har, she's a global business columnist and associate editor for "the financial times." why so few jobs added in august? >> well, it's all about delta. companies are really pulling back on hiring, on in a mvestme >> there's a concern we may see peak cases in the fall, september and october. this is dovetailing with labor shortages in areas like some of the lower paid service sectors, so you've got this sort of vice that companies are in where they don't know how much to spend. they also can't always find the people that they need to keep their businesses open. i think that you're probably going to see another september number that is lower than expected. i think things are going to get a little worse before they get better. >> yeah, in part because we're seeing other elements that are changing. those long-term unemployment benefits are ending tin a coupl of days. the supreme court came out against the eviction moratorium. so how bad do you expect it will get next month?