Confirmation margin on record. She will take over. The president himself is calling on congress to extend Unemployment Benefits therein that vote will happen today about 12 noon. The russian is t will than the benefits by 13 weeks. Not cheap. It costs 6. 4 billion. Has noted that for every one dollar you spend that you give people via Unemployment Benefits, that translates into 1. 5 of gdp. Finally, samsung. The first profit decline in nine quarters. They are having a tough one. We scoured the papers this morning. For me, i am loving Eliot Spitzer and his jamaica trip. It is cold outside. We have got record lows across the country today. Yesterday in chicago, minus six degrees. We will struggle. That is not a wind chill. That is the low. And the in the midwest northeast. Today in atlanta, the low is minus five in orlando. Class and they cannot handle it. I cannot imagine taking my kids to disney world. Orlando in orlando, people in minneapolis are ready for. People had no shirts on. The lows yesterday, 10,000 employees. There is a huge Market Impact everywhere. Electricity is soaring. The cost of the and materials used to make it our going way up. Price, look spot all the way on the righthand side. 60. Per million british thermal units. Usually 4. 80. Kerry, do you think it is cold . Americans are not surprised by this. We have seen polling data in which 60 of americans say weather patterns in the country have become more unstable. Say weather is becoming more extreme. Weatherrelated disasters are becoming more serious. Isple are where something going on. Everyone talks about the weather but what will we do about it . What about Global Warming. It says there will be volatile temperatures, not just warm ones. This coincides with what Global Warming has always said. Extreme volatility. Of extremeoment volatility. Public is aware of a problem and concern about antics earrings yet but waiting for solutions. You have been generating polls for decades. I quoted your numbers more often than i can count and now i get to sit here with you. Why is it we are all talking more about the weather . There is something that happened 10 years ago. El nino. What is it . Winter, it is cold, it is fun to talk about, particularly now. But this is a Public Policy issue. Two thirds of americans think there is solid ever evidence average temperatures in the world are getting warmer. A rude awakening. The notion of Climate Change and more unstable weather patterns has taken home taken hold. It is experiential. We are living through this. People are experiencing it and wondering what we do about it. There have not been policy proposals acceptable across a spectrum of political interests and concerns in the country. That is why we are flummoxed. That makes it an interesting story to discuss. This is an issue in which there is broad agreement that there is a challenge and a problem. There is a lot of agreement with airlines. People are fed up with delays. On hold with united airlines, 12 hours. Numbers . Do you have i do not. A lot of people do not fly much at all. Travelersenience for will be a significant concern. What really challenges people is not what they hear in the abstract about problems, whether they are economic or you name it. Experience them at home. They are experiencing unstable weather patterns and growing more concerned. People will look for solutions to these problems. We will talk later more about politics and the absence of solutions, a source of great restriction. Everyone is agreement on the streets of new york city. Jpmorgan. Ould be yesterday, we reported jpmorgan will pay 2 billion in fines associated with ernie made off and a ponzi scheme. Willepartment of justice not try to prosecute any individual executives at jpmorgan. That is a positive. I have spoken to a number of people on the street. What is gore down the street . They will not go after any individuals with jpmorgan. There is not anyone to go after any more than there would be someone from the regulators. Morgan was banker. Bankame way i use peoples for my checking account. The question is, why is the department of justice going after jpmorgan and no one else . Because they can. Opinion says, i want to take a pound of flesh and i will get it from jpmorgan. At school drop off yesterday she is not getting fined 2 billion right now. Jpmorgan is. Ago, 23 ofrs americans saw the made off case as isolated. Instead, a majority, more than six in 10, saw this as common among Financial Advisers and institutions. That shows the extent the public feels toward Financial Institutions. Many americans see that case as an example of unfair and improper activity in financial. Which is why going after jpmorgan is political. One would say, why did jpmorgan not notice. In the same breath, why did his son not notice or his wife or the internal accounts not with sayingruggle only jpmorgan shouldve known. It is not just about made off or jpmorgan. It lingers from the financial crisis we just emerged from. Six in 10 americans do not think they Financial Institutions have yet taken adequate steps to prevent another meltdown and there is broad concern. It is like what you said with the airlines. Interact her lap with banks in a way they do not with other companies. We also have a bailout of the banks they interact with. Later, all ther Bank Executives are making millions of dollars. Makes as much but he does not get criticized for it. What you just said is a really good point. There is a personal interaction with your bank. In a way that is unique. With ge, youre not an trusting the company with your life ofings or intimate details how you spend your money. You are with your bank. Lie is nobody matt at fannie and freddie e it is too complex. People do not understand. You have experience with a bank. You go to a bank. You transact with a bank and you get unhappy with bank fees and then you look in the paper and see how your bank is pleading guilty to this and that and how it seems to have contributed to. He subprime situation citibank would not let me use the bathroom there recently because i am not a citibank user. I asked if i could use their bathroom and they said no. You want the city prosecuted to the full extent of the law. When we come back, well talk a lot more about populist opinion and what they think about president obama right now. It iss his popularity . Not feeling great. We will ask all about it. We will be back. Welcome back. You are looking at a live shot of our nations capital. A series of economic numbers have contributed to the growing consensus the u. S. Economy is on track for a very big 2014. In worst of the five years the office. I want to bring in our own white house correspondent. What is with the disconnect . Economyet is up in the is recovering. These two things going together. The incumbents should be doing well, too. Gdp had a good number at the end of the year. Obamass approval numbers have been at the lowest they have ever been. We took a look at the current approval number and