The b.b.c. Sound this out and b.b.c. News at 10 and more wrong decision so they weather warnings for snow and ice remain in place for much of northern eastern and southern Britain while the Met Office has issued Scotland's 1st red warning meaning there's a risk to life in London a man's died after falling into a frozen lake almost all rail operators have experienced delays and cancellations and a number of major roads have had to close thousands of schools have also been forced to shut these parents that Bishopton and Renfrewshire were forced to keep their children at home I was made aware of the callousness of skill so. He let me take ballet and normal Take Your Child to Work Day He had a related reason yet he would normally be all the skills because you can get the arc of the home I think if I could play just 3 men are being questioned on suspicion of manslaughter in connection with an explosion in Leicester on Sunday night 5 people were killed in the blast which destroyed a supermarket and a 2 story flat former prime minister said John Major has called for parliament to be given a free vote on the final break that deal he says M.P.'s should be able to vote with their conscience rather than along party lines he's also raised the prospect of a 2nd referendum to well known retail chains have gone into administration putting thousands of jobs at risk Maplin employees 2 and a half 1000 shop staff toys r us has $3000.00 Gary Grant is managing director of the Entertainer toy stores He says the marketplace has changed I think the types of products that people are buying trying and I think large high value are being bought more money into next to get over to your door and it's easy to get hold of small about Iraq I'm very eager to pick up install Toyota will build its new hours car to spend a certain plant in Darbyshire with most of the engines being made at the side in North Wales the move looks to have secured more than 3. 1000 jobs that you can Duchess of Cambridge Prince Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been outlining their charitable vision for the future they promote causes like heads together and the Invictus Games Nicholas Witchell reports it was the 1st working appearance by the foursome who will take the royal family forward for decades to come in a speech William said their parents said set them an example of compassion and duty their grandparents had made support for charity central to their decades of service their task Williams said was to engage in public life in a way which was updated and relevant for what he called our generation to that end in a discussion that followed Meghan Markle said she was looking forward to hitting the ground running on issues like women's rights after her wedding in May and the weather strong easterly winds will give exceptional wind chill in all areas of the country tomorrow snow showers will continue in the north and an area of more persistent snow will move into the south and southwest of Britain a top temperature for most of around 2 degrees Celsius b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10. Inches and. Once again I. Tell you something I've noticed a joker has been picking the music to not listen to the words. On. Well the Bellamy Brothers it's a classic song and I hope you enjoy hearing it again as I always do still sounds as fresh to me as it did in 176 when it came out and that was let your love flow in case you didn't know did you know the Bellamy Brothers their names were Howard and David Bellamy but no he didn't have a big hairy beard and go quite nuts I must just tell you before we go any further tonight need to give you updated information on the travel front because we just got some stuff that's coming in 1st of all let me deal with the roads if you're traveling on the m $4087.00 bridge or intending to do so mom of the year the strong winds between junction 2 Chepstow and junction one for ast have now been adjusted the the signs for the control in that area being adjusted I mean with the signs set to 40 mph because as the winds get up then obviously they slow this traffic down so your advice to approach with care and a little bit of caution that if you're travelling between junction 2 for Chepstow junction one for Aust on the m 48 now at reg Lynch in Somerset we're told that that's closed in both directions at the moment with very slow traffic due to a building fire this is between Trendall lane road Lynch and park wall in Bruton we're told that the building fire is affecting traffic which is travelling between Bruton and women can't and we've no details as to how long it's likely to be before that's under control but it is ongoing so if you using the be 30813 Reg Lynch in Somerset please be aware you are about to be diverted and that apart all appears to be Ok on the road so far however I've just had some information which is coming in concerning rail services across parts of the West Country and specifically in the south of Wiltshire we're told and this is relating to information for use of the. Southwestern railways network tomorrow we are told that trains between souls Bree and London Waterloo will run between Salzburg and Basingstoke and then they're told that trains between exigence and Davidson Waterloo will run as normal but they are advising everybody and understandably so that if you are planning to travel tomorrow by train to check your journey and plan it there they say they're working with the partners Network Rail to help reduce the Rudolph the disruption caused by the snow and ice which is expected tomorrow for the news as and when we get it of course we will bring you