reopens after an israeli attack that kills 2 syrian soldiers. unit to silbert becomes brazil's president for an unprecedented 3rd time bang out his plan to rebuild a divided country. ah, we begin in china where a recent surgeon cobit 19 infections, has prompted a growing global response around a dozen countries now imposing restrictions on travelers from china. france has begun testing arrivals and is urging other you members to do the same. the block is set to hold a meeting this week to discuss a joint response. australia, canada, and the u. s. are among the latest countries to announce testing requirements. it follows a dramatic increase in cases of the beijing abandons its strict 0 cobit strategy, which lead to protests. well, the key factor in modest vision over the last couple of dies was the view that the world health organization port i think on saturday, that said that there was an absence of comprehensive information about the situation in china. i think people are particularly concerned about the lack of genetic sequencing bang, shared with the rest of the world, and that, that is the wine which we identified a very early stage, the possibility of new variance of covered emerging. this is something that's pretty much shaded in real time by other countries, but isn't being shared right now by china. katrina, you has more on the beijing reaction to the growing list of travel restrictions. according to china, cdc, they reported just one new death from corbett today on monday. and for the entire month of december, they said that that nationwide, there were only 10 deaths, efficiently reported now health experts around the world finding it very difficult to take these biggest seriously. they say that dramatic under reporting here in china, not only of death, but also of corvette infection, especially given that according to some scientific estimates, 800000000 people across the country are expected to catch proven over this winter alone. and they see hundreds of thousands to die over the next few months. now here in beijing i see one publication did a survey of 70 percent of respondents for the corporate in recent weeks. and we do know the hospital to cross aging or full, especially of the elderly and crematorium and federal homes are saying that they are busier than they have ever be on his foreign ministers. both persons said that it is not scientific to close a border. that's not going to prevent the spread of corvette, and that's what many, many medical experts are saying. the w h o has said that it is understandable that many countries wants to protect that population, given the lack of comprehensive corporate information that's coming out of china. they say that they need more real time information given to the hey, chad, i want information about instructions, how many i see you beds are taken. they want real time information, more accurate information regarding deaths. and your response to that data was simply said that they are not withholding any information from the w h o that they are being transparent as possible. with the, with the w t o authorities in sasha monetary fund says a 3rd of the global economy will slide into recession. this year is warning 2023 will be much tougher for hundreds of millions of people. the i'm f blames a simultaneous slowdown of economic activity in the u. s. europe and china, caused by the war ukraine inflation, higher energy costs, and rising interest rates. ricky price is from the center for economics and business research in london. she explains a headwinds that global economies are facing. that had been the expectation that perhaps with the removal of covey restrictions, china would re merge if you like, and reunited with the rest of the world after the problems that he has had for a number of months now. and all slowing growth. but of course, in the next few months, i think what the, methinks, is that they're going to be problems. because of course, covered the spreading and the, there's the question of course, of traveling to the rest of the world by us. sort of a chinese citizens where they go to the u. s. with the go to the u. k, whether they go to france and italy, and it's spreading low cost to many other countries as well. and that's a big issue for china. so over the next few months, we're probably going to see what a slow down there as well. what they are anticipating is the growth in world trade will slow down to just one percent. now one percent growth in trade means lowes of countries that depend on it in the developing world as well are going to suffer from this. this is one of the slowest growth rates that we have seen. and of course we had coverage. but since the development since coverage with easing restrictions, that is a pretty poor outcome to have in 2023. so i think that's going to slow down everybody . and that stems took a significant extent from what is happening in the biggest countries in world. but with inflation slowing down with a bit of like it's going to carry on. what we're seeing is energy prices slowing down. depends of course, what happens in china in the next few months, we're seeing gas prices being very substantially reduce the seen food prices internationally coming down as well. it takes a bit of time until that's reflected for the consumer in what they're paying at the end of the day at the shops. but i think it's coming and i think that's going to be the big cost damascus since now. so airport has reopened off and israeli attack on southern parts of the syrian capital was out of service for several hours after missile strikes. killed to military personnel. well this comes 6 months, not a serial. briefly halted flights. flowing is rarely strikes on the airport that damage the