To clear their debt. Its five oclock, our top story is that at least nine people are dead, after an explosion on the St Petersburg metro. Another 50 have been injured, according to russias National Anti terrorist committee, which also said a second device had been found and made safe. Officials said there was a single blast between two underground trains in St Petersburg, where the metro system remains shut down. President Vladimir Putin, who was in St Petersburg for a meeting with the leader of belarus, said the cause of the blast was unclear, but the russian Prime Minister Dymitry Medvedyev has now claimed it was a Terror Attack. Richard galpin reports. In the immediate aftermath, passengers turned to the dead and injured who have been laid out on the station platform. While others mill around the scene, smoke from the blast hanging above them. Its reported the explosion happened as the train was travelling between two stations. And this is the damage it caused at 2 40pm local time this afternoon, once again, people trying to do what they can to help. This is the first incident of its kind on the first incident of its kind on the metro system of russia second city, Saint Petersburg. And it happened as president Vladimir Putin was in the city, holding a meeting with the leader of belarus. Translation i want to express my sincere condolences to those close to the dead and injured. The Law Enforcement agencies and the special services are working and doing everything to find out the causes of what has happened, and to completely evaluate what happened, and the city authorities and the federal ones too are taking all necessary measures to support the families of our citizens who have been killed and injured. The Emergency Services have ferried dozens the Emergency Services have ferried d oze ns of the Emergency Services have ferried dozens of injured people to local hospitals, some in a serious condition. The entire metro system has been closed down, with investigators finding an explosive device at another station. What has happened in the city today has in the last hour been described by eight top Government Minister as an act of terrorism. Farida rustamova from the Bbc Russian Service is on the scene in St Petersburg. You arrive not that long after the explosion. What did you see . Now im ina explosion. What did you see . Now im in a different station, it is not now the main crime scene. The main crime scene was the station one kilometre away from here. But now people are gathering, they are putting flowers near the station. I arrived about an hour after the explosion happened, and i saw many, many ambulances, many, many people walking on the streets in shock, because it was a huge traffic because it was a huge traffic because of the attack, and people we re because of the attack, and people were using cars and buses to move, because the metro, the tube, is close now. Sophy remains closed. Nine people reported dead, 50 injured. What are you hearing about the possible reason for this explosion, and the suggestion from the Prime Minister is that it was a Terror Attack. Are you hearing anything on the ground . Well, you know people also think that it was a Terror Attack, because they saw the bodies, they were like injured, like it was some, you know, explosion, like it was intended. They saw so many details and injured bodies, and people who i have spoken to, they are sure that it was a Terror Attack, there is no doubt. Thank you for joining attack, there is no doubt. Thank you forjoining us. With me is Famil Ismailov The Editor of the bbcs russian service. Good to see you, thank you becoming in. Prime minister medvedev seems to be suggesting this was a Terror Attack. It seems to bear all the hallmarks of that, doesnt it . Absolutely. We see at least two explosive devices, both about 300 grams of tnt equivalent, with shrapnel fitted, one was in a duffle kind of bag, the other was massed into the fire extinguisher, so to look like it was a fake fire extinguisher, the one that was diffused. We have seen an explosion right in the middle of the tunnel, and it was a lucky escape that the train did not get stuck in the tunnel but the driver was able to pull up to the platform in the next station. The Emergency Services worked really well. The response was amazing and there should be particular phrase given to the staff of the Saint Petersburg Metro Station that arranged the first aid, and behaved really courageously. But other cities, moscow, forward grab, they have been attacked, but Saint Petersburg, that is a surprise, isnt it . Yes, but the Transportation System is a surprise. All it took was a small device, maybe electronically controlled, to blow up a hole in the fuse large of a plane to bring it down with more than 200 people on board. The same here. We see a small device on a soft target on a Speeding Train in the tunnel in a confined space with shrapnel and that will give as much injury to people as possible. Also, being a hallmark of a militant sort of extremist way of fighting the state, this is also a symbolic place. That is the hometown of mr putin, and the incident happened exactly when he was there, meeting the president of belarus. So this bears all the hallmarks of a Terror Attack, to be honest. But mr medvedev said it is a Terror Attack but the general president s office of russia has not officially confirmed that. So they are still being a little bit cautious full stop we know what has been going on with the north caucasus, with the chechen uprising, is that where the finger of blame is being pointed perhaps at this initial stage . We know 7000 have gone to fight for Islamic State as well. It is a different story. The report are talking about cctv image of a possible attack, someone who planted the bomb. We see the traditional islamic clothing. The Vesicle Tori Wa Nt to islamic clothing. The vesicle tori want to interview him to see who this man is. But we also see a stereotypical image of an attacker being a muslim guy. This could reflect very badly on the general mood in the multi confessional russia as it is. Although we have seen condemnation of the attack from the leader of the chechen republic, but he is the kind of person in charge of chechnya. He is the sole person in charge of chechnya and he is fighting against the militants. He always