assessment of the disaster, raising the threat level to level five out of seven, conceding it is worse than they previously said, something america's top nuclear regulator has been saying for two days. the wind had been blowing out to sea. it is now blowing on shore. we'll tell you what that means for cities like tokyo. according to "the new york times" a power line has been extended to the plant to reactors number one and two, but no word whether the cooling pumps still work. and no agreement on whether there's any water cooling spent fuel in reactor four and the battle to pump watter into the pool of reactor three continues. there's also concern whether the concrete basin that fuel is sitting in, in reactor number four, the pool can even hold any water. we begin with libya. dramatic developments on the ground in tripoli and the region around benghazi held by opponents to colonel gadhafi. according to a report by the bbc, a french diplomat has told the bbc that he expects military intervention in libya to begin shortly after a summit tomorrow morning in paris 8:00 a.m. eastern time. that's about ten hours from now. gadhafi, on notice now from president obama, nato, the arab league and the u.n. security council, to stop killing his own people or face the consequences. today, he announced his government announced a cease-fire. they say it is holding -- the government says it's complying with the u.n. resolution. but take a look at this video that we just received and decide for yourself, does this look like a cease-fire? [ explosions ] [ speaking foreign language ] [ automatic gunfire ] >> now, the video claims to be from today on the streets of misurata. we cannot independently confirm that is what you are seeing. if, in fact, it is true, that would be in violation of the cease-fire that the gadhafi regime says they have been honoring. one resident telling us from misurata, and you're going to hear in the hour ahead, he said gadhafi doesn't want to take the town, he wants to destroy it. this man says gadhafi won't stop unless somebody stops him. president obama says if nobody does, there's every reason to believe that gadhafi would commit atrocities and demanded that the gadhafi regime obey the u.n. resolution. >> let me be clear, these terms are not negotiable. these terms are not subject to negotiation. if gadhafi does not comply with the resolution, the international community will impose consequences and the resolution will be enforced through military action. >> the president did go on to specify for the american people that this does not mean american troops on the ground or boots on the ground as they say in libya. i want to bring in nic robertson in tripoli and arwa damon in benghazi, far to the east of tripoli. nic, let's start with you. the gadhafi regime says that they are honoring a cease-fire. you confronted one of the gadhafi officials about this. before i play that, just explain what was said in this press conference today. what is the gadhafi regime demanding now? >> reporter: well, it's demanding and asking, and we really get a sense of the country's isolation at this point. it's demanding international monitors come to libya immediately. the deputy foreign minister a couple hours ago, in the night, said that the country is calling on diplomats or representatives to come from china, to come from germany, to come from turkey to be independent monitors on the situation in the country here. he said that this appeal has been made for many, many weeks. that the offer has been open, but nobody is listening to this offer. but it really does give you a sense of how much this government feels this international isolation. they say they're observing the cease-fire, but there are reports we get from misurata and other places that they're lies, misleading and they're not true. when i asked can we go to misurata, why aren't we allowed to go to misurata, this is what the government spokesman told me. >> i came on cnn, on bbc, on many, many tvs, russia, and say said do come, do come. we need observers, fact finding mission, do come and see for yourselves there are no crimes. no one -- give me one official demand, show me one official request. >> why can't we go to misurata then? >> listen, you have too much confidence in yourselves. you are not the judge. you cannot get this. you are not the judge. >> you're not giving us the opportunity. >> your reports should be rejected. you are not independent observers. >> you're not even giving us the opportunity to go see. you're giving us nothing. >> nic politely pushing back on the what the government spokesman is saying. at this point, are you allowed to go outside your hotel? are you able to tell whether this u.n. security council resolution has had any impact on people's opinions on the streets? >> this morning we weren't able to go out, and i think that had a lot to do with friday prayers. if you remember last week, we were brutally detained. our taxi driver is still detained for going out on the street. journalists have been able to go out this afternoon to green square where there have been pro-gadhafi supporters and the sense you get is they support the government here. just to follow up on the government spokesman there. i talked to him about this afterwards and he said look, you guys are always asking us the tough questions, you should be asking the international community the tough questions, why aren't international monitors being sent? and i get the sense that the government here, and the spokesman here just don't understand the sort of isolation that the country is being put into, because of the way the international community feels about the regime that runs the country. but, again, when we talked to people in green square, the answer is always they support moammar gadhafi and the government here, anderson. >> i want to go to arwa damon who is in benghazi. arwa, it's very difficult for us to independently confirm, and there's a lot of rumors going around on the opposition side about what's happening in opposition held cities like misurata. do we know for a fact that misurata was being attacked? we see this video, but do we have independent confirmation on any of this? >> reporter: no, anderson, we don't, because we can't get to misurata. the road to get there is too dangerous and too long. what i can tell you when that cease-fire was supposed to go into effect, i'm talking about the one that the government itself announced this afternoon, we were outside at the city stopped at a check point around 30 miles outside of it, because they staid the fighting going on was quite simply too intense. while we were standing there at that distance, we could hear and feel the explosions coming from inside the city. fighters coming out of it talking about the intensity of the battle. one ambulance driver coming out empty because he said they could not reach the wounded because of the fighting that was going on. this was quite some time after the government declared its own cease-fire. and so the concern here is that even though the government may have declared a cease-fire, the opposition says there's no indication that it is in fact taking place and they don't trust anything that comes out of the gadhafi regime. they firmly believe this is yet another ploy to try to lull the international community into believing he is complying. they believe he is going to take this opportunity to carry out in their words a massacre against his own people. >> nic, my understanding of this u.n. resolution, it doesn't just require gadhafi's forces to hold a cease-fire, correct me if i'm wrong here, nic, but doesn't it also require them to withdraw from the positions they're currently in? >> reporter: we have heard two interpretations of that today. one from secretary of state hillary clinton who said that gadhafi would have to withdraw his forces back from the east where they've been advancing, and president obama clarified it a little more saying that the gadhafi troops would have to pull back from benghazi and from adjubaya, which is close to benghazi. the government here certainly views the situation that the rebels were in benghazi and then pushed themselves westward taking these downs along the way. so the government views themselves as taking back territory they temporary lost to the rebels. when you talk to officials here, they say look, this is going to create more tribal bloodshed. the more you bring in outside intervention, the more this will create friction between tribes. the death toll will go up. there's a real exacerbation here. the sense is here that the international community doesn't get what's at stake. of course, from the international community's point of you, they don't get how much the international community doesn't trust the leadership, anderson. >> more with nic robertson. when we come back, we'll talk with fouad ajami and bob behr about what happens now, what military action might look like and what the consequences of it might just be. we'll also talk about the latest on the nuclear situation, the energy which is still very much in high gear here in japan. no real good news to report on the nuclear front. the battle to cool down those spent fuel rod pools continues and the battle to restore electricity to some of the reactors continues as well. details ahead. iving because she could afford nothing else. ethel couldn't ignore the clear