Capability was also not only in the conventional side but also the developments in the side on the high technology that are threats are we really here because the don't report that turns with life changing injuries helping young people and gaining confidence themselves a call to bring in a book for you but it's better now when it works. And a moment of pride for. A lot of us to trying to preserve on every count. We are as the head of the army will issue a stark warning about the state of the British Military day today in a speech at the defense think tank General Synod Casa will say are all forces on Keeping Up with the Russian military and call for more investment in defense spending the B.B.C.'s defense correspondent Jonathan Bale says this is no shot in the dog from the chief of the general star this is the head of the making the case . For defense because the Secretary of State's defense agree Evan Williams and wants him to do this so he would have used this speech and I think we will see more service chiefs coming out making the case for money more money for defense because they are worried about cuts if they don't get that money Connel rate that we know is a form of Colonel he believes the c.g.s. Is right to ring alarm bells about Russia I've visited Russia last year for the May Day parade and I found out that capability was also not only in the conventional side but also. The developments in the high technology and talked to Chris Parry a former admiral and says it's no good relying on the so-called special relationship with America to keep us safe the problem is there will be interests that we have in Europe that will defeat those the United States and if there is diverged we will stand on Iranian Gates Russian adventurism that Dimitri Minnick who's the film and London bureau chief of the Russian state radio broadcast a Voice of Russia says sent. Culture is getting carried away here under threat are we really here don't report General said Richard barons with until 2016 the head of the Joint Forces Command he says it's black and white fronted by people who have military capability that can affect our homeland and the interests abroad and we can't deal with it and we have to put that right. Needs u.n. Security Council held an emergency debate later today on the situation in northwest Syria according to Turkish media the country's all me has advanced at least 5 kilometers into the country and its battle against a Kurdish militia group which it sees as a terrorist organization but it's not simple assume on field reports Turkey is clear on this is as the white p.j. Poses a threat to national security and Turkey is representative to NATO that by that song has gone as far as calling for other countries to re-evaluate their membership of the Alliance if they objected to his actions so one of my own is the U.K.'s former security envoy to Iraq and the cut is time region he says the issue is a red line for tackling the attitude. System is to turn the nation not to allow the formation of an independent. Syria don't drive and see my u.k. Representative of the Democratic Union Party the p y d who are aligned to the white p.j. Says innocent people in Africa in a dying art is the in somewhere else the jump happened and I saw it somewhere else in Africa and there are people who defend exempt song for governing from some Democrats are all Kurds Cretien years the be the white p.j. Says it's destroyed 2 Turkish tanks and halted the offensive is a hugely sensitive international issue while Turkey see the y.p. G. As a terror group Washington do use it as a valuable ally in the battle against the Islamic State great to see. A full season and a jack to see one appear in court today charged. Breaching health and safety the death of red arrows pilot regulated reports from Lincoln Crown Court flight attendant shown Cunningham died. After his object to seat initiated during preflight checks of his who jets while the plane was still on the ground at the base. Was an experienced pilot and an Iraq war veteran the manufacturer of the seats Martin Baker company is accused of health and safety breaches and today's coup proceedings by the Health and Safety Executive forces news Lincoln Crown Court a 3rd senior figure in Ukip has resigned their post in protest at the refusal of Henry Bolton to step down as party leader William Dartmouth has quit his trade and industry spokesman It follows the basic nations of the deputy leader. The immigration spokesman John. Prince says you his becoming a long term boyfriend Jack Brooks bank the queen granddaughter will tie the knot and you will some at St George's Chapel in Windsor the same place that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle get a marriage. Interest using the experience of overcoming adversity to help young people the Bless my community program aims to empower veterans giving them the confidence to tell their stories in schools across the u.k. After a week long working alongside experts in storytelling they had. A reporter Amy Matthews was that. Made. In the last 2 years 29. 11000 children and young people across. One of many taking part this year as a mature person and just. That's what you want to. Over the last week public speaking with confidence in technique in storytelling 3 workshops on the Jari is a theatre director within a group of people who have had similar experiences there is a sort of which is to do with telling this story feeding. To help and kind of. In a good way. Across . Any Means. Regiment has led. Out on to the pitch is one of these in the role private the 32nd was invited to appear ahead of them much against Bristol. Went to meet him as a team go same regimental headquarters in that time is quite a challenge private Dami the 32nd these clearly not a fan of big food. It's got to be prepared for his big moment at Dunwoody County he's only a few weeks into his role as the latest round for the messy and regiment so what's he like privately Brad Brady is the newly appointed Rambold late tasked with looking after him. Different when he's just with. You. And finally the moment arrives he