the government has passed to get it out of its deep hole. president obama is on the west coast again today. he'll be in los angeles to raise some big money for his re-election war chest. a dinner tonight costs nearly $18,000 per person. the president was in seattle yesterday and he goes to denver tomorrow before president obama left for the west coast, he spoke at the congressional black caucuses awards dinner and he's really start to sound like a candidate now. >> i'm going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. i don't have time to feel sorry for myself. i don't have time to complain. i'm going to press on. i expect all of you to march with me and march on! >> the president also will be in the bay area today hosting a town hall event on the professional social network site linkedin. how about some d.c. deja vu? the federal government could shut down thanks to another budget face-off. i'm sure you've heard about it. lawmakers are butting heads over spending cuts and paying for all the damage from recent storms, tornadoes and wildfires. >> can we once again inflict on the country and the american people the spectacle of a near government shutdown? i hope not. >> i'll give the senate democratic leader credit. everybody knows we're going to pay for every single penny of disaster aid that the president declares. and that fema certified. >> funning for government agencies is set to end on friday, the end of this fiscal year. the senate majority leader harry reid has said fema could run out of money today. what's happening with perry? two states, two republican straw polls and the presidential front-runner did not win either of them? herman cain won the florida poll on saturday. he blew everyone away with more than 37% of vote. perry was second with just over 15% and mitt romney was right behind him. the other straw poll was in michigan. mitt romney blew everyone away there with 51% of the vote. perry got just 17%. romney, by the way, is from michigan and he won the state's primary in 2008. two americans will be waking up in the united states this morning after they were freed in iran. josh fattal and shane bauer stepped off a plane in new york. they were arrested in iran in 2009 after allegedly hiking over the border from iraq. they told reporters they were hostages, not prisoners. held in almost complete isolation. >> from the very start the only reason we have been held hostage is because we are american. >> every time we complained about our conditions, the guards would immediately remind us of comparable conditions at guantanamo bay, remind us of cia prisons in other parts of the world and conditions iranians experience in prisons in u.s. >> the two talked about how they heard the screams of other inmates and what they called a total sham of a trial. let's head to atlanta now and economic in with meteorologist reynolds wolf is in today. >> you never know exactly what you're going to get. who might be in this chair. today it's my turn. >> i'm happy to see you. >> i'm not happy to see this news. we had rough weather yesterday, late last night through parts of mississippi, a possible tornado. let's go right to our radar. you'll see between memphis and southward toward cleveland, that is where we had the possible tornado. straight-line winds that caused some damage. right now we have reports of it affecting a couple of buildings, some tree damage also. no reports of energy -- of injuries for the time being. plenty of energy with this associated system. also plenty of power with the storms we'll see possibly across parts of the great lakes, strong wind, gusts coming behind that system a nice blast, cooler, dryer air for the upper midwest. rain possible through the southeast and into parts of florida. in the pacific northwest you could see rain in parts of oregon and even up toward seattle. could have breezy conditions this morning but plenty of sunshine for much of the great basin. your delays, you got them today. chicago and detroit could see a delay or two over an hour in some spots through the heavy rain and possible thunderstorms. new york, philadelphia, cleveland, cincinnati, atlanta, of course d.c. metros, showers and thunderstorms combination could give you a little delay but we're thinking around an hour or so. you're up to speed in the forecast. let's pitch it back to you in new york. >> got it. >> there you go. >> thanks, reynolds. i appreciate it. want to see republican presidential candidate rick perry jam? comedian jay leno has the video. sort of. here's your punch line. >> when perry answered questions about social security, you know, i guess he knows how to drum up a crowd. see, when you don't have an answer, you try to get the crowd pumped up. take a look at what he did. >> can you explain specifically how 50 separate social security systems are supposed to work? >> let me just say first for those people on social security today, for those people that are approaching social security, they don't have anything in the world to worry about. we have made a solemn oath to the people in this country. so, you're on facebook and all of a sudden you notice someone has defriended you. you're devastated, right? well, a new feature of the site can help you find out who removed you, but surprise surprise, there's some controversy. but first, it's time for our quote of the day. great bumper sticker, debbie. that's the quote, great bumper sticker, debbie, sarcastically said to the cham of the democratic national chairwoman. that's coming your way. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. [ male announcer ] sitting. waiting. hoping. that's a recipe for failed investing. open an e-trade account and open doors, seize opportunities, take action with some of the most powerful yet easy-to-use trading tools on the planet all built to help you maximize the potential of every dollar you invest. successful investing isn't done by throwing ideas against the wall and hoping. it's done by lowering your costs and raising your expectations by using unbiased research and powerful screeners to build a diversified portfolio with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and every etf sold. and we'll help you every step of the way. with 5-star research and free education covering everything from the basics to advanced investing strategies. start now and we'll give you up to $500 and let you trade free for 60 days. visit our website, call us, open an account. e-trade. investing unleashed. it is eight minutes past the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." let's get back to the quote of the day. the quote is, great bumper sticker, debbie. republican national chairwoman reince priebus. here he is making fun of president obama's 2008 campaign slogan. >> it sounds like the new slogan is no longer hope and change. it's, hey, it could have been worse. great bumper sticker, debbie, i hope it works for you. >> so now you have it. now you know. apple is very addictive and many can't wait for the next fix. the next fix is the iphone 5. let's head to hong kong. do you have one? come on, share. >> not quite yet. it will be coming out pretty soon. it's wildly expected the iphone 5 will be released next week but now we're hearing where the big reveal might take place. the next generation iphone is set to be revealed next tuesday, october 4th. sources have told all things d it will not take place in san francisco like previous apple demos it's set to be released in cooper tino, california. we don't know why. this will be the first media event for new ceo. >> i think it will be exciting, nonetheless, no matter who unveils it. but i not it's kind of sad it's his first into such thing. let's talk about facebook because you can see who defriends you now. >> yeah, there -- and this is an interesting story because we were able to access this for a while but not anymore. now, there was once a way to find out who defriended you on facebook but no more. it was available. thanks to another facebook resdeen called the timeline which basically records all facebook activity in chronological order. for a while users accessing the site as developers were able to see who had removed them from their friend list but apparently facebook has fixed the problem. that has prompted at least one blogger out there to say, quote, major bummer. this is one of the best parts about the new timeline. carol, we won't be able to find out who defrened us. we'll stay happily in the dark. >> oh, so you won't be able to find out. >> no. >> i -- oh. >> that's right. >> oh, man. i like to know these things. >> some people were able to access it but facebook fixed it. >> well, probably saves for a lot of drama. maybe. >> that's right. >> or a lot more work it creates in trying to find out in another way. thank you very much. reporting live in hong kong. crisscrossing three states in three days. president obama trying to build up his war chest and trying to keep his job. he's using the power of social media to get his message across. that's just ahead. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. [ male announcer ] sitting. waiting. hoping. that's a recipe for failed investing. open an e-trade account and open doors, seize opportunities, take action with some of the most powerful yet easy-to-use trading tools on the planet all built to help you maximize the potential of every dollar you invest. successful investing isn't done by throwing ideas against the wall and hoping. it's done by lowering your costs and raising your expectations by using unbiased research and powerful screeners to build a diversified portfolio with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and every etf sold. and we'll help you every step of the way. with 5-star research and free education covering everything from the basics to advanced investing strategies. start now and we'll give you up to $500 and let you trade free for 60 days. visit our website, call us, open an account. e-trade. investing unleashed. it's 13 minutes past the hour. good morning. alec baldwin dressed up as a presidential candidate this weekend on "snl" doing a parody about the gop debate. so, which candidate? well, here it is in case you missed it. >> i would like to attack mitt romney as a flip-flopper. >> are you sure? it's late in the debate. this is when you normally get tired and confused. >> not tonight. i'm ready. mitt romney's city was for, against obama care but what about mitt romney? he was before -- border control. >> newt, i'm calling your bluff. do you really want to be president? >> no. >> you're representative of the federal government walking down the street. you see a house on fire. do you act? >> no! that's none of my business! >> thursday's debate you said you believed americans should pay no taxes at all. how would that work? >> chip, i believe paying no taxes can help us return to the america i love. not the america of ronald reagan. not the america of the founding