the senator from iowa, i want to hear what he's saying. never mind, we got that audio coming from the rally. you see some senators there with tom harkin. kate, sorry i interrupted. but go ahead and pick up your authority. >> not a problem at all. as you and our colleagues have been skus idiscussing, there wa confusion early on. that it was not upheld under the commerce clause but could be upheld under the taxing provision. it sums up the thinking of the court in why they allowed this individual mandate in the law to be upheld. it says, and this is the opinion written by chief justice john roberts, it says the federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. the federal government does, he goes on to say, have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. therefore, the individual mandate is therefore constitutional because it can be reasonably read as a tax. there is probably the most clear language we've seen so far from the chief justice himself writing pretty clearly how their thinking was going and how they narrowly crafted this ruling to uphold the original mandate, wolf. >> stand by for a moment, kate. suzanne malveaux has a special guest with her right now. suzanne, i think you're in aspen, colorado, tom daschle, the former majority leader in the senate, someone who spent a lot of time working on the health care issue in the senate. >> absolutely, wolf. that's absolutely right. tom daschle, thank you for joining us. obviously you are a key player in all of this. literally writing health care reformack in 2008, pushing for it and working with an organization now with the states for a bipartisan implementation of this. but first of all, your initial take on this, on the ruling today. >> well, suzanne, i'm euphoric. obviously this is a green light with an exclamation point. what this says is let's go forward now with full speed. we can implement, innovate, do all kinds of things that were held back in part because of the court decision. now we know, now we can go forward. that won't stop the politics and stop the policy debate, but we can go forward with implementation and that's good news. >> what do you make of the fact that a lot of republicans are saying essentially, we knew this was a tax increase, it is a tax increase, the supreme court is also saying now you can implement through this through a tax increase. does that in any way hurt the argument of the administration or even hurt the president? >> the politics will continue to play itself out. you'll see ads of all kinds from here to the election, and a lot of money spent trying to persuade people about the negative side of this ruling. but the bottom line is, we've mandated retirement insurance through social security, as a tax, we've mandated hospital medicare part "a" insurance as a tax. this is not unprecedented. this is something we've done on at least two occasions with great success before. >> how do you convince the american people that this is actually the right way to go about implementing health care? because all the polls are showing that people do not have a lot of faith in this legislation, in this law. they don't appreciate it. and this is something that has been done, really, step by step. they haven't really seen a lot of results they were hoping for, because it's not until 2014 even that the mandate would take place. >> i take great satisfaction in watching the people's reaction to the things they do know. they know they've got insurance protections, and they love it. they know they've got an opportunity to close the doughnut hole, the payment they have to pay for drugs, for seniors. they love that. they know what they've got, and what they know they've got, they really like. and so as we continue to implement, my expectation is, that number's going to continue to change of the the more they see, the more they're going to like. >> you still have a very big job ahead. >> we sure do. >> thank you, senator. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> wolf, back to you. >> suzanne, thank you. and thank senator daschle for us as well. john king is with us. i'm looking at some of the notable parts of this opinion, the majority opinion written by the chief justice john roberts, and there's a line here that stands out on page 44. and it is a very -- take a look at it, it's a huge, huge, lengthy opinion. the federal government, he writes, does not have the power to order people to have health insurance. but then he goes on to say, the federal government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. that's a key phrase in this decision, allowing the affordable care act, the obama health care reform law to remain in effect. >> and wolf, as we read through this, more than 100 pages, about 110 pages of this decision, it is history. we are reading it, analyzing it, only 500 people were allowed in the room to actually watch it unfold. one was jeffrey toobin. take us inside as this played out. and explain to some of our viewers, we got the initial parts of this decision wrong because the chief justice started by saying -- >> well, let me start from the beginning. it was just an extraordinary and such a swirling turn of events in the course of, really about ten minutes. the chief justice took the bench at about 10:06. there were five minutes on an earlier case. but at 10:06, the chief justice announced that he was going to announce the opinion of the court in the health and human services versus the national federation of independent businesses. i guess that's how the case will be known for history. and he started reading, and the first issue he addressed was the commerce clause. does congress have the authority under the commerce clause to enact the individual mandate. the requirement that all americans have insurance. and he basically adopted, in its entirety, the argument of the challengers to the law. he said that this was outside the federal government's power. this had been the -- we need to go to jessica yellin. that's what we're going to do. i guess not. >> jessica is not ready at the moment. these things happen. >> so it looked to all the world, for all the world like the chief justice for the majority was going to strike down the law. but then he turned. and he said there is a separate justification that the government has offered to support the constitutionality of the requirement that people have health insurance. and he turned to the taxing power. and you could see the smiles of the conservatives in the room. i happened to be sitting right near orrin hatch, the senator from utah. you could see their eyes almost roll back in their head, are you kidding? he's going to support it under this ground? because the vast, vast majority of the time, in oral argument and during the public discussion of this law has been about the commerce clause powers of the constitution. but roberts said, we don't have to -- if there is any plausible ground on which to support the constitutionality of an act of congress, we should cite that law. and it became clear he was going to uphold it under the taxing power. and you could see, i saw senator hatch's face just fall. michele bachmann also in the courtroom. you saw her astonishment. and then he turned to the issue of the medicaid expansion. which it was quite clear during oral argument the justices were very skeptical about it. what we learned in the chief justice's opinion was not just the five conservatives who struck down the -- who were roberts, scalia, kennedy, alito and thomas, they were joined by two of the more liberal justices, justice breyer and justice kagan in striking down the expansion of medicaid. only two justices thought the expansion of medicaid was constitutional. ginsberg and sotomayor. so it was an extraordinary turn of events, because five minutes into chief justice roberts' opinion, you would have asked anyone in that room whether this law was constitutional -- was going to be held unconstitutional, we would all have said yes. but we had to sit to the end. and the turn of events surprised me, that's for sure. >> on the medicaid provision, he essentially helped them out saying, this way it's unconstitutional, but as long as states can opt out, we can leave it in. >> that's right. and this is going to be an administrative difficulty for the obama administration. the law had been, in most cases, he who pays the piper calls the tune. that if the federal government gives the states money, for anything, they can determine how that money is spent. but what the chief justice said in this opinion was the federal government went too far here. they commandeered -- that's the term he used -- commandeered money from poor people. and too coercivcoercive. so that part of the law is going to have to -- is gone. but most of it is intact. >> so wolf, fascinating day. we'll continue to talk to jeff about inside the courtroom. the headline is, by a 5-4 decision, chief justice roberts of the united states supreme court upholding the constitutionality of the president's signature health care act. incredibly important landmark decision today. as we've noted, the politics already playing out. you hear them in the protesters still outside the court. they're already talking, republicans, about repealing it. the court has spoken. the debate is not over. >> and the president of the united states will be getting ready to speak. he's going to be addressing the nation around 12:15 p.m. eastern. that's in a little bit more than an hour or so from now. we'll hear from the president of the united states. we'll also hear from mitt romney at some point today. we'll get his reaction. we'll get the president's reaction. the bottom line, though, in all of this, is that the president's health care reform law will in fact remain the law of the land. we'll take a quick break. much more of our coverage coming up right after this. ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. assure my patients get evthe very best care.ake but look at our health care system. everyone agreed we needed reforms -- but this new health care law -- it just isn't fixing things. president obama promised my patients that they could keep me -- but what if because of this new health care law -- i can't keep them? i've looked at this law. i know the consequences: delayed care and worse yet -- denied care. studies show the president's health care law is projected to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our deficit -- and increase spending by more than a trillion dollars. and the truth is -- we still don't know how much this law will eventually cost. i don't want anything to come between my patients and me -- especially washington bureaucrats. we need real reform that improves care, and the president's health care law just isn't it. it just isn't worth it. this is where health care decisions should be made. not in washington. the health care reform law remains the law of the land. the affordable care act has been authorized to continue by the united states supreme court. a 5-4 decision. the chief justice of the united states, john roberts, siding with the majority, saying that under the tax writing provisions of the constitution, the individual mandate is in fact constitutional. we're getting reaction from all over the country. i want to go to atlanta, cnn's fredricka whitfield is over at grady memorial hospital. what are they saying, fred, over there? >> well, of course, wolf, the white house will say this is a victory. you heard from tom daschle saying this is a green light. republicans calling it a defeat, mitch mcconnell saying the cure is worse than the disease. just what this ruling means, i'm with dr. curtis lewis, who is the chief of staff. you make the rounds, you have the patients, you see what the care and what the need is. you're also overseeing all of the medical doctors. what does this ruling mean, this point forward, for this hospital? a hospital that cares in large part for the uninsured and underinsured. >> i think it means a couple of things. one thing, it means that more people have access. and they've estimated there will be millions of people who will now get access to health care, which are having trouble to do so because of lack of insurance. and of course, that impacts us. we've always been in the business for 120 years, grady health system just had its birthday on june 1st, for 120 years serving the atlanta community for the uninsured and underinsured. a lot of these patients now that we've been serving will now get some coverage, which will help us continue with our mission. >> but this hospital, which is a safety net hospital, insures and assures the uninsured, that there is accessible care. but the problem is, there's a rising cost that's incurred by hospitals such as yours when people come here and they don't have insurance. >> right. >> so we're talking about measures that would kick into place 2014, now that this ruling has been upheld. how do you see the next two years of operating costs compared to what you envision come 2014 and beyond? >> i think there's still some concern, because as i understand the law, the law said that as this new law came into place, there were other funds that we would have that would become diminished, disproportionate share of hospital funds because we're a safety net hospital. we want to make sure that those don't go down before we get the funds to support us, and support us more than we had with the dish funds, so we can provide more care to our patients. i think there will continue to be a population of uninsured. but if we get some of the uninsured patients that are presently, we're receiving no funds for, insured, that will diminish the burden on the hospital to provide care to the uninsured. >> you've had conversations with the patients who don't have insurance. you've had conversations about whether they would get insurance, now that the affordable care act would perhaps make it more accessible to them. do you believe that in large part the 40% of patients that you have here who are uninsured will indeed take advantage of the individual mandate, and come to your hospital insured? >> we hope that they will. we will obviously work with them so they have access and take advantage of that opportunity. because it's a win-win for us, and them. you're talking about millions of people in the united states who will hopefully take advantage of this opportunity, improve the general health of the country, hopefully, you know, the health care of the country will translate into economic stimulus. so i hope all those things happen as a result of this. we're still very concerned that, you know, it's a big law. i understand it's several thousand pages long. a lot of it is going to be in the details and how it's interpreted and what happens. we're still trying to sort through it ourselves. >> dr. curtis lewis, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> wolf, back to you. >> fred, thanks very much. just want to remind our viewers the president of the united states will be in the east room of the white house in about an hour or so. and we will hear from the president. but before then, we expect to hear from mitt romney, the republican presidential candidate, i'm guessing in about 20 or 25 minutes or so. mitt romney will be speaking, giving us his reaction to this historic decision by the u.s. supreme court, upholding the affordable care act as it's called. the president's health care reform law. from atlanta, let's head out to california, to stockton, california, right now. casey wian is getting reaction out there. what are folks out there saying to you, casey? >> that's right, wolf. we are at xhukchuck's diner in stockton, california. health care a big issue in this community. the city is in the process of filing for bankruptcy. some of the city retirees are standing to lose their health care benefits, having to pay a lot of money out of pocket. with me are a group of telethon industry retirees. they're not under that bankruptcy situation. but they have some very strong opinions about the supreme court decision this morning. don, what did you think about it? >> i'm shocked by it all. >> why are you shocked? >> number one, we shouldn't have had the thing in the first place. that bill was passed in a locked room with just democrats voting on it. even pelosi said we didn't have time to read it. and they passed it. >> next to him is another former telephone industry worker. you've got a little different feeling about this. >> i agree with the decision. i mean, i think it's a good thing for everybody to be covered with health insurance. >> are you worried about the costs? a lot of people are very worried about the costs. >> yeah. but they tax you for everything else. might as well have everyone covered and be taxed, too. >> a lot of questions still remain about this legislation and how it's going to be implemented. you were telling me a little bit earlier, sir, that you're not really sure how this is going to work and how it's going to happen. >> i don't know who knows what the heck's going on. like everybody's saying, nobody's read the bill. i kind of agree, i'm worrying how it's going to impact me. is at&t still going to cover me. if they do cover me, am i going to have to declare my little health insurance as income and pay taxes on it. these are all unanswered questions. and i've never been in favor of it. it really broke my heart to see what the outcome was. >> one of the other issues that's being raised this morning is how this might impact the presidential election. do any of you have any thoughts whether this decision might change the way you vote come november? >> well, i think that the way this situation is, i think it will change the way obama will be elected. because the thing is, the way the economy is today, how can people afford to pay for their insurance when a lot of them are so out of a job. and they're just barely making it today. and i just can't see how they -- >> it's just helping the president's election. >> my concern is, it's just going to take time to prove itself out. i don't know how it's really going to work out. but i just hope it is for the best. i mean, because a lot of people, they need health insurance, but the thing is, how are they going to pay for all this. that's what i want to know. you know, what the -- if the economy was better, i would be strictly for it. you know, but the way it is, i don't know exactly what to say on it, because it's a very serious situation as far as i'm concerned. >> wolf, a lot of uncertainty, a lot of concern about how this is all going to play out in the real world. back to you, wolf. >> casey, thanks very much. representative republican of georgia is joining us right now. he's a physician. i take it you're not very happy, congressman, with this decision by the supreme court? >> well, i'm not very happy. in fact, i'm surprised, shocked is a better word. bitterly disappointed. but you know, this is a -- kind of a chicken salad day for the president. and i'm sure they're high-fiving over at pennsylvania avenue. but come november 7th, it's going to be eliminate for the republican house when we take control of the house and senate and elect the 45th president of the united states, mitt romney, who will grant waivers to all 50 states and territories against this obama care monstrosity of a bill. the supremes are supreme. they made a decision. i'm angry, mad that chief justice john roberts. but you hear people all across the front of the supreme court steps, for and against, and that's what our democracy is all about. i'm very thankful. i thank god for that. nobody's killing one another over this. but, you know, again, i think we're going to make -- make out of lemons, the shock in the decision, particularly in regard to saying that this is okay, because it's a tax. well, how about the anti-injunction act in regard to that. and whether or not this case is right. and the other thing, in regard to -- think about this. justice roberts said that in regard to the medicaid expansion, the states now not forced to accept the expansion and lose all of the medicaid participation. so a lot of those, a lot of those patients which the obama administration thought would go into medicaid, rather than the exchanges, with all the federal subsidies, think about what that's going to cost the taxpayer is all those patients several billion across the country will end up in the exchanges rather than the medicaid program. again, i'm disappointed. but i've got a smile on my face, because i think this is going to elect mitt romney, the 45th president of the united states. >> how surprised were you that it wasn't justice kennedy who was the swing vote, it was the chief justice of the united states, john roberts, who says in fact that the supreme court -- that the law has the authority to go forward, because congress -- and you're a member of congress -- has the right to go ahead, has the right to go ahead and impose taxes? >> well, it's a surprise, of course. and we thought that justice kennedy would be the swing vote and that justice roberts would be automatic with scalia and justice thomas and justice alito. but you know, you can't -- all these pundits, you think back to warren berger in 1973 roe v. wade, i didn't expect him to be the deciding vote of that abomination of a law back then. so again, you just can't read the justices. and this certainly verifies that today. again, i'm totally surprised. i was predicting that they would strike down the individual mandate in a 7-2 vote, based on the constitution. and look at article 1, section 8, clause 3. and this issue of it being a tax, the democratic majority, the president all along said, no, it wasn't a tax. they would never have passed it had it been a tax. how would they have gotten any blue dog votes, and the necessary 60 votes. actually, they forced it through under reconciliation and only needed a simple majority. they didn't dare call it a tax. all of a sudden, justice roberts says it's a tax. it's beyond my ability to comprehend. >> i guess he decided that because the irs was going to be in charge of implementing that penalty, that individual mandate penalty if individuals didn't purchase health insurance, as a result they determine the majority. this was in fact a tax. we have to leave it there. phil gingrey. we're waiting for mitt romney. we're waiting for him to speak. we'll get his reaction shortly after the president of the united states will be in the east room of the white house. he'll be speaking out. he's very happy, obviously, that his health care reform law will remain the law of the land. our coverage will continue in just a moment. this is cnn breaking news. welcome back to our breaking news coverage of the landmark decision issued today on the final day of this year's supreme court