It pretty fast. Its great to hear that from President Elect donald trump. The hospitalfailures that from President Elect donald trump. The Hospital Failures that led the to death of this mother after she gave birth to her second son. And heres one for sherlock, how did last nights finale get lea ked how did last nights finale get leaked online before it was broadcast . In the sport, its a winning start for andy murray at the australian open, as the world number one reaches the second round. Welcome to the news at six. 18 months ago 30 british Holiday Makers died ina months ago 30 british Holiday Makers died in a Terror Attack in tunisia. Now an inquest into their deaths have been told some of the victims might still be alive if local Security Forces had acted more quickly. 0utlining the evidence, they deliberately delayed confronting the gunman. The gunman went on the rampage for more than half an hour before he was shot dead. For them, the inquests matter so much. The families of those killed, the anguish and grief of the past 18 months, they now hope for answers. As the hearing began, the names of those who died were read out followed by a minutes silence. 30 british tourists murdered on holiday. They included three generations of one family, married couples and a teenager. The inquest heard they had needlessly lost their lives. Shouting. Mobile phone footage shows the chaos and confusion during the attacks. The families watched it in court. Listening to the sound of gunfire and the sense of panic. Gunfire. The gunmen was seifeddine rezgui, a 23 year old who was eventually shot dead by the Security Forces. But hed been intent on killing tourists. The inquest also watched cctv footage from around the resort. The lone gunman on the beach, armed with an automatic weapons and explosives. And also, roaming around inside the hotel, looking for his next victims. A British Police team put together this map of his movements. The red arrow indicates where he started shooting near the sun loungers. Before moving to the terrace and outdoor pool area and then into the hotel. He killed everywhere he went. There were no clear signs of any police or Security Guards trying to stop him. Samantha leek qc, counsel to the inquests, referred to a statement from a tunisian witness. She told the court, he said the Security Units that should have intervened in the events deliberately and unjustifiably slowed down to delay their arrival at the hotel. They had the ability to put an end to the attack before the police arrived, but they wasted a considerable amount of time in getting to the hotel. These inquests cant lay blame, but they can offer guidance. The families here just want to know how their loved ones came to die in such a horrifying way. The families here just want to know how their loved ones came to die in such a horrifying way. This afternoon a senior diplomat at the Foreign Office said at the time of the killings Thatjenas Yelp was rated at high risk with attack is possible but at that stage british tourists were not advised to avoid the country altogether. The inquests at the royal courts ofjustice are expected to last until the end of february. Within the last hour, the Northern Ireland Secretaryjames Brokenshire has announced that a Snap Election will be held after the collapse of the Power Sharing government at stormont. Sinn fein refused to nominate a new deputy first minister, to replace martin mcguinness, who resigned a week ago in a dispute with the democratic unionists. 0ur chief correspondent, gavin hewitt, reports. For ten years, power has been shared in Northern Ireland. It was one of the Foundation Stones of peace. Today, that Power Sharing government collapsed. I propose that a draft Order In Council be brought forward shortly to set an election date of thursday the 2nd of march. No one should underestimate the challenge faced to the Political Institutions here in Northern Ireland and what is at stake. The trigger for the breakdown was a row over a controversial Green Energy Scheme drawn up by unionist minister, Arlene Foster. But the bitter arguments over the scheme exposed growing tensions between nationalist and unionist politicians. I think its both parties, personally, and i find it very disappointing and very, very sad. Its the tribal politics, you know, i feel like were back in the 80s and i was really hopeful that future generations would have a different story. Theres no appetite for a return to any sort of violence at any stage or form in the near future. I think possibly what will happen is we will be led to another couple of years of political insecurity. At stormont the Northern Ireland assembly depends on unionists and nationalists sharing power. Today, both main parties were asked to submit a name for one of the two top posts. First up, the democratic unionist party. Mr speaker, i very readily. And they backed their current leader. Nominate Arlene Foster to be the first minister. Next up, sinn fein. There can be no return to the status quo. If something is broke, you stop and you fix it, that is the sinn fein approach. But they refused to put forward a name, so ending the Power Sharing government. What does all this mean . Uncertainty for Northern Ireland. Without an executive, key areas of government will be stalled and then, most importantly, there is brexit. Where will be the Northern Ireland voice when crucial decisions are taken . We are in a very grave situation going into this election and the timing of it, when Northern Ireland has no budget agreed, when were facing into brexit and when were also coming to the end of the financial year, is possibly the worst time that we could be entering into this kind of disarray. Recent years have changed Northern Ireland, but the shadows of the past still make compromise difficult. