We all think of Saints as quiet and holy people - but history is full of some pretty amazing and curious people who came to be canonized. This list looks at ten of the toughest saints to have walked the earth - men and women who not only lived holy lives, but kicked some serious butt at the same time. For those of you who don't know the specifics of what sainthood is, here is a brief summary before we start on the list. A saint is a person who lived a life of virtue. Many saints from the early Church are saints by general acclamation - in other words, they were so popular that they simply came to be known as saints. But from very early on in Christianity a saint was declared as such by the Pope (or in the case of martyrs, by the local Bishop). Literally the term "saint" refers to any person who is in Heaven - not just those so named by the Church. But enough of the details - here are ten saints you don't want to meet in a dark alley.