term. the justices in a 5-4 split decision upholding the constitutionality of the affordable care act. that is president obama's health care act passed by the democrats back in 2010. the initiative of his first term. chief justice john roberts writing the decision, four of the more liberal justices deciding with him that upholds this law. i'm joined by two gentlemen who can tell us a lot more of what this means from a legal standpoint. the principal deputy solicitor general argued the case before the sixth circuit. you won in one of the cases. our senior analyst jeff toobin with us as well. neil, just to your first, justice roberts starts by saying you can't do this under the commerce clause. you have to assume at that point you're losing. then he pivots. what is the significance now that you have these pages, and you're able to read through them, what this means going forward is this. >> this is hundreds of pages opinion, so i haven't had time to look at it in detail. it is a resounding victory for the obama administration of the affordable care act. the chief justice said first in his opinion, it's not justified by the commerce clause power in the constitution, which gives congress the power to regulate commerce among the several states. but he says that it is justified by the tax power. and that it is a straightforward application of long settled principles. >> it's not how you argued the case. but he up -- let's put it this way, it was low in your argument. you wanted the commerce clause. >> in all of the arguments, commerce clause went first. but everyone thought the tax argument was a strong argument. i think you could say it was a little surprising because no courts had accepted it up until this time. >> can i ask you another question? you said to me off the air, you think this is a short-term loss for the conservative moment, but a long-term victory. what did you mean by that? >> i think when you look at the opinion, it has a bunch of language in which the obama administration winnings. it wins on that it's a tax, that it can have a medicaid expansion. but on the real opinion is the skepticism on the real power of the government. the supreme court said that the government's powers over funding and states is limited. that's what led justice ginsberg in her dissent to say, this is a worrisome development. >> we're listening to the rally behind us. i want to talk about the legal parts. but this is in the middle of our politics. republican congress man phil gingrey said, we thought roberts was automatic. democrats say the same thing about justice breyer and sotomayor. what about it in our system that scalia is automatic, roberts is automatic, kennedy is a swing vote. >> in a sense that people are calling this a victory for the obama administration, it is really a victory for the rule of law and what our system is all about. congressmen say this is an automatic lock, the chief was a republican appointee, and similar people say that about the democrats. i think what today's decision demonstrates is these justices think impartially, they do indeed cross lines. it's a real resounding victory for the rule of law in america. >> the language of our politics, jeff, we have liberal and conservative. we apply them often to the court. you could say this is a victory for liberals. but chief justice roberts argues what used to be anyway the conservative view, is if congress passes the law, they are elected by the people. the court is not supposed to get involved. the court at all costs tries not to mess with that. >> there has been a reversal in sorts for years. the liberals used to be known as the judicial activists, wanted to strike down laws. but we have citizens united, where -- i'm sorry, i need to throw to sanjay gupta, is that right? >> sanjay, come join the conversation. >> well, the -- i was trying to get more clarification on exactly what this meant for patients out there. a lot of people hearing that the law has been upheld. what that would mean. one thing that is worth pointing out, the point has been made a couple of times. there's not a lot that's going to change tomorrow. so many of these provisions surrounding the law actually take place in 2014. a couple of the big ones i want to point out again, because i think a lot of people are paying attention to this for the first time. but the idea that you cannot discriminate -- insurance companies cannot discriminate against someone or deny their coverage because of a preexisting condition. so if someone has an illness out there, has had a hard time getting converage, could not ge coverage because of the price, that goes away in 2014. i'll say this as a physician, this idea that annual caps and lifetime caps in terms of what insurance companies can pay, those also go away. and i will tell you, if you're a chronically ill patient, you can get to those caps very, very quickly. so these are a couple of the big provisions. and then the big one that people have talked about a lot, that people can stay on their parents' insurance plan up until age 26, you know, we've been doing a lot of reporting on this. obviously that's good for the people who are in that age range. but also makes them much more likely to be employed. a lot of small businesses that we've been talking to say, look, these people now have health care insurance. we don't necessarily have to provide that for them up until age 26. so they're more likely easier for them to get jobs as well. i want to make sure we're emphasizing those points in terms of what this means for patients and potential patients out there. john? >> sanjay, appreciate that perspective. i've got the legal experts with me. we're waiting to hear from the president of the united states and his challenger, mitt romney. as we discuss the policy and law on this day, we won't be able to forget the politics. >> we're probably going to hear from mitt romney probably in the next ten minutes or so, then we'll hear from the president of the united states around 12:15 eastern time. in a little bit more than a half an hour or so from now. a quick reaction, statements from both of these individuals. let's bring in congresswoman michele bachmann right now. the republican congresswoman from minnesota, who was a republican presidential candidate. i take it congresswoman, you were inside the supreme court when this decision was read, and you heard the chief justice of the united states, john roberts, declare that under the tax writing provisions of the constitution, the affordable health care act is in fact constitutional. what went through your mind when you saw that 5-4 decision? >> well, it really is a turning point in american history. we'll never be the same again. what went through my mind is the court first went through the commerce clause argument. they rejected obama care and the individual mandate as constitutional under the commerce clause. and so across the courtroom, it appeared that the court had struck down the constitutionality of the individual mandate in obama care. but then the court turned to the tax argument, which was bizarre. because the court ruled that obama care was not attacked for purpose of jurisdiction to hear the case, and then just several pages later they said, no, it is a tax. so therefore, congress has the power to regulate the tax and create this tax and it's constitutional. for my mind, this is clearly unconstitutional. there is no basis in the constitution for the government to have this level of history-making expansion of power. because now this means for the first time in the history of the country, congress can force americans to purchase any product, any service that congress wants them to, which means that congress then determines the price. and we are forced to, which is a denial of liberty. this is a turning point in american history. we'll never be the same again with this denial of liberty interests. but also, it's a black cloud pragmatically speaking on economic recovery. there will be no hope of economic recovery between now and the election. we've exhausted now our legal solutions, to be able to rid the nation of obama care. now we have to look for a political solution. so in the short term, what you'll see from the job creators, and employers in america, you'll see more of them by the millions dropping their employer health insurance because it's wildly expensive. it's increased by a factor of three, just this year alone. you'll see millions of americans lose their employer insurance. you'll see millions of employers move their businesses outside of the united states to do business out of the united states. so you'll see massive job loss as a result of this as well. this isn't unexpected but this is the pragmatic effect of what we'll see. >> in terms of pragmatic effects, the practical developments that will unfold right now, there are limits to what you can do to repeal this affordable health care act. even if there's a lopsided republican majority in the house of representatives. correct me if i'm wrong. you need 60 votes in the united states senate, even if mitt romney is elected president, to go ahead and repeal it, or revise it. is that your understanding, that you need to break a filibuster in the senate in order to change it? >> no, that's not true at all. because when the vote was passed in the senate, they did so with a reconciliation bill. and that took a 50-person vote. so if there is a majority in the senate, and a majority in the house, and if we have a mitt romney as the next president of the united states, we can, and we will repeal obama care. that is the hope that america needs to hold on to, that we will repeal obama care, and we will finally see economic recovery in the united states. there is no hope of that if barack obama wins a second term, and if harry reid continues to hold the gavel in the united states senate. in all likelihood, you will see the house of representatives put forward a full-scale repeal bill, in all likelihood we will pass that even before the november election. but that will be for show only. because in all likelihood, harry reid and barack obama are not about to deviate from what the supreme court did today. we're profoundly disappointed in the decision from the court. but i urge people to read the dissent that was read from the bench by justice kennedy and joined in by justices alito and also scalia. because that opinion said very clearly, this was an activist court that you saw today. what they did is not just uphold obama care, this supreme court re-wrote obama care in line with its own designs. so this is an even more far-reaching decision than anyone had expected or imagined. >> because if the president is re-elected, congresswoman, he could veto any legislation passed by the house and senate, and then the affordable health care law would remain in effect. is that your understanding? >> that's right. that's why it's extremely important to those who believe in liberty and the constitution, and who want our economy to turn around so we can create jobs, that's why it's extremely important that we are energized and remember this at the ballot box in november. if barack obama has a second term, we will not be able to get rid of obama care, and we will rema remain mireed in this. if we want to be a pro-growth economy and have millions of high-paying jobs, then we have to replace barack obama. there is no other choice, wolf. it's