out right here since we get on The Late Show between now and one. Side and well welcome long to the one state Late Show and it's one of these where we're going to say tonight we literally have a toll on the program what we can do anything about the headache of the incoming weather very best to keep you up to date with the very latest forecasts the news and travel along the way now our subject matter tonight is going to range from shopping to swingers you don't look at your radio like that and why people in the Cotswolds appear to have too much money now in this hour of the program at supermarket shelves emptying ahead of the arrival of the big phrase I'm going to be asking in a short while after we've lost our minds. Later are feeling the west country so rich they don't need a lottery win Well it seems there's more unclaimed money doing the rounds but maybe you just don't need this and if so you can hand over the ticket Alex and I will happily go off and swung around on a cruise and maybe do a program from the ship. Also tonight a new group for politically minded women in will share this is to celebrate 100 years of the vote and International Women's Day which is next week Alex as I mentioned is here with a Wednesday night quiz that's on the way at $1120.00 we're going to be in search of weather related topical tunes at $1030.00. Strange story here and let's 1st though enjoy a bit of nostalgia with songs from the u.k. You top 20 singles charts on this day in history as we go across the decades. Was. The here with me on that I. Remind her that we will keep you up to date with the latest information Jaring the imminent appalling weather will keep you up to date with the ladies forecast we'll know how it's going to impact on your travel plans and we'll have news of any school closures and when we get them so for the latest up to date information keep it right here and stay up to date with b.b.c. Somerset. Song. Bad. They come. To get. She. Has. A good. She. Says Hey I. Just. Well that has a little piece of his own in pop history really and that is Paul McCartney's 1st ever solo single after leaving the Beatles and it was at number 4 on this day 971 it was the 1st of the Beatles' solo songs I think from memory Marvin Rango who was 1st there perhaps Anyway Paul with another day and we then had George with My Sweet Lord we had John Lennon with power to the people and we have bring Go With It Don't Come Easy all of them piling into gether So we sort of had the Beatles all in the charts at the same time give or take a week or 2 but it was McCartney number 4 on this day in 1971 and that was Song number 4 on our musical trip across the decades here on The Late Show now Carter's Thursday break for show not only heralds the arrival of the 1st of March but also you'll be 1st with the bad weather as it comes in so we'll keep you in touch with how it's going to affect you joining the course of the program also on the agenda how one Somerset village will be helping its most vulnerable residents during the extreme weather and the story of a somerset mom who left messages and arranged surprises for friends and family before her death that and plenty more besides bit of boxing to breakfast with from 630. The. And at the end dinner was served and that concludes our 5 songs tonight about musical trip across the decades we started with the brothers from $961.00 with walk right back then from the 28th of February 981 it was status quo with something about you baby I like Dido from 9 note from 2001 with here with me and then Paul McCartney from 1981 with another day and then from 9091 it was the source featuring the voice of candy statement and you got to love and quite an interesting little story behind that because there are 3 different versions of that there was the original version which was the one we played there was the one which was a sort of beefed up dance tune which then followed it up the charts and then later came the version which are arrived in the charts with an even bigger hit Number 4 on this day 991 but there was a sort of bit to be free be free bouncy bouncy for this late night radio show so I thought we could go back to the original which hopefully will have enjoyed as much anyway our musical trip across the decades now concludes for tonight and we hope you'll join us as we do that again at round about 10 past 10 on The Late Show tomorrow night the theory is I should be here. But here's a surprise possibly earlier on this summer is welcome all part of the biggest selling singles artist of the eighty's. By This is Jack Cochran at your chapters shaky you celebrate his birthday this Sunday with some of his many hits lost traction the future successful album 2016 echoes of our times and of course finding out what is coming up what is different but like somebody not with shaky part of the local mob party with me Jeff Barker. From 6 o 5 much appreciate the after 7 on the on line and on the i Player across the b.b.c. In the West. Ham and cheese and b.b.c. . I just can't wait I'm hoping that shaking Stevens will be asked by Geoff Barker you know what do what are you doing for your birthday shaking your say well I'm going to have live abroad in goggles and I'm going to have kids because you've got to have cake on your birthday I mean you've got to have cake on your birthday Alex you say when is your birthday my birthday is January Oh yeah it has passed by gives you lots of time to start preparing the big if you're going to get me next year I didn't say I was going to buy you anything little presumptious of you we've only been there 5 minutes puff Well let me think what we were