so far. these are some of the many, many donations that they have received and i want to chat with elina and her, this is amazing, you don't think of how difficult it is, but to manage these people, this is her staff for this shift. eight people now helping her out right now. elina, we were speaking earlier about the situation. you're doing this out of love and because you can do it. how long is it sustainable? >> we hope it will be as long as it needs, we don't know what's going to happen with the war in ukraine but we did open, and have been doing this for only two weeks and we've been helping, up until now, 61 refugees, 30 of them already left for other countries and now it's 31 people. >> reporter: it's incredibly complicated as well. one of the people you're caring for is nigerian, who was studying in ukraine. one woman has cancer.