only a political choice now. >> congresswoman michele bachmann obviously not very happy on this day. the president's health care reform law remains the law of the land. congresswoman, thanks very much for coming in. suzanne malveaux is joining us once again. suzanne, you're getting more reaction out in aspen, colorado. >> this is ben weber with the obama campaign. we're going to hear from mitt romney soon. we're going to hear about this is a tax increase. specifically, does he have any more to offer? he talks about replace and repeal. we have not heard from what mitt romney would replace obama's health care law with. >> he will get more specific as the fall goes on. we don't have to lay out a full alternative proposal to this today. we've got well into the fall to do it. the main point is, we now know that this is the law unless we elect a new president. we know from private studies it will result in increased insurance premiums for people. we believe strongly ultimately it will be proven to increase the federal deficit. although we know that's in dispute by the democrats. >> you say you don't need specifics right now. why not? people are looking for specifics when they look at -- >> first of all, we've already had some market reaction to this. three of the major insurers already said, had it been struck down today, that they would maintain many of the positive provisions of the affordable care act, like keeping kids on their parents until 26 years old. the market reaction to repeal has not been fully determined yet. we'll figure that out over the next several months. it's not going to be catastrophic. what's going to be catastrophic is keeping this law on the books that will result in much higher costs of insurance, and higher costs to the federal government. >> you and i were talking earlier about the fact that maybe something that's even more important is what's down the line. that's the jobs numbers that people are going to be focusing on, the economy. >> we've had a couple of big issues in the last couple of issues. the immigration irk, and of course today the health care issue. the june jobs report comes out next month which gives us the best overall reading of the american economy. the last two jobs reports showing employment starting to increase again. potentially we're falling back into a recession. that's the real verdict on the obama administration policy. this health care issue is largely going to be debated in the context of that larger economic issue. that's what mitt romney will be talking about from now until november. >> thank you very much. >> thanks, suzanne. thanks very much. momentarily, you're looking at a live picture. we expect to see mitt romney, the republican presidential candidate, walk up to that microphone and deliver his reaction to this historic decision by the united states supreme court. jim acosta is joining us right now. jim, are you getting advanced word on what we might hear from the republican presidential candidate? >> not just yet, wolf. they have kept the details of this event very close to the vest in the last hour or so. officially saying they're going to have this event on top of a building very close to the capitol. you can see it's basically over our shoulder right now. i can tell you, we can expect mitt romney to give a robust response to what the supreme court had to say this morning. look at the sign on the podium right now. it is repeal and replace obama care. in the last several days we have heard mitt romney go after the president's health care law. not necessarily on the constitutionality of the law, but saying, and yesterday he said this at an event in virginia, that it was a moral failure for the president to go after health care reform instead of focusing solely on the economy, as he came into the office during the financial crisis. we'll hear mitt romney i think go back to that message. i think almost every issue that comes up in this campaign, he seems to find a way back to the economy. wolf, i'm assuming he's going to do that in just a few minutes from now. wolf? >> we'll take a quick break. on the other side we'll hear from mitt romney. and in a half an hour or so from now we'll hear from the president of the united states from the east room of the white house. our coverage continues in just a moment. we're following breaking news. historic events unfolding here in washington. mitt romney, the republican presidential candidate, will give us his reaction to this decision by the u.s. supreme court, 5-4 decision upholding the president's health care reform law. the chief justice of the united states, john roberts, writing the majority opinion, siding with the majority. justice kennedy siding with the minority. not necessarily a huge surprise, other than the fact he wasn't the decider, john roberts was the decider in this particular decision. once we hear from mitt romney, about half an hour or so from now we'll also hear from the president of the united states, get his reaction to what's going on. let me bring back jim acosta as we await mitt romney to walk over to that microphone. it's a little awkward for mitt romney right now, i assume because even though he says repeal and replace the president's health care reform law, jim, when he was the governor of massachusetts, he had a similar individual mandate that he imposed on the citizens of massachusetts. >> right. that's right, wolf. we had a chance to talk to mitt romney back in 2009. sat in his office, very close to the state house where he signed health care reform into law in massachusetts. and that law included an individual mandate. and when we talked to mitt romney, it was during the debate before the health care law was passed. and at that time there was a lot of discussion here in washington as to whether or not the president's law should include the public option. mitt romney said, well, a free market alternative to having the public option is what we did here in massachusetts. he said it was something that the rest of washington could learn from, an idea that washington could learn from. but since then, as you know, wolf, he has tried to distance himself from those comments. he of the campaign what he did in massachusetts was not meant for the entire country. and so, you know, that has been a difficult needle to thread for mitt romney, but he has been able to thread it. he has the republican party behind him at this point. the rnc has been, as well as republicantives inside of the romney camp with the #fullrepeal and all on message behind mitt romney, and he will come out in a few moments and vow if he is elected president of the united states he will do what the supreme court didn't. wolf? >> all right. we will take another quick break and standby, because on the other side we expect to hear from mitt romney, and a little bit later, from the president of the united states. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. all right. mitt romney we are told is now getting ready to walk up to the podium and speak and give us his reaction to this historic moment. the individual mandate approved, authorized a majority opinion by the supreme court, and mitt romney will be going there. you see that obama care repeal and replace banner on the front of that podium over there in front of the microphones. mitt romney will be telling us how he feels about what has happened. some of the advisers are walking over there right now. margaret hoover is watching what is going on and donna brazile is watching with me, as we await the republican presidential candidate. margaret, what does he need to say from your perspective? >> what you will hear him say is repeal and replace and you know it is right there and what the messaging will be, but he is going to talk about regardless of whether or not the supreme court said it is constitutioningsal and they will say it is constitutional but is this good policy, is this good policy to help americans to get the health care they need at the prices they need without sending the country in impending debt, and again this health care bill affects 1/6th of the economy and will inhibit creating jobs to put americans back to work. so my sense is that is he is going to say is this good policy for getting affordable health care for all americans. >> he has said in television commercials, donna, talking about mitt romney that on day one, if he is elected president of the united states he will be in the process of repealing and replacing this health care law. >> wolf, there is a lot of discussion about the politics of the bill, but the american people need to know some of the substance of this bill. this law helps millions of americans, especially 17 million children that are already getting health care because of this coverage. >> all right. here he is. mitt romney. >> this decision and i agree with the dissent, and what the court did not do on the last day in session, i will do on my first day if elected president of the united states, and that is that i will act to repeal obama care. let's make clear that we understand what the court did and did not do. what the court did do today is say that obama care does not violate the constitution. what they did not do is to say that obama care is good law or that it is good policy. obama care was bad policy yesterday. it's bad policy today. obama care was bad law yesterday. it is bad law today. let me tell you why i say that. obama care raises taxes on the american people by approximately $500 billion. obama care cuts medicare, cuts medicare by approximately $500 billion. and even with those cuts and tax increases, obama care adds trillion trillions to our deficits and to our national debt. and pushes those obligations on to coming generations. obama care also means that for up to 20 million americans, they will lose the insurance they currently have, the insurance that they like and they want to keep. obama care is a job killer. businesses across the country have been asked what the impact of obama care is, and 3/4 of those surveyed by the chamber of commerce says that obama care makes it less likely for them to hire people. and perhaps most troubling of all, obama care puts the federal government between you and your doctor. for all of those reasons, it is important for us to repeal and replace obama care. what are some of the things that we will keep in place and must be in place in a reform a real reform of the health care system? one, we have to make shure that people who want to keep their current insurance will be able to do so. having 20 million people up to that number of people lose the insurance they want is simply unacceptable. number two, you have to make sure that those people who have pre-existing conditions know that they will be able to be insured and they will not lose their insurance. we also have to assure that we do our very best to help each state in the effort to inshure that every american has access to affordable health care, and something that obama care does not do that must be done in real reform is helping lower the cost of health care and health insurance. it is becoming prohibitively expensive. and so this is now a time for the american people to make a choice. you can choose whether you want to have a larger and larger government and more and more intrusive in your life and separating you and your doctor or whether you are comfortable with more deficits and higher