had at some point will come from syria and make trouble. He always had at some point will come from syria and make troublem has to be said Something Like 7000 russians have gone to fight for Islamic State over in the middle east and syria. Some of those have gone back to russia, and it must be difficult tracking all of them. As difficult tracking all of them. As difficult as it is, and the internal Security Service of russia uses totally different methods, compared totally different methods, compared to the western Security Services. Law and order in russia is a different way, total control from the state. The understanding is they would not let them into the territory of russia as it is. In fa ct, territory of russia as it is. In fact, the number you said, the thousands of people who left to leave russia in syria, the question would be asked how come they would let sami people leave and go and fight for syria . The let sami people leave and go and fight for syria . The obvious answer could be that they dont want them to return back. They want them out of the country. Ok, thank you. Before we move onto the next tory, i should tell you we news out of paris that france is increasing security at Public Transport locations in paris after that explosion in Saint Petersburg. The interior Ministry Says following the events in russia, and asa says following the events in russia, and as a precautionary measure, the Interior Minister has decided to redeploy Security Means in Public Transport across the paris region, amid an extraordinarily high terrorism threat. That is according to the Interior Minister, the paris metro used by many hundreds of thousands of people every single day. That news coming into us in the last few minutes. Lets move on. Five people have appeared in court in relation to an alleged attack on an Asylum Seeker in croydon. The teenager who is of kurdish iranian descent was set upon after telling a group of people that he was an Asylum Seeker. He is said to be in a serious but stable condition in hospital. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds reports. Police are still looking for these two people, one man appearing slightly younger, the other slightly older. They may have been part of the mob, which attacked the 17 year old kurdish student and his friends was the detectives today said come to us before we come to you. This morning the officer in charge of the case said in total 11 people had been arrested in connection with watches said was an horrendous assault. I think this is powered by numbers, so there has been an incident outside the pub, they have picked on three young men. There was no reason for this attack, andi there was no reason for this attack, and i believe that because of the numbers involved, People Havejust jumped on the back of it and this has turned into this violent brawl where somebody has been viciously beaten and is very lucky not to have lost his life. And the bust up behind us is relevant. This is where it has happened. People actually came from the pub and have attacked these individuals in the street, and one was kicked and beaten on the ground. The victims two friends ran, while he was chased by the group. He got as far as this street corner, where he was found with serious head injuries. Neighbours came to help, unlike, police said, some of his attackers, who may not have struck any blows but did nothing to stop this happening. At Croydon Crown court, five people in their early 20s are being charged with violent assault. They all live a short walk from where it happened, but the investigation continues. Neighbours who are worried about giving interview said police had even busted cars forfingerprints. There is a Constant Police presence here in an area where this attack has raised tension dusted cars. Our correspondent ben bland is in croydon for us. Ben, by all accounts this was a particularly vicious attack, what is the condition of the young man in hospital . He spent much of the weekend in intensive care. It is no wonder he needed that intensive medical care over the past couple of days. Police when they were updating us days. Police when they were updating us earlier said they feel he is making progress, at some point he will be well enough to move on to a general ward, and when he is able to they want to question him to get his recollections about what happened. Here in croydon, it is what has been dominating conversations. People i passed by the little row of shops nearby, it is what they are all talking about. At one point, a couple of Police Sirens blared past, not sure if it was anything to do with this investigation but everything, everyone here on edge, wondering if it was kind of developer or breakthrough but a reminder perhaps that although five people have been charged this investigation is not over and police are still appealing for information and any footage of photos anyone may have that will help them track down the people responsible for this vicious assault. Claim this is Bbc News At Five the headlines an explosion on the metro in St Petersburg has killed at least nine people and injured dozens more. The russian Prime Minister has called it a terrorist act. Five people have appeared in court, after a teenage Asylum Seeker was badly beaten at a bus stop in croydon. President trump says america will solve north Koreas Nuclear threat, with or without chinas help. In sport, association are going to write the david moyes to ask for his observations, after he told a female bbc reporter that she might get a slap. The sunderland manager says he deeply regrets the remarks, which we re deeply regrets the remarks, which were made during a tv following a tv interview. The england womens squad has been announced for the European Championships in the summer. Chelseas alu ko European Championships in the summer. Chelseas aluko has been left out despite finishing top scorer last season. The american golfer Lexi Thompson said she did not intend to break tournament rules, after a tv viewer spotted and in fresh rules, after a tv viewer spotted and infresh rules, after a tv viewer spotted and in fresh an infringement. It cost her the first major of the year. A full update in the next 15 minutes. Buttler the Spanish Foreign minister, alfonso dastis, has said hes surprised by the tone of the