6 losing votes in 2 days. chaos and the republican party as hard liners block kevin mcafee's bid to b. u. s. house speaker: ah, i'm old matheson and this is all 0 live from dough hop. also coming up. the auto group is totally united behind jerusalem and alex on laws under how michelle eve palestinian anger of the u. n. a day after israel security minister makes an incursion into the all og, some mosque compound b, e. u recommends pre flight covered testing for chinese travelers. swan south korea says close to one 3rd of arrivals from china, a testing positive, and trying to stay fighting fits, but the wounds of war may have shot at the dreams of this ukrainian boxer. ah, for a 2nd day, republicans in the u. s. house of representatives were unable to elect a speaker for the 100 and 18th congress. it was the 1st time in a century that the result wasn't determined in the 1st ballot. john hendrick reports from capitol hill. it's a high stakes political stand off on one side, republican liter, kevin mccarthy, in most of his party on the other a cadre of strong willed republican rebels in 6 ballots. over 2 days mccarthy's mainstream republicans had failed to muster the votes, to elect him his speaker of the us house of representatives. a speaker has not been elected. it was a scene of republican disarray, a block of 19 than 20, then 21, mostly members of the freedom caucus repeatedly stopped the party leader from reaching the necessary 218 vote threshold. mccarthy began the 2nd day of voting with optimism with but the republican rebels wanted dramatically limit the size of the federal government and overhaul the congressional rules to do that. and a series of concessions failed to satisfy them. rather after hours of deadlock votes, they took a 3 hour break for equally fruitless negotiation with the house be in order, then quickly adjourned for a 2nd day without speaking. democrats watched this slow paced collision with glee, one bearing an armload of popcorn. the contrast between house democrats on the chaos and confusion taking place on the other side of the aisle could not be more clear. democrat hakim jeffries topped every vote, but fell sure the majority needed to win. without a speaker, the house can't pass. laws make committee assignments or even swear in it's new members leaving the united states without a functioning house of representatives. one democrat in particular, lamented the congressional chaos. it's embarrassing to the country. i mean, literally, i got part of this reality that you know, to big have up congress the can function. is this embarrassing really greatest nation in the world? how can i say as republicans battled it out on the house floor? president joe biden joined republican senate leader mitch mcconnell at a bridge connecting kentucky in ohio, funded by a bipartisan infrastructure law, showing that even divided government can function when both sides cooperate. john henderson, al jazeera capitol hill, heidi high comp, as a former u. s. democratic senator and she says what's happening reveals the divisions and the republican party. well, i think it's playing out that the, the ongoing civil war within the republican party is playing out in front of people in full, in full view of the american public. this is not something that's new, these conflicts have been ongoing, even beginning with the freedom caucus and the tea party movement back in the early 2, thousands and so, you know, when we look at it, we haven't seen it this blatantly but it's not really a surprise we've known for probably 3 months, or at least since the election that kevin mccarthy did not have enough votes. certainly on the 1st ballad to become speaker of the house. we just didn't know how many. i think most people were surprised by that, by the margin. but you know, he still got the still has 200 of his members who believe he should be the speaker, and that's a pretty good position. still for kevin mccarthy. there's a lot of people who really wanted to make the point about how united in spite of the spectrum of ideologies within the democratic caucus, they have been united and consistent, and staying on task and of, and appearing for every vote. even though they know that hakim jeffries will not become speaker of the house, they are showing their unity, the palestinian ambassador to the united nations, along with multiple r o been muslim, majority nations are requesting an urgent security council meeting. and so after israel's national security minister, it's among the vo made what's described as an incursion into the all ok, so most compound on tuesday. the attack is not only against our water holy sites in the lock, so mosque and, and the hot m sharif. there are because of this environment of extremism that this is the really extreme government, the extremist in the history of israel, is providing is leading to additional aggression against our christian sites. christian, graveyards, you've seen by now that there are crosses over, you know, graveyards being trampled upon and attacked by extreme settlers. this is a toxic environment. the international community has to speak with one voice or diplomatic editor james bays has more. well, it's been a flurry of diplomatic meetings taking place here at the united nations, a meeting of the arab group of ambassadors then the meeting of the ambassadors from all islamic countries. and then the representatives of those 2 groups meeting with the current