debt that we pass on to the coming generations or whether you are willing to have the government put in place a plan that could cause you to lose the insurance you like or if you want to return to the time when the american people will have their own choice in health care and consumers makes they choices as to what kind of health insurance they want. this is a tim of choice for the american people and our mission is clear if we want to get rid of obama care, we have to replace president obama. my mission is to make sure that we do exactly that, that we return to the american people the privilege they have always had lived their lives in the way they feel most appropriate, and where we don't pass on to coming generations massive deficits and debt. we don't have a setting where jobs are lost. if we want good jobs and bright economic future or ourselves and our kids, we must replace obama care. that is my mission. that is our work. i am asking the people of america to join me. if you don't want the course that president obama has put us on, if you want instead a course that the founders envisioned, then join me in this effort, and help us, help us to defeat obama care, and help us to defeat the liberal agenda that makes government too big, too inlieu truive and killing jobs across this great country. thank you so much. >> governor, would you -- all right. there he is, mitt romney explaining why he opposes this decision by the united states supreme court. saying that it is bad policy. we will take a quick break and much more of the breaking news coverage coming up. stand by for the president of the united states as well. we are watching the reaction to this historic decision by the united states supreme court just a little bit less than two hour s after the 5-4 decision upheld the president's reform law, and the individual mandate and the heart of the law, and the most controversials a speck of that law is in fact constitutional. the chief justice of the united states john roberts siding with the majority and writing the majority opinion saying that congress does in fact have tax writing privileges and the authority to impose a tax on individuals who don't go ahead and purchase the health insurance that the mandate requires as a result, that mandate is constitutional and it will remain the law of the land. in about 15 minutes or so from now, we expect that the president of the united states will speak to the american people, give us his reaction to what has just happened in the united states supreme court. he will go into the east room of the white house and give us his reaction. only moments ago you heard mitt romney, his republican presidential challenger say he lamented the fact that the supreme court made this decision based on policy, and he outlined why he would on day one of a romney administration go ahead and repeal, reverse and repeal the obama health care law. candy crowley is watching all of this unfold. can dirks a lot of us thought it would be a 5-4 decision, but we didn't think that it would be john roberts the decider, but we thought it would be anthony kennedy, the decider. >> that is one of the surprises today, and wolf, we have a day where at the end of it legally speaking, not much has changed, but politically an awful lot has. it is going to be interesting, because we just heard mitt romney and we will soon hear from president obama and certainly, he is welcomed to a victory lap here, because the bulk of the health care plan and sometimes derisively referred to, but now embrace it at the white house obama care. it is a 5-4 decision and the court upheld the central part of the law that is the individual mandate that requires every american to have health insurance or pay a penalty. the requirement takes effect in 2014. americans have been divided over the health care law and so has the reaction of the court's decision as you might imagine. i want to bring in our own john king and jeffrey toobin. jeffrey, the biggest surprise to you in this was the decision or the fact that the chief justice seems pivotal in this case? >> no, the biggest surprise was the decision. you know, if you looked at chief justice roberts questions in the oral argument, he was less skeptical and than anthony kennedy. he had a lot of skepticism, but kennedy was more skeptical and that is borne out in the decision. i want to make one point about the oral argument, because someone whose name is not mentioned is the solicitor general who was given a rough time by the justices, and given a rougher time by people who watched the argument and especially me, and he won theday. this is a day for don verilli to take an enormous amount of credit and for me to eat a bit of crow, because he won, and everybody should know that argument was a winning argument whatever you thought of it. >> dually noted, jeffrey. john, to you. the politics of this now certainly in the short term seemed to favor the president, and we saw mitt romney say just because it is legal does not mean it is the right thing to do. where does the president take this this? >> well, candy, it is an achievement, and accomplishment, and if it wiped it off of the bo boo books, some would say it cost the country, and cost him dearly. but in a time of struggling, this will help you, and this is one way. will that answer the critics? no. winning a big court decision gives the president a boost. you just heard romney's take, you want a larger and larger government and reaching further and further into the lives and we have a classic choice to make for the people who will make it in 132 days and the president didn't until recently before the court was before us and the democrats and the president don't go out to brag about the health care act. and it will be interesting if in the president's speeches going forward and the advertisement that health care is a more positive issue. and he wants to link it to the broader narrative of the individual decisions that government is now making which is an interesting contrast. we have a u lawyer from the oba team who argued the case. and now, neil, when you listen to this, what was the roberts' court saying about not only the decision, but the tenure. >> yes, the chief justice is a young man and he more than any of the justices on the court appreciates the institutional role of the supreme court in the american democracy. he is a student of history, and today's decision was a resounding reflection of the chief justice's values which is that law is not just politics, and the constitution is not just politics, and we should think about the decisions and partially and dispassionately come to the right decision. >> and neil, the way that lawyers talk, the politicians and the president obama said this is not a tax increase. he said it over and over again in the debate. and now, the court upholds it as a tax. do you think that contributes to people's cynicism about the law? >> well, i don't think so, because the constitutional question is first of all does it function like a tax? what the chief justice said it quacks like a tax and looks like a tax and it is a tax. every american knows that, because if you don't pay the individual mandate, then on the 1040 tax bill, you have to check a box saying so. everyone knows that this functions like a tax. >> so we ignore what the po politicians say and the lawyers will figure it out. >> you can be absolutely certain you won't hear that in anything from the obama campaign. and you go to barack, and you won't see anything like that, that it is a tax. but cancandy, i was raeading on blackberry that the statement that the president gave on the floor of the supreme court, he was opposing the conformation of john roberts to the supreme court, and i would love, because they don't talk that often, but the next time that the president of the united states has a conversation with the chief j justice of the united states, boy, would you love to be a fly on the wall. >> you absolutely would. a lot of ironies going on here, because remember when president obama was candidate obama, he argued against the individual mandate, and now he argued for it and won and in the supreme court. we could go round and round and many degrees with of separation with people who initially did not seem to be on the side of the president and vice versa. so this is an interesting day to be sure, john. thank you very much. i want to bring in now gloria borger, and we have been talking a little bit about this whole idea that justice roberts is the one that really seemed to tip the balance here. >> yes, very interesting. this has an awful lot to do with the justice roberts that we saw when he was confirmed who talked a lot about stare decisis and not upsetting the apple cart and the court's legacy and the way he wants the court to be viewed in a way that is not political and court of integrity. in reading through all of this today and you look at the taxing power argument here, this was not the major argument in the case. this was a smaller argument, subsidiary argument, if you will, that the administration was making. it almost seemed to me that justice roberts might have been looking for some way to uphold this law, and in the same way gently admonishing the administration, saying, you know what, call the penalty what it is, and it is a tax. >> let me bring in someone who will be a familiar face to a lot of us and is to a lot of you out there, senator marco rubio from florida often mentioned as perhaps a vice presidential candidate. and he is happy to know that i will not ask you about that today, senator, but i want to ask you about your reaction to the supreme court. this is essentially a pretty big loss for the republicans, is it not? >> well, it is a loss for america. let me begin by reminding everybody what the supreme court decides is that they decide whether something is a constitutional or not constitutional and they don't decide whether this is a good idea. and it is specific, and when they found that it was constitutional and the reason they said it is constitutional, is because it is a tax increase. millions off americans may now have a irs problem as a result of the ruling. >> so, senator, how does this play out on the campaign trail, as we all know when mitt romney was governor of massachusetts, he certainly had a similar plan in place, and it takes away some of his ability to argue the individual mandate, but how do you go at this in terms of politically, and in terms of what you say the ultimate goal is which is to turn over this law? >> well, three things. let me first mention that when governor romney was the governor of a state, that is the state policy. if you don't like the policies of the state, you you can two to another state, and the state does not have irs. this now turnbes the irs into an enforcement amercianism for obama care. and this is a broken promise, because the president said he would not raise taxes on the middle-class, but this is a middle-class tax increase and you know why we know it? not because i am saying it, but what the supreme court said. now the americans understand what this law is about and now more than ever, you will see the opposition to the law increase and it is going to hurt economic growth which is doing poorly and we have new figures today showing that the economy is not growing and this is not going to help. this is a central issue of the campaign again