there. i just think it's too risky you're thinking logically hi, brian trial, which i would imagine his attorneys are also thinking logically. i'm sure one would think right. >> here's a solid, i mean, these are attorneys that i think many of you at this table. no. actually, as certainly i know number of our legal alice do when we look at this, there was also the separate hearing, ryan, today. yet another appeal from team trump for a change of venue. so the judge did not hi, the stay in that as this as this moves through court, donald trump once again saying he can't get a fair trial in new york. he was complaining after leaving court today that this was moving too fast. this is the interests of the judge. they ceded a jury so quickly, it's actually a fairly diverse well-rounded jury. when you look at it how do you think this will play out? there was also this argument that it was untenable, right? that it was untenable in terms of the jurors, that there was some sort of some sort of bias because so many jurors have been dismissed that that was untenable. >> is that valid no, i don't see any validity to it. >> in fact, i think that the