crowds. but it was just a horrible and disastrous thing that occurred today. >> so general hertling, we heard president biden vowing to find the people responsible for the attacks saying we'll hunt you down, make you pay. he asked the military for options to strike isis-k targets. given that, you know, the relatively small number of u.s. forces that were on the ground in afghanistan over the last year, i think some 2500 or so, a lot of their job was, you know, hunting down groups like this. without those forces on the ground, once the u.s. forces leave the airport, what are the u.s. capabilities to actually fulfill that promise? >> a couple things are going to affect that, anderson. i think as the forces drew down in afghanistan, a lot of the folks that were left, the u.s. folks that were left and the nato folks left were either the trainers or the intelligence collectors for targeting purposes for the counterterrorism mission. those are now gone. so the key element of targeting