need for health and financial security. and it inspired her to found aarp. for over 50 years, we've continued that work, to help all americans pursue their best life. discover more of what we do, for every generation at [ gunfire ] >> that is video purporting to show fighting in the city of misurata two days ago. today, the gadhafi regime announced a cease-fire. they said there will be no more fighting on the part of gadhafi forces. the question is, is this what a cease-fire looks like? you're looking at video purportedly today from misurata, though we can't independently report that. the regime says this fighting is not happening. gadhafi was promising to crush the opposition, to show no mercy, to go house to house. now they're inviting other countries to send observers s b they're not letting reporters go to see what is really going on. i talked to one man who is in misurata earlier tonight. take a look. what's the situation in misurata right now? >> we were attacked by heavy fire from gadhafi's troops. >> what sort of fire did you experience? >> tanks and heavy artillery. >> did the firing continue after they said they were going to have a cease-fire? >> yes. the strongest attack ever seen in misurata since the 17th of february. he wants to destroy everything in the city. >> so you think this is about punishment or destruction of the city, not about trying to take control? >> yes, that's what they want. we have about 45 injuries, 24 dead. >> so why after saying they have a cease-fire, why would gadhafi forces attack? >> because i think he's pathetic. he's going crazy or something. he wants to kill everyone. he want to retain his power by force. he want to force people to decide he's the leader, the only leader. we don't want him anymore. we only want peace. we don't want gadhafi. we want him to leave. we want freedom. >> what do you want the international community to do? >> attack him by air, by airplanes like they did say. >> thank you very much for talking to us. >> thank you very much. >> again, as always, i should caught we can't independently confirm the identity of that person or his exact location, though we have every reason to believe he's in the city of misurata. i want to bring in jill dougherty and professor fouad ajami and also bob behr, former cia officer, the intelligence columnist at jill, you're going to be traveling with secretary clinton to paris. they have a meeting 8:00 a.m. eastern time in paris to discuss military action and what comes next. is there a contradiction in what this mission is? because we've heard from u.s. officials gadhafi has lost legitimacy, they want him out, but the security council resolution talks about protecting civilians. what's the mission? >> if you talk to u.s. officials, they say the mission immediately is to stop the violence against the civilians. but then they also talk about a series of kind of stages that, in in other words, sequencing is the word they're using, one step at a time. they say okay, we're going to try to freeze his advance, especially to benghazi, and continue to tighten the noose in other ways. so they're freely admitting it make take some time to get him to step down, if he each does. i just got some new information from a senior u.s. official. we're here at the airport about to take off with hillary clinton to paris to that meeting on libya. he said that the libyans were still reaching out to the united states. in fact, the foreign minister musa kusa has been calling officials in the united states and they continue to say we're going to have a cease-fire, we're going to have a cease-fire. but this official said that contradicts what the u.s. is seeing on the ground. >> fouad, professor ajami, how do you see gadhafi trying to play this out? i'm reminded of almost sort of the early days of the iraq war where we had sort of games of cat and mouse going on. how do you see the next 24, 48 hours? >> look, this man, gadhafi, was obviously completely surprised. he had bet that president obama doesn't want this engagement, that he had tried his best to stay away from the fight for libya. but i think finally, as "the wall street journal" had a very interesting editorial which said one day when we have another book by bob woodward, we will understand that moment that the president of the united states decided he can no longer stay away from the catastrophe of libya. someone must have gone to him, i don't know. is it samantha powers, his human rights adviser? someone went to the president and explained the fight is going to benghazi, benghazi could fall on his watch and it would besmirch his reputation. i think we will see how the next phase of this struggle plays out. >> bob behr, drawing that line, what does that mean, though? there's protecting civilians, but that mission is very different than getting rid of gadhafi. >> anderson, first of all we have to not let benghazi fall. it will be a blood bath. you'll see millions of immigrants heading to europe, into egypt, into tunisia. it would be a sheer catastrophe. so right now, it's triage. we have to stop this city from falling. but ultimately, everybody recognizes that gadhafi is insane. he's lost touch with reality. and we need regime change there if there's going to be any stability. >> does that mean ultimately troops on the ground or in some form or cia on the ground? >> we need somebody on the ground. a no-fly zone is not going to work. i've worked in enough of those to know that they're not much of a deterrent. most of the damage in libya is being done by artillery and mercenaries and killing people in the streets. so this is the wedge that could draw us into a much bigger mission. we should keep in mind that we're facing situations like this all across the middle east. this could be a rehearsal for saudi arabia one day and we have to sit down and start making these decisions, what do we do next? >> fouad, though, some people have said, look at the situation in yemen. you have people being shot in the streets today, the situation in bahrain, you have brutality caught on camera. is there a double standard here? >> there is no double standard, anderson. libya is entirely different. i think that the fight between the opposition in yemen is a very important one. i think the fight in bahrain between a society that doesn't want to be dominated by a sunni dynasty is an important one. but libya is different. libya is about catastrophe. libya is about this mad man who we allowed him, 500 miles by the way, he's moved 500 miles in the last few days toward benghazi. so it's about drawing a line for this murderer and it's about the moral authority of the obama administration. look who pushed the security council resolution through, my poor birthplace, lebanon. lebanon was the power, so to speak, a country dominated by iran and syria, nevertheless had the passion and commitment to push this resolution. and look who's taken the lead militarily, britain and france, not the united states. the united states was always the leader in all these missions of rescue. president obama didn't want to do so. he is doing so reluctantly. gadhafi forced him into this position and into this change in policy. he's turned on a dime. he hasn't explained to us, president obama, why he has done so. and then all of a sudden you have secretary of state hillary clinton saying we need a change of regime. we need to overthrow gadhafi and topple the regime. well, this is a very sudden change, which hasn't been well explained, other than protecting the reputation of our president. this really is about a reluctant president drawn into a fight he never wanted. >> jill, are you hearing from u.s. officials concern about what happens, say gadhafi is taken out in some way, that then, you know, the u.s. or europe is in some sort of position of ownership where then they're responsible for what happens next and potential civil war or whatever worse case scenario may happen? >> yeah, that's definitely one of the scenarios that they would be worried about. and the other one would be that, let's say gadhafi decides to pull back, or just doesn't try to take benghazi. and then the country, in effect, splits in half. he bides his time. then he could, you know, once again act aggressively. so they're worried about exactly what could happen. and also to the point that fouad was making. the administration says there were important moments that changed the equation, that it was really the arab league, as we know, that all of a sudden wanted the no-fly zone. they also saw that gadhafi's forces were winning and moving very quickly. and then also they say why this action all of a sudden, it looks like a turn about. because they were worried he was unpredictable and they weren't quite sure what they would do, try to get weapons of mass destruction, try terrorism, et cetera. so all those three factors they say changed the equation. >> it's going to be a dramatic development. we're going to be watching what happens at this meeting in europe. it's saturday morning, 8:00 a.m. east coast time. jill dougherty, have a good flight to europe. we'll talk to you once again. the situation in japan we continue to follow. a glimmer of good news to tell you about. a man, i believe we have new video of this, a man found alive in the rubble some eight days after the tsunami hit. it's not clear how he made it, because most people got swept up in that tsunami, hit by debris, did not make it. this is the first case like this that we've heard of, able to survive freezing cold temperatures. and the latest on the nuclear plant, the ongoing emergency, trying to restore electrical power to one and two reactors, trying to cool down spent fuel rods in reactors three and four. sit a battle every single minute on that plant. a battle to save not just those working around the plant, but everybody in a larger area. details on that all ahead. hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? 