fathers. but, rather, the america of thousands of years ago in which feral band of mud people lived if their caves, never worrying that barack obama was going to come and take their hard earned pelts or infringe on their rights to bear spears. >> time for your political ticker with tim farley, host of "morning briefing" on sirius live from washington. good morning. >> good morning. have we been polling the mud people to see what they feel about this upcoming election? >> we need to start doing that. we're remiss. let's talk about texas governor rick perry because he's long been considered the front-runner in the polls but two of his opponents, boy, did they steal some of his hundredor. >> herman cain picking up the florida straw poll on saturday and mitt romney winning the republican leadership poll in michigan. no big surprise romney would win. cain was a surprise. remember, these are straw polls as the world implies they're built on straw. still, it's an indication that yet again republicans seem to be looking for something different. this is renewed talk of chris christie getting back into the race. republicans are looking for the guy who can pull the sword from the stone like king arthur. at this point they haven't yet found that individual. time will tell, i guess, if it's going to be rick perry or mitt romney or somebody else. >> i keep hearing that wealthy republican donors are really leaning on chris christie. this time he's actually considering it. but i find that hard to believe. >> yeah, i agree with you. i think there are a couple thing at work. one, he has to get a lot of money. you jump in like rick perry, there's this honeymoon and then it's over with. people get a closer look at you. whether that new jersey tough love works nationwide is still to be determined. he said he's not ready. unless you're really convinced you are ready, probably not a good idea to get yourself under the microscope nationally. >> we'll see. he's going to speak at the ronald reagan library in california, chris christie, so we'll see what he says. who knows. president obama, let's switch to democrats and president obama is on a three-day swing through three west coast states. so, what's he up to today? >> boy, hasn't he been feisty this weekend? he was talking about the cbc on saturday night saying march with me, don't complain. and then you was talking about how republicans are getting ready to turn the country into -- well, whatever he want. he's sounding more like a candidate. he's doing something with linkdn as i thought of the copy service, you will, of the social networks but he's doing a town hall about 2:00 eastern time and also continuing the fund-raising. lots of big bucks, lots of big money at a time when he really needs to get the support of his base, carol. >> oh, he certainly does because there is a new pew research poll out and matches up president obama against the generic republican opponent. and it ain't good for president obama. >> no. as a matter of fact, you look back to may where he had probably an 11-point difference over the republican generic candidate, which as the pew research people say is not really an indicative of anything except for the fact it's informative. but that's dropped down to three points. it was about a point difference a month ago. still among independent voters the key is there are about 1 in 4 independent voters who haven't decided to swing either way. that is where the battle probably is going to be fought. yes, the president needs to get his base up but he need to be looking at independent voters. that keeps raising the prospect of a third party candidate. there's been more and more talk about that and i think that will be interesting to watch over the next several weeks and months, carol. >> we'll see. tim farley, many thanks to you, host of "morning briefing" on sirius/xm radio. >> thank you. women in saudi arabia cannot drive, they cannot open a bank account, but soon they will be able to cast a ballot. are the voting rules changing in saudi arabia? we'll have that ahead. first, it is national pancake day. so, order up a short stack, break out the maple syrup and enjoy. or if you're heading out the door, you don't have time, maybe you can just take a few extra deep breathes as you pass by your diner. it's 19 minutes past the hour. 2 is minutes past the hour. here are three things to put on your radar today. we expect to get new details on the damage to the washington monument, you know, from that earthquake that hit the east coast last month. the national park service has a news conference planned for 2:30 eastern this afternoon. plus, the home sales numbers for august are coming out this morning. it's not expected to be that great today. and the united nations security council is scheduled to meet this afternoon to discuss palestinian statehood. the u.s. has already promised to veto the move. we continue to follow that bit of breaking news this morning about the american citizen killed in an attack on the u.s. embassy in afghanistan. happened overnight at the part of the embassy annex in kabul. the victim was an employee of the u.s. government. we don't yet have a name. another u.s. citizen was wounded. that person was rushed to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. the shooting involved an afghan employee. that employee, the afghan employee, was killed. we are working to get more details. we will bring them to you as soon as we get them. libya's new