Back steel gray for typing up this. Welcome to Studio. Honestly I m seriously swaying inside this this studio. Yeah conditions. It s. Something like I m going through medical. School. Anyway just some other random stuff on the show because generally really good. And my question to you today is which you pay more for a product just because this is made in Britain on. The millions of us are happy to pay the. 80 percent of his apparently willing to splash out 7 percent. After an identical which has been made in Great Britain but only 7 percent. Phone projects such as meat and eggs top the list of things that we gladly pay over the old school if it came from the home country. As well as clothing calls and furniture and the good news is that more than 2 fifths of us prefer to buy British regardless of what the price tag says with that haul. Kind of like you know doing it for environmental reasons 70 percent of his make a conscientious effort. To buy products made with Made in Britain beca
To see. More than. Me to terminate this. Tangled. It was. The talent pool chat. Pain. Is now of. Going to be Brady our forces radio be f.b.s. For all this week we ve been hearing from Chelsea pensioner I m Britain s Got Talent when a calling factory an 89 calling is the oldest person in history to sign their 1st record deal and he spoke to Richard Hatch again and in the final part now he talks about where he served in his military Korea Japan Korea Singapore Hong Kong Congressman I sing a song with even now if you go to one of those like ations today it s amazing but back in those days to go to those occasions must have been incredible from the us the only charm of a talk about it trying enough is that the hospital has been saying how much you talk about the military the same with the pension all the time courses guys that speak the same language used to have done the same things as you and that sort of thing but you know very reluctant to talk about more experiences I don t really
Future Dave Grohl 3 fight as a Forces Radio be asked Hello. How are you doing today then says day the 21st of November have you and. The forces Well you ve got us on d. a B. Plus across the u.k. Thank you Amy Casey here with you for the big show and today it is all about the sports awards which is happening a little bit later on the scene now going to checking in with one of the hosts of the evening Al John nice and will be joining him live from our. Where the top all. And you can watch the live stream as well it s going to be happening from 7 o clock tonight. So it is all about the sports awards tonight very excited to bring you all of that. From the. If you re part of. A very special message on the way for you in the next 15 minutes or. So if you are listening to. A special message that reach me today I want to make sure that you receive. 15 minutes so stand by. With an update of what s happening on British forces news we do that for you next after this. Just. This is say something
This is. Right down Forces Radio. So we are we have all very 1st social media spouses about being a how to. Now there s going to be everyone from face with. Coles the social media team from Forces Radio. And see it more as. An entrepreneur espouses looking Phoenix that looking for some expert advice in the industry this is the event to be a an event it s going to be a completely free is about which is the best thing about that book your ticket it s now for the event being how was a week today just head on I would say event boy and such for us and spouses. Just a guess. And maybe we ll go to our own forces radio b f b s Good afternoon if you re based in both the O Brien food at the moment the blanket Hollywood is back open again tomorrow Friday 9 am in the morning and the Hollywood is always such a great place to go wherever you are across the force is about so if you are new to a post and you think in words of like a foot to find a doctor who can I go for this advice the hive is alw
As far superior than Waitrose number one will buckle one s cup and geographically. Judge you said Iceland pies were filled with juicy mince meat cheese. Juicy love that with. The waitress ones were made claggy and disappointing. I gave straight away I m thinking she did and now that just makes out with minced points Elul me Iceland announces one how big the extra special ones bites gold $73.00 out of a 100 in a bit of a tie for 2nd place but the will was Marks and Spencer at with a it s a collection it s collection mince pies to copy paste what I said 6 thing that more than white shirts in $15.00 waitress. Monsters monsters of the nauseous ones a shit like qualify islands . Kong are on that yeah you know but yet the panels at the crane say which essential Christina Romer went. On to use it s nice wording don t they make you think I could geographers do with a juicy Norman draw I m inspired by. That supply forces though that is so strange coming. Lose that. A cheer in Connecticut got