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let's just come right in here. there you go, tokyo, fukushima right there, that would be the power plant. and the winds have been blowing away. that's going to change. the winds are going to blow back on shore and at times, they will even blow back down toward tokyo. that's not saying that all that radioactive term is going to blow back towards the cities. but it's certainly possible and not as good a situation as we had. for a while, the radiation is going to start to spike around the plant, because the winds aren't blowing that radiation away. then as the winds start to blow back toward the big cities, back toward where people live and not the ocean, the radiation may come back into those populated towns with those numbers coming up. we'll have to keep watching and listening to the officials there in japan to see what actually happens. anderson? >> i want to bring in our guest, robert alvarez and jim walsh with m.i.t. and dr. sanjay gupta is with me here in tokyo. jim walsh, in terms of what you've seen, the good news i guess is that they've at least hooked up this power to reactor one and two. but they haven't hooked the cable up to the cooling pumps and we don't know if the pumps will work. in terms of the battle to cool down reactors three and four, it doesn't seem like there's much good news there. >> it's boone a good news/bad news story. now we have to hope that all the way through to the cooling pump will work. they're working on their two best shots first. reactor two looks in pretty good shape when you look at the outside. the outside housing, it doesn't look like there's a lot of destruction. so they're starting with their best shot first. they hope to get something there. and if they can have some progress, then maybe they can divert resources to their other problems because the bad news is they still have other problems. in particular, at reactor four, there is the allegation, at least by americans off the record, american officials off the record, that that spent fuel pond that holds nuclear waste is -- has a tear in it. that they put water in it and it leaks out, and that's why they can't maintain water or a temperature that they would expect. this that's true, that's going for a very difficult problem to redress. >> rob, have japanese officials been up front enough, transparent enough and the fact that they have said looking back at what has happened since tuesday, this has been a level five all along? >> well, i think the answer is they probably have not. and that this -- this accident is not even comparable to the three-mile island accident, because of it involving multiple reactors and fuel pools. it's worse. now, it sounds as if they are now clawing back and getting some control and hopefully they'll be able to restore some off site power and be able to provide the necessary cooling for the most troubled reactors. the reactor -- the concern that i have that is the highest is the spent fuel pools in units three and four. and i think that the reason why the nuclear regulatory commission or the chairman of the nuclear regulatory commission has reason to believe that pool is leaking is -- there are a couple of reasons. one is i think that he probably was relying on thermal imaging from u.s. government satellites. and also there is some information that there was a maintenance going on at this reactor that involved the transfer of the fuel core to the reactor at the time when the earthquake happened that led to not as much water going into the -- into the basin and possibly a crack or compromise to the pool wall. >> right. and u.s. officials have now brought in planes, sanjay, in order to try to monitor radiation from the air to try to get independent readings so they're not so relying on japanese officials. there's a lot of concern in the united states about radiation reaching the west coast, people buying up iodide pills. you say no need to fear. >> people may notice changes now because there will be additional screenings going on of the planes, cargo, the mail. >> some planes from here have been screened with traces of radiation. >> that's right. again, the context we've been trying to talk about all week is what does that really mean? even here in tokyo, it's been up to 20 times higher than normal, and that was register on a radiation screening, but it's not going to mean anything in terms of human health. so a lot of those detectors have been in place long before this particular accident. they screen planes and cargo regularly. the passenger screening is a change in protocol. you may not know you have been screened, but i think that's what is going to be going on. >> you and i, we all go through a learning curve when you hear about radiation and it plays into your worst fears. something you can't see or smell and you have no idea and there's such fear about it. but once you get the information, you know, it's why i've decided to stay here as long as i have. once you learn about it. >> it's interesting, because there's all sorts of different analogies you can draw. having more radiation is a good thing. but the question is how bad is it? if i said you're going to eat a cheese berger tonight, that's not good for your health, but it's not going to kill you either. it's not an exact analogy, but it's appropriate here. this is not good, but what i think people are trying to conjure up is the worst case scenario and it's not that either for the vast majority of people. leaving those workers aside from the conversation, because they may be subjected to much higher levels and that's a real concern. >> they're trying to rotate those workers. they had seven fire trucks manned by japanese military personnel and firemen and municipal workers to try to pour water on the spent fuel rod pools in reactor three. they don't want any of those workers to spend too much time in one spot there, trying to give them a break. but, again, for those workers, they are facing severe health consequences. >> i think that's right. i think they know that. i think their families know that. but they keep on going at it. but also this is why it's important that if they can get a handle on some of the easier parts, on reactor one and two and square away reactor five and six, then at least they can take that small band of people and focus on rotations at the remaining problems and maybe that will help a little bit. i want to come back just for a second, anderson, to your announcement that japan finally moved the rating of the accident to a higher level, bumped it up one notch. for me, this is sort of symbolic of what we've experienced the whole week long. everyone that i talk to, and i think not just here in france, elsewhere, anyone who works on nuclear related issues of whatever kind, thought this was worse than three mile island. three mile island was a single plant, the containment vessel was sealed, some radiation got out but not very much. this is way worse than that. but now only -- >> do you think the level should be higher? >> i think there's a debate whether it should be one notch higher. for me it's symbolic of the whole problem here because now it's saturday. they're say thing announcement applies all the way back to tuesday. so they have been slow from the beginning. the utility was slow to admit they had a problem. the japanese government having a lot on their plate has been blow. the iaea has been slow. the u.s. was slow getting those planes here that can detect radiation in the sky and take sampling. everyone has been slow to react, and it's gotten worse than it should have. >> jim walsh, appreciate it. robert alvarez, as well. the iaea has told cnn authorities have been able to hook up diesel generators to reactors five and six to provide power. if that is true, that would be a little good news. when we come back, it's a remarkable story we're just learning. a japanese person found in the rubble eight days on, despite the freezing cold. i know all the difficulties we've sign. we'll have that story and our gary tuchman found two americans believed to be missing by their families. they are ray live. we'll have that reunion ahead. and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. 