Into the sea of japan as a success. North koreas leader, kimjong un, said the test had added impartial in performing his dfltieet la la land has been named best film at the baftas. Emma stone won a Best Actress Prize for her role in the musical, which picked up a total of five awards. Ken loachs drama i, daniel blake won the bafta for outstanding british film. Labours deputy leader, tom watson, has denied the party has been considering possible successors to Jeremy Corbyn by testing the popularity of Shadow Cabinet Members using focus groups. 14 retired bishops have written an open letter to Church Of England leaders, accusing them of failing to reflect fully the views of gay christians in an official report on the churchs stance on sexuality. Denser washington direct and stars in fences, the story of a working class African American father raising his family in the 19505. Father raising his family in the i950s. Find out whether mark kermode thinks it is an oscars contender in the film hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are caroline frost, Entertainment Editor at the Huffington Post uk, and tony grew, parliamentary journalist. Lets start tomorrows front pages with the Daily Telegraph. Alongside a picture of the duke and duchess of cambridge arriving at the baftas, the paper quotes the justice secretary, liz truss, as saying wicked offenders wont be released early in order to meet Prison Population targets. The express says there is fury at a new bid to wreck Theresa Mays Brexit bill when it goes through the house of lords. We all need tasers to fight terror is the metros headline, following a survey of metropolitan Police Officers suggesting two in three believe the stun guns should be carried routinely while on patrol. The times is predicting a high street revolt over proposed rises in business rates. The paper says pubs and restaurants fear they will vanish. What a waste, declares the mail, which claims mandarins have wasted billions of taxpayers money on failed schemes such as crashing drones and Plane Tickets for asylum seekers. And alongside a picture of emma stone, who has taken Best Actress Award for her role in la la land at the baftas, the guardian reports that Whistle Blowers face a full frontal attack by number ten downing street. Lets now move on to look at some of those papers. Who wants to start us off . Tony, perhaps you can get us started with the Daily Telegraphs front page. Forgetjail numbers, criminals will do time. He was saying it and what is it about . Criminals will do time. He was saying it and what is it abounm isa saying it and what is it abounm is a speech that the justice secretary is expected to make tomorrow. It marks a significant change in one aspect ofjustice policy. Theresa may likes tojoke, i say it is a joke, i have never heard anyone laugh at it, so i guess she just likes to say it, when ken clarke was just a secretary, she liked to lock them up and he liked to let them out and now there is a Newjustice Secretary to let them out and now there is a new justice secretary and to let them out and now there is a Newjustice Secretary and it seems locking them up is the new priority. This is a change from liz trusss predecessor, michael gove, who talked about reducing numbers and called for the release of 500 prisoners serving minimum term Public Protection sentences. He wa nted Public Protection sentences. He wanted more emphasis on rehabilitation and prevention. What liz truss is expected to say tomorrow is the government now thinks that people who have been convicted of crimes she regards as we could well serve longer sentences and this is seen as a reaction to some of the public who feel that people are given a sentence and dont serve the full sentence, there is something wrong with that of the system. Interesting to use the word wicked. Labour had called for the Prison Population to be halved as it was in 1990. I had forgotten that was ever a target. It seems jolly unrealistic. It sounds good, it sounds very promising, ringing down on overcrowding in prisons and all the problems that that causes. The chain goes on. You go to prison in unfavourable circumstances and you come out often much more likely to offend, in some cases, and labour made this great promise. For me this is very much trying to square the circle, trying to reduce the people in prison but not really going into the small print of how you are going to perhaps cut problems and the social problems that come. We know that inequality and drug addiction and Mental Health problems are all pa rt and Mental Health problems are all part of this Big Social Chain that lead so many people to jail and until you tackle that, this use of the word wicked can be bandied around, but you need to really define your terms, i think, if you are going to specify who will stay in and who will come out. Lets press on. The times, i think we will look at next. A high street revolt over the rates rise. This is business rates, a lot of pubs and restau ra nts business rates, a lot of pubs and restaurants will vanish. Interestingly, the story here, a lot of big name companies. We often hear of big name companies. We often hear of Small Businesses terrified of rate rises. But these are big ones. They are, and these hikes are due to come in at the end of march, or april, and they will have huge cost implications. If you go into the small print is the government have been swift to point out, in fact rates will fall for many businesses and remain the same. This is very much trying to. Philip hammond is doing what chancellors do, which is move pots around to enable councils to spend money where it is most needed. They are having to tackle the lobby ready, politically powerful bigger chains, who do certainly have pool on the high street and in parliament. Pull. It is linked to the value of property. People think of london but a lot of places are hotspots around the country. They emphasise this again and again and again, big businesses, which have real value of over £100,000. That is why households are worried about eye watering rises. Oxford street is particular concerned they will face a significant rise. As someone who lives in london, i have been on Oxford Street and business is not bad for them. They can afford to pay more for social care. I have very little time for this story. If it was hitting small business, i would be concerned. These businesses, peter express, wagamama, the last timei peter express, wagamama, the last time i was there, they didnt seem to be struggling. Pizza express. And a lot of small firms also complain about this. And one of the problems is the government