compared it to the dow, up 27 in 2013, cruising past extent thousand 500. They totally diverge between his approval number and the dow. Maybe not the best engage right there. There is a major difference. We took a look at whether people in the country is on the right or wrong track compared to the consumer comfort index. Same type of issue. Think thericans country is on the wrong track. Consumer comfort index is at its highest level in six years. It is very frustrating for the Obama Administration and democrats all over washington as they try to figure out how to connect what is going on with the numbers and what is going on with policy. Aboutcan talk president ial approval, but what actually generates those opinions . What are people really responding to . There is a sense of improving our economy will reflect back on the president and that is badly misguided. It is not the case. There is only a weak correlation between Economic Sentiment and approval. Up when the economy is tanking. In a bad economy, it is essentially impossible for a president to be popular. All a good economy does is create the possibility that the president can then work with policy and Public Attitudes and gain and hold popularity. The economy, not necessarily. The notion of, how are we feeling, are we safe . All of these other issues. That part of the Approval Rating . On we talk about the economy, we are not merely talking about the essence he and the doubt area the outlook asks are three things from government at the end of the day. Security, and the opportunity for prosperity. Not that promise, but the opportunity. Lives, that isns still lacking even with the approval. We have got a chart that may show that wealth. Income inequality in the united states. Put together by two academics who have studied this for quite some time. Sinceically shows not 1917 have we seen the top 10 do rest. L compared with the everybody at the top and is doing very well. Most of the rest of american do not feel like that. It is somewhat exaggerated. Everyone talked about how well the market did. Investors benefited from it. Coffee shops in capitol hill who said, they have got no business for two least. There is no correlation between the stock market and the way people feel about the economy. Two factors, income disparity and wealth disparity. The top one percent of americans 22. 5 of thear had income. Another way to look at it is the richest 20 of u. S. Families own 89 of all wealth in the country. Those are people more likely to be invested in the stock markets and doing well and to be feeling better about it. The vast majority of americans, if a own stocks, do so passively and indirectly and will check it in 20 years. Whether the market is up or down in a given moment is less germane to them than the Employment Situation and income situation, both of which are not vastgood at all area the majority of americans in this country do not have a college degree. If you do not have a college degree, your real income has declined. By how much . 20 . Phil, is the president getting any feet for the washington gridlock . Some have said there are no diplomats left. Out how ton figured get d. C. To work together. The president has not done that and is that affecting his Approval Rating . It is. Gary made a great point that the economic numbers could look great but that only gives you a base. You still have to do something with it. Approvalok at the ratings in congress and the white house and they look at all of the issues and problems and fights they have had. That will never contribute to a positive move. If it does not look like you are doing any ng and if unemployment is still at seven percent, you have income inequality issues and are still fighting for emergency Unemployment Benefits, there is no way the numbers will intoform your ministration looking better. Question president , this is his big issue for 2014. What does the white house the as a wedge where he can raise his popularity and get something done . They feel good about this issue. They feel this is their big picture issue. Minimum wage, some of the recent polling, people like the idea of increasing the minimum wage. Push tohe they will get early state of the union shortly thereafter. The issue theyis can really grab onto frustration americans might be feeling, the frustration that leads to poor poll numbers and help boost them throughout the year, especially if republicans continue to oppose it. An amazing statistic, and maybe you can offer some of your own stats on this. In 35 states in the u. S. , unemployment that if its exceed federal minimum wage on an annualized basis. It is interesting. It is easy to support raising the minimum wage. Why not. We did a poll question in which we did pros and cons. Some people say it will help low income families get by. Others say it will reduce jobs by forcing businesses to cut amp limit. We still find two thirds of americans in support of raising the minimum wage. There is broad support for it and it is potentially a political plus for the president and so is the fact americans by a 20 point margin see a place for the government to address the wealth gap in this country. There is broad concern about it. There is fundamental disconnect right now between the desire for the opportunity for prosperity we discussed and their offense. This speaks to a not that i read this morning in the new as farmes talking about as millennials or young people, aturned from a l beam lima bean economy to an end edamami at a mommy economy. I want it is not what other people want. They want to be in a lobby even if it is dimly lit. I want to experience something. They say the basic rule of happiness is to not buy things. By experiences. Do you see that shift . [laughter] me to say whator stories stood out to you. So hard for me not to say elliott in jamaica. Would you back this up that people want experiences right now . , to the extent people want experiences, they want choices. They want the opportunity to have a job they can count on and have growing in, and then to have the scratch and to do things with it. To takeenough income care of your friends and family and yourself as you wish. We will also talk about blackberry positive turnaround strategy. Is it worth saving . You are watching in the loop yuriko in the loop. Our guest host is our go to for Public Opinion polling. We have got to get you caught up on where the market trading is now. Futures are up. As is the first time this year we are looking up. Of can see just shy of half one percent. Almost half of one percent on futures. That goes over the course of the day. Retail stocks have been a big story this year. Take a look at the retailing index up almost 40 versus the s p 500. People have been feeling better about the economy. The one man who can put numbers deservedly on how much better they are feeling is gary, president of languor research. You are the mastermind behind something called bloomberg comfort index. Tell the viewers what that means aow we