like it was in 2010. a moment ago, you were on the air, and obama care is not something that this administration brags about. in fact, they would not call it obama care until recently, and there is a reason for it, because the american people don't like it. it is now a central issue in this campaign. i don't think that is good for them, but it is terrible for america. >> it may be, senator, but when you really dissect the polls of the 51% of americans or so who don't like the president's health care plan, 13% of them don't like it, because they don't believe it is liberal enough which makes the footing of the republicans a lot less sure, because it means that the actually the number of people who believe it goes too far is well below 50%. is that something that you really want to campaign on? >> ell well, i am happy for tha debate and i hope that is what this debate is about. and i hope this is a central issue in the campaign and i hope it is. this is going to devastate the coe economy, and this is a culmination of a broken series of promises. they told people that if they wanted to keep their health care they could keep it, and that is not true. and the president said it is not a tax increase, but it is and the lawyers in front of the supreme court said it is, and the only reason it is found constitutional is because it is a tax increase and just wait until americans start realizing that they are going to have to prove to the irs that they have health insurance or they are going to be hit with a irs fine and wait until people figure out what that means to the daily lives, and you will see the numbers change really quick. >> most people have health insurance, but i want to ask you one other quick question about the senate and what it may do. we are told that the house, when they come back after the july 4th recess vote plank by plank to try to repeal obama care. what is the senate going the do? >> well, i don't know, obviously, because my party does not run the senate. i can tell you what i hope we will do. i hope what happens is that the republicans and the democrats comes to the realization that creating a irs problem for millions of americans is not what people intended or a majority the didn't. and that we have a health care problem in america and is serious and needs to be confront and solved and this is not the quay to do to force a mandate to be en forced by the irs in an economy that is not growing very fast. i hope some consensus can form around that and get to the repeal and replacing it as soon as possible, because we desperately do need to confront the health insurance problems in america that we have, but this is the wrong way to do it. >> senator marquee rube dwroe, republican from florida, thank you for your time. >> thank you. and we will be right back with more coverage of the supreme court decision right after this break. welcome back. we are covering today's supreme court ruling that essentially said that obama care, the president's health care plan is by and large koconstitutional. they did in fact change one little part of it that had to do with whether the states could be penalized for not expanding the medicaid programs, but by and large, a huge, huge victory, wolf blitzer, for president obama who is going to do a little bit of a victory lap here in a minute or so. >> he is not going to be happy that the majority of the supreme court justices said it is a tax increase after he had assured the people in 2009 that it was not a tax increase. >> he will take it. >> he'll take it, because the health care reform law, and the affordable health care act remains the law of the land, and it is a huge win for the president, and just imagine, candy, what would have been the case if it would have been the opposite decision. here is the president. he is walking to the microphone. >> today, the supreme court upheld the health care constitution constitutionality act. in doing so they have reaffirmed a fundamental principle that here in america, in the wealthiest nation on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any family's financial ruin. i know that there will be a lot of discussion today about the po politics of all of this, about who won and who lost. that is how these tend to be viewed here in washington, but that discussion completely misses the point. whatever the politics, today's decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives are more secure because of this law and the supreme court's decision to uphold it. because this law has a direct impact on so many americans, i want to take this opportunity to talk about what it exactly means for you. first, if you are one of the more than 250 mill yion america who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance. this law will make it more secure and more affordable. insurance companies can no longer impose lifetime limits on the amount of care you receive. they can no longer discriminate against children with pre-existing conditions. they can no longer drop your coverage if you get sick. they can no longer jack up your premiums without reason. they are required to provide free preventative care like checkups and mammograms and a provision that has helped 54 million americans with private insurance. by this august, nearly 13 million of you will receive a rebate from your insurance company, because it spent too much on things like administrative costs and ceo bonuses and not enough on your health care. there's more. because of the affordable care act, young adults under the age of 26 can stay on their parents' health care plans a provision that has already helped 6 million young americans, and because of the affordable care act, seniors receive a discount on the prescription drugs, a discount that has saved more than 5 million seniors on medicare about $600 each. all of this is happening because of the affordable care act. these provisions provide commonsense protections for the middle-class families and they enjoy broad popular support. thanks to today's decision, all of these benefits and protections will continue for americans who already have health insurance. now, if you are one of the 30 million americans who don't yet have health insurance, starting in 2014, this law will offer you an array of quality affordable private health insurance plans to choose from. each state will take the lead in designing their own menu of options. and if the states can come up with better ways of cover morgue ways at the same quality and cost, this law allows them to do that, too. i have asked congress to help speed up that process and give states this flexibility in year one. once states set up the health insurance marketplaces known as exchanges, insurance companies will no longer be able to discriminate against any american with a pre-existing health condition, and they can't charge you more because you are a woman. and they won't be able to bill you into bankruptcy. if you are sick, you will finally have the same chance to get quality affordable health care as everyone else. if you can't afford the premiums, you will receive a credit that helps to pay for it. today, the supreme court also upheld the principle that people who can afford health insurance should take the responsibility to buy health insurance. this is important for two reasons. first, when uninsured people who can afford coverage get sick, and show up at the emergency room for care, the rest of us end up paying for their care in the form of higher premiums, and second, if you ask insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions, but don't require people who can afford it to buy their own insurance, some folks might wait until they are sick to buy the care they need which will drive up everybody else's premiums. that is why since i knew it would not be politically popular and resist ed the idea when i rn for this office, we ultimately included a provision in the aft affordable care act that people who can afford the buy health insurance should take the responsibility to do so. in fact, this idea is enjoying support from members of both parties including the current republican nominee for president. still, i know that the debate over this law has been divisive. i respect the very real concerns that millions of americans have shar shared. i know that a lot of coverage through this health care debate has focus odd on what it means pl political politically. well, it is clear now that i didn't do this because it is good politics. i did it because i believed it is good for the country. i did it because i believed it was good for the american people. you know, there is a framed letter that hangs in my office right now, and it was sent to me during the health care debate by a woman named natoma canfield, and for years and years she did everything right. she bought health insurance. she paid the premiums on time, and 18 years ago, she was diagnosed with kacancer. and even though she had been cancer-free for more than a decade, her insurance company kept jacking up her rates year after year, and despite the desire to keep the coverage and despite her fears she would get sick again, she had to surrender her health insurance and forced to hang her fortunes on chance. i carried natoma's story with me everyday to fight for this law. it reminded me of the americans all across the country who have had to worry not about getting sick, but the cost of getting well. natoma is well today and because of this law, other americans and sons and daughters and brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers who will not have to hang their fortunes on chance. these are the americans for whom we pass this law. the highest court in the land has now spoken. we will continue to implement this law. we will work together to improve on it where we can. but what we won't do, what the country cannot afford to do is to refight the political battles of two years ago or go back to the way things were. with today's announcement, it is time for us to move forward to implement and where necessary improve on this law. and now is the time to keep the focus on the most urgent challenge of our time, putting people back to work, paying down the debt, and building an economy where people can have confidence that if they work hard, they can get ahead. but today, i'm as confident as ever that when we look back five years from now or ten years from now, or 20 years from now, we will be better off because we had the courage to pass this law, and keep moving forward. thank you. god bless you. god bless america. >> the president of the united states speaking from the east room. obviously, very, very pleased that the united states supreme court has upheld the affordable care act. his health care reform legislation which is the law of the land and will remain the law of the land thanks to a 5-4 decision by the united states supreme court today. a decision written by the chief jus tis of the united states john roberts. candy, as we watched the president, our very robust defense of the health care law, we haven't seen a lot of that over the past several months during this campaign and the president, himself, acknowledged that it may not be popular politically, but it is the right thing, he says for the american people. >> and he may feel a little wind at the back and nothing like a supreme court decision that says, of course, it is constitutional, after two years of