that put more money in the system helping prop things up. the consumer continues to be strong heading into the holiday shopping season. but really the only risk there is that trade war. which puts so much pressure on the white house to try to stop an escalation at least in the tariffs to try to buffer the economy here. the economy is doing just fine. it's not the super charged economy, the unprecedented wave of prosperity as the president called it last week. it's not that. it's not. it's just fine. and that's where we are. >> all right. christine romans, thank you. >> happy thanksgiving, by the way. >> super fine like the hair spray i use. >> it works very well. shocking and unprecedented. that is how ousted navy secretary richard spencer describes the commander in chief's decision to intervene in a navy war crimes case. more from the scathing new op-ed next. it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the