are doing. Weekly survey of Public Attitudes about economic conditions. The do you think about condition of National Economy, your personal finances, and spending money on things you do not need. We have been doing this every so weor the last 28 years can track over time and see where Public Confidence in the economy is. But sureter than bad not good. Consumer sentiment is crawling out of the steepest downturn of the Great Recession and is still doing so. 2013 was the best year we have but for Consumer Sentiment still far below the prerecession level we saw for the very long time before then. People are feeling better about the economy but not good about it. The single correlated consumer sense. The job market is essential and real income is essential. Both continue to struggle. Are they down or up . Compared to 2007. Price is interesting. Is 28. W, it we are still way off prerecession levels. Challenge is persuading people the National Economy is moving forward and improving. That is one of three measures that is the farthest off where it needs to be. Stockoblem is while the market is better, that makes the broader economy a hard sell because of employment. Should we be persuading people the economy is better . Take 2005 and 2006 when we were towing a melody americans you should own a house. You should go to the mall and shop. Be here anduld not maybe people should not be so confident. Maybe we are in a better place from a mindset than we were in 2005 saying, i am a bartender with four remits but i should buy a house in san diego. Current public Economic Sentiment is probably where it should be. It reflects the experience americans are having about the economy. Why is Consumer Sentiment still struggling since the stock market is doing so well . Stocknot merely about the market. Sentiment is far better among people 100,000 and more income. The key question is how useful is this information telling us what will happen. When asked about Consumer Sentiment index, we watch what people do and not what they say. Mrs. Harford highfrequency data. U. S. Headlines about this that the other thing. How much Predictive Power does this have . Good Research Shows there are strong productive capabilities of Consumer Sentiment index in terms of predicting things like movements in the stock market and fundamental Economic Indicators and real per capita income. It does work in a predictive model. Models are complex. You do not want to use a single indicator. Data do not always march in lockstep. The stock market highly correlates with Consumer Sentiment but so does unemployment and wages and housing and other indicators. They do not always move together in the same direction. Longterm, you will get a lot of correlations. The market is up and consumer nearly asis not up strongly as it could be. That is because we have other more difficult indicators people are still struggling with that are much more personal. I want to break in for a second. We have interesting breaking news news on the economy. The trade deficit for the month 34. 3vember shrinks to billion dollars. This is significant. It was expected to be 40 billion. The gdp will probably be much higher than people had earlier forecast. It is all because of oil. We are importing less of it. It will cap is the lowest since may 2009. Exports were up almost one percent and imports were up as sign ofso a strengthening the economy. The fact we are becoming more self reliant on oil. This is the whole manufacturing renaissance. How many people come on the show talking about the fact that we have got oil and can produce stuff more cheaply because of it. Oil and natural gas, with the cold weather. A little bit off. We need to take a break. Before that, i need to bring us to aim a moment. Night,ng event last things got awkward. The transformers director superstar, michael bay was supposed to have a scripted conversation but guess what happened. When the teleprompter failed, he walked. E fled off the state we will head back to vegas but we will talk about this for a moment. This guy brought us transformers and armageddon. I do not feel sympathetic. He choked. We have all been on the hot seat at some point and just choked. The guide showed. Choked. Nothing is more endearing to the audience then saying i choked. If he is not ready to tell about the business, then samsung should not be paying him. It is a nice tv. We will look at the tv. You couldve said that without a script. We will have more in vegas next. Stay with us. Cuttingbay, i am not you a break. Sorry. We are back with gary langer. We have been talking about the data and how much polling data seems to be giving way to the algorithms and all the stuff on twitter and facebook and google. It is almost as though rather than looking at the big picture of what americans say about the economy, we are almost try to segment people so we can sell ads to them. What do you make about the tension between big holes and what is happening online. It is challenging. The insight of pioneers decades ago is that in the news is this, we cover what the old bill. Can we not also cover what people think . It is meaningful. We care about it here it it is important. In informs voters in all manner of reality in our society. People across the country independently sponsored and think about and act on policies and preferences, it is fundamentally important. Good research allows us to understand. How much is quality . The main change i have seen is that there are increasingly in additional alternative methodologies and approaches to understanding Public Opinion. In a sea ofe swim data that is not necessarily valid and reliable and the parts on the fundamental principles of research. What are you doing differently now that you are not doing 10 years ago . Our work has become more sophisticated because we are paying more for statistical and analytical techniques and for the developed understandings and information we learn from academics in the field about questionnaire designed, all the fundamentals that inform good analysis and good measurement. Because of is internet polls and click ins and all the rest, that many people are conducting surveys without an understanding of the basics involved in good measure. Who are they collecting it from . I have never been polled. Most people do not have a telephone anymore for home. Telephone surveys are conducted as much on cell phone as on land line. We have better coverage of the population because anyone with a isdline or cell phone covered. You get nonparticipation but as long as that is random, it does not affect the quality of your estimate. A bigger challenge is online opt in. People who sign up on the internet and exchange for points redeemable for cash, and that produces a number of what a percentage sign. The other big issue seems to be we have moved jan the headline whole issue. Sasha eisenberg covered the last campaign and rates we may be covering the horse race with more airtime than ever before but we are looking for though long wrong