british reaction to talk about the sovereignty of gibraltar. The government of the territory has criticised the eu for including it in its Draft Negotiating Strategy with the uk about brexit. The foreign secretary borisjohnson has said gibraltar would remain british, as long as its people wanted that to be the case. Our correspondent tom burridge sent this report from gibraltar. Rush hour between gibraltar and spain. Thousands cross onto the rock everyday to work and there is some uncertainty about what wrecks it may mean. Translation uncertainty about what wrecks it may mean. Translationzlj uncertainty about what wrecks it may mean. Translation i am overwhelmed because we dont know what will happen and whether we will be able to continue working here. Maria tells us it isnt gordon that the arrangements at the border stay the same for her and other spanish workers. Do you think brexit will cause problems for gibraltar . No. There is too much in both partiess interests financially. For there to be any sort of a people. This is currently an internal eu border but probably in two years that will change. It gives you a sense of how intertwined peoples lives are over that side of the board and is border in Southern Spain and here in gibraltar. The arrangements will be pa rt gibraltar. The arrangements will be part of the negotiation between britain and the eu about what brexiting the, and the eu says spains voice will be heard. Spain has long complained that gibraltars wealth is partly down to lower taxes on the side of the border. Madrid kept relatively quiet this weekend compared to the rhetoric back home, but this morning the Spanish Foreign minister suggested britain is overreacting. Translation the Spanish Government is a little surprised by the turn of comments regarding gibraltar, coming out of britain, which is a country known for its composure. Almost everything on brexit and what it will mean for gibraltar is for now speculation and theory, but speaking at a meeting for eu Foreign Minister is, the foreign secretary said again that gibraltars sovereignty is not up for debate. The position of the government is very clear, the southern tree of gibraltar is unchanged and is not going to change the ant cannot conceivably change without the express support and consent of the people of gibraltar and the United Kingdom and that is not going to change. But what is changing is britains relationship with the eu and therefore gibraltars relationship with spain. Two neighbours who are not the best of friends. I can now speak to Emilio Saenz Frances professor of International Relations at madrids comillas pontifical university. Hello to you. Thank you forjoining us. It is a pleasure. According to your Foreign Minister, we brits are known for our composure, so are you surprised by some of the comments that have been coming from some of our politicians in relation to this . Iama our politicians in relation to this . I am a little bit surprised because i think it is not in the interest of both spain or the United Kingdom to escalate the issue of gibraltar. But i think that brexit negotiations will lead to a lot of theatrical approaches to the different issues. I think we are seeing a little bit of that here with regards to some of the comments by both spanish and british politicians. But the feeling here seems to be that there is a little bit of opportunism here in relation to the way that spain has tried to jump on this Brexit Bandwagon to try and get some influence on the rock. |j bandwagon to try and get some influence on the rock. I completely agree with you. Brexit in relation to spain is that on one side spain wa nts to to spain is that on one side spain wants to play the role of the friendly country making things easierfor the united friendly country making things easier for the United Kingdom, friendly country making things easierfor the United Kingdom, but on The Other Side for spain, the United Kingdom leaving the European Union means spain being upgraded to one of the big players in the European Union, and of course the Spanish Government is very happy with that. Of course having a recognition of that in the European Union layout of negotiation in relation to gibraltar is a kind of symbolic victory of the government, and it is a way of showing that here we stand, a big player in the negotiations. Does that mean then that the Spanish Government is expecting some kind of veto in any deal in relation to the United Kingdom, if the issue of gibraltar is not sorted out . Well, i cannot say, but i would think that would be very unwise. I think that there are many other things at stake in relation between spain and the United Kingdom, in relation to brexit, much more important than gibraltar. For spaniards, gibraltar is not a relevant issue, it is not a cause uniting any nationalistic approach to reality, but perhaps i am expressing more hope than conviction that the Spanish Government is not going to make this a relevant part of the negotiations. We will have many things that wind both countries together and these are the things we must work with, not divide. Gibraltar is not a releva nt not divide. Gibraltar is not a relevant divide if we look to the wider picture. But it has been for a long time a cause of anger and frustration in spain, the fact that there is a low tax regime in the balta and as a result the comparative wealth between that part of spain that borders the rock is much lower. Of course, yes. This appears from time to time, also the right of the spanish fishermen in the area, not allowed to deal with their activities in the waters of gibraltar. And this is a continuing point of tension between both countries, but again, if we look to a wider picture, there are many other things in the relation between spain and the United Kingdom much more important. If spain gets something in the economy of the area, gibraltar is a little bit, sorry for the expression, weird in the economy side. But i will not follow, i will not press the issue at all because i think on The Other Side gibraltar is very sensible for the United Kingdom, and you have to bear this in the United Kingdom, and you have to bearthis in mind. The United Kingdom, and you have to bear this in mind. You cannot press with sensibilities in a moment as critical as the negotiations we are starting