runway and a terminal or any curious political unless he says the latest attack is part of a long running campaign. these attacks have been going on for years. in syria, the israeli is attacked sometimes syrian positions, sometimes iranian positions, as they call them and sometimes has his bottle of facilities. so iran and syria are very united front confronts israel. and israel constantly tries to make it difficult for them to coordinate their activities and arms and ammunition and things of, of that nature. these really never announced the details of what they're doing. so most of what we hear a lot of this comes from people with n, syria, and sometimes you have conflicting reports as we had a couple hours ago about how many people died. so from us here in government or this year and opposition, you will get conflicting reports. so this is routine, this is and there's nothing new it's been going on for years. they've had targets all over syria and they will keep doing it. the likelihood is that this is driven by the new government had to buy benjamin that to sigma probably to many different people, the iranians, the arabs, the syrians, the russians, everybody that, that israel is going to maintain this policy of striking. and he target that it things as a danger to its own security authorities in ukraine say russian drone strikes on energy facilities and the capital key of course heating and power outages earlier russia and ukraine accused each other of bombing civilian areas on years eve, russian strikes hit homes and a hotel in keith killing at least one person. moscow says it was targeting drone factories. when in the new years addressed the nation, that president vladimir lensky fangs, the ukrainian people for staying unified lo equal again. it is okay, i wish you health dear ukrainians. new year, new day, $45.00 shy heads were shut down on the 1st night of the year. i thank our ear forces, pilots, antea, graft warriors, gratitude to the air defense of our ground forces for another 12 down iranian drones. our sense of unity, authenticity, life itself, all those contrast dramatically with the fear that prevails and russia, they are afraid you can feel it. and they are right to be afraid because they are losing drones. missiles, anything else will not help them? because we are together and they add together only with fear, and they will not take away a single year from ukraine that will not take away our independence. or russia says, all strikes are targeted at military infrastructure. it's a good or the go, but other dish a lot for all on december 30. first, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a strike with high precision long range air launched weapons at the facilities of the military. industrial complex of ukraine evolved in the manufacture of combat. drones used to carry up terrorist attacks against the russian federation, storage areas and attack u. a v launch sites were also hit plans by the key regime to carry out these attacks in the near future have been thwarted. is rarely forces have arrested at 15 palestinians in different areas of the occupied west bank. if not raids were concentrated male in nablus. hebron and janine palestinian, neither se the detainees were taken to israeli jails on charges of resisting the occupation and in jeanine to palestinians have been killed in another area of the occupied west bank by israeli forces is where the police entered the town of kaftan to demolish the homes of to palestinians accused of killing an israeli officer last september incursion, spots confrontations with local fighters, questing sources, say more people were injured during the operation. the german government has presented a new scheme to make it easier for skilled migrants to get jobs there. in stark contrast, several other ear countries want to limit immigration. permanent cane reports. coding is a big part of ha shuttling gums job as a software engineer in berlin. he works with several major firms. he's been in germany for several years and is hoping to get permanent residency. but as an indian citizen, he says there are difficulties. they would ask for one additional document and then they come back and then it gets delayed for 2 months, one and a half and one more. so one of those, apart from that i didn't like personally in face language issues at the offices. but in terms of employment, yes, and that is something the current german government wants to eliminate. they say that country needs 400000 new skills migrant every year to make up for its aging population and bundle in the future. we will focus more on the qualifications and professional experience of immigrants, and less formalities. we will make it easier for immigrants to take medication and training of study in germany, and immigration has divided governments across europe for decades. and this new move in berlin has not gone unnoticed elsewhere. of course, we have governments of very conservative governments like and poland who still use migration ass, the very combat like expression of yeah, well, more in interior policy issue. way more than looking for the needs of the labor market. such thoughts are not how justin was. the austrian government recently voted down a plan to allow bulgaria and romania into the use borderless shang, and so it's chancellor believes some european frontiers need physical barriers. austria is more than burdened, we have over 100000 asylum applications or the 75000 across the external border cross member states, and we're only then apprehended and austria. we need stronger external border protection must finally break. the tabular fences are already up between hungry, which is inside the in zone. and serbia, which is not this was a recent