is the obvious supply side reform that is out there. successive governments have failed to tackle it. _ when i was in office, i i was willing to do that. it was difficult. it's always contentious — _ among the most contentious subjects. i think the government would regret i it — maybe not at the next electionl i but if we was sat here in 10—15. years' time, we would regret not having tackled housing. do you think with the wobbling on it, they are being more cautious than they should be? we don't know yet is the honest answer and michael gove, - my successor, is considering how to proceed~ _ we have done, in the last year- or two, some of the biggest reforms to the planning system for the past ten or 20 years — things _ like completely reforming the use class orders so you can turn - a hairdresser into a cafe into a home, enabling l people to build upwards, - enabling people to demolish and rebuild derelict properties — so we've done some big things. in the last year or two, _