side of the track. Of saying obama has 37 that isn has no longer relevant. We cover the election and the campaign. The campaign is about who wins and how you get ahead. That is all they care about. That is all the reporters who travel care about. Broadertion is about a issue of the Company Coming together every two years in midterms to figure out where we want to go and how we want to get there. That is a more important fundamental discussion that happens and we measure that in public polling. How they assessed the candidates. What they want to see and how they want to get there. That is the true value far above and beyond the horse race. We will talk more about polls when we come back here it we will talk about what everyone was doing website in my house and adams. Watching football. The championship game last night. Up 21three at one point. Florida state came back to win with 14 seconds. Be the third game decided in the last 50 seconds. Anyone who says live sports is not worth all that money, it is weird people were at the edge of their seats. You have got to watch it live. When he crossed the 50 yard line, the pollster called your house. It is worth that much to cable subscribers. When this is what you deliver, all week long, this is what you want us the. Look at this. Unbelievable. It is incredible. If you only saw the last four minutes, you saw the whole game. This is where it was happening there at never surrender. Charlotte barkley was in the stands. He went home sad. We will be back in just a minute. Today, the ceo of them you anotherthem. Great guest on bloomberg tv taking the far phone user vectors used. I think there is enough leaks in the market at the first one is a touchscreen. I will not firm or deny. Keyboards. You will look to black berry Going Forward to keyboards. I would not use the word exclusively but predominately. To sayink it is fair people who use blackberries are not touting the internet views or the apps. This threat that people are talking about is a new company that Ryan Seacrest invested 1 million and will be adding a legitimate keyboard to the iphone and that to be the final nail in the blackberry coffin. The only reason people still use blackberry, many of us, is for the keypad. The only data i see on blackberry, which is interesting because it is a testament to its longevity, the pew center started asking about using blackberries. In december 2001. It has done so continuously. Remarkable. Quite 2001, every person coming into my office had a blackberry. If you did not, there was something wrong with you. I got a samsung in people with the means that, what kind of ther phone is that gecko cycle is just so fast. Price in the last blackberry they came out with, they said, the iphone, the touchscreen is where it matters. They went reversal. If they could keep the keypad and keep the core audience, it will be something. Bet againstt to seacrest. Everything he touches, it turns to gold. All of the annular analysts who covered it forecast to lose money each of the next eight quarters. It is painful. Lets show a little bit more of the interview. He waited on it a higher they just made. Ron lewis is heading the companys smartphone business here and we have that clip. Verya look. He is a creative guy. And he look at a phone will tell you a lot about it. He is more in touch not only with the technology designed to make the phone great, but how people like the phone. The question will be who is this guy they brought in. Is he someone who can turn the company around and say that or he have to pay a lot of money and he is saying, a big payday and a big job. Lets see how it goes. Great reviews for the phone they built. Buy them for to some reason or another. Maybe if he could create the phone with a keyboard, what seemed to be the one advantage , he says, the value 2 billion in cash, and put a value of 2 billion or the instant message patents. 4 billion. There is some value there. Im eking a poll. What do you use . Blackberry. Iphone. Iphone. Then it is a tie. 22. You are 11. In waterloo, they are celebrating because they have a chance. Come back, there are a lot of popular politicians out there. More unpopular politicians are they would all like to be the one man getting the highest ining anybody can imagine the polls. We will talk about who that is coming up in just a moment. Unfortunate news for the american skier. She tore her ligament in her leg in a crash last year. She is hoping to get by without surgery but posted on facebook this morning she cannot do it and will not compete in the one picks. It would belympics, another clutch or years. She says she hopes to have the surgery immediately and hopes to be ready for World Championships this year. She is very popular and not as popular as the one man winning in every poll you look at. The pope repeatedly making headlines since taking the top job in march. Called for more social and economic equality. Resonating with politics. The harvard and it Business Review will write a turnaround manual based on Pope Franciss work with the catholic church. Think back a few years. The depth of the child sex abuse scandal. Not so long ago. There was wrought dissatisfaction amongst catholics in the church, the policy of the church, great concern about child sexual abuse scandals. This is engineering a remarkable turnaround in the popularity of the papacy. 92 . I would argue it is about authenticity. He effectively took a vow of piety and lives a pious life and does not live it is almost like romney. He was a liberal governor who tried to morph himself into a itservative candidate and did not ring true. The opposite is true of the pope. Redirection in emphasis. As recently as last spring, six in 10 catholics said their own church was out at touch with concerns of catholics in the united states. That is a focus on issues on which many catholics disagree with church policy, on allowing priest to marry. Even issues like gay marriage. Any catholics disagree with the policies of church and have not wanted the church to be so focused on these. This church has moved the focus in one direction. Two people agree with him . Agreed therericans should be less focus on the dominance of capitalism and more on economic inequality. Clarify one point. This is fundamentally important. Seven in 10 americans in this country do not have a college degree. A collegenot have degree, your real income in the last generation has dropped by 11 . Income represents the inequality people are feeling and is exactly what the code is talking about. Being with us. R the one tradition we can make is we see a lot of politicians doing pictures with the pope. Stay with us. We will have a lot more. We are talking pizza when we come back. It is dominos day. This is in the loop here the countdown begins now. Welcome back. Investors are still awaiting earnings job data. Reports this week. Today might be the coldest day in 20 years. That is measured by heating demand. Records across the midwest. In new york, it just hit four