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[ cackling ] he's my ride home. how much can the snapshot discount save you? call or click today. welcome back. two kind of remarkable stories to tell you about. one we have just gotten word that a young man has been found in the rubble after eight days. new video from nhk showing that. gary tuchman has been following that. i'm here with dr. sanjay gupta, as well. gary, what do we know about this person found? >> reporter: it's really remarkable. it was 2 1/2 hours ago, not far from where i'm standing right now. after eight days, a man in his 20s was found in the destruction of his house. it's not clear if he was able to talk. he is conscious and most importantly, it's not life threatening. so a lot of us feared there would be no more dramatic rescues, but this man is alive and will survive after eight days in the rubble of his house. >> sanjay, we saw people after eight days surviving in haiti, but this is different because of the water, and the force of the water with all that debris. if you get caught up in that, a lot of people are killed. >> if you look at the types of injuries, the vast majority of the people that died had these terrible crush injuries. there were the walking wounded, but fewer people who were caught in between that, and we've been up there and see how cold it is. i don't know what kind of basic supplies he had in there. it sounds like he was just huddled up. at that point, your body's natural survival mechanisms kick in. but just being able to tolerate the cold without adequate nutrition is unbelievable. they say his vital signs are stable. so it's a great story. >> nice story to hear on a day when there's not a lot of great things to be holding onto. another remarkable story, our gary tuchman found two americans we've been following their story, talking to their parents. they were believed to be missing. their parents hadn't heard from them since the tsunami hit. they're both teachers. americans teaching english in japan. one of them is jessica besecker, she's an english teacher, and she posted on her facebook and twitter after the quake but hadn't been heard from since the tsunami. and there was edward corey clemmons from chicago, he sent a facebook message right after the quake saying he was okay. but like jessica, no word since. we talked to edward's mom, cynthia. she was desperate for information. gary tuchman went up there to find them and was able to find them in this area. this is when we talked to cynthia young. watch. >> how are you oholding up, cynthia? >> it's hard, but i'm trying. i'm taking it day by day. >> it's got to be hard finding information and communication is so difficult. >> exactly. i pulled up an article today where he lives and it was totally -- i mean, destroyed. so it kind of put a little fear in me, but i'm just hoping he got out and he's somewhere safe. knowing him he's somewhere helping someone else. >> reporter: we knew these two americans were teaching at two different schools. so we took a drive late last night. we first went to look for jessica. we went to her school and then we found out we were at the wrong school. so we went to another school in the town and the happy news is we found jessica. take a look. jessica, how are you doing? it's nice seeing you. we're glad you're okay. you look good. >> thanks. >> your parents are really worried about you. >> i know. >> why she didn't call her parents early? they had no cell service and they were cut off from the news. she said they didn't realize how serious the tsunami was. she did talk to her mother yesterday. what did your mom say to you? >> she was just so happy that i was okay and then they called three days, my grandmother and they were talking to everybody. >> what did you say to them? >> i told them i'm so glad to hear from them and sorry i made them worry. >> i'm glad you're okay, too. >> thanks. >> pretty emotional time, isn't it? >> yeah, definitely. >> so that was great. now we needed to find edward corey from chicago, illinois. he went to that school, no power. the temperature in the hallways must have been 45 degrees. but we found edward. edward hadn't talked to his mother and we gave him our satellite phone to make a call. >> hello? hey, ma, it's corey. [ screaming in background ] she's screaming right now. >> so she was screaming the whole time, but it was all good. the moral of the story to your kids, find a creative way to find a telephone and call your parents. but this is a good news story. there have been very few good news story over the last week. anderson? >> yeah, it's nice to have something to smile about. but i cannot believe they didn't make more of an effort to call their parents. i'm sure every parent around the world is throwing something at the screen saying i can't believe you kids did not do that. i want to bring in cynthia, who is edward corey's mom. cynthia, you must have been ecstatic to hear from your son. >> yes, i was. >> you knew there had been a facebook posting after the earthquake, but you must have feared the worst at times. >> yes, i did. yes, i did. >> so what was getting that phone call like? >> oh, it was so exciting. i just couldn't believe it. it was great. >> cynthia, take care. gary tuchman, amazing job. thank you so much. >> gary, how did he find them? >> thanks for that question. we did some research about where the shelters were in the town and went to the shelter. it was very hard to find. a lot of debris, a lot of rubble, no power. but we got there and the first person we saw was your son and he was so glad to talk to you. >> oh, great, great. that was great. >> cynthia, take care. gary tuchman, amazing job. thank you so much. it's not all good news, however. there is still one american who has been teaching english here in japan still missing. i want to show you her picture. this is taylor anderson. her parents jean and andy haven't spoken to her since last wednesday. they had some indication she was fine after the earthquake, but have not heard anything from the tsunami. obviously we continue to hope and pray she is okay. we'll continue to follow her story, taylor anderson still missing here in japan. when we come back, the latest on the violence in bahrain and in yemen. a number of people shot dead on the streets. we'll have the latest from there. est in it. that's why i like fidelity. they give me tools and research i can't get anywhere else. their stock screener lets me search for stocks with more than 140 criteria. i can see what their experts are thinking and even call them to bounce an idea off of one of their investment professionals. a good strategy relies on good insight. if you wanted to learn more about a company, i think you'd actually have to be there. funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. even if you think your mattress is just fine... ask me what it's like to get your best night's sleep every night. why not talk to someone who's sleeping on the most highly recommended bed in america... it's not a sealy... or a simmons... or a serta... ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me about staying asleep. these are actual tempur-pedic owners! ask someone you know---check out twitter. try your friends on facebook. you'll hear it all...un-edited. ask me how it feels after 10 years. ask me if it's a good value. just ask me. there are 4 million tempur-pedic owners! and they're more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. ask me why i feel better every morning. ask me why someone who's never had an ache or a pain is in love with this bed. start asking real owners. ask me how we took the first step... take the first step right now! call or click today for your free information kit with dvd. call the number on your screen or visit tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. let's check in with isha sesay with a "360" news and business bulletin. at least 40 protesters were killed and more than 100 hurt in yemen today as tens of thousands of anti-government protesters clashed with security forces. yemen's president has declared a state of emergency. sltz >> in bahrain, the government today tore down the monment, a landmark that had become the site of anti-government protests at the heart of the capital. the official reason to "boost the flow of traffic," the demolition coming hours after protesters faced a brutal government crackdown thursday. the former haitian president returned to cheers in port-au-prince today after seven years in exile. haiti's first democratically elected president, aristide fled in 2004. the u.s. is worried his return at this time could disrupt the presidential runoff election. a wisconsin judge issued a temporary stay blocking the governor's budget repair law. the law, which stripped public union workers collective bargaining rights, has prompted massive then administrations in the capital. and starting at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, the moon will be the closest it's been to earth in 18 years. weather permits, scientists say it will appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than your average full moon. anderson, back to you there in japan. >> that sounds cool. isha, appreciate that. have a good way. our coverage continues and all weekend, cnn will be following the developments out of libya and japan. stay tuned. 