>> still -- ouch. >> you know. you have "the ridiculist." i have the absurd-u-chart. how do you keep going? >> though you're in comedy, you're doing the same pace as we are in news. >> five nights a week, an hour a night. >> in comedy, you normally, people spend all day, or in some cases if they only have one show a week, all week, writing the material and thinking it and honing it. you have to change stuff 15 minutes before air, 5 minute before air. >> right. we have a sense of what the things people are talking about because we want to talk about what people are talking about. i'm not here to educate the audience, i'm here to, like, give our opinion, like a long editorial is what it is. and that can all be thrown out the window, even though we have a plan starting, like, 10:30 in the morning, we have a general plan. >> right. >> many the times, as you know,