government says it's uncovered a mass grave holding the remains of more than 1,000 people. let's head round the world with zain verjee live in london. this is grisly. >> yes, it is. the national transitional council saying more than 1,200 dead bodies found in what is expected to be a mass grave discovered, apparently, just outside a really notorious prison, carol. back in 1996 it's believed that a lot of people were slaughtered and may have been buried just outside. now, here's the problem right now. there are some doubts being cast over this because there was a medic team on the ground accompanying cnn who went to look at the site. what they said is that the bones in this mass grave are not human. so, there are a few questions about this. what the transitional government is saying, they want some international help. they want some bone forensic experts to look at them and make their own professional conclusions. carol? >> yeah, that would change the story most decidedly. let's talk about women in saudi arabia. they're going to be allowed to vote but they still can't drive. >> yeah. exactly. woo hoo, big victory for women in saudi arabia. they've been campaigning for this for a long time. this is a huge deal. they will be allowed to vote and they can also stand in local elections. now, here's the thing. we don't know how deep or how fast these reforms are actually going to happen. local elections are supposed to be happening this thursday, so they are not going to be able to participate in that. instead, they're going to participate in the next elections, but nobody knows when they're going to be. but it is a big deal. the women are saying this is what they've been fighting for and they want to know how serious the government is about following through. >> i'm sure they'll take a partial victory. at least right now. >> yeah. they will. >> i couldn't hear. sorry, zain. things get a little physical on wall street. here in new york city, about 80 people were arrested in new york's financial center over the weekend. they were protesting powerful financial interests they say plague our economy. those demonstrators have been demonstrating for nine days now. some good news. gas prices are taking a tumble. you'll now pay an average of $3.54 a gallon. prices have dropped 12 cents in the past two weeks alone. that's according to a new lundberg survey. to give you perspective, $3.54 a gallon is 85 cent more than it was a year ago. and netflix and dreamworks animation are cozying up to a new video deal. according to "the new york times." what that means, you ask? well, films like "shrek" and "kung fu panda" could be on fet fliction instead of hbo. insiders think it will help netflix which lost half of its value over the past two months. a patient at a california hospital given a deadly dose of medication during a nurse's strike. now her death has become a lightning rod in a labor fight. that's just ahead. it's 26 minutes past the hour. good morning to you. it is monday. happy monday. it's september 26th. this this is your "a.m. wake-up call," carol costello joining you live from new york. 30 minute past the hour. deja vu all over again. congress facing another budget deadline and another partial government shutdown. the democratic-controlled senate and the republican-controlled house at a stalemate over a stop-gap spending bill that has to be passed by friday. the sticking point, funding fema for disaster relief. democrats want the funding but republicans want to offset the cost with spending cuts. >> the government's not going to shut down because most americans want us to deal with disasters in front of us and disasters to come. that's why we're trying to start to pay for things we haven't paid for before. >> the one point about who to blame or not to blame on this current hopefully nonshutdown is that there is a group, and i do believe it is mostly centered in the house in items of some tea party republicans who say on every issue, we're going to make this a make or break. >> senate majority leader harry reid plan to push for a compromised spending bill later today. we, will keep you posted. police are investigating the shooting deaths of five people in eastern indiana. it happened in two separate locations in rural franklin county. a child found wandering along the road gave police information that led them to the bodies. police are trying to determine if the shooter is among the dead. investigators also looking into the death of a patient at an oakland, california, hospital. police say a fill-in nurse allegedly gave the woman a fatal dose of medication. officials at alt bates medical center say it was a medical error. the patient died on saturday, just two days after staff nurses walked out during a labor dispute. opening statements are set for tomorrow in the trial of michael jackson's doctor, dr. conrad murray, charged with involuntary manslaughter in the singer's 2009 death. prosecutors want the judge to allow testimony about investigators' failed attempts to question murray in the days following jackson's death. the doctor faces up to four years in prison if found guilty. lady gaga making another bold statement. this time for a bullied gay teenager who took his own life last week. he was only 14 years old. gaga dedicated a song to him at the radio festival over the weekend in las vegas. >> jaymie, i know you're up there looking at this. ♪ this is my prayer >> president obama about bullying as well. some world