photo color range between leaders of both countries at their border. the issue of migration will be disgusted, especially you summit in february, but the political fault lines are clear. so as the new year dawns, the e you finds itself with the same old problems. part of the solution can be found here and can apply across the board, but other parts really can't dominate, came al, jazeera brussels. so to come on al jazeera, the coffin of football legend pele arrives at the stadium where his career began and will tell you why people in zimbabwe in zambia are facing electricity cuts. ah ha, the weather remains incredibly mild across much of europe. still drawing in that warm moist air from the atlantic fading up cross sir northern parts of the continent in particular as getting pushed north because of this area of high pressure with the cloud and the rain and quite brisk winds. at times it has been incredibly mild. there was saying there war, so new year's day temperatures got up to 19 degrees celsius. so absolutely staggering heat for many silly little plume of warmer weather they're across central and eastern parts of it. very much stays in place over the next few days, little cooler farther north was he must go around minus 5 celsius as we go on through this week. but certainly temperatures falling away across northern parts over the next few days, but a lot of mild weather continuing into central and southern parts of the continent. long without cloud and rain, then that's making its way in across france, low countries pushing into germany, getting killed off by our high, somewhat as it tries to make its way further. waste was se bits and pieces of right across southern parts of for france, which was that western side of the med bellagio. dry the central and eastern part, some snow. they're coming in to where moscow wet and windy weather across northwest . yet again, little bit of ah, join africa is premier trade, i mean basement, he bent him cut deep. we're intra african trade fair gives you access to more than 1600 exhibitors and over 35000 attendees from more than 75 exhibiting countries. participating trade and investment deals with over $43000000000.00 us dollars as business and government come together to explore business opportunities. register now brought to you by the african export import bank african union commission, a f, c, f t, a secretariat, and the premium partners connecting african markets. oh ah, he watching out as a reminder of our top stores. now. the recent surgeon cove 19 infections in china has prompted a growing global response. round a dozen countries including france, have now imposed restrictions on travelers from the country. the international monetary fund says a 3rd of the global economy will go into recession. this year is been caused by the war and ukraine inflation high fuel costs and rising interest rates. damascus international airport has been reopened after an israeli attack consultant parts of the syrian capital is out of service for several hours, often south strikes that kills to military personnel. louis in austria knew that the sofa was sworn in as brazil's new president, on sunday, thousands witnessed inauguration of the veteran, the left wing politician, widely known as luther is a 3rd time. he's held a nation's highest office, a post one after closely fort election, or that in america editor lucio newman reports from priscilla. oh, beauty sworn imprisonment leasing. as soon as silva walked up the ramp of the presidential palace flanked by members of brazil's diverse society, including an indigenous leader, a black woman, a disabled man, a child, and a rubbish collector. it was a symbolic gesture. they shared the task of bestowing lunar the presidential sash, in lieu of outgoing president jade bulls. fernando, who refused to recognize his successor well that it was, i vow above 2, we will use the weapons that our adversary's fear, the most. the truth that prevails are the lies. hope that conquers fair and loved defeats hatred. thousands of supporters from all over brazil had come to witness the return of the man they call the people's president. firemen doubts them with water to help overcome heat and exhaustion. many like that piano and as the anna had arrived before dawn, i have been waiting for for years for democracy, for the prisoner people to eat and have jobs lose political come back, is nothing short of extraordinary. in 2018, he was sentenced to a nearly 13 year prison term for corruption. although he was later released after his sentence was overturned. 08 kilometers from the palace. fiercer ponies camped near a military barracks, refusing to recognize their left wing president. they've out a continue resisting lula, one by a very small margin in a bitterly fought election yell. oh, but his supporters are overjoyed. unit himself was overcome with emotion. you spoke of ending hunger among the poor nat portables of hope. in both lines of people at the doors, a butcher shops looking for bones to alleviate hunger, while at the same time, others white to buy imported cars and private jets for such a social chasm is an obstacle to the leading of a truly just democratic society. blueness, promising to reinstate most of the social programs that made him so popular during his 1st 2 terms. he has a woman tremendously high expectations amongst brazilians, and that's always dangerous because their expectations that he may not be able to meet rulers, powerful opponents, led by former presidential seattle, are determined to thwart his government at every turn, leaving the new president. little time to celebrate. you see in human al jazeera brazilian b coffin of a brazilian football legend pele has arrived at phillip almira