president of the security council japan, he'll preside over the security council meeting that's going to take place on thursday, the palestinian ambassador, making it clear. they will very tough action from the security council. it's worth noting that among those ambassadors surrounding the policy, you know, baset was the representatives of 2 countries that have long had diplomatic relations with israel. that's jordan and egypt and also the emb, the morocco, and the deputy investor of a 2 countries that the more recently had more friendly relationships with israel also was telling you that one of those basses in bass of the from jordan mahmoud. her mood spoke also to reporters. jordan has a special role as the guardian of the holy sites. the king of jordan has especially was the guardian of the holy sites in jerusalem. he made it clear and reminded reporters of the year 2000 when the then is really opposition. the ariel sharon went to the alex mox compound, and he said that at that time the security council had produced a resolution. this is it 1322, which condemns what it says was the provocation that had been carried out and he and the other ambassadors say they want to see another resolution like this passed by the security council because he made it clear back in 2000 that that act was the spark that started the 2nd intifada. and as someone who covered that on the ground in the west bank at the time that something the certainly the international community doesn't want to see again, is there a new government has unveiled plans for an overhaul. the justice system which was significantly weakened the supreme court critic say it will give benjamin netanyahu coalition the power to undermine democracy by passing laws, even if the court decides their unconstitutional. the supreme court is due to debate. a new law passed by the government allowing a politician, convicted of tax offenses to serve as a cabinet minister. ah, john is being accused of giving an inaccurate picture of the extent of its covered 19 outbreak is leading. scientists have given information to you and agency officials, but the emergency program director of the world health organization says beijing is under representing fatalities. there are certainly issues in terms of the criteria for recording and reporting dance attributable to call with dining. we believe that definition is too narrow, which requires the spiritual failure association to register as a covert related that that is a very narrow definition. we know there are difficulties in all countries very often and recording hospital relief is admissions use of i c u facilities. but again, we believe that the current numbers being, being published from china under represent the true impact of the disease in terms of hospital admissions. in terms of i see your patients and particularly in terms of the opinions and i recommending pre flight testing for passengers flying from china to member countries. officials are also urging old travelers to where must they say passengers should be randomly tested. b u. s. is also in china to be more transparent about it's called the data china gave this response. we'll need to either your shower and we also know that many people see that if they don't politicize the pen to make it. the very honestly is that responded responsibly with an attitude of putting lighter light. the chinese government. the covered 900 situation, both within the u. s. and worldwide would not have developed as it has today. we sincerely hope that all the parties will focus on washing clothes, 19 of whatever the citation of the shows and streets in solidarity and work to give a to prevail over covered 19 as soon as possible. so careers increasing, covered 19 checks at airports. it says about one 3rd of short term visitors from china, tested positive on arrival and wasn't saying, you know, came reports from engine airports in south korea. flights connecting cities in china to here in china. international airport in south korea are at a fraction of what they used to be in pre pandemic times. and yet short term visitors who are able to walk through those doors would do so straight into a p c r testing booth. and from there, those who test positive would be moved to a hotel nearby for a week long florentine on their own expense. now health officials say they found $73.00 positive cases. on tuesday, accounting for about 25 percent of china arrivals on that day. not including locals who would test within 24 hours at a local clinic near them. now these positive cases are being analyzed for variant information. and despite these tightened protocols, we are already hearing on day 2 since roll out of one man who got away on the way to florentine forcing officials to have to put out an alert hostage, guinea, all the chinese national immune forties tested positive for coveted content. airports and lifted up permission while entering auto via quarantine bus. it is regrettable that such a disgraceful event occurred. officials war that such violations would lead to deportation and future entry best possible finds as well as jail time, as they would run in a violation of the countries held codes. officials also saying it is becoming more and more difficult to understand what is happening with then mainland china as transparency on information is becoming more and more difficult. but that means of protesting for the 6th consecutive day in the region of santa cruz against the rest