markets, well, they tanked overnight. in 60 seconds we'll take you live to london and you all the details. a quick check on world markets. asian markets closed way down. in europe the ftse is also down. let's go to nina in london. so, why the market sluch this time? >> well, things seemed to be decidedly mixed this morning. we've been flirting with gains and losses throughout the course of this morning's session. we're about three hours into the morning session. what i can tell you when it comes to continental europe, obviously with the exception of the ftse 100, the british markets aren't part of the eurozone, but when it comes to the cac 40 and the dax, those markets soaring ahead today. this is largely thanks to increased optimism that the eurozone leaders may finally be on the verge of agreeing to some kind of expensive, ambitious and credible plan to try and knock on the head all of the problems that have undermined the single currency shed by 17 nations across europe for two years now. we're currently getting reports that what we could be having is eurozone leaders after a number of meetings between g-25 finance members, imf, world bank over the weekend they could be on the verge to propose to increase the bailout fund for struggling eurozone nations by $2 trillion, no less. that would mean quadrupling the value of that fund from the current level today. a lot of economists are saying that that really would be the kind of signal that one would need to see to try and shore up the eurozone, give the markets confidence. it seems to be working today. we also have greece in focus today. according to these reports circulating in the british media about an ambitious plan the eurozone leaders could be on the verge of considering. greece, we would see the sovereign debt of greece, about 50% of its value being written down as a result. greece is also in focus today, carol, because what we've got is members of the troika, effectively the institutions that have bailed out greece, meeting with greek officials today. on the eve of that, we have had the finance minister of greece saying greece will do all it takes to try and pay its way out of its situation and stave off default. as you can see, protests on the street. people again not buying the austerity they're putting forward, carol. >> yeah. nina dos santos reporting live from london. time to get smart. how much money in benefits payments does the u.s. pay to dead federal retirees every year? is it, a, $85 million? b, $120 million? or, c, $157 million? the answer in two minutes. good morning. it is 38 minute past the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call." how much money in benefits payments does the u.s. pay to dead federal retirees every year? the answer would be "b," $120 million, according to the office of personnel management and the inspector general is fed up with that saying, quote, it's time to once and for all this waste of taxpayer money. now you know. let's bring in cnn's white house correspondent dan lothian joining us live from washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. how are you? >> i'm great. thanks for waking up early with us. president obama kicked off this three-state west coast campaign swing yesterday. so, where will he be today? >> reporter: well, he will be in northern california. this is all part of, i guess, a two-fold effort from the president. he's not only going out there to raise a lot of money, a couple millions of dollars, but also the president is trying to reinvigorate his base, telling them that, you know, he knows they have been dispirited, perhaps they haven't been able to realize everything that he has pushed and promised for. but that his job is not over and that he really needs them -- he needs their support in order to win in 2012. so, we'll continue to see the president in this swing out west, which was started in washington state. will be in california today and end up in colorado. today the president will be holding a town hall at linkedin talking about jobs, pushing congress to act on his jobs plan and explaining his jobs plan to the american people and taking questions. >> dan, he had fiery word for the congressional black caucus. he said, stop complaining and march with me. a lot of people are making something of the word "march with me," or the phrase. >> reporter: the campaign has been pushing to reach out to his base. we talk so much in recent weeks about the president reaching out to jewish voters. there are black voters as well who feel like the president has not paid enough attention to some of the issues that are important to them. what you're seeing now is a president letting them know he needs them and embracing them, again, in a public way. take a listen. >> the main thing i want the afric african-american community to know is those prayers are appreciated, them rooting for me is appreciated, and that i am spending all my time in this office trying to make sure that if there's some kid in the south side of chicago that doesn't have a shot right now, isn't going to a good school, you know, parent doesn't have a job, that i'm fighting for him. >> reporter: there's the president tailoring his jobs message to the african-american community, on this west coast tour a broader message, not just to african-americans but all voters, pointing out his jobs bill he sent to congress needs immediate action in order to start relieving some of the pressure on the u.s. economy and on the jobs