now. In deed, a lot of call heads are needed. Thank you very much forjoining us. My pleasure, have a nice day. I will. What a jolly nice chap. In the last few minutes, the Prime Minister theresa may has been speaking about this issue as she is currently on a trip tojordan. Issue as she is currently on a trip to jordan. My focus on the talks we are going to be having, in terms of the brexit negotiations is to ensure that we get the best possible deal in trade and other matters, cooperation for the future with the eu for the cooperation for the future with the eu Forthe Uk Cooperation For The Future with the eu for the uk and for gibraltar. We will be working closely with the gibraltar government as we have been over re ce nt gibraltar government as we have been over recent months. We will continue to do that to ensure that beget a result from these talks in our interests. Are you ruling out. We are focusing on talking with the re st of are focusing on talking with the rest of the eu, starting the formal negotiations and ensuring that at the end of those negotiations we see a result that will be in the interests of the uk and in the interests of the uk and in the interests of the uk and in the interests of gibraltar, but actually i think would be in the interest of the 27 Member States of the European Union as well. Theresa may speaking injordan in the last few minutes. Donald trump has said the United States will solve the threat posed by north Koreas Nuclear programme. In an interview with the financial times, the president said the us would act alone if china wouldnt intervene. He made his comments ahead of a visit to the us by the chinese president this week. Heres our correspondent wyre davies. How do you solve a problem like north korea, and its growing Military Ambitions . Under the leadership of kim jong un, Military Ambitions . Under the leadership of kimjong un, north korea is increasingly seen as a rogue nation, threatening enemies and conducting numerous mishal tests. Historically an ally of the regime in pyongyang, china too has become frustrated and ties are strained but donald trump once china to do more. Mr trump told this to the financial times. Asked whether he thought he could succeed alone, he thought he could succeed alone, he replied totally full stop it is not the First Time Since his election that mr trump has pushed theissue election that mr trump has pushed the issue of north korea towards the top of his Foreign Policy to do list without being specific. Obviously north korea is a big, big problem and we will do that very strongly. One of those who interview the president said the reason for his concern is clear. Ahead his much anticipated meeting with the chinese president. At the moment, and president elect trump said this before, the north koreans will have the capacity to hit San Francisco and the californian coast by the end of his first term. Officials in the trouble administration are talking tough. During a recent trip to south korea, the Secretary Of State said pre Emptive Military action was an option although it is widely believed Military Action against north korea would lead to very high military and civilian casualties. North korea would lead to very high military and civilian casualtiesm is risky, not only because of north koreas recent advances in missile and Nuclear Technology but because it has thousands of Artillery Pieces pointing at the capital of south korea. Even if you were able to rub all those guns and Missile Launchers after a first salvo, the damage that will be done, the death camp would be absolutely horrific. The chinese president s visit to the United States will be the most important yet by a foreign leader during Donald Trumps hitherto turbulent presidency. They have much to discuss, discussions which mr trump has acknowledged will be difficult. Lets talk to leon sigal. Leon is from the social Science Research council in new york. He also worked in arms control for the Us State Department and is an expert on north korean us relations. Thank you forjoining us on bbc news. Given the time frame from the administration of president obama that by the end of Donald Trumps first term, north korea could well have a nuclear capability, are we reaching a crunch point now in the relations with that regime . Yeah, were getting close, and the problem is that the only out is to try to negotiate with the north koreans. That is something that the us can do on its own, actually, so if that is what mr trump was referring to, that isa what mr trump was referring to, that is a possibility. The north koreans do want to talk to the us, and they have their own Security Concerns that they want to work out with us. President trump has said he is willing to have a burger with the north korean leader. Is that something you seriously think that happen, not necessarily with a burger, but the actual meeting . He talked a lot about it in the campaign, and that was surprisingly they are not a lot of votes in talking to the north koreans. On the other hand we are now hearing noises i assume the pushed china into helping us, and the chinese will helping us, and the chinese will help us if we are negotiating. What they cant do is they cant force they cant do is they cant force the north koreans to do anything that the north koreans dont want to do. And so the question is is trump serious about negotiating . We dont know. He has made it clear he will solve this problem without the chinese. Yes, there is the possibility of him having talks directly with pyongyang, but that china needs to be part of the solution, doesnt it . Not really. To understand the north korean position it is best that we understand they want the us, South Korea And Japan to change their relationship in fundamental ways, which would give it more security and not leave it dependent on the chinese. The chinese actually understand this and if you watch what the chinese have been saying for years, it is negotiate with the north koreans and see which you can get. Negotiations might not work, but they have worked in the past and there is a possibility they could work again. There is every likelihood there could be another missile test as the chinese president is in the United States, talking to president trump. Do you see anything constructive coming out of the talks