Live. Live live. Now and. The a live. At the a. Move . To a. List the a. Long list. Of. Thank You. Thank her for. The truth. Was. I thank. You. I. Thank. Her hooves p.c. So much that I'm trying to hold the line and. Welcome to my company for the weekends gonna read a letter back I absolutely flew by and it was one of those weekends or Saturday what's going on with. A fresh new wake and not feel this way and especially in the afternoon we are going to be talking to. After 3 o'clock we're going to be finding out about action women from old. $29.00 and what an incredible year for women in sports I'm more on that after 3 today we have a road trip. Now only sweet we are going to be finding out about the beautiful city of wells and absolutely coach said was met with the. It's more about the. Going to be finding out about the bishops. He's going to give us the details about how she trains the Swans. And that's all coming up in the next as well and as well as all that we have today because it's songs on the Somerset soundtrack so she's got 4 songs she's picking they some great ones for you today but he's right now in the city. So. It. Was. The touch. Is Big see some effects and it's starship we built the city coming up next we go simply red and sweet child coming up for you also today Anstice day and lots of people have been sharing lots of things over the weekend and one of the people that did share something was Guy Ritchie the film director now Guy Ritchie and Hugh Grant have recreated this stunning photo and it is showing their fathers in the same Scottish military regiment 65 years ago I think it's actually their grandfather's So Guy Ritchie and the actor Hugh Grant they recreated a photo showing the Pez father's who was stationed in the same military regiment 65 years ago the team and it was Captain John Ritchie and Captain James Grant they were stationed in Singapore as part the Seaforth Highlanders and amazingly the grandfathers of production assistant Rory good was also on the peasant a film the gentleman was also in this cold snap as well so what happened was Guy Ritchie got together with Hugh Grant and also the other guys whose grandfather was a. Photo and they recreated the photo and then yesterday Guy Ritchie shed it on his Instagram account but is just is an incredible fight. And it's just amazing the is Guy Ritchie Hugh Grant and one of the producers the production assistant that they're sharing the same fight and it was that fathers and grandfathers in the fight 65 years ago incredible he gets this some point today this Friday. Biggest game. Of hide and seek. And see. The suspect Thanks so much for. Calling. 3. Somerset skills one presenter in the b.b.c. Children in the. Car just going through the b.b.c. Children it's up to you to. Track it down but if you've got what it takes for this Friday feel to get the v.c. Summer. To. Issue. Somerset was out on Friday that is simply read the new song Sweet Child is a lovely song they did a tour in October as well and that was released on Friday I know recently said about the new album that's come out they said at this stage in his career he could have done one of those dark reflective albums looking back on Law and all that kind of stuff that people tend to do. But no make said No I just went for it did some punchy and I wanted to have a good time and a brilliant song right there from simply red and the sweet child so this is my life for it coming up very soon we have the Somerset soundtrack on the way we got Luis picking a favorite songs today some great songs he's going to pick in for you he's mixing Nightingale right now that's right Mark back where we started from some a sad. Sad B.b.c. Somerset. With Mt Everest. And Were is pretty Somerset and Liam Payne Rita Ora that is for you one of the songs that is just bring it to go running to not done it but it would be running. Right not you know. Not the weather at the minute it's awful you did go out horse riding over the way I did Saturday I found a slight small window when it wasn't right and it was all full on Saturday it just . So Mr and I went out for dinner and we didn't go out for a long half an hour but it's just just start raining would go on got got back yeah they drive so good but really you lucked out there there's these incredible photos today in the paper of the Queen still horse riding and night Israel She's amazing. Things come yes but you know and I'm 93 to be out there on her beautiful horse and this was obviously on yesterday I remember this day she went out in the morning before she went to Santa tarty how to respond which is just a credible. Threat absolutely amazing. Travel update b.b.c. Somerset So Bridget has a look on the roads it's actually relatively quiet from Monday and 5 and 83 looking fine through the county bridge also just a little bit busy along the Broadway in the center and on to normal congestion along a street and the train my looking a bit slow on the a 358 towards junction $25.00 at the m 5 which is to have the lights 3 months and Heathfield on the a $3.00 to $59.00 that's causing some delays and also more lights out at the ship so they did a 358 a temperature flights with the roadworks there and cakes like predictably 8 or 9 between Glastonbury and while that's looking slow as it is the back into Glastonbury itself just by St Dunstan's school got roadworks Ackles in delays as well and the a 358 x. And it's a right that's closed in both directions between charts and tap with that stance drainage works next couple of weeks and got replacement bus service running on Great Western Railway between Exodus and David's and Western Superman Castle Cary