stadium in the city of santos, for his wake, escorted by motorcade. it travels from south palo, where he died on thursday. the wake will take place in the center of the field where the man known as a king of football made his name, hunters, heiress. john holman, is in santos, and spoke to brazilians. morning the football is death. we all know pallet's as the global superstar for brazil, the one in the yellow shirt who won 3 wo cups. but we're here in santa hills where it really all started for him. when he joined this team in the stadium behind me, as a 16 year old, you can see him, but he's on the rural. they're on the corner and pele. once he joined this team, helped to make them into something in the sixty's referred to as the fantastic was a fantastic team that started to sweep all before them nationally. roy in front of the central stadium. i'm looking at it now is a very particular type of brazilian bark who the luncheon eci? i'm this one belongs to alamo and he's such a fan of santos. it is got 14 tattoos of the club. one stunt that to be on his forehead. and i asked him, what pele meant to him? you better. i saw paley playing once, and then i never left here. he was a monster in the football field. he came many times to the bar and i talked to every one. he was the most humble guy in the world. we spoke to antonio, the past, who we saw because he was interestingly dressed about what pele meant on a global stage, and to him yourself. wonderful epicure said you meet our daughter, bailey. okay. they were here. i am a fan because i admire him in pal is the king of brazilian football fan. he created the brazilian football and took it to outside brazil. vicki? nowhere from okay. it's a real mark of pallet's legacy that even though he retired for the last time 45 years ago, he so well remembered. he still full talk as the king. that's his nickname. here in brazil. but i think he's also for that way, for a lot of people outside of the country, people too young to ever see him play live. so many of his games, not even on video because they were played so long ago. but still he seen as a very particular unique kind of genius. a bridge connect in columbia and venezuela has fully reopened for the 1st time and nearly a decade on people and cargo to move across, improve relations between the 2 south american nations made it possible. as our sandra ramp yeti reports, it is the seeing that people living along this border have waited for 4 years. a line of passenger cars cross from columbia into venezuela on sunday, symbolically and practically ending years of tense relations between the 2 countries. although now my grand about it is really a great joy for all colombians to be able to move between the 2 countries. again, many of us were used to moving freely and it made us very sad that for many years these 2 countries were separated. so we are very happy to rate is we opened the t v as bridge on january 1st with the festive by national ceremony. balloons flew in the air while government delegations met at the center of the bridge that until recently had been blocked by containers placed there by the venezuelan army. oh, rama. to day with this formal opening, we fulfill the political will of president nicholas maduro and gustavo petro, of total and transparent openness of the border with columbia. liked his gloomy and president gustavo pedro hernandez and normalization of diplomatic relations with bin sweller. after winning elections in august, the 2 countries have gradually restored border crossings and commer since then. the shared 2200 kilometers border had been partially closed 7 years ago, and completely blocked in 2019 after the columbian president, he ran duke, questioned venezuelan president, nicholas, my daughters reelection. since then, security along the border has deteriorated with the on groups controlling the legal transport of goods and the exodus of venezuelan migrants. now people on both sides, many by national, are hoping they will benefit socially and economically. well, mister glen mendez is the former brotherhood his back. and this is what the venezuelan people want, that we build brotherhood again that our van, it's allan brothers come through with vehicles the day entre columbia because many people have their relatives on the other side of the border. wait, but i mean if he's trade between the 2 countries, was worth over $7000000000.00 us dollars back in 2008, but has collapsed to less than $300000000.00. since while returning to those levels will be difficult. the reopening as brought relief and hopes for better times ahead . alexander and b at the al jazeera border. 14 people have died in an attack on a prison in the northern mexican city of horrors. 10 of the dead were prison guards . 24 inmates were able to escape during the dawn. assault by gunman in armoured vehicles, writing also took place inside the prison during the attack. the facility holds inmates from several drug cartels. it was another year of high profile mass shootings in the united states. according to the gun violence archive 2022 was one of the worst on record. with 648 must shootings, states and local authorities have been passing. those trying to limit the supply and use of firearms for those efforts are facing you. obstacles. as she returns the reports from washington, d. c. it's been 10 years since the sandy hook, elementary school shootings. $26.00 people were shot dead, including 20 children between the ages of $6.00 and $7.00. at the time gun control advocates hoped it would be a turning point. surely this would capitalize federal action to limit the sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines, but up the annual national vigil for victims of gun violence in washington