expecting you to buy a Rolls Royce Bently I mean it would have been life but I don't want to push for it I have to say when I see a surprise your way would be a bloomin miniature dinky toy or something that you get a vote and mind you actually have a disappear down to well known toy store I might find some down there now Ok that would go a long and sad news for everybody who so I mean to really major retail outlets you know toys arose and so many people I've heard them say or say over the years you know that we're going to get the go and get the kids the presents and stuff and so they say oh you know you got to go down the store and so what we're going have a lot when they go and buy it online Well this is what happens when you do precisely the. Yeah it's a shame and also thoughts with our friends at Maplin as well and hope solution sort of comes around because everybody losing losing a job is not great news so I do hope that there is something good that comes out of all of this anyway Alex nice to see you you're welcome here and warm I hope just about I'm very jealous of your scar I wish I had worn more layers Well I know the I don't want to sort of go on about this but it does feel so cold in the studio to me tonight I'm almost tempted to put my top coat on I was considering where next time and the only trouble is the thing is that we cause in the Big Dog on this coach I'm trying to work out how we do the headphones on the road because I think that would be slightly challenging I think it's going to be hard enough you to even see where your control. Is it's huge Anyway yes bracing ourselves for the weather for tomorrow but anyway yes we'll have more on the subject of the late show for you and how it's going to pan out tomorrow night because of course it's so you weather dependent in that it may change the content of what we would have in our normal show we will have lots of music and chat but it may mean that our focus is slightly different in the things we do but also the possibility that we will definitely be with you bit by 10 but there is the possibility that also you may find that we may come on a bit earlier for reasons I won't go into but it's all to do with the fact that we're going to give you obviously all the information you need to ensure that you get yourself safely from a to b. If you are traveling but really the advice seems to be if you have to travel make sure it is done by lunch time certainly if at all possible don't go out at all for tomorrow the sound of it it's only nuts like me that have to do. Have to do that anyway right well Alex let's give it a go with tonight's topical tunes then and this is where if you've not heard it before we sent you a musical challenge it's a very simple one really we want you to help us find 3 musical selections that we can play in the gaps we have a temp asked midnight so the 3 songs have to it's called topical. Because we want them to be topical so we come up with a story from the news which takes our fancy for whatever reason and then throw it at you to see which suggestions you come up with a reminder the lyrics of the song do not count it is strictly a connection through the title of your song or the artist's name you do get brownie points if you come up with something in your artist's name as well so that's how the challenge works so now you need to know is what is the story I've chosen for you today this is quite brief but it is hugely entertaining a scale center has been forced to close today because of the snow Oh Ok the chatter the Chatham Ski and Snowboard center you did him me him it correctly that the Chatham Ski and Snowboard center said it had to close due to the current weather conditions now you might imagine that users of their service were a little off piste shall we say or maybe I think that was what they said but there are car park was in accessible and neither their staff nor the emergency services could reach the site which is an obligation you have to fulfil so they were left with no option but to close but of course everybody across social media upon seeing this story went completely nuts you know like what you see and snowboard center has had to close because he has no doubt you are joking but anyway a lot of people were not impressed they aired to their disbelief on social media one though suggesting that it didn't really matter because he lived at the top of a hill the conditions were perfect for him to ski down it so that's one way of tackling it but anyway it's a little unusual but it gives you lots of things to go out in terms of zoning suggestions or whatever so what of what have you come up with tonight we'll go for a song called snowed under by Keane. Right that's fair enough that's fair enough out of the boxes doesn't it does the us was I suppose or to actually put a slight rider on this one I really and that is to say if you are going to suggest any songs that relate to snow please no Christmas tunes. Because as funny as it is as funny as it is I can't blame them anyway there we leave it with Thank you Alex So it's over to you now and the big question is are you wide awake and willing to join in the fun tonight if you want to get in touch with the program from your bed if you're already cold up using your mobile phone your tablet or whatever all give you all the information but if you would like to call Alex would love to talk to you and the number is 034-590-5949 you can text the program 813 double 3 is the number but you must make sure please that your 1st word on the message is Cheers spelt c h i ask that's because the 1st word on your message tells the b.b.c. Which inbox it has to