knows and he says at least that this battle with the nba is not over. >> yeah, the l.a. clippers' owner is suing the league itself now, the nba for $1 billion because of its decision to ban him for life and force him to give up his franchise. >> so, this is all coming as his estranged wife, shelly sterling agreed to sell the team to steve ballmer for $2 billion. let's talk about it. joining us now vice president of aim sports representation management and rick harrow sports business analyst. good to have both of you. i want to start with you, rick. do you think this team is worth $2 billion? >> i don't have a monet or a picasso, but i can tell you those are worth whatever people are willing to pay for it. i'm amused people putting a value on this or any other franchise. the nba will strike a huge television deal in the next couple of years and the clippers will in the l.a. market. they may rebrand the team, maybe