degrees. Seenis a record low not since 1896. The trade deficit in new york in the last, oil imports drops to the lowest level in three years. Percent, to 34 billion. Lets move onto one of our top stories this morning. Warren buffett has made a name by investing in companies with strong Consumer Brands. Buffett is now testing the companyshis own name. We are joined by noah, who wrote this story. He has got so many Different Companies under his fold, but he rarely puts the berkshire name on one of them. He is doing it this time around. It is somewhat of a novelty. Large, the Consumer Brand in hises berkshire has portfolio had great consumer grant brand before he bought them. What happened here is somewhat different. His home service business, he bought a franchise network. They had this issue. They did not want to have the real living name on all of these signs going up in front of houses. They decide to introduce their own brand. And the guys who run Home Services asked buffett if he could use the berkshire name. Most people in this country no buffetts name. We do not know berkshire. When i spoke with some brokers in new jersey and the princeton area, you would be surprised. About this. Ited as they have conversations with clients, they can bring up buffett and berkshire and it is a way for them to steer the conversation for what is a large financial transaction to one of the most successful investors of all time. One of his wrong 2011. On housing back in he thought we would have a rebound in 12 months and we did not see that. We do now but not then. Right. It took longer than he expected. The other point that should be made is that housing is slowly coming back. If you speak with ron, he will say that kind of trend is showing up. The direct and that direction might not up in wrong. As it raises the story, although it orhard to imagine berkshire dairy queen being named. The do not know if this is start of a trend. The big point is we are talking about thousands of people potentially out there who will be trading on this name. That is, in many ways, a first. Great great to have you. Chinese automaker backed by buffett appears to be setting its sights the company said , joining us is our expert auto editor jamie butters. This is not worse time. They have attempted to try to push to the u. S. They didnt a few years ago so why now . Why not. They are saying it is next year. They keep trying. They were saying 2010 m in thousand 11 and in 2012. The u. S. Selling electric buses. Some of their airport locations. They are making some inroads. They try to get four vehicles in less than 24 months, it will be a real challenge. The new target is 2015. , and what will be their flagship model to lure american consumers. Have not been clear. The chin will be one, named after the dynasty china brought together. Using a name like that can draw some of the challenges. Do americans want to buy a . Hinese car for its own sake it seems like kind of a stretch but it is possible. They will have to really stand out to break into a competitive field and have fantastic cars. Yes. It is a little bit confounding. Ae americans really ready for fully chinese made car . There has been some talk, the chinese automaker, could make logos in china and that has possibility because volvo is a wellknown brand turreted the engineering is strong, they have always had and quality. Bringing a new brand, tesla was able to come out as a new brand but that was a beautiful car that performed extremely well. It is a whole different ballgame trying to bring a chinese ran as a new entry. It will be a real challenge. Will they try to use the buffett name . They have not said that. It would almost make sense. You might have a better chance coming in as buffett motors. They seem committed to build your dreams. They are supposed to be luxury like. They are supposed to be electric or hybrid. They are clean and beautiful, that is supposed to be the plan. Companiesreally good already delivering that kind of stuff. Several companies. Buffett would be an interesting car model for them. I do not know how that would work. Thank you so much. Moving this hour, Ryan Seacrest. He is also in the tech game as a smallr of making keyboard case attaching to your iphone and making it easier for you guys to type. Blackberry is alleging a lawsuit that that product ripped off the companys famous keyboard design. Crest said in a statement they believ they basically want to put it out of business. Jon erlichman caught up with the interim ceo of blackberry. He said he is not ruling out moving some more touch screen phones and said that keyboard is likely to come back for blackberry. I think there were enough leaks in the market that the first one is a touchscreen. I will not confirm or deny it. I personally love the keyboards. You look to blackberry going not use theould word exclusively but predominantly. They were a favorite feature of the blackberries. Much more of that interview in las vegas. Plus, a look at the shows in garrison technical grade. The viral video we will show you a little later. First, pizza and cars are not usually things you think would go together. Domino is teaming up with ford. Will the Partnership Help drive sales . That is next. You are watching in the loop. Dominos is now taking its mobile ordering app on the road. It is announcing a new partnership with ford that allows customers to place orders from their cars handsfree using 40s sync technology. I am sitting next to several pizza pies to get myself in the mood. Joining us exclusively is the domino president and ceo. Thank you so much for being back and delivering the pizzas for us. It is making me hungry for pizza at 9 00 in the morning. People do not make that connection. Why would a Pizza Company want to move in to the auto space . Where does this come from . Our goal is people can order dominos anyplace at any time. Ford is in our backyard. They are Great Technology leaders. Therrow we are unveiling ability for people in a drive it home, if they have got an easy order set up on our profile with go throughhey can sync with the mobile app and have the pizza waiting for them when they get home. Is this something your customers were demanding . We have seen every time we give people new access and a new platform they can order from, it will boost ourselves sales. It is incremental for us. Were they asking specifically for this . Innovationt was what is about. It is a new way for us to interact with customers. Whos idea a . Was this yours or did ford come to you . How did this all come together . It was a mutual thing. They are looking for ways as they roll out their app rocks. It will be available now on 5 million of their vehicles from 2010 forward. Looking for new ways to do commerce and were looking for new ways to make it easier for our customers to order dominos. Do they share in any revenues . No. It is just a convenience for both of our common customers. Had you on many times before we talk a lot about mobile and Technology Driving