different waypoints. here's your keypad and screen. you pre-program it before you take off. in this case they were going from kuala lumpur to beijing. but it's being reported at some point it seems after they took off and once they were on their way they made a change in their course. now to do that it isn't that hard. just some key strokes. >> a matter of punching in a few key strokes, five or six for the destination and you enter it into the flight plan. it will ask you are you sure you want to do that. if you are sure you press execute. >> reporter: when the plane does that, we should point out. it's been described as a very hard turn. really doesn't feel that way when you're on board in the simulator. actually like a passenger you would think oh, a normal turn in the sky. you wouldn't necessarily know that the aircraft is now deviated, well strongly away from what was the beijing destination. we should point out, carol, that