2. The return of Ski-A-Rees
Ski-A-Rees, the famed Sarasota water skiing team formed in the 1950s, returns this weekend to perform in the waters off City Island near Ken Thompson Parkway. Their first show since suspending operations about a year ago due to the coronavirus pandemic will be 2 p.m. Sunday, with plans to continue each Sunday after that through at least May 2. "We will be asking all in attendance to wear masks," reads the website. "We will be blocking off bleacher seats to allow for social distanced seating, as well as social distancing while on property at Ski-A-Rees Stadium." 2 p.m. Sunday, Ski-A-Rees Stadium, 1602 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota; free; (donations encouraged); skiarees.com