dc. a traditional begun office handy hook, joe biden. it was the 1st president to attend, made it clear he wasn't satisfied with what has been achieved. so it was the gun control legislation passed last summer. together we made some important progress progress. most significant gun law passed in 30 years was still not enough. even the most, all the supporters of that law describe it as modest. the key provision was expanding background checks for 18 to 21 year olds before they buy gum. and the absence of the bipartisan congressional action needed for meaningful gun control legislation. state legislatures have been acting, responding to public outrage following mouse shootings. and this is using strict regulations, for example, following a high profile mass shooting democrats in virginia passed a raft of gun control legislation. but those efforts have been put into jeopardy following a supreme court ruling last year. the court decreed that only firearm regulations that were part of the historical tradition of the us as gun laws were constitutional. for those fighting gun control, the courts have now become the main weapon to ro, back whatever efforts have been passed legislatively. they say the ruling means if a gun law wasn't on the books on the 18th or 19th century, it isn't constitutional. there were very, very few restrictions, extremely hard to find any kind of restriction back them. and that's what the founding fathers wanted to keep. the lawyers fighting for gun control say, this is a misreading of both the ruling and of history. first, they argue that country to popular perceptions, restrictive gum permit laws were in place by the late 1900 century, around the country. and they feel an assault weapons ban is consistent with the supreme court judgement. weapons are not for self defense. they're not suited to self defense. they're not used for self defense is about an individual right to self defense outside of the home. it doesn't say that it's about a right to take a gun and walk into a school and gun down a bunch of kindergarteners. so the expectation is that mass shootings will continue in 2023 hours will bursts of outrage and calls for something to be done. but for now, meaningful gun control remain some way off she ever time. see al jazeera washington, thousands of people have been stranded in the philippine capital's main airport after major power outage brought travel to hold around 300 flights of grounded in manila, off the failure of both the primary and secondary power supplies. airport officials say it will take up to 72 hours to restore power. a jolts in water levels at the lakes that supplies most of zambia and zimbabwe. hydro electric power plants has forced both countries to begin rationing electricity. so bobby shows lakes karuba with i can sometimes be without power for up to 18 hours a day. i remember tessa has more from her or a traffic jams like this. and now normal intern bob is capital had added motorists expect to get stuck for several reasons. among been traffic lights, not working. that because of electricity cuts that can last for hours, not far from the congestion. these people are making items like tombstones and kitchen tops from granite, tired of the constant power. they've invested in generators and other alternative sources of energy. if they didn't go out of business, this actually is pro, hadn't known. so for us to cut it, we haven't received from ryan, felicia and everything. so to us electricity is actually the 1st thing that we are no business. the barbie's park a blamed on mismanagement corruption, aging coal plants, and more recent low water levels at the korea, south power station. the my way as i used to power outages with some areas, having no electricity for most of the day. the government has an import, electricity for mozambique and zambia, and other countries in southern africa. taking similar action. lake ariba is the biggest source of power for both zimbabwe and neighboring zambia. but water labels have dropped significantly because of recurring droughts, low rainfall, and an increased use of water to generate power. zambia has also started rationing power and it's affecting businesses here in the capitol. the 2nd i was there very disappointed because many of the products that we sell here about 80 percent, the fresh products. and when they get back to our small scale our, our business is not here to short, so serious, get affected. zombie as government says, the pol cuts will continue until water levels rise in lake ariba. in zimbabwe. leaders have told bay people, electricity services will get better. all those he can do is wait and hope the right harder matessa out there. had it. ah, he watching out a 0. these are the top stories. the recent surgeon cobra 19 infections in china has prompted a growing global response.

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Serbia ,Australia ,Chad ,United States ,West Bank ,Brazil ,Beijing ,China ,Austria ,Syria ,Mozambique ,Zambia ,Russia ,Ukraine ,Mexico ,Zimbabwe ,Italy ,Sandy Hook ,Virginia ,Poland ,Moscow ,Moskva ,Doha ,Ad Daw Ah ,Qatar ,Hebron ,Israel General ,Israel ,Damascus ,Dimashq ,Iran ,Colombia ,Canada ,Washington ,Seattle ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Germany ,Nablus ,West Bank General ,Bulgaria ,France ,Venezuela ,Romania ,Berlin ,Brazilians ,Venezuelan ,America ,Ukrainians ,Chinese ,Mexican ,Colombians ,Russian ,Syrians ,Iranians ,Iranian ,Ukrainian ,Brazilian ,German ,Russian Federation ,Syrian ,Israeli ,Austrian ,Russians ,American ,Mister Glen Mendez ,Lucio Newman ,Janine Palestinian ,Gustavo Pedro Hernandez ,Joe Biden ,Nicholas Maduro ,John Holman ,Gustavo Petro ,

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