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[ male announcer ] accu-chek aviva. born in the usa. it is truly an extraordinary development to find somebody alive eight days, particularly remarkable when you consider so many of the injuries and the deaths we've seen were caused by that tsunami with all that debris and fast moving water. remarkable that this person apparently survived that long. and also with freezing cold temperatures at night. we'll try to find out more details on that. also the latest on the nuclear emergency that is ongoing right now. in the fukushima daiichi plant. the latest information on that is that the japanese government is finally admitting that the situation has indeed been worse than previously acknowledged. the government giving a grimmer assessment of the disaster, raising the threat level to level five out of seven, conceding it is worse than they previously said, something america's top nuclear regulator has been saying for two days. the wind had been blowing out to sea. it is now blowing on shore. we'll tell you what that means for cities like tokyo. according to "the new york times" a power line has been extended to the plant to reactors number one and two, but no word whether the cooling pumps still work. still also no agreement on whether there's any water cooling spent fuel in reactor four and the battle to pump water into the pool of reactor three continues. there's also concern whether the concrete basin that fuel is sitting in, in reactor number four, the pool can even hold any water. we bin though, tonight with libya. dramatic developments on the ground in tripoli and the region around benghazi held by opponents to colonel gadhafi. according to a report by the bbc, a french diplomat has told the bbc that he expects military intervention in libya to begin shortly after a summit tomorrow morning in paris 8:00 a.m. eastern time. that's about ten hours from now. gadhafi, on notice now from president obama, nato, the arab league and the u.n. security council, to stop killing his own people or face the consequences. today, he announced his government announced a cease-fire. they say it is holding -- the government says it's complying with the u.n. resolution. but take a look at this video that we just received and decide for yourself, does this look like a cease-fire? [ explosions ] [ speaking foreign language ] [ automatic gunfire ] >> now, the video claims to be from today on the streets of misurata. we cannot independently confirm that is what you are seeing. if, in fact, it is true, that would be in violation of the cease-fire that the gadhafi regime says they have been honoring. one resident telling us from misurata, and you're going to hear in the hour ahead, he said gadhafi doesn't want to take the town, he wants to destroy it. this man says gadhafi won't stop unless somebody stops him. president obama says if nobody does, there's every reason to believe that gadhafi would commit atrocities and demanded that the gadhafi regime obey the u.n. resolution. >> let me be clear, these terms are not negotiable. these terms are not subject to negotiation. if gadhafi does not comply with the resolution, the international community will impose consequences and the resolution will be enforced through military action. >> the president did go on to specify for the american people that this does not mean american troops on the ground or boots on the ground as they say in libya. i want to bring in nic robertson in tripoli and arwa damon in benghazi, far to the east of tripoli. nic, let's start with you. the gadhafi regime says that they are honoring a cease-fire. you confronted one of the gadhafi officials about this. before i play that, just explain what was said in this press conference today. what is the gadhafi regime demanding now? >> reporter: well, it's demanding and asking, and we really get a sense of the country's isolation at this point. it's demanding international monitors come to libya immediately. the deputy foreign minister a couple hours ago, in the night, said that the country is calling on diplomats or representatives to come from malta, to come from china, to come from germany, to come from turkey to be independent monitors on the situation in the country here. he said that this appeal has been made for many, many weeks. that the offer has been open, but nobody is listening to this offer. but it really does give you a sense of how much this government feels this international isolation. they say they're observing the cease-fire, but there are reports we get from misurata and other places that they're lies, misleading and they're not true. when i asked can we go to misurata, why aren't we allowed to go to misurata, this is what the government spokesman told me. >> i came on cnn, on bbc, on many, many tvs, russia, and say do come, do come. we need observers, fact finding mission, do come and see for yourselves there are no crimes. no one -- give me one official demand, show me one official request. >> why can't we go to misurata then? >> listen, you have too much confidence in yourselves. you are not the judge. you cannot get this. you are not the judge. >> you're not giving us the opportunity. >> your reports should be rejected. you are not independent observers. >> you're not even giving us the opportunity to go see. you're giving us nothing. >> nic politely pushing back on the what the government spokesman is saying. at this point, are you allowed to go outside your hotel? are you able to tell whether this u.n. security council resolution has had any impact on people's opinions on the streets? >> reporter: this morning we weren't able to go out, and i think that had a lot to do with friday prayers. if you remember last week, we were brutally detained. our taxi driver is still detained for going out on the street. and we were stopped this morning. journalists have been able to go out this afternoon to green square where there have been pro-gadhafi supporters and the sense you get is they support the government here. just to follow up on the government spokesman there. i talked to him about this afterwards and he said look, you guys are always asking us the tough questions, you should be asking the international community the tough questions, why aren't international monitors being sent? and i get the sense that the government here, and the spokesman here just don't understand the sort of isolation that the country is being put into, because of the way the international community feels about the regime that runs the country. but, again, when we talked to people in green square, the answer is always they support moammar gadhafi and the government here, anderson. >> i want to go to arwa damon who is in benghazi. arwa, it's very difficult for us to independently confirm, and there's a lot of rumors going around on the opposition side about what's happening in opposition held cities like misurata. do we know for a fact that misurata was being attacked? i talked to somebody on the phone, we'll play that shortly. we see this video, but do we have independent confirmation on any of this? >> reporter: no, anderson, we don't, because we can't get to misurata. the road to get there is too dangerous and too long. what i can tell you when that cease-fire was supposed to go into effect, i'm talking about the one that the government itself announced this afternoon, we were outside at the city stopped at a checkpoint around 30 miles outside of it, because they said the fighting going on was quite simply too intense. while we were standing there at that distance, we could hear and feel the explosions coming from inside the city. fighters coming out of it talking about the intensity of the battle. one ambulance driver coming out empty because he said they could not reach the wounded because of the fighting that was going on. this was quite some time after the government declared its own cease-fire. and so the concern here is that even though the government may have declared a cease-fire, the opposition says there's no indication that it is in fact taking place and they don't trust anything that comes out of the gadhafi regime. they firmly believe this is yet another ploy to try to lull the international community into thinking that gadhafi is, in fact, complying with that u.n. resolution when he's not. and they do fear that if that resolution is not implemented immediately, he is going to take this opportunity to carry out more attacks, to carry out, in their words, a massacre against his own people. >> nic, my understanding of this u.n. resolution, it doesn't just require gadhafi's forces to hold a cease-fire, correct me if i'm wrong here, nic, but doesn't it also require them to withdraw from the positions they're currently in? >> reporter: we have heard two interpretations of that today. one from secretary of state hillary clinton who said that gadhafi would have to withdraw his forces back from the east where they've been advancing, and president obama clarified it a little more saying that the gadhafi troops would have to pull back from benghazi and from abdijaya, which is close to benghazi. 100 miles away, which they are certainly contesting with rebels at the moment. the government here certainly views the situation that the rebels were in benghazi and then pushed themselves westward taking all these different towns along the way. so the government views themselves as taking back territory they temporary lost to the rebels. when you talk to officials here, they're very frustrated that the west doesn't understand things from their point of view. they say look, this is going to create more tribal bloodshed. the more you bring in outside intervention, the more this will create friction between tribes. there will be more death. the death toll will go up. there's a real exacerbation here. the sense is here that the international community doesn't get what's at stake. of course, from the international community's point of view, the government here and supporters don't get how much the international government doesn't trust the leadership here, anderson. >> more with nic robertson. we'll continue to monitor the developments. also with arwa damon, nic, arwa, stay safe. when we come back, we'll talk with fouad ajami and bob behr about what happens now, what military action might look like and what the consequences of it might just be. we'll also talk about the latest on the nuclear situation, the emergency which is still very much in high gear here in japan. no real good news to report on the nuclear front. the battle to cool down those spent fuel rod pools continues and the battle to restore electricity to some of the reactors continues as well. details ahead. what do you see yourself doing after you do retire? 