scrubs out rather well in his red coat and he's let out onto the pitch ahead of Darby county's match against Bristol City the fans love him. I think he's not playing very well. We all the. Children. To see his. Parents is to come for now it's back to regimental headquarters in. Force is new. E's 3 quarter finals with a straight. Into the finals of the women's draw and. Kieren Wilson 10 francs to 7 to become the 1st Northern Irishman to win the. Says Dennis Taylor back in 1970 it was a time. To hit him breaks a 69 and 70 in the final 2 frames to take his Triple Crown title he says that made the. Serial has played a long time. Compared . To the new boss of what replaces. The weekend says could only draw. In the bottom 32 points from safety. At 8 pm u.k. Time tonight. Still in the 5th round of the Scottish Cup and. Time to Premier League. Falling behind it the government doesn't up its investment as a u.n. Emergency debate Syria. Has become engaged that's the latest Paris. Next day. I was. Going. To go. Like killing. Arrested Development. People every day. From our studios in. The 22nd. Of the support. You know what to expect bring back some memories from your time. In 15 minutes. Which you've been taking place in. The. Last few weeks the. Places. In the. Plastic. So. Use the same. Thing. 50 percent of this did not make a difference so if any to achieve goals anything you might sort of help us be Corina individually or collectively just little things make all the difference as a well known supermarket had been getting comes up with these you can email connected at the F.E.'s tocome You can also do it via a Facebook page if you're online check out the totally connected Facebook page like it keep up to speed and leave your suggestions there what can we do so small things make a difference well can we do collectively in 20 a day no make a difference that to make us a collective will be cool you know as we go forward into the 6 right here. I'm If you're listening to us in Brize Norton is part of the b.s. Up on the a.b. Across the whole of Oxford Alex own breakfast show on the afternoon show. This coming Wednesday is a station safety day and you're going like yeah I'm going to go to that if you go along another maybe get some top tips on things like road safety health and safety air safety an explosive safety you also get the chance to get yourself into the draw to win an i Pad That's the prize Norton safety happening this Wednesday from 10 o'clock in the morning through until 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the station briefing facility go along make sure you put yourself into the draw and you could win a prize I've spent some time in the office with Alex kill him and I think that thing about explosives safety is probably a good idea reggaeton long to get that briefing we were asking the question what can we do into a small ways to make ourselves greener this off the back of the fact that pollution levels particularly plastic a micro beads and all that kind of stuff seems to be more and more of an issue what can we do individually change things Simon the trucker in Germany driving along the 80 called me up hands free that's no use driving a system that's what I was doing to say what about the brilliant system they go in Germany and this is a really good thing actually if you buy a plastic bottles in a shop you'll pay a 25 percent deposit if you then take those plastic bottles once they're empty of Usually back to any shop displaying the symbol you get your money back so it's a way of making sure that people take plastic bottles back and get them recycle correctly where in doing it's been running about 15 years in Germany so small you can make a difference Simon thank you for that any suggestions you've got stuff that you keep coming through you can e-mail connected at the f.b.i. Still comb or leave it on the b.s. Totally connected a Facebook page I don't remember the exact moment I realized my marriage. a big plus. Down . Ily Ily. Ily. The sky is a neighborhood with that in mind I think looking out the windows here of the f.b.s. In Santa lager in Germany this morning my up stairs neighbor has overfilled they have Elf once again because it's been tipping down again this morning so we were asking your suggestions Phil Green things we can do to change the way that we operate if we're going to do a little thing it might help out a lot of people in the u.k. Going back to using milkmen who delivered look people technically know why they're delivering glass bottles of milk because it's green. I think in the plastic ones which you end up chucking away got the recycle problem and that sort of spurred this on a little bit this morning Cherry Casey from Forces Radio b.s. Appears at the f.p.s. In Hollywood has come through she said I read a thing that was really cute and I got to try and do it every time you go to the beach let's just 3 bits of plastic because these little things like that no unless you're part of a community group that wants to go and clear the whole beach or not really admirable in fantastic but if you think that there's a family of 4 or 5 of you and you go along each drugs it's a plastic wheelbase making a difference love that Sherry thank you very much for your suggestion on that one also Pete Stevenson coming through on the totally connected Facebook fan page evening for. Words now we're coming up light up our 77 and it's very easy says Pete for change to become a habit for knowing has no plastic bags on a Friday Saturday and Sunday because we take bags he's no habits Yes what a good idea says little thing they make it happen on a Friday Saturday Sunday I mean choose or you just do the same thing when I was in for those 3 weeks I went along to superstar you've. Been allowed for that didn't have a vibe with me but one of their banks for life and I now use it as a ball recycle back in Germany quite a while back so you perceive the somewhat misnamed super safe know much saving good shopper who goes around their stuff blowing up on various fruits and stuff just boys I've no idea by one of those what does it taste like idealizations