between those two men this week . It is hard to see. If the north koreans think the chinese and the us are ganging up on it, what they have done in the past is Missile Tests and nuclear tests. They are clearly preparing at least the possibility of nuclear tests. The question is are the bluff bluffing . They the question is are the bluff bluffing . They can the question is are the bluff bluffing . They can do one, the question is whether they want to do it now. Much more coming up. Now it is time for the weather. Some of us had a great day, especially on the south coast. Lingering fog. A good deal of sunshine for england and wales. Changes afoot outwitted the west. A cold front will sweep across the uk. We will not see 18 degrees tomorrow we will see lower levels of pollen because the air is coming in from the atlantic. A fever sufferers, that is the good news. There will be read in england and wales tonight stop temperatures for the chilly in parts of scotland and Northern Ireland but they will see some sunshine through the morning. Some showers on the breeze. That is some Rain Across East Anglia and the south east. That would be there into the afternoon. After a great start for wales and the south west, Edgar Ba Rreto for wales and the south west, Edgar Barreto up into the afternoon. A top temperature of about 15 degrees. The couple cleared away and it turns chilly. A chilly start the weapons they put a dry day everywhere. A bit ofa they put a dry day everywhere. A bit of a breeze and variable cloud. This is Bbc News At Five, the headlines russian Officials Say at least nine people are dead, after an explosion on the St Petersburg metro. Dozens were also injured in the blast, which hit a train travelling between two stations. Five people have appeared in court in south london, charged in connection with an attack on a 17 year old Asylum Seeker, who suffered serious injuries including a fractured spine. Us President Donald Trump has said the United States will solve the Nuclear Threat from north korea, with or without chinas help. Theresa mays laughed off journalists questions about going to war with spain following a row over the future of gibraltar after brexit. It comes after the eu said any brexit decisions affecting the territory would be run past madrid. The financial watchdog says Credit Card Firms must do more to help millions of customers unable to clear their debts. Now, lets talk about sport. Arlene foster has the details. The Football Association will ask david moyes for his observations about those comments he made to a bbc reporter. The sunderland manager has apologised to Vicki Sparkes after telling her she might get a slap. He took an exception to her line of questioning about weather he was feeling the pressure after their match against burnley. The remarks were made after their tv interview finished. Just getting a wee bit naughty at the end. Watch yourself, you might get a little slap, even though you are a woman. Careful the next time you come in. He spoke today about the incident at a scheduled News Conference ahead of their match against leicester tomorrow. It was in the heat of the moment i deeply regret the i made, it is certainly not the person who i am andi it is certainly not the person who i am and i accept it was a mistake. I spoke at the bbc reporter who accepted my apology and hopefully we can all move on. Luke shaws Manchester United career looks to be over u nless Manchester United career looks to be over unless jose morinho is Manchester United career looks to be over Unlessjose Morinho is using reverse psychology. The England International has had england injury troubles. He has only featured once in the lead in the past five months and jose morinho give this brutal assessment of where he stands in his first team thinking at the moment. I cannot compare him with ashley young, other players, i cannot compare the way he trains, the way he commits, the focus, the ambition. I cannot compare. It is a long way behind. The womenss European Championship doesnt start for three and a half months but the england manager, mark sampson, named his final squad for the tournament in the netherlands. The top scorer, she has been left out. 19 players have experienced from the 2015 world cup but the Manchester City trio of stokes, kristiansen and paris and millie bright will all take part in the first tournament. Some of the 23 also injured. One reason anime is quite early is that we can have conversations about what will make the difference come the summer for individual players and what are some of the challenges they will face between now and the tournament and not being selected for the club is one challenge these players will have to overcome. We all want to be playing football but the important thing is for them to be where we need them come july. The first matches against scotland. They will name their squad much closer to the tournament. Shelley kerr will take over after the summer. She used to manage Arsenal Ladies and says she is proud and honoured to be named as the new scotland coach. She was the first female manager in the history of british menss senior football and she took charge of sterling in 2014. Lexi thompson was distraught after a four stroke penalty cost to the first major of the season. He was three shots clear in the final round with 60 play in california for the Television Viewer had e mailed officials after spotting this from her round the previous day. They would number for replacing her round the previous day. They would numberfor replacing herfall closer to the hole phone makers. She thought it was a joke when she was informed during the final round and despite your best effort she lost the an and a inspirational in a play off against her korean opponent. I played amazing today, probably the best golfer played all week. I wasnt expecting that on whichever hole that was. I did not intentionally do that, so to the officials or whoever called in, that was not my purpose. I didnt even realise they did that, but i fought ha rd realise they did that, but i fought hard come in and i didnt give up and then you could still win. So many players played great, so congrats to her. The winner said it was an unfortunate incident and she didnt think she had any chance of winning. One tennis line after the biggest win of her