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, belfast. Campaigning for the Snap Election will begin almost immediately with the voter is going to the polls on march the 2nd. But after that there will be three weeks or two weeks of negotiations where they will try to work out whether they have a foundation for future Power Sharing agreement. What happens if they fail, they could always go for further elections, or there is the alternative of having direct rule from westminster. Thank you, gavin. President elect donald trump appears to have cheered the British Government and annoyed some of its European Partners in equal measure with his latest comments. Speaking to the times mr trump says britain is doing great after the brexit but he also added that other eu members might follow the uk example. 0ur Political Editor reports. Thumbs upfor thumbs up for brexit for the man who is to become the worst paracel in the world. Former minister and sometime reporter, michael gove, with donald s looking on. Sometime reporter, michael gove, with donald s looking on. Countries wa nt with donald s looking on. Countries want their own identity and so did the uk but i believe if they had not been forced to take in all of the refugees, so many, with all the problems that entails, i think you would not have brexit. For months been less keen to see what to say what it really mean. Brexit means brexit. What is that again . Brexit means brexit. In case you hadnt heard. Brexit means brexit. But ignore the platitudes, the Big Decisions have been clear since june. Decisions have been clear since june. There is no mandate for a deal that involves accepting the Free Movement of people as it has hitherto worked. Unlimited eu migration will not stay and neither will the power of european judges. Judges sitting not in luxembourg but in courts across the line. Without them and charge it means we will be out of the Single Market. People talk as if somehow we are leaving the eu but still want to keep parts of membership. We are leaving. And she even dressed up to make plain how doing business outside of europe will be more and more important. With an enthusiastic offer now from state of doing a deal at speed. With an enthusiastic offer now from state of doing a deal at speedm is good news that the United States wa nts to is good news that the United States wants to do a good Free Trade Deal with us and wants to do it very fast. Great to hear that from President Elect donald trump. Spreading good Cheerfor Brexit backers ahead of the prime ministers speech tomorrow. We will have the European Court ofjustice no longer overruling or laws and we will be outside the Single Market so we can control oui own will be outside the Single Market so we can control our own borders and probably outside the Customs Union so we can probably outside the Customs Union so we can negotiate their own trade deals but the rest of the world. This is the most crucial set of choices that any pie minister has made four years and although the fundamentals were clear before she moved in, there has been precious little detail in public about and theresa mays opponents fear she will disappoint because shes juggfing will disappoint because shes juggling her party as well as the public. She has had to ove icotti pensate public. She has had to overcompensate as a former remainer to prove herself to her own party and also she has no mandate of rome, she has not been elected and is not ina she has not been elected and is not in a strong position and also she has really chosen only to listen to the 52 of people who voted for brexit and not the almost half of them remaining part of the Voting Public who voted for a different future. Tomorrow matters, theresa may will tell us and them, the other european countries, more about her decisions that will Shape Britain for decades to come. Her political hope, she and the country are not on their way to isolation. And Laura Kuenssberg joins me now. I wonder if the comments from donald trump are helpful to theresa may ahead of the speech that she is to make tomorrow. In one way it is a no brainer, who would not want the man who is about to become the most powerful in the world in their corner, backing on brexit, holding out the promise of a quick trade deal, the kind of trade deal that will be vital to how the country and its its living once were outside the eu. And how the previous government under David Cameron remember reacted when president 0bama said the opposite, that would be at the back of the queue. That was treated as some doom laden scenario so