dominos. You seem to be at the forefront of this. Why is this so important for your company . Every ceo wants to be on the forefront of the digital age. Why does this work well for pizza . Been a huge driver for dominos over the past few years. Our customers are happier when they are ordering digitally with us. Are doing it . More are doing it every day. It is part of what has been faster thangrowth the category and our competitors, getting ahead on the technology. How are you gearing up for the super bowl . Are you hiring . We are. It is a big time of the year for us, bringing people in and a great opportunity for people to join a company all about opportunity. Hourly workers. It is a great time for people to come and be part of the team and build a career here. Do you have specific numbers . How many more people you need to hire to meet the demand on super bowl sunday . Time you get to the super bowl, it is all hands on deck. Everybody in every store will be working that evening. We could easily use 10,000 to 20,000 more drivers in our stores. We are absolutely out there looking for great people. Pieces of items on president obamas agenda when he unveils his state of the union address, he will be talking wage raising the minimum for american workers. That has been a contentious issue for many businesses throughout the last few years. How do you feel about raising the minimum wage . Is it time again . We are different at dominos. Our drivers are making 10 plus on average. Plus the reimbursement on vehicles. My biggest concern is not specifically on dominos. It is more about job growth. Until we got stronger job growth, it makes me nervous. That clearly would reduce job growth a bit right now in the u. S. From dominos perspective, we could manage it. That levelady above anyway. Great to have you with us. Thank you. I will be diving into a slice in a moment. With some back breaking news. We will be back. Breaking news about jpmorgan. We have been following the story about jpmorgan paying fines. 1. 7 billionabout dollars. Mark crumpton has more. Thanks so much. This was according to the u. S. Attorney. Betty mentioning the figure, 1. 7 billion dollars. To resolve the claims that jpmorgan played a role in facilitating this ponzi scheme. The u. S. Attorney saying jpmorgan agreed to pay 1. 7 billion to settle claims. Thisll continue to follow story and bring you more developments as soon as we get them. Thank you. Using up, ron johnson joins to talk about obamacare and why he is following a lawsuit over the Health Care Law. And we are a few minutes away from the open. You will not want to miss right after this break. Welcome back. 26 minutes past the hour. Bloomberg television is on the markets. Julie has the latest. Three Straight Days of decline. We have not seen three down days at the start of the year since 2005. A little unusual. We may rebound today. We will see how the session plays out. A waiting game. Jobs report is coming out on friday. Investors are taking a wait and see approach right now. Thank you so much. Lets count down to the open with the top 10. These are the only trades you need to know. Olivia sterns joins in. Lets start number 10. The owner opening a u. S. Hotel building in new york. It reaches a record. The new 68 story property, which officially opens today, stretches over 750 feet area just in time for the super bowl. I guess so. Im not sure i would want to take. Linked in. Shale gas shares are falling after bank of america downgraded. Year andates for this next may be aggressive given jobs postings and user growth. Number eight, the oil and Gas Producers said it would sell its operations to 750 million to focus on onshore drilling. It also raised its 2014 Production Growth forecast from 12 to 26 . Dominos. We were just talking about pizza. We were just told the pizza chain is taking its mobile ordering apps to the road. A new partnership with ford motors the 80 later this year, dominos customers will place their orders through their cars while driving using ford sync technology. You cannot wait to get home and get that slice of pizza. I am trying to wrap my head around it. The tech giant announcing customers spent over 10 million on apps in 2013, including a record billion dollars in december alone. Apple said developers have now earned 16 million on the app store. Five, the Computer Security company is making its first acquisition. An antihacking company. They were founded by for a formal National Security agency officials. A use military Great Technology to solve the Worlds Toughest Network Security challenges. Whichflix, the company was the best performing stock in the s p last year, cut to underweight. Heightened competition from products like amazon prime, instant video, and hulu. We have got irobot, the company best known for the roomba vacuum is using a new scrubbing system with scuba. I have got to try that. I know. In north america starting today. I am trying to get my head wrapped around that. Number two, the drugmaker forecasts a drop in 2014 profit and reduce in sales outlet because of generic competition. The company lost 10 protection on a bestselling drug used to treat depression. Number one, samsung. The largest maker of smart phones and televisions posted its first profit decline in nine quarters. Samsung being pressured by Companies Like apple while at the low end, the competition out of taiwan and china, they are hurting the pricing for samsung phones. Jpmorgan is paying the fine of 1. 7 billion to resolve the claims in the bernie made a ponzi scheme. Eric chester has more on the story. The news is just breaking but Everybody Knows this settlement has been coming for several weeks. We reported back in december that jpmorgan was headed toward a settlement of about 2 million of about 2 billion. The bank failed to preserve observed the privacy act in connection with its relationship with Bernie Madoff , or 1. 7 billion is the final total. According to the southern district, the u. S. Attorney district, overseen by the u. S. Attorney, this money will go to madoff victims. I had never seen that before. That is what i have just read. I need to confirm that because that is a significant development. ,e knew that some of the money about 1 billion would go to the u. S. Attorneys office which is effectively the department of justice. And the remainder of the settlement was going to go to the office of the comptroller of the currency which is jpmorgans main regulator. There were perhaps some other arms of the u. S. Government but it was not clear how much money of that money would be redirected toward the fraud victims. It appears possible that all 1. 