and also the mail you may find later. On the route between London Paddington and Plymouth So the advice is to check before you travel anything else you spot they do give us a call 806-7866 expert to. Somerset sweater b.b.c. Somerset looking at the weather then the softening is going to remain windy. Today really scattered showers to the winds going to make it feel rather chilly temperatures around $69.00 degrees Celsius that's $43.00 to $48.00 degrees Fahrenheit but on to this evening and tonight it's going to be chilly. And further scattered showers around but it is fresh to strong westerly winds it was earlier on they are going to persist in certain places as well could be down to $1.00 to $4.00 degrees Celsius that's 34 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit definitely definitely trying to get the succulents. Going on about me succulents now we are going to do this today picking her favorite songs we have the very lovely new way. And it is the soundtrack right now we got to pick a favorite song for today how you raise your right. To say. She's picking the songs with you today to. Be a good choice. All right Ok so you got a chance to pick 4 of your favorite songs today we're going to start off with Song number one what's it going to be and why. Why. It was. A. Really good. We've been married now for 14 years. One. Them with when. They go in the car and when you get strange maybe we just put that on them within like the end with by the end of the song she would. Say that well I mean I've never had before going to sleep to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. You know. The bass player and he said it's a bass line but. We did the right. We play but by the way brilliant. Yeah that was the soundtrack to the. Holiday as well and the way to. Choice. The Red Hot Chili Peppers is that the song . And is the sunset soundtrack you can't beat the Red Hot Chili Peppers we have Louie speaking of favorite songs to die and you're going to pick your 2nd song right now it's going to be it by they like it if co-created in the heart and that reminds me he really wrote the hit remember him when things are late by get it within the 9 case it reminds me when I of the time I was livid in the 9 case and going out in London and just having a really good time and it was all to do with a video I was in and it was yeah it's an incredible video it was very psychedelic Yeah in fact that's what I remember it well but been in a and the video coming up in the video is the 1st on the disc and really. Really have a yeah that that's why I like that one and I like it that's another thing that we put on in the car in car journeys to make it a bit less boring we'll put that on and it took me to get you out definitely it was actually released in 1990 so that all scare us well yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I know there is then delight groups in the hot. The light that is grooves in the heart is big see some of that in the Somerset soundtrack right now and we got Louise picking a favorite songs you've had the Red Hot Chili Peppers daylight right there was some number 3 going to be a. Now I take it a. And it but I thought straight I can see reason behind this one well I was going to say that they. Spend the car and then I. Spend a lot of time to. Say that yeah that's unintentional but yeah it was the cause. When if I've been. And it's that time when you really want to Don but you can't. And if I require I can always. Weather it so this is for you that is a real. You. Know . Plane. Tree trunk. To school with now food supply actually. Combat conditions like. This Margaret kids couldn't. Stop wouldn't make good moves that you acted like a bag of. Steel moving this. Last meeting city to your risible. But. Strictly as you don't. Play away. Think about the. Kids. On the set. Fast when. Can I get. The point you are too. Easy. To point to. The point where. I like to point you to. See. Down the spam. Go. To the. Chemist go. With that. Even though. You can. Just shot it back. The way you work to. The point you. Get. To play. To play. Easy. A to play to. Be. Closer to. A. Stance. So we. Have. Some sound track how you feeling at. Christmas. Excited about. We went down. With the dog and it's really cold in Chile so that got me into the winter mate. Yet. The weather's definitely. Yeah yeah it's really really nice so right now we're going to. Song today and what's it going to be. To say that if you say. Requested by. I think it's a cover but. Yeah he just. Said it. When I was going to do this. Thank you so much for joining us today on the track. And. Cope. With that she tweeted actually about kids and make up these pictures with their children and I thought to be a bit like the photos the op put out when my kids were little with kids in my cap where my daughter had done my makeup. At some point absolutely smothered in make up . To me and with to get the stuff off coming up the next fleetwood mac and details about the. Art of the situation. The story captured of its musicians and that freedom to make music. Even if it was innovative. To. Turn it inside. The rules of. Next Friday. It's b.b.c. Somerset Fleetwood Mac. And that has got your own way and this is meant every afternoon welcome to Monday afternoon on b.b.c. Some us and coming up for you we have a road trip now all this week we're going to the beautiful city as well as it really is so peaceful it was a fizzle. But of course it is a city and it is so gorgeous today we're going to be chatting to more Anderson now Moira has the most fantastic job she gets to train swans and we're going to give you more details on how she