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[ gunfire ] [ explosions ] that is video purporting to show fighting in the city of misurata two days ago. today, the gadhafi regime announced a cease-fire. they said there will be no more fighting on the part of gadhafi forces. the question is, is this what a cease-fire looks like? you're looking at video purportedly today from misurata, though we can't independently confirm that. the regime says this fighting is not happening. just the other day, though, gadhafi was promising to crush the opposition, to show no mercy, to go house to house. now his spokes people are inv e inviting other countries to send observers but they're not letting reporters go to see what is really going on. i talked to one man who is in misurata earlier tonight. take a look. what's the situation in misurata right now? >> in the morning, we were attacked by heavy fire from gadhafi's troops. >> what sort of fire did you experience? >> tanks and heavy artillery. >> did the firing continue after they said they were going to have a cease-fire? >> yes. the strongest attack ever seen in misurata since the 17th of february. he wants to destroy everything in the city. >> so you think this is about punishment or destruction of the city, not about trying to take control? >> yes, that's what they want. we have about 45 injuries, 24 dead. >> so why after saying they have a cease-fire, why would gadhafi forces attack? >> because i think he's pathetic. he's going crazy or something. he wants to kill everyone. he want to retain his power by force. he want to force people to decide he's the leader, the only leader. we don't want him anymore. we only want peace. we don't want gadhafi. we want him to leave. we want freedom. >> what do you want the international community to do? >> attack him by air, by airplanes like they did say. >> thank you very much for talking to us. >> thank you very much. >> again, as always, i should caution we can't independently confirm the identity of that person or his exact location, though we have every reason to believe through our research he is, in fact, in the city of misurata. i want to bring in jill dougherty and professor fouad ajami and also bob behr, former cia officer, the intelligence columnist at jill, you're going to be traveling with secretary clinton to paris. they have a meeting 8:00 a.m. eastern time in paris to discuss military action and what comes next. is there a contradiction in what this mission is? because we've heard from u.s. officials gadhafi has lost legitimacy, they want him out, yet the security council resolution talks about protecting civilians. what's the mission? >> if you talk to u.s. officials, they say the mission immediately is to stop the violence against the civilians. but then they also talk about a series of kind of stages that, in other words, sequencing is the word they're using, one step at a time. they say okay, we're going to try to freeze his advance, especially to benghazi, and continue to tighten the noose in other ways. so they're freely admitting it make take some time to get him to step down, if he even does. i just got some new information from a senior u.s. official. we're here at the airport about to take off with hillary clinton to paris to that meeting on libya. he said that the libyans were still reaching out to the united states. in fact, the foreign minister musa kusa has been calling officials in washington and he said they're surprised that things went so fast at the united nations. and they continue to say we're going to have a cease-fire, we're going to have a cease-fire. but this official said that contradicts what the u.s. is seeing on the ground. >> fouad, professor ajami, how do you see gadhafi trying to play this out? i'm reminded of almost sort of the early days of the iraq war where we had sort of games of cat and mouse going on. how do you see the next 24, 48 hours? >> look, this man, gadhafi, was obviously completely surprised. he had bet that president obama doesn't want this engagement, he doesn't want this commitment, that he had tried his best to stay away from the fight for libya. but i think finally, as "the wall street journal" had a very interesting editorial which said one day when we have another book by bob woodward, we will understand that moment that the president of the united states decided he can no longer stay away from the catastrophe of libya. someone must have gone to him, i don't know. is it samantha powers, his human rights adviser? someone went to the president and explained the fight is going to benghazi, benghazi could fall and it could fall on his watch and it would besmirch his reputation. i think the decision was made to draw a line for gadhafi and hope he would retreat. i think we will see how the next phase of this struggle plays out. >> bob behr, drawing that line, what does that mean, though? there's protecting civilians, but that mission is very different than getting rid of gadhafi. >> anderson, first of all we have to not let benghazi fall. it will be a bloodbath. you'll see millions of immigrants heading to europe, into egypt, into tunisia. it would be a sheer catastrophe. so right now, it's triage. we have to stop this city from falling. but ultimately, everybody recognizes that gadhafi is insane. he's lost touch with reality. and we need regime change there if there's going to be any stability. >> does that mean ultimately troops on the ground or in some form or cia on the ground? >> we need somebody on the ground. a no-fly zone is not going to work. i've worked in enough of those to know that they're not much of a deterrent. most of the damage in libya is being done by artillery and mercenaries and killing people in the streets. so this is the wedge that could draw us into a much bigger mission. and i think, anderson, that we should keep in mind that we're facing situations like this all across the middle east. this could be a rehearsal for saudi arabia one day and we have to sit down and start making these decisions, what do we do next? >> fouad, though, some people have said, look at the situation in yemen. you have people being shot in the streets today, the situation in bahrain, you have brutality caught on camera. those are u.s. allies. is there a double standard here? >> there is no double standard, anderson. i think libya is entirely different. i think that the fight between the opposition in yemen is a very important one. i think the fight in bahrain between a society that doesn't want to be dominated along sectarian lines by a sunni dynasty is an important one. but libya is different. libya is about catastrophe. libya is about this mad man who we allowed him, 500 miles by the way, he's moved 500 miles in the last few days toward benghazi. so it's about drawing a line for this murderer and it's about the moral authority of the obama administration. look who pushed the security council resolution through, my poor birthplace, lebanon. lebanon was the power, so to speak, a country dominated by iran and syria, nevertheless had the passion and commitment to push this resolution. and look who's taken the lead militarily, britain and france, not the united states. the united states was always the leader in all these missions of rescue. president obama didn't want to do so. he is doing so reluctantly. he was hoping that he wouldn't be forced into this, but gadhafi forced him into this position and into this change in policy. he's turned on a dime. he hasn't explained to us, president obama, why he has done so. and then all of a sudden you have secretary of state hillary clinton saying we need a change of regime. we need to overthrow gadhafi and topple the regime. well, this is a very sudden change, which hasn't been well explained, other than protecting the reputation of our president. this really is about a reluctant president drawn into a fight he never wanted. >> jill, appreciate it. is situation in japan we continue to follow. a glimmer of good news. a man found alive in the rubble some eight days after the tsunami hit. it's not clear how he made it. most people did not make it. this is the first case like this that we've heard of in the last several days, able to survive freezing cold temperatures at night. we'll bring you that story and the latest on the nuclear plant, the ongoing emergency, trying to restore electrical pour to one and two reactors, trying to cool down spent fuel rods in reactors three and four. s it is a battle to save not just those working around the plant, but everybody in a larger area. details on that all ahead. i do a lot of different kinds of exercise, but basically, i'm a runner. last year. 