having this support is an advantage in some ways. Theres no question that the authority of the office of the white house seeming to be on the side of brexit is in many ways a good thing. But that said President Elect trump is though unorthodox that in one way he isa is though unorthodox that in one way he is a bit like a grenade with the pin pulled out, and unpredictable friend in the corner and youre never sure what his next move will be. And his support could galvanise eu countries trying to stick together to harden their attitude towards the uk in the negotiations towards the uk in the negotiations to come. Because were not meant to be doing trade deals with anyone until we are actually on our way of the European Union so this is powerful ammunition for Downing Street potentially, but only need to be careful how they use it. Mrtrump didntjust have the eu in his sights. He also said german chancellor Angela Merkel had made a catastrophic mistake by allowing more than one million migrants into her country. If that wasnt enough he said nato might be obsolete. Little wonder that theres been some terse comments from berlin, paris and brussels as our Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins reports. Theyve rehearsed the inauguration in washington with a stand in for President Trump but no one knows quite what to expect at fridays ceremony. Still less what will happen in the first 100 days with donald trump in the oval 0ffice. What we do know is that there will be nothing conventional about it. Because the President Elect has made that very clear. Among his most eye catching new quotes, donald trump says the eu is on the brink of collapse partly because germany leaders Angela Merkel, made one very catastrophic mistake with her open doors approach to migrants. I think its not good. I think it was a big mistake for germany. Germanys chancellor was diplomatically cautious in her response. Translation the fight against terrorism is a great challenge for all countries. We see this as a pan european and a global task. I would separate this from the task of helping refugees. The majority of refugees have left syria because of their oppression by assad. So what about the most complicated trump relationship of all . With president putins russia . Mr trump will explore making good deals with russia. As part of that, Nuclear Weapons on both side should be reduced very substantially. It is true, both the United States and russia have more than enough missiles and warheads to destroy each other. And mr trump hinted a Nuclear Negotiations might involve offering mr putin easing of sanctions over ukraine. But mr trump was also highly critical of Vladimir Putins intervention in syria, calling it a very rough thing. The bombardment of aleppo, he said, was nasty, with troops, in his words, shooting old ladies walking out of town. So, how to reconcile all of that with the President Elect on nato, the wests Military Alliance . Nato is obsolete, he keeps repeating. So, what could that mean for americas new deployment of heavy armour to poland, to deter any russian threat . Germany, for one, is worried. Translation at nato, remarks made by President Elect trump are a cause of concern. As World Leaders gather in the swiss alps for their annual davos forum, many will be perplexed, even alarmed, not knowing what sort of future they, we, all face. James robbins, bbc news. A Turkish Cargo Plane has crashed in kyrgyzstan our top story this evening. The deaths of 30 british tourists in the tunisia Terror Attack. An inquest hears lives could have been saved. And still to come the mystery surrounding sherlock, who leaked last nights episode online before it hit our screens . Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. Big boots to fill, Valtteri Bottas is announced as Nico Rosbergs replacement at mercedes where he will partner Lewis Hamilton next season. Some patients face dangerous delays getting specialist treatment, Due To Referral Management centres used by some gps in england. The centres were designed to reduce nhs spending, by limiting unnecessary referrals to hospital. But the British Medical Association says they create barriers and take decisions away from doctors. And the bbc has found many referrals were refused due to administration errors, rather than clinical reasons. Our Health Editor hugh pym has more. If a gp refers you for a Hospital Checkup or treatment, you might think it would happen automatically, but in some areas, the decision has to be vetted by another organisation, sometimes a private company. And thats the subject of a growing controversy. Tracy used to find everyday Household Chores a nightmare, in constant pain because of her varicose veins. I was in so much pain with my leg, 2a hours a day. I wasnt sleeping properly. I was struggling to get through my work. Her gp recommended an operation on the nhs, but this was barred by the referral centre, so she had to get it done privately. If a gp feels that a specialist needs to look at you then the nhs should be supporting that and they re not. Research by the bbc has revealed an increase in the use of these centres in england. There are about 13 and a half million referrals