and then strangely it's leaked to "the washington post" that there was somebody else in the van and they tried to make us believe that the first report was he had an asthma attack. the second one his legs weren't in full functionality. the third one is overtly suggesting he's committing suicide by trying to injure himself. and so the community really has zero trust in the police department or even in this investigation. >> what about you? do you have trust in the police commissioner? is he doing a good job? is he doing what he needs to do? >> he's not doing half of what he needs to do. he should never at the outset set a date. anybody who has gone through the legal process knows that it's a little bit tricky that you can go back in for further investigation. so to put a false sense of hope has really upset the community all the more. and so we're going to be working tirelessly tonight so that there's not an explosion tomorrow. >> what about the mayor? how is she doing? >> i think the mayor is not doing enough in community relations and spending a lot of energy for public relations.