of governor louis. fernando camacho is charged with leading a crew against them. president, evil morales and 2019, which he denies theresa ball was at one of the protest in support of camacho in santa cruz here, right in the center of sun buckles, where people continue to gather, to demand come my just release. camacho was detained last wednesday. he was attend while he was making it to his house. he was put in a helicopter and sent to la you there on the free trial detention for at least 4 months while the investigation is ongoing. he's being accused of terrorism, of being part of what the government calls a cool that over through a former president able what alice was forced to flee. the country. people here are saying that what happened in the country back in 2019, was not a school, but it was a fraud during the lecture. the practicum terry elections that happened back then. and what they did is they took to the st. nissan under how much a one of them either to defend him or class, he will have been coming here. there's been ongoing taxes every day. cars been set on fire. the prosecutors off is not of tension with the believe the sequences right here where i am and people are calling for more protest. there has been concerns from the international communities, from the international court of human rights from the united nations who are asking the government to guarantee that at least for the manual, camacho has a free and fair process in the country and neighboring peru, supporters of former president pedal castillo, have renewed protests after a 2 week pause on tuesday. conservative groups held on march for peace. after almost 2 dozen people were killed, joan violent protest before christmas left. his former president castillo was ousted and detained after he tried to illegally dissolve congress. last month, still ahead on all just campaigning for votes. the big issue is facing nigeria governing party ahead of a general election and making a new life in our pena. we look at how it's become a pop to the destination for asylum seekers trying to reach europe. ah, ah, they're still tracking that ray moving across the middle east for now finding it into the south, south west of iran, where there is likely to be some flooding on thursday. it's kicking all the way back to the red sea. so let's go in for a closer look. it being some periods of heavy rain, for example, through buffer rain. we'll see some shower activity over the next few days in a while, but i think things will begin to dry off for western saudi arabia. i think just an overcast date in jetta on thursday with a high of 23 degrees. there's wind so picked up through southern pakistan that is flushing out the foggins smog there. get a warm pool of air and as we look toward ask about instruct minister, but really through the rest of the stance a temperatures are well above average. here, as we hit toward turkey and i think it's an overcast start to the day, and it's stumble that as we get throughout the day. i should see some more peaks of sun dare windsor beginning to back off the coast of egypt. so now his breezy as it has been, and we've got a slug of some pretty intense rain for the northwest of angola on thursday. the attend the rain is really picking up for the eastern side of south africa. so for the eastern cape providence, because you don't tell me no longer in limpopo, there's a risk of seeing some flooding here over the next few days. that's rather up to see later ah, a jenny both dog because i feel like there's a very for everything. there's a lot of corruption and beautiful lake and beautiful lady. you have to be very patient and already so. so the c as acidic is how as introduced should when my father and my mother were arching for king for the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven on al jazeera. oh wow. oh, you want your note, is it a reminder of our top story? is this out of the vote for the new speaker? the u. s. house of representatives will now go into a 3rd day republican. kevin mccarthy has not lost in 6 rounds. it's been adjourned until thursday. republicans again failed to convince a group of hardliners to give up the top job. the palestinian ambassador to the united nations, along with multiple arab and muslim nations, have requested an urgent security council meeting. it follows what's being called an incursion by israel's national security minister. it's a mob been go via into the aisle ok some most competent. on tuesday, china's being accused of giving an inaccurate picture of the extent of its coat with 19 outbreak. its top scientists have given information to un officials, but the w h o. as beijing is under representing fatalities. all additions have begun holding campaign valleys in nigeria ahead of next month's general election. the main concern among voters is the cost of living crisis and security, which is getting worse militants and on groups continued to attack villagers across north western nigeria. already address reports from cano excitement just back in may as well. it is just take to the road to sell themselves on their part to manifesto student ideas. 