tree , Last , Raymond James Financial Advisor , Blink Of An Eye , Need , Thunder Crashing , Thunder Rumbling , Technology , Advisor , Unthinkable , Armies , Raymond James , Snowmen Masseuse , Physical Therapists , Coupon , Soreness , Who , Announcer , Thugs , Polar Bear , Cold Therapy , Bengay , , 3 , Wam , 11 , Herman Cain , Sunday Cain , Sesame Street , Public , Affairs , Column , Op Ed , 2006 , Users , Content , Names , Safe , Hackers , Hack , Page , Muppets , Responsibility , Sex Videos , Youtube , Anything , Bad Taste , Iphone , Kristie Lu Stout , Injunction , Sale , Patent Infringement , Hong Kong , Iphone 4s , Japan , 4 , Move , Series , Companies , Phones , Lawsuits , Each Other , Countersue , Ipads , Galaxy Tab Let , Allegations , Ipad , Bee Otic Relationship , Google , Conversation Mode , Languages , Android Phone , Spats , Disputes , 14 , On Thursday , German , Italian , French , Dutch , Czech , Brazilian , Portuguese , Applets , Words , Polish , Microphone , App , Mandarin Chinese , English , Turkish , Russian , Spanish , Factors , Regional , Quality , Performance , Background Noise , Joke , Border Fence , Voters , Remarks , Tude , Emily , Polls , Help , Somewhere , Living , Eventuality , 187 , Representative , Cards , Customer Service , Goodbye , Forfor Convertibles , Stepress , Star One Ing Menu , Person , Matter , Color , Card , Prompt , Phone Ringing , Chase Sapphire Preferred , Springfield , Candidates , Punch Line , Front Runner , Question , Great Question , Pizza Guy , Mit , President , Member , Mitt Romney , Lizard King , China , Committee , Stuff , Satellites , Lasers , Dwells , Center Of The Earth , Americans Don T Know , North Pole , Something , Tim Farley , Mind , Weather , Alcohols , Host , Ticker , Jimmy Fallon , Morning Briefing , Guy , Fence , Border , Calling , Backing , First , Charge , Feet , Isn T He , Electrocuted , Top , Sign , Barbed Wire , Sense , Humor , David , Policy , Jokes , Clip , Crowd , Joking , Him , Translators , Word , Republicans , Control , Primaries , Primary , Votes , Vote , Election , Opinion , Money , Politics , Nominee , Longts , Dime , Ron Paul , Let S Talk About Mon Money , Cash , 70 Million , 8 Million , 00 Million , A Million , Sidelines , Amount , Pacs , Democratic National Committee , Obama Reelect , 50 , Whatever , Problems , Debates , Rick Perry , New Hampshire , Iowa , Jon Huntsman , Ground , Fumes , Spending Money , Others , Factor , Nomination , Pathway , Numbers , Tim Pawlenty , Campaign , Debt , Newt Gingrich , A Million Dollars , Policies , Contests , Paper , Wall Street Journal , Raising , Insiders , Monday Morning , Debate , Cnn , Western , Nice , Republican Leadership Conference , Cell Phone , Calendar , Fight , Sides , Go Around , Nevada , Hiding , Anderson Cooper , 00 , 8 , Pasta , Boil Water , Sauce , Noodle , Frenchman , 1848 , Dangers , Site , The Front Line Isn T , End , Bells , Snipers , Discipline , Soldiers , Ammunition , Ntc , Revolutionaries , Gadhafi Sniper , Troops , Rooftops , Shooters , Movement , London , Zain Verjee , Libya , Dan Rivers In Sirte , Compound , Gadhafi Regime , Aren T , Signs , Tripoli , Sirte , Bulldozers , Libyans , Saying , Moammar Gadhafi , Green Space , Public Park , Interesting , Place , Pictures , Where , Courtyard , Tyranny , Symbol , Occupy Wall Street Movement , Locals , Pets , Speeches , Zain , It Spread , Video , Italy , Atlantic , Rome , Germany , Julian Assange , Wikileaks , Violent , Hero , Masks , Democracy , Lips , Madrid , Sweden , Belgium , Cell Phones , Point , Totalitarianism , Lendon , Six , Researchers , Fecal Matter , Hands , E Coli , Britain , Hand Sanitizers , Bathrooms , E Coli Bacteria , 16 , Hand Sanitizer , Everyone , Office , Lisa Irwin , Search , Spread , October 17th , 17 , Monday October 17th , Members , Home , Missouri , Missouri National Guard , 25 , Investigation , Eyes , Set , Investigators , Haven T , Breakthroughs , Offering , Safe Return , 00000 , 100000 , Gary Giordano , Court , Evidence , Release , Lawyer , Oman , Aruba Hets , Maryland , Family , Snorkeling , Robyn Gardner , Friends , Flight , Giordano , Trial , Worlds , Asia , Aretha Franklin , Celebrities , Soul , Memorials , King S Childr Children , Sunday S Ceremony , Dan Rather , John Lewis , Excesses , Worker , Country , Size , Businessman , Mother , Role , Company , Union , Negotiations , Questioning , Government , Scam , Kids , Markets , Fingers , Thigh , Tokyo , Hang Seng , Dow Jones Industrial Average , 2 , Folks , Bear Market , Distance , Recession , 12000 , Business Travel , Comeback , Sector , Increase , Organization , Domestic Travel Spending , Global Business Travel Association , 250 Billion , 6 9 , 50 Billion , Identity , Eye , Attention Parents , Relationship , Space , Value , Child , Social Security Number , Identities , Better Business Bureau , Tarkts , 51 , Mess , Scam Hers , Coaches , Action , Game , Thieves , Postgame Handshake , Nfl , Parents , Device , Get Smart , Break , Wasn T , Larry , 38 , 74 , Life Insurance , Lunch , Funerals , Coverage , Program , Colonial Penn , Expenses , Shopping , Budget , Yes , Peace Of Mind , Health , Health Questions , Acceptance , 85 , 35 , Costs , Call , Wages , Insurance , Questions , Rate , Reach , Representatives , Exam , Six Million , Needs , Study , Ray Lahood , Habits , State Farm Insurance , Lesson , Cardinals , Lead , National League Championship Series , World Series Last Night , Louis , The St , Players , Gridiron , Carol , World Series , Spain , Wednesday Night In St , Berth , Game One , Texas Rangers , Jim Harbaugh , 49ers , Handshake , Scuffle , San Francisco , 49 , Protocol , Competition , Tiff , Lions , Lsu Tigers , League , Bowl Championship Series , College Football , Rankings , Spot , Alabama Crimson Tide , Animals , Play , Oklahoma State , Boise State , Oklahoma , Bcs Standing , October 17 1931 , Al Capone , Prison , Income Tax Evasion , Underworld , 1931 , 43 , Press , Convertibles , Star One , Monday October 17 , Power Struggle , Leadership , Everything , Middle , Iran , Let S Go Around The World , Leaders , Power , Students , Development , Speech , Ayatollah Khomeini , Idea , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Ayatollah , Establishment , Ways , Core , Elected , Terms , Let , Position , 2009 , Prisoners , Israel , Soldier , There , Story Doesn T , Palestinian , 1000 , Terror Attacks , Supreme Court , Families , Emotions , More Than A Thousand , Batch , Siblings , Terrorists , Palestinian Prisoners , A Thousand , 450 , Cafe , Gill Ladd Shah , Kidnap Pings , Israelis , Friend , Circle , State Of Shock , Sport , Many , Prospect , Teammates , Wouldn T , Field , Fans , Morning , Everybody , Reaction , Special , Indy Car , Boys , Suzie , Fbi , Seven , Chenningaled One , Boiler , Room , Build Dij , Plans , Wind , Couple Showers , Senate , Direction , Levels , Storm Spinning , Humidity , Rain Shield , Trains , Moisture , Issue , Radar Screen , 36 , 48 , Least , Estate , Flood Watches , Rip Currents , Flooding , Issues , System , New England , Great Lakes , Denver , Climate Change , Daytime Highs , 67 , 61 , World Conservation Union , Tore Toyses , Toads , Usgs , Red Deers , Cases , Food Chain , Food Supply , Effects , Haven T We , 200 , Combination , Clothes , Houses , Homes , Girth , Door Jams , 100 , 6 , Christmas , List , Toys , Toy Industry , Market Site , Look , Let S Go To My Old Friend , Gentleman Das , Nasdaq , Futures Markets , Earnings Reports , Pointing , Investors , Slew , Mcdonald S , Market , Arrows , Green Arrows , Age , Joya , Survey , Action Construction Site , Timetoplaymag Com , Remote Control Truck , Ramps , Back , Floor , Adhesive , Adhesives , Like , Hot Wheels , Floor Space , Paint , Art Pad , Ereader , Mortem Kratdic , Down Version , Car Race , Crash , Vehicles , Tragic , Pop Up , Family Members , Champion , Racing , Bacteria , Organizer , Activities , Coloring Book , Mom , Threes , Electronicsev , Dad ,

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