career, at the miami open on saturday, rising to seven in the world rankings, Johanna Konta has pulled out of the clay court event in charleston this week saying she has a Shoulder Problem and an illness as well. We will keep you up to date with that and the rest and the bbc sport website. I will be back with sportday at half past six. The investigation after the Asylum Seeker was beaten in croydon and is recovering in hospital, police are sent the development of arrests in relation to the incident is now 16. Two more people have been arrested. We know that five people appeared in court in south london in relation to that. The total number of arrests in relation to that investigation following the attack on the Asylum Seeker. Theyre in croydon has now reached 16. Lets return now to our main story now, the explosion on the St Petersburg metro. With me is our security correspondent, frank gardner. The authorities, or at least the Prime Minister, dmitry medvedev, is saying this is terror related. |j dont saying this is terror related. dont think there was ever really any doubt that this was terrorism. Some hours ago the Prosecutor General said it was terrorism then he retracted it because it was a little premature officially, but yes, there was no warning given, the target was civilians, packed like are intoa target was civilians, packed like are into a cramped, confined space. It was a time for maximum carnage, although if it happened at a commuter town, it could have been even worse. The fsb, the successor to the soviet era kgb, they are having an investigation. They are very good at it. They have their own frantic bomb experts. They will have been examining the cctv, the testimony of witnesses and also looking at forensic clues, the explosive residue which brings us to the question who is likely to have done this . No one has claimed responsibility so far, but the two main areas of suspicion are going to fall on so called Islamic State, or groups inspired by them, jihadists. Around 7000 russian nationals have gone to fight in syria, to join extremist groups. Some have returned. They are all under surveillance. The second group, which has a form for attacking transport hubs, is chechen militants, chechen nationalists. It could be a combination of the two. The majority of russian nationals who have gone to join jihadists groups, from the north caucasus, da g esta n groups, from the north caucasus, dagestan and chechnya. Both areas have been on and off in conflict with moscow. It could be a combination. That is where the fsb will focus their research. We are getting reports from the Interfax News Agency that Search Warrants have been issued for two people over the attack on the metro in St Petersburg. Search warrants have been issued for two people. They are looking at cctv which suggests that. There are suggestions that someone involved in the attack has been identified from cctv. Rather confusingly they called the organiser. Organisers dont go near the scene of the crime, they sit back and direct, that is what they do. It is possible, if this Islamic State, that it was directed from as far back as syria, but it is hard to say it not confirmed. It is more likely something done locally and the fewer people involved, the harder it is to detect. There are reports in Russian Media that a man was seen leaving a briefcase containing possibly the bomb, the ied, and that person has been identified, but we do not yet know the name for what the image looks like. Many thanks. Are you travelling in credit cloud debt, the Financial Services regulator is proposing new transfer credit Cloud Companies killed millions of customers can have long term debt. The regulations are designed to help borrowers whose failure to settle accou nts borrowers whose failure to settle accounts mean the end of paying more in charges and interest than the sum of the original debt. Credit cards, so convenient, but the interest and charges rack up. Some people are eventually paying £2. 50 for every £1 they have borrowed. For the 3. 4 billion people who are in persistent Credit Card Debt, we want to make sure they get help much sooner than otherwise done, and that they get it on a predictable basis. Persistent debt means they are spending years are paying more in charges and interest than in repayments. So after 18 months the card company will have to prompt them to pay back faster. After three years, a formal repayment plan should be proposed, and if the customer cannot afford it, interest and charges could be waived and the card cancelled. I think Credit Card Companies should take on more responsibility to help people that may be more vulnerable. They shouldnt encourage people to have credit cards who cannot afford them. People do have to take responsibility for their own money, as well. The cost of being stuck in Credit Card Debt can escalate, and in the end it is the Card Companies who are making money out of it. Its estimated that if these measures are implemented effectively, it could save the card users up to £1. 3 billion a year. Debt experts say that is treating the symptom and not the cause, which is that people are allowed to go so long without repaying. You look at the way that credit cards are structured. Minimum repayments, people can take out a large ish balance and repay it in very small amounts, which is trapping millions of people in persistent debt. So unless that is changed and the structure of products are at a more realistic repayment at the outset, we are likely to see more people falling into persistent debt in the future. Credit Card Companies say they will look at the proposals, which they welcome. Use of the cards is rising rapidly, so pressure to help borrowers who find themselves with problems is likely to grow. Emergency services and armed forces in colombia are still searching for as many as 300 people who have been missing since a series of huge mudslides engulfed the city of mocoa on friday. More than 250 people are known to have died. Our correspondent, anisa kadri, reports. Rescuers in Colombia Hunt for any signs of life. The hopes of finding anyone alive are fading, with hundreds already confirmed dead following the mudslides in mocoa. As bodies are aligned up at this cemetery, families wait outside praying they will not find their relatives inside. Translation