Top 10 Challenging Religious Practices From Across The Globe
For most people, religious practices are special activities that happen on the weekend or during the holidays. However, religious rituals have also involved incredible feats of endurance and challenges to test human limits. This list includes ten of the most challenging forms of religious practices found in traditions from across the globe. These include ancient rituals that were once quite common (but may have ceased being performed), to contemporary practices that are still taking place today.
10Sitting atop a pillar . . . for years
In the late Roman Empire, Christianity became the official state religion. Despite the turnaround from being forbidden and often punished by death to becoming the only tolerated religion, many Christians felt uneasy with the Empire. Rome spent centuries as the epitome of evil in Christian tales, and suspicions about the Empire did not disappear overnight. Many Christians felt that Roman society was still overly sinful.