there was a shootout in which weaver's 14-year-old son sammy and a dog and a u.s. marshal all ended up dead. an fbi sharpshooter shot his wife dead while she was carrying the baby in her arms. >> fbi agents are trained to shoot only to protect themselves or others. the rules of engagement for ruby ridge were rewritten. >> decisions were made within the fbi which allowed the snipers to shoot at anyone who was armed. it was completely unjustifiable. >> put a bullet in my head! hey, i'll make it easy. i'll turn my back on you. >> baby killer! >> not everyone who lives around here says randy weaver is in the right. but they say none of this would have happened if federal authorities had just left him alone. >> ruby ridge was not a story that was on the front page of national newspapers. most people didn't know about it at all, but it actually did energize the radical right. >> the siege ended at 12:15 when randall weaver and his three children walked off the mountain after 11 days. >> there is all this tremendous