7 billion will go in that direction. One other thing worth pointing out it is extremely noteworthy that jpmorgan is signing was called a deferred prosecution agreement. Jpmorgannts to admitting the allegations that the doj and the civil regulators have made. Jpmorgan is saying yes, we did this, yes, we committed a crime but we are not going to be criminally charged as such. What will happen is we admit we did this, we say we will reform we will nots, and commit such violations in the future. It means they submit to a Monitoring Program whereby the regulators can come in and be absolutely certain that jpmorgan is living up to its promises. If not, the regulators reserve the right to charge the bank terminally. Are these charges deferred . Called a deferred prosecution agreement. The charges themselves are not being late but the government reserves the right to bring those charges in the future based on the slightest variation from the promises the bank may. This ties the banks hands. It is important because, as you probably know, if a bank is criminally charged like jpmorgan, the business pretty much disappears. Hit. At is clearly a big thank you so much. Market, ick to the the chiefing in investment strategist at Jenny Montgomery scott. His call is like many we have heard before that u. S. Stocks are fully valued and there are still pockets of opportunity. It is not a bad time to look overseas. Its hard to find anybody to stick their necks out. Many people say much of what you are saying. Thats true, its a bit uncomfortable to be part of the consensus but sometimes the consensus is right. As it stands today, we think it will be another rewarding year for risk assets, perhaps not on the same magnitude as 2013 but nonetheless, we think stocks will do better than bonds and cash and we are pivoting more money to International Markets because valuations are more attractive there and we think the Earnings Growth profile for europeanbased companies is better than that in the u. S. One of those International Areas that people have been talking about is europe. Julie hyman has been looking at the Investor Sentiment on europe. When you look at european assets, its a popular area among investors. I want to put the Growth Profile in perspective. I was just talking with Michael Mckee who pointed out that one analyst was on Bloomberg Radio yesterday talking about you are estimatedave at least rebound in gdp growth in the euro zone. After a couple of declining years of gdp, you could see a aim. It is to lackluster, a gain of one percent. I also want to look at unemployment because that is key, not just to look at gdp, but unemployment and what it will be for consumer goods. Gdp growth is improving, the on climate rate is actually picking up or expected to tick up in the eurozone to 12. 1 . They say it remains steady at 12. 1 . That raises some questions about consumer demand when you still have many folks who are expected to be unemployed. Does that mean it might be too early to get into europe . I dont think so. A lot of that has already been baked into the valuations. Thats why they are so cheap compared to the united states. ,f you look at the schiller p e it is 25. At the same time, you can find developed core europeanbased markets of 1517 whether you talk about the u. K. Or germany or france. If you are more adventuresome and want to go into the peripheral countries, you can find them at nine and 10. Because of the fact that we have a modest level of growth in europe now after 18 months of recession, still high unemployment levels, still concerns about how this will all work out in terms of the aftermath of the financial crisis and the upcoming stress tests in europe, that is they can to valuations. It does not take much of a change in earnings profile for europeanbased companies to show share price appreciation but also european taste equities and get the multiple expansion. I think the markets are poised to do better than the u. S. In 2014. Thank you so much. Up, Wisconsin Republican senator ron johnson will join me to talk about obamacare and why he filed a lawsuit over the Health Care Law yesterday. We will take you inside the consumer electronic show her last night, the intel ceo announced a potential game changer. We are a few minutes in the session, stay in the loop your co here is a look at the top text terrys 10 year banfted a on gaming consoles. It will allow them to be made in a new shanghai freetrade zone and could open the door for sony, microsoft and nintendo. China banned consoles in 2000 to protect the young from the perceived corrupting influence of video games. The intel ceo took the stage at ces in las vegas with a big announcement. First dual system with both windows and android. Im showing you it on windows right now and will simply push and itton ,demo fear, switches to android. That quick. That is pretty cool. Gatheringy withes in vegas. They are showing off all of their goodies. Erlichman is taking it all in. Withave been experimenting all sorts of gizmos. The event officially kicks off today. Already, there is a lot going on. What have you liked the most . You need stereo equipment, im your guy. You walk these football fields of floors and you feel your in an electronics shop. There is like 20,000 products here. Everyone is trying to pitch you. There are different storylines. There is whayou might encounter as you walk into each of these booths and there is the top line corporate stories. Many people were talking yesterday about the future of television, lg and samsung doing large events and talking devices but everybody is looking for attention. You highlighted the comments from the ceo of intel. Big event dish Service Providers are here. Everybody is trying to get their message out. Wearable technology, 3d printing, the future of television are a few to watch out for. I still dont yet bendable tvs. I think its pretty cool. Its not just devices but you have been talking to many people there about the future of mobile. You got a chance to speak to several mobile executives . A lot of companies have to move quickly. Like barry is a great example. It is going through a massive shift because they are moving away from the Retail Consumer at blackberry. Chen, is here addressing the government opportunities for the business. We spoke exclusively to him and he shared interesting insights about whether he prefers touch screens or keyboards. I personally love the keyboards. You will look to black area Going Forward to keyboards. I would not use the word exclusive but predominantly. That is interesting, maybe they are toying with touchscreen technology. There are also carriers like at t and tmobile battling customers battling for customers. One ceo suggested this. We are making money on every product we sell. We also see there is a huge demand for people who want more flexible plans. You see it with the success of at t and tmobile. It is 399 dollars with no contract which gives People Choice and they can bring it to the carrier of their choice. If a different plan comes up, they can move. Aside from what the phone looks like, the cost of the phone and the carrier plan will continue to get attention here. John leger made headlines last night for walking into an at t event and getting kicked out. He has an event later this week. He loves to pull some and adjusting antics. Speaking about dominating