situation as well. >> and quickly on another note, lady gaga, she is trying to set up a meeting with president obama. and it's -- it's all in -- you know, it's for a good cause, i suppose, to stop bullying. tell us about that. >> reporter: that's right. i mean, this has been one of the issues that she has been rallying behind now for quite some time. so, the president who was doing some fund-raisers in northern california, last night at one of those fund-raisers, lady gaga was there and according to the bulletin board she was done up as she usually is with a few feet of everyone else with her high heels but had a serious message, according to one observer who was there, after the media was ushered out. she asked the president a question -- or made a comment, rather, about how the president and first lady have been committed to initiatives to stop bullying. so, she did discuss that with the president. it's something that in her heart and the president pointing out something he and the first lady are been focusing on. >> dan lothian, thanks for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. here's a quick look at sports for you. maybe the fourth time will be a charm for diana nyad, if there is a fourth time. the 62-year-old endurance swimmer jumped back into the water on friday to swim the 103 miles from cuba to florida. but 67 miles later she had to get out of the water thanks to jellyfish stings and strong currents that pushed her off course. nyad first tried this swimathon 33 years ago and last month but stopped after 29 hours. she made it longer this time but she keeps trying. check out the drama from the tour championship in atlanta. bill haas played a ball out of the shallow water. look there. stayed alive if a sudden death playoff and ended up winning the tour championship and the fedex cup. he got $1.44 million for the tour. and another $10 million for the cup. wow. matadors in barcelona are laying down red capes. bullfighting has been banned across the region. why the centuries' old tradition has ended. that's straight ahead. first on this day in history back in 1960 richard nixon and john f. kennedy squared off in the first ever televised presidential debate. and jfk emerged as the apparent winner because he seemed more comfortable in front of the cameras than nixon, who looked nervous and opted not to wear makeup. president nixon was sweating a lot during that debate. good morning to you. it is monday, september 26th. this is your "a.m. wake-up call" carol costello joining you live from new york. 47 minutes past the hour. breaking news out of afghanistan to tell you about. an american citizen was killed in an attack on the u.s. embassy annex in kabul. let's head around the world and to london to check in with zain verjee. any more information on this? >> hi, carol. good morning. i was looking at some information coming if right now to cnn. the shooting apparently happened at an annex at u.s. embassy in kabul. an afghan employee was killed. what we're also hearing an american citizen was killed in this attack. another's been wounded. we understand the injuries of the person wounded are not life-threatening and they've been evacuated to a hospital. it's unclear who is behind this or what their motivation is. there are indications and reports that suggest it's really not clear whether this incident has been linked to any other previous incidents and attacks in and around the u.s. embassy. so, that's all we know, carol. one u.s. citizen killed. another wounded. >> let's switch gears and talk about what's happening in spain. bullfighting over? >> yeah. bullfighting over, but not have where. if you're going to spain you can still catch it but just in catalonia they've basically banned it. the last big spectacle of bullfighting actually happened on sunday. thousands of people turned out to see that. the issue here was basically that, you know, spain is in a recession. they don't have a whole lot of money to do a lot of things. bullfighting is publicly funded, so there was a real outrage about this. there's a big movement to say, you know, bullfighting is the heart and the soul of what spain is and it shouldn't be banned in catalonia or anywhere else for that matter. protesters are saying they need to overturn this ban. i don't know if you've read hemingway "the sun also rises" and he says, people that live life to the fullest, bullfighters, they always live on the edge and they never know if they'll come back. struck me just this morning. >> some americans might have said, oh, that's because it's a cruel sport, cruel to the animals, in other words, but it has nothing to do with that. >> well, there is a contingent that does think that. you know, in spain because it's something that's an accepted cultural and sporting event, it's -- there's not such a powerful movement but there are those voices that say it's cruelty to animals. it's like dog fighting, you know, why do you want to do something like this to a bull and put it in a ring and fight it like that? but it's seen in spain as entertainment. mostly. >> yeah. and it's been postponed because of budgetary reasons. thank you so much, zain, we appreciate it. >> right. two americans will be waking up in the united states this morning after they were freed from iran. josh fattal and shane bauer stepped off a plane. they're here in new york now. they. arrested in iran in 2009 after allegedly hiking over the border from iraq. told reporters they were hostages, not