a talking point for your participation all this week focusing on. Today in fact Next we'll be chatting and meeting the c.e.o. Left and Colonel Jamie Morey will do that after Cain everybody. a poet you know bones might come early Cherry in Northern Ireland they like your suggestion of any time you go to the beach get yourself and the kids whatever pick up 3 bits of plastic each and take it out with the Accord way of doing not just a really simple little change especially in the beautiful beaches of Northern Ireland poet rush the interim Coast fantastic but making a difference anymore suggestions keep coming through connected app E.S.P.'s dot com All of them up on the totally connected Facebook page all this week on the program we're heading to the most British garrison burn I known for its jungle warfare division steamy jungles humidity and as a starting point for travels around the Far East and Australasia for those lucky enough to be posted there. To 900 military personnel and their families in November I got the chance to spend 3 weeks there looking after the forces radio station I've never been before and I took the opportunity to have a little nose around to find out what the garrisons role is in 28 and I started off by catching up. With the Big Boss Hello my name is Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Morey I'm the commander of British forces Brunei and also the commanding officer of the 2nd time they're all going to rifles come up how does it fit into the overall training package for the British military in terms of training. Is unique opportunities for infantry soldiers in particular to get on board switch back to the basics philosophy which the infantry for its part is employing and of course we have the jungle environment which allows us to do so who is here exactly and what are their roles within the garrison. Garrison is a large one and we're just under 2000 people in total which includes the dependents about $850900.00 military green suited staff and we are broken down into the 4 component parts the infantry battalion the go because he rotates here every 3 years . I have the jungle warfare division which come under a separate chain of command but I have oversight of them generated by infantry battle school. We have 7 flight Army Air Corps and we have what we called nice support troops or garrison support troops a range of those supporting elements that deliver real life support 1st line 2nd line support for me and my soldiers and in terms of you've been running the ship now for a few months what are your initial thoughts on what you found and where you'd like to take place. Like arsons well found. I have the benefit of being here now off and on for 14 years is actually my 15th year I find the garrison well lead we've got the right people here which is very important this is a human endeavor of course we're well supported we have the vast majority things we need notwithstanding we are 6 and a half 7000 miles away from the u.k. And I'm finding in a really good place at the moment somebody who maybe is listening to this a moment somewhere in the world in the u.k. In Germany who finds out they might be imposed he hasn't got the benefit of experience of being a before what would you say and what if you were if you're like the selling Bernanke but also being honest about the negatives what would you say yeah I think it's important to look at both sides of that coin we are as I mentioned a long long way away from home so the comforts of family and the support you get from having a member of family within the same continent little in the same country just doesn't really exist here. And it is a long way to communicate to receive mail to to benefit from those those small things you kind of take for granted in Europe or indeed in the u.k. And on the other hand of course offers a magnificent opportunity to sample taste to get to know a completely different culture we are sat in a conservative moves them Sultan ate his majesty the Sultan is. The great host of British forces and a great friend of British forces. We are sat on the equator the climate is not everyone's taste but it's certainly to mine high humidity sunshine but of course some rain and the few storms that blow through. But also by offers a great opportunity to travel and it's been very important to me since I've come back into the garrison to get the balance between work and life absolutely right and what I do see was with great pleasure as many of my soldiers experience in the region either in sports tours adventure training traveling with work the ability now to sort of spoke out of Brunei around Southeast Asia is great and we have a I think we're getting that balance just about right. So overall if you could give one piece of advice to somebody who's going to be with a family or as a single What would that be a really good question because one size wouldn't fit all my advice would be to come absolutely to come we need good people here but would be to embrace the culture around us and not try and bring too much of our British culture into a foreign land and by so doing that will enhance the lifestyle to sample the flavors the the difference is that when I offers to go into the jungle to embrace it and to try and be as open minded as as possible the relationship of the Sultan is a good relationship do you see the Brits staying here I absolutely hope so and if we just look back in history was 55 years ago when the British came here to aid the Sultan's father in a time of need in 1962 at that time when I was a British protectorate so we had a responsibility to help in 1084 the garrison was fully established and when Brunei became independent and since that point we've been here on a 5 year rolling agreements with His Majesty the next when we signed in 2020 my experiences albeit at the tactical level of course are that the brians value our presence just as much as we value being here as you'll be aware we've had a couple of royal visits recently in some 3 star generals have been here all the mood music I see in those interactions have been extremely positive and my