the headlines, the one thing that want tobay did not dominate was his awful meltdown on stage. He got lost with the teleprompter. He just left the samsung event where they were unveiling their new television sets. How big of a deal is that . Nobody could talk about anything else. People spent all this money setting up these very polished presentations and everyone is dying to see somebody slip up. Last year they talked about the sony ceo and a tv that was not working properly. This year it is michael bay. This cut so much attention that you have to wonder if samsung actually benefits from all the coverage. Guy, the nice thing about social media is he left the then he immediately can set the teleprompter messed up and he got some sympathy from people online. He said he was embarrassed and explained what happened. Rating a prompter is really that difficult. Reading a prompter is really that difficult. There you go. Great to see you, thank you so much. Catch all the latest in technology and media every weekday at 1 00 and 6 p. M. On bloomberg west. Congress is back in session on the fight over obamacare. We will talk with ron johnson next. He is taking his case to court. Two Goodyear Tire rubber is are being held hostage in france by a local union and we will have details next. News onis some breaking lindsay von. She is out of the Winter Olympics at sochi due to surgery. She must undergo that on her knee. She tried all she could but she cannot make it. In the u. S. , congress is back in session and one republican senator has returned to capitol hill with a new agenda, to take the Obama Administration to court. Ron johnson of wisconsin has been vocal about his opposition to the Affordable Care act and he filed a lawsuit yesterday that challenges the Health Care Law. Son is with us now. You are filing this against the office of Personnel Management and you are saying the employer subsidy for those on the congressional payroll because staffers and lawmakers have to on the exchange and the and this is unlawful. Why are what is your goal to accomplish . First of all, its an issue of basic fairness. We want to uphold the rule of law. President obama does not have the Legal Authority to change the law if he does not like it. He has to come to congress and thousand law. The special treatment is all about millions of americans, the next wave of people being canceled off their insurance policies are people getting their insurance through an employer which is paid for by pretax dollars. When those individuals, regular americans, lose their Health Insurance and go to the exchanges, they will buy they will be buying the insurance with aftertax dollars. These are the only americans that when they lose their chair and by their insurance, they will get a pretax taxadvantaged contribution from the employers which is unfair. Not all of your gop colleagues are in lockstep with this. Put out arener statement and said this is a standard benefit and he said that this lawsuit is politically motivated and only takes public attention away from how bad all of obama really is and focuses on a trivial issue. What is your response . This is by no means a stunt. Every republican except for two voted for this same result during the funding of government ebay last year. They passed a continuing resolution with exactly the language that would do the same thing, reject the office of personnel ruling. I strongly dispute that statement. If you win, where is the real win . It is for upholding the rule of law, making sure that president obama cannot continue to issue these decrees. He has to follow his oath of office and faithfully execute the law and also, the only way we are going to get action to start repairing obamacare is it people experience it here in washington. Thank you so much. It is approaching 56 past the hour which means we are on the markets. Lets look at stocks. We have an up day of the year. We had three declining days to start off 2014 which is the first time that has happened since 2005. Lets take a look at commodities. It is time for futures in focus and we are looking at copper futures which are near two week lows on consensus about the chinese recovery. Larry silver is with us. He is in chicago. Lets talk about china. We have had some Economic Data out from china, including the most recent decline in pmi. Are there concerns about demand for copper . How serious is this . I think its pretty serious. Lets keep in mind that concentrated copper is still in surplus. It is the refined copper that is being squeezed. With any movement in pmi, all eyes are on that, this is the first drop we have seen since july. There is a great divergence between brics and other countries. Does that mean we will continue to see declines in copper prices . Right now, we are in a broad based bottoming pattern. There is so many mixed signals. When you look at supply, this is something we have not heard in so long, chilean copper output in november was 7. 5 better yearoveryear. On top of that, there is also supply of supply and if i had a dollar for every time i heard this is better than last year, i would be wealthy. It is hard to say. Concentrate is in surplus. Oncks are being drawn down the refined and as judged by shanghai, london, and new york but there is still a lot of unrefined copper behind that to fill the gap. At best, i think prices will be stable. Price action will be hard, maybe partially stable at best. In december we saw a little pickup in copper prices but many people said that was due to Short Covering. Do you think there is any more steam left in a Short Covering rally . I think any kind of rally above 345 in the march contract, we will start seeing selling. I think the shorts have all been squeezed out by the reports i have seen. It seems like a mixedsignal right now technical trade, not a whole lot of Short Covering right now. Lets look further out this year because you say there is a gap between socalled developed countriesd the bric and growth in the u. S. Is estimated to pick up this year. The pastok more over two months but look out further, do you see some better fundamentals for copper prices because of a better Global Economic picture . Poor to36 months stable and i think prices will get better after that. The price cannot be good enough for refineries to refine the copper. We will see a vast amount of surplus in the concentrate and it will take time for that to be refined to get to market. A year or three years out, price action will resume but right now, i dont see it getting much above 350 at best between now and six months. Not a very good prescription. Thank you so much. We will be on the markets once again in 30 minutes. His is Market Makers with Erik Schatzker stephanie ruhle. Pay 1. 8 7n will billion to settle criminal allegations. Library listening to customers returning to its roots. The ceo tells bloomberg we are going back to the keyboard. The coach who cashes in not the players. The new

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