prisoners, held in almost complete isolation. >> from the very start, the only reason we have been held hostage is because we are american. >> every time we complained about our conditions, the guards would immediately remind us of comparable conditions at guantanamo bay. they would remind us of cia prisons in other parts of the world and the conditions that iranians and others experience in prisons in the u.s. >> the two also talked about how they heard the screams of other inmates and what they called a total sham of a trial. what's happening with rick perry? two states, two republican straw polls and the presidential front-runner did not win either one of them. herman cain won the florida poll on saturday. he pretty much blew everyone away with more than 37% of the vote. perry came in second with just over 15%. the other straw poll was held in michigan. native son mitt romney blew everyone out there with 51% of the vote. perry got just under 17%. a college bake sale with prices based on your race and gender. just look at this price menu. campus republicans at uc-berkeley are stirring up trouble on purpose. >> it's really there to cause people to think more critically about what this kind of policy would do in university admissions. >> the fact they humorized and mocked the struggles of people of color on this campus is very disgusting to me. >> the sale is meant to protest a bill that would allow considering race in some college admissions. now, let's head to atlanta and check in with reynolds wolf. any travel delays? >> i think we'll see quite a few up trard chicago, detroit maybe delays in excess of an hour. this morning might see a few delays in the southeast due to thunderstorms. we've had our share just last night. you'll see this area we have surrounded by the big red line. that's where we had a tornado watch in effect and a possible tornado, maybe straight-line winds in cleveland, cleveland, mississippi, that caused damage. that frontal boundary will make its way to the east. that top half with low pressure causing backups in places like chicago. possibly up to an hour in some places. new york, philadelphia, delays under an hour. same story in cleveland and cincinnati due to thunderstorms. atlanta, morning low clouds will give way to thunderstorms in the after. of course, we could see backups in d.c. and all your major airports. now switching gears, with the delicacy of a hatchet we'll talk about water cooler information for you. some incredible story about a deep sea wreckage from world war ii. in fact, as we take a look at video. this is actually from the "ss garasopel" sunk back on december 17th of 1941. this ship was going from india to england, ran out of fuel and had to detour away from its convoy, which was protecting it. to try to make its way to the irish coast to refuel and refit. unfortunately, when it broke away from the convoy it became prey to a german u-boat, running rampant across the atlantic. one torpedo caused this thing to sink and now it's been found three miles down below the surface. get this, has up to $200 million worth of silver. they're going to rekindle recovery efforts next spring. believe it or not, they say the ship is on bottom, but with the hatch facing upward they say it should be an easy recovery mission. again, had some tea, additional good but silver, $200 million worth, is what they're going after. >> yeah, i think so. thank you -- >> yeah. >> you bet. reynolds wolf. let's take a look at the word of the day. actually it's phrase of the day. the phrase is "hairy crazy ant." we're not talking about long lost relative that shows up at family reunions. find out what that means and why you need to know. two minutes until the top of the hour. this is your "a.m. wake-up call" so let's get back to our word of the day, shall i say the phrase of date. the phrase "hairy crazy ant," they're actually tiny reddish-brown ants that run around like they're possessed. they attack in swarms, hundreds at a time and bite. they can find their way into computers and tvs and short them out. why are we talking about them today? they are spreading. florida, texas, mississippi and now louisiana all recording hairy crazy ants. now you know. let's head to the nasdaq market site and check in with carter evans. i'm almost afraid to ask how the futures are looking this morning. >> it's acting like crazy ants. everybody's got one, right? >> yes. >> oh, ants, the little bigs. i'm just joking. so, let's talk about the numbers. you see a sea of green behind me. that's pretty good. our futures are looking pretty good as well so it's actually good news, carol. dow futures up 69 points. nasdaq up about 12. s&p 500 up about 10.5. we have a report on new home sales and also we'll get a final reading on the second quarter gdp on thursday. take a look at gold prices. gold prices today down is it.50 an hours to $1627. that's what else i want to talk about. gold prices took a plunge on friday. >> yes, they did. they took a big plunge. which means nothing good for the economy, frankly. well, slap up with a headline that might make us smile. >> take a look at this. taking a look at the biggest price plunge in gold since 1980. on friday gold fell about 100 bucks an ounce to about $1640 an ounce. it's a big, big drop. concerns about a deflationary environment, falling prices and gold does very bad in a deflationary environment. >> so it wasn't that great.

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