the really sad thing is when Family Members find their loved ones in this situation. It hurts to see it. We are lacking support. The fire service is always here but we need a lot of support. Roads and bridges were washed away and houses flattened, after more than a weeks rainfall fell in one night. Getting help to People Living deep within the amazon basin is not easy. But people in the colombian capital, bogota, who donated these supplies hope they get there. Troops and children work side by side to try to get relief to the injured. Translation the situation in a Disaster Area is very bad. We can feel the anxieties, even here in bogota. We feel it is everyones responsibility to help in the Disaster Area because the number of casualties and missing people is huge, and many families are looking for missing relatives. The colombian president has visited the area. Critics say he should have done more to protect it from heavy rainfall amid concerns about climate change. Last night in a televised address he promised his government would support the victims and pay for the cost of funerals. Translation i know the loved ones lost re replaceable. The pain will stay with us forever but it is possible to mitigate it. It is possible to recuperate. It is possible to overcome the tragedy. Hope as possible. We will dedicate ourselves to bringing hope back to mocoa. Dozens of children are among the dead. For these survivors at a makeshift soup kitchen, food, drink and shelter will be the start of the process to rebuild their lives. Lets have a look at some of the other stories making the headlines. Members of the Aslef Union Have rejected a deal aimed at ending the long running dispute about trevor only trains on southern railway. It is the second time drivers have rejected the recommendation of their leaders. Passengers have injured almost a year of disruption as a result of the dispute. The man has pleaded guilty to causing the deaths of two young girls and it hit and run into them. A 12 year old and an 11 year old killed while crossing a road on new years eve. Shares in British Technology company have plummeted by more than 60 after its main client, apple, said it would no longer be using its products. Imagination technologies pictographic chips for iphones and ipads, apple says it is developing its own graphics platform. Talks aimed at restoring Northern Irelands Power Sharing government have resumed. Stormont parties missed last weeks deadline for forming an executive after negotiations broke down and sinn fein said it would not nominate a deputy first minister. We have spent the day engaging with the two governments and the other Political Parties on a range of issues, however, the issues and challenges have not changed. The governments in particular are acutely aware of what needs to happen here. We need the implementation of previous agreements. If we can succeed in that then we can move forward toward the establishment of an executive and the rebuilding of this place in terms of Public Confidence and the services the public are demanding can be laid forward. Lets get the previous agreements up and running and we can get this close up and running again. Arlene foster said her party wanted a government for Northern Ireland set up as quickly as possible. Our priorities are in and around dealing with Vital Services for our communities, weather that is in health and education, in infrastructure or have stability for our economy to grow. We have again said we are ready to become involved in an executive, but others have different priorities and therefore they have made it clear that they wanted to do with those parodies as opposed to the priorities that we have for the people of Northern Ireland. Our top stories, an explosion on the metro in St Petersburg has killed at least nine people and injured dozens more. The russian Prime Ministers as it was a Terror Attack. Seven people have been charged in association with a teenage Asylum Seeker in south london. Pressel entrance is america will solve the north Korean Nuclear issue with or without chinese help. Here are enacted on the markets. Not a good day. The ftse and the dax both down. In early trading in the United States the dow and nasdaq both down. A Charity Claims more than 20 Million People in the uk are classed as physically inactive. The British Heart Foundation says the average person spends over 70 days a yearjust sitting. It warns that inactivity puts people at risk of heart disease, and presently costs the nhs more than £1 billion a year. Heres graham satchell. Than £1 billion a year. Harriet had no warnings, no symptoms. She was climbing the stairs at home when she had a heart attack at the age ofjust 44. It was like having the rug pulled from under your feet. I have a very young family. I have a very demanding job, which i loved. To suddenly be struck by such a traumatic incident was very difficult. I didnt make time for activity or exercise. I think looking back on it now, i was fairly sedentary. Harriet is not alone. The most inactive part of the uk is the north west of england, according to research. 47 of adults dont take enough exercise. In Northern Ireland, 46 are inactive. In wales it is 42 . London and the west midlands, 40 . And in scotland, 37 . We estimate that on average most of us spent 78 days of our life each year in a sedentary position. Physical activity is important. But you also need to reduce the amount of time each day that you spend sitting at your computer. Harriet has now changed her lifestyle. Regular exercise, walking, playing with her kids. But inactivity is fast becoming one of the leading causes of premature death. Graham satchell, bbc news. Now, for years theres been a rumour in bristol that somebody has been going out late at night, correcting Bad Punctuation on the citys shop fronts. The self named Grammar Vigilante corrects street signs and shop signs where the apostrophes are in the wrong place. Well, our correspondentjon kay, has been to meet the mystery man who some have dubbed a hero. Hes the banksy of Bad Punctuation. Roaming the streets of bristol, righting wrongs. Im a grammarvigilante. I do take it to heart. Ive been doing it for quite a lot of years now. I do think its a cause worth pursuing. Working alone, and in secret, he makes Punctuation Marks to stick