95000000 are generous. our boarding in this elections happening between february and march. the prisoners healthcare elections are going to happen in february, february to decrease to be exact. i know the minds of every nigerian is the issue of security, high cost of living, energy shortages as well as education. earlier i spoke with b. r presidential candidate would be a governing party, the apc mister waller. i'm a database and i asked him, what are the main focus of campaign and what are the manifesto he's looking at. he assured that the issue of security is number one, because without security, but certainly nothing will work in this country. we have to fight for every h of this country, get rid of banditry. get to the dock, or sort of vowels and tracks. we're gonna reduce it to 0. no country has been able to do that. what basically excitement is back in the air, but then i also nigerian so are worried about the current situation. the lack of performance by diligence. oh, did you always 08 years ago, even 16 years ago, or because of the lingering crisis in this country, jeremy crisis security crisis is, is it a lot of nigeria i wore it appears that there wouldn't be war tab at the end was elected. but again, the campaigning has been reinvigorated then it's your which will determine whether or not most will be $9.00 to $5000000.00 registered. nigerians will come out today or not. thank president. myoma calls told ukrainian president vladimir zalinski, that france will be delivering light combat vehicles to cave it rains. foreign ministers announced that u. s. based patriot air defense missiles wilson arrive in the country, washington's place $1850000000.00 worth of military aid, which includes the patriot missiles. boxing is often described as ukraine's national sport is produced, numerous world champions. and one of them is the mayor of keith, but many of its boxing talents as well as possible future champions, are hanging up their gloves to fight on the front lines. as charles stratford reports to machine gun bullocks ripped through alexander's legs while he was fighting on ukraine's eastern front line. a 3rd bullet was stopped by the mobile phone in his pocket. his classic nerve was settled . he cannot feel his right leg. and he is afraid. he will never be able to fulfill his goal in life. in a sport, ukraine is famous for around the world boxing the mattress in the order. it is not just a part of my life. it is my life. why should i say it was 3, but now i need to find something else. the diesel examined are competing in 2016, rose to become car key regional champion. before returning to fight in the war. last year he lived in france where he became regional champion in nice promot. ready home in the box and raised me as a person because i be off is out to father. how can the modern race and man alone i got into books and, and they dramatically changed me as a person. it hardens my character and no matter the challenge is like being in the army or on the battlefield, or he and hospital. i'm hold him gone. i can take a bunch of people to school there q and there is no surgeon available in ukraine who can perform the necessary operation that alexander needs in order to walk unaided and potentially box. again, he aspired to be a national champion, and one of the reasons is because boxing in this country is often described as a national obsession. one more though brave. this is former multiple world heavyweight title holder, and now men of give tale clinico visiting the frontline town of boss lot, wearing the colors all free and this is current w b o w b a and i b f, heavyweight champion, alexander wilson. ah, they're a boxing jims like this one establish years ago, right across ukraine. ah, men who used to train here and they are fighting on the front lines. some of these boxes may eventually do the same. all it could, school has been training here since he was 12. he joined the territorial defense unit. when russia invaded last year, you're throwing up or more of the war makes it more difficult to train. but when there's electricity and water available, my training feels like a celebration. we're lucky at this gym compared to places like marry a poor which fell to the russians. and bach mood were fighting as heavy their books . so we can come here, thanks to the men fighting on the front lines. yes, they are guys who trained at this. german are now fighting and some have been injured. they were warriors in the ring and they are warriors in life. for now, all is xander continues his grueling daily exercise. he can only hope he gets the operation he needs so he can fight again. char stratford, al jazeera cave. russia's president has sent a ship armed with missiles to the atlantic ocean for the training mission, not to be put in, says no country has anything close to the zip codes, hypersonic cruise missiles. she just wants to hear, and now i want to thank the specialist in the defense industry complex, who created and started mass production of the unique weapon. please. as i said already, there is no equivalent in any country in the world. and i'm sure that this powerful weapon will allow russia to protect itself from potential external threats reliably and will help us serve our country's national interests already in india and investigating recent attacks and india and administered kashmir. at least 5 people have been killed and several others have been injured. the hindu minority and the regions demanding the government type in security. in this all reports the desperate and outgoing of greece and solid data because we value hundreds of people in jury attended the funeral of both killed into attacks this weeks. neighbors have been visiting the sharma household. 