has been slowly strangling councils for the last six years. Massive cuts in their budgets, and they are coming up their budgets, and they are coming up with these solutions that you can raise rates and council tax, but actually, i think we all know that local Council Funding will need a lot more than they will raise through these rate rises. There are a lot of stories around tonight, an important one here. North korea. They are sizing up the trump reaction to this missile launch. It is fascinating. North korea sets off yet another one of its missiles, at the very time when President Trump is meeting and playing golf with the japanese prime minister, so mr trump comes out and says i supportjapan. That is at least a clear statement of policy, isnt it . It is good that he got the name of the country right, and didnt insult anyone. He didnt mention south korea, who have a dog in the fight, being across the borderfrom north korea. It is a rogue state, and very few countries have influence over north korea, really only china. This is the first big Foreign Policy test for President Trump and so far he hasnt started a nuclear war, so we should be pleased about that. That is, of course, true. But it is a very serious situation, where as you say china is in there, we dont know, mr trumps attitude to china seems to swing around depending what issue he is facing. It is a difficultjob, being president of the united states. Not as much fun as he anticipated. Im sure those tweets fired off to Arnold Schwarzenegger involve a bit of nostalgia. We really are rattling along. Who considers themselves an expert in what happens at things like the races 7 what happens at things like the races . The times has this great story, drink curbs to stop bad behaviour at the races. Im sure there is no bad behaviourfrom you anywhere at any time, carolyn, not tell us what the story is about. Very similar to other sports in the past, even makings boon sport has involved over imbibing and a certain amount of reverie which hasnt ended well own sport. They will only be able to buy three glasses of water and no more than four alcoholic drinks ata and no more than four alcoholic drinks at a time, which were just about finished me off. Do you mean having them or not having them . think the cost would be prohibitive. Nobody has seen bad drinking at the races nobody has seen bad drinking at the ra ces u nless nobody has seen bad drinking at the races unless they have been to the melbourne cup, and i say that to all australians watching this. I am sure you hold that title with pride. At some point they have to decide if they actually want drink. They are being seen to be socially responsible, but obviously they are still coining it, and these drinks are not cheap. If they really want people not to drink, they shouldnt be available. At a Football Match you cant bring drink in at all, but cricket now, massive amounts of drinking, almost everywhere else. Wimbledon, ulph courses, everywhere. Racing used to be a middle class sport and some working class people have come along and urinated into a glass, and the whole thing has changed as mac golf courses. Golf courses. The second day of the festival was marred by photographs of footballers getting drunk, women baring their breasts and two people urinating into their beer glasses. Something must be done. urinating into their beer glasses. Something must be done. I hadnt quite looked at this as a class based issue, i must say. Lets go on to the daily mail. Their front page here. What a waste, they say. What is the waste they are referring to . What is it about . Surprisingly, in an extremely complicated organisations such as the government, waste does happen. They have information from 20 Government Departments and put it to find out where government money has been wasted, important to point out that money the government has admitted they have wasted, and they have recovered sums of £300,000. The first horrible example they pick up on is almost £2 million squandered on is almost £2 million squandered on Deportation Fight for failed asylu m on Deportation Fight for failed asylum seekers, which is something where the daily mail might have an interest. This is where they paid for the tickets and they didnt go. They have something called the court system, which the daily mail doesnt approve of is the judge enemies of the people. That these people shouldnt be deported, and quite rightly, the cost of their ticket comes back to the government. They are complaining that raf drones which are tested crashed, which is the point of testing drones. And a ride off by the mod, which is very wasteful, and defence is notorious for overspend and problems with equipment. Obviously you could pick out things that sound a bit silly, but it does seem ready awful, doesnt it, some of the things that go on. It is the old pennies and pounds argument, isnt it . If you are allowing money to go wasted on small things, what about the big things . In the mail seems to have identified them. That is what it is all about. The daily mail. Identified them. That is what it is all about. The daily mail. You could say £626 being wasted on christmas bonuses, that is an extra £10 each of those individuals got. I think this is chipping away at trustworthiness. That the government cant be trusted with that much money. I dont know what they are proposing, that they should have less of it, that there should be a transparency issue. We will see what comes out in the response. And you were there tonight. At the royal albert hall, freezing away, but there is emma stone, who got the Best Actress Award. She doesnt look as though she is wearing enough. was wearing slightly more than that, you will be pleased to hear. She has a massive smile on herface, she won the gong for wearing this out fit in minus three degrees and her sterling work in la la land. But the real star of the night was the duchess of cambridge. And their pictures on the front of the Daily Telegraph there. As usual, they stole the limelight on the red carpet. Yes, in an Alexander Mcqueen down. I can tell from looking at it, it is black with Ice Cream Cones on it, that is Alexander Mcqueen. For once you have done your homework. What you said in the first section is really true, you have these huge us stars who are their own planet, ego, and a minor royal walks into the shop and their knees go weak. Not that they are minor royals. We understand the point exactly. That is the papers for the sour. Thats it for the papers this hour. Thank you, caroline and tony. Coming up next, it is the film review

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