life freely without being watched all the time. >> i'm noticing all the windows are closed. >> yeah. it seems like they would be on red code lockdown right now, that means everybody, shut your blinds, lock the doors, stay quiet, stay secluded, don't be seen. that's a security vehicle coming to check on us. hi. >> you think all these trucks are monitoring what we're doing? >> i think that people have called each other and security's out watching just to monitor the situation. they don't know what's up. >> lisa ling joins me now. wow. that's just -- so, they were watching you? >> yeah. i mean, it's interesting because there are a few figures alive today in america as notorious as warren jeffs. even though he's serving a life sentence in prison, he still is controlling the flds. and he has 49 children and 4 of them have recently left. all four are making shocking

Related Keywords

Everybody ,Life ,Windows ,Blinds ,Red Code Lockdown ,People ,Us ,Each Other ,Doors ,Congress Don T ,Security ,Security Vehicle ,Trucks ,Stay Quiet ,Secluded ,Situation ,Lisa Ling ,Children ,Warren Jeff ,Four ,Flds Community ,Prison ,Life Sentence ,Figures ,49 ,4 ,

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