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a corner, a wall of water came at him. he said he had no choice but to keep driving. the car was completely engumpled by rushing water, all of it caught on camera. as the water receded, the car was floating. the driver said he panicked but lived to tell the tale. it's been more than a week since the tsunami hit and the nuclear disaster is still ongoing. today, the japanese government raised the level, the threat level to a level five. acknowledging not because of something new that happened but looking back at the data since this last tuesday. the death toll is more than 7,000, more than 11,000 are still missing. there are developments according to our sources, a power line has been extended to the plant to reactors one and two, but no word on whether the cooling pumps that is going to power will still work. and the threat level has been raised. on friday, japan's prime minister called the situation at the nuclear plant "very grave." but just days ago, his spokesman said the reactor complex was undergoing some challenges and facing difficulties while leading experts called the crisis the second worst nuclear disaster ever, second only to chernobyl. prime minister said the government has disclosed all information. many, though, in northeastern japan might dispute that claim. and friday, tepco, which owns the complex and does not have a good record of transparency, issued an apology of sorts. they said "we sincerely apologize to all the people living in the surrounding area of the power station, and people in fukushima prefecture as well as people of society for causing such great concern and nuisance." more now on the increased level threat. japanese officials have done a reassessment, raising the level of seriousness from a four to five. the worst being seven, cher north carolina was a seven. that's on far -- five is on par with the three mile island incident back in '79. here's how one japanese official explained the change. >> translator: this was a serious damage, losing over 3% of the amount of heat at the core. and radioactive substances are being emitted outside of the plant. so based on these facts, we raised the international nuclear event scale to five. >> well, officials say the level five rating only applies to the damaged reactors two and three. that means a likelihood of a limited release of radioactive material, possible deaths from radiation and severe damage to the reactor core. despite the reassessment, though an assessment that is now more in line with what the united states had two days ago, they decided not to expand the 12-mile evacuation zone. u.s. officials advised americans to evacuate 50 miles. tons of water was sprayed on reactor three on friday in an attempt to refill the storage pool. inside the damaged reactor building, workers spent the day trying to restore electricity. now at reactor four, the nuclear agency rates that a level three. in other words, a better situation than the other two. that's in conflict of what the u.s. said. the u.s. said the spent rod pool in reactor four there is little or no water. japanese officials say they believe there is some water, though they can't say exactly how much. two days ago -- on friday, i should say, an official with the iaea called the situation in reactor four "a concern." also, there was discussion to encase the complex in sand and concrete. officials have ruled that out, though, as a realistic option. pacific winds may be changing direction. we want to check in with chad myers who is monitoring the weather situation. >> anderson, this is a big deal, because for the entire time that this critical situation has occurred, the winds have been blowing out to sea. the winds have not blown any of this radiated dust, the smoke, the steam, none of it has been blown back on shore. it's all gone into the ocean and eventually somewhere else. now that has stopped. in fact, it has stopped and it won't come back, those offshore winds come back for five days. they'll be swirling around for a while, but why do we care? let's just zoom right in here. there you go, tokyo, fukushima right there, that would be the power plant. and the winds have been blowing away. that's going to change. the winds are going to blow back on shore and at times, they will even blow back down toward tokyo. that's not saying that all that radioactive material is going to blow back towards the cities. but it's certainly possible and not as good a situation as we had. for a while, the radiation is going to start to spike around the plant, because the winds aren't blowing that radiation away. then as the winds start to blow back toward the big cities, back toward where people live and not the ocean, the radiation may come back into those populated towns with those numbers coming up. we'll have to keep watching and listening to the officials there in japan to see what actually happens. anderson? >> i want to bring in our guest, robert alvarez and jim walsh with m.i.t. and dr. sanjay gupta is with me here in tokyo. jim walsh, in terms of what you've seen, the good news i guess is that they've at least hooked up this power to reactor one and two. but they haven't hooked the cable up to the cooling pumps and we don't know if the pumps will work. in terms of the battle to cool down reactors three and four, it doesn't seem like there's much good news there. >> yeah, it's been a good news/bad news story. it's great they have power lines up and running. now we have to hope that all the way through to the cooling pump will work. they're working on their two best shots first. reactor two looks in pretty good shape when you look at the outside. the outside housing, it doesn't look like there's a lot of destruction. so they're starting with their best shot first. reactors one and two. they hope to get something there. and if they can have some progress, then maybe they can divert resources to their other problems because the bad news is they still have other problems. in particular, at reactor four, there is the allegation, at least by americans off the record, american officials off the record, that that spent fuel pond that holds nuclear waste is -- has a tear in it. that they put water in it and it leaks out, and that's why they can't maintain water or a temperature that they would expect. if that's true, that's going to be a very difficult problem to redress. >> rob, have japanese officials been up front enough, transparent enough and the fact that they have said looking back at what has happened since tuesday, this has been a level five all along? >> well, i think the answer is they probably have not. and that this -- this accident is not even comparable to the three-mile island accident, because of it involving multiple reactors and fuel pools. it's worse. now, it sounds as if they are now clawing back and getting some control and hopefully they'll be able to restore some off site power and be able to provide the necessary cooling for the most troubled reactors. the reactor -- the concern that i have that is the highest is the spent fuel pools in units three and four. and i think that the reason why the nuclear regulatory commission or the chairman of the nuclear regulatory commission has reason to believe that pool is leaking is -- there are a couple of reasons. one is i think that he probably was relying on thermal imaging from u.s. government satellites. and also there is some information that there was a maintenance going on at this reactor that involved the transfer of the fuel core to the reactor at the time when the earthquake happened that led to not as much water going into the -- into the basin and possibly a crack or compromise to the pool wall. >> right. and u.s. officials have now brought in planes, sanjay, in order to try to monitor radiation from the air to try to get independent readings so they're not so relying on japanese officials. there's a lot of concern in the united states about radiation reaching the west coast, people buying up iodide pills. you say no need to fear. >> i think people may notice changes now because there's going to be additional screenings going on of the plane, cargo, the mail and passengers. >> some planes from here have been screened with traces of radiation. >> that's right. they might see some elevated levels. again, the context we've been trying to talk about all week is what does that really mean? even here in tokyo, it's been up to 20 times higher than normal, and that was register on a radiation screening, but it's not going to mean anything in terms of human health. which is the real question that we have. so a lot of those detectors have been in place long before this particular accident. they screen planes and cargo regularly. the passenger screening is a change in protocol. you may not know you have been screened, but i think that's what is going to be going on. >> jim walsh, appreciate it. robert alvarez, as well. and the iaea just told cnn that authorities have been able to hook up two diesel generators to reactors five and six to provide power, if in fact, that is true, and we have no way to independently verify it, that would be a little bit of good news. when we come back, a remarkable story we're just learning. a japanese person found in the rubble eight days on, despite the freezing cold. we'll have that story. and our gary tuchman found two americans believed to be missing by