for treatment by gps every year. Last year, about two million were screened by referral management centres. More than 84,000 were rejected, for clinical reasons or because of clerical errors. Really, its a form of rationing. And thats not to say that we dont need to perhaps ration within the nhs. But i would rather it was done explicitly. And that the public were involved, rather than every Purchasing Authority making its own individual decisions and sometimes choosing private companies to do that. The logic of the system is that at a time of rising patients demand and stretched resources, local Health Commissioners have a mechanism for scrutinising decisions, which could lead to expensive hospital treatment. They acknowledge that once youve taken on board the costs of the centres, theres no way yet of assessing whether they do provide value for money. Some local Health Bodies are limiting certain types of care. The Referral Centres are reinforcing those decisions. We dont want to squander any money. We have limited resources. So its really important the resources we have, we spend most effectively. And get the best value for our population. Best value for money or bad news for patients . Thats the question. Theres limited use of this system in wales. Its not part of the Health Service in scotland and Northern Ireland. In england, it certainly generated a lively debate. Hugh pym, bbc news. And there will be special programmes on the nhs tonight in inside out at 7 30pm on bbc one in england and later on the bbc iplayer. Police in South Yorkshire are investigating the discovery of a teenage girls body in rotherham. The body was found this morning on a path in the dinnington area of the town. Police say theyre treating the death as suspicious. The former youth football coach, barry bennell, who worked at Crewe Alexandra has pleaded not guilty to eight charges of child abuse. The allegations against bennell all involve a boy under the age of 15 between 1981 and 1986. Rolls royce has agreed in principle to a multi Million Pound pay out following allegations that Company Executives were involved in bribery and corruption to win and maintain contracts abroad. The Jet Engine Manufacturer will pay out a total of £671 million in an agreement reached with the Serious Fraud office, the Us Department ofjustice and authorities in brazil. It means there will be no prosecutions of employees if rolls royce meets its payment obligations. A coroner has ruled that the death of a young mother following childbirth was the result of failures, inadequate diagnosis and treatment. Frances cappuccini, who was 30, suffered a fatal haemorrhage at Tunbridge Wells hospital, after an Emergency Caesarean in 2012. Daniel boettcher reports. Frances cappuccini died after giving birth by caesarean, the inquest heard shed suffered a haemorrhage because a piece of placenta had been left in her womb. She was operated on, but died within eight hours of the birth. Today, her husband tom arrived at the inquest to hear the coroners conclusions. Roger hatch said the death of Frances Cappuccini was as a result of the failures, inadequate diagnosis and treatment of her at Tunbridge Wells hospital. The coroner found that the c section had not been carried out with care, that there should have been checks to make sure that nothing had been missed. The result of this failure, he said, led directly to the subsequent series of events, which tragically ended in the death of frances. Among the otherfindings was that the haemorrhage was not properly managed, that a Breathing Tube had been removed too soon during her treatment, and that the supervision of a doctor was undefined and inadequate. After the inquest, the familys lawyer read out a statement on their behalf. She was bubbly, intelligent, beautiful, failures at maidstone and Tunbridge Wells nhs trust and those employed by the trust cost frankie her life. Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells nhs trust, said in a statement that it had made a number of changes to its processes. And that it recognised from the start that there were aspects of Frances Cappuccinis care that fell short of the standards it would expect. It said it wanted to extend its deepest sympathies to her family. Its been another difficult day for the pound with the Dollar Exchange rate for holidaymakers reaching a new low. Its dropped to its lowest level for people travelling to the United States for more than 30 years, though it recovered a little in the Currency Markets later on. 0ur Personal Finance correspondent Simon Gompertz is in central london. Notan not an easy time to be thinking about having a holiday abroad . A big worry if you are thinking of an overseas trip. The Pound Suffering from those concerns about the financial effects of brexit. 