this, that gives him a boost up. i think that, i want to bring in our jessica yellin to join us in the conversation, jessica. and the first thing he said, i know we all look at this through the prism of politics, but i don't, this is about people. then he went on the say, well, while i'm here, let me explain all of the things that are in it and the popular provisions. and the setting is the east room which is interesting as a presidential place and putting the politics out of it while putting the politics in it. >> yes, candy, that is true, and the argument cuts both ways because this administration has been brutally criticized for effectively being unable to pass the health care bill after it was passed. so the president is trying to emphasize that the elements of the legislation that are pop ulr and i think that we will see a lot more of that in fact on the campaign trail when the president does go out and hit the trail. you know, while polling shows that the bill, itself, is not as popular, the individual components do rate well. the children under 26 getting health insurance, and you heard him hit some of the key groups that he is trying to woo in this election, women, el selling this idea of the consumer protections in here, and of course, that there is this element of fairness which is a key part of fairness for the middle-class which is a key part of the campaign. one thing that i can add for you have a little bit of color from chicago headquarters and i am told that they, too, were bracing and uncertain about what would happen just as they were at the white house when the came down and a feeling there of both relief and celebration, and now they are planning their next moves as well. and no doubt, a response to mitt romney who we have seen already, can candy, releases from the democrats, and the campaign of republicans who say, if the republicans are going to call this a new tax, then mitt romney also raised taxes when he was governor of massachusetts because he imposed a mandate, too, and look for that battle to start brewing on the campaign trail or between the two sides in the coming days. >> yeah. this has been a very mixed blessing for mitt romney all of the way down the road ever since signing that bill in massachusetts. jessica yellin at the white house and stick with us today. we will take a quick break and when we come back, some of you have been talking to our dr. sanjay gupta, and he as answers for your questions. welcome back to cnn's rolling coverage of the supreme court decision this morning that allowed president obama's health care law to stay pretty much in tact. i want to bring in our dr. sanjay gupta from new york. sanjay, so many people looking at this and saying, what happens now? the best advice is whatever you had this morning is what you still have. >> most people have health care insurance, but this is the people who do not have health care insurance or had some kind of chronic illness that have made it difficult for them to obtain health care insurance are the people who are paying the most attention to this. but candy, there are 450 provisions in this, and i'm one of the few people who have actually read this bill twice as part of the reporting, so there's lots of different people affected by this. the nuances as we go forward are going to be very important. >> and when you look at what the next big thing is that will come in, and we heard the president sort of tick off those things, sanjay, that people like, no lifetime caps, and you can't be denied health insurance because you have a pre-existing condition, et cetera, et cetera, and what is the next big thing that comes online? >> well shgs, i think that in 2 it is is going to be sort of the biggest things. a couple of them you mentioned, but this whole idea that the insurance companies will not be able to deny coverage is one of the big things. we have a couple of questions that might sort of speak to this point. i believe that thomas, one of the viewers has a specific question related to some of the provisions. thomas, go ahead. >> yes. i am a 23-year-old student who is currently under his parent's insurance plan and how does the health care law being upheld affect my coverage in the next few years? >> well, thank you, thomas, for asking that. as reporting on this, this issue comes up one of the most frequent issues that comes up. thomas, you will be able to stay on your parents' plan now until age 26. you fall into a population of people who have been very tricky to cover. you are no longer getting coverage through your parents' plan or in school previously, but now ununtil the age of 26, and it does a couple of things. besides providing health care coverage, and thomas for you, businesses out there who are more likely to hire you, because you are already covered. so that is one of the big, big provisions. we have heather as well. heather? >> hi. i have a question, i'm a graduate student and a single mom, and how does this affect me now? what will happen in 2014? >> there's a couple of important points, you are a graduate student and i don't know how old you are. are you over the age of 26? >> i'm 39. >> okay. you look terrific, and the health care so far is serving you well. but i will say that -- >> thank you. >> -- with regard to your child which is part of the implementation, that your child were to get sick or is sick, also cannot be denied health care coverage because of that illness. again, a significant problem. i see this as a doctor that kids at a time when they need the health coverage the most can't get coverage or the premiums are prohibitively high. that is something that you don't have to worry about now for your child. for you, yourself, depending upon what you do next, take a job and get employer-based coverage after school, then you can get your health insurance through your employer. if you decide to start a small business, and you are now a business owner who has to provide coverage to your employees, there is tax benefits for you, but the most important thing for you, heather, is that if you were to become ill, and again, you cannot be denied coverage because of your gender or some pre-existing illness or something else. so you will pay the same health premium as someone your age who lives in your community. that is sort of a simplistic definition of a community rating, heather. so it is a little bit how it lay s out over the next couple of years. candy, we get a lot of questions like that, and that will give people a little bit of an overview of how this is going to roll out. >> and whatever is going to roll out before this, and actually i wanted to ask you a question, but nancy pelosi who really helped engineer health care through capitol hill now talking, and we want to go to her, sanjay. thanks. >> it was a victory for american families when we passed the affordable health care act and the president signed it in law. since then tens of millions of people in our country are already benefiting from the legislation. as you know, and as the president said so eloquently, children can no longer be denied coverage due to pre-existing condition, and young people and children and students and young people can stay on their parents' policy until they are 26 years old, and seniors are paying less for prescription drug and have access to free we wellness and preventive visits. when the bill comes into effect, being a woman, it will no longer be a pre-existing medical condition for women. it is about wellness, prevention, about the health of america, and not just the health care. it's pretty exciting. earlier this morning i met with our caucus after the decision was announced, and it was as you know, no surprise to us. we knew that it would, and we thought we were on solid grunds in terms of interstate commerce and in terms of the constitution but depended upon what the vote would be. with that confidence we happily embraced the decision that came down. now we can move forward to the full implementation of the law, and when that happens for the american people, the best is yet to come. i want the say a word about senator kennedy. i spoke to vicki kennedy this morning and patrick kennedy before coming here, and thanking them for the important work they have done and a lifetime of commitment for making health care a right in our country. ted kennedy called it the great unfinished business. i knew when he left us he would go to heaven and help pass the bill and i know he was busily at work until this decision came down in one way or another, and now he can rest in peace. his dream for american families has become a reality. i will be pleased to take any of your questions. >> leader, the president has said, himself, on numerous occasions that the individual mandate is not a tax. do you feel that the individual mandate in the health care law is a tax? >> the court has upheld the legislation. i think, and i will have to see the specific language that they identified with how we wrote the bill in the house as part of the decision, the documentation for the decision. call it what you will. it is a step forward for america's families, and you know what, take yes for an answer. this is a very good thing for the american people. what you are talking about -- that of course is minority leader nancy pelosi and she doesn't care what you call it as long as it is constitutional and she is very happy with the supreme court decision today and rightly so. she is minority leader now and she was speaker of the house, and if anything, she was called the backbone of the white house, and the backbone of the house when everyone began to get cold feet after they were hearing so many complaints about the mandate and other parts of the health insurance law. it was nancy pelosi who stood up and said, we can do this and kept pushing and pushing, so a victory for her today and she is taking it. we will take a quick break here, but when we come back, i wa bt to talk to a young man who has played a cameo, but very important and emotional part of this whole health care law debate. we will be right back. it not only reduces plaque... it's also clinically proven... to help keep plaque from coming back. plus, it works in these other areas dentists check most. ♪ new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. life opens up when you do. for extra plaque protection try new crest pro-health clinical rinse. ♪ i hear you... ♪ rocky 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a pretty happy day? >> yes. >> tell me what sorts of things because you must remember your mom everyday in your own personal way, but what sorts of things have you been doing in her honor? >> well, mainly, i have been trying to just help with to keeping the obama care alive and helping to make sure that it stays and gets up health. -- gets upheld. >> not many 13 year-olds that you are now marcelas out there with this kind of passion for the kind of legalities and all sorts of things that are going on with this, and i have to imagine that you are a president obama supporter coming up in this next election, correct? >> yes, if i could vote, i would definitely put my vote in on him. >> a little while before you can do that. and so, when you do remember your mom, does it help to know that the sort of thing that she went through and you watched her go through, won't happen to anyone when this law takes full effect, because you won't be