Tempe, Az. -- The Clemson men's tennis team (5-6, 1-3 ACC) made their 2021 debut in the ITA rankings on Wednesday morning tied for No. 44.. It marks the second-straight season that the Tigers have been ranked within the top-50. For the full release from the ITA click here. Clemson's most notable win of the 2021 season thus far came on Feb. 19 when the Tigers defeated Florida State for the first time since 2014. Additionally, Clemson fell in 3-4 decisions to now No. 39 Miami and No. 31 Duke on Feb. 21 and 28, respectively. Last season the Tigers received their first ranking since 2016, making their debut on Feb. 18, 2020 at No. 45 and achieved a season high mark of No. 40. The Tigers are back in action this weekend when they host T-44 Georgia Tech on Friday at 5 p.m at The Duckworth Family Tennis Facility. For complete coverage of the Clemson men's tennis team, follow @ClemsonMTennis on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.