come to so it will come to me if you put it on and if you don't it won't and if you'd like to e-mail it's choose C.H.I.'s at the b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And over again you can always join in the merry crew and quite a substantial severance is already coming in at Facebook dot com slash radio the chair is. Now here on the show I did say to you. With my this. . Well you may remember a few nights ago I told you that Kim Wilde was back out on tour in the not too distant future and that one of the things that I was able to share was that she got a brand new album on the way that's the single from it and it's a belter she's back home form sounds just like she's back in the eighty's but with a slight sort of modern edge to it you know brilliant Kim Wilde and that's pop don't stop and have you enjoyed it here on The Late Show so where are we 2211 and in a moment I'm going to have a little chat with you about some of the things and he's going off to the supermarket tonight quite crazy really but let's just have a look at some of the suggestions which you've already made for tonight's topical tunes and see how your getting on well now look at this and nice to hear from you and thank you for your text which is arrived just literally a moment ago and just fell before my eyes and I thought that such a good suggestion there we go will immediately put this one out there Paul Simon and slip sliding away here very that's the sort of stuff that keeps us happy oddly enough Tommy Weston super Mare on our Facebook pages also suggested that it is Paul Simon though that won and thank you for that he's also suggested. I drove all night by Roy Orbison I'm not sure that people will be driving anywhere actually given what we're expecting tomorrow but we will see. You over the pond who suggest new Young's like a hurricane. We're not expecting that but still Now this is interesting because I did wonder whether anybody would come up with this suggestion because the thought entered my head about this song as well Marcus has come up with it Marcus suggest what about weakens ovation and skiing in the snow well done Marcus he also actually suggest to artists that have got a connection with a story in their artist's name so rather than the song title so he suggests informer by snow and of course run. By Snow Patrol very good Thank you Sylvia in Amesbury suggests Chemical Brothers and snow the dogs riders on the storm and snow patrol and what if this storm ends that's a sort of a double whammy so well done on that one and Diane nice to hear from you and Elvis Costello and I can't stand up for falling down very good that is so true for now cold as ice and windy by the association Yeah I can see that we've got loads and loads and loads coming in so thank you for your suggestions or read a few more of those out in a short while but if you'd like to contribute then by all means go to the Facebook page if you wish Facebook dot com slash radio the choose all one word r a d i o t h e c h i s and just add to the list it's always a good idea to read what's above so you don't duplicate that's always a good thing saves us all a bit time really but if you'd like to talk to Alex I know we'd love to talk to you and the number is 234-590-5949 is the Late Show. And you can't hurry love from 1983 good to have you company tonight quarter to 11 Alex is looking a bit like he's fed up at the moment I suspect he thinks the world has left him because the fans are now gone quiet again so if you were waiting for an Idol moment to get through now is as good a time as any because he sure is and. Thing is just sitting there pondering life the universe and what he's going to do about it all to make a difference anyway if you like to get through it so 345-905-9490 now what I want to know tonight is this what is the matter with everyone now I don't necessarily mean you but I mean are people completely losing their minds at the moment you see I've been reading today and this actually was backed up by a personal visit to a supermarket before I came in today was reading that supermarket after supermarket is being emptied by people stocking up as the big freeze comes into the West Country tomorrow Well forgive me for asking but why now I must admit when I was in the supermarket earlier on tonight I didn't see any evidence of shell was being empty but I have seen the photographs from people who say there's been what you might term panic buying I mean it's not 947 or 963 when the snow was literally 6 feet high is it and while we are likely to experience significant snowfall in blizzards Why are people rushing out to buy food like they're going to be snowed in for a fortnight $5.00 and $6.00 truthfully the worst should be over in a couple of days by which time everyone should be able to get to the shops and restock But seriously why do people do it I just simply don't get it if you are one who has I'd be very grateful if you called me now and explain what it is I'm missing about all this because you know why would you want to go to the shops and buy a fortnight's worth of food or whatever just because it's going to snow for 2 days I mean it just does not make sense certainly by Monday latest we're all going to be fine again and on the move possibly earlier you know. For example today I mean I was reading about a customer who was shocked by the empty shelves in the branch of a major supermarket insurable complaining that by 7 sorry 6 30 in the evening bread stocks were low and you'd be lucky to find tin soup already ready meals and the photograph sort of back that up. Of course supermarkets are doing their best to