able to lose your health insurance just because you get sick. >> yeah, i'm kind of happy that happens, because i don't want anyone else to feel the same and see the things that i saw happen. nothing that happened to my mom losing her health care happens to anyone else. >> well, marcelas, i know you have an important voice in the debate, and it was fun seeing you two years ago in the white house, and it was a big time for you, i know and thank you for joining us today on another important day on the battle for health care. >> thank you for having me here. it is fun. and it helps. >> good. i'm glad. i'm glad to hear that. you take care. dr. jorge rodriguez is a board certified internalist who joins me from los angeles. dr. rodriguez, i know you have been a supporter of this law. can you tell me looking forward to things that are coming in, and coming online how this is going to impact you and how you think it will impact the patients? >> well sh, thanks for having m on, candy. first of all i was a supporter of the law in general and in time, it seems to have changed and diluted and listening to this all day today shows me what a political ball actually this has been. it actually makes me very ambivalent, because the problem is that i think that both parties have actually put the cart in front of the horse. they have provided people access to a health care system that i think that is broken. so there was a doctor from grady who spoke earlier and the problem is this, i'm an internalist and marcus welby. i'm not a surgeon and my patients come to me everyday and i battle the insurance companies and i see the frustrations not having access to the doctors and being seen by physician substitutes, so what i am afraid what is going to happen is that we are bringing 30 million more people into the broken system, and overall, a lot of people are going to be getting care they did not get. that is wonderful, and i think that everyone deserves health care, but i would have preferred if both par i thes stepped back and actually said, how are we going to provide good care for americans? how are we going to provide preventive care? doctors are retiring and quitting at the highest rate ever. less people going into the med school, and we need to provide b better care, more physicians from the people who are coming into health care access. that is what concerns me. >> well, as i understand things coming down the pike, it will certainly begin to reward doctors for the wellness and remain well, and the goal is less about procedures and payment less about that than the success rate of a doctor. will that not help? >> that would help actually and that will help. but you know who needs to be incentivized is that the patient needs to be incentivized. i would be very much in favor -- >> in what way? >> well, if you have health insurance and some employers are doing this and you receive a rebate from your premium if you have a yearly physical, and if your weight is controlled, and if your cholesterol is controlled and the blood pressure is controlled, then the patient is incentivized to stay healthy. things can be done, but what we are doing now is to provide people insurance for when they get sick. and listen, this may be a great start and in the future we can modify this, but i just wish that looking in retrospect that a little more thought could be given to this. and plus, candy, i don't think that america has answered the main question which would have alleviated a lot of problems whether health care is a right or privilege. once we answer that, then we can decide one payor system national health care, but it is a beginning. hopefully we can tack through the years and improve it. >> so if i understand now we are putting 30 million or so uninsured people into them is, but this system, itself, you think can't handle that or isn't handling what they already have, which ever way you want to put it -- go ahead. >> well, the system right now can't handle that. the system is going to shift people for example perhaps from emergency rooms into primary care physician's offices, and we don't have more primary care physicians, and the president spoke about perhaps some how incentivizing to have more nurse practitioners and if you have more people accessing health care, you need more people to be able to assist them. granted, right now people are going to emergency rooms who don't have insurance, and that is going to be shifted over. so you may have the same number of clinics that are now going to be more of crowded with people. is that better than no care? it remains to be seen. i don't know. >> and are you saying that we need when you are talking about doctors retiring, i know there is a lot of frustration and particularly among the doctors in the 40s and the 50s and around in there that are looking elsewhere now, what would help doctors and what would make this better for doctors and bring more folks into the profession, into the health care profession and not just age you are talking about? >> well, it is my age, and it is unsavory for the doctors the talk about reimbursement, because we are supposed to be above that, but we have families and we have mortgages and debt ourselves. and medicare reimbursement for physicians has decreased 30% to 40% over the past few years and it will continue to decrease. as medicare goes, so goes other insurance companies. i don't think that any physician is asking anything other than good reimbursement, so what happens? we have to see more patients in order to cover our costs, and then the patient becomes dissatisfied. so i think that the reimbursement for physicians and teachers has to be looked at. it has to be commensurate with the responsibility. you know, that comes along with the profession. and another thank is very frustrating is that we really don't have any resource. you may think that the american medical association represents us. it doesn't. there is nobody fighting for, you know, physicians' rights. so i am putting it out there, and you can see it actually by the quality of students that are applying to medical school. the grade point average of the applicants has continued to drop yearf a year. and if you ask most physicians would they recommend that a young person go into medicine over 50% of them nowadays would say no. so this is not the only problem, but it is certainly a large problem. >> one tof the problems. >> that needs to be looked at. >> i think that you heard the president today say that there were certainly going to be things that he is looking for improvements all of the time. and as you say, maybe a start, but certainly not the finish. thank you so much for your time today dr. jorge rodriguez. we appreciate it. >> pleasure. >> thank you. president obama did score a major victory on health care today, and the battle for reform is 100 years old, and a fascinating look back at the history of the health care fight. 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>> well, it is the beginning, but it is a good beginning, because we have a supreme court saying it is constitutional. very conservative supreme court saying it is constitutional. i agree with their decision. you know, you go back in the history books and you watch what happened after we had passed social security, and that had to be fought all of the way to the supreme court to see if it was constitutional and a lot of people saying you have to get rid of social security, but once it was declared constitutional, they should do what they did then. now we have social security, and we will make it better and over the years we have. the same with this. we know now it is constitutional and the americans will be covered that would not have been covered and we know that a lot of americans with health problems will not be dropped from the health insurance, but let's work together to make it even better. set aside the partisan posturing, and let's just work together as americans for americans. >> are you certain that this battle is over. i don't mean just politically, and i think that we can both agree that it is not over politically, but one of the things that i thought was interesting in the ruling was the medicaid provision where it said that one of the parts of of the bill is to expand medicaid because it will bring more people into the system, and d different sorts of requirements for medicaid so that more people are brought into it. that is of course administered by the state, so it is saying to the states, use these rules and broaden the medicaid coverage, and what the supreme court said as i read it and you are the lawyer here, so tell me this, is that the federal government cannot punish states who choose not to do that. what does that mean? does that mean that we next hov to the states for this battle? >> well, there will be, and the state of vth has been a lead -- state of vermont has always been a leader in providing health care and the reason we are one of the leading states of health is that we make shure that all f the children are covered to age 18 and do a lot of preventive health care, and our costs are l lower and the people are healthier. that argument could be made in each state. remember, the basic thrust of the law has been upheld, and that is why i say set aside the posturing or the political stuff, because are you going to repeal this on day one and that kind of stuff. that is not going the happen. don't waste any energy on that. let's ha ee's have republicans democrats come together, and if the products can be any better, make them better. forget the sloganeering and the p posturing. do what is right for americans. >> senator leahey, i don't think that either you or i want to take odds of that happening in an election year. >> well, it will happen just as it did in social security. >> thank you so much for your time today, sir. i appreciate it. we will take a quick break. -- captions by vitac -- with today's historic supreme court vote upholding obama care the president has managed to do what many other presidents have tried to do, but failed, significantly reform the nation's health care system. historian doris concerns kearns joins us now. >> no question. this president has accomplished something that no president has accomplished for a president. think about theodore roosevelt who put a plank in his, and fdr trying to get it into his social security bill and he didn't. and harry truman had a bill that was ruled social lis tiistic an lost out, and jfk was also defeated and so was president clinton with the louise ad. and this is the historic ak k accomplishment that all presidents wish they could accomplish when they come into office. >> basically what doris kearns goodwin is telling us is not just a moment in obama's presidency, but a moment in history. thank you so much, doris kearns goodwin. we appreciate it. >> the important thing to look at even more so when you look back at ronald reagan and the fight with lyndon johnson over medicare and the words he used was that it would compel all americans to spend their sunset years telling their children and their children's children how it was when men were free, and that is what it is like. and however, medicare has been sustained and approved, but the public sentiment lay ahead. one thing we have not gotten and what the president has been trying to do today which as you sa

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