on errant signs. Im trying to match the colour of the apostrophe thats needed on the shop. He has even made a special device, which he calls the apostrophiser, which lets him reach the highest shop fronts. Oh, look at that, thats worked perfectly. A quick demonstration on the dining room wall. What i need to do now is turn the apostrophiser around so i can apply the roly poly end here. By day, hes a highly qualified professional. Only a handful of his closest friends and family know what he gets up to after dark. I have felt extremely nervous, the heart has been thumping. Ive got to make sure that its technically right. He started his campaign 13 years ago. This was the first sign he tackled, amys nails. Apostrophe deleted. Hes left his mark throughout this area of bristol, his punctuation mark. Apostrophes added. Apostrophes removed. There will be some people, maybe the owners of these shops, who say, hang on a minute, you havent got permission, we havent asked you to do this, what youre doing is a crime, vandalism. What do you say to them . Id say its more of a crime to have the apostrophes wrong in the first place. Theres one sign he has been desperate to correct for years cambridge motors. Motors with an apostrophe s. Itjust makes me feel gross. I just think this is just wrong. Its not meant to be like this. It really does need sorting out. The garage is right outside bristols high security prison. Using a purpose built, home made trestle, he climbs up, cuts a piece of yellow sticky backed plastic to size, and covers the rogue apostrophe. Reporter notice anything . Not really, no. We went to see the man who has owned the garage for 30 years. Whos done that . There is a man. Yes. Who lives around these parts, i cant tell you about him. I thank him for what hes done. You dont mind . No, i dont mind at all no, its good to see people still caring about english grammar, isnt it . When you go past a sign that youve corrected, and you know that youve made. The word you are looking for is pride. Pride. Yeah, ive been the one who has been there and sorted it out and got it grammatically correct. It does make my heart swell slightly when i see the correct apostrophe. Well you can hear more on the apostrophiser from jon kay on bbc radio 4 tonight at 8 oclock. Lets go to St Petersburg. This is the scene there, not far from the Metro Station where nine people died ina Metro Station where nine people died in a blast just Metro Station where nine people died in a blastjust after lunchtime today. 50 others were injured. The Prime Minister of russia, dmitry medvedev, is now saying this was a terrorist attack. Flowers being laid and candles therefore some of those who died today. Time for a look at the weather, heres jay wynne. Good evening. It has been a mixed bag across the uk as is often the case. Lovely sunshine in much of england and wales. He is the view from london. We got to 18 degrees east of london and the pollen count was quite high in much of england. Both the temperature and the pollen count because toward the north west we have cloud, that is a cold front, which will edge in and it will change the air. We will see more in atla ntic change the air. We will see more in Atlantic Air Coming Change the air. We will see more in atlantic aircoming in change the air. We will see more in Atlantic Air Coming in for the next few days with limited cold. The pollen count will be back down to moderate levels. Here is the Weather Front bringing grains tonight over england and wales and quite a lot of cloud, some of it quite low. That will help Keep Temperatures in comparison with last night whereas in scotland and Northern Ireland we have Clearing Skies and it would be chilly. Its the morning and in the south west of england and wales it will be a bit dull and travel to start the day pipe udm not much room left it would be pretty cloudy. Some cloud will be quite low. A good start here and there will be old brea ks start here and there will be old breaks of Rain Across East Anglia and the south east which would stick around for some cloud will be quite low. A good start here and there will be old breaks of Rain Across East Anglia and the south east which would stick around for some time. Some parts doing well in the morning. Windy in the north west and some showers from early on. We will keep those showers going across the north west of scotland. Southern scotla nd north west of scotland. Southern scotland will do well into the afternoon. Wales and the south west should brighten up the rain is over east anglia and the south east into the afternoon. It dull and grey day here. Temperatures down on today, but peeking around 15 degrees around cardiff. It is 11 and 12 across scotla nd cardiff. It is 11 and 12 across scotland and Northern Ireland. On interwoven state, we have High Pressure building its way across the uk is such that will be with this for quite some time. It will settle things down. Some isobars on the charge. Breezy from the north west. A forecasting headache about how much cloud we were seated wednesday, thursday and friday. A fair bit on wednesday but not much rain. If you showers in the west of scotland. But this is fine and dry with the current bricking up at times and some sunshine getting through. Doctor rogers 111415 degrees giving a little bit of sunshine. Summer days on thursday and friday. Chilly first thing. It is 11 degrees and a fair bit of cloud of times on friday. At least ten killed and Dozens Injured after an explosion on the metro system in St Petersburg. Fear and confusion on the daily commute, the Prime Minister says its an act of terror. The scene moments after, as passengers make their way through a smoke filled concourse. The entire system is now closed, with extra security. Translation Law Enforcement and special services are working and will do all they can to try and find the cause of whats happened. Well be looking at who might be behind the blast. Also tonight. Seven people, including two sets of siblings, are charged with the attack on a teenage Asylum Seeker in south london. Jaw jaw not war war, theresa may laughs off any suggestion of war with spain over gibraltar. Im sorry, says sunderland manager david moyes, after he suggests he might slap a female reporter in an interview

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