garrisons are all my my forces are all here is to be great guests in this country to be value for money to his Majesty the sultan to act as a professional force and therefore an all weather friend to the partners in this endeavor but I garrison commander let in a colonel Jamie Murray chatting to us part one of our 5 parts are looking at life and work in garrison through the. This week I asked him a little cheeky question of the bike lanes We'll share that with you in a 2nd well the show tomorrow will be leaving the comfort behind to venture into the polio jungle as the jungle warfare division hosts a course for potential jungle warfare trying to destroy want to know what go in. Camille I could never be this you got a law that says she sings it. Is the law you have to do it so the back of our interview with the big boss let in a colonel Jamie Marie. Down to 7 fly Army Air Corps ahead of that to have a chat with them you'll be hearing from them later this week and a whole bunch of the guys from 7 flight were doing the most pro challenge the Movember Tash growing day and I was going to come and they said anyone you. Could be interviewed the big boss I'm asking and they said can you do that it was worth a try let's see what happens one last question has nothing to do with the that. You come from 7 point we're going to take it all in the movie but Challenge was a mode grows on 7th like with varying degrees of success they're looking for a job they need someone to go to the mountain at the end of the law for them for the role I'm up for anything mate and having seen the state of some of those grabbers I'd be delighted to go and judge them. Nice one thank you very much so a question for 7 flight did it happen I don't know did the big boss come along and judge your trash and who won some stuff good effort to create effort but also the organizers never can remember the moment I do apologize I kept looking I'm going are you actually doing this he was blonde it didn't help the touch wasn't exactly visible in about 5 minutes I would be counting up with the Scots Guards who just returned from the Army Nordic biathlon semifinals in France they back in old Europe and I will catch up with them via Richard Wyeth in about 5 or 6 minutes from now who's the largest employer of musicians in the u.k. Here's a clue. Of the core. Points professional within the British army we offer a pensionable career the chance to perform a great venues and events worldwide with specialized symphonic brass temporary traditional military bands. Every genre of. Music is also a chance to qualify for. More information. From the bottom of the. Pool since Tuesday's salutes minutes are long but it's really a high speed the Marines are the best don't want anything less than a brutal place in the training of the u.s. Marines is legendary history of the artistry that's what we follow 3 women as they take home one of the toughest challenges in the military will I felt really proud it feels good to be a force in stories. Making Us Marines 1st day generally the 25th at 6 pm the case on one foresees t.v. Channel 9 and you'll be s.b.s. Says hold dollars in the u.k. On Sky and and now I'm free. This post is. This is for. The. Move. Move. Move move move move move move. Move move move move move move move. Move. Move. Move move move. Move. Move. Move move move move. Move. Move move. Move move. Move move. Foresees radio b f e s totally connected live from Germany Chris p.s. I'm with the soldiers from the 1st Battalion still Scuds based in l. The show has just completed in the army Nordic biathlon semifinalists at like and 70 in front of the team complete seats in the nobody sees the small and Richard one has been speaking to some of them to find out how they got on including the team counting left and Sam Loudon commander of templates and explains their journey to the semifinals from the training camp in Sweden just before Christmas play Sweden when I'm full 2 weeks of Christmas and then back out on the. Best on in France where we've been to call in the infantry championships dollars another we can all all the training races getting used to the form of competition that we've obviously never done before and again a great chance to own our skills both on the range and technique wise they were hoping to become the 1st novice team to make the army championship but they didn't make the counts they just appointed they still have something to build on come out against Team c. D. This year in year out and how we can create too much when we have finished at the forefront of this team out of about 11 which is fantastic result and it's not just kind of a well done and well done everyone sort of way it's a genuine a you know these guys came out late off exercise because Polish ratings on their 4 and it's still really caught teams to be nice for a lot longer the one kind of great benchmark for us is the teams that were in opposition last year comparatively low spot and then this year all pushing this sort of 7 top 5 to the conversation say to released from base to build on next year and look to qualify for the army to actually compete rather than just qualify now one of the tame compared to maybe the car into the final 6 after the Sweden train was Lance Corporal Jeremy Hunt and how Philbin got him he. Really found your feet in the world of battle. On. How to walk. Again and complete high level. On the competition front. How do you feel with the competition was always going to . Go. If you can go when it comes to competition with. Equal. Or. And government of the same is already looking ahead to next season I want to send next year when it comes down to a once become by next year but unlike about possession and stuff that are meant to force us. All to shots. For that report the guys just back from Luck comes I mean in front of the 1st Battalion. Of the golden. Globe. Remembering. The Monday. Morning. Really. On digital radio that I saw some like t.v. In the u.k. I. Don't believe it was this peaceful says radio the yes. Because Brits insisted the British are sick.

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