0ne from those concerns about the financial effects of brexit. One of the biggest Currency Chains of Shops Travelex said its rate for online customers, using pounds to buy dollars worth 1 for each pound. That is down from 1 before the brexit vote. You could shop around and geta brexit vote. You could shop around and get a slightly better or slightly worse rate but it shows you the trend. It is not only the lowest rate since the referendum, its the lowest since the mid 19 80s. It goes wider than that. Some Holiday Companies have been imposing surcharges because of the currency effect. In the travel industry, there are warnings about Price Increases for the Summer Holidays of around 10 . Although you wont pay that if you stay in the uk. Thank you. Its a case that might have baffled Sherlock Holmes himself. Who leaked a copy of the final episode of the Bbcs Sherlock on to the internet . The fact that it was dubbed into russian is a major clue. But was it criminal piracy, done for money . Or something more sinister . Nick highams been investigating. Please, no, dont hang up. Do not hang up. Calmly, sherlock, or i will finish her, right now. Why are you doing this to me . The last episode of sherlock, eagerly awaited by millions but on saturday, a copy was leaked online, dubbed into russian. It was a spoiler. And broadcasters dont like those. Everything up to this point has been planned with the intention of presenting this programme, this very important finale, as a global event, as a collective community of fans coming together and very much experiencing it for the first time. And this has put a big spanner in the works of that. The russian version was widely shared online. The mystery, worthy of an Old Fashioned Sherlock Holmes story, who leaked it and why . One theory, the episode was put online to damage the bbc, which the kremlin doesnt much like at present, because the beebs increasing its Radio Broadcasts to russia. Another theory, its just somebody trying to make money out of some stolen property. With russia, its hard to tell. And today, the mystery deepened when the russian state owned state owned television channel, which broadcasts the series, denied responsibility for the leak and claimed it was a victim of hacking. In a statement, channel one said save my soul. Seek my room. But who could the external third party be . No one seems to know and the Conspiracy Theorists are having a field day. Nick higham, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather. Heres nick miller. Unlike last week, the weather shouldnt be making too many headlines this week but comments about just how much headlines this week but comments aboutjust how much cloud there is this week. This was one view from nottinghamshire this afternoon. There was a bit of sunshine in Eastern Scotland and at the end of the pier at deal in kent. But plenty of cloud. Some outbreaks of rain, a week weatherford from the midlands to South West England rushing into east wales. Weather front. And scotla nd east wales. Weather front. And scotland and Northern Ireland. Some hill fog was mild and under clearer skies for east anglia and south east england. More likely to see some sunshine here compared with today across east anglia and south east england. Elsewhere, plenty of cloud other many places dry despite the cloud. Some outbreaks of rain and drizzle. Look, that is in scotland and Northern Ireland, double figure temperatures and brightening in the afternoon in Eastern Scotland although probably not in Northern England and especially to the west of the pennines. 0utbreaks england and especially to the west of the pennines. Outbreaks of rain. And north wales. Cloudy zone in the midlands and South West England, some drizzle possible. Colder the further south. Despite the sunshine across east anglia and south east england, it will be chilly. Tomorrow night, quite a sharp frost. And. Elsewhere, we will keep the cloud and keep temperatures for many well above freezing. This is the picture on wednesday, Frosty Starred in southern and eastern england. Some sunshine to come frosty start. Some brighter breaks but plenty of cloud. Similar through thursday and friday. High pressure in control. This mother settled weather story becoming mainly dry with a good deal of cloud. It will last into the weekend. The forecast where you are 01 weekend. The forecast where you are or where you are going online. Thank you. An inquest in to the deaths of 30 british tourists in the tunisia Terror Attack hears lives could have been saved if the police had reacted quicker. Thats all from the Bbc News At Six so its goodbye from me youre watching bbc news. The top stories, just after 6 30pm Northern Ireland is to hold new elections, following the collapse of its Power Sharing executive. Secretary of state James Brokenshire has set the date for march 2nd. The us President Elect, donald trump, has promised a quick and fair trade deal with britain. Theresa may will be making a speech on brexit tomorrow morning. An inquest into the deaths of 30 britons on a beach in tunisia in 2015, has heard local Security Units were deliberately slowed down, to delay their arrival at the scene. And in south carolina, in the southern United States, a young woman abducted as a baby 18 years ago, has been reunited with both of her biological parents. In a moment it will be time for sportsday, but first a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news. Well have more reaction to the collapse of Northern Irelands Power Sharing executive and the new elections

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