2 children were killed in a blast on monday morning. this was hours after their uncle, the buck was done down at home. his brother in law witnessed the attack dog and the 2 gunmen barge into our house and open fire and one was shot many times. the other was shut but managed to get out of the house. they kicked them many times to check if he was alive. thankfully, he's recovering now. elevate. this going either in he did administered fish me. some areas in the valley are observing, shut down. people are demanding more security for religious minorities. there are fears, armed conflict may be returning cash readers, claimed in full by india and pakistan, but governed by the 2 nations and pots. a tax against civilians were common in india administered kashmir when armed rebellion against new deli through was i to speak. the governing bgp has blamed pocket signed for the recent incidents, bought it and the party, our party is fulfilling its 0 tolerance policy towards terrorism. the situation has improved from before, that pakistan has frustrated her. he used a sense terrorists across the border, but recently we caught a lot of ammunition output ethan, so they're trying to ruin the harmony of the region of me, but our party will finish terrorism here. the dummy political analysts say the region is seen, arise and attacks, which shouldn't be politicized. so, and bad jam, when kush me looks unsafe. so let's not look at it will the prism off a communal or politics all to look a minute angle. but unfortunately, that is how the things that have been looked in india as, as for the last of for many years in just counter terrorism agency is investigating the attacks. the government has deployed more troops in red, jody, about a 155 kilometer south of the largest city of sheena go to prevent further attacks. as the victims, families pick up the pieces they hope they'll get justice. party metal al jazeera. mia mars military's release more than 7000 prisoners to mark the countries independence day bosses carrying free prisoners left a prison in young gong on wednesday. as hunters faced, international isolation and sanctions since it sees power nearly 2 years ago, the democratically elected formerly to on. so she recently had her present term extended to 33 years. yes. m, as in cuba, as resumed of full consular services and visa processing for the 1st time since 2017, the officials are hoping it's going to curb the flow of migrants towards the north . a priority will be placed on permits to reunite cubans with family members in the us, as well as the diversity visa lottery. all services stopped 5 years ago when some diplomatic stuff was stricken by an i explained illness dubbed havana syndrome. the european commission wants to crack down on illegal migration through the western balkans. officials say the root is now the most used entry point to e u. countries that are saba reports now banning capital to lana. you cystic barley feel safe in toronto, although she never imagined ending up there. he fled the taliban in afghanistan with his child and pregnant wife, who had been a school teacher in cobble, they reached the european union by agree spot. he says greek police stole their possessions and harassed them, so they left the you and cross the border into albania. so i'm coming here in albany of group. i could somebody, please help me. i'm good to have gone with ambulance, her thumb, follow this and give it to me in from glue for my daughter, my baby and my wife who were little lou helped me if his good country, young usa says he'll remain in albania for now. but most migrants and asylum seekers that arrive in the country don't stay but passed through it and other balkan countries on their way to each member states including croatia, hungary and austria. a route that the e commission says is now the main route for people arriving illegally in the block . the e u border agency front tech says more than a 120000 asylum seekers and migrants crossed into the e. u via the so called western balkans route in 2020 to that 70 percent more than the previous year. and the highest number since 2016. the increase says this migration expert is partly due to deteriorating conditions for asylum seekers in greece and turkey. and the fallout from the covey crisis during the panoramic, the border where coal. so there is a, was a slow down, the more lands. and then than that, sir, ah, right up again. i'll during this, you're in this special to the 1st 9 months. there is been an increase of this number. albanians never fully recovered from decades under communist rule. poverty and corruption are wide spread and many people my grace abroad for opportunities.

Related Keywords

Jerusalem ,Israel General ,Israel ,United States ,West Bank ,Beijing ,China ,Austria ,Angola ,Russia ,Ukraine ,Nigeria ,India ,Egypt ,Morocco ,Havana ,Ciudad De La Habana ,Cuba ,Guinea ,South Korea ,Greece ,New York ,Japan ,Iran ,Senta ,Okinawa ,Kentucky ,South Africa ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,Jordan ,Pakistan ,Germany ,Cape Providence ,Northwest Territories ,Hungary ,Croatia ,Albania ,Saudi Arabia ,Peru ,Ohio ,France ,Turkey ,Nigerian ,Albanians ,Chinese ,Greek ,Cubans ,Ukrainian ,German ,Nigerians ,Palestinian ,Russians ,American ,Alex Mox ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Fernando Camacho ,Alexander Wilson ,Joe Biden ,Atlantic Ocean ,Al Jazeera Mia Mars ,Hakim Jeffries ,Mister Waller ,

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