restock with shelves but if people are taking 4 of everything when they only need one or 2 then it seems like it's a bit of an overtop reactionary for me but I mean imagine that if somebody an elderly person needs some shopping and goes out to try and get some stuff and is unable to get the bits they need because someone has taken more than they need to maybe magine an old person like me going off to get the stuff to stop my larder on my pantry do we still have a lot as a man treat Does anybody listening to this program still have a pantry I want to know. Blah blah blah blah blah you know it doesn't make an awful lot of sense to me anyway it's 12 minutes to 11 now from my ranting today but I don't suppose I'll ever change things but it would be nice to think that people just stop to think and you know if you don't need spotlight somebody pointed out to me you don't need another guitar down don't buy one on the subways welcome all part of the biggest selling singles artist of the 80s. By This is Jeff Parker among a chap with shaky you celebrate his birthday this Sunday with some of his many hits us traction the future successful album 2016 echoes of our time and of course finding out what is coming up and what is different but they certainly are not we've shaken part of the rock'n'roll party with me Jeff Barker from 6 o 5 the chapter shaking from 7 am only I am on the odd plane from b.b.c. Somerset. I should just point out by the way I was And it was Dusty Springfield as if you needed telling now here on The Late Show then tonight's topical tune suggestions loads coming in and thank you very much for the ones which you've suggested tonight welcoming and I Sperry ation and cross-section as suggestions I got got some lovely messages here let me just quickly mention Johnny notes he has been in touch he says what the water gave me by Florence And The Machine who also had a number one with you've got the love now actually John I'm not sure that it did get to number one my memory serves me it made the top 5 but I don't think it made number one I may be wrong on that though and please don't shout at me if indeed I am but that might be worth just looking up on the the old net thing but I'm a bit busy to do it myself anyway John Steve Rex and Nancy thank you for your suggestion keep listening to find out whether or not it gets included later on Gary melt nice message this he says I know it's a bit obvious but I would love to hear snow bound by Genesis Well that's you never know you like Gary so hang on in there and keep listening we'll be playing the top 3 just after midnight tonight other suggestions we've had Nigel has suggested roadblock by stock a kin and Waterman Marian intro bridge you all did in Norty Marian Norty Marian Frosty the Snowman not taught. No Christmas songs. It's tricky I know but I did say no Christmas song anyway Snowbird and Mary white as snow by you 2 that's very good Bolduan thank you Jenny Hello to you s.o.s. By Abba snowblind by Black Sabbath and hazy shade of winter by Simon and Garfunkel Jane in Swindon as suggested skiing in the snow we're obviously not having seen what was written further on the thread there Jane because it's already in there weakens ovation cold as ice by foreigners also has been suggested earlier and madness and shut up and so I shall thank you Cheryl Hello Tio thank you for your suggestion of Whiter Shade Of Pale and the blizzard Judy Collins now I'm expressing surprise there because I don't actually know that track so that's that's a real the welcome surprise for me thank you and frozen by Madonna so excellent suggestions should point out you're only allowed 3 you have actually been before so I've taken 3 of the 4 hope you'll forgive me for that got to be fair to everybody. And Jane let me see here Jane suggests. Let me see I'm not too sure about. Pink Floyd I saw this baby Vanilla Ice is probably the best one of those. And that brings us pretty much up to speed I think with the exception of James who suggested It's Raining Men by the weather girls. You know I suppose I've only tracked people to give me lots of writing songs and some joins on good stuff anyway the weather girls also qualifies bring me sunshine Morcombe and wise and Snow Patrol Chasing Cars reminded James it's only 3 suggestions maximum he says by the way answer to the Cotswold question yes yes yes yes yes I had a customer in their 2nd home who paid 5 pounds for a single toilet roll and that was 10 years ago. About to come back to that because that will fit in when I actually get to the story once a little People might wonder what we've been talking about. People like that about this program a lot of. The Amy Winehouse with Ronson and Valerie now we got just a minute before the news just to say thank you for all your suggestions for tonight's contributions to the topic will close the lines literally in 30 seconds and then we'll pick 3 to play after midnight tonight we got a really good selection so thank you to one and all whether I've read them. Or Not just wanted to tell you we've got in addition to the information we're giving you tonight I do have some school closure information from all parts of the West Country So if this is likely to be of interest to you to pass on to maybe a relative if not directly relevant to you then you may like to hear the information I'm going to bring to the other side of the news bulletin which is on the way in just a moment so we'll have that alongside travel news and weather here on the light show and if you scared to stay with us we've got some great tunes coming to. The.

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