we all do that. >> anthony: who would you rather see in a speedo? wolf blitzer, dr. sanjay gupta, or anderson cooper? >> eric: ooh. that's a tough one. >> anthony: no. no, actually that's an easy -- there's an easy answer. >> eric: none of them. >> anthony: really? >> eric: in a speedo? you know what is a speedo? it's those bathing suits -- >> anthony: well, no. it's a banana hammock. it's a -- it's a -- >> eric: like, like a small, very narrow bathing suit. >> anthony: it's a french style. >> chen: ah, ah, ah, okay. okay. >> anthony: so when someone's running in slow motion down the beach in a silver lame speedo, of those three, who would you choose? >> eric: i don't know. >> anthony: come on! it's anderson cooper. the guy, like, works out. that's a good-looking man. >> eric: does he? he works out? i don't know. >> anthony: you disappoint me, eric. you really do. cheers. >> chen: cheers. cheers. >> eric: cheers. ganbei. >> chen: ganbei. >> eric: ah, no. ganbei you finish the -- no. cheers. wow, you took it seriously.