their families. they are alive. we'll have that reunion ahead. ♪ announcer: what does it take to fly? it takes knowing we have our work cut out for us. flying brings more challenges everyday. but if you ask any of the pilots that work here: they'll say: one of the first things they learned in flight school... is that if you run before the wind... you can't take off. you've got to turn into it. face it. the thing you push against is the thing that lifts you up. so, every challenge really, is a chance to show that even in this crazy world of 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now. after eight days, a man in his 20s was found in the destruction of his house. it's not clear if he was able to talk. he is conscious and most importantly, it's not life threatening. so a lot of us feared there would be no more dramatic rescues because of the intense destruction by the tsunami. but this man is alive and will survive after eight days in the rubble of his house. >> sanjay, we saw people after eight days surviving in haiti, but this is different because of the water, and the force of the water with all that debris. if you get caught up in that, a lot of people are killed. if they don't drown, they're bludgeoned to death. >> if you look at the types of injuries, the vast majority of the people that died had these terrible crush injuries. there were the walking wounded, but fewer people who were caught in between that, and we've been up there and see how cold it is. i don't know what kind of basic supplies he had in there. it sounds like he was just huddled up. at that point, your body's natural survival mechanisms kick in. but just being able to tolerate the cold without adequate nutrition is unbelievable. they say his vital signs are stable. they say he's not in any life threatening condition. so it's a great story. >> nice story to hear on a day when there's not a lot of great things to be holding onto. another remarkable story, our gary tuchman found two americans we've been following their story, talking to their parents. they were believed to be missing. their parents hadn't heard from them since the tsunami hit. obviously they had huge concerns. they're both teachers. americans teaching english in japan. one of them is jessica besecker, she's an english teacher, and she posted on her facebook and twitter after the quake but hadn't been heard from since the tsunami. and there was edward corey clemons from chicago, he sent a facebook message right after the quake saying he was okay. but like jessica, no word since. we talked to edward's mom, cynthia. she was desperate for information. gary tuchman went up there to find them and was able to find them in this area. this is when we talked to edward's mom, cynthia young. watch. >> how are you holding up, cynthia? >> it's hard, but i'm trying. i'm taking it day by day. >> it's got to be hard finding information and communication is so difficult. >> exactly. i pulled up an article today where he lives and it was totally -- i mean, destroyed. so it kind of put a little fear in me, but i'm just hoping he got out and he's somewhere safe. knowing him he's somewhere helping someone else. >> reporter: we knew these two americans were teaching at two different schools. so we took a drive late last night. it's saturday morning here. we first went to look for jessica. we went to her school and then we found out we were at the wrong school. so we went to another school in the town and the happy news is we found jessica. take a look. jessica, how are you doing? it's nice seeing you. we're glad you're okay. you look good. >> thanks. >> your parents are really worried about you. >> i know. >> why she didn't call her parents earlier? they had no cell service and they were cut off from the news. she said they didn't realize how serious the tsunami was. but she does feel she was a bit more creative in getting touch with her mother, maybe driving out of town. she did talk to her mother yesterday. what did your mom say to you? >> she was just so happy that i was okay and then they called three days, my grandmother and they were talking to everybody. >> what did you say to them? >> i told them i'm so glad to hear from them and sorry i made them worry. >> i'm glad you're okay, too. >> thanks. >> pretty emotional time, isn't it? >> yeah, definitely. >> so that was great. now we needed to find edward corey from chicago, illinois. he went to that school, no power. the temperature in the hallways must have been 45 degrees. but we found edward. edward hadn't talked to his mother and we gave him our satellite phone to make a call. >> hello? hey, ma, it's corey. [ screaming in background ] she's screaming right now. >> so she was screaming the whole time, but it was all good. the moral of the story to your kids, find a creative way to find a telephone and call your parents. but with're happy to say this is a good news story. there have been very few good news story over the last week. anderson? >> yeah, it's nice to have something to smile about. but i cannot believe they didn't make more of an effort to call their parents. i'm sure every parent around the world is throwing something at the screen saying i can't believe you kids did not do that. i want to bring in cynthia, who is edward corey's mom. cynthia, you must have been ecstatic to hear from your son. >> yes, i was. >> you knew there had been a facebook posting after the earthquake, but you had not heard from him after the tsunami at all. you must have feared the worst at times. >> yes, i did. yes, i did. >> so what was getting that phone call like? >> oh, it was so exciting. i just couldn't believe it. it was great. >> cynthia, take care. gary tuchman, amazing job. thank you so much. >> gary, how did he find them? >> thanks for that question. we did some research about where the shelters were in the town and went to the shelter. it was very hard to find. a lot of debris, a lot of rubble, no power. but we got there and the first person we saw was your son and he was so glad to talk to you. >> oh, great, great. that was great. >> cynthia, take care. gary tuchman, amazing job. thank you so much. it's not all good news, however. there is still one american who has been teaching english here in japan still missing. i want to show you her picture. her name is taylor anderson. she's been teaching english in japan for three years. her parents jean and andy haven't spoken to her since last wednesday. they had some indication she was fine after the earthquake, but have not heard anything from the tsunami. obviously we continue to hope and pray she is okay. they have been in contact with u.s. authorities. we'll continue to follow her story, taylor anderson still missing here in japan. up next, meet a cnn hero who is helping the people of japan. he's designed boxes contaping survival supplies for the earthquake and tsunami victims. ♪ you're the one ♪ who's born to care this life was protected... ♪ seems you've always been right there ♪ this life was saved... ♪ soothing sadness ♪ healing pain and this life was made easier... ♪ making smiles appear again because of this life. nursing. at johnson & johnson, we salute all those who choose the life... that makes a difference. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference >> woman: good night, gluttony-- a farewell long awaited. good night, stuffy. >> ( yawning ) >> good night, outdated. >> ( click ) >> good night, old luxury and all of your wares. good night, bygones everywhere. >> ( engine revs ) >> good morning, illumination. good morning, innovation. good morning, unequaled inspiration. >> ( heartbeats ) [ male announcer ] sometimes after surgery straining should be avoided. colace capsules stool softener helps ease straining to make going easier. try colace capsules for effective comfortable relief from occasional constipation. save $3 right now. go to i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. there's a lot of relief organizations, international relief organizations on the dproundz here in japan and trying to help those people on the ground here in japan, especially up in the northeast. one is called shelter box, started by a man named tom henderson, who is a 2008 cnn hero. take a look. >> as thousands flee northern japan, there are tens of thousands left behind. they need food, water, they need shelter. that's why tom henderson and his shelter box team are going in. we spoke to tom via skype. >> we were the first people on the ground within 24 hours. what we're finding is what you're seeing is horrific. >> since 2001, tom's organization has delivered more than 100,000 boxes to victims of disaster all over the world. >> every disaster is unusual. particularly so because of that nuclear problem that's unfolding. clean water is becoming a problem, as will food very shortly. >> each shelter box contains items critical for survival after a disaster. >> we've committed up to 5,000 boxes, if they're required. >> as just as it was last year in haiti, tom henderson's shelter box is again on the front line, ready to provide much-needed aid to a country in crisis. >> what keeps us going is very simped, is that desperate need to help people as quickly as we can. >> a lot of good people doing remarkable work here. if you're interested in finding out more about shelter box, go to cnn we'll be right back. 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