trained Swans to ring bells very soon is just amazing so that is all coming up for you in the road trip some great music on the way very soon from r.e.m. Losing my. Religion and a bit of Postman I'm. Your county your station. B.b.c. Use and it's. Just going to 2 o'clock Here's Emma with the latest bullies out of the back seat policy Nigel Francia said his party won contest Tory held seats in the next election Mr Froggatt announced he was abandoning plans to field more than 600 candidates in order to prevent another Bracks it referendum speaking in the West Midlands the prime minister gave his reaction I'm glad that there is a recognition that there's only one way to get a break and that is to vote for the conservatives but all that is so much would be so much more easier if we could get back see over the line official figures show the u.k. Avoided falling into a recession by returning to growth between July and September the Office for National Statistics says the economy expanded by no point 3 percent his antivirus say it was widely expected that the economy would grow in the summer after its poor performance in the spring and no point 3 percent growth was slightly slower the most economists expected but did show its healthiest rise for months in services and also reflected more activity in the construction sector however the OAS pointed out the growth over the whole year to the end of September added up to just one percent that's the weakest annual performance since the beginning of 2010 when the country was emerging from the deep recession caused by the global financial crisis there were upbeat figures on trade today where exports rose perhaps helped by a weak pound that made u.k. Made goods cheaper to buy with dollars or euros and therefore more competitive the amount by which imports exceed exports the trade deficit shrank by $5000000000.00 pounds to $6400000000.00 pounds events have been taking place around the well to Mark Armistice Day as Daniela rough reports the u.k. Found Simon a small. Awning in memory of fallen soldiers on the 11th of November 919 the 1st 2 minutes silence with observed 100 years on it remains a moment to pause and to reflect. The National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire is where remembrance happens daily all year round but today is different and Armistice Day service was held along with a 2 minute silence across Britain at 11 o'clock people stopped wherever they were to remember who. The 2 minute silence for the introduced by King George the 5th his desire that the nation should stop every year to honor lives lost remains at the center of remembrance a century later more than 170 volunteers helped during the big bow the north east Somerset community clear up this included school children businesses and community groups who moved more than $100.00 sanction of lesser the great spend more than 200 hours in the clean up the council says clearing up litter or items that have been flight it costs it tens of thousands of pounds each year a new documentary Will am on the b.b.c. Tonight showing why tourists love to come to Glastonbury the great staycation at Glastonbury get away with the fairies will air on b.b.c. West and we'll look at how the town draws in tourists from the u.k. And the kind of things that are there for them to do it also speak to the people running services for the state time Brits the program at 730 and one appear on b.b.c. I player later on but fly on headline the next live in Somerset the great which reformed their shit have a 7 number one singles is from live in Somerset and told us how we ended up booking the Great for July the 10th. After it was the one we saw. After live. And I said I'd like to bring along. We want to. Find a form. Shorter the auto. After the short. Course you are. At the weather the softer name will remain windy with a mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers the wind will make it feel chilly and high stay of 9 degrees Celsius that's 48 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. Summer Sunny's It's 3 minutes past. The traveller b.b.c. Somerset excited about my flight home I'm going to read that you know what I think a great life a life. With the latest on the road it's not looking too bad no problems to report on the m 5 or the a 3 o 3 through the county something just busy along a street in toll way in center and travelling out out of town towards Hank ridge on the a $35.00 that's looking busy through the languages we've got on going there Bridgewater . Starting to look slow into town and busy along Broadway and Bart's road and a mountain he got road works near to the cricket ground on the a 3259 also baller road currently closed so that's a quite slow and low pass and Dunston school on the 839 s. a Little further up the road as well through Coakley also road works causing delays there a 35 day on the outskirts of the city about sticking so we got road works on that stretch and the a 358 Axminster road currently coast in both directions between paradise lane in charge and houses lane at tat with us due to drainage works and on the trains it's worth checking for you travel as there are replacement bus services running on you are between acts just in David's and Weston super Mare across the Kerry also likely delays on the Paddington to Plymouth line and with some in on Carnival the sea evenings they expect road closures around and about the town from 7 o'clock on Weds nothing to pour else otherwise anything else we need to know about they do gives a call at 806781566 thank you Bridget coming out for you very soon we have the road trip today in the beautiful weather.